Hope everyone who attended the 2024 FRV Conference had a great time. There were certainly some exciting times. I hope the ones attended made a visit with the vendors and most of all attended the continuing education programs there were set up. I would like to thank Kathy Eubank, Ken Williams, Adam Warwick, Shannon Daniel, Tarsha Robinson, Mallory Wilson, Scott Davis and Jessica Goodman for instructing so many hours to our First Responders. We all certainly do appreciate all you do.
As we move forward, we continue to work with all the agencies to see what the future brings in Virginia EMS. As by now, you are aware of the report from Fitch and Associates. We as VAVRS, will not make any statements until we meet and work with all stakeholders. We certainly have the best interest for all our members and First Responders in Virginia. I do believe we are going to have a tuff road ahead of us and we need to protect the integrity of EMS here in Virginia. We will keep you informed about what is going on and will work with your District Vice Presidents on these important issues.
We will continue conducting continuing education hours at the VAVRS State Office and Training Center. The next opportunity is scheduled for November 9 & 10, 2024. Kathy Eubank and her group of instructors are doing an unbelievable job. Put those dates on your “Save The Dates”. Our plan is to travel throughout the state for the classes so it will make it easier for all.
If there is anything Lisa, Brian, Carol or I can do for you from the state office, please let us know. Be Safe!!
President - John Craig
Vice President - Andy Neagle
Secretary - Bryant Skeen
Treasurer - Tarry Pribble
Training Officer - Wayne Myers
Chaplain - Kenneth Williams
Immediate Past President - Wesley Melson
Parliamentarian - Ken Morgan
Editor - Gary Dalton
Chief Rescue Officer - Steve Southworth
District 1 Vice President - Jeff Grimm
District 2 Vice President - Kay Laws
District 3 Vice President - Kenny Frenier
District 5 Vice President - Woody Conner
District 6 Vice President - Daniel Murphy
District 7 Vice President - Ted Harris
District 9 Vice President - Tim Salyer
District 10 Vice President - Byron Andrews
Executive Director - Bubby Bish
Training Coordinator - Brian Bilheimer
Administrative Secretary - Carol Gothard
Administrative Assistant - Lisa Bilheimer
Lobbyist - Ed Rhodes
Bylaws - Ken Morgan
Convention - Scott Davis
Death Benefit - Greg Burton
EMS Advisory Board - Kim Craig
EMS Advisory Board - Bruce Stratton
EMS Exchange - Wayne Perry
Finance - Tarry Pribble
Hall of Fame - Kevin Dillard
Human Resources - Andy Neagle
I T - Scott Davis
Legislative - Bruce Stratton
Life Member - Ken Morgan
Nominating Committee - TBD
Rescue College - Ken Morgan
Rescue College - Steve Southworth, Vice-Chair
Scholarship - TBD
Strategic Planning - John Craig
Training - Wayne Myers
Youth Activities - Alfred Smith
President - Shade Johnson
Vice President - Christopher Skeen
Secretary/Treasurer - Kayde Cole
Historian - Koedan Murphy
Chaplain - Kaden Gray
Alfred Smith - Bryant Skeen
Byron Andrews - Steve Rohr
President - Kelley Snell
Vice President - Debbie Rohr
Treasurer - Fay Browning
Chaplain - Eddie Ann Orndoff
Historian - CeCe McCormick
Immediate Past President - Eddie Ann Orndoff
Midwestern Vice President - Dolores Hudson
NE/SE Vice President - Carolyn Brand
Southcentral Vice President - Carol France
Southwestern Vice President - Patricia Moore
Western Vice President - Judy Leach
Secretary - Maxie Kerns
Parliamentarian - Warren Winner
Nominating - Sharon Castle
Life Member - Fern Puckett
Convention Chair - Fern Puckett
Convention Co-Chair - Kathy Plummer
Roll Call Chair - Rhonda Thompson
Roll Call Co-Chair - Layne Lusk
Fundraising Chair - Samantha Snell
Fundraising Co-Chair - Marcella Caudill
Deadline for future issues are as follows:
December 15 for the 1st Quarter Issue
March 15 for the 2nd Quarter Issue
June 15 for the 3rd Quarter Issue
September 15 for the 4th Quarter Issue
Articles may be submitted by any member of the VAVRS, AVAVRS and VAJVRS.
Feature articles are encouraged.
Photos and/or graphics are acceptable and can be returned if requested.
Submitted by John H. Craig III, VAVRS President
Greetings Everyone,
First of all, I would like to thank the Officers, Agencies, Members and Office Staff for all the support you have given me as your President during my term in 2024. I look forward to serving as your President in 2025. I have been fortunate to have so many resources within this organization to reach out to for advice, answering questions and guidance to help move VAVRS forward.
Most recently the Virginia Association of Volunteer Rescue Squads Inc. participated in the 5th Annual First Responder Virginia Conference. The 2024 First Responder Virginia Conference was a joint effort of the Virginia Association of Volunteer Rescue Squads, Inc. and the Virginia State Firefighters Association (VSFA) held this year in Virginia Beach Virginia.
Planning for the Conference started early last year. There has been a lot time and effort put into making this Conference the best it can be. I would like to thank the Conference Committee Chairs and the Committee Members. These individuals have gone above and beyond serving Members and Agencies by planning this successful event. This group has spent countless hours on in-person and Zoom meetings in preparation for the Conference. The membership appreciates your hard work.
One of my goals for 2025 is to enhance training through the continued support of the Instructors and to make sure there are educational opportunities to our providers across the Commonwealth. We are currently working to provide the Training Coordinator with an updated program syllabus and all required supporting documentation for each class we teach. All this information should be submitted to Brian Bilheimer.
We continue to support our State Office in their continued efforts to provide much needed CE classes that have been held at the Office and the possible expansion around the Commonwealth.
We are fortunate to have an outstanding group of Junior Officers and Advisors, I would ask all the District VP’s, Agencies and members to support and promote the Juniors. Encourage your Junior members to become involved on a State level. Make sure you have your Juniors submit current contact information to the VAVRS office to receive updates.
I would like to thank all the Committee Chair’s and members of Committees for all your dedication and hard work. There will be some changes for this term, some are listed in this addition of Lifeline, however refer to the VAVRS website for updates.
In closing, as I prepare this message, I have to think about all our 1st Responders that have been dealing with the onset and aftermath of the heavy rains, hurricane remnants and devastation they have dealt with and endured not only in parts of Virginia but our neighboring States. Please remember them in your prayers. Stay Safe.
Submitted by Warren A. Winner - Historian/Secretary
EMS and the fire services certainly are serious endeavors. All of us know that within our respective organizations we do have our lighter moments. Whether it is practical, harmless jokes or our fellow members or experiences on our calls that at times result in an experience to laugh about.
I am going back in time on this thought. This VAVRS publication has a long history of presenting reports of the Association officers and providing a vehicle for member squads to submit stories about their EMS calls and organization information. For many years it was known as the FIRST AID BULLETIN. Bruce Bullington, of Henrico VRS, served several years as our Editor and in joking, the publication was often referred to as the FIRST AID BULLINGTON. When I took over as editor, EMT training was the norm and it was decided to come up with a more modern name for the publication.
That was when the name was changed to The VIRGINIA LIFELINE. In an effort to design a nice masthead I located a cardiac strip in a publication and used that heart rhythm behind the publication title. Well, all was well for a long time but at a symposium one year I was informed that the rhythm was not that of a person but was of a FROG. I had no idea as I had just picked out something from a publication and thought it looked rather official. Looking forward to the First Responder Virginia Conference at Virginia Beach starting on September 18th. A gentle reminder that we are part of a great organization and our participation in district and state affairs is important and needs your participation. Visit our vendors as they go to a lot of expense to support the VAVRS and the Conference. They all hope that you will visit their booths and perhaps find interest in the goods and services which they offer.
Media inquiries and interview requests, contact: Tammy Chatman, Public Information Officer
Arlington, VA (August 14, 2024) – The National EMS Memorial Service (NEMSMS) and the National EMS Memorial Bike Ride (NEMSMBR) announced the dates for the next two years for the Weekend of Honor. The dates will be as follows: 2025 - July 18-20, and 2026 – July 17-19. All the events will continue to be held in Arlington, VA at the Hyatt Regency Crystal City.
A wrap up of the 2024 National EMS Memorial Service and Weekend of Honor was also provided and is found below.
On July 19-21, the National EMS Memorial Service (NEMSMS) and the National EMS Memorial Bike Ride (NEMSMBR) paid tribute to the 36 fallen EMS and air medical providers from 18 different states during the 2024 National EMS Weekend of Honor at the Hyatt Regency Crystal City in Arlington, VA.
This year, the Moving Honors specially marked ambulance carrying the 2024 temporary National EMS Memorial, known as the Tree of Life, began its journey in Seattle, WA on July 5. It made various stops over 15 days through at least 18 states as it progressed to Arlington, VA. The Moving Honors procession allowed those who could not make the trip to Arlington the opportunity to see the replica of the 2024 Tree of Life.
Early Friday morning, July 19, the National EMS Memorial Service (NEMSMS) Honor Guard traveled to Arlington National Cemetery to participate in a wreath-laying ceremony at the Tomb of the Unknown Solider. Four NEMSMS Honor Guard members, Hailey Slade, Shawn Stoermann, Debbie Cardozo, and Joe Rosamilia, had been handpicked for this ceremony because of their continued commitment and passion to the mission of honoring those who sacrificed their lives in the service of others.
Then later in the afternoon, 87 participants in the special Ride of Honor hosted by the National EMS Memorial Bike Ride, arrived at Hyatt escorting the Moving Honors to kick off the National Weekend of Honor. The NEMSMBR celebrated the lives of EMS and air medical providers who made the ultimate sacrifice in the service to others. Riders were predominantly EMS professionals from across the U.S. Each of the riders carried dog tags bearing an honoree’s name, agency, and date of their loss.
After arriving at the hotel, a short ceremony was held and the 2024 Tree of Life with the names of the 36 honorees was unveiled. “The Weekend of Honor just isn’t just about recognizing the EMS and air medical professionals who have paid the ultimate sacrifice, it is also about recognizing the dedication that those same individuals had towards their families, co-workers and friends and that their sacrifices will always be remembered”, said NEMSMBR president Lars Granholm. Following the ceremony, the riders met with the families to present one of their two dog tags worn during the ride – an emotionally powerful part of the Weekend of Honor. The riders will keep the remaining dog tag as a lifetime reminder of the honoree’s sacrifice.
The next day, the National EMS Memorial Service, a formal ceremony to honor the EMS professionals and air medical providers who died in the line of duty in 2023 was held at the Hyatt Regency Crystal City ballroom. The Service was attended by over 700 EMS personnel from across the country who traveled at their own expense to participate in the NEMSMS, along with families, friends, co-workers of current and past
honorees, volunteers, dignitaries, EMS and business leaders, and government officials. There were 128 honor guard and pipe and drum personnel, therapy and comfort dog groups and a host of other volunteers who gave of their time and services throughout the weekend in support of the families, loved ones and friends of the honorees.
The temporary National EMS Memorial “Tree of Life” was displayed through the Service on Saturday. It holds bronze oak leaves, engraved with the names of fallen honorees for each year going back as far as 1895. In November 2018, Public Law 15-275 was signed into law by the President to enable the National EMS Memorial Foundation (NEMSMF) to build a permanent EMS memorial in the nation’s capital. They are currently in the Federal approval process to finalize the memorial site and development will then quickly follow.
“On behalf of the board, I want to thank the hundreds of volunteers and sponsors who made the National EMS Service, the Weekend of Honor, and the Moving Honors tribute a reality, Scott Davis. “We are incredibly grateful to the countless organizations and individuals who made it all possible. The most humbling and powerful feedback came from the families of the honorees, reinforcing that the weekend had a positive effect on their healing. They walked away knowing they are not alone, that the sacrifice of their loved ones will always be remembered.”
The Weekend of Honor is organized and hosted by the following volunteer-staffed organizations: National EMS Memorial Bike Ride and the National EMS Memorial Service. The organizations would like to thank the many volunteers, participants, donors, and sponsors who once again helped make this year’s National Weekend of Honor a special remembrance celebration of those who have given so much in the service to others.
Submitted by Andy Neagle, VAVRS Vice President/Death Benefit Plan Committee Chair
The VAVRS Death Benefit Plan was established in 1984 during the presidency of Garry Clatterbuck. The purpose of the plan is to render aid to the designated beneficiary or the estate of any member of the VAVRS Death Benefit Plan at the time of the plan member’s death.
To qualify for membership in the Death Benefit Plan you must be a member of the VAVRS. The membership of the VAVRS consists of the membership of all VAVRS agency members, VAVRS individual members, VAVRS life members, AVAVRS agency members, AVAVRS life members, and VAJVRS agency members.
Upon the death of a member of the plan, each plan member is charged an assessment fee of $0.75. The assessment fee is billed on a semi-annual basis to your agency and your agency is responsible for payment of the fees. Your agency may choose to collect the assessment from you or pay the fee for you. Individual plan members are billed directly and are responsible for the payment of their assessment fees. Assessment fees for VAVRS Life Members and AVAVRS Life Members are paid by the VAVRS. Assessment fees for deaths that occur in the months of October through March are billed in April while assessment fees for deaths that occur in the months of April through September are billed in October.
To join the Death Benefit Plan, you must complete and submit the Death Benefit Plan application along with a $6.00 application fee to the VAVRS office. The application, in fillable form, with instructions is available on the VAVRS website. The best way to join the plan is through your agency. If your agency does not participate in the plan, you are still able to join as an individual plan member.
To maintain your membership in the Death Benefit Plan, you must maintain your membership in the VAVRS and stay current in the payment of your assessment fees. As stated earlier, the membership of the VAVRS consists of the membership of all agency members, VAVRS Individual members, VAVRS Life members, AVAVRS members, AVAVRS Life members, and VAJVRS members. Should you find yourself in the unfortunate position of losing your VAVRS membership due to your agency disbanding, being dismissed from the VAVRS, or deciding to cancel its membership in the VAVRS, you will be given a six (6) month grace period to allow you time to re-establish membership in the VAVRS by either joining another VAVRS, AVAVRS, or VAJVRS member agency or becoming a VAVRS Individual member.
Upon the death of any member of the VAVRS, the Report of a Deceased Member form should be used to report the death to the VAVRS office. The Report of a Deceased Member form, in fillable form, with instructions is available on the VAVRS website. It is requested that a picture of the deceased member be included with this form. If the deceased is a member of a VAVRS member agency, a copy of the member agency patch is also requested. The picture and the member agency patch are needed for the memorial service at the annual convention.
The Report of a Deceased Member form serves as the claim for benefits for the Death Benefit Plan. In order to receive payment of benefits of the Death Benefit Plan, the plan member must have been a member of the plan for a minimum of twelve (12) months prior to death and a copy of the Death Certificate (not the original) must accompany the form. Upon receipt of the proof of death (copy of the Death Certificate) of a member of the Death Benefit Plan, benefits are paid as soon as practical. Proof of death must be received by the VAVRS office within one (1) year of the Death Benefit Plan member’s actual date of death. The Death Benefit Plan Committee has the right to waive the time requirements in extraordinary circumstances.
As a member of the Death Benefit Plan, it is important that you keep your personal information and beneficiary information up to date. Upon the death of a plan member, benefits are only paid to the beneficiaries listed on file at the VAVRS office. You can make changes to your personal information and/or your beneficiary information by completing and submitting the Member Information/Beneficiary Information Change Request form to the VAVRS office. The Member Information/Beneficiary Information Change Request form, in fillable form, is available on the VAVRS website.
If you or your agency have any questions or would like more information about the Death Benefit Plan, please contact Andy Neagle, Death Benefit Plan Committee Chair, at andyn1959@verizon.net or contact the VAVRS office.
Submitted by CeCe McCormick, Historian, Waynesboro First Aid Auxiliary
Summer has come and gone in a flash! We had 4 members; CeCe McCormick, Norma Braden, Berniece Payne and Kristy Wheeler, attend the Auxiliary class at Rescue College in June. Danny McCormick, our building & grounds person, sprayed weeds around the parking lot and in front by the sign and flagpole. He also repainted the entrance doors to the multipurpose room. Danny was busy in June; he replaced the filters in the multi-purpose room, he and his grandson, Ryan, replaced the American and Virginia flags at the front of the building. To finish out the month of June, we hosted the AVAVRS Western District meeting. And somewhere in there we did a Country Ham sandwich sale.
We were to feed the Waynesboro Generals ball team after one of their home games, but it was rained out. The food didn’t go to waste as the duty squad benefited with lots of food.
With school starting here in the middle of August, the Auxiliary purchased some school supplies for “Stuff the Bus” and CeCe McCormick delivered them. Also, in August we prepared Hoagies for Crew members attending class for CE hours.
RICHMOND, VA – Governor Glenn Youngkin today issued Executive Order 38, which directs the Secretary of Public Safety and Homeland Security to establish an Office of First Responder Wellness at the Department of Criminal Justice Services (DCJS) to support the emotional, physical, and overall personal wellness of first responders in the Commonwealth. Given the significant cumulative effect of critical incidents involving tragedy and human suffering that first responders experience daily, more resources must be dedicated to supporting their mental and physical wellbeing.
“Hurricane Helene’s tragic devastation of Southwest Virginia reminds us that our First Responders are always our frontline heroes that are there to rescue and aid Virginians in need. We must support them better,” said Governor Glenn Youngkin. “The data clearly shows that repeated traumatic events experienced by first responders takes a toll on the human body, mind, and soul. The coordination and partnerships at the local, state, and federal level, along with the private sector, will provide much better support and results for our first responder heroes.”
The Executive Order formalizes the existing Office of First Responder Wellness at the Department of Criminal Justice Services, directing them to provide training and support for mental and physical health of our first responder heroes, and creates a new Chief Coordinating Officer role under the Secretary of Public Safety and Homeland Security, directing the person to convene of work group of key state agencies, local first responder leaders, mental health professionals, clergy, and family members to advise on first responder wellness efforts.
The Governor has approved a request from DCJS to allocate $3 million in unexpended Fiscal Year 2024 balances to the Office of First Responder Wellness to offer grants for non-profits and local agencies supporting first responder wellness efforts.
The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration estimates that thirty percent of first responders develop behavioral health conditions. Additionally, recent studies indicate that first responders are suffering from PTSD, depression, and anxiety due to work related stressors considerably above the national average and the divorce rate is fifteen to twenty-five percent higher than the general population. Unfortunately, almost one in ten first responders report having thoughts of suicide.
“Thanks to the leadership of Governor Youngkin, we continue to support our men and women in law enforcement, corrections, fire, emergency medical services, and 911 dispatchers for their dedicated service to the Commonwealth,” said Secretary of Public Safety and Homeland Security Terry Cole. “The entire team in public safety and homeland security is excited to lead this significant initiative.”
“As President of the Virginia Sheriffs Association, I am deeply grateful for the Governor’s continued support of law enforcement and first responders. Having one central platform at DCJS for training and resources will be valuable as we seek to support our employees every day,” said Sheriff Brad Nunnally.
“I applaud Governor Youngkin’s leadership to support our men and women in the field who provide support to our citizens each and every day. First responders deal with tragedies day in and day out that take a toll on someone over time,” said Chief of Police Scott Booth.
Submitted by Bubby Bish, VAVRS EVOC Coordinator
On August 15, 2024, VAVRS District Two EVOC Instructor Trainer Doug Eberhardt taught an exciting EVOC class for the City of Richmond, Emergency Communications, Preparedness, and Response Team. As mot of you know, most of our classes are ambulance and quick response vehicles, but this one was a little different.
Doug said this class was a little different. Most of the students have never driving anything this large and especially this high off the ground. We must say it was very challenging for some, but by the end of the day, it was great.
As our EVOC program continues to improve and the word gets across the state, how great our instructors are, I believe other agencies will reach out to us for the classes. Thank you Doug for a job well done!
Southside Rescue Squad from South Hill, VA won 1st Place
Below Left VAVRS District 5 Vice President Woody Conner.
Below Right—FRV Registration Booth. Carol Gwaltney, thank you so much for all your hard work!
Greg Burton—Covington Rescue Squad won 1st Place in EVOC Competition at the convention. His comments were: “Proud moment in my time of serving in EMS. In an emergency vehicle driving competition including myself and 16 other EMS personnel from around the state, I was able to come away with the 1st Place trophy! To say that this was a surprise is an understatement. Thanks to all my instructors in the past 35 years!”
Submitted by Lisa Bilheimer, VAVRS Office Staff
Clara Craig was born in Stuart, Virginia on August 20, 1936, to Guy and Verda Foley. Clara had five brothers and two sisters. She graduated on June 1, 1956, from Woolwine High School. Clara went to work at a local restaurant, and it was there that she met her husband, Joey Craig of Bassett, Virginia. They were married on April 20, 1957. They have been married for 67 wonderful years!
Joey was a volunteer for Bassett Fire Department and in 1958, he and five firemen formed Bassett Rescue Squad. In 1965, at the request of the newly organized Rescue Squad of Bassett, Clara and six other women were asked to organize a Ladies Auxiliary. The members of the newly formed squad needed help from their wives. They met and formed the Bassett Rescue Squad Auxiliary. Clara is the only remaining charter member 59 years later.
In her auxiliary she has held the offices of president, vice president, chaplain, historian, and treasurer for several years. In the Southcentral District, Clara has held many offices. Chaplain for four years, Roll Call County Chair for two years and Life Member Chair for two years, as well as serving on numerous committees. She is currently the Vice President in Southcentral District and Chaplain for Bassett Rescue Squad. She is also the Treasurer of the Bassett Rescue Auxiliary.
This amazing woman received the honor of Life Membership in her Auxiliary and Southcentral District. Clara was awarded the AVAVRS Outstanding Service Award in 2014 and was also given Life Membership in AVAVRS in 2015.
Clara and her husband, Joey, are the proud parents of one daughter, Carol France. Their daughter, Carol and son in law, Michael France blessed them with two granddaughters and two great grandsons. Their daughter, Carol France and granddaughter Joellyn are very active in Bassett Auxiliary and Southcentral District.
Clara retired from Vanity Fair after 39 years on June 17, 2002. Her husband, Joey, retired from Stanley Furniture after 47 years on December 31, 2010, at 70 years of age. Members of the VAVRS and AVAVRS are some of their closest friends and family.
When Clara is not busy with the Rescue Squad and Auxiliary, you will find her at her church, Tabernacle Baptist Church. She has been a member there for 66 years. She is on the cleaning and hospitality committee and helps in the youth ministry. Clara is also involved in the shoe box ministry. She takes great joy packing Christmas boxes that are sent to children in other parts of the world. Clara loves volunteering and helping others! Please reach out to her and let her know how appreciated and loved she is!
The Virginia Association of Volunteer Rescue Squads is THE voice of EMS…. the advocate for our members, Virginia’s EMS agencies and providers. We link members and agencies for the purpose of sharing ideas, giving you a voice at the General Assembly, on state advisory boards, as well as on state and local committees. When our members have training issues or needs, they come to the VAVRS.
When our members need assistance from leadership to budgets they come to the VAVRS. We help rescue squads throughout the Commonwealth thrive and succeed so they can provide prompt, effective patient care 24/7 in the communities they serve.
Since October, 2023 these 24 agencies have joined the VAVRS
4th Quarter 2023
Glasgow Volunteer Fire Department
Rockbridge Baths Volunteer Fire Department
Cumberland Fire and EMS
Chamblissburg Rescue Squad
Eggleston Volunteer Fire Department
Highland County Department of EMS
City of Norfolk Park Ranger
1st Quarter 2024
Concord Volunteer Fire Department Inc.
Scottsburg Volunteer Fire Department
Read Mountain Fire and Rescue
UVA Health’s Medical Transport Network
Mount Weather Fire and Rescue
2nd Quarter 2024
Pearisburg Volunteer Fire Department
Bergton Volunteer Fire Company
Southwest Virginia Community College
Able Medical Transport
Bedford County Sheriff’s Department
Kilmarnock Volunteer Fire Department
3rd Quarter 2024
Bluefield VA Fire Department
Kenbridge Volunteer Fire Department
Onancock Volunteer Fire Department
FESCO Emergency Sales
Submitted by Steve Thrasher EMT, PIO/Vice President Vinton First Aid Crew
We have had a busy summer. We have several new members that recently graduated from high school and now they are off starting new careers and heading to colleges. We wish them the very best!
We also have several new EMT’s that are gaining experience on every call they run. Some have already progressed through their in-house training to become AIC’s. We have also had some good training this summer with guest speakers covering several interesting topics including pediatric care. We are very appreciative of the doctors and department managers that have made presentations for us.
Competition is heating up this fall. We will be busy providing standby support for local high school football games At William Byrd HS and also for Roanoke Catholic HS. But there is also a different competition for us. We restarted our Competition team! They have begun practice and plan to compete at the First Responder conference in Va Beach.
This is not our first competition team, but it has been a few years since we had an active team. We are excited to see how they do against some of the seasoned teams from around the state. GO TEAM!
If you don’t have a competition team, we would encourage you to consider forming one. It is a great way to practice skills and build some pride in your crew. It is always nice when you can bring home a trophy from a district meeting or even the state conference!
Good Luck to all the teams.
Congratulations to our competition team! They attended the annual state competition held at the First Responder Virginia Conference sponsored by the VAVRS and VFSA held in Virginia Beach Sept 18-22. They won second place in Advanced Life Support Competition. Team members were Brandon Arthur, David Jones, Orlando Martinez, Kinsey Johnson, and Katie Lucas. This is just another way our members sharpen their skills in order to provide excellent patient care. Again - Congratulations!
Cleveland Junior Lifesaving Crew attended the 5th Annual First Responder Virginia Conference and Expo held in Virginia Beach from September 18-20, 2024.
We were honored to have 5 junior members elected as VAJVRS State Officers for 2024-2025. Elected were Shade Johnson, President; Christopher Skeen, Vice President; Koedan Murphy, Historian; Kaden Gray, Chaplain; and Kayde Cole, Secretary-Treasurer. Bill Gilmer, our Board of Governor Representative also attended as well as outgoing state officer, Haven Johnson. She has plans to advance her EMS career in the senior squad.
We are very proud of the accomplishments of this group of young EMS volunteers. They are the future of the service.
A special thanks to all the sponsors (listed on the following page) who made this journey possible. Without the help from the sponsors these young folks couldn’t be successful. Again thank you for helping them. To top it off, they got to meet Tim Smith, star of the Discovery Channel show, Moonshiners. He is Virginia Volunteer Assistant Fire Chief with the Climax VFD and very supportive of volunteer agencies. He instilled some insight to this group about service to the community.
Cleveland Junior Lifesaving Crew member Christopher Skeen was elected VAJVRS Vice President and Cleveland Lifesaving Crew member Bryant Skeen was elected VAVRS Secretary during the 2024 VAJVRS and VAVRS Conventions. Congratulations!
Kenneth Neal Turner was born in Christiansburg, Virginia on October 4, 1957, to Jack and Ann Tuner. On August 21, 1982, he married Carolyn. He has a daughter, Terri, and a son, Brandon. Terri is married to his, “favorite” son in law, Eddie. They have two children, (his grandchildren) Jade and Carter. Carter has a two-year-old daughter, Lily. Jade has a one-year-old daughter, Finleigh. Those are his great grands! His son Brandon is married to Kate, and they have a threeyear-old, Brice. Brice was named in honor of Kelly Walters. His daughter in law, Kate, is a former EMS provider.
Neal is blessed to have his children live close by. His son, Brandon is a captain in the Christiansburg Volunteer Fire Department and lives a little over a mile away. Terri lives in Dublin, about ten miles from them.
He decided to join in April 1977 and has been a member for 47 years. Neal shared with us that Kelly Walters, with whom he is lifelong friends and like a second daddy to him, took him on many calls, and he was allowed to ride along and sit in the car. He inspired him to become a part of the fire department. You were supposed to be 21 to join, but Neal applied and joined when he was 19. He and Kelly spent many years together working within the squad. It runs in the family as Neal’s own dad was a volunteer fireman also!
Neal’s son, Brandon, joined the Christiansburg Rescue Squad as a junior member and served as their first Junior Captain. When he was 21, he moved to the fire department where his dad and his other grandfather had been and were still members.
Asking Neal what VAVRS means to him, he responded telling us that for many years, the Association was the best training resource members had available. Convention, Rescue College, and local training were the key to active and professional development. Through his affiliation with the rescue squad, he received Life Membership and finds that to be his highest honor and takes it very seriously.
Neal feels that the association has been a family to him in countless ways. He tells us that while many of those he has learned from, taught with, and looked up to have passed away, their friendship was very important and will be for the rest of his life. Looking back over the last 47 years he is truly grateful and reminisces over the impact so many have had. Paige Entsminger, JC Phillips, Kelly Walters, Ford Wirt, Ron Brubeck, and so many more! He apologizes for the ones he didn’t name.
He shared with us a story about one year when he went to convention to receive his Life Membership into the Association. Just before the awards ceremony began, Ricky Hodges came to him and said, “you need to install the officers”. He had less than thirty minutes to prepare, but it all worked out and thankfully the officers were installed!
In his personal life, most people don’t know that Neal is an avid bird hunter. He takes an annual trip to South Carolina to hunt quail. He’s had two outstanding German Shorthaired Pointers for the past fifteen years. Sadly, he recently lost his fourteen-year-old dog, Smoke, to arthritis and age. Currently his ten-year-old dog, Bailey’s health has begun to fail. He now also has a two-year-old dog and has been training her to hunt as well.
As far as advice he has for some of the younger members, Neal tells us this: “When you join the squad/association, look at the big picture. See not only what the association or local squad can do for you, but what you can offer to them. Membership as a volunteer builds great character and respect from your community. I can honestly say my work career was enhanced by my affiliation with the local, district, and state associations.”
In the future, Neal would like to see growth and professionalism sustained in the association. He feels that we must make the association attractive for squads to continue their membership and keep the association as strong as possible.
We are grateful and honored that Neal has been such an inspirational member of VAVRS. Thank him when you see him!
Dear Rescue Ranger,1
You look great. You always look fit and ready for action. I bet it is your diet and I also bet you never eat fast food do you?
Long Time Admirer
Dear Harold E.,
First, thanks, but you are wrong. I eat fast food several times a week. In fact I ate a kid’s meal at McDonalds just yesterday. By the way, his mom was furious!
Also, believe it or not, I can still wear the same sock size I wore in high school.
Dear Rescue Ranger, You never talk about your health much. Is it because you are so healthy it is really not a topic that you have much to say about?
Fit in Fredericksburg
Dear Kevin,
I have had my health challenges over the years. In fact I just got hospitalized just last week in a “peeka-boo” accident. They had to put in in the ICU!
Dear Rescue Ranger, My wife is encouraging me to get my hearing checked. My supposed hearing loss must have come from all of those years of running sirens, vehicle extrication power tools and cutting metal with a rescue saw. Do you think I should get my hearing tested and get hearing aids?
Dear John, Why would a married man get hearing aids?
Dear Rescue Ranger, I live in a very strange neighborhood. Lots of peculiar things happen all of the time. I may be overreacting but I believe the whole neighborhood is haunted, especially this time of the year. Halloween is a day that I dread.
Dear Byron,
I know what you mean. I once lived just a stone’s throw from a family who all died of mysterious head injuries.
By the way, you want to do something peculiar, try watching “JAWS the Movie” backwards...it turns out it is a heartwarming story about a shark that gives arms and legs to disabled people.
Dear Rescue Ranger, I miss the days when we just attended some training and pull some duty. Now it seems that we are always subject to new requirements of our time and must attend meeting after meeting.
Dear Barbara, I appreciate what you are saying. I miss the good ole days too, especially when bills did not have my name on them.
Dear Rescue Ranger, I was at the station the other day. Several of the members were working out on some of the exercise equipment the squad purchased. All was good until several of the “macho-men and macho-women started to get competitive. In fact, I watched one member do 50 push-ups. Do you think you could do that?
Sweating in Strasburg
Dear Fuzzy, Absolutely, in fact, I bet I could watch themn do 100 push-ups.
Dear Rescue Ranger, I heard that you have an anniversary coming up and it is a big one. Congratulations!
Dear Woody,
Yes I do. I am surprised you know anything about that but on November 25th this year it will be exactly 50 years to the day when I asked my childhood sweetheart, the love of my life and the most beautiful woman in the world to marry me. They all three said no!
Dear Rescue Ranger, You have been my idol for years. I admire you work ethic but just about every day I wish I was like you, tall, skinny and rich.
Dear Bubby, Thank you Bubby, just remember it does not matter if you are tall or short, fat or thin, rich or poor, at the end of the day it is night.
Dear Rescue Ranger, Don’t forget to vote. It is more important this year than any other in recent memory. The USA is still the greatest nation on earth but we feel so divided. So do the smart thing, vote.
Dear Rescue Ranger, If the USA is so great, why did someone make the USB?
Dear Rescue Ranger, I heard that you used to be in law enforcement. I don’t think that is a job I would enjoy especially in a small town like where I live. I mean, I know everyone and it would be difficult to investigate a family member and make an arrest.
What would you do if you had to arrest your mother?
Living the Good Life
Dear Kathy, If I had to arrest my mother, the first thing I would do is call of backup!
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