Hello Beautiful
Here comes May. For me, May always brings me joy. Why?The fifth month of the year is the perfect time to do everything you want. Whether you want to boost your career or make a career shift: “You’ve got the moves like Jagger!” Bring out the best in yourself and you will glow as you enter the stage.
Beauty-wise, May is the month of beauty glory. Not only will you get beautiful surprises in your trove to make you feel beautiful and full of confidence, this month’s issue is also loaded with excitement. Please welcome new and improved beauty articles that will keep you informed, as well as fashion scoops to help you sharpen your personal style.
Last but not least, let me share with you my favourite beauty mantra from inspirational super woman – Oprah Winfrey:
Beauty Tip #5
“Put on a happy face.”
It is simple, yet meaningful, isn’t it? Make sure you always practice this powerful mantra, anytime, anywhere… and you’ll see the results yourself!