Hope everyone is having a great summer!
The 2024 VAVRS Rescue College was great. I would like to say, “Thank you” to so many for making Rescue College a great success. A special Thank you to Ken Morgan and his committee for all the hard work and all the hours they put into Rescue College.
Since our last meeting I have had the opportunity to continue to serve on the EMS Medication Group Transition Workgroup. The group worked very hard trying to make it easier and affordable for the agencies to survive this change. We know it is very difficult for all, but we are working very hard for all.
On Friday, May 17, 2024, I had the honor to attend the presentation of a Virginia Legislature Joint Resolution commemorating the 50th Anniversary of the Tidewater EMS Council. TEMS plays an important role in insuring the highest levels of care, training, and support are provided in the Tidewater area. Congratulations!
On May 20, 2024, I attended the presentation of the Governors EMS Awards at the Governors Mansion, where Governor Glenn Younkin presented the award to the recipients. This is the first time that the Governor has presented the awards. It really was a great event. Congratulations to all!
I have also appointed to work on HB 133: Toxic Exposure Workgroup. This workgroup is preparing for funding for cancer from toxic emergency calls. At this point and time, we have only had one meeting and a small group was appointed to prepare language for grants and an appropriate body to invest/ manage the funds. The plan to be prepared for the 2025 General Assembly.
During EMS Week, VAVRS and Goochland Fire-Rescue & Emergency Services held an event at the VAVRS State Office. We had some great speakers and a display of some old EMS equipment. We appreciated all those who attended.
As we continue to move forward, I would like our VAVRS family to know we have hired Lisa Bilheimer in the office. We are very excited to welcome Lisa and look forward to working with her. Please reach out to Lisa and welcome her also.
We are preparing for the 2024 First Responder Virginia Conference on September 18-22, 2024. There will be a few changes so please look at the website so you will know what is going on.
In closing, please keep Carol Gothard in your prayers as she continues to recover. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to serve as your Executive Director. It is a pleasure.
Be safe!
President - John Craig
Vice President - Andy Neagle
Secretary / Editor - Gary Dalton
Treasurer - Tarry Pribble
Training Officer - Wayne Myers
Chaplain - Kenneth Williams
Immediate Past President - Wesley Melson
Parliamentarian - Scott Davis
I T Coordinator - Steve Ayers
District 1 Vice President - Jeff Grimm
District 2 Vice President - Matt Chiardia
District 3 Vice President - Kenny Frenier
District 5 Vice President - Heather Palm
District 6 Vice President - Lynn Hudson
District 7 Vice President - Ted Harris
District 9 Vice President - Tim Salyer
District 10 Vice President - Nancy Orndoff
Executive Director - Bubby Bish
Training Coordinator - Brian Bilheimer
Administrative Secretary - Carol Gothard
Administrative Assistant - Lisa Bilheimer
Lobbyist - Ed Rhodes
Bylaws - Scott Davis
Convention - Gary Dalton
Death Benefit - Andy Neagle
EMS Advisory Board - Kim Craig
EMS Advisory Board - Bruce Stratton
EMS Exchange - Wayne Perry
Facilities - Andy Neagle
Finance - Tarry Pribble
Hall of Fame - Ken Morgan
Human Resources - Andy Neagle
I T - Scott Davis
Legislative - Kim Craig
Life Member - Kevin Dillard
National EMS Memorial - Scott Davis
Rescue College - Ken Morgan
Rescue College - Steve Southworth, Co-Chair
Scholarship - Diana Wills
Strategic Planning - John Craig
Training - Wayne Myers
Youth Activities - Alfred Smith
Youth Activities - Brandon Baugus, Co Chair
President - Shade Johnson
Vice President - Christopher Skeen
Secretary/Treasurer - Haven Johnson
Historian - Koedan Murphy
Chaplain - Kaden Gray
VAVRS Junior Advisors
Alfred Smith - Bryant Skeen
Brandon Baugus - Steve Rohr
President - Kelley Snell
Vice President - Debbie Rohr
Treasurer - Fay Browning
Chaplain - Eddie Ann Orndoff
Historian - Samantha Snell
Immediate Past President - Eddie Ann Orndoff
Midwestern Vice President - Dolores Hudson
Northeastern Vice President - Doug Snell
Southcentral Vice President - Clara Craig
Southeastern Vice President - Carolyn Brand
Southwestern Vice President - Patricia Moore
Western Vice President - Judy Leach
Secretary - Maxie Kerns
Parliamentarian - Warren Winner
Finance - Fay Browning
Bylaws - Warren Winner
Nominating - Sharon Castle
Life Member - Fern Puckett
Convention Chair - Fern Puckett
Convention Co-Chair - Kathy Plummer
Roll Call Chair - Rhonda Thompson
Roll Call Co-Chair - Layne Lusk
Fundraising Chair - Stacey Frame
Fundraising Co-Chair - Marcella Caudill
Deadline for future issues are as follows:
December 15 for the 1st Quarter Issue
March 15 for the 2nd Quarter Issue
June 15 for the 3rd Quarter Issue
September 15 for the 4th Quarter Issue
Articles may be submitted by any member of the VAVRS, AVAVRS and VAJVRS.
Feature articles are encouraged.
Photos and/or graphics are acceptable and can be returned if requested.
John H. Craig, III
It has been and honor and privilege to serve the Virginia Association of Volunteer Rescue Squads Inc. as your President. My first term as the VAVRS President has been a very rewarding experience. I have been fortunate to have so many supporters to give their advice and guidance. The direction that I have received from several seasoned Mentors and Officers within the ranks of VAVRS along with amazing support from a very solid office staff, I have been able to achieve many accomplishments.
On May 20th, 2024 I attended the Governors EMS Awards at the Governors Mansion. Governor Youngkin was the first Virginia Governor to ever present these awards.
May 22nd, 2024, I attended the VAVRS EMS Week Celebration at the VAVRS State Office and Training Center in Oilville.
One of my goals as President has been to have growth in our Junior membership. Working with the Junior Advisors, our group of Juniors have been busy learning more about Parliamentary Procedure, participating in senior meetings, and promoting the Junior Association.
We had a successful Spring BOG and Board of Directors meetings.
Kudo’s to Ken Morgan and the entire Rescue College Committee on an outstanding Rescue College at Virginia Tech. Next year will be the 50th Anniversary of Rescue College and will be held at Virginia Tech. on June 6th through the 15th, 2025. Please mark your calendars to attend.
We are looking forward to the First Responder Virginia Conference in Virginia Beach Sept. 18th through the 22nd, 2024. Please make an effort to attend. See the First Responder Virginia website for more details.
All VAVRS committees have worked closely with the VAVRS leadership and Office Staff in continuing to move the Association forward. One of the challenges that we continue to have is the involvement of all members and agencies. I will continue to work with the VAVRS Officers, Office Staff and the committees to ensure that we always work to have involvement by keeping the Association in the forefront.
I have kept myself well informed with the issues throughout the Commonwealth by attending the Virginia Office of EMS Advisory Board and Committee meetings. Ed Rhodes, our lobbyist, keeps me up to date on legislative issues especially those involving VAVRS and EMS agencies. I am looking forward to a second term as your VAVRS President and ask for your support.
Please reach out to me with any ideas, suggestions or changes that you would like to see in the coming year.
We will have a Board of Directors meeting at the VAVRS State Office on August 3rd
Hope to see everyone in September at the First Responder Conference in Virginia Beach.
RICHMOND, VA - On Monday, May 20, Governor Glenn Youngkin recognized the Governor’s Emergency Medical Services (EMS) Award recipients from 2023 during a special EMS Week ceremony at the Governor’s Mansion. The Governor’s EMS Awards honor the outstanding contributions of individuals, agencies, community organizations and businesses that provide or help support emergency medical care in Virginia. These awards are the highest honor an EMS provider or organization can receive at the state level, and they are administered by the Virginia Department of Health’s (VDH) Office of Emergency Medical Services.
Governor Glenn Youngkin also proclaimed EMS Week in Virginia, May 19-25. This special week honored EMS providers’ commitment to respond to emergencies and provide critical care. EMS for Children Day, May 22, emphasized the pediatric patient and their required specialized treatment. This year’s EMS Week theme was, “Honoring Our Past. Forging Our Future,” and it acknowledges the foundational work of those who came before us, while also striving to build and lead the EMS System we envision for our future.
“During EMS Week, I had the honor of recognizing the 2023 Governor’s EMS Award recipients and thanked them for their incredible contributions to Virginia’s EMS System,” said Governor Glenn Youngkin. “Virginia’s EMS providers rush in to save Virginians who are sick or injured by providing the best prehospital care, 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Thank you for your heroic efforts and for protecting the well-being of all Virginians.”
“I join Governor Youngkin in honoring the recipients of these awards that recognize individual and organizational commitment and dedication to providing excellent emergency medical care. It is reassuring to know that throughout the Commonwealth when someone dials 911, there is a network of care ready to assist them, whether the call is for a stroke, a vehicle wreck, a severe allergic reaction, or some other emergency. Our EMS providers save lives every day, and we salute them,” said State Health Commissioner Karen Shelton, M.D.
Last year, EMS providers responded to more than 1.72 million calls for help in Virginia, which represents approximately 4,712 incidents per day. Virginia’s EMS providers respond to emergencies during our citizens critical moments from the time a 911 call is received to the arrival at the hospital.
“It is such an honor to recognize the dedication and contributions of the Governor’s EMS Award recipients,” said VDH Chief Operating Officer Christopher Lindsay. “It is so important to thank Virginia’s EMS providers for their life-saving efforts, not just during this special EMS Week, but every day! I have had the distinct privilege of serving as a volunteer EMS provider myself for the last 15 years alongside many amazing providers at my local rescue squad and I am honored to be able to recognize their outstanding contributions to Virginia’s EMS System.”
During EMS Week, Virginia EMS agencies hosted community activities, including first aid classes, health and safety fairs, open houses and more. These family-friendly events encouraged citizens to meet and greet the first responders in their neighborhoods.
The Governor’s EMS Award for Excellence in EMS
– William “Bill” Akers, Jr., Southwest Virginia Paramedic Program, Lebanon Lifesaving Crew
The Governor’s EMS Award for Outstanding Contribution to Leadership in EMS (The Kent J. Weber Trophy)
– Beverly G. Harris, VCU Health System Critical Care Transport Network/LifeEvac
The Governor’s EMS Award for Physician with Outstanding Contribution to EMS (The Frank M. Yeiser Trophy)
– Benjamin D. Nicholson, M.D., VCU Health Department of Emergency Medicine & LifeEvac
The Governor’s EMS Award for Nurse with Outstanding Contribution to EMS
– Matthew J. Jensen, R.N., VCU Health System Critical Care Transport Network/LifeEvac
The Governor’s EMS Award for Outstanding EMS Prehospital Educator
– Michael Garnett, New River Valley Training Center
The Governor’s EMS Award for Outstanding EMS
Prehospital Provider
– John “Jack” Kelley, Lake of the Woods Fire and Rescue
The Governor’s EMS Award for Outstanding Contribution to EMS Health and Safety
– James City County Fire Department
The Governor’s EMS Award for Outstanding Contribution to EMS for Children
– Jennifer S. Farmer, Lakeside Volunteer Rescue Squad
The Governor’s EMS Award for Outstanding EMS Agency
– James City County Fire Department
The Governor’s EMS Award for Outstanding Contribution to EMS Telecommunication
– Amanda Echevarria, Chesapeake Police Department
The Governor’s EMS Award for Outstanding Contribution to EMS Emergency Preparedness and Response (The James A. Nogle, Jr. Trophy)
– City of Alexandria Community Emergency Response Team
The Governor’s EMS Award for Innovation Excellence in EMS
– Northern Virginia Emergency Response System
An additional recognition is presented in conjunction with these awards for the outstanding contributions to EMS by a high school senior. This is a scholarship award provided by the Virginia Office of EMS in collaboration with the State EMS Advisory Board.
The Governor’s EMS Award for Outstanding Contribution to EMS by a High School Senior
(The Dr. Carol Gilbert $5,000 Scholarship)
– Kelsey Cone, Cave Spring Rescue Squad
Kevin Dillard, Chair
The Nominating Committee consists of one member from each of the districts. The committee interviews candidates for the office that they seek and recommends one candidate for each office.
The following members are the nominating committee for this year
District 1 – Greg Burton District 2 – Kay Laws
District 3 – Fran Phillips
District 5 – Bruce Stratton District 6 – Lynn Hudson District 7 – Denise Davis
District 9 – Bryant Skeen District 10 – Kevin Dillard, Chair
Candidates had to submit their letter of interest/resume by June 1st for consideration. Nominations are allowed from the floor if no nominations are received for an office by the June 1st deadline. We did receive nominations for all positions by the June 1st deadline.
The following are being recommended to serve as an officer for the upcoming year. The officers take office after being elected at the annual meeting (convention or conference).
President – John Craig
Secretary – Bryant Skeen
Training Officer – Wayne Myers
Following is a brief bio on each candidate.
Vice President – Andy Neagle
Treasurer – Tarry Pribble
Chaplain – Kenneth Williams
Nominee John H. Craig lll for 2nd term as President of Virginia Association of Volunteer Rescue Squads, Inc.
I joined Staunton-Augusta County First Aid & Rescue Squad, Inc in 1981. Where I served as President, Vice President, Captain, 1st Lieutenant and Fund Drive Chairman. I became Life Member of the organization in 1991 and remain involved in supporting the organization. In 2009 I was part of a group to form The Riverheads Volunteer Fire Department, Inc that opened in 2011, where I currently serve as Fire Chief. As a member of VAVRS I became a Vehicle Extrication Instructor in 1984. I have been fortunate to teach classes all over the Commonwealth of Virginia. I have served on many committees, Chairman of Rescue College, served as Training Officer and currently serve as President. I was awarded Life Membership and inducted into the Virginia Life Saving and Rescue Hall of Fame of the Virginia Association of Volunteer Rescue Squad, Inc.
My goals have been and continue to be to promote VAVRS throughout the Commonwealth, to encourage involvement of our Junior Members, strive for better communication with our agencies and members, continue to move forward with our Strategic Plan, work with our stakeholders to promote training and remain involved with current legislative issues.
It has been my privilege to serve as President of the Virginia Association of Volunteer Rescue Squads, Inc and I am asking for your support to continue for another term.
Nominee Andy Neagle for 2nd term as Vice President of Virginia Association of Volunteer Rescue Squads, Inc.
I have been married to my wife, Tina, for over 40 years. We have a son, 2 daughters, 6 grandsons and 1 granddaughter.
I began my involvement with EMS in 1983 when I joined the West End Volunteer Rescue Squad, Inc., now known as Richmond Volunteer Rescue Squad. I have been active in the VAVRS as a Board of Governors (BOG) representative and through many positions on the District and State level. Currently I am serving as the VAVRS Vice President, Facilities Manager, and Death Benefit plan Committee Chair. I was honored with Life membership in the VAVRS at the convention in 2008 and was inducted into the Virginia Rescue and Lifesaving Hall of Fame in October 2020.
One of my goals as Vice President is to work with the Executive Director to bring the VAVRS office in Oilville up to full staffing, a project that we are currently working to achieve. In addition, as chair of the Membership Committee, the committee is working to develop a dues schedule that is affordable and fair for all members.
Nominee Bryant Skeen for 1st term as Secretary of Virginia Association of Volunteer Rescue Squads, Inc.
My name is Bryant Skeen and I am running for the position of VAVRS Secretary. I have been a member of the VAVRS for 35 years, starting as a junior member in 1988. I currently serve as a volunteer EMT-Intermediate at Cleveland Lifesaving Crew in Cleveland, VA where I am a life member. I am the Chief Deputy at Russell County Sheriff’s Office in Lebanon, VA, where I live with my wife, two sons, and daughter.
I am seeking this position because I want to help the VAVRS thrive as a resource for EMS agencies. I have seen this organization go through many changes over the years, and I look forward to the opportunity to be a part of its next phase. I have had the opportunity to serve VAVRS as Vice President for the VAJVRS, District 9 Vice President, and EVOC Instructor and advisor to the VAJVRS. I want to now work with the leadership of the VAVRS to implement ideas and techniques to strengthen and revitalize the organization, such as increasing member participation and hosting more events throughout the state for member agencies.
Nominee Tarry Pribble for 2nd term as Treasurer of Virginia Association of Volunteer Rescue Squads, Inc.
I will be seeking the office of VAVRS Treasurer for the years 2024-2025. My 45-year tenure in the banking and financial sector has well prepared me for this position. I am the Senior Vice President of a community bank that services Central Virginia. My responsibilities included developing and managing their Loss Mitigation and Recovery Department, writing policy, and adherence to state and federal regulations. Additionally, I have previously served the VAVRS in this capacity in 1999, 2000, 2016, 2017 and 2024.
I am familiar with the purpose and goal of the VAVRS and have served in many capacities over the decades, including president from 2005-2007. I received Life Membership in the Association in 2007 and was elected to the Rescue Hall of Fame in 2019. I am currently the Treasurer, Chief Rescue Officer and a course coordinator of the Special Events and Off-road Operations (SEOR-Ops) course.
If elected I hope to prepare the VAVRS for a secure and prosperous financial future.
Nominee Wayne Myers for 2nd term as Training Officer of Virginia Association of Volunteer Rescue Squads, Inc.
I am a lifetime member of the Blacksburg Volunteer Rescue Squad. I have served as an officer of the Blacksburg Rescue Squad for over 20 years, including the position of Chief. I am also a member of the Blacksburg Volunteer Fire Department and have served as a Lieutenant for several years.
Currently I am serving as the Training Officer for the Association. I also served as Training Officer in 2005/2006 and 2009/2010. I have also served as the Chair of Rescue College and as District 7 Vice President.
I am an instructor in various courses. I also serve as an instructor trainer and course coordinator in various courses.
I am a VAVRS Life Member and Hall of Fame Member. I am dedicated to the Association and would appreciate your support in electing me to another term as your Training Officer.
Nominee Kenneth Williams for 2nd term as Chaplain of Virginia Association of Volunteer Rescue Squads, Inc.
I wish to thank the members of VAVRS for the opportunity to serve as Chaplain. This year has brought new opportunities to attend meetings and learn many new people that help the organization achieve its goals and objectives. I want to thank Carol for all her help in getting me up to speed and we all need to continue to keep her in our prayers.
It takes a lot of work behind the scenes to help make our sponsored events a success. Last year we were enjoying our time in Norfolk before we had to suspend it early because of weather. As part of our time there, we were ready to recognize loved ones that had died over the previous year. It was an honor to work on that project and finally see it to fruition at our spring BOG. This year we are combining our Memorial Service at First Responder Virginia Conference in Virginia Beach. If elected for a second term, I look forward continuing to learn about the operational aspects of the organization as well as being more active in the death benefit program offering support of VAVARS leadership to our members across the State.
Kevin Dillard
I want to take this opportunity to thank you for your continued support of the Ambulances for Ukraine Project.
Since the invasion of Ukraine on February 24, 2022, the Russian forces has destroyed and stolen many ambulances and fire engines. With the Ukrainian Emergency Medical Services have taken great losses in their facilities, equipment, vehicles, supplies, and personnel.
I have traveled to Ukraine on three separate missions. Twice in 2023 and once this year. I can tell you that your donations are making a difference!
We have been able to get over 75 ambulances into Ukraine, along with many supplies. However, the need is still great. There have been 128 deaths and about 288 injuries to medical personnel and patients. Many of the ambulances and supplies we have sent to Ukraine have been destroyed in the war.
If you have an ambulance that is being taken out of service, a response vehicle, a fire engine, or fire hose, please contact me. The need for these items is very high.
The members of the VAVRS have been very generous and supportive of the efforts to support Ukraine. Thank you!
For further information you can email me at kdillard421@gmail.com
HOUSE JOINT RESOLUTION NO. 841 Commending Ronald L. "Ronnie" Slough.
Agreed to by the House of Delegates, February 7, 1999
Agreed to by the Senate, February 11, 1999
WHEREAS, Ronald L. “Ronnie” Slough has for nearly three decades provided the citizens of Buena Vista, Rockbridge County, and the Commonwealth with extraordinary rescue squad and emergency medical services; and
WHEREAS, a member of the Buena Vista Rescue Squad since 1970, Ronnie Slough has held most of the offices in that organization, serving 17 years as captain and four years as president, and has chaired countless squad committees, including membership, fund-raising, and bylaws; and
WHEREAS, Ronnie Slough has also been active at the state level, holding a wide variety of offices and committee chairmanships with the Virginia Association of Volunteer Rescue Squads (VAVRS); and WHEREAS, president of the VAVRS in 1995 and 1996, Ronnie Slough has also served the association as vice president, training officer, secretary, and District 1 vice president; and WHEREAS, a VAVRS instructor, Ronnie Slough has taught courses in cardio-pulmonary resuscitation, search and rescue, emergency vehicle operation, farm machinery extrication, and vehicle extrication; and WHEREAS, a member of the Governor’s Task Force on Disaster Planning for the State of Virginia for two years, Ronnie Slough assisted in the coordination and publication of the State-Wide Disaster Manual, for which he received a Governor’s Task Force Award; and
WHEREAS, Ronnie Slough has willingly and consistently shared his knowledge and expertise in such areas as first aid, emergency medical care, and disaster planning with local citizens, civic groups, other rescue squads, and state and local officials; and WHEREAS, Ronnie Slough’s dedication to emergency medical care and disaster planning is truly exemplary, evident in his life membership in the Virginia Association of Volunteer Rescue Squads and his election to its Hall of Fame in 1997; now, therefore, be it
RESOLVED by the House of Delegates, the Senate concurring, That the General Assembly commend Ronald L. "Ronnie" Slough for his outstanding dedication to the safety and welfare of his fellow citizens; and, be it
RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Clerk of the House of Delegates prepare a copy of this resolution for presentation to Ronald L. "Ronnie" Slough as an expression of the General Assembly’s appreciation for his numerous and ongoing contributions to the Buena Vista Rescue Squad, the Virginia Association of Volunteer Rescue Squads, and the many Virginians who have benefited from his dedication and expertise.
Every day, volunteer firefighters and rescue squad workers save lives and protect property in communities across Virginia. While they serve others, VOLSAP can help first responders save for the future.
The Virginia Volunteer Firefighters’ & Rescue Squad Workers’ Service Award Program, known as VOLSAP, is an optional savings plan for volunteer firefighters and rescue squad workers throughout the Commonwealth. Use VOLSAP as part of your strategy to recruit and retain volunteers.
Volunteers contribute money quarterly, and a representative from the department or squad submits the contributions on their behalf. The department, squad, or local government may elect to make the contributions on behalf of the members.
In addition to member contributions, a department, squad, or local government may appropriate funds to match a portion of member contributions.
Contributions are invested alongside the Virginia Retirement System (VRS) pension trust fund in a widely diversified portfolio.
Eligible volunteers complete the application and submit it with a check for $30, $60 or $90 (first quarterly contribution) to the department or squad’s fund representative.
The Virginia Retirement System, the plan administrator, sends annual statements to members’ departments or squads.
Members must reach age 60 with at least five years of qualifying service to be eligible for a full account distribution that includes any investment returns and matching funds. Members taking a distribution before age 60 receive only the member-paid contributions, plus any investment returns.
Spread awareness about this savings opportunity among your volunteers by downloading promotional material at volsap.org. You’ll find a program overview video and presentation, brochures and flyers. The website also has links to required forms, a procedures guide and other program details.
Contact volsap@varetire.org.
The VOLSAP Board members to share VOLSAP resources in your communities and with your contacts. These resources can help them and your community leaders recruit and retain volunteer firefighters and rescue squad workers, as well as educate non-participating communities about the program.
Visit volsap.org to access the valuable materials you can use in your social media posts, and at squad meetings, community events and conferences that you attend to increase awareness of VOLSAP:
A promotional video: Show this 60-second promotional video during meetings or include in a social media post or email.
VOLSAP Brochure: Print and fold to use as a handout at a recruitment event or include a link in an email or newsletter.
VOLSAP Program Overview Presentation: Show this animated presentation at a meeting or volunteer orientation.
Flyers: Print and post on bulletin boards; or include in emails and newsletters.
Introduction to VOLSAP (PowerPoint/PDF): Present this at a meeting or volunteer orientation.
Procedures Guide: Learn more about the program and required forms.
These promotional resources will assist you and your colleagues as you promote the program with dedicated volunteers and potential volunteers around the state.
Thank you for your assistance with program promotion and volunteer recruitment.
John Craig, Steve Grayson and Gary Dalton – VAVRS Representatives on the VOLSAP Board
1st Responders Conference will be here before you know it. What better time to start thinking about Raffle Tickets than now! Pink raffle tickets have been distributed around the state to many EMS agencies that have auxiliaries. The grand prize is $500! Plus runner up prizes. Do NOT panic if your EMS or FIRE agency didn't receive any. We have you covered! Just look for the Auxiliary members at conference waving those pink tickets around. And who can forget the 50/50s we draw at the Sat afternoon awards? Yes, we will be there pushing those as well and you do need to be present to win the 50/50. These are our biggest fundraisers of the year and we appreciate everyone's participation in selling and buying them. Thank you to Warren Winner for getting Chesterfield Insurers to sponsor the Pink Raffle Tickets.
Correction- The Raffles were printed prior to finalization of meeting dates so the drawing for the Pink Tickets WILL be at the Auxiliary's Saturday morning meeting. No need to be present as long as your name and contact info is on the tickets.
Winner from BOG/Spring Officers 50/50 was Tracey Frame. The ticket was drawn by Fundraiser cochair, Marcella Graybeal. Thank you everyone.
Your AVAVRS Fundraising Chair,
Stacey Ann Frame
By Fay Browning, AVAVRS Life Member
Two years ago at Convention, I suggested we look into getting a new Life Member Pin that could be easily seen. Everyone agreed the one we had was very hard to read the little rocker that said “Life Member”, and they were hard to keep up with. Needless to say, after that discussion I was charged with designing a new AVAVRS Life Member Pin.
After working with Hook-Fast Specialties, Inc. for two years, we finally came up with a design that was readable and a little more attractive than the one we had. It is not exactly what I wanted, but it would have been more expensive had I worked with a jeweler. It was also decided the Life Members would pay for them individually at a price of $22.75.
They were sold at various District Meetings I attended, but the majority of them were sold at the Spring Executive Board Meeting in March. Everyone seems to like it, and it is very visible and easy to wear.
If you are a Life Member and interested in purchasing one, please contact me at faybrowning@comcast.net. I still have a few left.
On September 28, 1951, a group of interested people met at the Hotel Roanoke, Roanoke, Virginia, for the purpose of organizing a Woman’s Auxiliary to the Virginia Association of Rescue Squads. At their second meeting on September 26, 1952, at the Princess Anne Hotel, Fredericksburg, Virginia, the following Auxiliaries were named to make up the State Auxiliary: Bristol, Christiansburg, Clifton Forge, Covington, Fredericksburg, Henrico, Hopewell, and Pulaski. A lot of changes have occurred since that first organizational meeting. One of those changes affected our Districts and what Auxiliaries fall under those Districts. At the Third Annual Convention’s Business Meeting in Covington, Virginia, there were only two Districts named: the Eastern District which included: Ashland, Fredericksburg, Henrico, Hopewell, and Tappahannock; and the Western District which included: Bristol, Christiansburg, Clifton Forge, Covington, Danville, and Pulaski. From that time, our Association has seen much growth in the number of Auxiliaries, Districts, and the number of members. However, with time comes change, both good and bad. Through the 90’s, we saw a lot of growth and activity in our Association. Then suddenly we began to see a loss of Squads and Auxiliaries. In 2020, we were hit with COVID 19 and the world seemed to shut down and still has not recovered. People have become busier and more relaxed in their willingness to volunteer. We found ourselves looking for new and innovative ways to recruit and retain members. We made changes to our Bylaws under Membership that state: “An Auxiliary applying for membership in the AVAVRS shall first be affiliated with an Emergency Services Agency”. In 2013 we changed a minimum of three persons to constitute an Auxiliary. Even with these changes, we have continued to lose Auxiliaries and members. Since 2022, the Northeastern District has lost Colonial Beach Auxiliary and its members. In September, 2015, the Southeastern District lost Brunswick Auxiliary; in October, 2022 it lost Henrico (which was a Charter Member of the AVAVRS); and in December, 2022 it lost Richmond Auxiliary. With the loss of Auxiliaries came members and our Districts began to dwindle in number. Currently, we have six Districts: Midwestern, Northeastern, Southcentral, Southeastern, Southwestern, and Western. Many Districts are currently down to only two Auxiliaries, which is not a good representation of our membership.
With all of these components in mind, in July, 2023, the Northeastern and Southeastern Districts decided on their own we would try meeting together for a trial period of one year to see if a merger between our Districts would work. At that meeting, it was decided the Districts would each keep their Treasury and Treasurer for the trial period and we would alternate our meeting sites somewhere in the middle of our Districts. Kevin Dillard graciously offered his LifeCare Office in Fredericksburg as a site and we decided on the VAVRS Office in Goochland as our second meeting site. We also elected our Northeastern/Southeastern Officers as follows: Vice President – Carolyn Brand (Southeastern); Assistant Vice President – Doug Snell (Northeastern); Treasurer - Fay Browning (Southeastern); Chaplain – Eddie Ann Orndoff (Northeastern); and Historian – Judy Frame (Southeastern). Appointed Officers are: Secretary – Fay Browning (Southeastern); Parliamentarian – Maddux Short (Southeastern); and Outstanding Service Award Committee – Eddie Ann Orndoff (Northeastern). Ron Angus will remain as the Northeastern Treasurer. After one year, which will be July 21. 2024, at the LifeCare Office Building in Fredericksburg, we will vote to see if we want to continue this merger, and possibly select a new name for our District. We are still tweaking ideas as we go, such as Door Prize Tickets and 50/50 Raffle which provides our Districts with income. At our last meeting in March, we only did a Door Prize Raffle for a $25 Gift Card which netted each District $47. The Northeastern District has their own Bylaws, while the Southeastern District relies on the AVAVRS Bylaws. So far, it seems to be working pretty well. However, we all realize this is simply a trial attempt to help both of our Districts survive and our July meeting will determine if it worked. Stay tuned for more to come …!
Dillard, Chair
The Life Membership Committee is comprised of a chair that is appointed by the President and four members that are elected to two-year terms that are elected by the Life Members at the Annual Meeting.
This years Life Membership Committee consists of:
Kevin Dillard, Chair
Bruce Stratton Jimmy Rice Steve Grayson Steve Southworth
The Life Membership Committee receives applications for consideration and recommends only those that are worth of consideration in accordance with the procedures enumerated in policies to the Board of Governors. Deadline for applications is March 1st of each year. No more than three candidates shall be selected annually from the nominations.
This year the Life Membership Committee will be presenting the recommendations for Life Membership at the The Life Members that are elected will be inducted into
Anyone wishing to nominate a candidate for consideration for 2025 can submit that application now, but no later than March 1, 2025, to the VAVRS Office and/or to the chair of the Nominating Committee.
Congratulations to the individuals that were voted into District 10 Life Membership: Diana Wills, Jimmy Dillard and Martha Newton.
completed three days of training. They are as follows:
Adrienne Moos – Broadway Emergency Squad
Roger Muterspaugh – Westrock Rescue Squad
Curtis Newport – Hamilton Volunteer Rescue Squad
Allen Lowry – Westrock Rescue Squad
Jonathan Gannon – Louisa County Rescue Squad
Byron Jose – Arcola Volunteer Fire Department
Alyssa Hepworth – Forest View Volunteer Rescue Squad
Greg Orebaugh – Grottoes Rescue Squad
Joe Coyle – Carilion Clinic Patient Transportation
Jason Roop – Riner Volunteer Rescue Squad
Christina Austin – Bensley-Bermuda Volunteer Rescue Squad
Branda Arthur – Carilion Clinic Patient Transportation
Ken Cook – Salem Rescue Squad
Kissie Jackson – Louisa County
What a milestone! Fifty years after the start of our Junior Crew with nine high school students, we have nine Junior members graduating from high school. We are so honored to have these VFAC Junior members that are 2024 High School Graduates.
Caitlin Bishop – William Byrd HS with honors and as a Valedictorian
Will attend Radford University Carilion in the Paramedic program.
Jocelyn Brigdon – William Byrd HS
Will attend Radford University Carilion in the Paramedic program
Noah Franks – William Byrd HS
Will attend Virginia Tech, Computer ScienceCollege of Engineering.
Nate Hardy – Glenvar HS
Will attend Virginia Tech and major in Chemistry
Katie Lucas – William Byrd HS with honors
Will attend Radford University Carilion in the Paramedic program.
Guinov Myrtil – William Fleming HS with honors
Will begin work with Roanoke City Fire and EMS in their July academy.
Tracy Nguyen – William Byrd HS
Will attend Johns Hopkins University
Isaiah Rider – William Byrd HS
Will attend Radford University Carilion in the Paramedic program.
David Whiting – Roanoke Valley Christian Schools
Will enlist in the US Air Force Reserves and become a medic.
Submitted by Steve Thrasher, PIO / Vice President, Vinton First Aid Crew
In 1973, several members of the Vinton First Aid Crew (VFAC) obtained permission from William Byrd High School to come to the school to talk to students that may be interested in joining the VFAC. Those initial meetings resulted in nine students getting started in a process that would lead to them becoming our first Junior Members in early 1974. The nine students were:
Kenneth Drewery
Gary Honaker
Perry Spangler
Terry Fuqua
Mike Huddleston
Chris Stull
Ralph Hargis
Ray Sloan
Danny Wood
These students attended training during the fall of 1973 to obtain their CPR and American Red Cross Advanced First Aid certifications. With successful completion of training and approval of parents, these nine students became the first Junior Crew members of the VFAC. Several other Junior members were added in the coming years as the Junior crew proved to be a vital component of the VFAC. Since that time there have been many other Junior members, thanks to the groundbreaking actions of these nine Charter members.
Of these nine Charter members, several would go on to also join the Vinton Fire Department and other fire and rescue departments. Danny Wood would go on to work for Roanoke County Fire and Rescue Department and retire from that role. Two of them would continue on to become Life Members with VFAC – Chris Stull and Danny Wood. Chris Stull continues to serve on the Board of Directors. Although life took these nine members in many different directions, for a few years they would set an example together that is still
being followed to this day. 2024 marks 50 years since the inception of the Junior crew. Unfortunately, one of these, Gary Honaker, has already passed away. The Charter members were recognized by the VFAC and the Town of Vinton at our 2023 Christmas banquet. Four of the nine were able to be present, Kenny Drewery, Terry Fuqua, Ralph Hargis and Chris Stull. The Town’s Mayor presented Proclamations to each of the members recognizing their role in establishing the Junior Crew. We are honored that they were able to join us and hope to have all of them continue to celebrate their accomplishments with us in the future.
Article from The Goochland Gazette and edited by VAVRS Executive Director Bubby Bish
Goochland County Department of Fire-Emergency Services, in conjunction with the Virginia Association of Volunteer Rescue Squads, the Alvis Farm and the Virginia Farm Bureau held a Farm Machinery Rescue/Extrication Class of 20 firefighters. The firefighters and EMS providers in the program were from Goochland, Powhatan, Louisa, Fluvanna, and Amelia County. Students learned about the hazards of farming and visited a working farm, practicing rescue skills such as entrapments, overturned tractors, hay baler entrapments and auger injuries.
During the training, the Virginia State Police Med-Flight 1 Helicopter flew into so they could train with the class. Med-Flight 1 Helicopter demonstrated showing their advanced per-hospital patient care including the administration of blood products in the field.
This class is a 16-hour class, taught by five very knowledgeable Virginia Association Rescue Squads instructors that are from a very rural area of Virginia and some of them are farmers. Over the past 18 months there have been three farming accidents in Goochland County.
What a great opportunity for all of us to learn the new technology of extricating patients from farm equipment.
Submitted by Bubby Bish, VAVRS Executive Director
Kathy Plummer was born in Marietta, Ohio to Frank and Imogene North. She graduated from Nelsonville High School in 1966 and attended Riverside School of Nursing. Marrying Jack in 1968, she moved to VA.
They had attended the same high school and church while in Ohio. Jack came here with GE after college, so he was already in VA and a member of the Waynesboro First Aid Crew at the time of their marriage.
At a crew picnic one month later, Kathy was given an application and told to be at the next meeting. She was only 20 years old and taught to respect her elders; saying “Yes, ma’am”. Here almost 56 years later, Kathy is still active in the local, district and state.
Kathy has been President, Secretary, Treasurer, and currently Vice President and Parliamentarian in the Waynesboro Auxiliary. With encouragement from Pat Puhle, Kathy ran and was elected Assistant Vice President in the Western District.
Kathy then has held the offices of Vice President, Assistant Vice President, Historian, Parliamentarian and currently serving as Secretary/Treasurer.
On to bigger things on the State level; never as a young adult and bride could Kathy ever imagine what her life would be like in later years, holding the offices of AVAVRS President, Vice President, Parliamentarian, Nominating Chair and now Convention Co-chair.
This group of people have become close friends and her family away from home. Kathy knows if she ever needs anything they will be there for her!
Kathy was presented with Life Membership in the Waynesboro Auxiliary, December 1978. After holding the office of AVAVRS President, Kathy was given Life Membership in 1979. She has also received the AVAVRS Outstanding Service Award.
The Lord has blessed Kathy with being a Breast Cancer Survivor for almost 33 years now. Kathy and Jack have one son, Jeffery, who is married to Andrea, whom he met while serving in the US Navy. They live in Frederick, MD. Jeff and Andrea have two children, son Jordan and wife Claudia, and daughter Gabriela (Gabby). Jordan is currently serving in the US Navy and Gabby just graduated from college.
Kathy retired from the City of Waynesboro Emergency Operations Center as a 911 Dispatcher after 32 years in 2022. Kathy also did child daycare in her home for 25 years. Kathy also volunteers 1 day a week with an after-school program at her church, Glovier Memorial UMC. By volunteering and helping others in need you will receive a great blessing.
Submitted by Darlene Gee, RN, BSN, Paramedic, Lt. Training
Hello all. Hope this finds everyone doing well. It’s been a couple of issues since Salem Rescue has reported in. We’ve been doing well. Our squad just finished an EMT course with ALL 7 of our students applying for membership within our squad. We are delighted having these probationary members who have been a wonderful addition to our EMS family. 3 of those students have already successfully completed the psychomotor portion of their test and soon will take the cognitive portion of the testing. Two more of the students have been aggressively preparing to take the psychomotor portion of the test and hopefully soon thereafter will take and successfully complete the cognitive portion of the testing. We’re looking forward to the day when these probationary members become EMTs and AICs. We’re proud of all of the students/ probationary members that completed the EMT course. Keep on going, the sky’s the limit.
This month also found four of our squad’s members graduating from High School. The graduates from the class of 2024 include graduates from Salem High School (our Spartans), Makenzie Stovall, Hannah Pressman and Charlie McDonald. Another of our members that is part of the class of 2024 from Franklin County High School (The Eagles) is Anthony Leote. Congratulations graduates ! We’ve been busy preparing for the upcoming Salem Fair. This event always keeps us busy. We are looking forward to interacting with attendees at this event but hopefully just a chat, we hope everyone remains healthy and has a great time. Not only do we prepare for a potential MCI, we prepare for those nasty heat related emergencies that often occur at this time of the year.
This issue also finds several members of our squad attending 2024 Rescue College held at the Skelton Conference Center at Virginia Tech. Not only did we attend a great deal of courses, we did a lot of Networking. I personally attended a full day of classes beginning on Saturday, June 9th through Saturday, June 15th. Every single course I attended was absolutely fabulous. I certainly appreciate this educational opportunity. I hope that many more EMS providers will take advantage of this wonderful event as next year will be the 50th year of Rescue College. I hope everyone will keep their eye on this upcoming event as I know the VAVRS will do this up right.
June also found our squad electing our new officers for the 2024-2025 year. Congratulations to the following elected officers. Gene Bourne – Chief, Brian Sprouse – Assistant Chief, Ken Cook – Captain, Dusty Craft –Lt. Operations, Darlene Gee – Lt. Training, Tim Gillinger – Lt. Personnel, Jane Lindsay – Lt. Medical, Glen Gray – Lt. Mechanical and Al Scalera – Treasurer. Thanks to everyone for offering your knowledge and skills to meeting the needs of our squad by serving in the capacity elected to.
Last but certainly not least, Mike Moore (“Rescue 1”), one of our life members and a life member of VAVRS experienced a medical event and was hospitalized for a brief period of time. He is currently recovering at Sheltering Arms Institute in Richmond, VA. Please keep him in your thoughts and prayers as we have.
Well that about does it for this issue. We hope everyone stays safe and healthy. We hope to see you at other training offerings or as we turn around in the ERs. Take care and we’ll keep you updated on what were up to in the next issue.
Since July, 2023 the following 31 agencies have joined the VAVRS
3rd Quarter 2023
Madison County Fire Department
Hospital to Home (H2H)
Simmonsville Volunteer Fire Department
John H. Enders Fire Company and Rescue Squad
Courtland Volunteer Rescue Squad
Turbeville Volunteer Fire and Rescue Association
Robbie’s Ambulance Services, LLC
Churchville Fire and Rescue
Saint Charles Volunteer Rescue Squad
Fluvanna County Fire and Rescue Services
Millboro Volunteer Fire Association
County of Prince Edward
Woodstock Rescue Squad, Inc.
4th Quarter 2023
Glasgow Volunteer Fire Department
Rockbridge Baths Volunteer Fire Department
Cumberland Fire and EMS
Chamblissburg Rescue Squad
Eggleston Volunteer Fire Department
Highland County Department of EMS
City of Norfolk Park Ranger
1st Quarter 2024
Concord Volunteer Fire Department Inc.
Scottsburg Volunteer Fire Department
Read Mountain Fire and Rescue
UVA Health’s Medical Transport Network
Mount Weather Fire and Rescue
2nd Quarter 2024
Pearisburg Volunteer Fire Department
Bergton Volunteer Fire Company
Southwest Virginia Community College
Able Medical Transport
Bedford County Sheriff’s Department
Kilmarnock Volunteer Fire Department
On May 22, 2024 an EMS Week Celebration event was held at the VAVRS State Office and Training Center in Oilville, VA.
The event was attended by more than 50 EMS and Fire personnel and numerous dignitaries.
Gary Dalton AANG, Master of Ceremony
Invocation Eddie Ann Orndoff, AVAVRS Chaplain
Pledge of Allegiance / Welcome / Introduction of Guests
John H. Craig III, President Virginia Association of Volunteer Rescue Squads, Inc.
Dillard E. “Eddie” Ferguson, Jr., Chief Goochland County Fire-EMS
The Honorable Tom Winfree, Supervisor Goochland County Board of Supervisors
Victor J. “Vic” Carpenter, County Administrator Goochland County
Heidi M. Hooker, Executive Director Old Dominion EMS Alliance (ODEMSA)
Scott Winston, Deputy Director Virginia Office of Emergency Medical Services
EMS Week Keynote Address Gary P. Critzer NRP, CCEMTP, Chair Virginia State Board of Health Director of Emergency Management City of Waynesboro
Moment of Silence Honoring the 38 EMS Providers that gave the Ultimate Sacrifice and being honored at the July 20th National EMS Memorial Service
Close of Ceremony Tribute to America Singing of “God Bless America”
House Joint Resolution No. 343 commending
WHEREAS, G. Kenneth Morgan was born on December 2, 1947, in Farmville, where he graduated from Prince Edward Academy; he received an undergraduate degree from the University of Richmond and a master's degree in adult education from Virginia Commonwealth University; and
WHEREAS, G. Kenneth "Ken" Morgan began his involvement with volunteer rescue squads in August 1964 as a junior member of the Emergency Squad in Crewe, later known as the Nottoway County Emergency Squad, and attended a convention in 1965 in Natural Bridge, where he was elected as a junior association officer; and
WHEREAS, in late 1966, Ken Morgan joined the Tuckahoe Junior Volunteer Rescue Squad in Richmond, serving as the resident dispatcher from November 1967 to June 1970, residing in the squad building while he attended college; he became a member of the senior squad in December of 1968 and served in numerous officer positions, until, at the age of 25, he became president of the squad; and
WHEREAS, Ken Morgan was elected as the Virginia Association of Volunteer Rescue Squads (VAVRS) District Three vice president in 1971, and at the age of 27, he became president of VAVRS; he also served as secretary, vice president, and historian; and
WHEREAS, in 1975, while serving as vice president of VAVRS, Ken Morgan worked with Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University on the creation of the VAVRS Rescue College, which is now in its 49th year; and
WHEREAS, Ken Morgan's experience as a volunteer rescue squad member led to his career in the emergency medical services (EMS) field; while a student at the University of Richmond, he began employment in the St. Mary's Hospital Emergency Department, where he was part of the original CPR training team of the American Heart Association, which had a federally funded grant to expand CPR training throughout the Commonwealth; and
WHEREAS, in 1970, Ken Morgan was hired by the American Heart Association and was responsible for all educational programs in Virginia, including early CPR training for hospital and EMS personnel, and he and a team of volunteer instructors traveled the Commonwealth certifying CPR instructors; and
WHEREAS, in 1979, Ken Morgan was promoted by the American Heart Association, and after several moves, relocated to Chapel Hill, North Carolina, in 1982 as the state executive director; and
WHEREAS, while in Virginia, Ken Morgan served as CPR instructor trainer for the American Red Cross, as an adjunct faculty member in the Anesthesiology Department of the Virginia Commonwealth University School of Medicine, and was the first non-physician vice chair of the Virginia State EMS Advisory Board; and
WHEREAS, following his move to Chapel Hill, Ken Morgan became a member of Rotary International, where he served in numerous elected and appointed positions, including as one of the members of the Rotary International Board of Directors from 2004 to 2006; and
WHEREAS, Ken Morgan maintained his involvement with VAVRS, returning to many of its conventions; he was elected a VAVRS Life Member in September 1979, inducted as a member of the Virginia Life Saving and Rescue Hall of Fame in September 2011, and served nine months as the interim assistant executive director of VAVRS in 2020; and
WHEREAS, Ken Morgan and his wife, Winnie, have one daughter, Rebecca, and four grandchildren; now, therefore, be it
RESOLVED by the House of Delegates, the Senate concurring, That the General Assembly hereby commend G. Kenneth Morgan for his dedication to his fellow members of the emergency medical services community and those to whom he taught life-saving measures over the years; and, be it
RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Clerk of the House of Delegates prepare a copy of this resolution for presentation to G. Kenneth Morgan as an expression of the General Assembly's admiration for his contributions to the field of emergency medical services and the Commonwealth.
THURSDAY, September 19, 2024
8:00 AM – 5:00 PM Training- Fire & EMS Courses and Continuing Education - (See Conference Training Schedule for details) VBCC 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM
FRIDAY, September 20, 2024
8:00 AM - 5:00 PM Training- Fire & EMS Courses and Continuing Education - (See Conference Training Schedule for details) VBCC
8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
8:00 AM
1:00 PM AVAVRS Life Member Luncheon
7:00 AM - 9:00 AM VAVRS Honors Breakfast
8:00 AM - 5:00 PM Training- Fire & EMS Courses and Continuing Education - (See Conference Training Schedule for details) VBCC
9:00 AM - 12:00 PM VAVRS Board of Governors Meeting & Officer Installation
9:00 AM - 3:00 PM Vendors Open
/ AVAVRS / VAJVRS Officer Pictures
3:00 PM Joint Awards Presentations VBCC
5:30 PM Cornhole Tournament VBCC
8:00PM - 11:00 PM Casino Night VBCC
SUNDAY, September 22, 2024
8:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Training-EMS Courses and Continuing Education - (See Conference Training Schedule for details) VBCC
The 2024 First Responder Virginia Conference is the join effort of the Virginia Association of Volunteer Rescue Squads, Inc. (VAVRS) and the Virginia State Firefighters Association (VSFA). The event will be held September 18-22, 2024 in Virginia Beach Event and Training Schedule will be available soon.
Preregistration and Hotel Reseverations Open Now Early Registration ends August 15, 2024
List of Hotels offering discounts for FRV Conference Attendees
All of the above information is available on the VAVRS and First Responder Virginia Website—Make your plans today to attend this conference and training event.
Dear Rescue Ranger,
Got a problem, my wife is blaming me for ruining her Birthday. That is pretty ridiculous, I didn’t even know it was her Birthday.
Dear Roger,
Hang in there. When you find a good wife you not only get a best friend and companion, you also get a driving instructor for LIFE! When I look at my wife, I think, Wow, she is one lucky woman.
Dear Rescue Ranger, "Did you know that before the invention of the crowbar, crows just drank at home?
Dear Curtis,
I didn’t know that. I remember many years ago I was in a bar and the waitress yelled, “Does anyone know CPR?” I said, “I know the entire alphabet.” Everyone laughed but this one guy.
Dear Rescue Ranger, I have been working long hours in this very hot weather. I have notice my skin has become so dry. Do you know any remedy?
Dear Greg,
Not really. But I do know the number one cause of dry skin is….Towels. It has been extremely hot this year. Remember to drink lots of water and stay indoors between 11:00 am and November 1st and just be thankful it’s not snowing. Imagine shoveling snow in this heat.
Dear Rescue Ranger, I sure do miss the America I grew up in...kids games, safe streets and neighborhoods, etc.
Dear Byron,
Me too. When I was a kid, when we played ‘spin the bottle’, if they didn’t want to kiss you, they’d have to give you a quarter. By the time I was 12, I owned my own home. Also, remember when we used to laugh at the commercial “I’ve fallen and I can’t get up!”? Yeah, it’s not so funny anymore.
Dear Rescue Ranger, I met a new recruit the other day and the first thing he asked was “What's the difference between a Hippo and a Zippo? I didn’t know how to answer.
Dear Moose,
One’s really heavy, and one’s a little lighter.” “Sometimes you meet someone and you know from the first moment that you want to spend your whole life without them.”
Dear Rescue Ranger,
My son told me that I putting on too much weight. In my defense, I have had a lot on my plate lately.
Dear Jason,
I know what you meant, I went to the paint store to get thinner...it didn’t work.
Just remember that technically, all the money you have ever spent on food has been flushed down the toilet.
By the way, I was born a male, identify as a male, but according to Stouffer’s lasagna I am a family of four.
Dear Rescue Ranger,
I read on the internet that putting horse manure on my strawberries...I’m never doing that again, I’m going back to whipped cream.
K.C. Salem
Dear Ken,
I have some sound advice for you from a quote by Abraham Lincoln, “The trouble with quotes on the Internet is that you can never know if they are genuine.”
Dear Rescue Ranger, I had an unusual patient the other day. We transported a man with a wooden leg named Smith.” A wooden leg, that has to be rare.
J. C.—Carilion
Dear Joe,
Rare indeed, by the way, what was the name of his other leg?
Dear Rescue Ranger, I’m gonna quit my job and travel the world until I run out of money! I estimate I’ll be home again around 10pm this evening.
Dear Jon,
I did some financial planning, and it looks like I can retire at 97 and live comfortably for 11 minutes.
Rescue Ranger Quotes to Live By: I learn from the mistakes of people who take my advice.
PO Box 279
2535 Turkey Creek Road
Oilville, VA 23129
ISSN 0279-6023
Phone: 804-749-8191
Phone: 800-833-0602
Fax: 804-749-8910
E-mail: vavrs@vavrs.com