APR | MAY 2017
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NNA - Cotton & Cable Reviews - TPD Vape Nation Exclusive - Clone Wars
issue 03
Editors’ Letter Hi all, Welcome to the third issue and bumper Easter edition of our magazine, we hope you’re having an awesome April. As it’s Easter, VapeLyfe Magazine have an exclusive Easter treat lined up just for our readers. We’ve hooked up with the cool people at Cotton & Cable for an egg-cellent offer that you’ll be hopping mad to miss. Get Cotton & Cable e-liquids for less than half price; at just £6 (RRP £14.99), that’s a whopping 60% off in their pre-TPD sale. All you have to do is use discount VapeLyfe6 during online checkout to get your hands on the delicious range with flavours including Hot Cross Bun, Eton Mess, Fruit Fool, Custard Tart, and Baked Apple. Don’t just take our word for it, Cotton & Cable’s capsule collection is creating waves in the industry and garnering glowing reviews across the world. Head Reviewer at VapeLyfe Magazine Tony Open_Airflow gave top marks for one of Cotton and Cable’s flavour profiles – to find out which one, you’ll just have to read his review. This issue is packed with fun and informative articles, including an excellent follow-up commentary by Paul Barnes, Trustee at New Nicotine Alliance on what Brexit and the TPD means for vapers. We are thrilled to welcome Paul as a regular contributor to VapeLyfe Magazine. We get to know a little bit more about Paul and the NNA (it would be rude not to) in the article about what the NNA stand for and their operating principles. We speak with Vape Nation in an exclusive Q&A, we have the final instalment from the Vaping Pogonophile’s journey, and last but definitely not the least, read Open_Airflow’s Cotton & Cable reviews and his proauthentic article, Clone Wars. We really want to give away some fantastic prizes, so be sure to check out our competition online. If you dig handchecks as much as we do, then get clicking and do a handcheck VapeLyfe style. If you do contact advertisers featured in this magazine, we’d really appreciate if you could mention where you heard about them. It lets us know that we’re doing our job properly. Our next issue is released in June which is the first of two exciting summer editions. Anticipate reviews of summery e-liquids and hardware reviews of the latest mods. We also have hard-hitting features including an analysis of advertising in both the smoking and vaping industry, and how it has changed over the years. To those of you who have stumbled across our magazine just now – welcome. Here’s the link to our second issue, in case you missed it the first time round. See you all soon and have a great Easter. Team VapeLyfe Cover Photo: Open_Flow
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Disclaimer VapeLyfe Magazine is a trade publication intended for those who work in the e-cigarette industry. You must be a professional in the vaping business and be over 18 years old to view this magazine. Every care is taken for this magazine to reach its target audience of vape industry professionals. We also make every effort to publish material that is accurate and error-free. We accept zero responsibility for claims made by manufacturers, suppliers, distributors or advertisers. Copyright 2016. All rights reserved. No parts of this magazine can be reproduced without written consent of VapeLyfe Magazine.
contents - 3
30,000 strong Facebook group makes Vape Nation one of world’s largest vaping families
group would be gigantic? I should say were nearing 31,000 as we speak. We always hoped it would grow and be a great group, and personally, my expectations have been exceeded. I love the group!
billion? Social media is engrained in our lives. It can
Social media can be quite daunting, perhaps sometimes scary. How did you feel after writing your very first post in the Facebook group?
be the simultaneous source of great comfort and
Personally, I felt okay about it just because of how
Did you know there’s an eye-watering 2.3 billion active social media users, from a population of 7.3
downright annoyance – who hasn’t experienced a friend gawking at their mobile instead of talking to you?
There are undoubtedly more positives, and social media can be a superb community hub, bringing people together to chat about common interests such as where’s the best place to buy a coil and swap tips about cloud-chasing.
VapeLyfe Magazine caught up with the powers that be, over at Vape Nation, a Facebook group with an impressive following. Here is what Luke Vandenberg, Admin from Vape Nation had to say about the group’s tight knit family following, how much data he gets through on his phone (ouch), and why he loves being a part of Vape Nation.
How long has Vape Nation been in operation? Since April of 2014, we’re nearly 3 years’ old.
Who are the original founders?
the group is set up. We like to think of ourselves as
Steve Robertson and his fiancée Stefanie Anderson.
one big family, and us admins stress that a lot within
They live in Lawton, Oklahoma and run a vape shop
the group as well.
called Native Smoke Signal Vapors.
Vape Nation has over 30,000 members and 14 admins. Did you ever think the reach of the
4 - Vape Nation
What is the best thing about the Vape Nation Facebook page? The fact we consider everyone family and we all help
one another. I’m not sure how other groups are run,
and make our personal profiles reach out as well.
but when I was a member, this group was my go-to every time I needed help. It still is!
I love how Vape Nation calls members of the group ‘family’. I think this is one of the coolest things about Vape Nation – you’re all friendly and the group has a real community vibe. What do you attribute the success of the group to, and how do you think you can reach more vapers and build on its success?
You’re connecting with vapers from all over the world. What message do you want to get out to them about vaping and e-cigarettes? I hope this group relays a positive message. That vapers aren’t obnoxious or hateful (granted every type of community will have some dummies who can’t act right) but they’re people who are battling addiction of all types, who ultimately want a better life for themselves.
Being on social media is addictive. How much time do you spend on the Vape Nation Facebook page? How do you “switch off”? I personally chew through 20-25 gigabytes of data on my phone per month. Being an admin is like having another part time job, but it’s definitely worth it, if you can help change lives! My switch off, is bed or work, ha ha!
What are you vaping at the moment? Right now, I’m currently vaping Pope Juice Deacons Donut on a Smok Alien with a Buddha Z V3, Alien coils inside at .24 ohms.
What next for Vape Nation? Are there any projects you / the admins are working on? Couldn’t really tell what’s next for us, whatever idea comes to mind. We give it a go if all the admins agree with it being a good idea. Were currently doing a 20,000-member giveaway, (10 The success of the group comes from both the
winners, TONS of prizes have been won so far) but
members and admins. If us admins come in with
after this, we have no idea. Just let the group grow
a bad attitude, it’ll reflect on the members, but at
for now!
the same time, we also have to keep the rude and obnoxious people out. The admin panel can’t catch all of that, so we have members tag us. It’s all a team effort here. As far as reaching out, I personally direct other vapers to our page. We share the group often,
If you’d like to know more about Vape Nation, check out their Facebook page and join the Vape Nation Family.
Vape Nation - 5
Buy an advert in Issue 4 and receive
30% off
an advert in Issue 5
(Applies to all sized adverts and combinations)
Show off your mod in VapeLyfe Magazine handcheck style. TWEET your pics to @VapeLyfemag1 with #vapelyfemaghandcheck and we’ll place the best ones in a future issue.
VapeLyfe Magazine Handcheck
VapeLyfe Mag Handcheck - 7
rexit + tpd B
What does Brexit and the TPD mean for UK Vaping Industry?
Paul Barnes is a Trustee at New Nicotine Alliance. Here, he explores the political landscape for vapers,
First of all, the UK hasn’t left the EU just yet. We are
and how the vaping community can still make a
still bound by all their directives and treaties while
difference by contesting harsh regulations of the
the European Court remains supreme over domestic
law whenever there is a legal conflict or uncertainty. Now that the Brexit Bill has received Royal Assent
June 24th 2016, a memorable morning for many
to become law, the Prime Minister has initiated the
people as the UK woke up to the news that voters
formal exit process.
have had enough of the EU. The UK was to leave the European Union. Whatever your stance on
Once Article 50 of the Lisbon Treaty is triggered, and
the Referendum, whether you favoured the UK
the exit process has begun, all existing EU legislation
remaining in the EU or leaving, the vote kick-started
and mandates will simultaneously be enshrined into
a host of shenanigans.
domestic law, for continuity purposes. Then, once enshrined in domestic law, UK ministers and civil
Uncertainty was, of course to be expected. No other
servants can then decide which bits they want to get
Member State has had, until now, the temerity to
shot of.
say “No!” to the EU - not successfully at least. More than 30 million UK voters, one of the largest voting
The Great Repeal Bill. Yippee-ki-yay.
turnouts in UK history, took the opportunity to make their voice heard and answer the question “Should
Everything the EU has ever passed is up for scrutiny,
the UK remain a member of the EU or leave the EU?”
including the Tobacco Products Directive. This is
with 17.4 million answering “Leave!”.
great news don’t you think?
There were many reasons for people to vote leave -
Well yes, and no. It does mean that throughout the
immigration, sovereignty, democracy, control.
exit process, and likely for a few years after the UK has officially left, the TPD - known in the UK statutes
Did vapers swing the vote?
as the “Tobacco and Related Products Regulations” - will still be in play. That means for the foreseeable
Many vapers voted to leave the EU, and many vapers
future, UK vendors will be obligated to only provide
voted to remain. It is fairly safe to say the split for
10 ml refill bottles at strengths no greater than
Leave versus Remain among vapers may be like
20mg/ml (18mg/ml in practice), complete with
the referendum result itself. The Tobacco Products
excessive warning labelling and leaflets.
Directive no doubt played a large part in their decision - among many other factors.
New devices will be stuck with a 2ml capacity, though there will likely be “extension kits” available,
So what happens now?
8 - TPD
a la Aspire Cleito. Vendors will have to notify new
products six months in advance of placing them on the market, along with paying the associated costs.
It is worth considering that the UK withdrawal
Innovation will slow to a crawl, or stop entirely. Some
from the EU will have other impacts on the
EU markets may dry up as bans on cross border and
vaping industry in the bloc. Not least of which,
internet sales come into effect.
the respectful and positive stance that the UK has adopted won’t matter a jot to the rest of the
A few among UK public health recognise how hurtful
EU Member States as they’ll still be bound by
Article 20 of the TPD is to UK vapers, though many
the Directive - in its many forms. So much for the
insist on a “cessation only” type route to market.
so-called “smoothing functioning of the internal
However, it may not be all sunshine and bunnies
should the UK decide to ditch the regulations for e-cigarettes completely.
While Brexit may be good for UK vaping long term - assuming the UK Government actually listens to
The UK wanted to regulate vaping as a medicine
vapers - in the short term we’ll be stuck with the TPD
- indeed, that was the UK Government’s policy
in its current form.
between 2010 and 2013, a decision that - amusingly - was reversed by the European Parliament, lobbied
Until we know what form the UK exit will look
for by vapers.
like, the TPD - among many other unnecessary EU regulations - will be with us, at least until two years
The actions of the UK prompted the EU to adopt a
after Article 50 has been triggered, and maybe a few
similar strategy when revising the existing Directive.
years longer. The good news is vapers can still make a
Much time was wasted overcoming fundamental
difference by demanding the regulations put forward
misunderstandings of the products meaning
for scrutiny and potential dismissal from the statute
there was no meaningful discussion on what the
regulation should look like. The final question then is: Thankfully, the hard work by UK vapers in recruiting public health and some tobacco control elements
What will replace it?
to be a voice for vapers in the halls of power has, in some instances, had a remarkable effect.
To find out more about Paul, and his work at NNA, please go to website http://nnalliance.org/nna-uk/
It is now unlikely that the UK will go back to the
board/14-trustees/99-paul-barnes now.
medicines only route however, re-drafting the legislation in favour of vapers may not be a priority for the Government, considering they’ll have their hands full with negotiating the exit and various trade deals. This could mean a revision of the regulations may not occur until the official Directive review date - five years after implementation - in 2021.
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FRIENDS 10 - Vape Meets
It’s Friday night and you’re indoors. It’s been a long week, and as you flop back on the couch, trusty vape in hand, you glance at your watch and wonder how the heck you’re going to spend your evening. Watching the Ideal Ohm Show? That was yesterday (and what a cracking episode it was). Gym? Hell no. As you crack open a beer and channel hop on TV using your remote control, you think how nice it would be to hang out with more like-minded people. You know, vapers who ‘get’ the scene and who dig custard tart flavoured vapes as much as you do. It’s increasingly difficult to make friends the older you get. A survey* suggests that after the age of 25, your friend circle will shrink. This is mainly due to people settling down to start families, growing children taking up chunks of time, friends simply drifting with the passage of time, or upon finding they have little in common. Wouldn’t it be refreshing to hang out with vapers who are into the same things you are? Well you can. With the rise and rise of vaping, there are a number of vaping meets and events across the country that are happening right now. Yup, there’s probably a vape meet going on RIGHT NOW, that you’re missing out on. If you’re feeling adventurous, there are a bunch of global expos that may fulfil your wanderlust too. But what actually happens at these vape meets and expos? Much like your wish, it’s a bunch of vape enthusiasts who get together to chill, blow deliciously fragrant clouds, swap vaping tips and just… be.
People attend vape meets for a number of different reasons. It may be to expand their social circle, and connect with fellow vapers. Vape meets could be a way of getting more information about vaping, especially if you’re a smoker looking to quit tobacco. Or, considering the kind caring soul that you are, you may even be doing some research and gathering information about vaping for a family member or friend who smokes. Apart from the social and informative aspect, vape meets can also be a life-line for those who feel isolated. These vape meets provide a safe place and may be part of the limited interaction with the outside world a person may have. The great thing about vape meets is that everyone is welcome. There is no dress-code, so you can you rock up in jeans and trainers, and no one will bat an eyelid. What are vape expos? Consider vape expos a step up from vape meets. Although they’re essentially the same thing, the expos are geared more to businesses looking to sell vaping products to consumers. Some even have a B2B day, solely for trade. The scale is also considerably larger for expos. Whereas vape meets are usually held at local vape stores or vape lounges, expo organisers hire out massive exhibition halls and warehouses to host their expos. Once at the meet, what do you do? Buy a drink, settle down and pull out your favourite vape. Play nice, because for the most part, vape meet organisers are taking the time and effort to host the meet, usually with little financial reward. They do it, just because they want to create a safe space for vapers, that is not like the cold outdoors that smokers face. Whatever your reason for wanting to attend a vape meet, rest assured you’ll be given a warm welcome. Have you attended a vape meet or expo? How did you find the experience? We’d love to know. Email us at info@ vapelyfemag.co.uk with #VapeMeet in the subject header and your quote may be featured.
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Vape Expos 2017 Here is a list of the main vape expos occurring this year. Some of these events have tie-ups with local hotels or B&Bs, who may offer vaping attendees a discount on their stay. If you are looking to attend any of these expos, do your research before you go. Check out their social media pages where organisers usually post up to date information about the expo. VapeLyfe Magazine cannot be held responsible for any changes in date or venue for these expos and encourage you to check information before you travel and commit to attendance.
April Shenzen eCig Expo, China, 14-16 April 2017
Held at Shenzen Convention & Exhibition Center, this is one of the leading expos in China. This year, they’ll be hosting their first Vapour Talent Show, to seek out the best vapers via competition. Expect this to be a fun, informative event with a competitive element as cloud-chasers descend on one of the wealthiest cities in China. VapeShow Moscow, 22-23 April 2017
Russia’s international vape industry exhibition will bring the vaping community e-cigarette producers and suppliers, who facilitate the active development of vaping culture. This expo includes a cloud contest, tricks battle, DJ sets and dance show. What’s not to like? Vapor Dynasty Expo, San Antonio, Texas, 28-30 April 2017
This is the fourth outing of VDE, which brings together thousands of business owners, exhibitors, and consumers to create one very passionate vaping crowd. Consumer weekend passes are available, including merchandise in the form of cool VDE logo emblazoned tee-shirts. VaporFair Frankfurt, Germany, 28-30 April 2017
This expo for vapers and those working in the vaping industry celebrates all things vape. With an expected turnout of over 20,000 visitors from all over the world, this is another heavy hitter on the vaping expo scene. Being held at Messe Frankfurt is a good sign, which is one of the world’s largest trade fair companies to accommodate large foot-fall.
May The Hall of Vape, Stuttgart, Germany, 6-7 May 2017
With over 150 exhibitors and 300 brands in 10,500 sqm, this expo set in Neue Messe is another busy expo in the European calendar. Limited information is available on the website, do check nearer to the time for more up to date information. National Vape Expo, Connecticut, US, 6-7 May 2017
The first expo by NVE is across the pond and builds on the organiser’s 15 years’ experience producing
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conventions in the US. This expo is keen on advocacy and the website indicates there will be presence from Smoke-Free Alternatives Trade Association (SFATA), NotBlowingSmoke.org and Consumer Advocates for Smoke-Free Alternatives Association (CASAA). With full day sessions across both days, the kind people at NVE have realised it may be a tiring weekend and will host a Vape Extravaganza After-Party at the Foxwoods Casino and Resort to blow off steam. Vapeshow Czech, Prague, 13-14 May 2017
The second of its kind, Vapeshow Czech is jam-packed with events throughout the day for businesses and consumers alike. Coil-building workshops, vape tricks, cloud contests, bloggers time, all topped off with a dance battle guarantees this to be another entertaining expo to earmark on your calendar. Vaper Expo (round 1), Birmingham, UK 26-28 May 2017
Otherwise known as The Big Weekend, this is one of the largest expos in Europe. Based at the NEC Birmingham, it kicked off just a few short years ago. Since 2015, the show has exploded, with visitors flocking from all over the world to see what the Vaper Expo Birmingham has to offer. Great for exhibitors, trade visitors and consumers alike, there is often a party atmosphere, with a healthy dose of advocacy thrown in keep everyone happy. VapItaly, Italy, 20-22 May 2017
Held at Veronafiere, this is VapItalyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s third outing. The focus is on businesses, which is why the organisers have doubled the exhibition space. With over 15,000 visitors expected, it is likely to be another busy expo. There are specific areas to conduct business meetings, plus entertainment for those wanting to take a breather from deal-making and who may just want to enjoy the expo.
June Vape Asia Tour, Shanghai, 2-4 June 2017
Information about this expo is limited. Do check out their website for future updates. Chengdu International Vape Expo, China, 23-25 June 2017
Boasting over 150 exhibitors and 10,000 visitors, this expoâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s organisers are one of the largest in China. Information about this expo is limited. Do check out their website for future updates.
July National Vape Expo, Ireland, 1-2 July 2017
The second expo hosted by NVE is in Ireland. Information about this expo is limited. Do check out their website for future updates. Vape Expo Shanghai, China, 14-16 July 2017
This expo welcomed over 37,000 visitors last year, making this another popular event on the expo diary. The
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large foot-fall is to be expected, as Shanghai is the most populous city in the world boasting a population of over 24 million. A hotbed of innovation and said to be the homeland of the first e-cigarette, this is one expo to keep an eye on, for a sneak peek at new products before they hit the market.
August VapeFest, Shrewsbury, 5-6 August 2017
If you love the outdoors, this one’s for you. Held in the rolling greenery of sunny Shropshire, you can take your vaping journey to the next level by rocking up in a tent or caravan. Set in The Greenhous Showground, you can switch off from hectic life and spend the weekend vaping in a 53 acre field, under the stars. There’s ample parking (accommodating over 2,000 cars), a covered bar area, over 100 toilets, plus stands and stalls for exhibitors raring to go for a weekend in the sun.
September VaperSlam, Charlotte, North Carolina, US, 22-25 September 2017
Also known as VapeMania, this dual-named expo is held at The Park Expo & Convention Center. With respected names from the industry in attendance including Crush2Vape and Wick n’ Coil, and talking heads from the advocacy sector, this expo is one that is quickly becoming a must visit on the vaping calendar.
October Vaper Expo, Birmingham, October 2017
Dates tbc (round 2). Same as the May outing, this is a follow-up to the summer expo. Shenzen International Vape Expo, China, 20-23 October, 2017
Information about this expo is limited. Do check out their website for future updates. VaporFair Berlin, 21-22 October 2017
Same information as VaporFair Frankfurt, this time round being based in the capital.
November Vape Slam, Manchester – date TBC
This event was rescheduled from last year. No confirmed date as yet, we’ll share information as it becomes available.
December VaporFair New York, 16-17 December 2017
Same information as VaporFair Frankfurt, this time round being based in New York. We’ll feature a list of vape meets in an upcoming issue, so do keep your eyes peeled for that. In the meantime, if you do get down to any of these vape expos, do let us know by Tweeting @VapeLyfeMag1 or emailing info@vapelyfemag.co.uk.
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BY OPEN_AIRFLOW Cotton & Cable’s Custard Tart is produced in the UK and comes in a child-proof bottle. The ingredients used for this e-liquid are produced in the USA and EU. The juice came in a 30ml bottle and the regular price is £14.99. Vapelyfe Magazine has hooked up with Cotton & Cable to offer readers a whopping 60% off. Use PromoCode ‘VapeLyfe6’ for an Easter promotion during online checkout to get your hands on a range of premium juices (hurry up guys and place your order). As I´m a custard enthusiast and I honestly have tried a lot of custard e-liquids, this is going to be a hard test for Cotton & Cables´ Custard Tart.
16 - Review
It´s not a smell it’s fragrance! When I opened the bottle, I expected what I´ve experienced before: An artificial and overpowering vanilla scent with a lot of sweetener which gives you headaches instantly. What I experienced when I opened the bottle surprised me — a lot. A discreet vanilla scent that was as authentic as it can get. Mixed with a delicious pastry base note that is just mixed perfectly and completes the whole picture I had in my head after taking a sniff. I felt like a little boy waiting for my mum getting that pastry tart ready for Sunday dinner. A warm custard tart right out of the oven whose fragrant aroma extends all over the house. Long story short – the e-liquid´s scent is just amazing. But what about the taste? I was still a sceptic at this point but at least it was a good start.
Custard Tart! I’ve tasted a lot of custard e-liquids as I mentioned before. But Cotton & Cable´s Custard Tart is something completely different. On the inhale, you get a creamy delicious custard mix with well-balanced vanilla at the end of the inhale. The flavours are natural with absolutely no artificial aftertaste. A delicious creamy feel wraps your tongue. I couldn’t detect a throat hit which I like a lot as it would distract from the great taste of the inhale. On the exhale the whole bandwith of flavours expands layer after layer upon your palate. A slight vanilla tang, followed by this delicious creamy custard and the amazing buttery pastry at the end leaves just enough space for a breeze of sugar dust on your taste-buds.
Conclusion I´m really amazed by the thickness and richness of this e-liquid. In my opinion, there is no other like it and I think that there is no better Custard Tart e-liquid on the market right now. Very well balanced, no artificial aftertaste and authentic, authentic, authentic flavours. Cotton & Cable created a winner, which is why their Custard Tart deserves this perfect score. Vape safe, vape on.
Star Rating: 10 / 10
Review - 17
Hot Cross Bun by Cotton & Cable: A Traditional Easter Vape Review BY OPEN_AIRFLOW Cotton & Cable´s e-liquids are manufactured in the UK. The company states that they only use the finest Swiss-made nicotine, pharmaceutical grade VG and PG and the best quality USA and EU flavourings. The juice came in a 30ml bottle with a child-proof fastener. I love the label design as well as the company´s logo. Every flavour has its own individual striped colour design which I think is nice to look at. Ever since I was a little boy, my mother baked delicious hot cross buns during this time of the year. So, let´s see if Cotton & Cable meet my expectations.
The scent When
the bottle, I took several I
instantly of
warm sweet tang of a hot cross bun. The cinnamon and bun aroma is strong in the fragrance, but I missed the currants completely.
this review isn’t just about the scent, so let´s take a vape.
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A hot cross bun vape The recipe of a hot cross bun contains cinnamon, currants, sugar, nutmeg, yeast and flour. The hot cross buns my mother used to make where topped with that delicious icing I loved to eat directly out of the bowl. Most of these ingredients are properly represented in this liquid. The inhale is dominated by cinnamon and the sweetness of sugar. Furthermore, a small trace of hot bun and currants is just about noticeable at the end of the inhale. My beloved icing was missing on the inhale but I was instantly reminded of hot cross buns I knew from the bakery. Something else popped into my head. Just a little interruption at this point: I knew this aroma from somewhere and I started sniffing through my e-juice collection. After 20 minutes feeling like a tracker dog looking for what was saved in my memory, I finally found the aroma in the doughnut section. I was staggered at that point but then I realized that the ingredients used for both recipes are similar. Let´s get back on track here. On the exhale the bun flavour expanded quite well on my tongue, accompanied by a slight currant and lemon note. The lemon tang hides well behind that bun flavour, but it is definitely there. Still no icing detectable. I wish that the currants would have been cultivated a little stronger at this point along with my beloved icing which was absent in my Cotton & Cable vape experience.
Conclusion In my opinion Cotton & Cable´s Hot Cross Bun is a pretty nice Easter vape. It portrays a hot cross bun nicely and fits just perfectly into the Easter season. Somehow I just can´t get rid of that doughnut taste. Maybe it´s just my corrupted memory but I would say that this was more of a “hot cross bun doughnut vape”. Apart from this, my oneword-rating is: Tasty. I´ll withdraw 2 points for the missing precision of the aroma, and that I could mistake the hot cross bun with a doughnut liquid. Vape safe, vape on.
Star Rating: 8 / 10
Review - 19
aping Etiquette Vape or not to vape – that is the question
Reading, walking and eating are just a few things that are as natural as breathing. You do it without thinking, because it’s a natural process. If you’re an e-cigarette user, then vaping is no doubt on your top five list of things that you do every day. You probably don’t even think about picking up your trusty e-cigarette and taking a puff, because it’s a part of your daily routine. But what if this natural, commonplace act carried out by over 2.8 million vapers in the UK, is frowned upon in public… what do you do? This has to be a question that has whizzed through the minds of many vapers, especially if they find themselves in an unfamiliar space where boundaries may not be known. Why is the public cautious at best, terrified at worst, by vaping? Much has to do with public perception, that underpins negative notions such as vaping is BAD, e-liquids contain anti-freeze and e-cigs can blow up in your face. To put it bluntly, the Tobacco Products Directive (TPD) hasn’t helped. Nor has the media. The TPD states: “An ‘electronic cigarette’ means a product that— (a) can be used for the consumption of nicotine-containing vapour via a mouth piece, or any component of that product, including a cartridge, a tank and the device without cartridge or tank (regardless of whether the product is disposable or refillable by means of a refill container
22- Vaping Etiquette
and a tank, or rechargeable with single use cartridges); and (b) is not a medicinal product or medical device.” There are three main problem with this (extra-long) sentence. Firstly, not all e-cigarettes use nicotine based e-liquids. Former smokers who have quit tobacco and have migrated into vaping, may have weaned themselves off nicotine to become nicotine-free. What they vape could be to satisfy a habit of the physical act of hand-to-mouth action to mimic smoking. Secondly, e-cigarettes should not be included with cigarettes under the TPD as they don’t contain any tobacco. Smoking is an activity that has both a clinical and law definition, and e-cigarette use does not meet the definition in either context. This gratuitous grouping together of e-cigarettes and traditional tobacco cigarettes is one of the key issues facing vapers and public health policy in the UK and beyond. Thirdly, e-cigarettes are not classified as medicinal products or medical devices, despite the fact that vaping is listed as an effective tool to stop smoking on the NHS website. With an increasing number of doctors voicing pro-vaping opinion, it is not difficult to envisage e-cigarettes becoming available on the NHS via prescription in the not too distant future. On the media front, just when it seems the tide is turning towards pro-vaping, negative news tips the balance in the other direction with stories of exploding e-cigarettes. These
stories centre around e-cigarettes stored incorrectly (usually in a pocketful of change), or that have been left to charge overnight and have overheated to cause a malfunction. The media does little to allay public fear choosing to stoke it instead. It is therefore rare that the true cause of human error in the cases of exploding e-cigarettes is ever publicly decried. Thank god for scientific studies, which fly in the face of these scaremongering tales. Public Health England’s report states that vaping is 95% safer than smoking. The Royal College of Physicians too have come out in favour of vaping, concluding that e-cigarettes are much safer than smoking, and are likely to be beneficial to UK public health. What can you do to help? Spread the vaping word. Don’t be militant about vaping (no one likes being bashed over the head with an ideology or product they don’t understand). Education is key. There are those of course who don’t want to listen, and that’s fine, because you can’t get everyone to understand. Where is it acceptable to vape? Celebrities vape in public. Leo DiCaprio famously puffed on his vape at the Screen Actors’ Guild Awards a few years’ ago. Yes he came in for some stick, but it put the ‘where is vaping acceptable’ debate firmly on the map. More recently Paul Doswell, football manager of Sutton United emerged as an unlikely vaping hero when he was photographed mid-match vaping from the touch line as he cheered on his team. So what do you do if you find yourself craving a vape in unfamiliar surroundings? It may appear disingenuous after lambasting the TPD for lumping smoking and vaping
together, but if you’re stuck about whether to vape, think about where a smoker would smoke and take your cue from there. We’re not saying vapers should share communal space with smokers – far from it. It is fundamentally detrimental to vapers really making an effort to quit smoking, to be surrounded by smoke from tobacco cigarettes. Just keep your eyes peeled for areas sectioned off especially for vapers, because they do exist. The UK is generally considered to be vapefriendly. Last year Public Health England empowered businesses by publishing new framework advice letting them take the lead on creating their own policies for the use of e-cigarettes on their premises. The idea was to support smokers wanting to quit, whilst managing risks specific to the environmental setting. E-cigarettes are a fairly new technology and because they’re not covered by smokefree laws, should not be included in the requirements of business smoke-free policy. Whether this advice on the PHE website is taken up by organisations, is another matter. As a general rule, avoid vaping where smoking is forbidden. Some bars and restaurants however do allow vaping, usually near the bar service area or in a sectioned off part to keep non-vapers separate. It is usually at the discretion of the owner whether vaping is allowed. It’s common courtesy and polite to establish boundaries so if in doubt, ask if there is a preferred area where you can vape. Are there any vape-friendly places that you can recommend? Email us with #VapeFriendly in the subject header at info@vapelyfemag.co.uk and we’ll give the place a shout-out.
Vaping EtiquetTe -23
The TPD has impacted thousands of lives, from vaping professionals in the business, to consumers who will feel the direct impact of rising costs and limited selection of products available in store. There are however a few silver linings to the TPD, namely the galvanising of grassroots action and giving vapers a much-needed voice. One such group is the New Nicotine Alliance (NNA), a London-based charity which recently celebrated its second birthday. We are proud to announce that Paul Barnes, Trustee at NNA will be writing for VapeLyfe Magazine. We only thought it fair to know more about him and the work he does at the NNA. Here is what Paul had to say about how the NNA came to be, the founding principles of this charity, and what makes his role so worthwhile.
Andy Morrison, NNA Trustee at the Glasgow School of Vape
24- NNA
The New Nicotine Alliance Who are they? What do they do? By Paul Barnes How to describe the NNA is, in short, difficult.
It hasn’t been an easy journey by any
Registered as a UK charity in February
stretch of the imagination! The reports
2015, our stated aim is to provide necessary
from Public Health England and the Royal
counterbalance and information in relation
College of Physicians are the culmination of
to the consumption of reduced risk nicotine
significant input to those respective bodies
products - e-cigarettes, snus, Heat not Burn,
from the NNA. The relaxed approach by
or any similar product.
the UK Government, and the medicines regulator - the MHRA - are due, in large part
Out of necessity, due in large part to the
to the evidence but also to the continued
Tobacco Products Directive, our early work
engagement with the NNA.
focussed solely on vaping and e-cigarettes. A large part of our work is to seek an effective
We aren’t the only organisation representing
regulatory environment for nicotine delivery
vaping and other nicotine use in the UK
devices which protects the public (i.e. safety)
(including snus or Heat not Burn), but we are
but also ensures availability of effective
the only consumer representatives. There’s
devices – hence this means from time to time
much expectation on us to do the right thing
we engage with policy-makers and regulatory
for consumers when we engage with policy
bodies, and comment on legislative and
makers and public health. Sadly, we don’t
policy issues.
always get everything we would like, but that doesn’t mean we stop trying!
The founding members of the NNA Professor Gerry Stimson and Paddy Costall
The hard work of the NNA did go largely
- together with six members of the public,
unnoticed early on. The original Trustees
all vapers; or specifically former-smokers
were simply too busy to write up their work.
engaged with members of Public Health
Don’t forget, the NNA Trustees are unpaid
England, the National Centre for Smoking
volunteers and end up having to balance our
Cessation Training, the National Institute of
daily lives - which for many of us includes
Health and Care Excellence and various other
a regular 9 to 5 job and family life - with
public health and tobacco control entities
our advocacy work. Whenever we can, we
in an effort to help them understand what
like to be a part of conferences, All Party
vaping is, and what it means for the public
Parliamentary Groups and other endeavours
who use the devices - not just as a means of
- but that does mean taking time away from
quitting smoking.
normal life.
NNA - 25
Thatâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s where I initially stepped in. Having somewhat more free time on my hands then the others, I offered to publish a regular newsletter to the NNA supporters. Being familiar with newsletters from my own day job, it made sense to offer my expertise to the NNA so that they could spend less time trying to write up their exploits and more time on getting the job done. The importance of communicating what the NNA does cannot be understated, especially as the organisation is now a regular commentator on news articles related to e-cigarettes, and more recently snus. Our supporters need to know what we are up to, and when necessary we can inform them of actions that they can do to help. When asked if I would join the Board of Trustees and become more involved in representing real people who happen to use a different form of nicotine delivery, I didnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t even have to think about it. Each Trustee brings a different skill set to the group, from public speaking, writing documentation and updating the website. Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s all done voluntarily.
26- NNA
It isn’t glamorous work. It is often disheartening to have the same conversations time and time again, but the work since the formation of the NNA has started to finally pay off. There’s still an incredibly long way to go and still much work needed to fully have the benefits of the various nicotine products e-cigarettes, snus, Heat not Burn, and the like - recognised, not just by public health as whole, but by the Government and the public. It’s a big, seemingly unending task but the NNA Trustees will continue to work for the benefit of many, not just current users of “new nicotine” products, but for those that may choose to use them in the future. We’re still a relatively young charity and we’re in a highly contested area, but that makes what we do all the more crucial. Every time the NNA engage with public health and policy makers, the consumers are represented not just as statistics, but as real people. “Nothing about us without us”.
NNA Trustee Lorien Jollye
NNA - 27
Clone Wars
Authentic vs. Clone Tanks BY OPEN_AIRFLOW We all browse the net or scour shops for new hardware. The vast number and differing characteristics of every single vaporiser on the market in terms of cloud production or taste development, makes it impossible for vapers to own just one tank or dripper. Every time I look for a new vaporiser, I stumble upon shops that offer clones at a much lower price than the authentic version. Temptation is enormous buying a clone, considering that you can save up to 80%. But are clones really worth their money? What are the differences and similarities when using a clone compared to the authentic piece? Let´s check it out.
What exactly is a clone?
device looks just like the original.
In a modern society, the term “clone” is well known and omnipresent in newspapers,
If a clone is well done it is very hard to
magazines and even in daily conversations about
distinguish between the authentic and the
movies or the news. We read and hear about
clone device. “Cloners” are getting better and
it quite often, mainly in context with genetic
better by the day, flooding the market with low
engineering. In any case, cloning is an issue
cost products.
that keeps entering the vaping community. To understand the whole picture, we need
A perfect clone is made to look, feel and
to understand what a clone is. A clone is an
function just as the real McCoy. If someone
identical unit or individual that derives from the
would give you their clone tank or dripper,
same ancestral line. Simply put it´s a perfect
you could not feel or see a difference when
using it. Even experts and experienced vapers sometimes cannot tell the difference on first
Oh yes, that’s a clone right?!
sight. Seems like a real bargain, right?
Clone tanks are a copy of the authentic version of a tank or dripper that cost up to 80% less than
By buying a clone I´d save hard cash and get
the original. And when I say copy, I mean copy.
a tank or dripper that is just like the more
Every edge, tiny engravings, post holes, the deck,
expensive original. Well I hate to disappoint
the airflow system, and every single screw of the
some people, but in the long run, a clone isn’t
28 - Clone Wars
a really good deal. I´ll tell you why a clone isn’t a
a clone. The descriptions include materials like
keeper in my opinion.
stainless steel or copper, but lack in telling the customer about the quality of materials used.
Innovation The vape industry is characterised by a fast-paced
Even cloners have to calculate their production costs
growth and rapid innovation. Every few months,
of their product. By reducing the quality of materials
designing companies introduce a new vaporiser
used, they can drop the finished product on the
to the market. Someone designed it and made his
market at a low price.
imagination of a tank reality. Someone sat there and designed a new deck, airflow system or other
And here´s the problem – a tank or dripper should
mechanisms on it and that’s the hardest part of
work right but it needs to be safe as well.
creating. Personally, I don’t want a clone tank break during So, innovation is the engine of the vape industry.
my vape, and I certainly don’t want the material to chip all over the place. Both can be an issue and by-
By buying an authentic device every single buyer
product of using low quality materials.
supports innovation, hence new products at a high level of quality being produced. You support the
Producing low cost devices and accessories
person who sat there for months, thinking about
concerning our treasured vape industry is absolutely
a new outline, or materials to be used in that new
fine. This provides low cost products and access to
piece of unique vape design.
this wonderful world of vaping for everyone. But
Authentic device designers vs. cloners
taking advantage of someone else´s efforts, creativity, love and passion that results in the creation of a
Before a new design is introduced to the market,
unique piece of vape design is definitely not alright.
several prototypes have to be built and tested. A
Not even close to alright, it´s just unethical.
costly series of steps needs to be completed before the product finally hits the shelves. The developing
Yes, buying a clone saves you money for that
company always takes the risk that the new product
particular moment. Yes, clones look and work
won´t be accepted by customers and becomes a
the same. But ultimately buying clones corrupts
innovation and thus the driving engine of the vaping industry.
Cloning manufacturers reverse design devices. This means that they disassemble an authentic device,
I´ll stick to the authentic products and support the
copy every piece of it and assemble the copied parts.
developing companies who take risks with every new
Voilà – clone is born.
model they introduce to the market. I know that
Same same but different
my individual purchase is just a microscopic small support, not even measurable on the company´s
Product descriptions of clones are not always as
balance sheet. But if everyone buys clones, soon
accurate as they should be. Especially when it comes
there won´t be anything new to clone.
to the materials the companies use to produce
Clone Wars- 29
Q&A: Addison Innovations VapeLyfe Magazine is keen on championing UK businesses and the wonderful work theyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re doing in the industry. We caught up with Addison Innovations, a family affair founded by brothers Liam and Jake Addison who are based in Louth, Lincolnshire. The dynamic duo started the company in August 2016 and have been working hard to create the brand that it is today. Addison Innovations consists of a team of four (including Rachel and Eric), that was created for their own original mechanical mods. They also own Salterson Alchemy, a sister brand under which falls the manufacture of their e-liquids. Find out what Addison Innovations had to say about their latest piece of kit, the magnificent AI Valkyrie, a sneak peek into their e-liquid creation method, and why subscription e-liquid gift boxes are an exciting way forward.
What was the reason behind trading as Addison Innovations and how did it come to be? Originally simply Salterson Alchemy, we
Alchemy. We love this unique, quirky name. What exactly does Salterson Alchemy mean?
switched up our name to reflect the fact
Salterson Alchemy quite simply is a
that we were a family owned business. Jake was the operational brains and Liam brought his design skills to the table. We wanted to bring high quality yet affordable products to what we felt was a gap in the market.
Addison Innovations is the inventive umbrella company that owns Salterson
30- AIV
blend of the two names Salter-Smith and Addison; a previous owner and the brothers. The end of the name, Alchemy, was inspired by medieval chemistry because when Jake first began to blend the flavours he thought he had discovered modern magic!
AI Valkyrie is a serious piece of kit. How long
Jake has been the main man behind the creation of our e-liquids. His process for creating our flavours takes two main routes. Sometimes heâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ll start by mixing and tasting, other times he will be inspired to create a particular flavour and take as many attempts as needed to get the perfect blend.
What are your bestsellers? Our best-selling flavours have to be Powerman; a fruity mango mix, and Harley Quinn our signature strawberry milkshake e-liquid.
How do you want customers to feel when they dive into AI / Salterson Alchemy vape-mail? We want our customers to feel satisfied with their vape mail. All of our products are tested in-house and only our favourites make it to the website.
did it take create? The Valkyrie took over six months from start to finish. Between bouncing off ideas, getting the initial design and testing samples it has been a long time coming. After three samples, we were happy with
Youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re online, meaning you can track exactly where your customer base is. Are there particular areas of the UK that form your core client base? What about outside the UK, do you ship beyond the UK? Our client base is UK-wide with loyal customers as far south as Cornwall and as far north as the Scottish Highlands.
the creation.
We are able to ship outside the UK and
You create your own e-liquids. What are your processes? Do you have flavourologists / mixologists, with amazing palates who create tasty e-liquids?
our new Canadian retailer.
recently struck up a friendship with
How do you think the vaping industry has changed since Addison Innovations
AIV - 31
started trading in 2016? Whilst we’re still a relatively young brand, we have been interested in the vape industry for years. We’ve seen vaping rise from being a simple way to quit smoking, to becoming a lifestyle with a global community. We aim to help others quit smoking too.
How do you think the TPD will impact upon the operation of Addison Innovations? The TPD did present us with some hurdles but we’ve managed to put systems in place that will ensure we are TPD compliant. Whilst this was a bit of an organisational nightmare we’re happy that in the long run this will benefit all Addison Innovations customers by regulating the industry.
In a post-TPD, post-Brexit world, it is difficult to know where vaping businesses will be. Where do you think the vaping industry will be in 10 years’ time? That’s a difficult question to answer. We’d like to think, and we hope, that the vaping industry will be bigger and stronger than ever. We’re proud to call ourselves a part of this community and we’ll do everything that we can to keep it alive. Salterson Alchemy in the future.
What do you think about monthly subscription gift boxes that offer customers a choice of some of their favourite vaping products?
What do you think of the UK’s vaping scene (i.e. expos / exhibitions around the country)? How do you think it can be improved?
This is something that we’ve used in the
We’re proud to be on the vaping scene
past. We love the idea of being able to
but we’d like to see things become more
sample new flavours every month without
inclusive for those people sitting on the
committing to buying a big bottle and it’s
fence between vaping and smoking or
something that we will be considering for
those who are still smoking full-time
32 - AIV
and looking at options to help them quit.
Liam is stuck on his old favourite Magicka
We know ourselves, that taking the first
which boasts a blend of berry and menthol
step isn’t easy but it’s always easier with
help and like-minded people guiding you through the confusion. For more information about Addison
What are you vaping at the moment?
Innovations and Salterson Alchemy, please
Jake is currently vaping Salterson
go to website www.aivapers.com now.
Alchemy’s upcoming flavour Jewel; an irresistibly sweet pink lemonade, whilst
AIV - 33
The Vapin g Pogonophil e the vaping pogonophile - 35
The Vaping Pogonophile is a vaping legend. This dapper dude has been creating waves in the vaping industry ever since he started writing about his two passions; vaping and beards. From former smoker to dedicated vaper, read about his inspirational vaping journey right here. Here is the third and final instalment, enjoy! I have found the best way to find good juice is
children in bed I could only go as far as the
surprise, surprise talk to fellow vapers. I looked
monitor would let me, just outside the back
for forums and found PlanetoftheVapes.
door to vape.
co.uk, a fantastic forum that gives so much information for anyone, starters and
My wife had for some time been writing a
experienced alike. It is quite a busy forum and
blog and suggested that maybe I do the
you can get lost for hours in all the threads.
same. My initial reaction was: “What have I
But, I did come across a thread with a list of
got to write about?” The response I heard was:
recommended vendors. Awesome I thought
“Why not write about your two loves at the
and a good place to start.
moment? Beards and Vaping?” And that was that.
I came across a company called Dripdropvapour.co.uk who sold a selection of
So I set about thinking about what I would
juices at really good prices, but they did need
do… what was I going to call myself? We
chatted about it and decided I was going to write about my love for vaping and my love
Steeping, this was a new thing for me, back
for beards. Someone who loves beards is a
to the trusty Google. Basically steeping is
pogonophile, so the Vaping Pogonophile
maturing the juice (like you do for wine).
was born! I went about creating the persona,
Letting the juice breathe and giving it a shake
creating Wordpress, Instagram, Twitter and
every couple of days and storing it in a dark
Facebook accounts making sure that it wasn’t
cupboard. I can do that! So I ordered some
already taken.
and found these juices were really good and they didn’t cost the earth.
In general, keeping beard and vaping posts separate I published a piece every Sunday
My wife and I had our second child last
launching through my social media accounts.
year and we decided that we would share
Week by week the views increased. It is a
the maternity. Great five months’ holiday, I
great feeling, writing something and then
thought! This was a full time job during the
seeing people interested in what I have to say.
day, as well as keeping the house in order
It was coasting along and most of all I was
and looking after a three year old daughter
enjoying it.
and ensuring she was happy too. However, I
This was about to change (not the enjoying
did find my evening free, but obviously with
bit). I decided that I would review the juices
36- the vaping pogonoPhile
that I was buying. Really it just started with
my beard posts.
wanting to add something different to my posts, but boy was I in for a surprise.
Through Twitter I found myself getting very much involved in a thriving vaping
I had written and posted about three reviews
community. Soon I started to meet other
of juices I had bought and then out of the
reviewers, a lot of whom were YouTube
blue I got a private message from a juice
reviewers. I then, started following and
watching their videos, where I watched some great people giving support and advice.
“I really like how you have done your reviews, if I send you some, would you do a review of our
Through meeting these reviewers it opened
my eyes to new juices, new companies and new hardware. Oh dear, yes new hardware, I
“Umm yes, of course”
suddenly found myself needing this, needing that, oh I must have that. Leading me to
I was really excited, I mean really REALLY
trying out Subohming again and this time I
excited… a juice company contacted me to do
had no troubles with it.
a review! Within a week I had another three companies contact me to do the same thing, which felt crazy. It has been something of a rollercoaster since then. Within eight weeks of starting I had over 500 followers on Twitter and 500 on Instagram. I did a giveaway, which happens a lot, pushing people to these accounts. A further three weeks down the line and I had hit 1000 followers on Twitter and I was around 700 followers on Instagram. As well as writing blogs and reviews, I was posting vaping and selfie pictures on my Instagram which were also getting a lot of interest. The most fascinating thing that I found, was that the beard community was just as interested in my vaping posts and the
I firstly bought the Aspire Pegasus 70W and
vaping community was just as interested in
the Aspire Triton2 which I had great joy with,
the vaping pogonophile - 37
especially with the Clapton 0.5ohm coils.
to get in, I heard a group of voices shouting
Then came the Aspire Cleito which was an
â&#x20AC;&#x153;Poggyâ&#x20AC;? (which seems to be my reviewer
amazing tank. I was truly in cloud heaven and
nickname) and it was a group of fellow
the flavours were sublime. I then went out
reviewers. It was really cool to be recognised
and got the Innokin Coolfire Plus, another
and to meet up with people whom I now call
great bit of kit.
friends as well as colleagues.
I was lucky enough to attend two vaping
When I went to Vaper Expo it was much of
events this year; VapeJam UK in London and
the same, but I was being recognised by
Vaper Expo UK in Birmingham. VapeJam
companies whom I had done reviews for or
was crazy and the first time I had attended
they had heard of me. I suppose in a way I
anything like it. As I stood outside waiting
was feeling a little famous, and that felt great.
38- the vaping pogonoPhile
Now my life has become rather full. I have two
SMOKE anymore. Vaping has made this
wonderful children under the age of four, a
possible and I would go as far to say, vaping
full time job and my reviewing/blogging. The
saved my life. For me it has become a hobby
reviewing has become full time in itself with
and I love it.
a queue of thirty companies waiting to be done. I have recently written two reviews for
In one respect I’ve gone full circle. My wife
a vaping magazine, which also is a fantastic
who doesn’t vape is again waiting for me
feeling to see something you wrote printed.
before going into shops, getting into the car
I now have over 2000 followers on Twitter,
and waiting while I go and vape out of the
1000 on Instagram and I’m getting hundreds
back door. As vapers, we should remember,
of hits on my blog. I feel very lucky that I can
although vaping is 95% safer than smoking,
do something that appeals to others. I am
it is still antisocial to subject non-vapers to sit
planning to move to YouTube in the near
in the clouds with us.
future, but I want it to be right and I want it to be good.
And this wraps up The Vaping Pogonophile’s exciting vaping journey. If you just can’t get
There is an abundance of hardware, juices
enough of this very cool dude’s musings or
and vaping accessories available and I seem
fantastic reviews (and we really wouldn’t
to have rather a lot. I have most recently been
blame you) check out his website www.
looking at re-buildables, RDAs and I love
VapingPogonophile.com now. Why not stalk
my Limitless plus RDTA. But through all this,
him on social media too? He can be found
the most important thing is that I DO NOT
at: Website: www.vapingpogonophile.com Twitter: @V_Pogonophile Instagram: @VapingPogonophile Facebook: /VapingPogonophile Email: hello@VapingPogonophile.com
the vaping pogonophile -39
My Vaping Journey: Joel Levy, Toronto Guardian
You’re an ex-smoker. How many did you smoke a day and for how long? I used to smoke about 2 cigarettes a day and about 2 joints a day for almost 15 years. Now, I only smoke the equivalent of 1/5 of a single joint each day and no cigarettes. What was the key factor to prompt you to
Every issue we feature the journey of a vaper, providing an insightful look into how they are flourishing without smoking. VapeLyfe Magazine is thrilled to speak with Joel Levy, Editor-in-Chief at Toronto Guardian about why he took up vaping. If you feel this story strikes a chord with you, please Tweet us @VapeLyfeMag1 and Joel @StedyPhoto with your comments, we’d love to hear from you. You’re Editor-in-Chief at Toronto Guardian. This high profile, high pressure role must have you reaching for your vape quite frequently. Do you find you tend to vape more during deadline week, or are you now accustomed to the wonderful pressure pot that is the Toronto Guardian? (If you keep
start vaping? The reduction in consumption and how much cleaner it is, were the major factors. No papers, filters, ash or crumbs. Did you do any research on vaping? I had known about PAX for a long time and bought the first version and the second version. The idea is simple and compact with very little moving parts. It also had a long warranty. What did you start off with? I went right to the PAX and loved it. How did you find the transition from smoking cannabis to vaping it? The first week was a bit tough. Feeling that burn at the back of your throat and in your lungs is addictive. After a week, my tolerance dropped a bit and that same routine of
calm, you must share your ‘zen secrets’ with
smoking turned into vaping. Most of my
us, we’d love to know.)
friends have had about a 1-2 week transition
My job requires many hours in front of a
period before they love it.
computer doing a lot of tedious work. I found that micro-dosing with small amounts helped
You’ve decreased your consumption by
me focus and stay in one place long enough
50%, well done Joel. Was this a conscious
to get all my work done in a day. I switched to vaping because there was little to no smell and it greatly reduced my consumption while also reducing the harm and heaviness on my lungs.
40- My Vaping Journey
decision, or did it come about gradually? It was just automatic and immediate. I was still using it the same amount of time as before but I just required less and lasted a long time.
to do. You can’t even smoke near a bar here Where do you go to buy your vaping
and in Vancouver you can’t smoke in parks or
supplies? If you buy online, what is your go-
to website? Or if in-store, which is your local vape shop?
What advice would you give to someone
I just go to a local head shop in Toronto or visit
who wanted to give up smoking?
the PAX website.
Go the vape route if it is really tough to go
What do you think about the rising popularity of vape lounges and bars? Are there any that you’d recommend? Shisha bars are popular all over the world so I can see vaping bars being popular too. Pretty much the same concept. Great for those who don’t drink alcohol. What do friends and family think of you vaping? They all think it is way better. No smell and consuming less is a great sell to anyone who cares about you. How would you describe your vaping journey? It has been very positive and has saved me money and probably some health issues. What is the vaping scene like in Toronto? We have a few Shisha bars, a lot of head shops and also strictly e-cig vaping stores. A lot of ex-smokers love it and some make their own juices. Where do you think the vaping industry will be in 5 years’ time? Hopefully it will replace cigarettes as well as have more information about its long term effects. It would be cool to see some bars but the laws here are making it harder and harder
cold turkey. If for vaping pot, do it now and make the switch. The flavours are stronger and it has less negative side effects.
Has vaping changed your life? Whether you’re a new or seasoned vaper, we’d love to hear about your vaping journey. You could have just bought your first starter kit, or have been vaping for the past five years – we want to know. Please email info@vapelyfemag.co.uk now with #MyVapingJourney in the subject heading, with a chance to be featured in the magazine.
My Vaping Journey -41
Vape store sPotlight: Vapestore Retail
British Franchise Association (bfa) HSBC
This monthâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s spotlight falls on Vapestore Retail, which sells a diverse range of vaping products including its own range. The company is doing something right â&#x20AC;&#x201C; theyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ve just been shortlisted in the Emerging Franchisor of the Year category for the British Franchise Association (bfa) HSBC Franchisor of the Year Awards. Running for nearly 30 years and established to celebrate franchisors across the UK, the bfa HSBC Franchisor of the Year Awards look to recognise the very best franchise businesses, highlighting in particular franchisors who offer excellent employee support, company culture, innovation and commitment to franchising ethics. Vapestore has made the finalist shortlist by showcasing strong business infrastructure, built to sustain growth for a bright trading future. VapeLyfe Magazine was thrilled to catch up with Brett Horth, CEO at Vapouriz and Vapestore for an exclusive Q&A. Here is what he had to say about his plans for Vapestore Retail, the vaping industry, and what he does to stay ahead of the game.
How did you feel when you discovered you were on the shortlist for Emerging Franchisor of the Year category for the
44- VapeStore
Franchisor of the Year Awards? We are honoured and delighted to be considered. We entered the bfa HSBC Franchisor of the Year Awards as we wanted to benchmark ourselves against other franchisors in the market. We were pleasantly surprised when we were shortlisted for this prestigious award, and have been overwhelmed by the number of people who have congratulated us on the shortlist announcement so far.
Vapestore recently opened a new store and seventh location in the UK. As CEO, what do you think is the key to the success behind Vapestore? Our unique and professional approach has really helped us to succeed alongside our expertise in not only the vaping industry but
in truly understanding the business and retail environments.
What are the principal differences between parent company Vapouriz, and Vapestore franchises?
Are there particular areas of the UK that show more interest, or are more open to vaping? What determines your decision to open a store in one region over another? First of all, finding an area with a strong footfall, and then the right partners, are
Vapouriz is our own brand of vaping
key to opening a store anywhere. We have
hardware, accessories and e-liquids, and has
customers all over the UK so all areas are of
been a consistent performer in the Grocer
interest to us!
Top Ten E-Cig Brands in the UK for the last three years (Nielsen/IRI data). In comparison, Vapestore is our retail stores division which is more generic and the Vapestore product offering also includes many third-party products as well as our own in-house brands.
How do you think the vaping industry has changed since Vapestore started trading in 2015? This is one of the fastest growing and innovative industries I have ever been involved in. Products have got better in terms of development, innovation and quality. It shows no sign of stopping, so I think the innovation will continue within the industry and this will help the sector to continue to flourish.
How do you think the TPD will impact on the operation of Vapestore? Do you think it may cause potential franchisees to be cautious, or embrace the change as a challenge and flourish? I think that once we get past 20 May
How do you want customers to feel when they walk into a Vapestore?
2017, the market will settle down, leaving professional businesses who meet the
The main thing is that they feel comfortable
regulatory standards to get on with business
and relaxed. Our age demographic can
as usual whilst also creating a great deal of
be anywhere from 18 to 85 years of age, so
opportunity for these companies.
we donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t want to discourage anyone from coming into the store.
In a post-TPD, post-Brexit world, it is difficult to know where vaping businesses will be. As a
VapeStore -45
business leader in the field, can you shed any light on this topic, and where do you think the vaping industry will be in 10 years’ time?
What mods are hot right now?
The vaping industry is continuing to grow, and
Innokin are leading the way with their
is still relatively in its infancy. I am confident
products currently.
The Vapouriz VBOX 40 and the Smok Alien are both hugely popular. Both Smok and
that one day vaping will overtake tobacco to be the leading method of nicotine delivery.
For more information about Brett and
What are you vaping at the moment?
I am using an Innokin Coolfire Mini with Slipstream tank, and the soon to be released Double Drip e-liquid (grapefruit, apricot citrus blend – yet to be named!).
Are there any upcoming e-liquids that you’re excited about? We are launching a number of liquids in the Double Drip range, including a mango and raspberry ice cream flavour, as well as the Grapefruit, Apricot Citrus blend.
46- VapeStore
Vapestore Retail, visit https://www.
For more information about (bfa) HSBC Franchisor of the Year Awards and to see the shortlist in full, visit https://www.thebfa. org/news/bfa-news/the-2017-bfa-hsbcfranchisor-of-the-year-finalists-have-beenrevealed.
@suicide mods
VapeStore -
FAKE NEWS Inappropriate sharing of fake news earns Stop Smoking Service slap down on Twitter The title of a recent Daily Mail piece should have been enough to raise warning flags, where it was incorrectly stated that e-cigarettes produced smoke. This didn’t stop a regional Stop Smoking Service to Tweet out the link, which quickly drew fury from vapers on Twitter. Here is the title of the piece in its full glory: One in four children are exposed to secondhand smoke from e-cigarettes, CDC finds Incorrect headline aside, any piece that quotes a report by the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) – infamous for anti-vaping scaremongering – should be taken with a large fistful of salt. The Daily Mail article was littered with numerous errors, including quoting liberally from the biased CDC report that e-cigarette use in teens has increased by 900 percent. The Daily Mail journalist failed to mention two studies producing information in direct conflict with the CDC’s findings. Keith Warner, health economist at the University of Michigan acknowledged public fears and said: “Many worry that e-cigarette use by non-smoking students will lead many to nicotine addiction and subsequent cigarette smoking.”
48- NEWS
Yet data gleaned from the Monitoring the Future Study (MTF) contradicts this, which surveyed students in the 8th, 10th and 12th grades. Upon closer inspection, Warner found that non-smoking high school students were highly unlikely to use e-cigarettes and even less likely to use them regularly. 94 percent of never-smoker 12th graders had not used an e-cigarette during the last month, whilst 60% of never-smokers who vaped during the previous month used e-cigarettes on only one or two days. These statistics fall in line with UK studies, in particular, work published by the British Medical Journal (BMJ). It conducted surveys in teens to discover similar findings, where only 1.5 percent of 11-16 year olds vaped at least once a month, and almost all of those monthly vapers were also smokers. The BMJ researchers said: “Many young people (including never-smokers) have tried e-cigarettes, however, regular use is less common, and is associated with tobacco cigarette use.” Their conclusion is that e-cigarettes are unlikely to make a major direct contribution to adolescent nicotine addiction – which again directly contradicts the CDC’s findings. Findings, which formed the basis of the Daily Mail piece lambasting the increase of e-cigarettes in teens.
NEWS -49
How an inaccurate piece was published
E-cigarettes are documented to be a quit
with flaky research, seriously questions
smoking tool on the Yorkshire Smoke Free
the journalistic ethos of the Daily Mail. This
website, and rightly so. It is unsettling to
may just be another story to file under the
think that a government funded body can
‘fake news’ heading. However it doesn’t stop
take liberty with the truth and share fake
there. This story was picked up by various
news stories contrary to their principles.
media outlets, tarnishing the reputation of e-cigarettes. Again.
Imagine a current smoker researching ways to quit smoking, and who comes across
What is unfathomable, is that the article
the anti-vaping Tweet, shared by a Stop
was shared by a government funded Stop
Smoking Service no less. What conclusions
Smoking Service.
would they draw when they see e-cigarettes being condemned as a valid tool to stop
Yorkshire Smoke Free Tweeted the
controversial link, and quickly came under fire for sharing the inflammatory piece.
In a world where fake news is popularised, the onus is on every individual to take
This seems like odd behaviour by Yorkshire
ownership of their actions and keep
Smoke Free. Perhaps it was Tweeted in error,
truth alive. Yorkshire Smoke Free
in which case the rational thing would have
should acknowledge their mistake and
been to undertake damage control and
take responsibility for their actions
delete the Tweet and apologise for the error.
by apologising for this grave error of judgement.
Yorkshire Smoke Free simply Tweeted another news story, keeping the fake news Daily Mail piece online and a part of their Twitter feed.
50- NEWS
Tobacco giant redirecting focus to vaping American tobacco giant, Philip Morris has
e-liquid. This is seen as a soft approach for
announced investment of over $320 million
smokers looking for something new and a
into the vaping industry. This comes in the
different kind of smoking cessation method.
form of converting one of their existing plants into manufacturing for a new vape product. It
The technology was developed by Reynolds-
appears the Big Tobacco company is looking
American, who are currently in negotiations
to provide smokers with a ‘reduced risk’
with British American Tobacco (BAT) to buy
product. These products combine tobacco
the company, most likely so BAT can gain
with vape technology to give a ‘safer delivery’
access to this new and lucrative technology.
method for its addictive products. The latest figures report the vaping industry Harder hitting FDA regulations which came
is estimated to reach $19 billion in worldwide
into force in America in August 2016, have
sales by 2020. It is not surprising then, that
been putting the squeeze on the tobacco
with the ability now to combine tobacco and
industry in a significant way. The vaping
vaping technology, Big Tobacco companies
industry has also been hit, with over 12 states
are eager to invest before the August 2018
adding excise or wholesale duties to vaping
deadline hits vape products.
products. With the introduction of new FDA laws, Come August 2018 all vaping products in
taxes and duties slapped on vape products
America will be considered tobacco products
in America, the industry is suffering. It
under the Family Smoking Prevention and
is reported that most of these vaping
Tobacco Control Act. Profit margins for Big
companies are considered to be small, with
Tobacco companies are shrinking every year,
fewer than 250 employees. This opens the
cue their entrance into the world of vaping.
flood gates to the likes of Philip Morris to swoop in and ‘clean up’, investing millions,
Admittedly it’s not strictly ‘vaping’. The
whilst others are reeling.
technology is known as ‘core heat not burn’ also known as HNB technology. This mimics
A classic example of the financial muscle
vaping by using the technology to heat
these companies have is the application
real tobacco not burn it, which can then be
submitted by Philip Morris to the FDA for
their HNB technology devices to carry a ‘reduced-risk product’ label. This application
The biggest difference here is the use of real
is rumoured to have cost the company in
tobacco – HNB technology does not use an
excess of $500,000 to put together.
NEWS - 51
Support Cole-Bishop vaping bill Whilst the UK adapts to the draconian TPD, the vaping industry across the pond contends with the equally restrictive FDA’s deeming regulations.
US vapers can add their voice of dissent for the FDA’s deeming regulations by supporting the Cole-Bishop Amendment and encouraging key representatives to co-sponsor HR 1136, the FDA Deeming Authority Clarification Act of 2017.
This is a new bill introduced by Representative Tom Cole (R-OK) and Representative Sanford Bishop (DGA) which calls for the amendment to the predicate date in the FDA’s deeming regulations.
Amending the predicate date affects existing products only, which won’t have to apply for costly marketing approval. Current products will still have to meet standards enforced by the FDA, who will still
I am writing as a voter and a taxpayer urging you to support the Cole-Bishop Amendment to the Agricultural Appropriations Bill. Keeping this language in the 2017 budget bill will bring much needed relief to vapor manufacturers who are facing certain closure in 2018. If these businesses are forced to close, millions of consumers will lose access to a diverse vapor market that provides a wide range of very low-risk products that are helping people quit smoking and remain smoke free. As a consumer, it is vitally important to me that the variety of quality vapor products currently on the market are allowed to remain on the market. Millions of Americans like me have experienced remarkable and important health benefits by switching to these low-risk, smoke-free products. It should be a public health priority that millions more have access to the same experience.
have overarching authority on products introduced after the new predicate date.
Act now to support the Cole-Bishop Amendment in just two clicks.
Make your voice heard by urging your representative
I am also urging you to co-sponsor HR 1136, the FDA Deeming Authority Clarification Act of 2017. Adding your name to this bill is an easy way to show your constituents that you support their access to low-risk alternatives to smoking and that you will fight for them during the budget process.
to take action by clicking here: http://p2a.co/ tMRZfqO. The message is already written for you in the online text-box, being automatically sent to Representative Bill Shuster, Senator Robert Casey and Senator Patrick Toomey. Here is the message which appears in its entirety, which you can also email to your local representative to keep the pressure on from a grassroots level.
52 - NEWS
I look forward to your response on this issue. I, along with my fellow members of CASAA (The Consumer Advocates for Smoke-free Alternatives Association), thank you for considering my comments and urge you to support the House Appropriations Committee proposal that would stop the FDA from prohibiting my access to lifesaving vapor products.
Can President Trump be saviour of US vape industry? Donald Trump was sworn in as president nearly five
observer, to aggressive courter.
months ago. In between signing a flurry of Executive Orders, getting to grips with his new job, carving out
What will President Trump do? Will he take action
strategies on both domestic and foreign policies, and
to review the FDA’s deeming rule and potentially
authorising military action in Syria, he’s certainly got
prohibit the likes of Philip Morris et al muscling in on
his hands full.
the billion-dollar vaping market?
Will he help alleviate punishing regulations imposed
If Trump doesn’t support a review of the FDA’s rule,
by the FDA?
then its measures may destroy the vaping industry, conversely helping the cigarette market that could
Little is known about Trump’s stance on the FDA. He is
exacerbate public health and put a strain on health
also famous for never having smoked. Whether a non-
services in the long run. Big Tobacco will flourish
smoker can fully appreciate the benefits of vaping, and
within the vaping industry, because the only
by proxy the plight and predicament of vapers (the
companies who can afford this hail from this sector.
majority of whom are ex-smokers) remains to be seen. Requirements of the FDA’s deeming rule includes The FDA’s deeming rule requires all newly-
prohibition against sale to minors (anyone under the
regulated tobacco products to undergo pre-market
age of 18), verification of the date of birth by photo ID
authorisation, unless they are eligible for grandfather
for anyone under the age of 27, and nicotine warning
status (were on the market as of 15 February 2007).
on product package labels and advertisements to state: “Warning: this product contains nicotine.
Whichever side of the vaping fence you’re on, there is
Nicotine is an addictive chemical.”
no doubt that the FDA’s treatment of vapour products is far worse than its approach to traditional tobacco
Factually correct and clear labelling, plus extension
of the minor ban is encouraged within the vaping industry. Warning labels and protecting minors is
Gregory Conley, president of the American Vaping
not perceived as the issue. What businesses have
Association and advocate for tobacco harm reduction
a problem with, is the harsh measures the FDA is
(THR) estimates that under the FDA’s deeming
employing to oversee regulation.
regulation, by 2018, over 99 percent of vapour products on the market will be banned.
American television personality and author Greg Gutfield expressed his disappointment concerning
He likened FDA’S move to modern day Prohibition,
the FDA’s deeming rule saying: “Millions of lives saved
saying: “Businesses are coming under fire, not because
from e-cigs far outweigh the hypothetical panic
the products are unsafe, but because small and
created by dishonest politicians. As if on cue, when
medium sized business making them will be unable
an industry arrives for the making, the government
to afford multi-million dollar applications just to keep
arrives for the taking.”
one single product on the market.” Can a new president vaunted for his deal-making With news of the likes of Philip Morris and British
skills, save the vaping industry and affect the future of
American Tobacco circling the vaping industry, Big
millions of vapers? Only time will tell.
Tobacco has effectively upgraded its relationship status with the vaping industry from interested, coy
NEWS - 53
New Zealand adopt common sense approach to vaping Nicky Wagner, associate health minister and
harmful than smoking, when she suggested
MP for Christchurch Central has announced
that anyone who smokes should give vaping
that New Zealand is now in the process of
a go.
legalising vaping products.
When asked if New Zealand was encouraging The health minister said: “Today the
the ‘inhaling behavior’ Wagner responded:
government is going to legalise the sale
“We’ve done a lot of work and looked at
of electronic cigarettes and e-liquid. We
research around the world. There’s been
are taking a low-risk approach and will be
no evidence that vaping is a gateway to
aligning the regulations around e-cigarettes
smoking. One of the reasons is that the
with ordinary cigarettes. We are walking a
amount of nicotine you get in an e-cigarette is
fine line in making e-cigarettes available to
significantly less than an ordinary cigarette.”
smokers, as a harm reduction tool, but not encouraging non-smokers to take up the
This is excellent news for smokers looking
nicotine habit.”
for something to help them with smoking
Wagner referred to a Public Health England
cessation, and products are expected to be
report that found vaping to be 95% less
available next year.
54- NEWS
It is incredibly refreshing to see New
not be applied to e-cigarettes. It is thought
Zealand taking positive steps towards
regulations will include a restriction of sales to
a healthier future and this brings them
people under the age of 18, and restrictions on
closer to achieving their goal of being
advertising such as on radio, in magazines and
smoke free by 2025.
on television are thought to limit the exposure to young people. There will also be a ban on vaping inside public spaces. Retailers will be allowed to display e-cigarettes and e-liquids at point of sale, but stores that restrict minors barring those under 18 years old will be allowed to display e-cigarettes and e-liquid in-store, including window display, and promoting products on the outside of their stores. With a similar approach to vaping as seen in the UK, New Zealand will hope to see major
In March the leader of the Maori Party, an
reductions in the numbers of smokers in the
indigenous rights-based political party in
coming years.
New Zealand, Marama Fox said: “What we also have is statistics that show vaping is harm-reducing, not cancer-causing. “We also have statistics that show vaping is a good cessation tool, that moves people off cancer-causing combustible cigarettes onto something that, while it’s still addictive because it has nicotine in it, doesn’t cause smoking-related illnesses and isn’t a burden on the system.” The legalisation of vaping in New Zealand is not without its restrictions, although excise tax which applies to cigarettes will
NEWS - 55
Keep the pressure on with TPD letter “If you wanted to sabotage a product, and add to the cost of producing that product, and limit the scope of competition of that product, and drive out business and small producers, it is hard to see how more an effective job can be done, in respect to the regulations that apply to electronic cigarettes.” Lord Forsyth After the referendum on Thursday 23 June
Harsh TPD regulations continue to apply.
2016, the UK voted to leave the European
We couldn’t agree more with former Tory
Union. Although we voted Brexit, extricating
cabinet minister Lord Forsyth, whose
ourselves from the EU could take years. We
scathing speech to peers during a TPD
have after all, been members of the EU since
debate last year drove home the fact that
there was no logic in the TPD regulations.
Much like a divorce which can be messy,
Once we have exited the EU, we will have a
a mammoth task lies ahead, as our
more transparent government where we’ll
government will sift through laws that the
be able to hold ministers to account.
UK will choose to continue to implement. We live in hope that our government will Article 50 of the Lisbon Treaty has been
come to re-evaluate the TPD and its effect
triggered, which is the official precursor for
on businesses and knock on effects on
the UK to leave the EU. Prime Minister May
livelihoods across the country.
has kick-started the leave process, giving the UK two years to agree terms of the break-up.
Yes, it may be years before we leave the EU, but this only gives us time to educate and
The UK is expected to leave the EU by 2019.
inform those in power.
Even then, this process may be delayed by an additional four years, as the UK hammers
We urge you to sign and share the following
out a deal with the remaining 27 national
letter. Address it to your MP, and continue to
parliaments in the EU.
keep the pressure on. It takes time to forge a movement, and we feel very strongly about
As it stands, we are still part of the European
Union until the UK stops being a member. Until then, the UK will continue to live by EU
The fight isn’t over yet. We’re in it for the
laws, the only difference being that it will
long haul. Are you?
not be included in any EU decision-making.
56- TPD Letter
Dear ____________________________ I am an ex-smoker. I use electronic cigarettes, and to date, they have been the most effective method for smoking cessation I have found. I purchase my supplies from _________ a small shop in _______________ and I understand that a new form of legislation (TPD) will be affecting this small business drastically. I would like you to reply to the following questions please. Have you read the Tobacco Products Directive in full? Do you know how it will affect electronic cigarettes? Why are electronic cigarettes included in the TPD when there is NO tobacco in them whatsoever? Why are e-liquid strengths being limited to no more than 2mg of nicotine per 100ml e-liquid? Why are electronic cigarettes being restricted when the 2015 Public Health England study concluded that e-cigarettes are 95% less harmful than smoking? Vaping comes at no cost to the NHS, unlike current nicotine replacement therapy (NRT). Are you aware that there are at least 4 electronic cigarette shops in your constituency? Why have you not visited any of these shops to find out how the TPD will affect their livelihood? Why should the UK adhere to the draconian TPD legislation from Europe, when we are in the process of leaving the EU? I am not in favor of this directive and as such, feel I must make you aware. I am not alone and expect you as my representative in government to address this issue and reply forthwith. I feel that this is ruining an industry that promotes a safer alternative to smoking and that the research that has been done regarding electronic cigarettes and their relation to this directive is unscientific, unfounded and inaccurate. I believe the government has the tobacco industryâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s interests at heart rather than the people it represents. This is wrong, and as my representative, I would like answers from yourself regarding the queries above. I await your reply. Sincerely _______________________________ _______________________________
Reviews We have a review price list; if you’d like your products reviewed, please email info@vapelyfemag.co.uk using hashtag #ReviewRequest in the subject heading. Each product is allocated to a member of our review team, who will dedicate time getting to know your product (2 days for an e-liquid, 7 days for an atty or mod). For this reason, we cannot do last minute reviews, as we don’t think you can get a clear picture after just a few puffs. Please note – we only give honest reviews. If you’ve paid for a review and we think the product is good or bad (we prefer good, because it’s not fun vaping crap), we will say it how it is. Please don’t take offence by this, we just really value truth and integrity. You will be notified of a publication date, which is usually within 1 month from the review date.