2nd Quarter 2017 The Official Publication of the Virginia Association of Volunteer Rescue Squads
The “Agency of the Issue” Manchester Volunteer Rescue Squad, Inc.
2016-2017 VAVRS Officers President Kim Craig Vice President Scott Davis Secretary Connie Moore Treasurer Tarry Pribble Training Officer Greg Burton Chaplain Gary Dalton Chaplain Emeritus Page Entsminger Historian Frank Smith Immediate Past President: Rickey Hodge Chief Rescue Officer Bubby Bish Editor: Karen Wagner Parliamentarian Steve Southworth Facilities Manager George Langford Legal Advisor Mary Malone Medical Advisor James R. Dudley, MD, MBA
District 1 V. P. Patrick Scott District 2 V. P. Carolyn White District 3 V. P. Chris Snyder District 5 V. P. Jason Morgan District 6 V. P. Scottie Adams District 7 V. P. Curtis Crawford District 8 V. P. Thomas Tomlin District 9 V. P. Ruth Johnson District 10 V. P. Wesley Melson Training Coordinator Kathy Eubank Office Assistant Cindy Bailey Bookkeeper Cynthia Babb Lobbyist Ed Rhodes
2016-2017 VAVRS Committees Membership Scott Davis| Human Resources Scott Davis Bylaws Bruce Stratton Publication Karen Wagner Conference Chair Tarry Pribble Conference Co Chair Bubby Bish Finance Tarry Pribble Future Vision Chair Ken Morgan Future Vision Co Chair Mac McGuire Rescue College Chair Wayne Myers EMS Advisory Board Valeta Daniels EMS Advisory Board Dreama Chandler
Life Membership Steve Davis New Course Development Cecil Leach Nominating Kevin Dillard Scholarship Greg Burton Public Relations Wesley Melson Recruitment & Retention Wesley Melson Rescue Hall of Fame Lin Matthews EMS Exchange Kevin Dillard Legislative Bubby Bish Information Technology Steve Ayers Volunteer Management Co Chair David Tesh Volunteer Management Co Chair Walter Stephens
2016-2017 AVAVRS Officers President Harry Householder Vice President Ailease Short Secretary Marie Householder Treasurer Fay Browning Chaplain Linda Berkstresser Historian Valarie Becker Parliamentarian Nancy Winner Immediate Past President Fern Puckett
Midwestern V.P. Dolores Hudson Northeastern V.P. Maxine Kerns Southcentral V.P. Vicki Arnold Southeastern V.P. Elsie Butler Southwestern V.P. Diane Haga Western V.P. Debbie Rohr
2016-2017 AVAVRS Committee Chairs Conference Fern Puckett Conference Ruth Swicegood Nominating Donna Porter Life Membership Jean Garrett Emergency Care John Dimino Resolutions Nancy Winner Official
Membership Ailease Short Finance Fay Browning Roll Call Laura Booze Roll Call Clara Craig Fundraising Stacey Frame Fundraising Tracey Frame Page
2016-2017 VAJVRS Officers President Bradley Hancock Vice President Adarah Williams Secretary/Treasurer Cara Beasley Historian Brandon Propst Chaplain Makayla McMahan Advisor-Chair Alfred Smith Advisor Brandon Baugus Advisor Kim Melson Advisor Emily Pittman
From your Editor... Karen D. Wagner Welcome to the pages of the LIFELINE, the Official publication of the Virginia Association of Volunteer Rescue Squads. At Spring BOG I shared with the members that our LIFELINE would begin being published quarterly starting with this issue. Please see the updated deadline dates for future issues. We will also publish a special edition of the LIFELINE for Conference. That issue will provide our members with everything you need to know to take advantage of the awesome events, benefits, and fun offered at our annual conference. Please continue sending those stories, articles and pictures. It is an awesome predicament to be in, to have more news than space, but there is always room for one more in these pages. Thousands browse the pages of this publication on-line from everywhere in the world simply by opening the LIFELINE link at
“The VAVRS is your LIFELINE to EMS”
District 1 V.P. Kalee Stevenson District 3 V.P. Cara Beasley District 5 V.P. Tyler McGaughey District 6 V.P. Bradley Hancock District 6 V.P. Toby Akers Jr. District 7 V.P. Adarah Williams District 9 V.P. Alice Becker District 10 V.P. Emily Laveroni
Deadline for the Upcoming Issues of the VIRGINIA LIFELINE Articles may be submitted by any member of the VAVRS, AVAVRS and VAJVRS. Feature articles are encouraged. Photos and/or graphics are acceptable and can be returned if requested. Contact the VAVRS Editor at if you need assistance submitting to the publication. Deadline for future issues are as follows: June 1, 2017 for the 3rd Quarter 2017 Issue Aug 1, 2017 for the Conference 2017 Issue Oct 1, 2017 for the 4th Quarter 2017 Issue Jan 1, 2018 for the 1st Quarter 2018 Issue April 1, 2018 for the 2nd Quarter 2018 Issue July 1, 2018 for the 3rd Quarter 2018 Issue Aug 1, 2018 for the Conference 2018 Issue Oct 1, 2018 for the 4th Quarter 2018 Issue
Advertising Rates: Member Squads…,… charge Full Page…………………..$ 275.00 Half Page………………..…$150.00 Quarter Page……………....$100.00 Business Card……………..$ 50.00
Manchester Volunteer Rescue Squad Earns Volunteer Rescue Squad of the Year 2016! Manchester VRS was recognized for its achievement at the Chesterfield Fire and EMS Annual Awards Ceremony in October along with the other outstanding individuals that have gone above and beyond the call of duty for the citizens of Chesterfield County, Virginia. Katherine Eubank received the Squad Officer of the Year and Tracy Prowse, Denver Bonham and Stephen Schilling for their performance on an emergency call. We are truly proud of all our members and congratulate each and every one!!!
We would also like to congratulate our MVRS President Katherine Eubank for her induction to the Virginia Association of Volunteer Rescue Squad's Hall of Fame. This is an elite group of people who have dedicated their lives to EMS in Virginia. Congratulations, your home squad is proud!!!
A LITTLE BIT OF HISTORY... On June 15, 1954, MANCHESTER VOLUNTEER RESCUE SQUAD was born. There were 38 charter members ready to serve the public. They were trained in Advanced First Aid and each had taken a driving course. The first ambulance was a converted 1945 Cadillac Hearse and the first uniform was a Red Baseball cap. (Continued on page 7)
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We’ve come a long way… Our organization currently has an active membership of 58. These members range from Driver level to Paramedic level. These 58 active members last year offered our county and its citizens over 26,000 hours of marked up ambulance time. This does not include the administrative hours to run the organization. The organization has two locations and five ALS equipped ambulances and one first response vehicle. MVRS is always looking to better serve the public with the most up to date equipment. Stop by and see us and we can show you what your donations can do for you and your neighbors. What have we done lately… We just completed a Recruit class consisting of 3 Recruits. The class began on November 15 and finished December 20. We are looking forward to joining them on their EMT Journey! We also held blood drives Saturday, July 2, 2016 and Saturday, November 12, 2016. Saving lives is our business!
MVRS also plays a big part is keeping our Athletes safe by providing stand by assistance for the Football games and Southside Speedway! Communication is the key!
We are pleased to have implemented a new tool to assist our members with keeping them informed of real time items like, crews on duty, Real Time Traffic Information, road closings, etc.… so they can do their jobs easier. Thanks to PSIN for helping us! (Continued on page 8)
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MVRS hosted the Virginia Association of Volunteer Rescue Squads District 3 Meeting in November. Thanks to all who attended!
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from the folks at Manchester Volunteer Rescue Squad! MVRS celebrated Christmas with the Members by taking them on the Tacky Light Tour‌
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and Dinner and Anna’s…Yum! What’s coming our way… To begin the New Year, Manchester VRS has purchased a new truck! We look forward to its arrival this summer.
We also purchased new ZOLLs for our trucks! More compact, lighter in weight and gets the job done more efficiently with the new features.
Every day, first responders put their own lives on the line to ensure our safety. The least we can do is make sure they have the tools to protect and serve their communities.
Cave Spring Rescue Squad and Auxiliary Submitted by Auxiliary President, Vickie Arnold The Cave Spring Rescue Squad and Auxiliary installed their officers for the 2017 year at the Holiday Banquet and Installation of Officers at the Holiday Inn – Tanglewood on December 10, 2016. The Squad officers are: Chief – Glendon Robertson, Deputy Chief – Joel Haywood, Training Lt. – Adam LaChappelle, Logistics Lt. – Mike Clark, Equipment Lt. -Lindsey Arnold, President – Laura Alexander, Vice President – Ronnie Cooper, Secretary – Trudi Johnson, Treasurer – Pam Cooper, and Advisory board – George Blanar, Karin Brown, and Steve Ferguson. The Auxiliary officers are: President – Vickie Arnold, Vice President – Daniela Santos, Secretary – Angie Williams, Treasurer – Patsy Wingfield, Historian – Brenda Clark, and Chaplain – Laura Clark. The crew awarded Emma Duff as Basic Life Support Provider of the Year, Adam LaChappelle as Advanced Life Support Provider of the Year, Joel Haywood as Member of the Year and Officer of the Year, and Trudi Johnson as Rookie of the Year. The crew bestowed their highest honor of Life Membership to: Ethan Dressler, Tim Dobson, and Steve Ferguson. The Auxiliary presented Life Membership to Barbara Chase; and Honorary Membership to crew life member Ronnie Cooper and to Terri Langford. The auxiliary presented the crew with 5 equipment bags. Having one in each ambulance, rapid response car and squad will assure that supplies and equipment are in the same place in each vehicle. This helps patient treatment begin faster and to be more efficient. The crew stays busy with running calls, conducting an EMT class to help with recruitment, and helping the auxiliary with their fundraising. The auxiliary has made over 800 chocolate Easter Eggs for sale and conducts their Spring Chicken BBQ fundraiser. Without the crew these functions would not be profitable. The auxiliary provides a birthday cake for the crew’s monthly business meetings as well as addressing and mailing the “thank-you” donation cards. The auxiliary president attends the crew business meetings to keep the crew informed of their endeavors and to see what their needs might be. The auxiliary has a new member, Joyce Worrell Hilton. She is full of enthusiasm and new ideas. The auxiliary is still coping and moving on after Sharon Campbell’s death almost 2 years ago. A day doesn’t go by we remember her in some way, especially as we do our fundraisers and community work. The auxiliary tries to support the community as well as the crew. This year we are helping CATS (Children's Assistive Technology Services). This is a non-profit organization with focus on re-use of gently used pediatric medical equipment. AT NO COST TO THE FAMILIES. One of our crew members sits on the Board of this organization. We have sent a check for $500 to help.
If you find yourself in the Roanoke area, please come on by and see us! Official
Waynesboro First Aid Crew Auxiliary Submitted by Cece McCormick/Jill Stachowski Hi everyone— it's hard to believe it's the sixth month of the year. In February the Auxiliary prepared a Valentine’s Dinner for The Auxiliary and the Crew. We had a great time and a lovely meal with door prizes. We also played the “Dating Game. A great time was had by all! The last weekend in February the Auxiliary attended the Western District meeting in Clifton Forge. Our Historian Cece McCormick attended a three-day scrapbooking retreat. She's getting a early start putting the Waynesboro Scrapbook together. Waynesboro FAC won first place in submitting pictures for scrapbook. Buildings and Grounds Danny McCormick purchased one resin table and replaced four electric copper floor plates in the multipurpose room. The Auxiliary paid to have the floors cleaned and waxed in the conference room. The women's bunk room and the hallway were shampooed for the crew. It was a mild winter as we only had to prepare soup and sandwiches once for our crew. The Auxiliary purchased five chafing dishes for upcoming fundraisers and crew events. We continue to cook for the monthly drill and still go out for auxiliary member’s birthdays. Everyone have a wonderful spring.
From AVAVRS Vice-President Submitted by Ailease Short, AVAVRS Vice President The AVAVRS is still in search of new auxiliaries to join our Association. This year we have lost yet another one of our auxiliaries- Buena Vista and were very sorry to see them go. The VAVRS has gained quite a few new members (lot of them Fire Departments). I have reached out to these groups and have not gotten any interest yet. If anyone knows of any squads that do not have auxiliaries and would like to start one, please contact me. Also squads with auxiliaries that are not members, please ask if they are interested. Our officers are working hard in search for new people. We would love to have them join our group. We try to have some fun along the way with our business that we have to carry out. With Conference coming up in September, we are geared up to have a good time with great fellowship. Let’s all shake the bushes out there and find us some new members. It is depressing as our group is dwindling down. Harry Householder has been a most generous president to all of our Association. Let’s not let him down and continue to carry out his theme “EMS for Life”. Hope to see many of you at Spring Officers and Rescue College coming up. Page
"A Visit with Virgie" Submitted by Maxine Kerns, AVAVRS Northeastern District V.P.
Virgie Gallahan Miller, AVAVRS Past President and Life Member from Fredericksburg, VA Virgie Gallahan Miller served as President of the “Woman’s Auxiliary To The Virginia Association of Volunteer Rescue Squads”, now referred to as AVAVRS from 1963- 1965. Virgie’s first husband, the late Carl E. Gallahan served as president of the VAVRS from 19671968. Virgie was in attendance at the first auxiliary state association meeting at the Princess Anne Hotel in Fredericksburg. Her memories from that time were on display, while recently chatting with current AVAVRS Northeastern District Vice President, Maxine Kerns. Maxine stopped by to visit & present Virgie with her AVAVRS 65th anniversary clock that was given to AVAVRS life members during Conference 2016. Virgie recalled traveling all over the state of Virginia each weekend and enjoying the fellowship and visits with the members. She mentioned working with Clarice Paxton, the first president of the Woman’s Auxiliary and what an honor it was, serving with her and all of the ladies. Virgie mentioned there were 2 auxiliary districts in the beginning: Eastern and Western. Now, the 6 auxiliary districts: Midwestern, Northeastern, Southcentral, Southeastern, Southwestern & Western are all familiar to Virgie, who traveled extensively, throughout the various districts in the course of her rescue squad auxiliary involvement. Virgie was a member of Fredericksburg auxiliary, which was a charter member of the auxiliary association. She worked closely with Elsie Perry and Christine Spicer, also from Fredericksburg. On numerous trips, the ladies and their husbands traveled together to promote the rescue squad association. In addition to serving as officer on the local, district and state levels, Virgie enjoyed installing auxiliaries. She was well over 80 years of age, and auxiliaries still asked her to install their members, sending them into the new term. Her dedication, loyalty, integrity and delivery serves as a role model. When unable to attend the 65th auxiliary anniversary celebration, Virgie agreed to be interviewed about memories of the AVAVRS. Virgie’s love and admiration for the auxiliary association was evident as she affectionately referred to wonderful days serving and working with others. Attendees heard Virgie speak directly to them, via recordings at the 2016 conference. Virgie Gallahan Miller served the rescue squad association from its inception 65 years ago and is still on board, eager to assist—ready to serve with the highest respect, when called upon, to serve our auxiliary. Virgie—Thanks for being an integral part of our family, throughout the past 65 plus years! This is indeed a better place! Enjoy!!!!!!! Page
NE District
The NE District auxiliaries are a great team! Here are just a few great things they’ve done ……….. so far in the 2016 - 2017 term! Please stay tuned! Colonial Beach Auxiliary Sponsored 2 families during the holidays & had their annual awards banquet & installation of officers at the Riverboat, in Colonial Beach ! Greater Manassas Auxiliary is celebrating their 50th Anniversary!!!!! Instead of gifts for themselves, members donated $25 gift cards for needy families! Loudoun County Auxiliary helped the squad the celebrate their 65th anniversary!!!!! Sponsored a family for the holidays, planned and paid for the squad/aux installation banquet! Millwood Station Auxiliary members work BINGO each Wed night, collect and donate food for the area food banks, and necessities for the homeless!
Celebrating and applauding the AVAVRS NE District! Enjoy! Maxine Kerns, AVAVRS NE Dist VP
AVAVRS Conference Chair Submitted by Fern Puckett Several changes have been made to this year’s Conference Schedule of Events. Please take a few minutes to review each date, time and place of each event. THURSDAY The Opening Ceremony will be Thursday, September 28th, at 11:30 a.m. at the VA Beach Conference Center (Pavilion) The AVAVRS Delegate’s meeting will be held at 1:30 p.m. on Thursday, September 28th, in the Chesapeake Room at the VA Beach Hotel and Conference Center. The picnic for all Conference attendees will be held from 5 - 8 p. m on Thursday, September 28th, at Camp Pendleton. FRIDAY Business Meeting will be Friday, September 29th at 10:00 a.m. in the Chesapeake Room at the VA Beach Hotel and Conference Center. The parade will be Friday, September 29th, at 7:00 p.m., beginning at Laskin Road/Atlantic Ave. SATURDAY The annual membership breakfast will be Saturday, September 30th at 8:00 a.m. in the Chesapeake Room at the VA Beach Hotel and Conference. The business meeting and presentation of awards will follow at 9:00 a.m. Incoming Officers' Photos on Saturday, September 30th at 3:00 p.m. at the VA Beach Convention Center. Installation of Officers, Memorial Service and Awards Ceremony will be Saturday, September 30th at 4:00 p.m. at the VA Beach Conference Center. SUNDAY Officers meeting will be held on Sunday, October 1st. at 9:00 a.m. in the Lynnhaven Room at the VA Beach Hotel and Conference Center.
Toys For Tots Drive….. The Greater Manassas Volunteer Rescue Squad wants to share information regarding their Toys For Tots Drive. If your Squad or Auxiliary would like details, please email Jeff Plumb — and he will send information. Thank you in advance for helping Santa make a difference in the lives of young folks throughout Virginia. Page
Honoring Our Own Submitted by Sue Conner, Director of Marketing and Business Development-LifeCare Medical Transports, Inc. From its start, LifeCare has always been about family. So when Linda Brown, a Billing Specialist at LifeCare since 2003, was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease, LifeCare made sure to send her off to her retirement with more than just a party … they dedicated an ambulance in her name. The purple Alzheimer’s Awareness ambulance, unit 112, is stationed at LifeCare’s Stafford County location, and was dedicated to Linda on February 7, 2017 during her retirement luncheon. Inside the ambulance is a plaque that shares the sentiments of the LifeCare leadership. It reads: “We dedicate this ambulance in honor of Linda Brown who demonstrated dedication and compassion throughout her career at LifeCare. Let this ambulance serve as a reminder that everyone, regardless of cognitive ability, is deserving of excellence in clinical care and compassionate service.” Alzheimer’s disease and other dementia diseases rob many of our elderly of their short and long term memories as well as their ability to cognitively function in what were otherwise normal daily activities. It is a progressive disease for which there is currently no cure, although there has been some limited success with medications that slow the progression. Linda became aware of some problems with her memory last year, and was finding it increasingly difficult to function effectively at her job. In November, her worst fears were realized when she received the Alzheimer’s diagnosis. With the loving support of her husband, Mike, Linda chose to retire. LifeCare transports many dementia patients, and decided that what better way to bring awareness to this relentless disease than to design a purple Alzheimer’s Awareness ambulance that will be seen daily throughout the roadways of Virginia. Prior to Linda’s retirement luncheon, LifeCare hosted and Alzheimer’s Awareness class at their Stafford County location presented by Doreen Barnes from Home Instead. The class provided valuable information for the LifeCare providers and friends in attendance on best communication practices with Alzheimer’s patients. Linda and her husband Mike sat in the front row surrounded by their closest friends and co-workers. LifeCare is now a Home Instead “Alzheimer’s Friendly Business.” Following the class, Kevin Dillard, President of LifeCare, asked the crowd to step outside for a moment. Within moments, from around the corner with blaring lights and sirens came the Alzheimer’s Awareness ambulance. The driver stepped out with a bunch of purple balloons for Linda. A reporter and photographer from the Free Lance-Star provided coverage of the dedication. LifeCare has two additional purple ambulances in their fleet, as well as two pink Breast Cancer Awareness trucks. Soon to be added to the fleet will be a Kidney Disease Awareness ambulance and an ambulance whose graphics will consist of a variety of cancer awareness ribbon decals. Purple and pink vehicles are part of LifeCare’s working fleet, but are frequently requested for events such as regional Power of Pink Cancer Walks and Alzheimer’s Awareness Walks.
HOUSE JOINT RESOLUTION NO. 893 Offered February 7, 2017 Celebrating the life of Carroll Ray Hawkes. ----------
Patrons-- Cox, Aird, Ingram, Robinson and Ware; Senators: Chase and Dance ---------WHEREAS, Carroll Ray Hawkes, a longtime resident of Colonial Heights who served and safeguarded the community as an emergency medical services provider, died on July 23, 2016; and WHEREAS, Carroll Hawkes was raised in Nottoway County and graduated from Blackstone High School in 1951; and WHEREAS, Carroll Hawkes was employed by the E. Alvin Small Funeral Home and was an electrician for E. I. DuPont and the Petersburg Wastewater for Treatment Plant/South Central Waste Water Authority, where he worked for 23 years; and WHEREAS, Carroll Hawkes volunteered as an active member of the Southside Virginia Emergency Crew in Petersburg for more than 55 years, serving in numerous capacities and receiving life membership in the crew in October 1982; and WHEREAS, Carroll Hawkes became active in the Virginia Association of Volunteer Rescue Squads (VAVRS), serving as the Board of Governor’s representative and alternate for his crew from 1973 until the time of his passing; and WHEREAS, Carroll Hawkes held multiple offices in the VAVRS, including District III vice president and state secretary, vice president, and president; he also served on numerous committees, including the establishment of the “To The Rescue Museum” in Roanoke City and the Hall of Fame; and WHEREAS, Carroll Hawkes served as a member of the Colonial Heights Transportation Safety Commission, and in 1984 he was appointed by Governor Charles S. Robb to the Governor’s EMS Advisory Board representing the Old Dominion EMS Regional Council for five years, serving as vice chair for two years; and WHEREAS, Carroll Hawkes was elected to life membership of the VAVRS in 1983 and to the Virginia Life Saving and Rescue Hall of Fame in 2005; and WHEREAS, for his long-standing service to his community and his leadership in the EMS community, Carroll Hawkes set high standards for those following him setting an example for his family, friends, fellow citizens, and EMS peers to follow; and WHEREAS, Carroll Hawkes will be fondly remembered and greatly missed by his wife of 57 years, Elsie; his daughter, Barbara; three grandchildren, Victoria, William, Thomas; great-grandson, Grayson; and numerous other family members, friends, and colleagues; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED by the House of Delegates, the Senate concurring, That the General Assembly hereby note with great sadness the loss of Carroll Ray Hawkes, a consummate volunteer who dedicated a lifetime of service to the citizens of Central Virginia; and, be it RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Clerk of the House of Delegates prepare a copy of this resolution for presentation to the family of Carroll Ray Hawkes as an expression of the General Assembly’s respect for his memory.
This photo was taken at a recent District 3 meeting where Elsie Hawkes received a framed resolution honoring her husband, Carroll R. Hawkes. Mr. Hawkes was a VAVRS Past President, Life Member and member of the Virginia Lifesaving Hall of Fame. Elsie received the resolution from Delegate (Speaker Designee) Kirk Cox. The family expresses their appreciation to Ed Rhodes for his assistance in this honor.
VAVRS CALENDAR OF EVENTS International Convention - June 19 - 24, 2017—University of Illinois, Champagne, IL VAVRS Conference - September 27 - 30, 2017—Virginia Beach Virginia EMS Symposium - November 8-12, 2017-Norfolk
2017 EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MEETINGS August 19, 2017 - VA Beach Resort—Executive Meeting & Convention Meeting September 28, 2017 - VA Beach Convention Center 10:00 am October 1, 2017 - VA Beach Resort 9:00 am November 4, 2017 - Location TBD
The Chaplain Connection Corner Submitted by Gary Dalton, VAVRS Chaplain Agencies and Members, please send information regarding VAVRS members that have passed away between September 1, 2016 and August 31, 2017 to the VAVRS Chaplain. Below is a list of the names that have been submitted to date: (Names are listed in alphabetical order)
Ronald Wayne Alsup – St Charles VRS Larry K. Brie – Clifton Forge RS Nicholas James Briganti – LifeCare MT and Chancellor VF&R Ferdinando “Fred” Broccolo – Chancellor VF&R Russell Charles Brungard – Greater Manassas RS Aux Virginia Wharton Coppedge – Madison County RS Ruth P. Vtipil Dalton – Hopewell Emergency Crew Eugene Tildon Edmonds Sr. - Renan VFD Dennis Lee Edwards – Brunswick VRS Thomas Ackie Gwaltney – Surry VRS Edward Raymond “Eddie” Hall – Westmoreland County VRS Ian Thomas Johns – LifeCare MT Elva Ray “Ray” Johnson – Forest View RS Aux Carol Kenney - West Hanover VRS Aux Georgia Ann Coffelt Kerns – Shawnee FD Henri G. Moore Jr. – Hanover Fire and EMS Madeline T Spain Moore – Chase City RS Auxiliary James Wallace “Jimmy” Musselman IV – Colonial Beach VRS Charles Kenton Nicely – Lexington LS & FAC / FD Deacon Louis I. Pettigrew Jr. – Concord RS Larry Francis Rhodes – Southside Virginia EC Elsie Lee Rinker – Millwood Station F&R Aux John Jerry Robertson - Renan VFD Betty Jo “BJ” Rohr – Staunton-Augusta FA & RS James Eugene Sowder – Blacksburg RS Christine English Spicer – Fredericksburg RS Aux Ruth Guffey Steadman – Bristol LSC Aux Sherri Strader – Stuarts Draft RS Herman Eugene “Gene” Wells – Southside Virginia EC Charles K. “Chuck” White – Henrico VRS
Vinton First Aid Crew EVOC Submitted by Jordan Fifer, NREMT-Public Relations Officer I wanted to submit these photos from our February EVOC class, during which we hosted 22 students from more than 10 agencies taking the class for the first time or refreshing their certification. The class was taught by crew member Aaron Albertson, EMT-E, with assistance from other members at Vinton First Aid Crew, Vinton Volunteer Fire Department, and Back Creek Volunteer Fire Department. We're also grateful to Salem Rescue Squad for loaning a crash truck for use during the practical portion of the course.
VAVRS Life Membership Application Due Date Change To : All VAVRS Officers, BOGs, Member Squads FR: Steve Davis, Life Member Committee Chairman Re: VAVRS Life Member Application Due Date Change Date: March 20, 2017 VAVRS BOG's, VAVRS Officers, Fellow VAVRS Members: Your Life Membership Committee would like to remind everyone of the following change for 2017 Life Membership Applications only! Life Membership Applications are due in the VAVRS State Office by 5:00 p.m., 60 days prior to the opening of the Annual Conference (Convention). However this year that date falls on a Saturday, July 29, 2017. Since the cut-off date falls on a weekend day when the office is not open, the deadline for receipt of Life Member Applications will be extended until Monday, July 31, 2017, at 5:00 p.m. Beginning with the VAVRS start of the 2018 year on Sunday immediately following this year’s Conference, the deadline for receipt of Life Member Applications for 2018 must be received in the VAVRS by 5:00 p.m. March 1, 2018 as approved by the BOGs. THANKS for all you do for your crew, your community, our VAVRS organization, and for the citizens and visitors to our great Commonwealth! Steve Davis, Chair, VAVRS Life Committee
Golf Cart Raffle Helps Raise Funds for Colonial Beach Volunteer Rescue Squad Submitted by Sara Hunt, PR Attention golf lovers! Colonial Beach Volunteer Rescue Squad is selling 1,500 raffle tickets for a 2017 electric EZ-GO Golf Cart. The drawing will be held on Sunday, September 3. The cart can travel at a speed of up to 20 miles per hour, which is designated as street-legal in Colonial Beach. Other features include: Electric blue color Upholstered seating for up to four passengers Low-profile tires with polished chrome rims Head lights and tail lights Windshield Runs on AC 36-volt battery (charger included) Raffle tickets are $20 each and can be purchased from any CBVRS squad member or by calling Assistant Chief Pat FitzGerald at 804-761-5115. “Funds raised from this raffle will be used for squad operations, training and equipment,” said Joey Straughan, Chief of CBVRS. “This top of the line golf cart will be the envy of everyone on the course, so get in the swing and buy a ticket while they’re still available!” Official
There are many reasons why individuals enter the profession of Emergency Medical Services. For some it is a passage started by their parents, friend, or neighbor. For others it is the desire to do something that brings fulfillment in a career, as a volunteer or as a part of a team. For whatever reason one chooses to join this profession, these individuals dedicate their lives to prehospital emergency health care. Emergency Medical Services week celebrates the service of EMS and those individuals who selfishly dedicate themselves to their fellow man.
EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES WEEK 2017 BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA A PROCLAMATION During Emergency Medical Services (EMS) Week, we express our gratitude for the hundreds of thousands of skilled personnel who help save lives in communities across the United States each year. Through the hard work and dedication of these career and volunteer first responders, Americans receive the finest emergency medical treatment in their most vulnerable moments. We also honor those EMS providers who have made the ultimate sacrifice and given their lives in the line of duty. Day or night, in every city, suburb, rural community, or wilderness area, our Nation relies upon EMS providers to respond to every kind of emergency situation to save lives and reduce suffering. In January, when more than 70 tornadoes touched down in Georgia and Mississippi, injuring many, EMS responders were there to help. In March, when wildfires threatened Kansas, Colorado, Oklahoma, and Texas, taking lives and forcing thousands from their homes, our EMS personnel were there providing urgent medical care and patient transportation. Last month, when flooding and tornadoes ravaged Missouri, Arkansas, and Texas, EMS personnel once more came to their neighbors' aid. Whether they are assisting during natural disasters or providing lifesaving care after car accidents, heart attacks, sports injuries, or violent crime, EMS personnel respond to tens of millions of requests for help each year in our country. We rest easier knowing that they stand ready to answer the call. Over the past 50 years, our Nation's EMS system has evolved with ever -developing medical, transportation, and communications technologies to meet the changing needs of our communities. The EMS Agenda 2050 project -- a joint effort by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, the Department of Health and Human Services, the Department of Homeland Security, and the EMS community -- will help develop a vision for meeting our communities' future emergency medical services needs and improve the health of all Americans. We commend these efforts to develop innovative new treatments, advance and adapt medical skills, establish stronger professional standards, and promote public education and health. This week, we thank our EMS professionals for their sustained commitment to excellence and dedication to service, and share our hopes for a bright future that will make us all safer and healthier. NOW, THEREFORE, I, DONALD J. TRUMP, President of the United States of America, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and the laws of the United States, do hereby proclaim May 21 through May 27, 2017, as Emergency Medical Services Week. I encourage all Americans to observe this occasion by showing their support for local EMS professionals through appropriate programs, ceremonies, and activities. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this nineteenth day of May, in the year of our Lord two thousand seventeen, and of the Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and forty -first. DONALD J. TRUMP
The Faces of VA Beach EMS Career & Volunteers
Photos Submitted by Bobby Hill
Chancellor Volunteer Fire and Rescue Department Submitted by Steve Dove The Chancellor Volunteer Fire and Rescue Department participated in the 4th Annual Fredericksburg Kids EXPO on Saturday, February 11th and Sunday, February 12th at the Fredericksburg EXPO & Conference Center in Fredericksburg, Virginia. Chancellor Volunteer Fire & Rescue personnel provided participants with an up close look inside a firetruck. The kids were able to try on some of the protective gear that firefighters wear during an emergency. A Hands-Only CPR booth was also offered and allowed participants the opportunity to practice the American Heart Association’s Compressions Only CPR skills. The American Heart Association indicates that 80% of out-ofhospital cardiac arrests happen in private settings and unfortunately only 41% of those get immediate help before professional help arrives. Each year over 420,000 out-of-hospital cardiac arrests occur in the United States. “If Hands-Only CPR is immediately performed, a victims chances of survival can double or triple” according to Chancellor Volunteer Fire & Rescue Department’s President Steve Dove, who coordinated this valuable training program as a volunteer with the American Heart Association. “Most people feel helpless during a cardiac emergency because they don’t know how to perform CPR or they are afraid they will hurt the victim,” Dove stated. HandsOnly CPR requires just two simple steps: Call 911 and push hard and fast in the center of the chest. Push to the tempo of Stayin’ Alive by the Bee Gees. Chancellor Volunteer Fire & Rescue Department trained 327 participants during the Kids EXPO in Hands-Only CPR, resulting in being named the 2nd highest number of individuals learning this skill throughout the country at a single event. Dove was also named the top American Heart Association Volunteer Facilitator in the nation for his role in organizing this training program at the Kids EXPO.
2017 Emergency Medical Services Week 5/21/2017—05/27/2017 WHEREAS, the health, safety, and security of Virginians is important to the prosperity and welfare of the Commonwealth; and WHEREAS, first responders, emergency medical technicians, and paramedics stand ready to provide compassionate, lifesaving care 24 hours per day, seven days per week, to dramatically improve the survival and recovery rate of those in sudden need of care; and WHEREAS, emergency medical responders are supported by emergency medical dispatchers, firefighters, law enforcement officers, educators, administrators, researchers, emergency nurses, emergency physicians, and others; and WHEREAS, the people of our great Commonwealth are thankful for the work of more than 34,000 Emergency Medical Services providers and over 630 agencies, who provide for the well-being and safety of our Commonwealth’s families and communities; and WHEREAS, this year’s theme “Always in Service” represents emergency medical services provider’s incredible commitment to being prepared to respond at a moment’s notice, to continuing the necessary education to deliver the highest quality prehospital care, and to always providing community outreach that promotes and protects the health of all Virginians; NOW, THEREFORE, I, Terence R. McAuliffe, do hereby recognize May 21-27, 2017, as EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES WEEK In our COMMONWEALTH OF VIRGINIA, and I call this observance to the attention of all our citizens.
Dear Rescue Ranger Dear Rescue Ranger, We have listened to your advice for many years know and frankly when you give us advice regarding our health it is a little bit humorous. I don’t mean to be cruel, but seriously, do you even exercise? Buff in Bristol Dear Tim S., I have you know I have a very strict exercise program. Here is a list of the exercises I complete every day, I jump to conclusions, climb the walls, drag my heels, push my luck, make mountains out of molehills, bend over backward, run around in circles, put my foot in my mouth, go over the edge, and beat around the bush. Dear Rescue Ranger, How is your EMT class going? Former EMT Instructor Dear Page E., I am worried about several students. For example, we were going through some scenarios and there came a time the student had to assist the patient in taking a medication. He called medical control and said, “Do I have permission to administer some prepared tablets of acetylsalicylic acid?” I asked, “Do you mean aspirin?” and the student said, “That’s it!, I can never remember the name.” Also, In another classroom scenario I told the student we had a call regarding a teenager with an elevated temperature. The EMT student was obtaining a medical history from the another EMT student that was role playing as the teenage patient’s mother and she said she was very concerned. “He must have a temperature,” she said. “He Official
hasn’t taken our motorcycle out all day.” “Let me ask you,” the EMT student said. “Do you have a thermometer?” “No,” she said. “A Kawasaki.” Also, In another scenario an EMT student that was obtaining patient demographics another student who was role playing a repeat patient. She asked, “Has your address changed?” “No,” the patient answered. “Your phone number?” “No.” “What about your birthday?” Also, I was with an EMT student that was obtaining a pain score and asked the patient "On a scale of zero to ten, with zero representing no pain and ten representing excruciating pain, what would you say your pain level is now?" The patient shook his head and said, "Oh, I don’t know. I’m not good with math." Also, I wrote up a scenario involving a little boy that had ingested part of a plug-in air freshener. I told the students to use their imagination in completing the ePCR. One student documented that he completed a quick assessment, quick transport, consulted Poison Control, monitored the patient and transported to the ER His final comment was “Patient doing well and smells good." Also, I had each student write a scenario and one student wrote one involving a pregnancy complication. He wrote that the
patient kept screaming, ‘Shouldn’t, couldn’t, wouldn’t, can’t!’" I asked him, why would a patient scream those words?. He said, "Oh, that would be normal, if she was having contractions." Also, We went to a call at a local dance club. The patient stated he was dancing at the party, tripped and stubbed his toe. His toe was swollen and purple and after completing an assessment and recommending transport to a local ER the patient decided to refuse transport. Before leaving the patient asked the EMT student whether there was something he could do on his own to speed his healing. The EMT student said, "Take dancing lessons." Dear Rescue Ranger, Heard you had an encounter with the police recently while responding to a call. Tell me about it. Genius in Goochland Dear Eddie F., My pager beeped, summoning me to a call. As I raced toward the squad, a patrol car sped up behind me—lights flashing, siren blaring. So I hung my stethoscope out the window to signal that I was on an emergency call. Within seconds came the policeman’s response: a pair of handcuffs flapping outside the police car window. Page
PO Box 279 2535 Turkey Creek Road Oilville, VA 23129 ISSN 0279-6023
Virginia Association of Volunteer Rescue Squads, Inc.
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"Greater Love Hath No Man Than This, That A Man Lay Down His Life For His Friends." John 15:13
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HAVING AN IN-DEPTH UNDERSTANDING OF YOUR NEEDS AND GOALS IS THE WAY WE SERVE YOU The Virginia Association of Volunteer Rescue Squads is THE voice of EMS…. the advocate for our members, Virginia’s EMS agencies and providers. We link members and agencies for the purpose of sharing ideas, giving you a voice at the General Assembly, on state advisory boards, as well as on state and local committees. When our members have training issues or needs, they come to the VAVRS. When our members need assistance from leadership to budgets they come to the VAVRS. We help rescue squads throughout the Commonwealth thrive and succeed so they can provide prompt, effective patient care 24/7 in the communities they serve.
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