1 minute read
She was supposed to get a motorbike for her birthday but then she had an argument with her brother, and her parents were angry and told her, “No motorbike anymore”. On the morning of her birthday, however, she got the motorbike. It was a wonderful surprise.
At Thanksgiving she likes the fact that families come together.
Her brothers didn’t speak to each other anymore because of a big argument, but in 2022 they both came to celebrate Halloween together with the family and they made up.
She went to a beautiful and romantic restaurant with one of her exes. They both had the same giant card. It made them laugh a lot. It was a very sweet moment
Everyday English
A birthday party
English French
I went shopping.
Did you find the right one?
I bought a green jacket to match the dress.
She likes reading heroic fantasy comics.
Je suis allé(e) faire les courses / faire du shopping.
As-tu trouvé la bonne ? (Par ex. : As-tu trouvé la robe qui te convenait ?)
J’ai acheté une veste verte pour aller avec la robe.
Elle aime lire des bandes dessinées d’heroic fantasy.
The cake looked amazing. Le gâteau avait l’air magnifique.
After eating the cake, …
Après avoir mangé le gâteau, …
We were too busy playing. Nous étions trop occupés à jouer.
Later in the evening, … Plus tard dans la soirée, …
I felt much better after drinking the tea.