This book represent a product of the Erasmus + project:
“ACT GREEN” 2018-1-FI01-KA229-047262 Huutijarven Koulu, Kangasala, Finland-coordinator Nokia-Viholan koulu, Finland-partner Dimotiko Scholeio Plateos Imathias, Plathy Imathias, Greece-partner Istituto Compresivo Gambettola, Italy-partner Agrupamento de Escolas de Vialonga, Portugal-partner Scoala Profesionala Tiberiu Morariu, Salva, Romania-partner
Teams of teachers and students involved in making this book: Huutijarven Koulu, Kangasala, Finland Teacher Seppo Makinen
Nokia-Viholan koulu, Finland Teachers Satu Matikainen and Saku Ryhänen Students from class 6A: Melek Arabaci Eerika Eskonen Riina Heikinniemi Konsta Horppu Emma Höylänen Aino Jaakkola Ronja Jokinen Katariina Kinnunen Siiri Kortesuo Alma Kumpulainen Justus Kunnari Sade Nytorp Lauri Oblikas Tiia Pajunen Faina Paunila Miitta Pihlajasaari 3
Emma Piittala Nelli Poutala Romi Rantala Julius Rautalin Lassi Sinivuori Sauli Sorva Sarinna Stenroos Iida Telenius Sonja Vanhamäki Elsa Virtanen
Dimotiko Scholeio Plateos Imathias, Plathy Imathias, Greece Teachers Maria Tachtsoglou, Geogria Katsouperi, Despoina Kitsouli Students from 6 grade: Grigoris Tresintsis, Elena Drista, Sofia Saatidou, Thomas Darlas, Elena Kozidou, Alexopoulos Antonis, Sofia Makri, Alexopoulou Geogria, Aggeliki Makri, Elisavet Ounanian Kamela Sallia, Antonis Efstathiadis. 4
Istituto Compresivo Gambettola, Italy Teachers Luisa Ceccarelli and Maria Laura Moretti Pupils of the 5th A: Armando Aljbesi Arianna Amadori Manuel Andreoli Davide Bacchi Valentina Battistini Nicolò Bolognesi Beatrice Bongiorno Alysia Buda Alessandro Cucchi Victoria Dobreva Kostantino Elenkov Jacopo Fagioli Beatrice Forte Rosi Gadaleta Alberto Gardini Omar Gasmi Enrico Iacobellis Radostina Kostadinova Olivia Renzi Mattia Rossi Basile Francesco Sacchini 5
Sonia Silighini Federico Zavalloni
Agrupamento de Escolas de Vialonga, Portugal Teacher Madalena Cordeiro
Scoala Profesionala Tiberiu Morariu Salva, Romania Teacher Vasilica Gazdac Students of the 6thgrade: Razvan Butaciu, Beatriz Cleja, Patrick Cleja, Benjamin Cleja, Denis Corut, Sebastian Ceuca, Bogdan Dedea, Robert Gazdac, Denisa Morariu, Denisa Pinca, Andreea Pop, Paul Sekei, Vasilica Iacob
Huutijarven Koulu, Kangasala, Finland
Green Footprints in Finland Finnish National Parks Huutijärvi school 5b
Koli Information Koli is Finland's most famous national landscape. Hikers and artists still love Jean Sibelius, Eero Järnefelt and Juhani Aho. Koli is located in North Karelia, Eastern Finland. Koli has hiking trails and a ski center. The maximum height of downhill skiing is 230m. Koli also has caves, one popular cave is Pirunkirkko.
History Remains of hunting have been found in the Koli area, since 8000-9000 before countdown. The village of Koli was started in the mid-1700s.
Animals In the Koli forest are many animals. In Kolis forest lives lynxs, rabbits, martens, ermines and a lot of birds, for example, a cuckoo.
Koli Perustietoa Koli on Suomen suosituin luonnonsuojelualue. Retkeilijät ja taiteilijat vieläkin rakastavat Jean Sibeliusta, Eero Järnfeltiä ja Juhani Ahoa. Koli on Pohjois-Karjalassa, Itä-Suomessa. Kolilla on retki polkuja ja laskettelu keskus. Korkein laskettelu mäki on korkeudeltaan 230m korkea. Kolilla on myös luolia, yksi suosittu luola on Pirunkirkko.
Historia Kolin alueelta on löydetty jäänteitä metsästämisestä ja keräilystä kivikaudelta asti 8000–1900 eaa. Kolin kylä sai alkunsa 1700-luvun puolivälissä.
Eläimet Kolin metsissä on paljon eri eläimiä. Kolin metsissä asuu ilveksiä, jäniksiä, näätiä, kärppiä, ja paljon lintuja, esim kuukkeli. Made by Liisi and Tomas 5b
Hossa Hossa is located in the municipality of Suomussalmi in the province of Kainuu. The best way to get to Hossa is by car. The nearest airport is located in Kuusamo and the nearest railway station in Kajaani. Hossa’s scenery is easy to open to the visitor, with easy access to its forests and waters. There are plenty of trails to hike and bike, the waters invite you to paddle and fish. You follow the same routes as the first inhabitants of the area 10,000 years ago. The Stone Age rock paintings of Colored rock take the world of shamanism during the excursion day. Hossa is the Finland100 anniversary national park. The official opening of Finland's 40th National Park was held on 17 June 2017. Hossa is great for the whole family. Hossa also has accessible services: some of the trails are wheelchair accessible, as well as fishing piers, sheds and rental cottages suitable for the disabled. The hiking trails can be accessed from the following parking areas: the Hossa Visitor Centre, Huosivirta, Hossalaislammit, Lihapyörre, Julma-Ölkky or Aittojoki. The national park can also be used off-road, but it is a good idea to use the trails so that the terrain does not wear out. Please follow the rules of the park and the principles of litter-free hiking. Julma-Ölkky 9
Hossa Hossa sijaitsee Suomussalmen kunnassa, Kainuun maakunnassa. Parhaiten Hossaan pääsee omalla autolla. Lähin lentokenttä on Kuusamossa ja rautatieasema Kajaanissa. Hossan maisemat avautuvat kävijälle helposti, sen metsiin ja vesille pääsee vaivattomasti. Polkuja riittää patikoida ja pyöräillä, vedet kutsuvat melomaan ja kalastamaan. Kuljet samoja reittejä kuin alueen ensimmäiset asukkaat 10 000 vuotta sitten. Värikallion kivikautiset kalliomaalaukset vievät retkipäivän lomassa shamanismin maailmaan. Hossa on Suomi100 -juhlavuoden kansallispuisto. Suomen 40. kansallispuiston virallisia avajaisia vietettiin 17.6.2017. Hossa sopii hyvin koko perheelle. Hossassa on myös esteettömiä palveluita: osa poluista kuljettavissa pyörätuolilla sekä liikuntaesteisille soveltuvia kalastuslaitureita, laavu ja vuokramökkejä. Retkeilyreiteille lähdetään seuraavilta pysäköintipaikoilta: Hossan luontokeskus, Huosivirta, Hossalaislammit, Lihapyörre, Julma-Ölkky tai Aittojoki. Kansallispuistossa voi liikkua myös reittien ulkopuolella, mutta on hyvä käyttää polkuja, jotta maasto ei kulu. Noudatathan puiston sääntöjä ja roskattoman retkeilyn periaatteita. Made by Karoliina and Vladimir 5b
Patvisuo Patvisuo located east of the Joensuu - Lieksa road.
The nature of Patvisuo 10
Patvisuo have oldgrowth forest and many trees.There are many naava spruce, pines and aspens. Suomunjärvi located in patvisuo and there is sandy banks 24kilometres. In Suomunjärvi swimming many vendages, whitefish, pike, and perch. In Suomunjärvi swimming is allowed too, but they dont have official beach. In Patvisuo living many other animalspecies. There you can also see bears, lynks and wolverines often.
Attractions Coal mill’s cross section and pine tree. Coal mill is tree pile which burned to charcoal. Pine tree peeledoem t o barks and sap, When it comes to board. To board they engraved the deceased date of death.
Activities Hiking: Great for day or couple hiking. In the Park is many lots of different routes. Bog trees can be found in the marsh and wetland areas Canoeing: Lake, Suomunjärvi is a great ganoeing destination. Canoeing can start at the nature lodge Fishing: Common fish Patvisuo has vendace, whitefish and perch. Angling and ice fishing are possible for everyone. Cycling: Mountain biking is allowed but only a trail Swimming: It is good to swim on the large sandy shores of Lake Suomunjärvi. Skiing: There are no actual trails in Patvisuo, but two maintenance loops are available from the end of Januar y to March.
Suo on hyvin märkä ja sinne uppoaa helposti. Swamp is wet and sink easily. 11
Patvisuo Patvisuo sijaitsee Joensuu – Lieksa – tien itäpuolella.
Patvisuon luonto Alueella on aarniometsiä ja erittäin paljon puita. Siellä esiintyy naavakuusia, mäntyjä ja suuren kokoisia haapoja. Suomunjärvi sijaitsee Patvisuolla ja siellä on hiekkaista rantaviivaa 24 kilometriä. Suomunjärvellä uiskentelee muikkua, siikaa, ahventa ja haukea. Myös uiminen on sallittua Suomunjärvellä, mutta virallista uimarantaa siellä ei ole. Patvisuolla asustelee paljon eri eläinlajeja. Patvisuolla voit nähdä karhuja, ilveksiä sekä ahmoja säännöllisesti.
Nähtävyydet: Hiilimiilun poikkileikkaus ja Karsikkopuu Hiilimiilu on puu keko, joka poltetaan puuhiileksi. Karsikkopuusta kuorittiin kaarna ja nila, jolloin siitä saatiin taulu. Tauluun kaiverrettiin vainajan kuolinpäivä.
Aktiviteetit: Patikointi: Sopii hyvin päivän tai parin patikkaretkeilyyn. Puistossa on paljon eri reittejä ja luontopolkuja. Suo -ja kosteikkoalueilta löytyy pitkospuita. Melonta: Suomunjärvi on suosittu melonta kohde. Melonnan voi aloittaa luontotuvalta Kalastus: Yleisiä kaloja Patvisuolla on muikut, siiat ja isot ahvenet. Onkia ja pilkkiä voi jokamiehenoikeudella. Pyöräily: Maastopyöräily on sallittua, mutta vain poluilla. Uinti: Suomunjärven isoilla hiekka rannoilla on hyvä uida. Hiihto: Varsinaisia latuja ei Patvisuolta löydy, mutta kaksi huoltouralenkkiä on käytettävissä tammikuun lopulta maaliskuulle Made by Nella and Eelis 5b
Riisitunturi National Park Riisitunturi National Park is a national park located in the municipality of Posio in the province of Lapland. It covers an area of 77 square kilometers and was founded in 1982. The park is especially known for its humid climates and winter and cannon formations. 12
There are two day trails in the national park, the Räspääpäsy (4.3 km) and Riisi rietas (10.7 km), and a hiking trail (26-29 km) runs from Noukavaara to Kirinnonvara through the park. Next to the doublepeak Riisitunturi (465.3 m above sea level) is the park's only desert hut. Riisitunturi National Park was chosen as the Excursion Destination of the Year 2010 in Finland as a result of a public vote. The nearest national parks in Riisitunturi are Oulanka National Park and Feed National Park and Pyhäluosto National Park 1. Window pond A small pond between the peaks of Riisitunturi and Pikku Riisitunturi. 2. Rice fell Handsome views of Lake Kitkajärvi from the woodless top. A good place to shoot in winter. Today, Pikku Riisitunturi and Soilunvaara, which are a little further north, are a safer place for cannon photography for those who want a lot of visitors and virgin snow cover. Distance from the parking lot 1.7 km. 3. Little Rice Fell Beautiful views of Lake Kitkajärvi. Likes in the winter. In winter, fewer visitors than at Riisitunturi. The distance from Riisitunturi desert hut is 800 meters. 4. Soilunvaara In the winter I like. Pristine snow better than at Riisitunturi. In winter, skiing through the Riisitunturi desert hut is about 3 km. 5. Koljatinlaki Views of Lake Kitkajärvi and the forests and swamps of the national park. Awkward sect to achieve. Distance from Riisitunturi 11 km. Posio's Riisitunturi is a landscape park, which you can immediately realize when you ascend the day's path towards Riisitunturi's law and, while breathing on the slope, turn to look behind you. In the east, the wide back of Yli-Kitka opens up and on the other side, the blue dangers of Ruka far away on the Kuusamo side. The Riisitunturi area is located at the highest point of the watershed between the Gulf of Bothnia and the White Sea. Many peaks rise to more than 400 meters above sea level, the highest being the almost lush Laet of the double peak of Riisitunturi and Pikku Riisitunturi. At Riisitunturi, the lights and colors of the landscape change according to the seasons and times of the day. In August, heather blooms as purple-red carpets against the deep coniferous green of spruces. On winter evenings, the sun shining into the sky adds golden, greenish and pink tones to the landscape. The blue moment is delayed, the light dims, and the color deepens until, as night comes, the Sky Whites light up the deep blue northern sky. Rhymed by slopes, bent by spruces
Riisitunturin kansallispuisto Riisitunturin kansallispuisto on Posion kunnassa Lapin maakunnassa sijaitseva kansallispuisto. Sen pinta-ala on 77 neliökilometriä, ja se on perustettu vuonna 1982. Puisto on tunnettu erityisesti kostean ilmaston luomista rinnesoistaan ja talvisista ja tykkymuodostelmista Riisitunturin luonto on innoittanut luonnontutkijoita ja erityisesti suotutkijoita, ja alue on Oulangan tukisaseman tutkimuskohde. Kansallispuistossa on kaksi päiväreittiä, Riisin rääpäsy (4,3 km) ja Riisin rietas (10,7 km) ja puiston halki Noukavaarasta Kirintövaraan kulkee retkeilyreitti (26-29 km). Kaksoishuippuisen Riisitunturin (465,3m mpy.) kupeessa sijaitsee puiston ainoa autiotupa. Riisitunturin kansallispuisto valittiin Vuoden Retkikohteeksi 2010 Suomessa yleisöäänestyksen tuloksena. Riisitunturin lähimmät kansallispuistot ovat Oulangan kansallispuisto ja syötteen kansallispuisto sekä Pyhäluoston kansallispuisto Riisitunturin kansallispuisto on tunnettu talvisista tykyistään ja kesän rinnesoista ja tunturipaljakasta kaukomaisemineen. Revontulet ja auringonlaskut näyttävät myös erityisen upeilta avaralla Riisitunturilla. Riisitunturi on kompakti kuvauskohde ympäri vuoden. Talvella päivä on lyhyt ja olosuhteet voivat olla lumen ja pakkasen takia ankaratkin, tämä kannattaa ottaa huomioon. 1. Ikkunalampi Pieni lampi Riisitunturin ja Pikku Riisitunturin huippujen välillä. 2. Riisitunturi Puuttomalta laelta komeat näkymät Kitkajärvelle. Talvella hyvä tykkykuvauspaikka. Nykyään kävijöitä paljon ja neitseellistä lumipeittoa havittelevalle varmempi tykkykuvauspaikka on hiukan pohjoisempana oleva Pikku Riisitunturi ja Soilunvaara. Matkaa pysäköintipaikalta 1,7 km. 3. Pikku Riisitunturi Komeat maisemat Kitkajärvelle. Tykkyä talvella. Talvella vähemmän kävijöitä kuin Riisitunturilla. Riisitunturin autiotuvalta matkaa 800 metriä. 14
4. Soilunvaara Talvella tykkyä. Koskematonta lunta paremmin kuin Riisitunturilla. Kulku talvella suksilla Riisitunturin autiotuvan kautta matkaa noin 3 km. 5. Koljatinlaki Näkymät Kitkajärvelle ja kansallispuiston metsiin ja soille. Hankalahko saavuttaa. Matkaa Riisitunturilta 11 km. Taigametsissä viihtyvät karhu ja pohjantikka. Made by Hertta and Mikael 5b
Urho Kekkonen National Park What you can do in Urho Kekkonen National Park?
trekking hiking cycling cross-country sking fishing riding
What you can see? -Raappana turf hut -The Raja-Jooseppi homestead is located on the banks of River Luttojoki, close to the Russian border. -Korvatunturi fells known as Santa Claus's home! -Rumakuru Gorge, a creation of the last Ice Age. -Sokosti Fell is the highest fell (718 m) in both Urho Kekkonen National Park and in Eastern Lapland. -Pääsiäiskuru is an interesting natural sight; it is a fell gorge where you may find snow even in July. -Ukselmapää provides the best views of the park! It is the second highest fell in the national park (698 m). -an a lot more!
Urho Kekkosen Kansallispuisto Mitä Urho Kekkosen kansallispuistossa saa tehdä?
Vaellus Patikointi Pyöräily Hiihto (talvisin) Kalastus -Ratsastus (on myös sallittua)
Mitä kaikkea on nähtävää? 15
-Raappanan kammi tunnetaan nimellä Sokostin kämppänä (talo maan uumenissa) -Raja Joosepin kenttä -Korvatunturi (sanotaan joulupukin asuinpaikaksi) -Rumakuru on jääkaudelta selvinnyt kuru. -Pääsiäiskuru on tunturikuru, jossa on vielä lunta heinäkuussa. -Sokosti ja Luirojärvi on Sokostitunturi, joka on 718 metriä -Ukselmapää on tunturi, joka on todella suuri tunturi ja on 698 metriä. Ja on talvella lumivyöry vaara. -ja paljon muuta!
Urho Kekkosen Kansallispuisto on hieno ja ennen-näkemätön Made by Lauri and Frida 5b
Repovesi National Park Repovesi is very beautiful and peaceful place. It is also good place to have trips. It is located in Eastsouth Finland, Kouvola and Mäntyharju. There are so many nature trail trough to the forest. You can trek there. Repovesi has a long nature trail and it is called Ketunlenkki. People can sleep there in tent. Every year there visit many scouts and other people who wants to make advent ure. Repovesi has an observation tower. Its name is Mustanlamminvuoren näkötorni. It is old and you can see there a beautiful viev. You can fish in Repovesi. In Repovesi we have many animals like foxes, lynxes, rabbits, ravens and bears. Repovesi has some bogswamps. There are many trees and it is dry place. You must have phone, good shoes and clothes, camera, matches, clasp-knife, water and food and maybe a powerbank when you go there. 16
Repoveden kansallispuisto Repovesi on erittäin kaunis ja rauhallinen paikka. Se on myös hyvä paikka retkeilyyn. Sijainti, KaakkoisSuomi, Kouvola ja Mäntyharju. Siellä on paljon luontopolkuja. Siellä voi patikoida. Ihmiset voivat nukkua yönsä teltassa. Repovedellä on pitkä lenkki, jonka nimi on Ketunlenkki. Joka vuosi siellä vierailee monia partiolaisia ja muita ihmisiä, jotka haluavat seikkailla. Repovedellä on näkötorni. Sen nimi on Mustanlamminvuoren näkötorni. Sinä voit kalastaa Repovedellä. Repovedellä on monia eläimiä kuten kettuja, ilveksiä, kaneja, korppeja ja karhuja. Repovedellä on jonkin verran rämesoita. Siellä on paljon puita ja se on vähän kuiva. Sinä tarvitset Repovedellä puhelinta, hyvät kengät ja vaatteet, kameraa, tulitikkuja, puukkoa, vettä ja ruokaa ja ehkä varavirtalähdettä, kun menet sinne. Made by Siiri, Anni and Eemeli
Päijänne National Park Päijänne is located in the provinces of Päijät-Häme and Central Finland. The water area of Päijänne is about 1100 square kilometers, in addition to which there are about 330 square kilometers of islands
Nature The heart of the park, Kelvenne, is one of the largest and most beautiful ridge islands in Finland. It is the most interesting part of the area in terms of vegetation. The Kelvente ridge formation forms a representative continuation of islands and underwater ridges south and north of Kelvente island.
Birds Päijänne National Park is home to bird species from large inland waters, beaches, forests and groves. The park is of considerable importance for the protection of birds, as it is a nesting environment for many bird species. Small islands and islets in particular are the most valuable areas, as they are also home to several endangered bird species.
Osprey is a rare bird in Päijänne.
History For centuries, man lived on the shores of Lake Päijänne together with nature. Pike were speared from the beach. Over time, more and more permanent settlements were established and eventually the land began to be cultivated. However, settlement was sparse and the loons were allowed to hatch in peace. Peaceful life lasted until the last century. Since then, man has finally taken over Päijänne. Development has been extremely rapid. Steamboat traffic, which has flourished for a while, has ceased and timber trade has shrunk to a very small level since the last century
Päijänne Päijänne sijaitsee Päijät-Hämeen ja Keski-Suomien maakuntien alueilla. Päijänteen vesipinta- ala joka on noin 1100 neliökilometriä minkä lisäksi saaria on noin 330 neliökilometriä
Luonto Puiston sydän, Kelvenne, on Suomen suurimpia ja komeimpia harjusaaria. Se on kasvillisuudeltaan alueen mielenkiintoisinta osaa. Kelventeen harjumuodostelma muodostaa edustavan saarten ja vedenalaisten harjujen jatkumisen Kelventeen saaresta etelään ja pohjoiseen.
Linnut Päijänteen kansallispuistossa esiintyy suurten sisävesien, rantojen, metsien sekä lehtojen lintulajeja. Puistolla on huomattava merkitys linnuston suojelun kannalta, sillä se on pesimis- ympäristö monelle lintulajille. Erityisesti pienet saaret ja luodot ovat arvokkaimpia alueita, koska niillä pesii myös useita uhanalaisia lintulajeja.
Historia Vuosisatoja ihminen eli Päijänteen rannoilla yhdessä luonnon kanssa. Haukia keihästettiin rannalta. Ajan myötä perustettiin yhä pysyvämpiä asuinpaikkoja ja lopulta ryhdyttiin viljelemään maata. Asutus oli kuitenkin harvaa. Rauhaisaa eloa kesti viime vuosisadalle asti. Sittemmin ihminen on lopullisesti ottanut Päijänteen käyttöönsä. Kehitys on ollut tavattoman nopeaa. Hetken kukoistanut höyrylaivaliikenne on loppunut ja puutavaran uitto on supistunut hyvin pieneksi viime vuosisadan jälkeen Made by Kaapo and Peppi 5b
Helvetinjärvi and Seitseminen Seitseminen and Helvetinjärvi are located in Southern Finland. The story tells that girl fall to the Helvetinjärvi. 19
The history of the Seitseminen regions is the history of forest use. There are many stories about the name of the park. Helvetinjärvi and Seitseminen are founded 1982. Helvetinjärvi and Seitseminen are located in Pirkanmaa.
Helvetinjärvi and Seitseminen Seitseminen ja Helvetinjärvi sijaitsevat Etelä-Suomessa. Tarina kertoo että Helvetinjärveen tippui tyttö. Seitsemisen alueen historia on metsien käytön historiaa. Puiston nimestä on monta tarinaa. Helvetinjärvi ja Seitseminen ovat perustettu 1982. Helvetinjärvi ja Seitseminen sijaitsevat Pirkanmaalla.
Made by Aada and Elias 5b
Archipelago National Park - Saaristomeri Saaristomeri is located in Turku. Turku is in Southwest. It has many islands. You can go to Saaristomeri with a boat. Saaristomeri is very beatifull and you can even go see saaristomeris National park that has many animals and good views. Saaristomeri sijaitsee Turussa. Turku on Varsinais-Suomessa. Siellä on monia saaria. Sinä voit mennä sinne veneellä. Saaristomeri on todella kaunis ja sinä voit mennä katsomaan saaristomeren kansallispuistoon, jossa on paljon eläimiä ja hienoja näkymiä. Made by Aksel and Kiira 5b
Nokia-Viholan koulu, Finland
SUOMEN KANSALLISPUISTOT – NATIONAL PARKS IN FINLAND Kansallispuistot ovat suojeltuja alueita, joilla on ainutlaatuisia luonnon piirteitä. Suomessa on 40 kansallispuistoa. Ne ovat hajallaan maan saaristossa, järvissä, metsissä, turvemailla ja tuntureilla, ja ne edustavat erilaisia luonnonominaisuuksia. Kansallispuistoja ei ole perustettu vain luonnon suojelemiseksi, vaan tavoitteena on myös antaa ihmisille mahdollisuus nauttia maisemista, nähdä eläimiä ja kasveja, rentoutua ja nauttia luonnosta, ja tietysti nämä puistot tarjoavat ihanteelliset mahdollisuudet virkistäytymiseen, kuten patikointiin, kiipeilyyn, lumikenkäilyyn ja muuhun ulkoiluun. Kuva: Kalle Virtanen
National parks are protected areas with unique natural features. There are 40 national parks in Finland. They are scattered around the country’s archipelago, lakes, forests, peat lands and fells, and represent different natural characteristics. The national parks have not been established only in the purpose of protecting nature; the goal is also to give people the opportunity to enjoy the scenery and spot animals and plants, relax and enjoy nature and of course these parks provide ideal opportunities for recreation like hiking, climbing, snowshoeing and other outdoor activities.
Picture: Sonja Vanhamäki 6A Nokia School Here is the map with the National Parks in Finland (from the year 2011):
SUOJELLUT LUONNONMUISTOMERKIT - PROTECTED NATURAL MONUMENTS Luonnonmuistomerkit ovat suojeltuja luonnonmuodostelmia: Puut, puuryhmät, jäätikön epäsäännölliset lohkot ja muut luonnonmuodostelmat voidaan suojata luonnonmuistomerkkeinä. Luonnollisia muodostelmia voidaan suojella niiden kauneuden, harvinaisuuden, maisemallisen merkityksen tai tieteellisen arvon vuoksi. Suojellun luonnonmuistomerkin tuhoaminen tai vahingoittaminen on kielletty. Suojelupäätöksen tekee viranomainen, jonka alueella luonnonmuistomerkki sijaitsee. Kunnan on tehtävä päätös maan suojelukohteen suojelemisesta yksityisellä maalla hakemuksesta tai maanomistajan suostumuksella.
Natural monuments are protected natural formations: Trees, groups of trees, glacial erratic blocks and other natural formations may be protected as natural monuments. Natural formations may be protected due to their beauty, rarity, scenic relevance or scientific value. It is prohibited to destroy or damage a protected natural monument. The protection decision is made by the authority in whose territory the natural monument is located. A decision to protect a natural monument on private land is made by the municipality upon application or with the consent of the landowner.
There are 24 protected natural monuments in our hometown Nokia.
LUONNONPERINTÖ - NATURAL HERITAGE Suomessa on seitsemän Unescon maailmanperintökohdetta, joista kuusi on kulttuurisia ja yksi luontoon liittyvä. Merenkurkun saaristo ja sen erilaiset luonto- ja retkeilyreitit sijaitsevat Vaasan rannikon tuntumassa. Alue lisättiin Unescon maailmanperintöluetteloon vuonna 2006 ensimmäisenä luonnonperintökohteena ja toistaiseksi ainoana Suomessa. Merenkurkun saaristolla on ainutlaatuinen geologinen arvo, sillä siellä maankohoamisnopeus on yksi maailman nopeimmista. Se on loistava paikka kokea ja ymmärtää viimeisimmän jääkauden aiheuttamaa maankohoamista. Saaristossa on ainutlaatuisia jääkautisia muotoja, jotka tekevät alueen maisemasta vaihtelevan. Maankohoamisen seurauksena alue on esimerkki jatkuvasti muuttuvasta luonnonalueesta, johon kasvillisuus, eläimistö ja ihmiset ovat sopeutuneet.
Olemme valinneet muutaman kohteen eri puolilta Suomea esiteltäviksi. Esityksen lopusta löytyy linkkejä, joiden kautta pääsee tutkimaan muitakin kohteita. Viimeisellä sivulla on myös luontobingopohja, jota käytimme Act Green Nokia-viikon aikana tehdyllä Seitsemisen retkellä ja liitteenä on myös linkki koostamaamme Kahoot-visaan, jossa voi kilpailla suomalaisten luonnonpuistojen tietämyksestään.
Finland has seven Unesco World Heritage sites of which six are cultural and one is natural. Kvarken Archipelago and its various nature and hiking trails are located off the coast of Vaasa. The site was added to the UNESCO World Heritage List in 2006 as the first natural heritage site and, to date, the only one in Finland. The Kvarken archipelago has a unique geological value, where the rate of land uplift is one of the fastest in the world. It is a great place to experience and understand the uplift caused by the latest ice age. The archipelago has unique glacial shapes that make the landscape of the area varied. As a result of land uplift, the area is an example of an ever-changing natural area to which flora, fauna and people have adapted.
We have selected a few places from all over Finland to introduce in this paper. At the end of the presentation you will find links to explore other destinations. On the last page there is a nature bingo sheet, which we used in Seitseminen during Act Green Nokia Week, and there is also a link to the Kahoot quiz compiled by us, where you can compete about your knowledge of Finnish nature parks.
Seitsemisen kansallispuisto sijaitsee Pohjois-Pirkanmaalla, noin 50 km Tampereelta. Perustettu 1982. Pintaala 46 km². Tähän puistoon tutustuttiin Act Green –Nokia-viikon aikana. Kansallispuiston sydän on jo vuonna 1910 suojeltu Multiharjun aarnimetsä. Siellä vanhimmat kilpikaarnaiset männyt lähentelevät 400 vuoden ikää. Pohjois-Pirkanmaalla asustelee karhuja. Myös susi on viime vuosina levittäytynyt seudulle. Jääkauden näkyvimpiä merkkejä Seitsemisessä ovat pohjoiseteläsuuntaiset harjut. Kansallispuiston pintaalasta yli puolet on suota. Männikköisten rämeiden ja tiheiden korpikuusikoiden lisäksi Seitsemisestä löytyy isoja puuttomia nevoja. Suurin osa alueen soista ojitettiin 1960- ja 70-luvuilla. Vuodesta 1987 lähtien puiston soiden luonnontilaa on palautettu ennallistamalla. Seitsemisen luontokeskus on mahtava tietopankki. Koveron idyllisellä kruununmetsätorpalla aika on pysähtynyt 1930-luvulle. Seitsemisessä on paljon tehtävää: esimerkiksi geokätköily, hiihto, kalastus, lumikenkäily, luontopolut, marjastus, sienestys, melonta, patikointi, pyöräily, ratsastus, uinti, vaellus. Retkipäivä on mukava päättää herkutteluhetkeen luontokeskuksen ravintolassa, kuten Act Green-retkelläkin toimittiin.
Kuvat: Neela Lentolehto 6P ja Elsa Virtanen 6A 27
SEITSEMINEN Seitseminen National Park is located in Northern Pirkanmaa, about 50 km northwest of Tampere. Established in 1982. Area 46 km². We visited Seitseminen during Act Green - Nokia Week. The heart of the national park is in Multiharju primeval forest, which was protected as early as 1910. There, the oldest pines are approaching 400 years of age. There live bears in northern Pirkanmaa and the wolf has also spread to the area in recent years. The most prominent signs of the ice age in Seitseminen are the northsouth ridges. More than half of the area of the national park is bog. In addition to the pine and spruce swamps, there are wide treeless bogs in Seitseminen. Most of the bogs in the area were drained in the 1960s and 70s. Since 1987, the natural state of the park's bogs has been restored. Seitseminen Nature Center offers an awesome databank. At the idyllic state forest hut Kovero, time has stopped to the 1930s. There are many things to do in Seitseminen, for example, geocaching, skiing, fishing, snowshoeing, nature trails, berry picking, mushroom picking, kayaking, hiking, biking, horseback riding, swimming. The excursion day is nice to end with a treat in the restaurant of the Nature Center. Act Green Nokia week - a lovely day outdoors in Seitseminen!
PALLAS-YLLÄSTUNTURI Pallas-Yllästunturin kansallispuisto sijaitsee Kolarin, Kittilän, Muonion ja Enontekiön välisellä tunturialueella. Kävijämäärällä mitattuna se on Suomen suosituin kansallispuisto. Luonnon lisäksi puiston alueella voi ihailla kansainvälisen taiteilijaryhmän Pallastunturille pystyttämää ympäristötaidetta. PallasYllästunturin kansallispuiston maisemaa hallitsevat tunturit sekä niitä ympäröivät luonnontilaiset metsät ja suot. Lapin maisemat saavat kulkijan haltioitumaan. Pallastunturien siluetti onkin valittu yhdeksi Suomen kansallismaisemista.
Kuvat: Kaisa Turunen
Noin kolme miljardia vuotta sitten Suomea halkoi Alppien kaltainen poimuvuoristo. Nykyiset tunturit ovat niiden kuluneita juuria. Muinaisesta vuoristosta on jäljellä tunturien ja vaarojen ketju, joka kulkee LänsiLapista Pohjois-Karjalaan. Alueella on karua kallioperää ja siellä ollaan merellisen ja mantereisen ilmaston välissä. Pohjoisen havumetsävyöhykkeen metsiä eli taigaa esiintyy EU:n alueella vain Suomessa ja Ruotsissa. Kansallispuisto onkin luontoarvoiltaan kansainvälisesti erittäin merkittävä. Puiston luonnontilaiset vanhat metsät ja aapasuot ovat hyvin arvokkaita. Suojaisat kosteat metsät ovat ikimetsien sammalille, jäkälille ja sienille ainoa kasvupaikka. Täällä kuuset ja männyt peittyvät tummiin jäkäliin, jotka ovat myös puhtaan ilman indikaattoreita. Osa tunturien kivilajeista on saanut alkunsa muinaisista tulivuorista. Karhu ja ilves kuuluvat suurpedoista kansallispuiston vakituisiin asukkaisiin. Yllästunturin kansallispuiston linnustossa on Lapin erämaille tunnusomaisia piirteitä ja lajistossa sekoittuvat eteläiset ja pohjoiset lajit. Pallas-Yllästunturin kansallispuiston monimuotoinen luonto tarjoaa hyvät mahdollisuudet tutkimustoiminnalle. Puistossa onkin käynnissä yli sata tutkimushanketta, joista suuri osa liittyy kansainvälisiin ilmanlaadun seurantatutkimuksiin.
PALLAS-YLLÄS Pallas-Yllästunturi National Park is located in the fell area between Kolari, Kittilä, Muonio and Enontekiö. Measured by the number of visitors, it is the most popular national park in Finland. In addition to nature, in the park area you can admire the Environmental Art erected by an international group of artists for Pallastunturi. The landscape of Pallas-Yllästunturi National Park is dominated by fells and the surrounding natural forests and swamps. The landscapes of Lapland make the walker ecstatic. The silhouette of Pallastunturi has been chosen to represent one of Finland's national landscapes. About three billion years ago, Finland was crossed by an alpine-like corrugated mountain range. The present fells are their worn roots. What remains of the ancient mountains is a chain of fells and that runs from Western Lapland to North Karelia. You will find rugged bedrock, being between the marine and continental climates. Forests in the northern coniferous forest zone, or taiga, occur in the EU only in Finland and Sweden. The national park is internationally very important in terms of natural values. The park’s natural old-growth forests and swamps are very valuable. Sheltered forests are the only habitat for evergreen moss, lichen and fungi. Here, spruces and pines are covered with dark lichens, which are also indicators of clean air. Some of the rock types in the fells have their origins in ancient volcanoes. The bear and lynx are among the permanent residents of the national park. The birds of the Yllästunturi National Park have the characteristics of the Lapland wilderness and there are southern and northern species mixed among them. The diverse nature of Pallas-Yllästunturi National Park offers good opportunities for research activities. Indeed, more than a hundred research projects are going in the park, many of which are related to international air quality monitoring studies.
Picture by Sade Nytorp 6A Nokia School
URHO KEKKOSEN KANSALLISPUISTON Urho Kekkosen kansallispuiston erikoisuus on syvät kurut, joissa lumi pysyy pitkälle kesään. Alueella voi myös tutustua kolttasaamelaisten vanhoihin asuinpaikkoihin ja joulupukin kotipaikka Korvatunturiin. Urho Kekkosen kansallispuisto sijaitsee Sodankylä-Ivalo -maantien (tien nro 4/E75) itäpuolella. Urho Kekkosen kansallispuistossa on toisaalta pyöreälakisten tuntureiden ylänköä, mutta myös laajoja mänty- ja kuusimetsiä. Metsänrajan tuntureiden rinteillä muodostaa tunturikoivu. Puiston eteläosaa hallitsevat aapasuot. Kaikkialla virtailee pieniä ja isompia kirkasvetisiä puroja ja jokia. Kansallispuiston alue on kallioperältään varsin karua. Kasvilajeja on melko vähän, ja vaateliaita lajeja kasvaa lähinnä purojen ja jokien varsilla, lähteissä ja harvoilla rehevimmillä soilla. Ilmasto on mantereinen. Meren lämpötiloja tasaava ja runsaita sateita tuova vaikutus puuttuu. Kansallispuiston alueella elää yli 20 nisäkäslajia. Suurpedot karhu, ahma, susi ja ilves liikkuvat puiston syrjäisimmissä osissa. Todennäköisemmin kohtaat puistossa poroja, jäniksiä, hirviä ja kettuja. Ilmaston lämpenemisen myötä mänty ja kuusi leviävät pohjoisemmaksi ja ylemmäksi tuntureilla. Tämä näkyy jo Urho Kekkosen kansallispuistossa. Kuva:
URHO KEKKONEN NATIONAL PARK The specialty of Urho Kekkonen National Park is deep gorges, where the snow stays well into the summer. In the area you can also get to know the old settlements of the Skolt Sámi and Santa's home in Korvatunturi. Urho Kekkonen National Park is located east of the Sodankylä-Ivalo road (road no. 4 / E75). Urho Kekkonen National Park, on the other hand, has the highlands of round-felled fells, but also extensive pine and spruce forests. On the slopes of the fells the forest border is formed by mountain birches. The southern part of the park is dominated by aapa mires. There are small and bigger clear water streams and rivers flowing everywhere. The bedrock area of the national park is quite nutrient-poor. There are quite a few plant species, and demanding species grow mainly along streams and rivers, in springs and in the few eutrophic bogs. The climate is continental. There is no effect of equalizing sea temperatures and no heavy rainfalls. More than 20 mammal species live in the national park. Large carnivores like bear, wolverine, wolf and lynx move in the most remote parts of the park. You are more likely to encounter reindeer, hares, deer and foxes in the park. As the climate warms up, pine and spruce will spread further in the north and higher in the fells. This is already visible in Urho Kekkonen National Park. Picture:
NUUKSIO Pääkaupunkiseudulla Espoon, Vihdin ja Kirkkonummen alueilla sijaitseva Nuuksion kansallispuisto on eteläisen Suomen suurin ja suosituin kansallispuisto. Nuuksion kansallispuisto on pääkaupunkiseudun vihreä keidas. Kallioisella järviylängöllä viihtyvät vanhojen metsien, vehreiden niittyjen ja laaksojen sekä lukuisten lampien lajit. Jääkausi jätti perintönään Nuuksioon hienot ja vaihtelevat maanmuodot: laaksot ja rotkot sekä karut, jäkälän ja harvan männikön peittämät kalliomäet. Nuuksion liito-oravakanta on yksi tiheimmistä Suomessa tunnetuista kannoista. Alueelta on löydetty lähes 200 metsikköä, jotka on todettu liito-oravan asuttamiksi. Laji onkin valittu kansallispuiston tunnuseläimeksi. Alueelta löytyy niittyjä, kallioita, kangasmetsiä, korpia, rämeitä, lehtoja, aarniometsiä, järviä, lampia, soita. Kuva: Pekka Väänänen
NUUKSIO Nuuksio National Park is located in the Helsinki metropolitan area, Espoo, Vihti and Kirkkonummi, and it is the largest and most popular national park in southern Finland. It is a green oasis in the Helsinki metropolitan area. The rocky lake plateau is home to species of old forests, lush meadows and valleys, and numerous ponds. The ice age left behind it the fine and varied landforms in Nuuksio: valleys and gorges, as well as barren, rocky hills covered with lichens and sparse pine trees. The Nuuksio flying squirrel population is one of the densest known in Finland. Nearly 200 forests have been found in the area that have been found to be inhabited by flying squirrels. The species has been chosen as the national park's symbol animal. The area has meadows, cliffs, wilderness, groves, primeval forests, lakes, ponds, bogs.
Kuvat: Pekka Väänänen 36
OULANKA Oulangan kansallispuisto Kuusamossa on monelle tuttu Karhunkierroksen ansiosta. Karhunkierros on Suomen kuuluisin vaellusreitti: sen pituus on 82 kilometriä ja koko reitin vaeltaminen kestää 3-7 päivää vaeltajan kunnosta riippuen. Karhunkierroksen lisäksi Oulangan kansallispuistossa voi ihailla Suomen komeimpiin kuuluvia koskia ja erittäin lajirikasta luontoa. Karhunkierroksen jylhissä maisemissa näet ikiaikaisen veden voiman. Oulangan kansallispuiston monet reittivaihtoehdot ja lukuisat riippusillat johtavat sinut Suomen komeimpien könkäiden äärelle. Siellä villin taimenen hypyt, koskikaran sukellus, aapasoiden ääretön kauneus ja piilotteleva kasvikaunotar neidonkenkä haastavat kokeneenkin kuvaajan. Luonto ei tunne rajoja: Venäjän puolella aukeaa Paanajärven valtava erämainen kansallispuisto. Oulanka on kymmeniä kilometrejä jokiluontoa - suvantoina, nivoina ja koskina virtaavaa vettä, jonka katkaisevat ylittämättömät könkäät. Korkeuserot ovat suuret. Rotkolaaksojen paljaat dolomiittiseinämät kohoavat pystyjyrkkinä, korkeimpana Kiutavaaran metsäinen kvartsiittilaki Oulankajokilaakson yllä. Oulanka on rikkaita lettoja ja rinnesoita, puronvarsien reheviä saniaislehtoja ja muinaisen rantaviivan kuivia lehtoja. Oulangan luonnon poikkeuksellinen rikkaus on tunnettu aina 1800-luvulta lähtien. Hankalat kulkuyhteydetkään eivät estäneet aikansa tunnetuimpia luonnontutkijoita etsiytymästä alueelle. Retkiltään he kirjoittivat haltioituneita kuvauksia pyhiinvaelluksistaan kalkkikallioille, lettosoille, lehtoihin ja reheville puronvarsille. Oulangan lajimäärä ei ole tiedossa, mutta nykyään alueelta tunnetaan lähes 400 eri tavoin suojeltavaa lajia.
Kuvat; Kalle Virtanen
OULANKA Oulanka National Park in Kuusamo is familiar to many thanks to Karhunkierros, “Bear Tour”. Karhunkierros is Finland's most famous hiking route: its length is 82 kilometers and the entire route takes 3-7 days, depending on the condition of the hiker. In addition to Karhunkierros, you can admire one of Finland's most beautiful rapids and very species-rich nature in Oulanka National Park. In the rugged scenery of Karhunkierros, you will see the power of ancient water. The many route options and numerous suspension bridges in Oulanka National Park lead you to the most beautiful slopes in Finland. There, the jumps of the wild trout, the diving of the rapids, the infinite beauty of the heels and the hidden plant beauty maiden challenge will challenge even the most experienced photographer. Nature knows no borders: the huge desert national park of Lake Paanajärvi opens up on the Russian side. Oulanka is tens of kilometers of river nature - water flowing in backwaters, ridges and rapids, interrupted by insurmountable stumps. Height differences are large. The bare dolomite walls of the gorge valleys rise vertically, the highest being the wooded quartzite law of Kiutavara above the Oulankajoki Valley. Oulanka is rich in bogs and hillsides, lush fern groves by the creeks and dry groves of the ancient coastline. The exceptional richness of Oulanka's nature has been known since the 19th century. Even the difficult transport connections did not prevent the most famous naturalists of his time from searching for the area. From their excursions, they wrote ecstatic descriptions of their pilgrimages to limestone cliffs, lettos, groves, and lush creek banks. The number of species in Oulanka is not known, but today almost 400 different protected species are known from the area.
Picture by Kalle Virtanen 39
KOLI Monien mielestä Kolin kansallismaisema on Suomen kaunein, ja se onkin inspiroinut monia tunnettuja taiteilijoita, kuten Jean Sibeliusta, Eero Järnefeltiä ja Juhani Ahoa. Puiston parasta antia ovat sen huikeat näköalapaikat.Kolin kansallispuistossa sykähdyttävät kumpuilevat vaarat, vanhat metsät, rehevät lehdot ja värikkäät ahot. Täällä näet sekä villiä luontoa että hoitoa vaativia perinnemaisemia. Kolin vaarajono sijaitsee kahden eri-ikäisen kallioperäalueen rajalla. Kolin vaaroilta itään on Suomen vanhinta, yli 2,6 miljardia vuotta vanhaa kallioperää. Kolin alueen kallioperä mullistui tuliperäisen saariston työntyessä mantereen päälle noin 1,9 miljardia vuotta sitten. Kansallispuiston itäpuolella, Pielisellä, on noin 13 kilometrin mittainen saarina näkyvä harjujakso. Se on muodostunut viimeisen jääkauden sulamisvaiheessa jäätikön reunan läheisen railon pohjaan. Hiekkarantainen saarijono on valtakunnallisesti merkittävä harjuluonnon suojelukohde. Pielinen on Suomen neljänneksi suurin järvi. Kolin vaihteleva luonto tarjoaa valtavasti nähtävää: ahojen kukka- ja sieniloistoa, reheviä lehtoja, aarniometsäisiä kuusikoita, karuja kallioita ja kirkkaita vesiä. Kolin kansallispuistossa on vuosien mittaan havaittu ainakin 4078 eliölajia. Mistään muusta kansallispuistosta ei ole koottuna yhtä kattavaa lajilistaa. Kolilla voi kesäisin ihailla ahojen kukkaloistoa ja tutustua harvinaisiin ahokasveihin. Kuva: Kaisa
KOLI According to many, Koli's national landscape is the most beautiful in Finland, and it has inspired many wellknown artists, such as Jean Sibelius, Eero Järnefelt and Juhani Aho. The best thing about the park is its stunning vantage points. In Koli National Park, pulsating dangers, old-growth forests, lush groves and colorful ravines pulsate. Here you can see both wildlife and traditional landscapes that require care. The Koli danger line is located on the border of two bedrock areas of different ages. To the east of Koli's dangers is Finland's oldest bedrock, more than 2.6 billion years old. The bedrock of the Koli area was revolutionized when the volcanic archipelago pushed onto the mainland about 1.9 billion years ago. To the east of the national park, Pielinen, is a 13-kilometer-long ridge section visible as islands. It has formed during the melting phase of the last ice age at the bottom of a nearby groove at the edge of the glacier. The sandy archipelago is a nationally significant ridge nature conservation site. Pielinen is Finland's fourth largest lake. The varied nature of Koli offers a huge amount of things to see: the flower and mushroom splendor of the agas, the lush groves, the spruce forests of the primeval forest, the rugged cliffs and the clear waters. Over the years, at least 4,078 species of organisms have been observed in Koli National Park. No other national park has a compiled list of species. In summer, you can admire the flowering of agoa and get acquainted with rare agave plants.
Pictures: Kaisa Turunen 41
SELKÄMERI Selkämeri muodostuu kiehtovista saarikohteista, joilla kohoavat sympaattiset majakat ja jylhät merivalvontatornit. Karun kaunis ulkosaaristo kutsuu vierailijoita tutustumaan niin kallioisiin rantoihin kuin monipuoliseen vedenalaiseen luontoonkin. Tee matka menneeseen aikaan Selkämeren majakkasaarilla ja sukella Suomen puhtaimman merialueen vedenalaiseen luontoon. Aavan meren äärellä luonnonvoimat tulevat iholle. Selkämeri avaa ihmisen ymmärtämään oman rajallisuutensa. Selkämeren kansallispuisto on Suomen eteläisin kolkka, jossa maankohoaminen vaikuttaa. Epäselvää on, muuttaako ilmastonmuutoksen aiheuttama merenpinnanousu tilanteen tulevaisuudessa. Luotojen ja saarten kapeana jatkuva nauha on lintujen suosimaa saaristoaluetta. Kansallispuisto muodostuu etupäässä uloimman saariston karujen luotojen ja saarien nauhasta, joka ulottuu kapeana ja pitkänä Merikarvialta Kustaviin. Ulkosaariston kätköistä löytyvät kallioiset lintuluodot, kukkivat kivikkorannat, vanhat saaristotukikohdat perinnemaisemineen sekä hiljalleen kehittyvät metsät saaristomäntyineen. Saaret ovat kooltaan yleensä melko pieniä ja saaristoa ympäröivät vedet matalia. Selkämeri on yksi parhaimmassa kunnossa säilyneistä merialueistamme Suomen rannikolla. Selkämeri kattaa 160 km pitkän etelä-pohjoissuuntaisen kaistaleen lounaista rannikkoamme. Itämeren suolapitoisuus vähenee pohjoista kohden, ja Selkämerelle onkin tyypillistä suolapitoisuuden vaiheittainen muuttuminen. Selkämerellä kohtaavat eteläinen, mereinen lajisto ja pohjoisen vähäsuolaisuuteen sopeutunut lajisto. Kuva:
SELKÄMERI The Inland Sea is made up of fascinating island destinations with sympathetic lighthouses and rugged maritime surveillance towers. The rugged outer archipelago invites visitors to explore both rocky beaches and diverse underwater nature. Take a trip to the past on the lighthouse islands of the Bothnian Sea and dive into the underwater nature of Finland's cleanest sea area. By the open sea, the forces of nature come to the skin. The back sea opens man to understand his own limitations. The Bothnian Sea National Park is Finland's southernmost Kolkka, where land uplift affects. It is unclear whether sea level rise caused by climate change will change the situation in the future. The narrow continuous strip of islets and islands is an archipelago favored by birds. The national park consists mainly of a strip of barren islets and islands in the outer archipelago, which stretches narrow and long from Merikarvia to Kustavi. In the caches of the outer archipelago you will find rocky bird islets, flowering rocky beaches, old archipelago bases with their traditional landscapes and slowly developing forests with archipelago pines. The islands are usually quite small in size and the waters surrounding the archipelago are shallow. The Bothnian Sea is one of our best preserved sea areas on the Finnish coast. The Bothnian Sea covers a 160 km long south-north strip of our southwest coast. The salinity of the Baltic Sea is declining towards the north, and the Bothnian Sea is characterized by a gradual change in salinity. In the Bothnian Sea, the southern, marine species and the species adapted to the low salinity of the north meet. Picture:
HOSSA Suomen 40. Kansallispuisto, avattu 2017. Hossa on Suomi100 -juhlavuoden kansallispuisto. Hossan kansallispuiston komeaan harjuluontoon ja kirkasvetisiin kalajärviin ihastuivat jo kivikauden ihmiset. Kainuulaisessa luonnossa näkyy alueen pohjoinen sijainti ja maisemassa on Lapin tuntua. Hossan kansallispuiston luonto on hyvin vaihtelevaa. Kulkija voi samalla retkellä ihailla kirkkaita harjulampia, kulkea kumisevia kangasmaita, harppoa suolla mättäältä toiselle ja sukeltaa aarnikuusikkoon kuulemaan puron lirinää. Jääkausi on rakentanut pohjan Hossan maisemalle. Jäävirrat tekivät harjut jyrkkine rinteineen ja suppineen. Jään reunassa oli kielekkeitä, joiden välissä kulki jäävirtoja ja joiden reunat sulivat kukin omalla tavallaan. Hossassa on monen muotoisia ja suuntaisia veden ja jäänreunojen tekemiä muodostumia. Miljoonia vuosia vanhassa maan halkeamassa, murroslaaksossa sijaitsee Julma-Ölkyn kanjonijärvi, jonka nykyinen maisema on sekin jääkausien esiin huuhtoma ja viimeistelemä. Metsien käyttö näkyy metsän rakenteessa. Maastossa on jälkiä tervanpoltosta ja metsätaloudesta. Hossan kansallispuiston lajisto on Kainuulle tyypillistä. Luonnossa näkyy alueen pohjoinen sijainti ja maisemassa on lapin tuntua. Alueella tavataan satunnaisesti kaikkia suurpetojamme. Laajojen alojen kulkijoina ja ihmistä karttavina niitä pääsee harvoin näkemään. Kuva: Kaisa Turunen
HOSSA Finland's 40th National Park, opened in 2017. Hossa is the Finland100 anniversary national park. People from the Stone Age already fell in love with the handsome ridge nature and clear water fishing lakes of Hossa National Park. Kainuu's nature shows the northern location of the area and the landscape has the feel of Lapland. The nature of Hossa National Park is very varied. On the same excursion, the walker can admire the bright ridge ponds, walk the rubbery cloth lands, leap in the swamp from one rot to another and dive into the spruce to hear the roar of the creek. The ice age has laid the foundation for the Hossa landscape. Ice currents made ridges with steep slopes and narrow roads. There were tabs on the edge of the ice, between which flows of ice flowed, and the edges of which melted in their own way. Hossa has formations of many shapes and directions made by water and ice edges. The Julma-Ölky canyon lake is located in a million-year-old cracked valley of the country, the current landscape of which is also washed out and finished by the ice ages. The use of forests is reflected in the structure of the forest. The terrain has traces of tar burning and forestry. The species of Hossa National Park is typical of Kainuu. Nature shows the northern location of the area and the landscape has the feel of Lapland. All our large carnivores are occasionally found in the area. They are rarely seen as walkers of vast fields and avoid people. Kuva: Kaisa Turunen
REPOVESI Repovedellä pääsee kiipeilemään kallioisilla rinteillä ja melomaan upeissa maisemissa. Puistolle omaleimaisen ilmeen antavat vuorottelevat vesistöt, kallionseinämät ja aarnimetsät. Puiston maisemat ja näköalapaikat ovat vailla vertaa. Lepuuta silmiäsi kymmenien järvien ja lampien muodostamassa metsämaisemassa. Repoveden mahtavat mäet ja jylhät kalliot haastavat harrastajan kiipeämään yhä korkeammalle. Lapinsalmen sillalta, Ketunlossilta, näkötornista ja monista muista kohteista voit löytää oman Repovesi-seikkailusi! Repoveden kansallispuiston laajat asumattomat metsät, jylhät kalliojyrkänteet ja kirkkaat vedet tarjoavat suojaisan kodin monille lajeille. Valtaosa Repoveden alueesta on kovaa Keski-Suomen graniittia, jonka ikä on 1900 miljoonaa vuotta.
Kuvat: Satu Matikainen
REPOVESI In Repovesi you can climb rocky slopes and paddle in stunning scenery. The park is characterized by alternating water bodies, rock walls and primeval forests. The scenery and vantage points of the park are second to none.Rest your eyes in the forest landscape formed by dozens of lakes and ponds. The magnificent hills and steep cliffs of Repovesi challenge the enthusiast to climb higher and higher. You can find your own Repovesi adventure at the Lapinsalmi bridge, Ketunloss, the lookout tower and many other places! The vast uninhabited forests, rugged cliffs, and clear waters of Repovesi National Park provide a sheltered home for many species.The majority of the Repovesi area is hard granite from Central Finland, with an age of 1,900 million years.
Picture: Satu Matikainen
“Merenkurkun saaristo on maankohoamisilmiöstään tunnettu luonnonperintökohde, sillä alueella voi todistaa maannousun merkkejä omin silmin. Jääkauden ulkoilmamuseoksikin nimitetty Merenkurkku sijaitsi edellisen jääkauden aikana Pohjois-Euroopan peittäneen mannerjäätikön keskiössä. Noin kilometrin nykyistä alemmaksi painunut maankuori vapautui jäämassan alta 10 000 vuotta sitten ja se kohoaa edelleen lähes metrin sadassa vuodessa. Maankohoamisen johdosta saaristo muuttaa jatkuvasti muotoaan: uudet saaret ilmestyvät horisonttiin, entisistä merenlahdista muotoutuu järviä ja veneväylät mataloituvat karikoiksi. Yhteensä 5600 saaresta koostuva Merenkurkun alue on lintubongarin paratiisi, sillä se on yksi merkittävimmistä saaristolintujen pesimä- ja muuttoalueista koko Itämeren alueella. Merenkurkussa on myös erinomaiset mahdollisuudet kalastukseen, minkä vuoksi se onkin paikallisten kalastajien suosiossa. Noin 40 kilometriä Vaasan keskustasta sijaitsevaan saaristoon pääsee kulkemaan kätevästi Raippaluodon siltaa pitkin ja majoitusta on tarjolla alueen vuokramökeissä.”
UNESCO WORLD HERITAGE MERENKURKKU ARCHIPELAGO The Kvarken archipelago is a natural heritage site known for its uplifting phenomenon, as the area can witness signs of uplift with its own eyes. Kvarken, also known as the Ice Age Open-Air Museum, was located at the heart of the continental glacier that covered Northern Europe during the previous ice age. The crust, about a kilometer lower than it is today, was released from the ice mass 10,000 years ago and continues to rise by almost a meter in a hundred years. Due to land uplift, the archipelago is constantly changing its shape: new islands appear on the horizon, lakes are formed from former bays, and boat lanes are reduced to depressions.The Kvarken region, with a total of 5,600 islands, is a birdwatcher's paradise, as it is one of the most important nesting and migration areas for archipelago birds in the entire Baltic Sea region. The Kvarken also has excellent fishing opportunities, which is why it is popular with local fishermen. The archipelago, located about 40 kilometers from the center of Vaasa, can be conveniently reached along the Raippaluoto bridge and accommodation is available in rental cottages in the area.
Vihola Perustamisvuosi: Hämeen lääninhallitus 1991 ja 1992. Pinta-ala: 2.44 ha. Luonnonsuojelualue sijaitsee Viholan Laitolahdessa noin 300 metriä Eden-kylpylän eteläpuolella Pyhäjärven Saviselän pohjoisrannalla. Alue kuuluu valtakunnalliseen lehtojensuojeluohjelmaan ja alue on osa Pirkkalan lehtokeskusta. Alue sijaitsee yksityismailla lähellä pihapiiriä ja siellä liikkuminen on kielletty ilman maanomistajan lupaa. Luonnonsuojelualueen kasvillisuus on lehtomaista ja puusto koostuu pääasiassa koivuista. Arvokkaimmat puulajit ovat kynäjalava, joista yksi on rauhoitettu luonnonmuistomerkiksi ja niukkana esiintyvä pähkinäpensas. Nykyisin kaikki kynäjalavat on rauhoitettu luonnonsuojelulailla. Kenttäkerroksessa kasvaa useita lehtolajeja. Harvalukuisemmista lintulajeista alueella pesii pikkutikka ja kultarinta ja alueella on havaittu Suomessa harvinainen valkoselkätikka.
Kuvat: Satu Matikainen
NOKIA, VIHOLA Year of foundation: Häme County Government 1991 and 1992. Area: 2.44 ha. The nature reserve is located in Laitolahti, Vihola, about 300 meters south of the Eden spa on the northern shore of Lake Pyhäjärvi. Part of the area is the Varassaari peninsula south of Laitolahti. The area is part of the national grove protection program and is part of the Pirkkala grove center. The area is located on private land near the yard and it is prohibited to walk in the area from 1 April to 31 October. without the permission of the landowner. The vegetation of the nature reserve is grove-like and trees are mainly birches. The most valuable tree species are the fluttering elm, one of which is protected as a natural monument, and the European Hazel. Today, all elms are protected by the Nature Conservation Act. Several grove species grow in the field layer. Of the fewer bird species in the area, the lesser spotted woodpecker and the icterine warbler nest in the area, and the rare in Finland white-backed woodpecker has been observed in the area. Pictures: Satu Matikainen
TEHTÄVIÄ - TASKS: 1) Kahoot-quiz on the National parks of Finland: a) Challenge version to be played alone: b) Classroom version to be played with the teacher: 2) Forest Bingo sheet we used in Seitseminen:
FOREST BINGO Place your feet side by side about 1 meter from a pine tree. Lean on the pine with straight hands. Push 20 times while bending your arms. Keep your body straight. Squat 20 times. Touch the ground with each squat.
Select three trees. They form a triangle. Run around the triangle 10 times.
Tap a birch tree.
Climb onto a rock and jump down 10 times.
Pat a rock.
Select two trees. Run between the trees, touching both of them 10 times.
Place a twig on the ground or look for a twig that is ready on the ground. Jump over it 20 times.
Make three somersaults
Collect 10 stones.
Touch a tree with one hand. With your other hand, hold your leg up and stretch your thigh for 20 seconds (count seconds). Same on the other foot.
Stand next to a tree with your back facing the tree. Put your hands on the ground. Climb with your feet along the tree trunk and end up standing on your hands.
Make 20 sit ups (abdominal muscular movements) on moss
Find a tree so thick that your hands are not enough to reach around the tree. Hug the tree!
Lie on the ground for 30 seconds (Count the seconds).
Run or walk around a tree backwards 10 times.
Dimotiko Scholeio Plateos Imathias, Plathy Imathias, Greece
PARNITHA NATIONAL PARK Parnitha is the highest of the mountains that enclose the Attica basin. It occupies a large area, which includes dozens of peaks, ravines and plateaus. In 1961 the largest volume of the mountain was declared a National Park and consists of the core, which occupies the central volume of the mountain, and the peripheral zone. The arrangement of rocks in Parnitha favors the creation of many springs. In Parnitha, 45 sources of continuous flow have been recorded, while the well-known source of Kithara supplied the Hadrian's aqueduct from antiquity until today. Kithara source, passing under Kifisos, transports the water of Parnitha to the reservoir of Kolonaki. In Parnitha there are also several caves and precipices, especially on the west and southwest side, where limestone predominates. The most famous cave is that of Panos, which took it’s name from the worship of the god Pan and the Nymphs. The climate in the Parnitha National Park differs significantly from that of Attica. The temperature in the mountains of Parnitha is 2-6 ° C lower than the corresponding temperature in the lowlands. Rainfall is double in the upper zone of the mountain, while frost and fog are frequent phenomena in the mountains, autumn and winter. Parnitha is only 30 km from the center of Athens and is easily accessible from the south and west.
PRESPA LAKES Prespa lakes are located in the heart of the Balkans and are shared by three countries: Albania, Greece and FYROM. By Prespa, we mean two lakes, Small and Large Prespa, as well as the wider catchment area that extends to the tops of the mountains that surround them. There are two National Parks in the area: the Prespa National Park in Greece and the Prespa National Park in Albania.
The Prespa National Park of Greece stands out for the rich natural environment, the amazing landscape, the architecture of the settlements and the unique Byzantine monuments. The area is protected by European and national laws, as well as by international conditions. More than 1,800 species and subspecies of plants (almost 1/4 of the plants in Greece), 194 of which are considered important due to their uniqueness. Many species of wild animals - 62 species of mammals, 11 species of amphibians, 22 species of reptiles, 23 species of fish. More than 270 species of birds, 143 of which breed in Prespa. More than 1,000 pairs of silver pelicans in Prespa constitute the largest colon in the world.
OLYMPUS NATIONAL PARK Olympus National Park was founded in 1938 and consists of the highest peaks and the northern slopes of the mountain. The total extent of the National Park is almost 40.000 stremmas of land (almost 1/5 of the whole mountain). Olympus National Park is one of the most remarkable nature sites in Greece, with rich flora kai fauna. Scientific researches as well as a number of open doors activities are offered on site. The highest mountain of Greece, Olympus, looms over the eastern territories of Central Greece, close to the city of Litohoro in the Prefecture of Pieria. The towering mountain is not just part of Greek mythology, being the mythic residence of Greek gods, but also constitutes a monument of nature with significant cultural and recreative interest. In 1981, forty years after the founding of the National Park, UNESCO declared the area “Biosphere Reserve”, a protected
development. The climate of Olympus ranges depending on the season and the altitude. Olympus’s location, in the middle of continental Greece, makes it an ideal destination for organized excursions and expeditions. Access from big cities such as Larissa, Athens and Thessaloniki is very easy.
NATIONAL PARK OF PINDOS “VALIA CALDA” National Park of Pindos “Valia Calda” is one of the most important and pristine national parks in Greece, founded with the purpose of protecting its rich flora and fauna. It is located in the mountain range of Pindos, on the borders of Grevena and Ioannina Prefectures. The name “Valia Calda” translates to “hot valley” in the Vlach language. The valley is at an altitude of almost 1400 m. surrounded by the mountains Lygkos, Mavrovouni and Avgo. Arkoudorema stream, branch of Aeus River, runs through the valley. The location is a habitat for brown bears, but it also hosts 70 species of birds and vultures, as well as large mammals such as chamoises and roe deers. The National Park is covered by dense forests of black and white pine trees and beeches. The visitor can also see steep precipices and ardent creeks. Abundant and fast flowing bodies of water are a fascinating site!
KERKINI LAKE Kerkini is an artificial lake formed in 1932, after the construction of a dam in the Strymonas River. People in the area needed the deposited water for the vast Serres plain. In 1982, a new dam was built due to the degrading capacity of the lake. The lake’s extent rages from 54.250 to 72.110 acres depending on the season. The area is a wetland of rare beauty, with a view to the Beles Mountain and the valley of Serres. The Ramsar Convention on Wetlands and the European Network “Natura 2000” protect Kerkini Lake. The visitor can admire the riverside forests, the lily ponds and the large variety of fishes, which make up an important source of income for the local people. Many species of mammals, such as jackals, wolves, wildcats, weasels, roe deers, rabbits and wild boars also reside around the lake.
ZAKYNTHOS NATIONAL PARK The National Marine Park of Zakynthos was established with the aim of protecting and conserving the habitats of animals and plants that constitute an important natural heritage both nationally and internationally. On the borders of Zakynthos National Park is one of the most important breeding habitats of the sea turtle Caretta caretta in the Mediterranean. Also, the area is an important habitat for the Mediterranean seal Monachus monachus.
NATIONAL PARK OF VIKOS AND AEUS The Vikos-Aeus National Park in a protected area of natural beauty, north of Ioannina city, in the region of Zagori in Epirus Prefecture. It was officially declared a national park in 1973. On its northeastern side, it borders with the Pindos National Park. The territory is part of the European Network of Nature Reserves and it stands out because of its impressive constantly changing sights: green dense expanses alternating with steep cliffs and precipices.
Axios Delta National Park consists of the lagoon of Kalohori, the estuary of Gallikos River, the riverbed and delta of Axios River, the delta of Aliakmonas River, the wetland of Nea Agathoupoli and the wetland of Alyki Kitrous. Since 1971 it is protected under the Ramsar Convention on Wetlands as an internationally important Waterfowl Habitat, as well as the European Network Natura 2000. It is also included in the list of Important Bird Areas (IBA). The climate of the territory is warm during summer, cold and humid during winter. In the Park one can see many species of plants and animals. Birds on the National Park of Axios Delta:
Istituto Compresivo Gambettola , Italy
SITI NATURALI IN ITALIA PATRIMONIO DELL’UMANITA’ Il Patrimonio Mondiale dell’Umanità rappresenta la nostra eredità del passato. L’UNESCO promuove l’individuazione, la protezione e la conservazione del patrimonio culturale e naturale nel mondo come stabilità dalla Convenzione per la Protezione Mondiale Culturale e Naturale adottata nel 1972. I siti del Patrimonio Mondiale appartengono alle popolazioni del mondo, indipendentemente dal territorio in cui si trovano.
Nella penisola italiana si trovano cinque siti naturali iscritti nel patrimonio mondiale dell’umanità: -
le isole Eolie
il parco dell’Etna
il Monte San Giorgio
le Dolomiti
le faggete vetuste di Sasso Fratino nel Casentino.
UNESCO WORLD HERITAGE – NATURAL SITES IN ITALY The UNESCO World Heritage represents our legacy of the past. UNESCO promotes the individuation, the protection and the preservation of the cultural and natural heritage in the world, as established by the World Heritage Convention in 1972. World Heritage sites belong to the people of the world regardless of the territory in which they are located
On the Italian peninsula there are 5 natural sites registered in the World Heritage: Aeolian Islands -
Volcan Aetna parc
Mount San Giorgio
The ancient beech forests of Sasso Fratino in the National Parc of the Casentino.
Le isole Eolie sono sette: Lipari, Salina, Vulcano, Alicudi, Filicudi, Panarea e Stromboli. Si trovano a nord est della Sicilia (Italia meridionale) e rappresentano una straordinaria testimonianza di nascita ed evoluzione di isole vulcaniche. Grazie all’attività vulcanica ancora in corso e il clima tipicamente mediterraneo, queste isole sono affascinanti. Presentano un ambiente naturale ricco di flora e fauna con meravigliose spiagge, grotte, faraglioni e con una grande varietà e ricchezza di fondali marini.
The Aeolian islands are seven: Lipari, Salina, Vulcano, Alicudi, Filicudi, Panarea and Stromboli. They are located in the North East of Sicily (Southern Italy) and they represent an extraordinary witness of birth and evolution of volcanic islands. Thanks to the volcanic activity still in progress and to the 70
Mediterranean climate the Aeolian islands are fascinating. They presents a natural environment rich in flora and fauna with wonderful beaches, caves, rocks and with a great variety and richness of marine life.
Il parco dell’Etna si trova sulla costa orientale della Sicilia. L’Etna è il vulcano più alto d’Europa ed è lo stratovulcano più attivo al mondo. La storia eruttiva del vulcano risale a 500.000 anni fa. La sua continua attività influenza la vulcanologia e sostiene importanti ecosistemi terrestri tra cui la flora e la fauna endemica.
The park of Aetna is located on the eastern coast of Sicily. The mountain Etna is the highest volcano in Europe and it is the most active stratocolvano in the world. Its eruptive history dates back to 500,000 years ago. Its continuous activity influences volcanology and geophysics. It supports important terrestrial ecosystems including endemic flora and fauna.
Volpe dell’Etna / Fox of Aetna
Gatto selvatico dell’Etna / Wild cat of Aetna
Il Monte San Giorgio, nei pressi del lago di Lugano, è a forma di piramide ed è ricoperto da fitti boschi. Si trova nel Nord Italia al confine con la Svizzera e conserva fossili della vita marina del periodo del Triassico (245-230 milioni di anni fa): rettili, pesci, bivalvi, ammonite, echinodermi e crostacei, ma anche insetti e piante.
The pyramid-shaped, wooded Monte San Giorgio beside Lake Lugano is regarded as the best fossil record of marine life from the Triassic period (245-230 million years ago). Diverse marine life flourished within this lagoon, including reptiles, fish, bivalves, ammonites, echinoderms, crustaceans, as well as insects and plants.
Il sito delle Dolomiti comprende un territorio della catena montuosa delle Alpi Settentrionali italiane che comprende 18 vette che superano i tremila metri e coprono una superficie di 141.903 ettari. Presenta alcuni dei più bei paesaggi montani caratterizzati da pareti verticali, rocce a picco e un’alta densità di valli strette, profonde e lunghe. Il sito contiene morfologie glaciali e sistemi carsici. Presenta anche uno dei migliori esempi di conservazione dei sistemi di piattaforme di carbonato del periodo mesozoico con reperti fossili.
Le tre Cime di Lavaredo in Alto Adige sono il simbolo delle Dolomiti
The site of the Dolomites comprises a mountain range in the northern Italian Alps, numbering 18 peaks which rise to above 3,000 metres and cover 141,903 ha. It features some of the most beautiful mountain landscapes anywhere, with vertical walls, sheer cliffs and a high density of narrow, deep and long valleys. The site contains glacial landforms and karst systems. It also features one of the best examples of the preservation of Mesozoic carbonate platform systems, with fossil records.
The three tops of Lavaredo, in the region Alto Adige, are the symbol of the Dolomites.
Le foreste vetuste di faggi sono patrimonio mondiale dell’umanità condiviso con altri paesi europei. La riserva naturale integrale di Sasso Fratino, nel Parco nazionale delle foreste casentinesi, è la prima riserva naturale italiana, istituita nel 1959, e si estende su circa 765 ettari. Si trova nell’Appennino tosco-romagnolo e contiene una ricca diversità di funghi, animali e piante.
These ancient beech forests are world heritage of UNESCO and belong to a transboundary property, shared with other European countries. The integral natural reserve of Sasso Fratino, in the National Park of the Casentino forests, is the first Italian nature reserve, established in 1959, and covers around 765 ha. It is located in the Apennines between Tuscany and Romagna and contains a rich biodiversity of fungi, animals and plants.
Nazionale del Gran Paradiso in Valle d’Aosta
Nazionale dello Stelvio, fra Lombardia e Trentino Alto Adige
Nazionale Val Grande in Piemonte
Nazionale delle Dolomiti Bellunesi, in Veneto
Nazionale delle Cinque Terre in Liguria
Nazionale dell’Appennino Tosco-Emiliano in Emilia e Toscana
Nazionale delle Foreste Casentinesi, Monte Falterona e Campigna in Toscana e Romagna
Nazionale dell’Arcipelago Toscano in Toscana
Nazionale dell’Asinara in Sardegna 81
Nazionale dell’Arcipelago della Maddalena in Sardegna
Nazionale del Golfo di Orosei e del Gennargentu in Sardegna
Nazionale dei Monti Sibillini fra Marche ed Umbria
Nazionale del Gran Sasso e Monti della Laga in Abruzzo
Nazionale dei Monti Sibillini in Umbria e Marche
Nazionale della Maiella in Abruzzo
Nazionale del Circeo in Lazio
Nazionale del Vesuvio in Campania
Nazionale del Gargano in Puglia
Nazionale dell’Alta Murgia in Puglia
Nazionale dell’Appennino Lucano in Basilicata
Nazionale del Cilento, Vallo di Diano e Alburni in Campania
Nazionale del Pollino in Calabria
Nazionale della Sila in Calabria
Nazionale dell’Aspromonte in Calabria
Nazionale dell’Isola di Pantelleria in Sicilia
I parchi nazionali d'Italia sono aree naturali protette terrestri, marine, fluviali o lacustri italiane, che contengano uno o più ecosistemi intatti (o solo parzialmente alterati da interventi antropici) e una o più formazioni fisiche, geologiche, geomorfologiche, biologiche d'interesse nazionale e internazionale, per valori naturalistici, scientifici, culturali, estetici, educativi o ricreativi, tali da giustificare l'intervento dello Stato per la loro conservazione.
Attualmente i parchi nazionali iscritti nell'Elenco ufficiale delle aree naturali protette sono venticinque. Complessivamente coprono una superficie di oltre 1.600.000 ettari (16.000 km²), che corrispondono a circa il 5,3% del territorio nazionale.
The national parks are protected terrestrial, marine, river or lake natural areas which contain one or more intact ecosystems (or only partially altered by anthropic interventions) and one or more physical, geological, geomorphological, biological formations. They are of national or international interest for naturalistic, scientific, cultural, aesthetic, educational or recreational values, such as to justify the intervention of the State for their conservation.
Currently, the national parks registered in the Official List of Protected Natural Areas are twenty-five, and altogether cover an area of over 1,600,000 hectares which corresponds to approximately 5.3% of the national territory.
Il Parco Nazionale del Gran Paradiso è il primo parco istituito in Italia, nel 1923. Include un ampio territorio di alte montagne, fra gli 800 metri dei fondovalli ai 4061 metri della vetta del Gran Paradiso. Il parco è ricoperto da boschi di latifoglie (castagni, aceri, faggi) e sopra i 2000 metri da boschi di larici, abeti rossi e pino cembro. Nel parco sono presenti ben 59 ghiacciai. L’animale simbolo del parco è lo stambecco che alla fine del 1800 ha rischiato l’estinzione. Oggi vivono all’interno del parco circa 2600. Gli stambecchi vivono in gruppo, i maschi sono separati dalle femmine. 85
National parks on the Italian side of the Alps
The Gran Paradiso National park is the first park established in Italy, in 1923. It includes a large territory of high mountains, with an altitude from the 800 meters of the valleys to 4,062 of the peak of Gran Paradiso. The park is covered with broadleaved woods (chestnut trees, maples, beeches) and above the 2,000 meters with larches, spruces and stone pines. In the park there are 59 glaciers. The park’s symbolic animal is the ibex which risked to be exincted at the end of the 19th century. Today around 2,600 ibexes live in the park. They live in groups. Males are separated from the females.
Parco Nazionale dello Stelvio in the regions Lombardia and Trentino Alto-Adige
Il Parco Nazionale dello Stelvio si trova nell’Italia nord-orientale, fu istituito nel 1935 per tutelare la flora, la fauna e le bellezze naturali del gruppo Ortles-Cevedale. È situato nelle regioni della Lombardia e del Trentino Alto-Adige.
The Stelvio National park is located in the North-eastern part of Italy and was established in 1935 to protect the flora, the fauna and natural beauty of the Ortles-Cevedale rocky mountain group.
Parco Nazionale Val Grande in the region Piemonte
Questo parco isolato e selvaggio, si trova lungo il lago Maggiore, al confine con la Svizzera. La ricchezza delle acque lo rendono unico per la sua biodiversità. Fra gli uccelli sono da indicare l’aquila reale, il gheppio, il falco pellegrino e il gufo reale. Sono presenti molte varietà di vipere e di altri rettili.
This isolated and wild park is located along the Lake Maggiore at the Swiss border. The richness of its waters makes it a unique natural area due to the biodiversity. Among the birds are to golden eagle, the kestrel, the peregrine falcon, and the owl. Here a variety of vipers live and reproduce, as well as many other reptiles, insects, and mammals.
View of an alpine lake 88
Parco Nazionale delle Cinque Terre in the region Liguria
Il Parco Nazionale delle Cinque Terre si trova nella fascia costiera ligure, in un territorio caratterizzato da vigneti coltivati su terrazzamenti. La costa è alta e frastagliata. Nei punti in cui il mare si insinua nella terraferma, sorgono dei colorati borghi aggrappati sulle rocce. Ad una alterzza fra i 300 e i 450 metri sorgono cinque santuari dedicati alla Madonna.
The National Park Cinque Terre is located in the Ligurian coast. It’s an area characterized by vineyards cultivated on terraces. The high coast is rocky and idented. In the points where the sea creeps into the mainland, there are colorful ancient villages clinging to the rocks. At an altitude between 300 and 450 meters a.s.l. there are five sanctuaries dedicated to the Virgin Maria.
Parco Nazionale dell’Appennino Tosco-Emiliano in Emilia e Toscana Fra i passi della Cisa e delle Forbici, i crinali boscosi che separano la Toscana dall'Emilia lasciano il posto a un ambiente di vera montagna. Le vette dell'Alpe di Succiso, del Monte Prado e del Monte Cusna superano i 2000 metri, alle foreste si susseguono rocce, laghi e praterie d'alta quota. Più in basso, sul versante emiliano, la Pietra di Bismantova domina il paesaggio con le sue pareti verticali.
Pietra di Bismantova / Mountain of Bismantova
National Park of the Appennines in Tuscany and Aemilia Between the passes of the Cisa and the Forbici, the wooded ridges which separate Tuscany from Emilia give way to a real original mountain environment. The peaks of Alpe di Succiso, Monte Prado and Monte Cusna are more than 2000 meters high. Forests, lakes and high altitude meadows and nude rocks are typical landscapes of this natural park. On the Emilian territory, the Pietra di Bismantova dominates the landscape with its vertical walls.
Parco Nazionale dell’Arcipelago Toscano in Toscana L'Arcipelago Toscano include le sette isole dell'Arcipelago Toscano: Elba, Capraia, Gorgona, Pianosa, Montecristo, Giglio, Gian nutri. Sono isole di formazione geologica assai diversa: Capraia é vulcanica, il Giglio e l'Elba sono prevalentemente granitiche. L'antichissima presenza dell'uomo, testimoniata dai ritrovamenti e dalla lunga tradizione di lavorazione dei minerali, ha prodotto profondi cambiamenti nella vegetazione originaria e i boschi di leccio restano solo in alcune parti dell'Elba, mentre la macchia mediterranea è la vegetazione dominante.
The National park of the Tuscan Archipelago includes seven islands: Elba, Capraia, Gorgona, Pianosa, Giglio, Giannutri, Montecristo. They are islands of very different geological formation: Capraia is volcanic, Giglio and Elba are mainly granitic. The ancient presence of human beings is testified by many findings and the long tradition of working with minerals has had a profound impact on the original vegetation. The olm oak woods remain only in the Elba. The dominant vegetation is the Mediterranean type.
Parco Nazionale dei Monti Sibillini fra Marche ed Umbria
I sentieri escursionistici che attraversano queste montagne, garantiscono, dalla primavera all'autunno, di poter scoprire sia l'ambiente naturale che storico-culturale. Questo parco si trova nel cuore dell’Italia sulla catena montuosa degli Appennini Centrali e con il Monte Vettore raggiunge i 2476 metri. Fra fine maggio e metà luglio l’altipiano di Castelluccio di Norcia è caratterizzato da una variopinta fioritura che attira numerosi turisti.
The hiking trails of the National Park of the Mountains Sibillini guarantee, from Spring to late Autumn, to discover both the natural and the historical-cultural environment. This park is located in the heart of Italy on the Central Apennine mountain chain and with the Monte Vettore reaches 2476 meters of altitude. From the end of May till mid-July the plateau of Castelluccio di Norcia is characterized by a colorful flowering that attracts many tourists.
Parco Nazionale del Gran Sasso e Monti della Laga in Abruzzo
Con i suoi 150.000 ettari di estensione è uno dei parchi più grandi di Italia. Racchiude tre gruppi montuosi: la catena del Gran Sasso, il massiccio della Laga e i monti Gemelli. Il Corno Grande è altro 2912. Su questa catena è presente anche l’unico ghiacciaio degli Appennini, il Calderone che è il ghiacciaio più meridionale d’Europa.
With its 150,000 hectares of extension, it is one of the largest park in Italy. It includes three mountain groups: the Gran Sasso chain, the massif Laga, and the mountain Gemelli. The Corno Grande is 2912 meters high. On this park there is also the only glacier of the Apennines: the Calderone, which is the southernmost glacier in Europe.
Campo Imperatore 94
Parco Nazionale della Majella in Abruzzo
Il parco nazionale della Majella si caratterizza per l’elevata montuosità del suo territorio, infatti ben il 55% del territorio si trova a quote superiori ai duemila metri. Il lupo e l’orso marsicano sono specie endemiche che popolano questo territorio che si contraddistingue anche per la ricchezza delle testimonianze archeologiche.
The Majella national park is characterized by the altitude of its territory. In fact, as much as 55% of its territory is located at altitudes above two thousand meters. The wolf and the Marsican bear are endemic species that populate this area which is also distinguished by the wealth of archaeological evidence.
Parco Nazionale del Circeo in Lazio
Il parco si trova lungo la costa tirrenica dei Lazio meridionale, circa 100 km a sud di Roma, nel tratto di litorale compreso tra Anzio e Terracina, il Parco Nazionale del Circeo si estende per circa 8.500 ettari. Il Promontorio del Circeo, un rilievo calcareo alto 541 mt, icona stessa del parco, con un profilo che da sempre scatena la fantasia umana, facendone nel corso dei secoli, dimora di dei, maghe ed eroi.
The park is located along the Thirrhenian coast of Southern Lazio, about 100 km. south of Rome, in the stretch of coast between Anzio and Terracina. The Circeo National park covers about 8,500 hectares. The Circeo promontory is a calcareous relief of 541 meters of altitude. It is the very icon of the park, with a profile that has always triggered the human imagination, making it over the centuries the home of gods, witches and heroes.
Pineta con il pinus pinaster / Pine-wood
PARCHI NAZIONALI NELL’ITALIA MERIDIONALE NATIONAL PARKS IN SOUTHERN ITALY Parco Nazionale del Vesuvio in Campania Questo parco è stato fondato nel 1995 per preservare il famoso vulcano Vesuvio. Il territorio, ricco di bellezze storiche e naturalistiche, vanta una produzione agricola unica per varietà e per originalità di sapori.
The national park of Vesuvius has been founded in 1995 in order to preserve the famous volcano Vesuvius. The territory, rich in historical-naturalistic beauties, boasts a unique agricultural production for variety and originality of flavors. 97
Parco Nazionale del Gargano in Puglia
Il parco tutela una eccezionale concentrazione di habitat diversi, che vanno dalle coste alte e rocciose, ai valloni caldi del versante meridionale, ricchi di specie rare ed endemiche di piante ed animali. Il sottobosco è ricco di fiori. Sono presenti 56 specie di orchidee selvatiche.
The park protects an exceptional concentration of different habitats, ranging from the high and rocky coasts to the warm valleys of the southern slope, rich in rare and endemic species of plants and animals. The territory is rich in flowers. There are 56 species of wild orchids.
Parco Nazionale dell’Alta Murgia in Puglia
Il parco racchiude un territorio abitato fin dalla preistoria, ricco di luoghi di interesse archeologico. Nel 1999 ad Altamura è stato scoperto un giacimento di orme di dinosauri.
The National park of the Alta Murgia contains a territory which is inhabited since prehistoric times and it is rich in places of archeological interest. In 1999 a deposit of dinosaur footprints was discovered near the city of Altamura. Parco Nazionale dell’Appennino Lucano in Basilicata E’ stato istituito nel 2007 e comprende i bacini fluviali del Basento, del Sinni e dell’Agri. 99
The national park of the Lucan Apennines has been established in 2007 and it includes the rivers of Basento, Sinni and Agri. Its forest are populated by a rich variety of mammals and birds.
Parco Nazionale del Cilento, Vallo di Diano e Alburni in Campania
Il parco si trova lungo la costa campana e comprende un ampio territorio forestale e tre aree marine protette dove nidificano numerose specie di uccelli. Sono state censite 1800 specie di piante e 25 habitat.
The national park of Cilento, Alburni mountains and Vallo di Diano is located along the coast in the province of Salerno and it includes wide forest areas and three protected marine areas. Here 1800 plants and 25 different habitats have been recorded.
Parco Nazionale del Pollino in Calabria
Parco Nazionale della Sila in Calabria Il territorio della regione Calabria è uno dei più vari e interessanti d’Italia. Spostandoci di pochi chilometri possiamo godere di bellissime spiagge o esplorare la natura selvaggia delle montagne calabresi. Foreste ben 101
conservate, promontori rocciosi e dolci colline insieme preservano una vasta biodiversità. Numerose specie di piante e animali sono protetti nei tre parchi nazionali della Calabria.
In Southern Italy, the territory of the region Calabria is one of the most varied and interesting area in Italy. Moving only a few kilometers we can enjoy beautiful beaches or explore the wild nature of the Calabrian mountains. Well-preserved forests, rocky promontories and rolling hills, together with a wide biodiversity, several animals and plants are protected in three Calabrian national parks. Parco Nazionale dell’Aspromonte in Calabria
PARCHI NAZIONALI NELLE ISOLE MAGGIORI NATURAL PARKS IN THE MAIN ISLANDS Le due maggiori isole italiane, la Sicilia e la Sardegna, grazie al clima tipicamente mediterraneo con lunghe estati calde e secche e inverni miti, ospitano una varietà di habitat naturali e di specie endemiche. Le aree naturali protette della Sardegna comprendono tre parchi nazionali e diversi parchi regionali, riserve naturali, zone marine protette e oasi naturalistiche. In Sicilia, oltre al parco naturale dell’Etna, patrimonio dell’umanità, è presente il parco dell’Isola di Pantelleria. Fanno parte della Sicilia un centinaio di isolette minori, venti delle quali sono abitate.
The two largest islands in Italy are Sardinia and Sicily. Thanks to their typical Mediterranean climate, with long, dry and hot summers, and mild Winters, they are home to a variety of natural habitats and endemic species. The protected natural areas of Sardinia include three national parks, several regional parks, protected marine areas, nature reserves and naturalistic oases. In Sicily, in addition to the Natural park of Aetna, an Unesco site, there is the natural park of the island of Pantelleria. About one hundred smaller islands are part of Sicily, twenty of which are inhabited.
Parco Nazionale dell’Asinara in Sardegna
Parco Nazionale dell’Arcipelago della Maddalena in Sardegna
Parco Nazionale del Golfo di Orosei e del Gennargentu in Sardegna
Acque limpide della Sardegna / Clear sea waters in Sardinia
Greggi al pascolo sul Gennargentu / Flocks grazing in Gennargentu mountain 106
Parco Nazionale dell’Isola di Pantelleria in Sicilia
Pantelleria si trova al centro del Canale di Sicilia, dista 35 miglia dalla costa tunisina e 60 miglia dalla Sicilia. È la più grande delle isole circumsiciliane, con una superficie di 83 kmq. Il suo vulcano è attivo, la sua ultima eruzione risale al 1891. L’isola si caratterizza per la straordinarietà del suo paesaggio, con altopiani di colate laviche, calette e faraglioni. Capperi e viti ad alberello sono tipiche del territorio di Pantelleria.
Pantelleria is in the middle of the Sicilian Channel, 35 miles from Tunisia and 60 far from Sicily. It is the largest of the islands around Sicily with an area of 83 squared km. Its volcano is still active, the last eruption dates back to 1891.
Map of the island
The island is characterized by the extraordinary nature of its landscape, with plateaus of lava flows, coves and stacks. Capers and tree-shaped vineyards are typical products of the island.
Agrupamento de Escolas de Vialonga, Portugal 108
Arrábida Natural Park The Arrábida Natural Park is a nature reserve located in the Serra da Arrábida, Setúbal peninsula, in Portugal. It was founded in 1976 and covers 10,800 hectares. The Arrábida mountain range is located on the banks of the Sado River and its highest point is at Pico do Formosinho, with 501 meters but has more elevation points such as the mountains of: S. Luís, Gaiteiros, Francisco and Louro. Since the formation of the Kingdom of Portugal, Arrábida has been the habitat of a varied fauna and flora. Nowadays it still presents a great variety of species like for example: wolves, wild boars and viados. The region has a temperate climate. We can find several monuments in the Natural Park of Arrábida such as the Convent of Nossa Senhora da Arrábida which was built in the 16th century, Fortalezas de Santiago and Castelo.
Madeira Natural Park The Madeira Natural Park is located on the island of Madeira, in the archipelago of Madeira, constituting a large part of its surface, especially in the center and in the north of the island. The Madeira Natural Park is a protected area, due to the richness of the natural heritage (with a unique flora and fauna), the beauty of the landscapes and cultural heritage. It was created on November 10, 1982 with the aim of protecting a vast natural heritage of the Archipelago of Madeira. Visiting the Madeira Natural Park is discovering nature! This park encompasses a large part of the territory of the island of Madeira and includes natural reserves, protected landscapes and areas for recreation / leisure.
Among them are the Laurissilva Forest, the Mountain Massif and the Ponta de São Lourenço.
Laurissilva Forest
In addition to being a space for conservation and observation of nature, this protected area is characterized by having species at risk of extinction. It also includes spaces with great cultural value, areas of protected landscape and some rural areas, spaces for recreation or leisure and for the preservation of cultural heritage (uses, customs, traditions). Mountain Massif The richness of biodiversity in the Madeira Natural Park is a testament to the past, it must be known and preserved in the present and transmitted and safeguarded for the future.
Ponta de São Lourenço 111
In conclusion, the Madeira Natural Park has particular characteristics that make it an interesting and UNIQUE natural park, both nationally and worldwide.
Parque Natural da Madeira O Parque Natural da Madeira localiza-se na Ilha da Madeira, no arquipélago da Madeira, constituindo grande parte da sua superfície, sobretudo no centro e na zona norte da ilha. O Parque Natural da Madeira é uma área protegida, pela riqueza do património natural (com uma flora e fauna únicas), pela beleza das paisagens e património cultural.Foi criado a 10 de Novembro de 1982 com o objetivo de proteger um vasto património naturaldo Arquipélago da Madeira.Visitar o Parque Natural da Madeira é descobrir a natureza! Este parque engloba grande parte do território da ilha da Madeira e nele estão inseridas reservas naturais, paisagens protegidas e zonas para recreio/lazer. Entre eles destacam-se a Floresta Laurissilva, o Maciço Montanhoso e a Ponta de São Lourenço.
Floresta Laurissilva Para além de ser um espaço de conservação e observação da natureza, esta área protegida é caraterizada por possuir espécies em risco de extinção.Inclui também espaços com grande valor cultural, zonas de paisagem protegida e algumas áreas rurais, espaços de recreio ou lazer e de preservação do património cultural (usos, costumes, tradições). Maciço Montanhoso
A riqueza da biodiversidade existente no Parque Natural da Madeira é um testemunho do passado, deve ser conhecida e preservada no presente e transmitida e salvaguardada para o futuro.
Ponta de São Lourenço Concluindo, o Parque Natural da Madeira tem caraterísticas particulares que o tornam num parque natural interessante e ÚNICO, quer a nível nacional como mundial. Trabalho realizado por: Guilherme Ribeiro 4ºB
Buila-Vânturarița National Park The Buila-Vânturarița National Park (Romanian: Parcul Național Buila-Vânturarița) (national park category II IUCN) is a protected area situated in Romania, in the central-northern part of Vâlcea County, in the administrative territory of the localities Costești, Bărbătești, and Băile Olănești. The Buila-Vânturarița National Park is located in the central-northern part of Vâlcea County in the Căpățânii Mountains, a mountain group included in the Parâng Mountains, a subgroup of mountains in the Southern Carpathians. Description Buila-Vânturarița with an area of 4,186 ha (10,340 acres)was declared natural protected area by the Government Decision No 2151 in 2004 (published in Romanian Official Paper No 38 on January 12, 2005)[ and represents a mountainous area with flora and fauna specific to the Southern Carpathians. Protected areas included in the park: Trovant Museum, Călinești-Brezoi Forest, Valea Cheii Forest, RădițaMânzu, Mount Stogu, Arnăuți Cave, Clopot Cave, Munteanu-Murgoci Cave, Pagoda Cave, Valea Bistrița Cave. Flora and fauna Flora and fauna is diverse, many of the species are protected by international conventions. Flora
Leontopodium alpinum Woody plants consist of: English oak (Quercus robur), European beech (Fagus sylvatica), European ash (Fraxinus excelsior), pine (Pinus), Norway spruce (Picea abies), fir (Abies), European yew (Taxus baccata), Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris), linden (Tilia), birch (Betula) and species of shrubs: mountain pine (Pinus mugo), savin (Juniperus sabina) or common juniper (Juniperus communis). Herbs: Edelweiss (Leontopodium alpinum), lady's slipper (Cypripedium calceolus),[7] mountain bellflower (Campanula alpina), yellow monkshood (Aconitum anthora), belladonna (Atropa belladonna), ligularia (Ligularia sibirica), rustyback (Asplenium ceterach), yellow anemone (Anemone ranunculoides), globeflower (Trollius europaeus), windflower (Anemone nemorosa), martagon (Lilium martagon), centaurea (Centaurea atropurpurea), daphne (Daphne mezereum)[8] 139
Gray wolf (Canis lupus) Species of mammals: deer (Cervus epaphus), brown bear (Ursus arctos), chamois (Rupicapra rupicapra), roe deer (Capreolus capreolus), Eurasian wolf (Canis lupus), wild boar (Sus scrofa), lynx (Lynx lynx), pine marten (Martes martes), squirrel (Sciurus vulgaris), badger (Meles meles), barbastelle (Barrbastella barbastellus), lesser mouse-eared bat (Myotis blythii), brown long-eared bat (Plecotus auritus); Species of birds: western capercaillie (Tetrao urogallus), white-crowned wheatear (Oenanthe leucopyga), red kite (Milvus milvus), red-footed falcon (Falco vespertinus), white wagtail (Motacilla alba), European nightjar (Caprimulgus europaeus), rock bunting (Emberiza cia), lesser spotted eagle (Aquila pomarina), wallcreeper (Tichodroma muraria), hoopoe (Upupa epops), Reptiles, amphibians and frogs: green lizard (Lacerta viridis), common European adder (Vipera berus), smooth snake (Coronella austriaca), fire salamander (Salamandra salamandra), alpine newt (Triturus alpestris), common toad (Bufo bufo), yellow-bellied toad (Bombina variegata) or common frog (Rana temporaria)
Retezat National Park
Photo: Rechitan Sorin/ 140
Located in the Retezat Mountains in Hunedoara county, the Retezat National Park is one of the most spectacular in Romania. A perfect place for hiking, this park offers breathtaking views in every season, but especially in autumn when the mix of green, red, orange, yellow and brown colors creates perfect scenes for all visitors. Retezat National Park was established in 1935, which makes it the oldest national park in Romania. It has more than 20 peaks of over 2,000 m and is not only home to the largest glacial lake in Romania (Bucura) but also to the deepest glacial lake in Romania (Zanoaga). Plus, its flora consists of more than 1,100 plant species, of which 130 have the "endangered" or "vulnerable" status. And let’s not forget the fauna, particularly rich mainly due to its very diverse habitats, natural or slightly modified by human intervention. There are big predators such as the wolf and the brown bear but also chamois, red deer, roe deer, wildcats and Eurasian otters. Moreover, about 185 species of birds find a home here, as well as reptiles and fish living in the park’s lakes. There are several hiking trails for tourists, both for daytrips starting from a mountain cabana (or campsite) and longer trips between cabanas. A map of access to the park is available here. For those planning longer vacations, there are also tourist attractions nearby that should not be missed, such as the famous archeological site Ulpia Traiana Sarmizegetusa, the Densus Church (one of the oldest Romanian churches still standing), the Prislop Monastery, and the medieval fortress is Malaiesti.
Cheile Nerei – Beusnita National Park
Located in the Caras-Severin county, in the southwest part of the country, this park’s wild beauty simply amazes visitors. It covers more than 36,000 hectares and, similar to the other national and natural parks in Romania, it shelters a large variety of flora and fauna. And the forests here, consisting of various species of trees, from the European beech to oaks and the European ash, create postcard-like views in autumn. The park is home to some of the most beautiful lakes in Romania. Take for example the Ochiul Beiului Lake, known for its very clear water, and Dracului Lake (whose name would translate as the Devil’s Lake). But one of its top attractions is the unique Bigar Waterfall, where the water runs over a dome-shaped rock, thickly covered in moss, which splits the flow into a fine filament-like cascade. There are also other waterfalls to see here, such as the Beusnita Waterfall and the Susara Waterfall. There are several tourist trails that help visitors discover the wonderful world of the Cheile Nerei-Beusnita National Park, and they are listed here. One of the lesser-known tourist attractions of Caras-Severin county is located nearby: the water mills in Rudaria, in the commune of Eftimie Murgu, at about 26 km from Bigar Waterfall.
Cheile Bicazului - Hasmas National Park
Photo: Linux87/ Another natural tourist spot that should be added to the list of “places to visit this autumn” is the Cheile Bicazului-Hasmas National Park. This park is located in northeastern Romania, in the Eastern Carpathians, and is mostly covered in spruce forests. Wild animals such as the bear, the lynx and the wolf find home in 142
these forests, but the park also hosts red deer and wild alpine goats. There are also various species of reptiles living here, as well as birds such as woodpeckers and the Ural owl. The park’s most important geological features (and top tourist destinations) are Cheile Bicazului – some of the most impressive gorges in Romania and one of the country’s most spectacular sights, and Lacul Rosu (the Red Lake) – whose name comes from the reddish alluvia deposited in the lake by the Red Creek. There are almost 20 tourist routes in the park, all perfect to discover the place’s secrets and natural wonders. All you have to do is choose the one(s) that fit you best, as there are shorter ones of 1-2 hours as well as more difficult ones of up to 8 hours. A list of trails is available here. Access to this protected area can be done mainly from Bicaz, Neamt county and Gheorgheni, Harghita county, localities linked by the DN12C national road that crosses the protected area through the area of Lacul Rosu resort and Cheile Bicazului.
Calimani National Park
Photo: Tiberiu Sahlean/ Not far from the city of Vatra Dornei is the Calimani National Park, another great place for autumn hikes. It is a mountain area with diversified landforms, flora and fauna, which together create a perfect place to relax and re-connect with nature. The forests are the main habitats, consisting of Norway spruce, beech, and Arrola pine, which make a great home for both large and small wild animals. 143
The 12 Apostoli (12 Apostols) nature reserve is one of the park’s top tourist destinations, offering fairytale landscapes with strange and mysterious rock formations sculptured by weather in time, but visitors should also make the time to see the Tihu Waterfall and the Iezerul Calimanului Reserve. There are three tourist trails arranged in the park, namely the Gura Haitii-Pietrele Rosii-Dornisoara route (blue cross, 7-8 hours), Gura Haitii village-Poiana Izvoarelor-Pietrosu Calimani Peak-Retitis Peak-Iezerul Calimanilor Peak-Pasul Paltinis (red cross, only for the very well trained as it takes 16 hours to cover it), and Neagra Sarului village-12 Apostoli Peak-Poiana Izvoarele-Retitis Peak-Iezerul Calimanilor Peak-Neagra Sarului village (red dot, also very difficult – 18-21 hours).
The Carpathian Mountains - National Parks
Romania's national and natural parks, displaying a unique variety of landscapes, vegetation and wildlife, protect some of the largest remaining areas of pristine forest in Europe. Grasslands, gorges, subterranean caves, volcanic lakes, and extensive river network add to the richness of the park system that also includes the Danube Delta, a UNESCO Biosphere Reserve and Europe's largest wetland. (For more information about danube Delta please visit Romania's diverse natural landscapes offer numerous choices for exciting outdoor experiences. Travelers can walk through serene alpine meadows covered with scores of wildflowers, trek around glacial lakes, take in the lush-green scenery while horse riding or mountain biking, climb curious rock formations, photograph fossil traces of 15,000-year old cave-bear species, track gold eagles or other rare birds, study endangered 144
flora, wander in the countryside, picnic in the fields, try your hand at traditional crafts, - or just relax in the home of a village family and sample wholesome, country fare with home made wine and plum brandy. The Oas – Harghita range in the Carpathian Mountains is the longest volcanic mountain chain in Europe. The 3500-year old Scarisoara glacier, located in the Bihor Mountains – 90 miles southwest of Cluj Napoca has a volume of 2,649,000 cubic feet (75,000 cubic metres), making it the second largest European underground glacier, after the Eisriesenwelt ice cave in Austria. Adventurers and wildlife enthusiasts who hear the call of the wild can add these unique experiences to the top of their activities list: » Spotting wild egrets, Dalmatian pelicans, glossy ibises or some other 300 species of birds in the Danube Delta » Rock climbing the unusual-shaped rocks Pietrele Doamnei in the Rarau Mountains » Visiting the Scarisoara ice cave in the Apuseni Nature Park – the 153.6 ft. deep entrance shaft leads to some impressive ice structures, including spectacular six meters high ice stalagmites. » Exploring the Berca mud volcanoes near Buzau – a stark lunar landscape of erupting mud. » Taking the Sky Highway challenge — a trek around the Capra glacier lake in the Fagaras Mountains. » Paddling through the frothy waves of the Crisul Repede and Bistrita rivers. » Trekking Retezat, the rockiest mountain massif of the country, home to more than 80 glacial lakes and over three hundred flower species. » Watching wolves at play in the natural park of Vanatori-Neamt in the Stanisoara Mountains, once the hunting ground of Stephen the Great.
» Horse riding in the Calimani National Park, renown for its volcanic bizarre shapes, traces of old craters, and the largest volcanic caldera in Carpathians. » Completing an exciting multi-day hike along the main ridge of the Fagaras Mountains - one of the longest continuous high mountain traverses 145
in Europe, taking you over three of Romania's highest peaks (Moldoveanu - 8,346 ft.; Negoiu - 8,317 ft.; and Vistea Mare - 8,291 ft.). The Carpathian Mountains are home to one of the largest undisturbed forests in Europe. 400 unique species of mammals, including the Carpathian chamois, call the Carpathian Mountains home. 60% of European brown bear population lives in the Carpathian Mountains. The Carpathian Mountains are forming a semi-circle around Transylvania, which one of Romania's nine historical provinces. The Western Carpathian Mountains are also called the Mountains of the Sunset (Muntii Apuseni). National parks encompass extensive areas of particular geographical interest or outstanding natural beauty. They have an important conservation role and offer protection to many rare species of animals and plants. In addition to nature conservation, Romania's natural parks also play an important role in preserving local customs, traditional crafts, historical settlement patterns, and regional architecture. Most of Romania's national parks have arrangements for outdoor activities with a network of marked paths and trails and overnight accommodation in either staffed lodges or local guesthouses. In vulnerable areas where it is desirable to limit the impact of visitors, paths and accommodation are minimal. National Parks
Cheile Bicazului (Bicazului Gorges) – Hasmas
Domogled – Valea Cernei (Cerna Valley)
Muntii Macin (Macin Mountains)
Cheile Nerei (Nerei Gorges) – Beusnita
Piatra Craiului
Muntii Rodnei (Rodnei Mountains)
Cheile Semenic - Carasului (Semenic – Carasului Gorges)
Nature Parks
Apuseni 146
Balta Mica a Brailei (Small Moor of Braila)
Gradistea Muncelului-Cioclovina
Lunca Muresului
Muntii Maramuresului (Maramures Mountains)
Portile de Fier (Iron Gates)
Vanatori Neamt
Romania's natural areas captured scientific attention early in the 20th century. The first law on environment protection was passed in 1930; the first forest reservation (Domogled-Baile Herculane) was set up in 1932, the first National Park (Retezat) in 1935 and the first geological reservation (Detunata Goala - Apuseni Mountains) was recognized in 1938. APUSENI NATURE PARK
The Apuseni Nature Park (Parcul Natural Apuseni) - known as the cavers' paradise, protects one of the most interesting cave fauna in the country. Traces of the prehistoric man, as well as fossils of animals that lived in the Ice Age were found in several of the caves, along with rare bat populations. The higher ridges of the park are covered with spruce fir, while at lower levels the forest is dominated by mountain beech. Limestone underlies most of the park and is responsible for the area's impressive landforms. Sculptured mountain ridges, mysterious underground rivers, and delicate cave decorations will surely keep visitors' photo cameras busy. The complex karst landforms of Apuseni Nature Park are an attraction on their own, especially hikers with a fascination for geology. Deep valley and gorges, karrens and karst depression – where underground rivers and streams flow - give the landscape an exceptional character. Below ground lies the important and fragile ecosystem of the caves, the main attraction for amateur and professional cavers. 147
Note: Apart from the Bears' Cave and Scarisoara Glacier, caving in the Apuseni Nature Park is not visiting nicely prepared tourist caves but visiting them as the first explorers have seen them. That means that you'll have to climb, use ropes, crawl and creep to see their splendid beauty. As opposed to other national and nature parks in Romania, the Apuseni Mountains are populated up to high altitudes, with permanent and quasi-permanent dwellings. The hamlets on the Ocoale – Scarisoara plateau, at 3840 ft., are among the highest settlements in the country. If you wish to discover local life and preserved traditions, one of the main points of interest is the Aries Valley, where the beautiful villages of Albac, Garda, and Arieseni are located. Skilled artisans, the Motzi people, carve musical instruments, hope chests and houses from the local wood, the spruce. The Apuseni Motzi villages are some of the best places in which to find tranquility and timeless wisdom of the traditional village way of life. In Patrahaitesti, a little mountain village, you may hear the famous Bucium ("Alps horns"), used for generations in the Apuseni Mountains. Fast Facts Location
Western Carpathians (Alba, Bihor and Cluj counties)
187,000 acres
Best known for
Over 200 caves (including the famed Bears' Cave in Chiscau and the Scarisoara Glacier) and the predominant karst formations
Natural features
Caves, Deep valleys and gorges, Karst landscapes, Rocky steep walls, Underground watercourses
Caving, Cross-country skiing, Hiking, Mountain biking, Rock climbing, Skiing, Wildlife and bird watching
Natural attractions 148
Scarisoara Glacier (Pestera Scarisoara) Location: 4 miles north Garda de Sus commune Nearby large town: Alba Iulia (52 miles southeast) Open: Mon. - Sun. 9:00 a.m. - 5 p.m. Admission charge Average temperature inside: 32 °F (0 Celsius) A national monument sheltering the second largest underground glacier on the continent, the 3,500-year-old ice cave features spectacular icy stalactites and stalagmites. Bears' Cave (Pestera Ursilor) Location: Chiscau village (1/2 miles south of Pietroasa) Nearby large town: Oradea (50 miles northwest) Another natural wonder in the Apuseni Park is the Bears' Cave, named after the skeletons of bears (extinct 15,000 years ago) discovered here by mine workers in 1975. Arranged on two levels, it features galleries of animals and castles-resembling stalagmites and stalactites more than a half mile long. Some of the stalactites are estimated to be 22,000 years old. They continue to grow at a rate of about one-third inch every 20 years. The upper level (292 miles) is open to visitors, while the second one (312 miles) is reserved for scientific research. Fortresses of Ponor (Cetatile Ponorului) Location: Padis Area (7 miles from Pietroasa commune) Nearby large town: Beius (22 miles northwest) Web: One of the most spectacular and rugged lime formations in Romania, the area known as Cetatile Ponorului was declared natural reservation in 1952 and soon after became a natural monument. Extending some 21 miles, the area includes the Flowers' Glade (Poiana Florilor) and the Galbenei Gorges (Cheile Galbenei). Flora and fauna The cave fauna is the main attraction of the Apuseni Mountains, with some of the caves sheltering rare bat species, such as the dwarf bat (Pipistrellus pipistrellus). Fossils of animals that lived in the Ice Age, as well as traces of the prehistoric man, have been found in some of the caves in the park. Protected mammals such as the bear (Ursus arctos), the Carpathian elk and the black goat (Rupicapra rupicapra) can be seen in the forest area. The park is also home to several alpine birds, such as the ural owl (Strix uralensis), the nutcracker (Nucifraga caryocatactes) and the lesser spotted eagle (Aquila pomarina). Nearby attractions Turda Gorges Natural Reserve – located just 6 miles outside the city of Turda, the limestone gorges feature peaks, caves, sinkholes and 800 ft. high walls. From here, hiking trails lead to Turen Gorges, Ciucas Waterfalls, and Borzesti Gorges. 149
The city of Cluj Napoca - The city of Oradea - The city of Alba Iulia- Main access points Albac, Arieseni, Belis, Chiscau, Garda de Sus, Nucet, Scarisoara, Sighistel How to get here By air Nearest airports located in: Cluj, Sibiu, Targu Mures By car European road E60: Oradea – Huedin – Gilau - Cluj-Napoca From Huedin, take county road 761B towards Belis-Fantanele or Rachitele - Ic Ponor - Padis From Gilau, take county road 108 to Marisel - Belis-Fantanele European road E79: Oradea - Beius - Deva From Sudrigiu take the country road to Pietroasa - Boga - Padis Plateau or the veer towards Bears' Cave and Craiasa Valley. National road D75: Turda – Campeni – Albac -Stei By train Nearby train stations: Beius, Huedin Train schedules: To check the latest train schedules for domestic routes please visit the website of the Romanian Railways: The site has complete information about domestic train schedules and fares. Note: For departures from/to Bucharest please select Bucuresti Nord. Accommodation Accommodation is available in: Lodges (Cabane), Tourist pensions (Pensiune), Camping areas (Poiana Glavoi; Valea Craiesii - near the Bears'Cave; Valea Sighistelului; IC Ponor; Ponor-Runcu Ars). For a list of available accommodations nearby Apuseni Nature Park please check our Accommodations Guide (please enter Apuseni Park under "Location"). Tourist info
Padis Area tourist information: Apuseni Nature Park Administration Address: Sudrigiu, Comuna Rieni Telephone: 0259 329.3338 or 0372 702.242 Email: Web:
The Bicaz Gorges are famous for their 1000 ft. limestone rocks towering over narrow roads and passes. The road that slices through the Bicaz Gorges (Cheile Bicazului) is among Romania's most stunning and spectacular. For kayakers and fly-fishing enthusiasts the park's main attraction is the Red Lake (Lacul Rosu), created in 1837 after a major natural landslide. Short and long walks provide access to the lake's spectacular scenery and many fishing spots. The Bicaz Gorges offer a unique view of the Ceahlau Mountains. Fast Facts Location
Eastern Carpathians (Harghita and Neamt counties)
17,000 acres
Best known for
The impressive Bicaz Gorges and Lacu Rosu (Red Lake)
Natural features
Gorges, Jurassic limestone walls
Fishing, Hiking, Kayaking, Rock climbing, Wildlife and bird watching
Natural attractions Bicazului Gorges - the most spectacular road pass in Romania The Red Lake (Lacul Rosu) - formed by the natural damming of the waters of the Bicaz stream Sugaului Gorges Piatra Singuratica Peak Flora and Fauna The alpine wildlife is represented in this area by: the wall lizard (Lacerta muralis) the red deer (Cervus elaphus), the brown bear (Ursus arctos), the lynx (Lynx lynx), the wolf (Canis lupus), the pine marten (Martes martes) and the beech marten (Martes foina). The wall creeper (Tichodroma muraria), the three-toed woodpecker (Picoides tridactylus), the rock bunting (Emberiza cia), the raven (Crovus corax), the capercaillie (Tetrao urogallus), the oral owl (Strix uralensis), the golden eagle (Aquila chrysaetos), and the great spotted woodpecker (Dendrocops major ) can be seen in the park area as well. Nearby Attractions The monasteries around Targu Neamt (Agapia, Neamt, Varatec) The Painted Monasteries of Bucovina - The famous hand-made pottery center at Corund The town of Suceava - Park Essentials Main access points Balan, Bicaz Chei, Barnadu, Lacul Rosu How to get here By air Nearest airports located in: Iasi, Suceva By car
National road DN 12C (Miercurea-Ciuc - Suceava) to Bicaz Chei National road DN 12 (Brasov – Miercurea Ciuc) to Balan By train Nearby train stations:Piatra Neamt, Gheorghieni, Bicaz Train schedules: To check the latest train schedules for domestic routes please visit the website of the Romanian Railways: The site has complete information about domestic train schedules and fares. Note: For departures from/to Bucharest please select Bucuresti Nord. Accommodation Camping areas, Hotels, Tourist pensions Tourist info Bicaz Gorges – Hasmas Mountain National Park Administration Address: Str Principala 44 A, Izvorul Muresului Telephone: 0266 336.540 Email: Web: CĂLIMANI NATIONAL PARK Mountain with volcanic origins, Calimani features the biggest inactive caldera in Europe (about 6 miles in diameter). Massive eruptive rocks and craters of old volcanoes in the Calimani National Park (Parcul National Calimani) are spawned over breathtaking landscapes, matched by the presence of large areas of natural ecosystems and the abundance of Swiss stone pine and juniper trees.
The Calimani Mountains features the highest massif in the Romanian volcanic chain, the Pietrosu Peak (standing at 6896 ft.).
The natural erosion process in the volcanic plateau has led to the formation of the unusual shaped 12 Apostles (Cei 12 Apostoli), Red Stones (Pietrele Rosii) and Nefertiti geological reserves. Fast Facts
Northern side of Eastern Carpathians (Bistrita – Nasaud, Harghita, Mures and Suceava counties)
64,000 acres
Best known for
The volcanic plateau dominated by the Calimani caldera and the abundance of Swiss stone pine and juniper trees that shelter the endangered black grouse (Tetrao tetrix)
Natural features
Massive eruptive rocks, Craters of old volcanoes, Swiss stone pine and juniper tree forests
Cross-country skiing, Hiking, Mountain biking, Horseback riding, Skiing, Wildlife and birds watching
Natural attractions Iezerul Calimani Natural Reservation preserving the natural elements of vegetation and featuring the beautiful Iezer Lake bordered with dwarf pine and alpine roses 12 Apostles, Red Stone, and Nefertiti geological reserves Tihu Waterfall – located at the confluence of Tihu and Paraul Umed brooks Retitis Peak - from the top, there are magnificent views of Ceahlau Mountain and the distant Fagaras Mountains on clear days. Flora and Fauna For those interested in botany, Calimani National Park makes it possible to observe 774 species of plants, many of them marked as rare: alpine leek (Allium victorialis), narcissus anemone (Anemone narcissifolia), and mountains soldanella (Soldanella Montana). In juniper tree forests or on soils of volcanic nature, the rose bay (Rhododendron myrtifolium) is frequently encountered. Calimani National Park is home to several endangered species,such as: the bear (Ursus arctos), the elk (cervus elaphus), the wild boar (sus scrofa), the roe deer (Capreolus capreolus), the wolf (Canis lupus), the tree marten (Martes martes) and the lynx (Lynx lynx). The cedar forest and juniper trees area on the western slope of the Calimani Mountain is home to the black grouse (Tetrao tetrix), a very rare species in Romania. Nearby Attractions 154
The Painted Monasteries of Bucovina - The Rodnei Mountains National Park The wooden architecture, rural life and civilization of the traditional Maramures villages The glacier lakes, waterfalls, volcanic mountains, caves and the geological reserve Creasta Cocosului in the Viseu Valley Park Essentials Main access points Gura Haitii, Dorna Candrenilor, Poiana Stampei, Rastolnita, Ilva How to get here By air Nearest airports located in: Cluj, Suceava, Targu Mures By car European road E 85/E 576 to Dorna Candrenilor (Bucuresti - Suceava – Vatra Dornei -Bistrita) By train Nearby train stations: Ilva Mica, Lunca Bradului, Vatra Dornei Train schedules: To check the latest train schedules for domestic routes please visit the website of the Romanian Railways: The site has complete information about domestic train schedules and fares. Note: For departures from/to Bucharest please select Bucuresti Nord. Accommodation Camping areas inside the park area, Villages around the park offer tourist facilities, including accommodation. Tourist info Calimani National Park Administration Telephone: 0230 374.197 or 0230 371.104 Email:
Surrounded by watercourses and dam lakes, Ceahlau Mountain, the Olympus of Romania, displays an incredible concentration of flora - over 2,000 flower species, and wildlife. Fossil limestone, the rock formations Dochia, Cusma Dorobantului, and the Duruitoarea waterfall are just some of the main attractions in the park. The park is bounded to the east by the Bistrita River and Lake Bicaz, and to the south by the Bicaz River. Some of the most exciting Romanian legends refer to the strange stone shapes spread around the peaks in the park. The Dochia rock formations are said to represent a mean old woman ("baba") who came on Ceahlau to feed her sheep. Deceived by the sunny days of early spring, she took off, one by one, all her nine-sheepskin waistcoats. When the frost came, it turned both her and her animals into ice, which over the years transformed into the stones we see now. Fast Facts Location
Northern side of Eastern Carpathians (Neamt county)
19,523 acres / 7,742 ha
Best known for
Its legends and significance in the history of the Dacians, the ancestors of the Romanian people. Ceahlau was considered to be the sacred mountain of Zalmoxis, the ancient deity of the Dacians.
Natural features
Numerous mountain peaks, Ridges, Basal rocks (limestone and conglomerates placed on crystalline bedrock)
Cross-country skiing, Hiking, Wildlife and birds watching
Natural attractions 156
The rock formations Dochia and Cusma Dorobantului Duruitoarea waterfall (Cascada Duruitoarea) The Ocolasul Plateau, with the Great Ocolasul Peak (6256 feet) - the highest peak in the Ceahlau Mountains – and the Toaca Peak (6246 feet) Flora and Fauna Over 90 species of birds can be seen in the Ceahlau National Park. The capercaillie (Tetrao urogalus), the biggest among the birds in the park, can be seen in Piciorul Schiop and Poiana Maicilor, during the mating period in April. With a little luck you can also spot in the same area: the three clawed wod-pecker (Picoides tridactylus) a glacial relict, and the wall creeper (Tichodorma muraria). The raven (Corvus corax) usually builds its nest in the high areas of the mountain. Among the rare birds nesting in the park are the cliff butterfly (a bird that could be found also in Cheile Sugaului and in Cheile Bicazului), the aquila (Aquila chrysaeltus) and the mountain cock (cocosul de munte). The park is also home to the black goat (Rupicapra rupicapra), which has been colonized here, the lynx (Lynx lynx), the wolf (Canis lupus), the fox (Canis vulpes), the brown bear (Ursus arctos) and the pine marten (Martes martes). The elk (Cervus elaphus var. carpathicus) - monument of nature and the most valuable species of Ceahlau - can be admired in: Izvorul Alb, Poiana Maicilor, and Izvoarele Bistrei Mari. Nearby Attractions The Painted Monasteries of Bucovina - The Bicaz Gorges - Hasmas National Park The monasteries around Targu Neamt (Agapia, Neamt, Varatec) Main access points Neagra, Tasca, Izvorul Alb, Izvorul Muntelui, Ceahlau village, Grinties village, Durau resort How to get here By air Nearest airports located in: Iasi - Suceva - By car National road DN15 Piatra Neamt – Toplita 157
By train Nearby train stations: Bicaz Train schedules: To check the latest train schedules for domestic routes please visit the website of the Romanian Railways: The site has complete information about domestic train schedules and fares. Note: For departures from/to Bucharest please select Bucuresti Nord. Accommodation Camping areas (near Cabana Dochia), Mountain chalets (Cabana Izvorul Muntelui; Cabana Fantanele; Cabana Dochia) Tourist info Ceahlau National Park Administration Telephone: 0233 256.600 Email: Web: (Romanian only)
Piatra Craiului Natural Park features the longest and highest limestone ridge in the country (over 15 miles long and 6560 ft. high). Bordered by glacial lakes, the ridge is regarded as one of the most beautiful sights in the Carpathians. The two-day north–south ridge trail is both challenging and rewarding. Starting at either Plaiul Foii in the northwest or Curmatura in the northeast, hikers climb up to the ridge along the narrow spine of the range. The descent at the southern end leads into a karst landscape of deep gorges and pitted slopes where water penetrating the rock has carved a series of caves. The traditional villages of Magura, Pestera, Ciocanu, Sirnea, make for interesting starting points for the routes on the eastern slope and for getting in touch with the traditional Romanian way of life. Fast Facts 158
Southern Carpathians (Arges and Brasov counties)
91,000 acres
Best known for
The most spectacular ridge in the Carpathian Mountains. The backdrop scenes filmed here for the movie Cold Mountain
Natural features
Caves, Meadows, Rocky steep walls, Spruce forests
Caving, Hiking, Horseback riding, Horse carriage / sled strolls, Rock climbing, Wildlife and bird watching
Natural attractions Zarnesti Gorges Dambovicioara Cave Flora and Fauna Sheltering one of the largest biodiversity of wildlife in the country, the national park is home to about 300 fungi species, 220 lichen species, 100 different mosses, and 1100 species of superior plants (a third of the number of all plant species found in Romania). On the high cliffs there are chamois, wild boar, red and roe deer, pine martens and red squirrels. Some 270 butterflies species, 110 birds species, 17 bats species, many large carnivores (wolfs, brown bears, lynx) can be observed in the park. The gorges are a good place to see wallcreepers and alpine swifts, three-toed and white-backed woodpeckers and Ural owls in the forested areas. Nearby Attractions Halmeag Horseridersinn Merlelor - Sinca Noua Horseriding Center - Fagaras Fortress - Rasnov Fortress - The medieval old town of Brasov - Main access points Bran, Cheia, Dambovicioara, Magura, Moeciu, Pestera, Podu Dambovitei, Satic, Sirnea, Zarnesti How to get here 159
By air Nearest airports located in: Bucharest (Henri Coanda) - Bucharest (Traian Vuia) - Sibiu - By car Zarnesti, located 18 miles southwest of Brasov and accessible both by road and by railway, is the most important town for access to the northern part of the ridge. From Zarnesti, a 6-mile road makes the connection with Plaiul Foii; a forest road starts from the southwestern part of town, going through Prapastiile, Valea Cheii and Valea Vladasca. The villages of Magura, Pestera, Ciocanu and Sirnea are starting points for hiking routes on the eastern slope. Podu Dambovitei is the point of approach from the south. From here, the national road DN 73 branches off to the road on Valea Dambovitei through Saticu de Jos and Saticu de Sus, from which several hiking routes lead to the western slope of the Southern Ridge. By train Nearby railway stations: Zarnesti Train schedules: To check the latest train schedules for domestic routes please visit the website of the Romanian Railways: The site has complete information about domestic train schedules and fares. Note: For departures from/to Bucharest please select Bucuresti Nord. Accommodation Accommodation available in Camping areas, Mountain chalets and Tourist Pensions. Tourist pensions in the villages located within the park (Pestera and Magura) and in the surrounding communities (Zarnesti, Moeciu, Sirnea, Ciocanu, Podul Dambovitei, Dambovicioara and Satic) Tourist info Piatra Craiului National Park Administration Tel: 0268 223.165 Email: Web:
RETEZAT NATIONAL PARK Park Highlights Hiking in Retezat National Park you may well lose your breath, not from the climb, but from the breathtaking views of nature at her wildest. Peaks of differing heights, many topping the 8,028 ft. mark (such 160
as Peleaga Peak), provide hikers with plenty of challenges. Travelers willing to tackle them will have their efforts well rewarded. Local communities and cultural sights from around the park area add a special value to that of the landscape and the biodiversity inside the park. The people in the villages of Salasu de Sus, Rau de Mori and Campu lui Neag preserve to this day the traditional lifestyle of the area. Fast Facts Location
Southern Carpathians (Hunedoara county)
94,000 acres
Best known for
- Its more than 80 glacial lakes, including the largest – Bucura (8.8 ha./22 acres), and the deepest - Zanoaga (29 m/92ft) in the country - The highest number (over 20) of mountain peaks over 2,000m/6,560 ft. in Romania - Being the oldest Romanian national park - established in 1935
Natural features
Alpine and sub-alpine meadows, Deep ravines and ice-scoured parable synclines, Dwarfpine formations, Glacial lakes
Camping, Cross country skiing, Hiking / walking / trekking, Mountain biking, Rock climbing, Wildlife and bird watching
Natural attractions
Over one third of the Romanian flora can be found in the Retezat Mountains. High meadows create a haven for rare alpine flora. Long, steep slopes are covered with different types of forest, especially beech, spruce and fir. At the sub-alpine level, slopes shaped by ice are often protected by dwarf pine. The forest line reaches 6,080 ft. with some Spruce adapted to the harsh climate. More than one quarter of the mountain range is above the 5760 ft. altitude where timberline and glaciers have created terraced valleys that end in magnificent glacial bays, lakes and waterfalls. Extraordinary passes, gorges, cavernous limestone caves and sinkholes can be found on the South-Eastern part of the mountain range, in the limestone area of the Retezatul Mic (the Small Retezat). Flora and Fauna Wildlife enthusiasts will find here many species of animals, including chamois, red and roe deer, wild boar, bear, wolf, and fox, and may come across lynx tracks. Otters find themselves at home in the park's rivers. Chaffinch, song thrush, ring ouzel, red-breasted flycatcher, chiffchaff, nutcracker and the rare golden eagle, leaser spotted eagle, eagle owl, pigmy owl, crag martin, scarlet rosefinch, three toed woodpecker, horned lark are among the 120 nesting bird species of Retezat. Retezat National Park was included in the Important Bird Areas Network. Butterflies are abundant in Retezat, in number and species, and specialists designated two Prime Butterfly Areas here. Nearby Attractions Corvinesti Castle in Hunedoara The Dacian Fortresses of the Orastie Mountains Densus Church The city of Alba Iulia The city of Tragu Jiu Domogled – Valea Cernei National Park Main access points North: Carnic, Rausor, Gura Apei South: Buta, Cheile Butii, Campusel How to get here By air Nearest airports located in: Sibiu - , Timisoara - By bus For the Northern park entrances there are mini buses from Ohaba de sub Piatră to Carnic in the summer time. 162
For the Southern park entrances there are regular mini buses from Petrosani to Buta and Cheile Butii and from Lupeni to Campu lui Neag. By car National road DN66 / E79 (Hateg – Targu Jiu) to Santamarie Orla and then 686D to Raul Mare National road DN66 / E79 (Hateg – Targu Jiu) to Petrosani then DN66A from Vulcan to Campusel By train For the Northern park entrances: Baru, Ohaba de sub Piatra, Pui, Rusor, Subcetate (near Hateg) For the Southern park entrances: Petrosani , Lupeni Train schedules: To check the latest train schedules for domestic routes please visit the website of the Romanian Railways: The site has complete information about domestic train schedules and fares. Note: For departures from/to Bucharest please select Bucuresti Nord. Accommodation Mountain chalets and Tourist pensions - can be found in the nearby villages and around the towns. For more information please visit: For a list of available accommodations nearby Retezat National Park please check our Accommodations Guide (please enter Retezat Park under "Location"). Tourist info Retezat National Park Administration Email:
Rodna Mountains National Park Rodna National Park is located in the Rodna Mountains of northern Romania. The range is part of the larger Eastern Carpathian mountains. The national park encompasses an area of 179.92 square miles (465.99 sq km) making it the largest protected area in the Carpathians mountains. The range accounts for the longest continuous mountain ridge within the country. It stretches over 31 miles (50 km) from east to west. Pietrosul Rodnei is the highest summit at 7,555.77 feet (2,303 m). Ineu is the second-highest summit with an elevation of 7,477 feet(2,279 m). The area is also a UNESCO biosphere under the "Man and Biosphere" designation. There is a variety of ecosystems or habitats throughout the park. Habitats include alpine, subalpine, grasslands, mountain hayfields, beech forest, and mountain plateaus. 163
Rodna displays an abundance and array of natural features that include caves, cirques, crevasses, forests, moraines, mountains, springs, and valleys. Additionally, there is a diverse population of vegetation and wildlife protected within the park boundaries. Some of the popular wildlife predators include brown bears, gray wolves, lynx, and eagles. Other popular wildlife sightings include badger, chamois, deer, and wild pigs.Some of the species are on the IUCN Red List as well as protected by Romanian law. Rare species include mammalian, reptilian, and amphibian. This is a special place for wildlife as well as providing remarkable landscapes.Bird-watchers marvel at golden eagle sightings while also keeping eyes open for buzzards, pigeon hawk, sparrow hawk, and the peregrine falcon.Horseback riding, cycling, and hiking are all common activities used to explore the splendor of the region.The variety and abundance of wilderness encounter on display throughout the national park is the highlight. The Rodna Mountain range is the longest in Romania and serves as a backdrop for the majestic landscape throughout the park. Rodna Massif Rodna Massif or Mount Rodna is the highest summit in the eastern Carpathians of Romania. The summit reaches a height of 7,556 feet (2,303 m). The glaciers that were previously prevalent across the mountain have melted away creating fretted peaks and several small alpine lakes. Lake Lala is the largest and one of the most picturesque. Rodna Mountains National Park Trails: There are numerous hiking trails through the national park. Rodna provides trekkers with an abundance of hikes that deliver great escapes into the wilderness.
The Danube Delta (Delta Dunarii)
A UNESCO Natural World Heritage Site
The mighty Danube River flows 1,788 miles from its springs in Germany's Black Forest to the Black Sea. Just before reaching the sea it forms the second largest and best preserved of Europe's deltas: 2,200 square miles of rivers, canals, marshes, tree-fringed lakes and reed islands. The Danube Delta is a wildlife enthusiast's (especially a bird watcher's) paradise.
Travelers can spend three or more days exploring its passages, teaming with the highest concentration of bird colonies in all of Europe. The maze of canals bordered by thatch, willows and oaks entangled in lianas, offers the perfect breeding ground for countless species of birds, some of them from as far away as China and Africa. Millions of Egyptian white pelicans arrive here every spring to raise their young, while equal numbers of Arctic geese come here to escape the harsh winters of Northern Europe. Some 300 species of birds make Danube's Delta their home, including cormorants, white tailed eagles and glossy ibises. The bird watching season lasts from early spring to late summer. Birds are not the only inhabitants of the Delta. There is also a rich community of fish and animals; from wildcats, foxes and wolves, to even an occasional boar or deer. Altogether, 3,450 animal species can be seen here, as well as 1,700 plant species.
The Delta can be explored as part of a Danube River Cruise, or on day trips and boat excursions from Tulcea which has good hotels, restaurants specializing in fish dishes and the Museum of the Danube Delta.For more information about Tulcea please visit Interesting Facts
» The Danube River is the most international river on the planet - its course runs across — or forms a part of the borders of several countries: Germany, Austria, Slovakia, Hungary, Croatia, Serbia, Romania, Bulgaria, Ukraine, and four capitals: Vienna, Bratislava, Budapest and Belgrade.
» Formed over a period of more than 10,000 years, the Danube Delta continues to grow due to the 67 million tons of alluvia deposited every year by the Danube River.» The Delta is formed around the three main channels of the Danube, named after their respective ports: Chilia (in the north), Sulina (in the middle), and Sfantu Gheorghe (in the south).» The Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve has the third largest biodiversity in the world (over 5,500 flora and fauna species), exceeded only by the Great Barrier Reef in Australia and the Galapagos Archipelago in Ecuador. » The Danube Delta is home to over 60% of the world's population of pygmy cormorants (phalacrocorax pygmeus), 50% of red-breasted geese (branta ruficollis) and the largest number of white pelicans (pelecanus onocrotalus) and Dalmatian pelicans (pelecanus crispus) in Europe. » It also is home to the world's largest reed bed expanse – 625, 000 acres / 240,000 ha. » Some 15,000 people inhabit the Delta area, living in 28 villages and one city (Sulina). » The area was first attested by Herodot of Halicarnas (484 – 425 B.C.). » More then half of the Delta Biosphere Reserve is virtually intact. Places to explore
The Danube Delta is comprised of an intricate network of waterways and lakes divided between the three main estuary channels of the Danube. This area of floating reed islands, forests, pastures and sand dunes covers 3,000 square miles and is home to a fascinating mix of cultures and people as well as a vast array of wildlife. Located at the tip of the three channels, Tulcea makes a great starting point for exploring the Danube Delta. Chilia Arm (Bratul Chilia) Tulcea – Chilia Veche - Periprava Access: Scheduled boat service between Tulcea and Periprava with stops in: Ceatalchioi, Plaur, Pardina, Tatanir, Chilia Veche The youngest arm of the Danube Delta stretches for some 72 miles along the border with Ukraine and has the greatest flow of water (approximately 60%) of the three arms. Its shores are home to several scattered villages – Patlagean, Ceatalchioi, Pardina, Tatanir – and Chilia Veche, a settlement with a long history (initially a Greek colony called Achillea).
Centuries ago, Chilia was a port on the Black Sea, a vital link between Europe and the Orient. In time, the alluvium deposited by the Danube has extended the land ever further into the Black Sea. Today, Chilia stands more than 25 miles from the sea. First documented in 1241 in the works of the Persian chronicler, Rashid alDin, Chilia Veche was the site of a battle between the armies of Mahomed II, the conqueror of Constantinople, and forces led by Vlad Tepes (Vlad the Impaler). A town on the Ukrainian side of the Danube, known as Novo Kilia (Chilia Noua, or 'Newer Chilia,' in Romanian) was founded by Stephen the Great of Moldavia in the 15th century in order to counteract the Ottoman Empire. Lake Rosca (Lacul Rosca), a strictly protected reserve located between Chilia Veche and Periprava, is home to Europe's largest white pelican colony; the area also harbors geese, egrets and storks. Periprava, downstream from Chilia Veche, is the last site served by passenger boats on the Chilia arm. South of Periprava, you can explore the impressive Letea Reserve (Padurea Letea) with trees more than 500 years old. Oak, black poplar, elm, ash and thorny shrubs are smothered in the tropical creeper named periploca, a Mediterranean plant with reddish-brown bark and simple, glossy leaves, giving the Letea Forest its tropical looks. Here, you may encounter black-bellied foxes, wild horses, boars, falcons and white-tailed eagles. The surrounding sand dunes are home to tortoises and lizards. Note: Access to Letea Forest is permitted only with a guide (warden) on the designated route. 168
You can find accommodations in nearby Letea Village and spend a few days touring the surrounding waterways. Sulina Arm (Bratul Sulina) Tulcea – Crisan - Sulina Access: Scheduled boat service between Tulcea and Sulina with stops in: Partizani, Maliuc, Crisan The Sulina Arm, shortest of the three, stretches some 42 miles from Tulcea to Sulina. Although it only carries 18% of the total water flow, Sulina is the main navigation route for passenger and commercial traffic. Between 1880 and 1902, a canal was dug to facilitate river traffic, shortening the natural course of the Sulina arm and allowing for easier access to villages in the Delta. Maliuc (15 miles east of Tulcea) Maliuc is one of the Delta's youngest settlements. Lake Fortuna, one of the region's largest lakes, lies just to the north of Maliuc. Pairs of swans and numerous moor hens and wild ducks mingle with other species while white pelicans often gather in huge numbers to feed and roost around this lake. Crisan (28 miles east of Tulcea) Crisan is the main stepping-off point between Tulcea and Sulina.A fishermen's village with a few houses spreading over the right bank and a fishery on the opposite shore, it makes an excellent base for exploring the surrounding lakes and canals. Private guestrooms and B&Bs are available. From here, you can rent a boat, or lotca, from the locals, and travel on the Old Danube Canal to Mila 23 or to Caraorman (Black Forest in Turkish) village and Caraorman Forest, a strictly protected reserve with brown oak trees, white and black poplars, white willows and fluffy ash surrounded by sandbanks. Owls, white-tailed eagles, falcons, wildcats, boars and wolves, as well as many rare plants, thrive in the area. Note: Access to Caraorman Forest is permitted only with a guide (warden) on the designated route. Mila 23 English engineers measured the course of the Danube in miles, starting with mile 0 in Sulina on the Black Sea coast. Hence, 23 miles inland, you will find Mila 23, a quaint traditional fishing village. Located on a bend of the Sulina arm known as the 'Old Danube' (Dunarea Veche), Mila 23 is one of the main settlements of the Lipoveni, descendants of Russian refugees who fled from religious persecution in the early 18th century and who make their living from fishing, livestock breeding and reed harvesting in this vast area. As this is a good starting point for trips to the nearby waterways, many villagers rent rooms to visitors. Sulina Sulina, the terminus point for cruise liners sailing across the Delta, was mentioned for the first time more than 1,000 years ago under the name of Selina in a work written by Byzantine Emperor Constantine Porphyrogenetes. This port town once bustled with traders from Europe and the Middle East, adventurers and sea pirates. The town served as headquarters for the European Danube Commission during the 19th century when the Danube was turned into a waterway suitable for commercial shipping. This huge project attracted 169
workers from all over Europe, and the Anglican, Catholic, Protestant, Orthodox, Muslim and Jewish tombstones in Sulina's cemetery bear witness to this former international community. Sulina is the easternmost point of Romania. Notice the 19th century Greek Church of Saint Nicholas on the waterfront. The 60-foot-tall lighthouse, located in the middle of town, was built in 1802 and restored in 1870 by the Danube Commission. Enjoy a stroll along the 25-mile-long fine-sand beach. Sfantu Gheoghe Arm (Bratul Sfantu Ghoerghe) Tulcea – Sfantu Gheorghe Access: Scheduled boat service between Tulcea and Sulina with stops in: Balteni de Jos, Mahmudia, Murighiol A number of interesting villages dot the banks of the Sfantu Ghoerghe arm, which stretches for some 67 miles and carries 23% of the Danube's total water flow. Mahmudia and Dunavatu de Jos were founded either atop or near Greek, Roman and Byzantine vestiges. Legend has it that during Sultan Mahmud's visit to a fishing village in the Danube Delta, he fell in love with a local girl and asked her to marry him. Upon learning that the girl was in love with another man, the sultan commanded the girl to weave him an embroidered shirt that was both fire- and water-proof or he would kill her lover. Sad and hopeless, the girl walked to the riverbank and started to cry. Hearing her sobs, the Danube fairy came out of the water's depths and gave her an embroidered shirt. Before sunset, the girl presented the shirt to Sultan Mahmud, thus, saving herself and her fiancé. Since then, the village of Mahmudia has carried the name of the sultan. Murighiol, a traditional fishing village, is home to the ruined Roman city of Halmyris, one of the most important ancient sites in Romania. The city was continuously inhabited from the 6th century BC to the 7th century AD. Although a basilica and a crypt containing the tomb of Epictet and Astion, the earliest Romanian Christian martyrs, have been discovered here, much of the ruins remain unexcavated. A visit offers the chance to see an ancient city still in the process of being uncovered. Murighiol is the jump-off point for boats to Uzlina. Located 24 miles east of Tulcea, Uzlina is home to the offices of the Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve and the Jacques Cousteau Foundation. The Cormoran Tourist Complex in Uzlina provides facilities for hiring boats and guides to venture into some of the more interesting parts of the Delta. First mentioned in 1318, the fishing village of Sfantu Gheorghe is well-known for its traditional cooking, including the famous black caviar (icre negre). A 30-minute walk will take you to one of the longest strips of beach on the Romanian Black Sea coast. Activities
Visit historic sites, explore the waterways in a canoe or traditional fisherman boat, catch a sunset you'll never forget, sample wine from vineyards dating back to the Roman Empire and savor some of the finest caviar in the world, the beluga sturgeon from the Black Sea! Bird Watching
A bird-watchers' paradise, the Danube Delta offers the opportunity to spot more than 300 species of migratory and resident birds, including eagles, egrets, vultures, geese, cranes, ibises, cormorants, swans and pelicans. Located on the 45th parallel, the Danube Delta makes for a perfect stopping-off point between the Equator and the North Pole for millions of migratory birds. Some of the most important species include: The White Pelican (Pelecanus onocrotalus) In March, swaths of white pelicans leave the Nile Delta and the Red Sea to come nest in the Danube Delta. The Delta is home to Europe's largest breeding population (some 3,500 pairs). Best seen: March to October Dalmatian Pelican (Pelecanus crispus) After decades of decline, this species' numbers have slowly begun to increase in the Delta. Currently, some 150 pairs have been spotted in several small colonies. Best seen: April to October; some pairs may stay over the winter. Small Egret (Egretta garzetta) A migratory species protected by law, the small egret lives in marshy areas and nests in small willows. Best seen: April to October; some pairs may stay over the winter. Pygmy Cormorant (Phalacrocorax pygmeus) Best seen: April to October; some pairs may stay over the winter. Ferruginous Duck (Aythya nyroca) The Danube Delta may be the last place in Europe to see this declining species. In August and September, large numbers often gather at Somova Lake, just west of Tulcea. Best seen: March to October
Red-breasted Goose (Branta ruficollis) In winter, thousands of this species – almost half of the entire world population – reside on the Razim-Sinoe lagoon and coastal plain to the south of the Delta. Best seen: Late October to March Glossy Ibis (Plegadis falcinellus) More than 30% of the European population nests in the reed beds of the delta. Best seen: April to September Fishing The Delta's waters teem with some 160 species of fresh- and salt-water fish. Type of fish: Pike (Stiuca in Romanian) Fishing areas: Lake Fortuna, Sontea Channel, Holbina area, Bogdaproste, Lake Rosu, Lake Lumina, Uzlina area Season: Early July to December Type of fish: Pike Perch (Salau in Romanian) Fishing areas: Channel 5, Lake Sinoe, Sfantu Gheorghe village area Season: June to September Type of fish: Carp Fishing areas: Sontea Channel, Sfantu Gheorghe Branch, Dunarea Veche, Chilia Branch Season: Early July to September Type of fish: Cat Fish (Somn in Romanian) Fishing areas: Sulina Branch, Chilia Branch Season: April; July to October Danube Delta Facts & Figures (parts of this section are courtesy of WCMC ) Area 1,678,000 acres including 254,517 acres marine. The entire delta region comprises 1,974,000 acres of which 1,678,000 acres are in Romania and 301,468 acres in the Ukraine. The Razelm-Sinoie lagoon complex adds a further 218,000 acres. Altitude Sea-level to 49 feet Physical Features
The Delta has been classified into 12 habitat types as follows: - aquatic habitats - lakes (2.60 ft - 8.2 ft depth) covered with flooded reedbeds, - 'plaur' - flooded islets, - flooded reeds and willows, - riverine forest of willows and poplars, - cane-fields, - sandy and muddy beaches, - wet meadows, - dry meadows (arid), - human settlements, - sandy and rocky areas, - steep banks, - forests on high ground. Climate The prevailing continental climate, with only 18 inches of annual rainfall, is influenced by proximity to the sea and the humidity rising from countless inland lakes and small waterways. Vegetation This is the largest continuous marshland in Europe which includes the greatest stretch of reedbeds probably in the world. The marsh vegetation is dominated by reeds Phragmites australis which form floating or fixed islands of decaying vegetation ('plaur') with some Typha angustifolia and Scirpus sp. Reeds cover some 420,000 acres and 'plaur' 247,000 whilst the total area not included is only 36,570 acres. There are also water lilies Nymphaea alba, Nuphar luteus and Stratiodes alloides. The higher ground supports stands of Salix, Populus, Alnus and Quercus. Sandy areas are covered with feather grass Stipa sp. and other steppe species. Forest elements are best observed in Letea Forest, occurring in a series of bands along dunes up to 820 feet long and 33 feet wide, where trees reach 115 feet in height. The species present are Quercus robur, Q. pedunculiflora, Populus alba, P.nigra, Fraxinus ornus, F. angustifolia, F. palisae, Pyrus pyraster, Tilia tomentosa, Ulmus sp., and the occasional Alnus glutinosa. Among the shrubs are Crataegus monogyna, Euonimus europea, Cornus mas, C. sanguinea, Rhamnus frangula, R. catharctica, Viburnum opulus, Berberis vulgaris, Hippophae rhamnoides, Tamarix spp. and occasional Corylus avellana. The distinctive feature of the forest is the abundance of climbing plants including Periploca graeca, Clematis vitalba, Vitis sylvestris and Humulus lupulus. In spring, the ground is carpeted with Convallaria majalis. Particularly rare and threatened plants include Convolvulus persica, Ephedra distachya, Merendera sobolifera, Plantago coronopus and Petunia parviflora. Fauna Over 300 species of bird have been recorded, of which over 176 species breed, the most important being:
Cormorant Phalacrocorax carbo sinensis (3,000 pairs) 173
Pygmy cormorant P. pygmeus (K) (2,500 pairs comprising 61% of the world's population)
White pelican Pelecanus onocrotalus (2,500 pairs comprising 50% of the Palaearctic breeding population)
Dalmatian pelican P. crispus (E) (estimated at 150 pairs, perhaps now only 25-40 pairs, on the floating islands on lake Hrecisca, which represents 5% of the world population)
Night heron Nycticorax nycticorax (2,100 pairs), squacco heron Ardeola ralloides (2,150 pairs)
Great white heron Egretta alba (700 pairs)
Little egret E. garzetta (1,400 pairs)
Purple heron Ardea purpurea (1,250 pairs)
Glossy ibis Plegadis falcinellus (1,500 pairs)
White stork Ciconia ciconia (many)
Mute swan Cygnus olor (500 pairs)
White-tailed eagle Haliaeetus albicilla (V) (8 pairs)
Marsh harrier Circus aeruginous (300+ pairs)
Osprey Pandion haliaetus (3 pairs)
Saker falcon Falco cherrug (1-2 pairs)
Red-footed falcon F. vespertinus (150 pairs)
Sandwich tern Sterna sandvicensis (1,700 pairs)
Common tern S. hirundo (20,000+ pairs)
whiskered tern Chlidonias hybridus (20,000+) and black tern C. niger (10,000-20,000 pairs)
White-headed duck Oxyura leucocephala possibly still breeds
Slender-billed curlew Numenius tenuirostris (K) has occurred on passage (28 in 1971 and one or two in 1989)
The Delta holds huge numbers of Anatidae in the winter with counts of 500,000 white-fronted goose Anser albifrons (but only 64,000-77,500 in 1982), up to 500 lesser white-fronted goose A. erythropus, 45,000 redbreasted goose Branta ruficollis (a globally threatened species with almost 95% of the world wintering population present here), 150,000 teal Anas crecca, 200,000 mallard A. platyrhynchos, 14,000 pintail A. acuta, 40,000 shovelor A. clypeata, 32,400 red-crested pochard Netta rufina, 970,000 pochard A. ferina, 13,000 ferruginous duck A. nyroca, and 1,500 red-breasted merganser Mergus albellus. In winter there is a concentration of some 30-40 Haliaeetus albicilla. 174
The Delta is very important for fish with 45 fresh water species present including threatened representatives of the Acipensenidae. Otter Lutra lutra, stoat Mustela erminea, and European mink Mustela lutreola, as well as wild cat Felis sylvestris are to be found on the floating islands. The mink population, although its size is unknown, is significant in European terms. The forest areas contain several rare reptiles, including Vipera ursini, Elaphe longissiuma, and Eremias arguta deserti. Cultural heritage The very long history of trading along the Danube is evident from remains of Greek and Roman settlements (including a lighthouse). Villages surrounding the Delta show a Turkish influence. Local population Estimated at between 12,000 and 16,000, depending on the definition of the area covered and residence status. The population is distributed along the three main waterways, Chilia, Sulina and Sfintu Gheorghe, the main source of drinking water. The local population has been involved in small-scale, low-intensity use of natural resources supplemented by outside interests, such as fishing (10,000 boats are registered), cattle grazing and beekeeping, thought on the whole to be integrated to preservation of natural heritage. The centre of commercial activity in the Delta is the freeport of Sulina. In the late 1980s the town underwent rapid expansion with 500 new dwellings being built, an hotel and a shipping centre to handle 3,500 ships annually. Other urban developments have taken place at Chilia Veche, Sfintu Gheorghe, 1 Mai, Unirea and Independenta. Conservation value The Delta is the meeting point of Palaearctic and Mediterranean biogeographic zones and represents a unique dynamic wetland ecosystem containing a rich biodiversity of wetland habitats. The site is internationally significant for birds, both breeding and migratory, including a number of globally-threatened species. It is also a vitally important buffer system between the hydrographical basin of the River Danube and the Black Sea. The Delta seen by visitors (Excerpts of an article by Ms. Nina Darnton. Ms. Darnton is a New York-based freelance journalist). Delta Blues - The Danube, Romania A VISIT TO THE DANUBE DELTA usually begins in the Romanian town of Tulcea, a two-hour drive from Constanta. As I boarded a small, brightly painted boat and headed for the delta, I entered a world that seemed almost anachronistic. Here, at the gateway to the 2,200-square-mile Danube delta wetlands, I found lakes and channels with crystal-clear water, and a network of islands, covered in swaying reeds, that would be blanketed by wildflowers in summer. The delta is a haven for bird-watchers; willow, ash, and white poplar 175
trees provide nesting sites for more than 300 species of birds over the course of a year. The silence was broken only by chirping and the sound of oars cutting through the water as fishermen rowed by.
The Delta Biosphere Reserve has placed strict limits on future exploitation of the region. Scientists have divided the delta into three types of areas: those in which controlled fishing and hunting are permitted; those in which tourism may be carefully developed; and those that are completely off-limits to all but the scientists studying them. IN LATE SPRING AND EARLY SUMMER, the delta, bursting with life, is a breeding ground for hundreds of bird species, including the majestic white-and-pale-pink Dalmatian pelican. Like the pelicans, a number of birds found here nest in colonies, some as many as 5,000 strong. In summer, bird-watchers can see thousands of pelicans and huge flocks of the crimson-backed glossy ibis, with its long, curved beak. During breeding time, when the birds' colors are at their most brilliant, you might catch sight of some other rare species, such as the pygmy cormorant or the red-breasted goose. Or you might hear the call of an egret, and then spot a group of pelicans lifting gracefully into the air in a blur of black-and-white-tipped wings. "You go out on one of these boats," says Gomoiu, the reserve's first governor, describing a trip on the delta. "You leave your line over the back all day to catch your dinner and then you see thousands of pelicans so close you can feel their breath." Danube Delta Essentials Visitors need a permit to enter the Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve. Permits can purchased from the Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve Administration (ARBDD) as well as from travel agencies and hotels in Tulcea. Park fees: - 5 Lei (approx. $2.50) / visitor (day permit) or 15 Lei ($4.00) / visitor (week pass). plus - 10 Lei (approx. $2.50) / car / day. - 20 Lei (approx. $5.00) / boat / week. Separate permits are required for fishing or hunting. Recreational fishing permits are offered for free. 176
Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve Administration (ARBDD) Address: Str. Portului 34 A, Tulcea Telephone: 0240 518.945 E-mail: Open: Mon. – Fri., 8 a.m. – 4 p.m.; Closed: Sat. & Sun.
Ancient and Primeval Beech Forests of the Carpathians A UNESCO Natural World Heritage Site This transboundary property stretches over 12 countries. Since the end of the last Ice Age, European Beech spread from a few isolated refuge areas in the Alps, Carpathians, Dinarides, Mediterranean and Pyrenees over a short period of a few thousand years in a process that is still ongoing. The successful expansion across a whole continent is related to the tree’s adaptability and tolerance of different climatic, geographical and physical conditions. The last intact virgin forest in the temperate latitudes of Europe is to be found in the Carpathians. Trees can live to a hundred years old in these forests, providing an important habitat for organisms such as mushrooms, moss, lichen, insects, rare birds (e.g. capercaillie and black grouse) and mammals (e.g. bats, brown bear, wolf and lynx). Large parts of the forest in the Romanian part of the Carpathians have been lost due to deforestation. The pressure on timber as a resource may increase due to international demand and European companies may start large-scale felling in neighbouring Ukraine. Currently unprotected areas of virgin forest can be permanently preserved in the Ukrainian Carpathians by expanding and reinforcing conservation areas. In the Ukrainian Carpathians there are nine national parks and two biosphere reserves. There is a general ban on tree felling in coniferous forest areas above 1,100 metres. If park administrations are shown to work, management of larger, previously unprotected areas of virgin forest to preserve them on a permanent basis, may occur
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