President - John Craig
Vice President - Andy Neagle
Secretary - Bryant Skeen
Treasurer - Tarry Pribble
Training Officer - Wayne Myers
Chaplain - Kenneth Williams
Immediate Past President - Wesley Melson
Parliamentarian - Ken Morgan
Editor - Gary Dalton
Chief Rescue Officer - Steve Southworth
District 1 Vice President - Jeff Grimm
District 2 Vice President - Kay Laws
District 3 Vice President - Kenny Frenier
District 5 Vice President - Woody Conner
District 6 Vice President - Daniel Murphy
District 7 Vice President - Ted Harris
District 9 Vice President - Tim Salyer
District 10 Vice President - Byron Andrews
Executive Director - Bubby Bish
Training Coordinator - Brian Bilheimer
Administrative Secretary - Carol Gothard
Administrative Assistant - Lisa Bilheimer
Lobbyist - Ed Rhodes
Bylaws - Ken Morgan
Convention - Scott Davis
Death Benefit - Greg Burton
EMS Advisory Board - Kim Craig
EMS Advisory Board - Bruce Stratton
EMS Exchange - Wayne Perry
Finance - Tarry Pribble
Hall of Fame - Kevin Dillard
Human Resources - Andy Neagle
I T - Scott Davis
Legislative - Bruce Stratton
Life Member - Ken Morgan
Nominating Committee - TBD
Rescue College - Ken Morgan
Rescue College - Steve Southworth, Vice-Chair
Scholarship - Wesley Melson
Strategic Planning - John Craig
Training - Wayne Myers
Youth Activities - Alfred Smith
President - Shade Johnson
Vice President - Christopher Skeen
Secretary/Treasurer - Kayde Cole
Historian - Koedan Murphy
Chaplain - Kaden Gray
Alfred Smith - Bryant Skeen
Byron Andrews - Steve Rohr
President - Kelley Snell
Vice President - Debbie Rohr
Treasurer - Fay Browning
Chaplain - Eddie Ann Orndoff
Historian - CeCe McCormick
Immediate Past President - Eddie Ann Orndoff
Midwestern Vice President - Dolores Hudson
NE/SE Vice President - Carolyn Brand
Southcentral Vice President - Carol France
Southwestern Vice President - Patricia Moore
Western Vice President - Judy Leach
Secretary - Maxie Kerns
Parliamentarian - Warren Winner
Nominating - Sharon Castle
Life Member - Fern Puckett
Convention Chair - Fern Puckett
Convention Co-Chair - Kathy Plummer
Roll Call Chair - Rhonda Thompson
Roll Call Co-Chair - Layne Lusk
Fundraising Chair - Samantha Snell
Fundraising Co-Chair - Marcella Caudill
Deadline for future issues are as follows:
December 15 for the 1st Quarter Issue
March 15 for the 2nd Quarter Issue
June 15 for the 3rd Quarter Issue
September 15 for the 4th Quarter Issue
Articles may be submitted by any member of the VAVRS, AVAVRS and VAJVRS.
Feature articles are encouraged.
Photos and/or graphics are acceptable and can be returned if requested.
Submitted by John H. Craig III, VAVRS President
Greetings to All,
I hope everyone had a very Merry Christmas spending treasured time making those lasting memories with friends and family. Wishing all a Happy and prosperous New Year.
Its only been a few months since your 2025 VAVRS Officers were elected and Committees put in place. I am pleased to report they have all been extremely busy in their respective offices and committees.
Our valued Instructors have been working hard covering most of the Commonwealth presenting our programs. Our incredible Office Staff has been working with Instructors to develop much needed CE classes at the VAVRS State Office and Training Center. The VAVRS Instructors working in conjunction with the VAVRS Training Coordinator makes for an awesome Team.
2025 Convention is another area there have been a lot of questions and concerns about. Scott Davis and the Convention Committee has been meeting on a regular basis planning the 2025 Spring Board of Governors Meeting and the 2025 Convention, watch the VAVRS website for updates.
On Friday, Dec. 13th I attended an HR Committee meeting at the State Office. On Saturday, Dec. 14th. I attended a meeting at the State Office with a workgroup, formed by Steve Southworth, our Chief Rescue Officer, to research and organize VAVRS potential resources to be available in the event of a disastrous situation presented in the Commonwealth like Hurricane Helene or other serious scenarios where VAVRS could provide support and resources.
Ken Morgan and the Rescue College Committee has been hard at work on Rescue College for 2025 since the end of Rescue College 2024. Remember, this is the 50th Anniversary of Rescue College. There will be some new classes and some new Instructors. Information and schedule will be out soon.
I cannot stress enough the importance of attending the District meetings to relay your thoughts and ideas to your District Vice Presidents, they represent you, so your voice can be heard. The VP’s work hard to improve attendance at these meetings, please support them.
As a reminder, it is important to keep your personal information as well as your Agency information up to date in the VAVRS website. If you have any questions about how to do that please contact Gary Dalton. There will be significant information coming out soon, we want to make sure every Member and Agency has access.
It’s an honor and privilege to serve as your President for a second term in 2025. Please contact me if you have questions or ideas. If you call and I don’t answer it may be because you aren’t in my Contact list so leave me a voicemail. Thank you for your continued support.
Sincerely, John H. Craig lll
Welcome to 2025, a new year, new officers, new ideas, AND a new parliamentarian for the VAVRS. Thanks to Scott Davis for his service as parliamentarian the past three years. And I’ve agreed to serve again this year.
Why am I now serving as parliamentarian? I guess the main reason is that no one else wanted the job. But also, I have done lots of study and completed testing to be a Professional Registered Parliamentarian with the National Association of Parliamentarians. Fewer than 500 individuals have completed the requirements to be a PRP. If you are a serious student of Robert’s Rules, I encourage you to take the basic test and become a member of the National Association of Parliamentarians. Happy to help you prepare for the membership test.
I want to be a resource to your agency and provide opinions as needed. I see the role of parliamentarian as being one of the benefits provided to your agency as a member of VAVRS. One of the important concepts of parliamentary procedure is that the parliamentarian provides opinions and the president or chair of the meeting rules on parliamentary issues. You can take advantage of this resource BEFORE you have a problem.
For the past few years I taught a class at Rescue College on “Bylaws, Policies, and Robert’s Rules.” The focus of the class is on knowing how your agency bylaws take precedent and how important it is as an agency leader to know basic parliamentary procedure and your bylaws. Plans are to provide this class at Rescue College again in 2025.
If your agency would like a local class on basic meeting rules and the impact of parliamentary procedure, talk with other local agencies. If you have a minimum of 10 students, I’ll do a one day local class at your agency.
And if you want to get an opinion on your bylaws or parliamentary procedure, you can contact me at ken@gkmorgan.com. And Happy New Year!!
Ken Morgan, Chair, Life Membership Committee
Our organization was formed in 1935 and will soon be celebrating our 90th anniversary. Life Membership in the association is the highest honor received by members of the association. The award began in 1954 with the election of CWR Dunlap from Lexington. Mr. Dunlap served as president in 1944-46 and was a charter member of Lexington Life Saving Crew. He was the first editor of the VARS Bulletin. Since 1954 we have elected 147 members to Life Membership with 62 still living. It is interesting that Julian Wise was the seventh member to be elected to Life Membership ten years after Mr. Dunlap.
I would encourage you to consider potential nominees for this honor in 2025. Requirements include: active in the association for a minimum of 10 years, distinguished contributions to the association goals, specific details on involvement, and received by the committee by March 1, 2025. The nomination form is available on the VAVRS website.
If you have questions or need help with your nomination, contact me at ken@gkmorgan.com
Nationwide Search Yields State Director with Extensive Experience in EMS and Fire Services to Lead Virginia’s EMS System (Richmond, Va.) – The Virginia Department of Health (VDH) is pleased to announce that Maria BeermannFoat, PhD, NRP, will be the new director of the Virginia Office of Emergency Medical Services (OEMS). VDH conducted a nationwide search to fill this key leadership role yielding nearly 150 applicants over two application cycles. Interview panels included representatives from key stakeholder groups, including the Governor’s State EMS Advisory Board, Virginia’s Regional EMS Councils, the Virginia Fire Chiefs Association, and VDH leadership.
“Emergency Medical Services plays a key role in the health of Virginians, and I am excited that Dr. Beermann -Foat will be joining us at such an important time while we work with stakeholders to improve Virginia’s statewide EMS system,” said Virginia State Health Commissioner Karen Shelton, M.D. “Over the last year VDH has taken proactive steps to address the issues faced within the Office of EMS, and part of that process has included the recruitment of a new director. We are happy that Dr. Beermann-Foat has accepted this new role and will lead Virginia’s path forward to a well-supported EMS system.”
“The past year has been challenging for Virginia’s EMS system, including the staff in the Office of EMS, a team that has been incredibly resilient and steadfast in continuing the good work that they have always done. We are now at a turning point, where we will shift our focus forward to building an EMS system that is even more comprehensive of the needs of today’s providers. Dr. Beermann-Foat brings the background and the skill set to unite EMS stakeholders around that common goal,” said R. Christopher Lindsay, Chief Operating Officer of VDH. “As an EMS provider myself, I am excited to see where her leadership takes the EMS system in Virginia.”
Dr. Beermann-Foat joins Virginia’s Office of EMS with an extensive background in EMS and fire leadership, as well organizational management and significant educational experience. Dr. Beermann-Foat will formally begin her role at OEMS on January 25, 2025.
“I am honored to have been selected as the Director of Virginia’s Office of EMS at such a pivotal time. My priority is to unite our dedicated team and stakeholders by fostering open communication and collaboration,” said Dr. Maria Beermann-Foat. “The past two years have been a time of critical discovery and a great deal of work has already begun to address these challenges; but, they’ve also highlighted the resilience and commitment of our EMS community. I am dedicated to building trust, strengthening partnerships, and delivering innovative solutions that reflect the needs of those we serve. Together, we will advance our shared mission to provide exceptional emergency medical services and enhance public health outcomes across the State of Virginia.”
Chief Vance Cooper, President of the Virginia Fire Chiefs Association and Tracey McLaurin, Executive Director of the Lord Fairfax EMS Council and Chair of the Regional EMS Council Executive Directors group, participated in the first round of interviews alongside VDH senior leaders.
“I appreciate VDH inviting Virginia’s fire service to participate in the hiring process for a new OEMS Director.
(Continued onpage 9)
Each phase brought further understanding of each candidate’s ability and willingness to inspire, share, and model a better way forward. The Virginia Fire Chiefs Association is looking forward to building a strong relationship with OEMS’ new director Dr. Maria Beermann-Foat and her team,” said Chief Vance Cooper, President, Virginia Fire Chiefs Association.
“I’m very excited about the experiences and ideas that Dr. Beermann-Foat brings to this position to help our EMS system in the Commonwealth move forward into a new era, one that is forward thinking and ready for tomorrow’s challenges,” said Tracey McLaurin, Executive Director, Lord Fairfax EMS Council and Chair of the Regional EMS Council Executive Directors group.
During the second round of interviews with finalists, Kevin Dillard, Chairman of the Governor’s State EMS Advisory Board, represented various EMS stakeholder groups across Virginia.
“I am excited to begin working with Dr. Beermann-Foat as we work to move Virginia’s EMS system towards becoming the best EMS system in the country. Her strong background in EMS and Fire leadership coupled with her national reputation for excellence will set Virginia EMS on a clear path to greatness. I speak for the EMS Advisory Board when I say that Dr. Beermann-Foat’s leadership will prove very pivotal as we continue to reimagine what EMS in Virginia looks like for years to come,” said Kevin Dillard, Chairman, Governor’s State EMS Advisory Board.
Maria Beermann-Foat, Ph.D., NRP, has over 25 years of prehospital emergency care experience in privatelyowned, hospital-based, county government-based and fire-based emergency services. Dr. Beermann-Foat most recently served as the EMS Training Coordinator for the Eugene Springfield Fire Department (Oregon) during the department’s transition from a dual-role to a single-role EMS system. In this position, Dr. Beermann-Foat served as a primary change agent in the development of the newly formed EMS Division where she successfully structured an EMS-specific academy model and modified the existing EMS training program to achieve the strategic vision of becoming a regional training center. Prior to joining Eugene Springfield Fire in January 2022, Dr. Beermann-Foat served Johnson County (Kansas) MED-ACTEmergency Medical Services, where she last held the position of Battalion Chief of Operations. Since first joining MED-ACT in 1999 as a paramedic, she moved up the ranks in the roles of community education officer/PIO, captain/field training officer, battalion chief of training, and division chief of quality management.
At the national level, Dr. Beermann-Foat has served to further the EMS profession and resolve issues pertaining to EMS retention and recruitment, workforce engagement, and EMS research through volunteer roles in many professional and industry associations. She recently served as Director, At-Large for the National Association of Emergency Medical Technicians (NAEMT) Board of Directors as well as editorial advisory board member for several nationally known EMS publications including EMS1.com and the International Journal of Paramedicine. Through her position as a course developer and instructor for the National Fire Academy in Emmitsburg, Maryland – a leading emergency services instructional campus operated by FEMA – her efforts have contributed toward preparing fire department and EMS department administrators in the areas of quality management and application of research methods for organizational improvement.
Dr. Beermann-Foat holds a Ph.D. in Organization Management from Capella University, a Master of Business Administration (MBA) from MidAmerica Nazarene University, and a City and County Management Graduate Certificate from the University of Kansas.
Read more about Dr. Beermann-Foat’s extensive background and experience in EMS at the local, state and national level. For more information about the Virginia Office of EMS, visitwww.vdh.virginia.gov/emergencymedical-services/.
I would like to thank everyone for electing me as the AVAVRS Historian at the past Convention.
Everyone knows I love taking pictures, so I’m asking each Auxiliary to send me pictures with labels to identify those in the picture and what the activity is. I tried to take pictures of each Auxiliary at Convention. If you weren’t in attendance, please send a group picture of your members and installation of officers or names of officers. I will be doing a scrapbook, the old fashioned way, to present to the President at Convention; showing all of our hard work and history.
I have attended a scrapbook retreat and will be attending another one in January. The scrapbook is started and I want to have completed it halfway by end of January.
Remember President Kelley’s theme, “Bee lieve,
Everyone have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
CeCe McCormick
ceceflowergarden@gmail.com 540-221-2078 (c)
AVAVRS Life Membership, Carolyn Beard Waynesboro Auxiliary
Congratulations to the newest recipient of the AVAVRS Life Membership
Congratulations to the 2024 recipient of the Outstanding Service Award
WHEREAS, hearing the call to serve his community and provide thoughtful and compassionate care, John Carlton Phillips joined the Junior Red Cross and Virginia National Guard while still in high school and later served with the United States Army after graduation, including duty assignments at Fort Knox, Kentucky, and Fort Dix, New Jersey; and
WHEREAS, John “J.C.” Phillips joined the Forest View Volunteer Rescue Squad (FVVRS) in Richmond in 1965 and soon thereafter earned the historic distinction of being elected to the executive board as secretary while still a probationary member; he would go on to serve in many leadership capacities with the department over the years and ultimately be named a life member; and
WHEREAS, in 1972, J.C. Phillips was elected as the District 3 vice president for the Virginia Association of Volunteer Rescue Squads, Inc. (VAVRS), beginning a long and illustrious tenure with the organization that would include two years as its president and numerous other leadership positions; and
WHEREAS, J.C. Phillips was elected by his peers as a life member of the VAVRS in 1982, and in September 1994, he was inducted into the Virginia Life Saving and Rescue Hall of Fame; and WHEREAS, J.C. Phillips would play an outsized role in VAVRS’ accomplishments throughout the 1970s and 1980s, helping to restructure the organization’s bylaws to improve representation, enhance its training course, develop its first Personnel Committee, and promote awareness of the organization; and WHEREAS, J.C. Phillips trained basic and light duty rescue instructors for more than 30 years; he was also an advanced first aid instructor for over 12 years and taught cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) for over 13 years; in 1970, he was one of the first to enroll in both a CPR instructors’ course in the Richmond area and the first emergency medical training course in Chesterfield County; and
WHEREAS, J.C. Phillips not only volunteered his time as a pre-hospital provider for his squad, but also contributed greatly to the development of a medical emergency response team to handle injuries and illness at the DuPont plant in Richmond; and
WHEREAS, J.C. Phillips was involved in accident and injury prevention talks, demonstrations, and safety audits both in the community and at work, and he was a member of the Forest View Clowns, known as the “Worst Aid Squad,” which entertained children and raised money for the American Heart Association; and WHEREAS, J.C. Phillips was team captain for FVVRS for the first rescue contest at the VAVRS convention, at which the team won first place, and he went on to compete at the organization’s international convention; and WHEREAS, after more than a half-century with the FVVRS and the VAVRS, J.C. Phillips continues to be active with both organizations as a parliamentarian and chaplain and is recognized as the VAVRS parliamentarian emeritus; and WHEREAS, through his professionalism and tenacity as an instructor, squad leader, and officer, J.C. Phillips has left an indelible mark on the VAVRS’s leadership and training, earning him the praise and esteem of all emergency medical services providers in the Commonwealth; now, therefore, be it
RESOLVED by the Senate, the House of Delegates concurring, That the General Assembly hereby commend John Carlton Phillips for his many years of service; and, be it
RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Clerk of the Senate prepare a copy of this resolution for presentation to John Carlton Phillips as an expression of the General Assembly’s admiration for his contributions to the emergency medical services field in the Commonwealth and best wishes for his future endeavors.
Submitted by CeCe McCormick, Historian, Waynesboro First Aid Auxiliary
We have been busy since our last report in the Lifeline. Here is a list of what we have done along with some other items.
• Served subs and chips to CE class
• Donated school supplies to ‘Stuff the Bus’ at Walmart
• Purchased new large trash receptacle for the multipurpose room
• Purchased new batteries for clocks
• Made Halloween candy bags for WFAC, EOC, and Springdale gang
• Catered three banquets
• Made and served sandwiches and cookies for Glovier UM church activity
• Held a drive-up spaghetti dinner
• Had country ham sandwich sale
• Attended the Western District meeting and 4 of our members were installed as officers
• Attended the 2024 FRV Convention where we received the Auxiliary of the Year award
Carolyn Beard received AVAVRS Life Member
Danny McCormick received the Outstanding Service
CeCe McCormick was elected the AVAVRS Historian
New Market Fire and Rescue has been working with Unicoi County Emergency Medical Services to send one of our Ambulance to them. They lost at least 3 of their units when the hurricane came through their area . We also worked in conjunction with Broadway Rescue Squad to get the ambulance sent down with them. Our unit along with Broadway left this morning to make the journey down. Thank you to all who have donated to the hurricane relief for these areas that were affected. We also would like to give a special thank you to Harts 24 hr Towing for taking the units down!
By Ryan Fitzmaurice The Northern Virginia Daily Nov 20, 2024
The New Market Volunteer Fire Department donated a retired ambulance to Unicoi County EMS on Wednesday morning to support recovery efforts in a Tennessee community devastated by severe flooding caused by Hurricane Helene.
The donation, a 2003 Ford E-350 ambulance, will help replace emergency vehicles lost in the floodwaters.
New Market Volunteer Fire Chief Jeff Mongold said the county lost much of its fleet while performing evacuations during the storm.
“In 30 minutes, the floodwaters completely wiped out their ambulances,” Mongold said. “This donation helps replace what was lost and restore vital emergency services.”
Mongold explained that the initiative began with a request from retired Virginia fire chief and former president of the International Association of Fire Chiefs Bill Killen, who sought equipment donations for communities in Tennessee and North Carolina. Mongold coordinated with Killen and Unicoi EMS Chief Anthony Buckner to arrange the donation.
The ambulance, retired in June and initially listed for sale, was redirected to meet the urgent need in Tennessee. Broadway Volunteer Emergency Squad also contributed an ambulance to the effort, with Hart’s Automotive & 24 Hour Towing, of Broadway, donating transportation for both vehicles.
Mongold noted that this is part of a series of efforts by local emergency service personnel to assist neighboring states affected by the historic flooding. The Toms Brook Fire Department previously coordinated donations of suppression equipment, hoses and firefighting tools for impacted areas.
“This is what the fire service is about,” Mongold said. “It’s a brotherhood. When other departments are in need, we step up to help them and their communities get back on their feet.”
I hope you are making plans to attend the 50th Annual VAVRS Rescue College at Virginia Tech. This year’s anniversary event will be June 6th through 15th at The Inn at Virginia Tech and Skelton Conference Center, 901 Prices Ford Road, Blacksburg, VA. There will be a special gift for all participants to celebrate the 50th anniversary.
The 2025 committee is Ken Morgan, Steve Southworth, Kevin Dillard, Wayne Myers, John Craig, John Hilliard, Frank Smith, Jimmy Rice, and Gail Rice.
Several new classes will be offered, including a Drone Operations class taught by Va Tech faculty. Bob Page has several new classes this year and will be there for three days. There will be opportunity to receive 8 hours of Category 1 CE on 4 evenings during the week. Many of our traditional classes will continue to be offered.
Working with Bryant Skeen, there will be a full day of training and meetings for Junior members. If your agency has a Junior Squad, encourage them to attend on Saturday, June 7. This event will not be part of the Rescue College registration process. A separate registration is available through the VAVRS website.
Thanks to several anonymous donors, we will be offering five $400 scholarship opportunities to members under the age of 22. The application form with details is available on the VAVRS website. Individuals must be a member of a VAVRS member agency.
The registration brochure is available at the VAVRS website and if you want a printed copy contact Brian at the state office.
Registration will open on March 1.
Through support of Division of Emergency Management, we are able to offer the ICS 300 and ICS 400 classes again this year.
Gail Rice will continue to coordinated the Rescue Camp for Youth again this year and Jimmy Rice will be heading up the 3 Vertical Rescue Courses.
My thanks to Brian Bilheimer for his countless hours working on details, the constant changes to the brochure, and the many issues he handled with a smile and a “yes sir.”
Let me know if questions.
Ken Morgan, Chair, 2025 Rescue College
At the direction of the VAVRS President John Craig the officers and committee chairs of the VAVRS and VAJVRS participated in an officer’s workshop at the VAVRS State Headquarters and Training Center on November 2, 2024 from 10a until 5p with over 25 in attendance. Making presentations were:
• Steve Southworth, Chief Rescue Officer—Served as facilitator and presented a session on leadership
• Bubby Bish, Executive Director Office Responsibilities and Budgeting Process
• Kevin Dillard, Life Membership Chair—Code of Ethics
• Ken Morgan, Parliamentarian—Legal & Fiduciary Issues, Bylaws, Policies and Rescue College
• Gary Dalton, Editor LIFELINE, Website, 2025 Important Dates & Database
• Andy Neagle, Vice President—District VP Responsibilities and Death Benefit Plan
VAVRS Training Coordinator Brian Bilheimer (center) received recognition during the November 16, 2024 VAVRS Board of Directors Meeting from VAVRS Executive Director Bubby Bish (left) and VAVRS President John Craig (right). Thank you Brian for your three years of excellent service and dedication to the VAVRS, it’s members and instructors.
L-R VAVRS Editor Gary Dalton, VAVRS Training Coordinator Brian Bilheimer, VAVRS Executive Director Bubby Bish and VAVRS Administrative Assistant Lisa Bilheimer present Bubby with an appropriate gift a t-shirt designating him as the World’s Okayest Ambulance Driver.
• Wayne Myers, Training Officer and Brian Bilheimer, Training Coordinator Training Priorities 2025
• Ed Rhodes, Legislative Liaison—Legislative Briefing
• John Craig—Welcome, Closing Comments, Strategic Plan and goals for 2025.
Note: It was great to have three officers from the VAJVRS attend and participate! This kind of teamwork is essential for us to have a great 2025!
The Virginia Association of Volunteer Rescue Squads is THE voice of EMS…. the advocate for our members, Virginia’s EMS agencies and providers. We link members and agencies for the purpose of sharing ideas, giving you a voice at the General Assembly, on state advisory boards, as well as on state and local committees. When our members have training issues or needs, they come to the VAVRS.
When our members need assistance from leadership to budgets they come to the VAVRS. We help rescue squads throughout the Commonwealth thrive and succeed so they can provide prompt, effective patient care 24/7 in the communities they serve.
Jeff Grimm was born in Clifton Forge, Virginia on March 18,1971. Jeff says he has been happily married and divorced twice! Those unions blessed him with two stepchildren and three biological children.
Gabby Harlow gave him his first grandchild, Rowen Knox. Gabby is a banker in Lexington, Virginia. Tatum Harlow is a Deputy Sherriff in Bath County. His third child, Chloe Grimm, is a college student and lives in Covington, Virginia. Last, but not least, Jeff has twins. Kaiden Grimm and Kinley Grimm. They are both Juniors in High School and live with Jeff. He is blessed to have all his children live within 30 miles of him.
It was February 14, 1985, that Jeff became an active volunteer, and has been an active member of VAVRS since 1989. His Dad was a volunteer fireman, and because of that he shared with us that for him, “it felt right”. There were a lot of influential people that encouraged him in his life such as Richard Fox, Cecil Leach, Tom Schwartz, Ron Brubeck, and Mickey Arnold. He is proud to let us know that both of his twins are active and starting an EMT class in January. His oldest son is a driver for his squad and his nephew is an EVOC Instructor.
When asked what VAVRS means to him, Jeff told us that he loves the history of the Association and hearing all the stories of the older people that have been there before him. He says that it’s a way for him to gain knowledge and help in his field from people across the state. He’s made many close friends and learned so much from the Association and their members. “The classes are awesome and the ability to learn from older folks like Gary Dalton is a wonderful experience”, he tells us.
VAVRS is like a family to Jeff, and he has had these friendships over the last 40 years! Some of these wonderful VAVRS members are Kim Craig and Warren Winner. Warren has been his insurance agent for 40 years and Kim was the charge nurse he trained under for his first EMT course. “We are a family, absolutely!”
Jeff is an open book, however, most people don’t know that he has a weakness, and it is ice cream! He can’t say no to ice cream. He shared a couple of funny memories that have stuck with him through the years. In the 90’s at the Convention in Virginia Beach while the banquet was going on, a girl walked in front of him with her dress tucked in her underwear. He told us he thought he would die! Another recent memory was this past year when he convinced a judge to sentence Greg Burton to compete in EVOC instead of receiving a speeding ticket. A bonus to this story is that Greg won!
As far as the organization and accomplishments for the future, he would like to see ultra inclusiveness, revamp and add training for members that truly desire the classes, and make this available to all First Responders so that they can safely serve the citizens and visitors of our Commonwealth. Jeff feels that we need to listen and learn from our mistakes and successes of years past. He says, “We have to know where you came from to know which way to go. Pay homage but make ourselves relevant and well trained for today.”
VAVRS appreciates you, Jeff Grimm. You are a valuable member. Please reach out and thank him for his selfless service.
Since January, 2024 these 19 agencies have joined the VAVRS
1st Quarter 2024
Concord Volunteer Fire Department Inc.
Scottsburg Volunteer Fire Department
Read Mountain Fire and Rescue
UVA Health’s Medical Transport Network
Mount Weather Fire and Rescue
2nd Quarter 2024
Pearisburg Volunteer Fire Department
Bergton Volunteer Fire Company
Southwest Virginia Community College
Able Medical Transport
Bedford County Sheriff’s Department
Kilmarnock Volunteer Fire Department
3rd Quarter 2024
Bluefield VA Fire Department
Kenbridge Volunteer Fire Department
Onancock Volunteer Fire Department
FESCO Emergency Sales
4th Quarter 2024
Goshen Medical Transports, LLC
Sussex Fire and Rescue
Steve Thrasher EMT, PIO/Vice President Vinton First Aid Crew
We have had a busy fall including sending several members to the State Conference in Va Beach.
We restarted our Competition team and are already looking forward to the 2025 Conference and competition!
We won 2nd place in the 2024 ALS scenario. It may sound a little cocky, but a few of our team members are already challenging some of the other District 6 Crews to get them to form teams and send them to Conference.
We also want to offer our congratulations to the other winning teams from across the state. You set a great example!
First Place ALS - Washington County Life Saving Crew, Abingdon, Va
First Place BLS - Southside Rescue Squad, South Hill, Va
First Place EVOC - Greg Burton, Covington Rescue Squad
We had a nice turnout for the town’s annual Christmas parade on Dec 5, even with the wind chill temps being in the teens.
We had a special guest of Congressman Ben Cline at our annual December Christmas party and Installation banquet.
Congressman Cline was here to recognize the 50th anniversary of our Junior Crew which we had reported on in a previous edition. As we look back at our history, we see that we have been blessed with many great members over the years! We also want to thank those that served as our officers in 2024.
Our 2025 officers will be
Chief Chris Sayre
Asst Chief Brandan Arthur
Captain Dave Jones
1st Lt Orlando Barrios Martinez
2nd Lt Trace Poindexter
1st Sgt Katie Lucas
2nd Sgt Cameron Maxey
Secretary Megan Sayre
Chaplain Cameron Maxey
PIO Taylor Ralph
President Jason Peters
VP Steve Thrasher
Treasurer Mitch Vaughan
Asst Treasurer Tom Philpott
Registered Agent Tom Philpott
Good Luck to our 2025 officers!
Article and photos submitted by Greg Burton, VAVRS Life Member
On November 16 and 17, 2024, Bridgewater Volunteer Rescue Squad in Rockingham County hosted a VAVRS sponsored Vehicle Rescue Awareness and Operations course at their station. The instructors for this class were James Downer (Covington Volunteer Rescue Squad, Greg Burton, Covington Volunteer Rescue Squad and David Price, Dooms Volunteer Fire Department. This was the first class as lead instructor for James, who recently achieved instructor status at Rescue College.
It was a great November weekend for training! Class participants were shown various ways to stabilize vehicles, whether they were on their wheels, on the side, or upside down on the roof. Techniques were taught to remove vehicle parts, (doors, roof, glass, etc.). Rescuers were shown and explained procedures to lift/roll a dashboard to free a patient. A tunnelling technique was practiced as if there was no access to a patient through the doors or if roof removal was not possible. Entry was gained into the trunk and from there, rescuers removed the back seat and tunneled their way in.
This class was well attended by local responders as well as a few who travelled some distance to receive this training.
A big shout out goes to the Bridgewater crew and also to Broadway Emergency Crew for making their squad trucks and equipment on them
Bryant Skeen was on January 9, 1973, in Richards, Virginia. He married Christina Skeen in December 1994. They are getting ready to celebrate 30 years of marriage and he feels blessed to have a wonderful wife that has loved and supported him all these years as a police officer and an EMS provider. Bryant and Christina have three children, Ethan, Emma, and Christopher. His son, Ethan, attends Liberty University in the Civil Engineering Program and he shared that he is also an Advanced EMT with Cleveland Lifesaving Crew, an Eagle Scout, assistant leader of the Cleveland Lifesaving Crew Fire Fighter Rehab program (that they initiated last Spring), and assistant leader of the Cleveland Lifesaving River Rescue Team. His daughter Emma was Valedictorian of Lebanon High School, received her bachelor degree from Emory and Henry College and is currently in her second year at William and Mary School of Law. She is also an EMT with Cleveland Lifesaving Crew and previously served with the VAJVRS. His youngest son, Christopher, is a junior at Lebanon High School and currently the Vice president of the VAJVRS. He is also on the varsity soccer team, involved in the Fellowship of Christian Athletes, and current First Lieutenant of the Cleveland Lifesaving Crew Junior Squad. Outstanding children!
In 1988, as a 15-year-old young man, Bryant started volunteering as a junior rescue squad member. Bryant was born into the rescue squad. His parents and other family members volunteered in the rescue squad. His mom is a Life Member of the AVAVRS, and a current member of the VAVRS. For him, it was the natural thing to do. After attending VAVRS events as a junior member, he served as a vice president for the VAJVRS. Jack Swicegood was his advisor, and he has been active since then. Throughout many years, Bryant has been an EVOC instructor, a past District 9 Vice President, and a Junior Advisor to the VAJVRS.
When asked what the VAVRS means to him, he shared that it is a great organization that represents the first responders in Virginia. It has a family atmosphere but can be difficult for younger members to become an insider in the organization. He recommends that the younger members volunteer. For younger members Bryant said, “Volunteerism is a fantastic way to serve your community. The association offers training, and events to foster your career and service to the Commonwealth of Virginia so take every available opportunity to advance your skill set to gain more knowledge to help those that we serve.
Submitted by Lisa Bilheimer, VAVRS Office Staff
Charles Andrew (Andy) Neagle was born in Richmond, Virginia on October 9, 1959. On October 3, 1982, he married his lovely wife, Tina. They were blessed to have three children and now have six grandchildren! Their son CJ and his family live in Manassas, Virginia and have four children. He has three sons, Colton, Ezura, and Jonah, and one daughter, Beatrice. Their daughter, Courtney and her family live in Huntington, West Virginia and have one son, Jaice. Their second daughter, Davi, and her family live in Walkerton, Virginia, she also has one son, Patrick.
In January of 1983 Andy joined the West End Voluntary Rescue Squad. It was because of his wife, Tina, that he decided to join. She had joined the rescue squad two months before they were married. Andy shared with us that he would go to the squad building on nights that she was volunteering and stay until 10 or 11PM, that inspired him to join a few months later. At some point after joining, he attended his first Board of Governors meeting in Big Sone Gap, Virginia as a spectator. In 1986 he became his squad’s Board of Governors representative and stayed in that position for many years. In 1988, he became active on the district level and in 1991 the state level. Andy told us that his wife Tina has been instrumental in assisting him with various activities throughout the years at VAVRS, even though she has never held an official position.
Asking Andy what VAVRS means to him, he responded with, “VAVRS means family. A family of individuals from all walks of life dedicated to promoting life and the safety of their fellow man.” He also shared that VAVRS is like a family because as a family unit we are dedicated to helping in reducing pain and suffering in the prehospital environment. We provide training and assistance. We also provide recognition for our members.
There have been many moments to remember over the years that brought much laughter, but one that he told us about was during the banquet at Convention in Salem, Virginal one year. Everyone tied the cloth napkins together under the table and it created a long rope that extended the banquet hall. Paper napkins were provided after that!
When asked to share something people don’t know about him, Andy told us that when he was younger, just being in the ER waiting room, he would get physically sick. One time he had to take a friend to the ER and quickly had to go outside so he wouldn’t become ill.
Andy would really like younger members to get more involved and to learn how VAVRS operates. Younger members need to keep the organization alive. Serving on committees, becoming officers in their districts and later in the organization itself. Those are his words of wisdom for the future leaders.
Lastly, Andy shared with us that like other leaders in VAVRS, he would like to see us become more inclusive and expand ourselves to include all first responders.
Please congratulate Andy for being such an intricate part of VAVRS and for his amazing service!
Maxie Skeen was born on December 8, 1941, in Russell County, Virginia to Tivus and Elizabeth Tiller. She was a proud graduate of Cleveland High School’s Class of 1958. On May 9, 1958, she married her beloved husband, Johnny. She and Johnny have three children, Swaine, Melanie, and Bryant.
Family is central to Maxie’s life. Their son Swaine is married to Patricia, daughter Melanie is married to Randy Adkins, and son Bryant is married to Christina. They are proud and blessed grandparents with six grandchildren and eight great grandchildren. Their grandchildren are Heather, married to Ross Brennan, Hope, married to Taylor Chapman, Kari, married to Ben Beasley, Aaron, married to Kayla Adkins, and Phillip married to Nicole Adkins. Also, Ethan, Emma, and Christopher Skeen. Their family continues to grow with great grandchildren, Sullivan Brennan, Lucy and Helen Beasley, Troy, Reid, Lily Adkins, and Owen and Noah Adkins.
A trailblazer in emergency services, Maxie is a founding member of the Cleveland Lifesaving Crew. She has served there since 1966. Currently, she holds roles of operations manager and treasurer while continuing to respond to emergency calls. Maxie is certified as an EMT-Intermediate and holds additional credentials, including certifications in EVOC, ACLS, PALS, as well as CPR. She is also an instructor of ACLS, PALS, and BLS First Aid/CPR.
Her leadership extends beyond her agency. Maxie served as Chaplain and Historian of the Auxiliary to the Virginia Association of Volunteer Rescue Squads (AVAVRS) for four years each. She has very impressively held every position of office within the Southwestern AVAVRS District and is a Life Member of the Cleveland Lifesaving Crew, AVAVRS Southwestern District, and the state level AVAVRS. Additionally, she has represented Russell County on the Southwestern EMS Council’s Board of Directors for 38 years.
Maxie is a strong woman of faith, and it is the cornerstone of her life. She is a devoted member of the Cleveland Baptist Church. Please thank her for all of her selfless service throughout the years!
Kenneth (Kenny) Frenier was born in Petersburg, Virginia in 1957. He married his lovely wife, Harriet, in 1985. Kenny and Harriet have three children, 2 boys and 1 girl. Most people don’t know that he has 7 grandchildren and 1 great grandchild. All three of their children and 6 of the grandkids live nearby, and he sees them often. He has one grandchild that lives in Alabama and one that lives in Thailand. Kenny shared with us that as a child he always wanted to be a firefighter. At the age of 14, he became a charter member of the Colonial Heights Fire Department. In 1973, the fire department started a Cadet program and Kenny, as well as three other juniors, were allowed to go to actual fires and train with the fire department until 1974, when the fire department became chartered.
In 1987, the city got involved with EMS and that was when Kenny joined VAVRS. Kenny is lucky enough to have his wife, Harriet, alongside him participating in the district and at different conventions. Since 2017, he has been a member of the Petersburg Fire Support. Kenny is also a life member of Colonial Heights Fire ands EMS, a life member of VAVRS, and District 3. He has given a lot over the years. He is an instructor for EVOC, Extrication, and Haz Mat Coordinator. In District 3, he has been the District Vice President 4 times, as well as serving on numerous committees for VAVRS. He is very involved in his City Council and has served there for 15 years. He has also served with The Red Cross for 25 years.
When asked to recall a favorite/funny memory at a VAVRS/AVAVRS function he told us about a Friday night social he attended. They were all playing a trivia game, and Troy Allen and Wayne Hoover were yelling out the answers to the trivia questions and didn’t have a clue what they were saying. It made for a fun time!
Kenny loves the family atmosphere that he feels VAVRS/AVAVRS provides. He enjoys helping others that are in need and says that members are always interested in each other and there to help other members when needed. His advice to the younger members of the organization is to attend as many training opportunities as are available. Take the leadership training classes so that the organization can keep going and stay strong for years to come. Keeping VAVRS membership increasing is a goal for us all.
Please reach out to Kenny and thank him for all he has done and continues to do!
Dear Rescue Ranger,
I came home on December 31st to find my wife had been on eBay all day long. I didn’t know what to do so I decided if she’s still on there tomorrow, I will have to lower the price.
Signed B
Dear Bubby,
On December 31st I took my kids to the Zoo. I am going back this week and see if they are settled in!
Dear Rescue Ranger,
Exercise, dieting, eating the right foods, maintaining good mental health all of these are hard when you are lazy and you crave sweets. So, I did some extensive research this past year and found out that in the span of the last 11 years, 115 people in this country have died in a weightlifting accident at the gym. In the same 11 years only 1 person died eating a donut. I now know I will be making some pretty good choices going into 2025 for safety reasons of course..
Signed U
Dear bUbby,
I know, I bought a donut today without sprinkles. Diets are hard.
Also, I completely realize my body is not a “10”, it is more like two “5s” held together by mashed potatoes. I feel that way because I also know that no matter what’s going on in my life, there is some form of potato that can make it better.
Dear Rescue Ranger,
I don’t know if you are aware but I applied for a job in law enforcement. I am not sure why I was not hired but I do remember a very provocative question on the police recruit exam. The question was, “What would you do if you had to arrest your wife?” My answer, “I’d call for backup!”
Signed B
Dear Brian,
Law enforcement, love‘em. I went line dancing with a policeman on New Year’s Eve. Well, it was a roadside sobriety test….same thing.
Dear Rescue Ranger,
Not to brag but I won $8,000 in a Christmas raffle we held at the squad. And to prove I am a very generous person, especially in this season of giving, I gave a quarter of it back to the squad. Next month I am going to Cancun with the remaining $7,999.75.
Signed B
Dear bubBy,
Congratulations. I didn’t win any money over the holidays but I did save a lot of money on my car insurance by switching to reverse and leaving the scene.
Dear Rescue Ranger,
My wife got me some tools for Christmas. She was helping me put some posts in the ground for our new fence. I gave her my new sledge hammer while I was holding the post and I said, “When I nod my head you hit it.” Frankly I don’t remember much after that.
Signed Y
Dear bubbY,
My neighbor got stung by a bee on the forehead. He’s at the ER now, his face is all swollen and bruised, he almost died. Luckily I was close enough to hit the bee with my shovel.
PO Box 279
2535 Turkey Creek Road
Oilville, VA 23129
ISSN 0279-6023
Phone: 804-749-8191
Phone: 800-833-0602
Fax: 804-749-8910
E-mail: vavrs@vavrs.com