Vapelyfe Magazine Issue 02

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MAR | APR 2017









issue 02

Editors’ Letter Hi all, Welcome to the second issue of VapeLyfe Magazine, we hope you’re having a fantastic February. We’d like to say a massive THANK YOU to our readers, for compliments and messages of support on the back of our first issue. It’s always thrilling when you hear from readers about how much they’ve enjoyed the magazine. It shows hard work pays off, and we look forward to burning more midnight oil putting the magazine together, and of course reading more of your letters and messages. VapeLyfe Magazine is packed with exciting articles including an excellent commentary by Paul Barnes (New Nicotine Alliance) on where we stand in a post-TPD world. We speak to chefs who are cooking up A storm in the kitchen (vapour infused doughnuts anyone?), as well as writing about quit-smoking tools. We’re chuffed to bits to feature Open_Airflow, who is also showcased on the front cover. Read Open_Airflow’s reviews right here and his very cool piece on custom mods too. We really want to give away some fantastic prizes, so be sure to check out our competition online. If you dig handchecks as much as we do, then get clicking and do a handcheck VapeLyfe style. Remember, this magazine is for you. We write for you, and we want to know what you’d like to read about. From cool manufacturers to super organised suppliers that go the extra mile, we want to know who you think deserves a special shout-out and virtual VapeLyfe high five. What are you vaping at the moment? We’d love to know (you say nosey, we say curious) what’s floating your boat. Why? Because if there are juices or mods you can recommend, you can bet your last Malteaser that one of the team will be sprinting to the shops to buy. Please get in touch and email us using hashtag #LetUsKnow in the subject heading. If you do contact advertisers featured in this magazine, we’d really appreciate if you could mention where you heard about them. It lets us know that we’re doing our job properly. Our next issue is our Easter edition which will be a cracking read, eggs-ploding with more eggs-cellent features – you’d be hopping mad not to read it. (Fine, we’ll stop now with the Easter jokes.) The magazine is due out just in time to read during that nice long weekend, so do keep your eyes peeled when it hits your inbox. To those of you who have stumbled across our magazine just now – welcome! And what took you so long to get to the VapeLyfe party? Don’t worry for being fashionably late, now that you’re here, we’re hoping you’ll stay. Here’s the link to our first issue, in case you missed it the first time round. We really enjoy working on VapeLyfe Magazine, because it gives us the chance to chat to you guys who make the vaping industry so special. See you all soon.

Team VapeLyfe

2 - editors letter

Cover art: Open_Flow


Disclaimer VapeLyfe Magazine is a trade publication intended for those who work in the e-cigarette industry. You must be a professional in the vaping business and be over 18 years old to view this magazine. Every care is taken for this magazine to reach its target audience of vape industry professionals. We also make every effort to publish material that is accurate and error-free. We accept zero responsibility for claims made by manufacturers, suppliers, distributors or advertisers. Copyright 2016. All rights reserved. No parts of this magazine can be reproduced without written consent of VapeLyfe Magazine.

contents - 3

Kick smoking to the kerb Did you make any new year’s resolutions? If you’re feeling guilty and squirming uncomfortably in your seat, don’t worry and read on. According to a recent Bupa report, nearly half of the British population broke their new year’s resolutions within one month. It’s easily done. You make promises to be a healthier, happier person. You fixate on ways you can improve your life, all the while imagining biceps that would put an amped up Popeye to shame, and where you can go a day without a dreaded cigarette.

With this version 2.0 of yourself emblazoned in your mind’s eye, you embark on a fitness-betterment regime. This includes binning cigarettes in a bout of

E-cigarettes If you’re new to the vaping industry, here’s a 10 second crash course on what e-cigarettes entail. We suggest you do solid research before vaping. Speak to your doctor to see what he/she recommends is the best method for you. Pop into your local vape store for a chat. Our experience of vape store owners is that they’re a friendly bunch who love sharing best practice and knowledge. E-cigarettes consist of three key components; battery, tank, and atomiser. Tanks are filled with e-liquid (or juice), which then gets heated to produce flavourful vapour.

That’s all fine and dandy, but how does vaping compare to smoking? A cigarette containing tobacco

self-confidence that shoots through the roof as high as the Burj Khalifa (which also happens to be the tallest building in the world at 2722 feet).

But then, one dark, dark, night, you succumb to the tobacco… and what happens to be one secretive drag, turns into you chain-smoking three fags in one go.

It’s alright. We’re humans. We’re programmed to make errors, otherwise we’d all be boring, desensitised robots, and where’s the fun in that? You may mope under a cloud of misery after lapsing back

is a chemical cocktail. Per the International Agency

into smoking, but that doesn’t mean you’ve given up.

for Research on Cancer, when a tobacco cigarette is

There is hope.

burnt, it releases over 5000 chemicals, 70 of which may cause cancer.

The thing is, it’s never too late to get back on the wagon. Whilst we can’t chase you to the gym, or

Just to clarify – in vaping, there is zero fire, zero

physically slap cigarettes out of your hand, we can

smoke and zero combustion, as nicotine is delivered

provide words of comfort that are informative too

via vapour. Clever, right? Instead, you inhale nicotine

(double win).

without carbon monoxide, tar, and all those poisonous toxins found in cigarettes.

There are several ways you can quit smoking. Here are a few, which you may wish to give a try.

E-liquid is available with varying amounts of nicotine, meaning smokers can start off with a high nicotine

4 - Kick Smoking

strength, and gradually wean themselves onto a lower strength. From Public Health England (who conclude vaping is 95% safer than smoking) to the Royal College of Physicians (who say e-cigarettes are likely to be beneficial to UK public health), there is a very convincing case to be made that vaping is

Bupropion (Zyban) Originally used to treat depression, thus prescriptiononly drug curbs addictive behaviour. It is recommended that treatment lasts a few months, to prepare you for weaning yourself off these daily tablets.

one of the most effective, safest methods of quitting smoking.

Varenicline / Champix Available on prescription-only, in tablet form for a

Each of these methods may have side effects, which is why we recommend (again) that your doctor be the first port of call in your journey to quit smoking.

treatment period of 3 months, you take either 1 or 2 tablets daily. Champix reduces your craving for a cigarette by blocking the rewarding effects of smoking.

Stuffing a handkerchief in your mouth whenever you get a craving. Not the most practical way, but it will stop you in

your tracks and you’ll refrain from reaching out for a dreaded cigarette, because your mouth will already be full.

Nicotine Replacement Therapy (NRT)

All jokes aside, it does get better, and the key is to take it one step, one day at a time.

Nicotine is the key reason that makes smoking addictive. NRT does what it says on the tin, in that it

If you’ve quit smoking, we’d love to know how you

provides a nicotine substitute in the form of tablets,

did it.

lozenges, chewing gum, skin patches, nasal and mouth sprays. For a quick nicotine hit on NRT try the

Please email us with #HOWIQUITSMOKING in the

gum or spray, which may be used to curb cravings

subject heading and your story may be featured

quicker than if using patches. A 3-month programme

in an upcoming issue. Do not underestimate the

is recommended by the NHS on NRT, after which a

power of your words, which may be inspirational to

review will follow.

someone struggling to give up smoking.

Kick Smoking - 5

Show off your mod in VapeLyfe Magazine handcheck style. TWEET your pics to @VapeLyfemag1 with #vapelyfemaghandcheck and we’ll place the best ones in a future issue.





VapeLyfe Magazine Handcheck

VapeLyfe Mag Handcheck - 7


here Do We stand

In a Post-TPD World?

Paul Barnes, Trustee at NNA delivers an

20th May 2016 - has come and gone, 19

incisive, State of the Union style commentary

Member States didn’t have a domestic

on the effectiveness of the revised TPD.

implementation for the Directive. This isn’t particularly unusual as transposition of

December 19th 2012. The beginning of the

EU Directives is often delayed by national

revision to the EU wide Tobacco Products

matters, Spain is the prime example of how

Directive. Agreed by the Council of the

a lack of substantive Government can lead to

European Union in 2013 and later passed


with few amendments by the European Parliament in April 2014.

Those “good pupil” Member States that have met the deadline have a broad array of

For those who were heavily involved during

measures. Some, like the UK have decided

that period from proposal to final agreement,

on a liberal approach to the Directive in an

changing minds to be less restrictive towards

effort to keep e-cigarettes available, albeit in

the humble electronic cigarette was often

a limiting way. The obvious limits are the 2ml

met with hostility rather than curiosity. The

tanks and 10ml refills which, while irritating

evidence base that we enjoy now just wasn’t

for most vapers, is seen as a “necessary

available to sway even the most curious.

precaution” by those in charge.

Fast forward to implementation. Where do

The not so obvious limits include medicinal

the various EU Member States stand now?

regulation only. The UK opted to keep both

Has the revised Tobacco Products Directive

routes open - licensed medicinal products

achieved any of its aims? Does it, as per the

aren’t subject to the same level of VAT, and

introductory statements, facilitate the smooth

there’s a wider range of available strengths

functioning of the internal market?

(20mg/ml and above).

Sadly, the answer is a resounding “no”. As

It isn’t just the route to market that poses

with a wide array of EU Directives, it is entirely

a problem for retailers. Some of the gold-

up to the individual Member State on how

plating in domestic legislation, such as the

to implement that Directive into domestic

implementation from Hungary for example,

legislation. Some, like the UK, implement the

includes measures that prevent cross-

bare minimum, while others decide that the

border and internet sales - both buying as

bare minimum isn’t sufficient and so adds

a consumer and selling as a retailer. Austria,

additional - often unnecessary - gold plating.

Germany, Poland and Slovenia have all taken a similar stance to distance and online selling.

As the official implementation date -

8 - TPD

The restrictions on distance selling don’t form

allowed and flavour restrictions. What else?

part of the original Directive and indeed, by implementing restrictions on cross-border

Costs. Domestic legislation often likes to see

sales, domestic implementation goes against

a revenue stream, and the implementation

the fundamental operation of the Single

of the TPD is no different. In order to have


a product placed on the market, retailers in each Member State need to notify the

This does place the vaping market in a very

‘competent authority’ - the MHRA in the UK

awkward position. Age restrictions aside

for instance - and pay for the privilege.

for the moment, some Member States are of the opinion that “internet sales can not

These costs vary wildly across the EU. Before

be adequately overseen”; meaning that

the Belgian implementation was suspended

the competent authority in charge of the

by Royal Decree, the figure of €4,000 formed

implementation won’t know, for sure, if the

the cost of notification per product for a

product being sold meets the definitions

retailer. Though France looks to go one better

enshrined in domestic legislation.

than Belgium. Specifically €3,600 more. In contrast, the UK MHRA charges £220 for

This could also be interpreted as being lazy.

a new product (roughly €250), £110 for a

Officials don’t want the hassle of having to

modification plus a £60 per year “annual

monitor online sales, so it’s simpler for them

service charge”.

to prohibit them. This does of course make it difficult for vapers in those Member States to

The disparity in notification charges will have

obtain the products that they want to use.

to come from somewhere, and the most obvious choice for many retailers is to bump

But the story doesn’t end there. If restrictions

up prices as far as their customers allow. The

on product availability through online and

end result is the same.

distance selling wasn’t enough, there’s also restrictions on flavours. With certain

The State of the Union is a puzzle missing

ingredients being outright blacklisted in

many centre pieces and corners, leaving

addition to the provisions of the Directive -

vapers with fewer choices.

a la Germany - some Member States, most notably Finland, are only allowing tobacco

To find out more about Paul, and his work at

flavour. This is based on the assertion that the

NNA, please go to website http://nnalliance.

measure would reduce appeal among youth,


but still leave the products available for adults


who choose to use them. So we have limits on the type of products available in smaller tank sizes and refill bottles. There’s limits on the ingredients

TPD - 9

Cotton & Cable stand the test of time Patience is a virtue, especially in the vaping industry that changes as quickly as Usain Bolt sprinting through his 100 metres run. Despite TPD regulations, our great industry continues to flourish, with businesses playing the long game to create products that will stand the test of time. It makes sense to get it right the first time and produce a fantastic e-liquid for market that you’re proud to vape yourself. One such company is Cotton & Cable, who have crafted a capsule collection of five key flavour profiles over the course of two years (that’s 730 days, 104 weeks, or 17520 hours if you’re counting). Head-quartered in Carshalton, Surrey, the six-member team have lovingly created a range to deliver the ultimate vaping experience. VapeLyfe Magazine was thrilled to catch up with Jenny from Cotton & Cable. Did you know that the Cotton & Cable range was inspired by traditional British desserts? Or that their juices are balanced with a whopping 10-17 different flavours? Read on to find out more about the inventive company; much like their vapes, you just can’t get enough of them.

10 - Cotton & Cable

You have a very distinctive name, we love your cool, fashionable branding! What was the reason behind the look and feel of the brand? The brand is based around flavour. The cotton and cable in your tank or dripper is what delivers the flavour. We found it difficult to find a way to get across the complexity and detail of the ingredients in just the name; this is where the random multistripe comes in. Each colour depicts an ingredient. We wanted something traditional but modern, simple but also complicated, responsible by appealing to adults without looking like sweets or drinks.

As everyone knows it’s 95% safer than smoking. But the reason they should consider it, is because you can replace cigarettes with something that is genuinely better. Cigarettes are like analogue and vaping is like digital. Once you have vaped for a while you get all the same benefits as quitting - taste, smell, feeling healthier but you are now in control of your nicotine intake. You can gradually reduce it whilst enjoying your newfound taste buds (combined with all the exciting new mods and tanks) instead of feeling self-conscious, that you smell and your lungs are black. Vaping gives you an escape from that heavy feeling of addiction to cigarettes – why would you smoke when you can vape?

How did Cotton & Cable come to be?

by limited all day vapes – Lee wanted to create

At Cotton & Cable, you use only the best ingredients, including Swiss-made Nicotine, pharma grade VG and PG, and premium USA and EU flavourings. Apart from using first-rate ingredients, what sets Cotton & Cable apart from the thousands of e-liquid companies out there?

complex, authentic flavour with depth. After lots

The complexity of the recipes – all of the recipes,

of initial mixes and incredible reactions from the

is staggeringly complex. We create multi-layered

Cotton & Cable taste guinea pigs – Cotton & Cable

flavour, the more you vape it, the more flavours

was officially founded.

come out. Unlike other juices, when flavour fades,

Having been a heavy smoker for years and struggling to quit, Lee fell in love with vaping, not able to believe that not only was it a substitute for smoking but was actually far more enjoyable. With very few standout flavours in the market, despite there seeming to be hundreds, and frustrated

it literally fades. With our juices, as one flavour

We’re now well into the new year. What advice would you give to someone using NRT or other quit-smoking tools who may have lapsed into smoking? Why should they consider vaping?

fades another appears. Our juices are balanced with between 10-17 different flavours which means your taste buds don’t get bored after a day or a few hours – or in the case of some liquids 10 minutes.

Cotton & Cable- 11

You have five key flavour profiles. Which are your bestsellers? Actually, they all sell equally well which was what we hoped for. We didn’t want to be a company with one excellent flavour and three or four average ones to make up the numbers. We would have released just one if we felt that only one was good enough.

Cotton & Cable is making great in-roads in the global market and is garnering superb reviews on and offline. It is keen to explore the UK market and make worthwhile connections. How would you best describe Cotton & Cable in three words, so people can get an idea of what you’re about? Complex. Authentic. Flavoursome

12 - Cotton & Cable

You have an exciting range of e-liquids, we love the sound of your baked apple e-liquid. What do flavourists (people who create and taste the e-liquids) on the Cotton & Cable team look for when creating e-liquids? Do they have a preconceived idea in mind, before they start mixing? Authenticity. We wanted to make gourmet, premium British flavours. The idea for the flavours comes from traditional British desserts, each flavour started with the dessert itself. Making it, eating it, or in the case of Hot Cross Bun, toasting it. Then thinking about what makes it taste so good and what the proportions, are to re-create it as a vapour. We wanted to create depth through layers so you can pick out different flavours on the inhale, exhale and the more you vape it. We want people to vape our juices and know exactly what it is.

I’m a vape store wanting to stock your e-liquids. What are the next steps to make this happen? Is there a lead-time, from making an enquiry, to having your tasty e-liquids in my store? We can move really quickly, one of our most

How do you think Cotton & Cable can add to the already eclectic mix? It has been a difficult time for the industry having come from nowhere to being a saturated market, flooded with home mixed juice and fairly average flavours. We wanted to create liquids that better or rival US premium companies, because there are not many UK companies that can. The recipes have been painstakingly crafted over a long period of time to get the perfect balance. We were never about making a quick buck - we are part of the market because we love it. We believe we have created a premium brand or as the Vaping Pogonophile says a “platinum brand” which means we believe we bring something special to the market.

How do you want people to feel when they’re vaping Cotton & Cable e-liquids? Happy – and possibly a little smug!

Where do you want to be in 5 years’ time? Everywhere.

What is your favourite thing about the working in the vaping industry? The fantastic community.

recent stockists turned round in 4 days. We have a large pre-steeped stock and our juices don’t leave until they are fully steeped, so our stock levels are key to growth.

What do you think of the UK vaping scene?

To find out more about Cotton & Cable or make wholesale enquiries, go to website, email hello@ or call 0203 823 8048 now.

Cotton & Cable- 13

Custom mods:

a unique piece of vape design BY OPEN_AIRFLOW The vaping community has changed rapidly over the last few years – from a few vapers seeking an alternative to smoking tobacco, to a community that has risen exponentially in numbers all over the globe. People from many different backgrounds, ages, religions and ethnicities form the worldwide community of vapers. Vaping has become so much more than just not smoking tobacco. It has expanded to a lifestyle that the members of the vaping community embrace with every step they take on an everyday basis.

Reading vape

magazines, shooting pictures or browsing for new mods, tanks and liquids for hours is as natural to a vaper as it is to a banker to read the Wall Street Journal. The fast change of the vaping lifestyle goes hand in hand with a change of trends incorporated in the community. One of the major trends that I observed is to individualise the personal vape experience by designing a custom mod. So let us take a closer look. Designing a custom mod is not as hard as you may think. Mod builders are easy to find on the web and they´ll be happy to build your personal mod just as you want it to be. Some of the websites offer user friendly interfaces where you can choose the different parts of your mod step by step.

Safety first

law and the interdependencies between

Before you start thinking about the

wattage, voltage, current and resistance. A

design, you need to be sure whether you

mechanical mod does not have any safety

want to build a mechanical or a regulated

parts that will warn you if your atomiser has

mod. There are many different kinds of

a short or you´re about to use a bad battery.

mods, and you need to know which one

Regulated mods instead are equipped

you want to use. In short we differentiate

with a chipset that shuts down the device

between regulated and mechanical mods.

if anything is wrong with the mod you are

A mechanical mod is basically a box or a

about to use.

tube containing a battery as the mod´s power source. Before using a mechanical

The chipset (regulated mods)

mod make sure you understand Ohm´s

If you decide to create a regulated mod

14 - Custom Mods

you can choose between different chipsets. These

the unique makeup of the woodgrain ensures that

chipsets are the cerebral centre of your mod. You

your mod will be one of a kind. Every material gives

can choose between basic chipsets that´ll just show

you specific haptics or an individual feel. Again, it is

wattage and resistance on a basic display, up to

absolutely up to you, which material you´d like your

more advanced chipsets which offer different modes

mod to be made of.

such as wattage, temperature, Ni, Ti, SS and even power modes, just as you know it from top shelf


standard mods.

In my opinion, engravings are the greatest part in mod design. You can draw a picture of your own or

Size and shapes

choose your favourite Star Wars character and let

This is the part where you can go crazy. Are you

the builder laser engrave or print it onto your mod.

a “Whovian” and want your mod to look like the

You decide the size and the position of the surface

Doctor´s TARDIS? Or you are a big Marvel fan and


want your mod wrapped in Iron Man´s armour suit? Your mod builder will make your wish come true.

Even the fire button can be chosen from Hexohm

Whether you´d like a box shaped or a tube mod, a

style (this one is my favourite) or just a flat flush style

vast variety of shapes and sizes are possible. I´ve seen

button - it´s your choice. As you can see, there are a

a lot of creative mods like coke cans, cigarette boxes,

lot of options you can choose from, when building a

Poké Balls, Lego mods, and the list goes on and on

mod. Once you have it, you can sit at a table with a

and on…

hundred other vapers and no one has the same mod as you, a unique piece of vape design that reflects

510 connections

your personality. Please don´t get me wrong here:

Furthermore, you can choose a 510 connection

standard mods are great. I have heaps of them at

matching your personal preference. Low profile, thin,

home, but I just love my custom made mods because

smooth, rough – you name it, you can get it.

no standard mod can reveal a piece of yourself as a

Back covers

custom mod can. Writing this made me think way too much about my next project. Time to meet up

Do you need easy and fast access to your battery

with my mod builder... again.

slots? Then I´d recommend sealing the back cover

Vape safe, vape on.

with magnets. Do you want your battery slots 100%


secured? Your back cover should be secured with screws then. Do you desire shiny golden screws to

To find out more about Open_Airflow, follow him on

hold your black back cover at its place? No problem,


it´s totally up to your individual preference and taste.

Materials and finish When designing your individual mod, you can choose your favourite material for the feel that you like the most. Unfinished aluminium, or other powder coated metals in your favourite colours or even fancy woodwork are possible. When using wood,

Custom Mods- 15

VAPE IN HIGH CUISINE WITH INVENTIVE CHEFS A few things we love about the vape industry is invention, perseverance, and downright cool development of products from covetable mods, to stunning e-liquids. Now two genius chefs have taken creativity to a whole new level – by including vapour in food.

It’s not just any food – we’re talking high end dishes that are delicious to look at, and which taste phenomenally mind-blowing. And it’s not just any vape – it’s the vapour of mind altering herbs from around the world that is getting people talking about classic haute cuisine with a surprise, contemporary twist.

It’s a culinary revolution that is reinventing the role of vaping as we know it. First and foremost, we recognise and respect that vaping is a way of life for ex-smokers, who are using e-cigarettes as an effective tool to quit smoking. It is however, refreshing to see the method of vaping being used in the kitchen to augment the dining experience.

With a growing network of collaborators, the High Cuisine project also aims to extend recent developments in healthy diet and provenance of ingredients, as well as provoke discussion of the social meaning of intoxication, the difference between ‘herbs’, ‘drugs’, and ‘medicines’, and issues

The two Amsterdam-based chefs creating vapetastic waves in the industry are Noah Tucker 39, and Tony Joseph 45. After a successful local start, they’re

such as re-evaluating tribal wisdom, and the damage inflicted on peasant communities by the war on drugs.

hoping to make their High Cuisine concept a new culinary wave worldwide with a cookery book and TV


series. It’s the transatlantic partnership and passion for food This ‘psychoactive gastronomy’ takes the recent cannabis cookery trend up a notch, using exotic (safe, and mostly legal) ingredients like kanna, Syrian rue and ‘magic’ mushrooms to create a semiorchestrated journey over several hours, courses and

that is the winning combination for High Cuisine. Noah from New York, and Tony from London, worked in various Michelin-standard kitchens before ending up in Amsterdam, where they met and began working together in 2008.

states of mind. Having run their own restaurants and consulted

16 - High Cuisine

to various high-end hospitality projects in the

they had already done, prompted the chefs to team

Netherlands, they were commissioned in 2014 to

up with a writing and documentary-making duo

create a private ‘psychedelic dinner’ for a group of

who had been involved with the tastings. The new


High Cuisine team has ambitious plans to take the concept further.

Following several months of after-hours research into recipes, choosing what herbs to use, then testing

A cookbook of around 100 mind-altering dishes and

dosages and finally a try-out dinner for around 25

cocktails is in the works, aimed at professional chefs

willing guinea pigs, an 8-course tasting menu was

as well as amateur cooks and ‘foodie’ psychonauts.

served in early 2015.

They are also working on a series of travel/cookery shows that will take them to the countries where the

The dishes utilised all parts of the cannabis

exotic – and often sacred – herbs grow, and meet the

plant from seeds and leaves to buds, vapour and

shamans, bush doctors and herbalists who use them.

concentrates (oil and hashish). Other psychoactive

Countries planned for the first series include Brazil,

herbs used included kanna (a euphoriant from South

Mexico, Laos and Indonesia.

Africa), Syrian rue (a mildly-psychoactive seed from the Middle East) and cultivated psychedelic ‘truffles’,


which are legal in the Netherlands to sell and consume.

The first episode is set in Amsterdam and uses just some of the dozens of mind-altering herbs, leaves, barks, roots and seeds available online, anywhere. The chefs meet local experts in old Dutch medicinal herbs as well as modern cannabis testing techniques and restaurateur colleagues.

Currently, new herbs are being investigated and native ingredients researched from Africa, the Americas and Asia, but also lost or suppressed European traditions of the indigenous druids and Celts, such as mind-altering herbal ales and ‘love potions’.

The overarching philosophy is that we are all indigenous to planet earth, and every society has good reasons to get high. But besides providing a healthy alternative social DEVELOPING THE CONCEPT FURTHER

lubricant to alcohol and an eating experience that aims to delight the brain as well as the taste buds,

The success of the meal and the amount of research

High Cuisine also has more serious ambitions.

High Cuisine - 17


from ‘micro-dosing’ of psychedelics for focus and creativity by Silicon Valley execs, to the

The team is consulting with

boom in ayahuasca tourism and

NGOs like the Transnational

the correlating interest

Institute (TNI) on how

in indigenous tribal

the war on drugs affects


peasant farmers from Peru to Laos; with indigenous

The High Cuisine

rights organisations

project also dovetails

concerned with loss of

with new scientific

tribal herbal knowledge

research that shows

or its over-exploitation

psychedelics have

and appropriation, and

a promising role to

respectable psychedelic

play in treatments for

research organisations.

conditions ranging from depression, OCD and ADHD, to trauma

The aim is to start a

and coming to terms

number of conversations, about: how we get ‘high’, with

with mortality.

what, and to what end? What makes a plant “a drug” as opposed to an ingredient or a spice?

In aiming to build (commercial) relationships

The role of herbs in our mental as well as physical

between Western herb suppliers, indigenous growers

wellbeing – a debate raging for thousands of years,

and harvesters, and conscious consumers, High

most recently expressed in the ‘clean, healthy eating’

Cuisine aims to transcend mere trend and become a

and medicinal marihuana movements.

genuine movement.

The High Cuisine project aims to be an interesting,

Cooking with psychoactive herbs is an imprecise art,

tasty addition to contemporary psychedelic trends,

not a science. Concentrations of active substances vary in plants by batch, dependent on the season, time of day and even phase of the moon in which they were harvested. Their effect also varies from person to person, depending on factors such as age, weight, genetic make-up and whether they are taking any prescription drugs.

While High Cuisine does research the science behind its substances, there is not actually much known about combining such herbs in single menus, and what is “known” invariably turns out to be underground myth, cut and pasted from site to site,

18 - High Cuisine

based on single-user experiences or extrapolations

usually used, and this proved to be stronger than

from pharmacological research.

anticipated. When it was served to some underexperienced diners, a number of them had a difficult

The High Cuisine team has

time. Lessons were learned; the testing

come across no reports in

protocol was tightened and the team

drug or pharmacology

became stricter on who they will serve

literature to suggest

dinners to. They are simply not for

any of their herbal

the naïve drug user.

ingredients have any

Prior to this, High Cuisine had

serious negative

enjoyed near-universal rave

interactions with

reviews, with just 3 out of 100+

each other or with

diners over the course of four meals

prescription drugs.

bailing out early. These were all for

Suggestions online that the harmine in the rue might react badly with the mesembrine

mild psychological discomfort with their altered state of consciousness, not any toxic interaction.

in the kanna (the latter being a natural serotonin re-uptake inhibitor) are not supported, based on

High Cuisine is a revolution in dining, the use of vapour AND getting high, a previously un-walked path in Western society. As such, it is not for everyone. If you want to find out more about Noah and Tony’s innovative work, go to www.highcuisine. com, where you can also see the trailer for the first episode of the High Cuisine series, download a number of free recipes, and register to receive project updates.

serving this combo to 100+ diners to-date.

This is why they test all their dishes on a number of ‘guinea pig’ friends before serving them to diners. There was one event when they substituted some high THC Dutch hashish for the Nepalese

High Cuisine - 19






The Vapin g Pogonophil e the vaping pogonophile - 21

The Vaping Pogonophile is a vaping legend. This dapper dude has been creating waves in the vaping industry ever since he started writing about his two passions; vaping and beards. Over the next few months you’ll get to hear about The Vaping Pogonophile and what makes him tick. From former smoker to dedicated vaper, read about his inspirational vaping journey right here. Here is the second instalment and we pick up where the arrival of the Nova tank revolutionised vaping for him. Enjoy!

The arrival of the Nova tank revolutionised

As technologies advanced I tried lots of

vaping for me.

different units, but nothing was as good as

With changeable coils and a choice in coil

my trusty Nova, so I stayed with it for about

size: 1.8 ohm, 2.4 ohm and 4.0 ohm, I used the

18 months. In the mean-time there was a

1.8ohm coil. With a plinth it fit nicely on to my

lot of work going on with different styles of

Tornedo batteries which was great as there

batteries, most notably the variable voltage

was little additional cost. The beauty of the


Nova was that it was built with a plastic see through tank, it was easy to fill and it didn’t

For me, things were becoming more

leak! Double bonus!

complicated, but I followed closely, reading up as much as I could. In September 2014 I took the plunge and bought a variable voltage battery - the Totally Wicked Curve 20w battery which came with the CS1 tank and a 1.5ohm coil. Once again this change of unit revolutionised my vaping. I also realised with the excellent vapour production I didn’t need such a high nicotine strength and I dropped to a 1.8mg strength. With this strength change I found that for some reason my trusty e-liquid tasted just slightly different: the hunt for a different e-liquid began. Steve, a good friend of mine had recently taken up vaping. I think he also started by using Totally Wicked but more recently began using a local company in my home

22- the vaping pogonoPhile

companies do this to get more sales I have since learned) and I used this for a good few months. I suppose I could say that now, I was always looking out for the next ‘big’ thing. I had an itch for something else, it was always in the back of my mind, a voice which said; ‘I want something better!’ I returned to Smokie Joes a few times, picked up e-liquid and looked at equipment. There were usually four guys there that were very much into their vaping and each one of them had these colossal units producing great vapour! I mean awesome, wow! That is what I wanted to do! During the many times I went in, I asked about the equipment they used, how much it cost, types of e-liquid… questions, town, Rugby called Smokie Joes, (vendors of equipment and e-liquids). This was an actual shop in my town! (I don’t get out much.) Steve was enjoying a few of the different e-liquids they had. On my first opportunity I went down to take a look. In the shop they had tanks available, each with a different flavour. The guys there gave me a battery and I could sit and try whatever I wanted. I was looking for a mild tobacco flavour (I was still very unsure about fruit and other flavours), I tried several. The problem is that a couple of tokes can be very misleading, but finally I found Gold and Silver by BIGJuice. It was labelled up as Smokie Joes own brand (quite a few

questions, questions! My love for vaping grew as the knowledge poured in; I was hungry to know more. For the first time I started looking around on the internet. I knew names of companies, equipment and e-liquids, I was on fire! I was chasing clouds and I was going to get them! The time had come. A fairly large financial outlay, but it was going to be worth it. I bought an Innokin MVP 3.0 PRO 60W box MOD; an Aspire Atlantis 2 tank; an Aspire Triton and some apple sour Zeus juice 0.6mg (tobacco flavour was a no go when chasing clouds, this was a worry but I was going to get through it.)

the vaping pogonophile -23

On a side note, interestingly the less nicotine

was a 1.8 ohm coil, it did the job.

an e-liquid contains - the more cloud you can produce. This is in addition to the make of

I had found what I had been looking for, I got

your e-liquid i.e. VG/PG mix.

the hit that I wanted - that I loved.

Everything arrived and you can’t imagine the

I returned the Innokin MVP, as it was too

excitement! I read all the instructions and

bulky to carry around and I found I didn’t

followed them. I tried the Atlantis 2 first with

need quite that much power. I shopped

a 0.5 ohm coil… I toked mouth to lung and

around and found my Dripex DBOX 30W. It

nothing! I toked straight to lung and nothing!

looks good, solid and small enough to fit in

What was I doing wrong?!

my pocket and fits nicely in the hand… perfect!

I checked the wattage and everything was fine, except no vape. I tried the Triton with a 0.4 ohm coil – the same thing! I then went back to the Atlantis 2 with a 0.3 ohm coil: still no joy. I was distraught, I was really disappointed, couldn’t believe it and didn’t know what to do. I checked what other coil came with the Triton. It was a 1.8 ohm coil - I had been using this size since forever! I decided that I would give it a go anyway, dripped some e-liquid on the coil, filled the tank, left it for 10 minutes, (I was pacing up and down the living room wondering what had gone wrong). I picked up the unit, fired it up, sucked on it and BOOM! Clouds! Beautiful clouds! Now I know that you can get better clouds with the lower ohm coils, but my preference

24- the vaping pogonoPhile

The 1.8 ohm coils fit in both the Atlantis 2 and

We hate to tease, but this article is to be

the Triton, though the Triton is my preferred

continued. You’ll just have to read about

tank. As for e-liquid, well I have literally

The Pogonophile’s exciting vaping journey

opened the flood gates on the juice that is

in the third issue of VapeLyfe Magazine.

out there. If you just can’t get enough of this very cool The juice hunt began. Through good old

dude’s musings or fantastic reviews (and

Google I found a company called VapeClub.

we really wouldn’t blame you) check out (I sniggered to myself, it reminded me

his website

of a film Fight Club, yes, childish I know.) They

now. Why not stalk him on social media

offer juices from around the world. Fantastic!

too? He can be found at:

So I started looking around the site for things I may like and to be absolutely sure I would only pick something with a five star customer


rating. I did another chuckle to myself when I

Twitter: @V_Pogonophile

came across a juice company called BEARD…

Instagram: @VapingPogonophile

superb. I was a beardiful fellow about to order

Facebook: /VapingPogonophile

some beardiful juice. I ordered the No.5, a


bottle of Mr Good Vape Peaches & Ice cream and something from Gemini and Twelve Vapor. I WAS SO EXCITED when the juice arrived, I was like an over excited child at Christmas, my hands were shaking a little as I put the juice in my tank. OH MY GOODNESS! The BEARD and Mr Good Vape were to die for. I did however think that for my everyday juice these were a little expensive, but certainly for a treat these were worth keeping in stock.

the vaping pogonophile -25



BY OPEN_AIRFLOW Kings of Aces is a company based in Malaysia. The company´s aim is to set new industry standards concerning quality and safety during production processes. The liquid comes in a 30ml child-proof bottle. Every flavour of their product range can be ordered as ‘Straight Line’ or ‘Frost Line’ where they add menthol to the base essence. When I got the liquid, the name “Honey Dew” misled me into the Winnie the Pooh section. I thought it was an actual honey flavour. I was totally wrong with that assumption.


The scent I opened the bottle and a sweet fragrance of ripe honey melons rose to my nostrils. Just for information, I spent my summer vacation in Italy to visit my Italian grandmother. Down there they have the juiciest, freshest and sweetest honey melons on earth. The scent put me right in my grandmother´s garden having a big slice of that sun spoiled fruit.

26- Review

Let´s vape Even though I´ve got the Straight Series which is supposed to have no menthol in it, the inhale gave me a slight freshness just as I know it from other menthol flavours. The melon flavour hides itself a little behind the fresh menthol, but it is definitely there and detectable. On the exhale, you´ll get the full authentic flavour of a ripe honey melon. The flavour is authentic and there are no traces of a chemical aftertaste at all. Vaping this liquid is just like stuffing your face with a juicy fresh melon on a hot summer day. The guys at Kings of Aces created a great liquid with this one concerning taste. The cloud production is very good noting that the VG/PG rate is 60/40. The liquid gives a slight and smooth throat hit, but no scratching at all, which I like.

Conclusion The guys at Kings of Aces strive to set standards concerning quality in the end product and production processes. With this liquid, they absolutely convinced me that they are able to do so. The great authentic taste of fresh ripe honey melons and the nice distinction of inhale and exhale makes this liquid unique. The fresh kick of the menthol on the inhale makes this liquid perfect for the upcoming summer season. I tried a lot of melon flavors but this one really sticks out of the masses. I award the Kings of Aces Honey Dew with 10 out of 10 points. Great job guys. Vape safe, vape on.

Star Rating: 10 / 10

Review - 27

WHEN MONSTER VAPERZ BREW AN APPLE CRUMBLE Review BY OPEN_AIRFLOW Monster Vaperz´ Apple Crumble is produced in Malaysia and comes in a child-proof bottle. The ingredients used for this liquid are produced in the United States. The juice came in a 30 ml bottle and costs about £9.90, considering today´s exchange rate. I love the label design which caught my eye instantly. Wait a second. An apple crumble brewed in Malaysia? When I read the packaging, I was surprised about the juices´ origin country as I associate other flavours to a hot and tropical country. As my wife is a great baker and I love apple crumble I put this e-juice to the test.

The scent I opened the bottle, took a whiff and pictures of my childhood popped into my head. The scent of the liquid is great. A fine sweet streusel aroma combined with a slight apple tang and just a hint of cinnamon. The liquid´s scent isn´t heavy or intrusive.


28 - Review

The vape experience To bake an apple crumble, you need brown sugar, apples of course, butter, flour and cinnamon. The crumble is topped with delicious and sweet streusel crumbles. These ingredients are portrayed more accurately in the liquid. The inhale, or let´s say the top note of Monster Vaperz´ Apple Crumble, is predominantly cinnamon and the sweetness of the brown sugar. For my taste, the cinnamon part is a little too dominant. For those among you who love cinnamon: the inhale will be a heavenly awesome flavour experience. I noted a slight apple aroma on the inhale too, but really in the background and in the end of the inhale. On the exhale, the full range of the red apple flavour expands on your tongue, escorted by a delicious and sweet crumble tang. The cloud production is really good. Big puffy clouds fill the room instantly. The clouds’ aroma is fantastic, just like the scent of the liquid. Others who smell the second-hand vape will think of a bakery that just opened their ovens, filled with delicious apple crumbles.

Conclusion In my opinion Monster Vaperz´ Apple Crumble isn´t an everyday vape but it fits perfectly into the winter season.

The taste of the

liquid comes really close to an actual apple crumble and if I had to write a “onewordreview” I´d say that it is appetising. But I´ll knock off one point for the cinnamon predominance and one point for the very little information about the brewery on the net, and award the liquid an 8 out of 10 delicious crumbles. Vape safe, vape on.

Star Rating: 8 / 10

Review - 29

MONSTER VAPERZ S.O.D.B (Sex On The Beach) Review BY OPEN_AIRFLOW Monster Vaperz´ S.O.D.B is produced in Malaysia and comes in a childproof bottle. The ingredients used for this liquid are produced in the United States. The company claims on their website that all their ingredients are FDA approved. The juice came in a 30 ml bottle and costs about £9.90. If you prefer, you could mix your own flavour at Monster Vaperz as the company takes orders for custom blends.

Smells good. When





sweet scent reached my nose which



to the well-known and popular cocktail “Sex on the Beach”. The orange fragrance is dominant in the smell but the more whiffs I took, the more I was able to detect the pineapple and peach as well.


30- Review

Do you like sex on the beach? Yes I do. I know this cocktail for sure but one of those was always enough as I get tipsy real fast. I never had a cocktail vape, hence I was curious. The inhale is led by an orange flavour accompanied by a slight peach touch. I was also able to detect an alcoholic undertone which I thought was amazing to taste in an e-juice. The exhale tastes like a fruit mix of pineapple, Grenadine and lemon comparable to the actual cocktail. The orange dominance is entirely gone on the exhale. For those of you who love to have this popular cocktail: Monster Vaperz´ Sex on the Beach is the good e-juice to vape. The liquid gave me a strong throat hit which I didn´t really like. I like and need throat hits while vaping but more of slight barely noticeable ones. Nonetheless the discussion about throat hits will never end. Some like them, some don´t.

Conclusion Monster Vaperz´ Sex on the Beach is a solid e-juice that interprets the popular cocktail on a high level. The distinct flavours on the inhale and exhale will give you a satisfying vape experience. The best part after all is that you can vape as much as you like without getting tipsy, drunk or wasted. You can even vape the whole bottle without getting a hangover. For the good taste, I award the liquid with 8 points, but I´ll withdraw one point for the strong throat hit which I personally don´t need in that intensity. This leads to a final score of 7 out of 10 cocktail shakers. Vape safe, vape on.

Star Rating: 7 / 10

Review - 31

Website: E-mail:

Rope Cut: the vape for all weather With thousands of e-liquids out there, how do you choose what to stock up on? It has to be something really special, which makes you want to buy first, fall in love with the e-liquid, and then get ready to buy the entire range. VapeLyfe Magazine spotted a unique, very cool brand on our travels, which will entice you to do just that. Rope Cut is a range of e-liquids founded in 2015. The slick vape operation is made up of founding partner David Levesque and team members spread across sales, lab, warehouse and accounts functions. Based in Montreal, Canada, Rope Cut is one to watch out for.

VapeLyfe Magazine loves the Rope Cut branding. The sailor theme is unique and striking! Whose idea was this and how did Rope Cut come to be? We originally started as a co packer for a chain of stores in Canada. After reviewing all of their sales of tobaccos, I felt that there was a gap that needed to be filled in tobaccos at a premium level. So we got to work, and after months of development we narrowed it down to six flavours. The name Rope Cut is inspired by the classic cut of every sailor’s favourite pipe tobacco. Rope cut tobacco is not cut, but rather spun into thick cords that resemble ship ropes. The rope cut is quite compact and stores very well. Once put into the captain’s pipe, he could flip it any which way, without ever having the tobacco fall out. Storm-proof and perfect for when you are lost at sea, making this the perfect e-liquid for an all weather vape.

We’re now into the new year. What advice would you give to someone using NRT or other quit-smoking tools who may have lapsed into smoking? Why should they consider vaping? There is a certain pleasure that comes from smoking that has been around for hundreds of years. Other NRT will never give you the same satisfaction as smoking. As we know, smoking is extremely unhealthy, and this is why I think vaping is your best bet to quit cigarettes once and for all. It has been proven to be a much safer alternative and I believe that vaping really is the most promising way to help someone quit smoking.

36- ROPE Cut

The media seem to have a love/hate relationship with e-cigarettes, with the majority of media broadcasting negative news about vaping. How do you feel about conflicting information regarding the safety of e-cigarettes being bandied around by the press so flippantly? The truth is that we still don’t have 10 or 20 years of compiled data, and we’ll never be able to catch up to how much data there is about cigarettes. What we do know, is that vaping is a safer alternative. At the end of the day, people need to look at where studies are coming from (pharmaceutical companies, government funded, etc.); they need to be diligent and make a decision for themselves. We all have a strong idea of what the media can do and how it can warp our perception of anything that is put in front of us. We can’t control the press; the media will always be something we have to deal with. We just hope people can form their own opinions and make their own decisions to choose what is right for their own health.

Tell us more about your flavour profiles. Your Loose Canon of tobacco, nuts and caramel sounds sophisticated and positively dreamy! Which are your bestsellers? Thank you! Every profile brings something different to the table; we built a line that has something for everyone (even the people that claim to hate tobacco e-liquid!). Skipper is our number one seller. Being comprised of two of the most popular flavours in the industry (custard & tobacco) it is a flavour that everybody will enjoy.

ROPE Cut - 37

Another top seller is Dark Thirty: a bolder, more robust flavour comprised of dried fruits with an undertone of rum. We’ve also got a spinoff of a menthol flavour, a cigar flavour and even a green apple tart. Whether you are an avid vaper or brand new to the game, everyone is sure to find something they’ll love.

You have an exciting range of e-liquids. Are there flavourists (people who create and taste the e-liquids) on the Rope Cut team, who pick and choose the flavours? What do they look for? I work with two amazing people and we are constantly working on new flavours. We strive to get our hands on the best flavours and then work until we get the combinations just right. We look for flavour combinations that are different to what you will find anywhere else.

I’m a vape store wanting to stock your e-liquids. What are the next steps to make this happen? Is there a lead-time, from making an enquiry, to having your tasty e-liquids in my store? If you are located in the UK, you should reach out to House of Vapes London at:

Rope Cut is making great in-roads in the global market. It is keen to explore the UK market and make worthwhile connections. How would you best describe Rope Cut in three words, so people can get an idea of what you’re about? They are our official

ALL WEATHER VAPE! Vape enthusiasts in

with a wholesale account or direct you to your

general have a tendency to move from one

nearest distributor. We carry inventory at all

flavour to the next. In this market, if you are

times to make this quick and easy, no matter

into strawberries and cream, you can get

where you are in the world.

distributor in the UK. Lead time and turnover are quick; they have an awesome team that are ready to answer your enquiries and get you some Rope Cut e-liquid asap. If you are outside the UK, you can reach us as info@ and we will either set you up

your hands on a new flavour every day of the year. In premium tobaccos, your choices are limited. I intended on creating a line that could be enjoyed every day of the year. Our line is targeted to a returning, loyal customer that wants something they can stick to. So we’ve made your all day vape an all weather vape.

38 - ROPE Cut

Vaping has really taken off in Canada. How would you describe the vaping scene over there? It has taken off indeed, but not without restrictions. Importing nicotine into the country is still illegal, making the market a very local one. This is actually a positive for us,

international brands coming into the country.

How do you want people to feel when they’re vaping Rope Cut e-liquids?

Other than this, there are other restrictions

First, they should feel good because they are

that vary depending on the province, such

not smoking cigarettes. Imagine how you

as not being allowed to vape indoors in

feel when you finally find the perfect pairing

some places. The vaping scene is a tight knit

to go with your morning cup of coffee, that’s

community where most vapers like to support

how Skipper feels. Now imagine finding the

local brands.

perfect pairing to go with your favourite drink

because we do not get flooded with tons of

at the pub, that’s how Dark Thirty feels.

Where do you want to be in five years’ time? Five years is a long time in this industry. We’ve been in the business for nearly three years and things have already changed drastically. I hope that with new legislations put in place, we will be able to keep helping people quit smoking and that Rope Cut will be THE reference for premium tobacco flavours.

What is your favourite thing about working in the vaping industry? What do you think of the UK vaping scene and how does it compare to the Canadian market? How do you think Rope Cut can add to the already eclectic mix?

The fact that we are working in an industry that is so quickly growing. There aren’t very many other industries like this. The vaping industry has allowed me to build my own business and work for myself. I love that we

We’ve only been to one UK show so far and

can take the brand in the direction that we

we loved our experience. The people in the

want it to go. Compared to so many other

UK vaping scene were extremely nice and

industries, it would be much harder to start

welcoming. One big difference we noticed

your own successful business and come so far

was the yelling and “team free shit” at the

so fast. Lastly, there is no greater satisfaction

stage. We don’t have much of that in Canada

than going to work and knowing you are

anymore. Generally speaking, a full brand

helping better someone’s health and life.

solely focused on premium tobacco is a rare find anywhere in the world and I think Rope

To find out more about Rope Cut, or make

Cut is something that can stand out in any

wholesale enquiries, go to website www.

vaping scene. or email now.

ROPE Cut - 39

Vape store sPotlight: Ice Nine, Nottingham

hard-sell to customers. We will always give honest impartial advice on anything we sell.

Ice Nine is a cool and quirky store nestled in Goose Gate, Nottingham. Selling unique urban gear and gothic jewellery, it just so happens to sell vape products too. It’s an interesting development and recurring trend we’re seeing, where non-vape stores are flexing their entrepreneurial muscle and stocking vape products to cater to the growing vaping community. The store opened in 1979 and has been a Nottingham landmark since. VapeLyfe Magazine caught up with Marc, buyer at Ice Nice to chat about the vaping industry, the best thing about his job, and what he’s vaping at the moment.

When and why did you start stocking vaping products? We have been stocking e-cigs and vaping products since 2011. This was back when they looked like cigarettes and only gave, shall we say “modest” vapour production.

What is the best thing about your job? The varied stock we sell attracts a varied clientele, which makes the shop an interesting place to be. That coupled with the relaxed atmosphere makes Ice Nine a great place to work.

What is so great about Ice Nine?

How do you think the vaping industry has changed since Ice Nine started stocking vape goods? The market has certainly expanded. In fact, I’d say it has grown exponentially since we first started, from a purely smoking cessation market, to a much more

We have a constantly changing selection of e-liquids.

lifestyle-orientated one which we have today. The

Although we don’t have a full shop dedicated to

boom in e-liquids has also made it fantastic for the

vaping, it means I can vary our stock on a much more

consumer. Everyone can find a flavour they love.

regular basis than a lot of other stores. We also never

42- Ice Nine

Where do you see the vaping industry in 10 years’ time?

Are there any upcoming juices which you’re excited about?

Hopefully it will continue to grow, as it’s great that

Glory Glaze by Cheap Thrills is really good. It is, in my

there is now a safer alternative to smoking. How the

opinion, the nicest I have ever tasted. The flavour of

new TPD regulations will affect the industry, only

sweet blueberry doughnut is really quite amazing.

time will tell. It would be a shame if it had a negative effect, but I’m sure that we will always find a way to continue vaping!

What are you vaping at the moment?

What mods are hot right now? Is there anything you can recommend that’s good value for money? The new pen style vapes from Smok such as the Vape

I am currently vaping Dinner Lady’s Strawberry

Pen 22 (£22.50) offer fantastic vapour production and

Custard through my Smok Alien with Cloud Beast

flavour in a nice compact format. I’d say this is great

tank. It’s bloody lovely!

for people new to vaping. The new Smok Stick V8 (£45.00) features a new Smok Big Baby Beast tank which creates massive clouds and awesome flavour, which will no doubt satisfy most cloud-chasers.

Have you been to Ice Nine? To find out more about this very cool shop, or stock up on your supplies, head on over to or call 0115 958 0786 now.

Ice Nine -43

My Vaping Journey: David McGinlay

Did you do any research on vaping? Not really, but I had noticed a lot of people using these devices. I was desperate to quit cigarettes, but couldn’t. What did you start off with? Hardware

It takes courage and usually a good deal

and e-liquid names (plus nicotine content)

of introspection to quit smoking. It feels a


little easier to read about someone in the

I started on the Eleaf iStick, and it’s a device I

same boat as you, and the difficulties they

still use. I use Utopia Liquid (Ice mint), grade

face when quitting smoking. Which is why


VapeLyfe Magazine wants to applaud those on their journey to quit smoking, whilst

How did you find the transition from

providing hope to those battling their

tobacco to e-cigarettes?

smoking addiction.

The first drag caused me to cough a bit but after that I have had no issues whatsoever. I

Every issue we will feature the journey of a

wish I had tried it earlier. I have not coughed

vaper, providing an insightful look into how


they are coping, and hopefully flourishing without cigarettes. VapeLyfe Magazine

How often do you vape now?

spoke to David McGinlay, a sales manager

I haven’t properly counted, but I probably use

from Knaresborough about why he took up

it three to four times an hour, and two drags is

vaping. If you feel this story strikes a chord

the most I have. A cigarette took much more

with you, please Tweet us @VapeLyfeMag1

time to smoke, which always felt longer when

with your comments, we’d love to hear from

standing outside in bad weather. I spend a


few seconds outside now, which is a great improvement.

We understand you’re an ex-smoker. How many did you smoke a day and for how long?

Where do you go to buy your vaping

I smoked 20 per day for over 40 years.

supplies? If you buy online, what is your goto website? Or if in-store, which is your local

What was the key factor to prompt you to

vape shop?

start vaping?

I always go to my local vape shop in

I met a friend who had decide to quit

Harrogate, you can’t beat it.

cigarettes and start vaping. He told me that he enjoyed it as opposed to hating cigarette

What do you think about the rising

smoking. I identified with this, so I bought one

popularity of vape lounges and bars? Are

the next day and have never touched another

there any that you’d recommend?

cigarette since.

I have never tried these places (yet), I still feel a little uncomfortable smoking inside.

44- My Vaping Journey

However, I do use my device at home and in

What is the vaping scene like in North

the car. There is no smell and my family have


no objections (miraculously).

It is very popular and I see a lot of people vaping. There are at least three shops in my

E-liquid subscription boxes (where you’re

small town and various outlets in Harrogate.

sent a selection of e-liquids each month)

It’s all the rage with all ages.

are seen by some as a cool vaping gift. How would you feel if you were given a

Where do you think the vaping industry will

subscription box of e-liquids? Would you

be in 5 years’ time?

consider gifting an e-liquid subscription box

I can only see growth, provided the

to any friends who vape?

government doesn’t find a way of taxing it to

I am not sure to be

the same levels as tobacco.

honest. I like to stick to

You know what happens,

what I know. I did try

once it become mainstream

another brand of liquid

HMRC will find a way.

(4 bottles) and my eye lids became very itchy

What advice would you give

and dry. It could be

to someone who wanted to

coincidence, but as

give up smoking?

soon as I went back to

Buy a decent device, with a

my original brand, my

flavour you like. Don’t buy a

eyes cleared up.

cheap device (£10 -£20) as there is a chance you will

What is your favourite

discard it for cigarettes. Buy

e-liquid flavour?

something £50 and above. It

Ice Mint.

will pay for itself in less than two weeks and it will give you

What do friends and family think of you

control of how you vape. Oh, and don’t waste


a minute… just do it.

I have had no objections. None of my family or friends smoke and they are happy that I no

Has vaping changed your life? Whether

longer smoke cigarettes.

you’re a new or seasoned vaper, we’d love to hear about your vaping journey. You could

How would you describe your vaping

have just bought your first starter kit, or have


been vaping for the past five years – we want

It is a very easy way to quit cigarettes and I

to know. Please email info@vapelyfemag.

actually enjoy vaping as opposed to smoking. now with #MyVapingJourney in

It is one of the best decisions I have ever

the subject heading, with a chance to be


featured in the magazine.

My Vaping Journey -45


is damaging to vapers at all levels, especially to potential vapers who may have been researching methods of quitting smoking.

Esteemed journal publishes embarrassing vaping study littered with errors

Instead, they find fearmongering articles putting them off making the vaping switch. Not only is this questionable reporting irresponsible, but unethical too. The report in question was published in the

In the era of post-truth politics and fake news,

journal of the American Society of Plastic

it has never been more important to sift truth

Surgeons (ASPS), and warns of the risk of

from lazy lies. Those who spread untruths

complications post-plastic surgery.

need to be held accountable, because through casual reporting, news organisations

Researchers and ASPS members Dr Peter

are effectively impacting hundreds of lives.

Taub and Dr Alan Matarasso said: ‘Based

One of the news stories doing the rounds, is

on our current best knowledge, it seems

that e-cigarettes drastically increase the risk

reasonable to advise plastic surgery

of complications after plastic surgery. This

candidates to cease e-cigarette use in

claim appeared in a report picked up by the

a manner similar to what is advised for

Daily Mail. It is just another example of vaping


being lambasted, with lack of scientific evidence to back up dubious claims.

The paper and press statement is fundamentally flawed and misquotes

Cosmetic surgery remains popular. As

references. As pointed out by Dr Farsalinos, a

the topic of cosmetic surgery gains more

cardiologist performing clinical and laboratory

column inches, so do potential talking points

research on e-cigarettes, the journal of the

surrounding this subject. The Daily Mail story

ASPS should retract both aforementioned

46- NEWS

paper and press release to avoid the risk of



It is a terrifying trend to see academics make

Dr Farsalinos said: “The paper is a meaningless review of laboratory studies on nicotine, in many cases irrelevant to plastic surgery, with a total confusion between nicotine and smoking. For example, a section titled ‘Mechanism of action of nicotine’ states: ‘In

sweeping judgments ignoring the devastating

humans, the ameliorating effects of cessation

lack of evidence. Now more than ever is the

are supported by Level I evidence suggesting

time to be wary of news establishments

that the optimal duration of pre-operative

pushing certain agendas. We must question

cessation is 4 weeks or longer.’ In case you

the veracity of stories and wherever possible,

missed it, they do not refer to cessation of

report, question and hold accountable those

nicotine but to cessation of smoking!

who publish such tales.

“It gets even worse. In the same section, this

If you have heard of any questionable news

follows: ‘Numerous complications following

stories, do let us know by emailing info@

surgery have been related to nicotine. The now with ‘QUESTIONABLE

cause is thought to be the presence of

NEWS’ in the subject header, and it may be

reactive oxygen species in cigarette smoke.’

included in an upcoming issue of VapeLyfe

Does this make sense to anyone? In case


you don’t believe that a respected journal could ever allow such statements pass the peer-review process, get published and be accompanied by a press statement, please go to page 1063e of the pdf file report to read it

NEWS - 47


The news outlet has been consistently under fire by researchers, scientists and

CNN bolsters US Surgeon General report packed with alternative facts Fake news strikes the vaping industry again and this time it’s being perpetuated by mainstream media giants CNN. Back in December 2016 CNN reported that US Surgeon General Dr. Murthy had released a report in which he claimed that use of electronic cigarettes amongst high school students had increased by 900% between 2011 – 2015. Murthy said: “These products are now the most commonly used form of tobacco among youth in the United States, surpassing conventional tobacco products, including cigarettes, cigars, chewing tobacco and hookahs.”

48- NEWS

activists from different industries for their gaffes when it comes to reporting the news accurately. The article which can be found on their website is loaded with misinformation and scare tactics that have often been employed to scare people out of using vaping as a smoking cessation method. There are several alarming claims in the article, most notably the assertion that there has been an increase of 900% in the use of electronic cigarettes in school children. The report doesn’t take into account whether a teen tried an e-liquid with or without nicotine, if they’re a daily user, an occasional user, or just a teen who tried vaping once.

The article also went on to quote Tyra Nicolay, a 16-year tobacco control advocate and former vaper who said: “I loved trying flavors, there are over 7,000 e-cigarette flavors.”

SmartDrugSmarts, a podcast that focuses on She added that she did not know they could

smart drugs says: “It [nicotine] increases focus

be addictive. There is no mention here, or

and alertness, helps sustain attention, and de-

reference to what kind of e-liquid she had

creases distractibility. It also controls hunger

used, or how much nicotine it contained. In

and reduces pain. Researchers are even look-

fact, no information is known about her other

ing into therapeutic uses for nicotine in the

than what the article deemed necessary for

fight against dementia and Alzheimer’s.”

its biased reporting. Totally lacking in balance, it is unlikely to Dr. Murthy continually glazes over many

bother CNN or the US Surgeon General for

recent studies that show vaping to be

that matter as the amount of political money

95% less harmful than smoking. He also

backing the anti-vaping movement is huge,

continues to classify vaping products as

most of it coming from big tobacco and

tobacco products because of the presence


of nicotine in e-liquids, with no distinction between the actual chemicals in tobacco

The Rebel, an independent media source

which actually make it addictive.

that discusses fake news, first reported the CNN piece with their journalist Holly Nicholas

It is interesting to note, that having

saying: “This has nothing to do with public

discussed the potential harmful effects of

safety, and everything to do with self-interest.

nicotine to young brains, there is no mention

What they’re doing, either knowingly or not,

in the article that some scientists and

works to prevent people from opting for a

researchers are now looking into the positive

healthier alternative to smoking.”

effects of nicotine.

NEWS -49

News BRITS SWITCH TO VAPING FASTER THAN ANYONE IN EUROPE Yes it’s true… the British are taking up

Studies and reports from the likes of Public

electronic cigarettes in a bid to stop smoking

Health England and the Royal College

quicker than any other country in Europe.

of Physicians are seen to suggest that

We’ve had the TPD imposed upon our

e-cigarettes can serve as a safer alternative to

vaping industry, countless negative articles

smoking and a way to successfully stop.

in the press damning vaping and electronic

Earlier in 2016, a landmark report from the

cigarettes, not to mention fake news, and still

Royal College of Physicians found e-cigarettes

we switch to vaping.

are not a gateway to traditional smoking and should be widely promoted as a substitute to

According to new research by Ernst &


Young, since 2013 one person switched from cigarettes to vaping every four minutes in the

To add to this, a study by Public Health

UK. Now in 2017 a total of 4.2% of adults vape,

England found e-cigarettes were 95% less

by contrast just over 3% of adults who use

harmful than combustible cigarettes. The

electronic cigarettes in France.

British Medical Journal (BMJ) have also said that the growth of electronic cigarettes in

Health benefits and saving money have been

England has been associated with a higher

said to be the driving force behind the uptake

rate of successful attempts to stop smoking.

and the rate at which adults’ switch from

In 2015, e-cigarettes may have resulted in

smoking to vaping.

18,000 people becoming long term tobacco quitters.

Kingsley Wheaton, managing director for Next Generation Products, at British American

The BMJ study is the latest in a line of

Tobacco said: “The UK has one of the most

research to come out in favour of e-cigarettes

progressive regulatory environments for

when compared to traditional cigarettes. This

e-cigarettes and that’s reflected in consumer

is because of the huge benefits to the public

uptake and category growth.”

health burden that could emerge from a mass take-up of vaping.

This comes despite the TPD, which was passed in October 2016 and comes in to force

The EU Tobacco Products Directive and the

in May 2017, banning the advertising of vaping

FDA Deeming Regulations in the United

products to consumers.

States have both placed restrictions on vaping products, yet the body of scientific evidence

So where do potential vapers get their

in favour of e-cigarettes is growing. Surely

information from regarding the safety of

that sends mixed messages to smokers and

electronic cigarettes?

potential vapers, however we continue to switch!

50- NEWS


Professor Bauld flies vaping flag Negative news stories abound in the vaping industry. Although, as mentioned in an earlier news piece, Brits are switching to vaping faster than our European counterparts, public opinion about e-cigarettes remains divided. From exploding devices to an upsurge in teens vaping (unsubstantiated of course), the public cannot be blamed for being confused. Anti-vaping reporting for the most part is factfree and biased, which is why we commend Professor Linda Bauld’s recent column in The Guardian for reiterating her belief that e-cigarettes are far safer than smoking. Writing in retrospect, Professor Bauld reviewed anti-vaping headlines over the past year. She concluded that due to the effect of negative press year on year, more people today believe that vaping and smoking are as harmful as each other. In 2013, less than one out of ten British adults thought vaping and smoking were equally harmful; now, this number has spiked to one out of four. Who is to blame? Poor science and incorrect or biased reporting plays a huge part. We can challenge public perception by referencing studies and reports by established bodies such as Public Health England (PHE) and the Royal College of Physicians (RCP). This is exactly what Professor Bauld did, as she stated: “There is now very strong evidence, from a range of studies, that vaping is far less risky than smoking cigarettes. This body of evidence was brought together by the RCP who published an authoritative report analysing dozens of studies and concluded that the hazard to health arising from long-term vapour inhalation from e-cigarettes is unlikely to exceed 5% of the harm from smoking tobacco.”

Professor Bauld took her pro-vaping argument further, by referencing a doctors’ organisation. This is the Royal College of General Practitioners (RCGP), who have recognised the benefits of e-cigarettes over smoking, and have sided with the pro-vaping camp. The RCGP encourage smokers looking to quit tobacco cigarettes, to use e-cigarettes and Nicotine Replacement Therapy (NRT). Many public health bodies and health charities champion the use of e-cigarettes and NRT over smoking, because they have a crucial part to play in tobacco control. There were two reports that drew rightful reproach from Professor Bauld. Firstly, the World Health Organisation (WHO) released a report detailing severe e-cigarette regulation for signatory countries of the Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (FCTC). Harsh measures including banning, restricting distribution, advertising and sale of e-cigarettes, were roundly criticised by the UK Centre for Tobacco and Alcohol Studies. The second report by the US Surgeon General, as mentioned in an earlier news story was flawed. Although some science used was correct, it inaccurately grouped e-cigarettes with tobacco products, and supported a range of policies that may put off smokers making the switch to vaping. Professor Bauld believes that vaping, which provides a safer alternative to smoking, saves lives. She believes we should face negative news stories head on, and by opening up channels of honest communication, we can have an open debate on the benefits of vaping over smoking.

NEWS - 51

Keep the pressure on with TPD letter “If you wanted to sabotage a product, and add to the cost of producing that product, and limit the scope of competition of that product, and drive out business and small producers, it is hard to see how more an effective job can be done, in respect to the regulations that apply to electronic cigarettes.” Lord Forsyth After the referendum on Thursday 23 June

Harsh TPD regulations continue to apply. We

2016, the UK voted to leave the European

couldn’t agree more with former Tory cabinet

Union. Although we voted Brexit, extricating

minister Lord Forsyth, whose scathing speech

ourselves from the EU could take years.

to peers during a TPD debate last year drove

We have after all, been members of the EU

home the fact that there was no logic in the

since 1973. Much like a divorce which can be

TPD regulations.

messy, a mammoth task lies ahead, as our government will sift through laws that the UK

Once we have exited the EU, we will have a

will choose to continue to implement.

more transparent government where we’ll be able to hold ministers to account. We live in

Article 50 of the Lisbon Treaty has yet to be

hope that our government will come to re-

triggered, which is the official precursor for

evaluate the TPD and its effect on businesses

the UK to leave the EU. Prime Minister May

and knock on effects on livelihoods across the

intends to kick-start the leave process by the


end of March 2017, giving the UK two years to agree terms of the break-up. The UK is

Yes, it may be years before we leave the EU,

expected to leave the EU by 2019. Even then,

but this only gives us time to educate and

this process may be delayed by an additional

inform those in power. We urge you to sign

four years, as the UK hammers out a deal with

and share the following letter. Address it to

the remaining 27 national parliaments in the

your MP, and continue to keep the pressure


on. It takes time to forge a movement, and we feel very strongly about this.

As it stands, we are still part of the European Union until the UK stops being a member.

The fight isn’t over yet. We’re in it for the long

Until then, the UK will continue to live by EU

haul. Are you?

laws, the only difference being that it will not be included in any EU decision-making.

52 - TPD Letter

Dear ____________________________ I am an ex-smoker. I use electronic cigarettes, and to date, they have been the most effective method for smoking cessation I have found. I purchase my supplies from _________ a small shop in _______________ and I understand that a new form of legislation (TPD) will be affecting this small business drastically. I would like you to reply to the following questions please. Have you read the Tobacco Products Directive in full? Do you know how it will affect electronic cigarettes? Why are electronic cigarettes included in the TPD when there is NO tobacco in them whatsoever? Why are e-liquid strengths being limited to no more than 2mg of nicotine per 100ml e-liquid? Why are electronic cigarettes being restricted when the 2015 Public Health England study concluded that e-cigarettes are 95% less harmful than smoking? Vaping comes at no cost to the NHS, unlike current nicotine replacement therapy (NRT). Are you aware that there are at least 4 electronic cigarette shops in your constituency? Why have you not visited any of these shops to find out how the TPD will affect their livelihood? Why should the UK adhere to the draconian TPD legislation from Europe, when we are in the process of leaving the EU? I am not in favor of this directive and as such, feel I must make you aware. I am not alone and expect you as my representative in government to address this issue and reply forthwith. I feel that this is ruining an industry that promotes a safer alternative to smoking and that the research that has been done regarding electronic cigarettes and their relation to this directive is unscientific, unfounded and inaccurate. I believe the government has the tobacco industry’s interests at heart rather than the people it represents. This is wrong, and as my representative, I would like answers from yourself regarding the queries above. I await your reply. Sincerely _______________________________ _______________________________

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Reviews We have a review price list; if you’d like your products reviewed, please email using hashtag #ReviewRequest in the subject heading. Each product is allocated to a member of our review team, who will dedicate time getting to know your product (2 days for an e-liquid, 7 days for an atty or mod). For this reason, we cannot do last minute reviews, as we don’t think you can get a clear picture after just a few puffs. Please note – we only give honest reviews. If you’ve paid for a review and we think the product is good or bad (we prefer good, because it’s not fun vaping crap), we will say it how it is. Please don’t take offence by this, we just really value truth and integrity. You will be notified of a publication date, which is usually within 1 month from the review date.

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