Lifeline sep oct 2014

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Wednesday, September 24 through Saturday, September 27, 2014 Headquarters: Virginia Beach Resort Hotel & Conference Center Virginia Beach, VA







2013-2014 VAVRS Officers President Rickey Hodge Secretary Scott Davis Treasurer Steve Grayson Training Officer Cecil Leach Chaplain Darleen Ferguson Historian Dreama Chandler Editor Gary Dalton Legal Advisor S. Craig Lane Parliamentarian J. C. Phillips Lobbyist Ed Rhodes Immediate Past President Edward B. Bish Jr. Medical Advisor James R. Dudley, MD, MBA

District 1 V. P. Steve Southworth District 2 V. P. Carolyn White District 3 V. P. Kenny Frenier District 4 V. P. Gary Dalton District 5 V. P. L. Frank Smith District 6 V. P. Doug Adams District 7 V. P. Coby Fizer District 8 V. P. Steven Reynolds District 9 V. P. Darrell Beavers District 10 V. P. George Langford Office Manager Frances Brooks Training Coordinator Kathy Eubank Administrative Secretary Shirley Bagby

2013-2014 VAVRS Committee Chairs Nominating: Bruce Stratton Membership: Kim Craig VRSAWG: Bruce Edwards VRSAWG: Gary Dalton VRSAWG: Karen Wagner By-Laws: Bruce Edwards Lifeline: Gary Dalton Conference: Ford Wirt Camporee: Ronnie Slough Finance: Steve Grayson Scholarship: Carolyn Brand EMS Memorial: Kevin Dillard Grant: Elizabeth Papelino Facility Manager: Lin Matthews Web Page: Gary Dalton

Legislative: Dreama Chandler Legislative: Edward B. "Bubby" Bish Jr. Rescue College: Rickey Hodge Rescue College: Wayne Myers Human Resources: Kim Craig Life Membership: Ronnie Slough Rescue Hall of Fame: Ford Wirt EMS Advisory Board: Dreama Chandler EMS Advisory Board: Wayne Myers Strategic Planning: Karen Wagner New Course Development: Wayne Myers Recruitment and Retention: Fran Phillips Recruitment and Retention: Bobby Hill Volunteer Management: A. Page Entsminger EMS Exchange Program: Jane Laverne

2013-2014 VAJVRS Officers President Cora Fearnow District 4 VP Connor Smith Vice President Victoria Gaudin District 7 VP Patrick Jones Secretary/Treasurer Elizabeth Pittman Advisor, Chair Alfred Smith Chaplain Montana Looney Advisor Brandon Baugus Historian Danielle McCormick Advisor Woody Conner District 1 VP Emily Snyder Advisor Micky Grodski District 3 VP Cora Fearnow Advisor Steve Dove Official







2013-2014 AVAVRS Officers President - Sharon Campbell Immediate Past President - Fern Puckett Vice President - Harry Householder Midwestern VP - Nancy Linkous Secretary - Dolores Hudson Northeastern VP - Debbie Smallwood Treasurer - Patsy Wingfield Southcentral VP - Clara Craig Chaplain - Ailease Short Southeastern VP - Fay Browning Historian - Linda Berkstresser Southwestern VP - Valarie Becker Parliamentarian - Maxie Skeen Western VP - Debbie Rohr

For a complete list of the current courses being offered by the VAVRS—go to

2013-2014 AVAVRS Committee Chairs Conference: Vickie Arnold Conference: Sheila Gordon Nominating: Ruth Swicegood Life Membership: Carolyn Brand Emergency Care: Laura Booze Resolutions: Maxie Skeen

Membership: Harry Householder Finance: Patsy Wingfield Roll Call: Donna Porter Roll Call: Valarie Becker Fundraising: Stacey Frame

Deadline for the Upcoming Issues of the VIRGINIA LIFELINE Articles may be submitted by any member of the VAVRS, AVAVRS and VAJVRS. Feature articles are encouraged. Photos and/or graphics are acceptable and can be returned if requested. Contact the Editor if you need assistance in writing an article at Deadline for future issues as follows: August 10, 2014 for September/October Issue September 1, 2014 for Conference Issue October 10, 2014 for November/December Issue December 10, 2014 for January/February 2015 Issue

THE VIRGINIA LIFELINE ISSN 0279-6023 is the official bimonthly publication of the Virginia Association of Volunteer Rescue Squads, Inc. Editorial material should be sent directly to the VAVRS Editor at P O Box 522 Woodstock, VA 22664 (H) 540-459-4849 (W) 540-536-2758 (FAX) 540-459-4925 (C) 540-481-0125 Requests for advertising rates, material specifications and deadlines should be directed to the Editor.







Photos from 2014 VAVRS Rescue College Make plans now to join us for the 2015 VAVRS Rescue College June 12-21, 2015 Virginia Tech





















CPR Cited as Critical Skill in Saving Local Child’s Life Submitted by Sara Hunt, Touch Points Public Relations

sucked down headfirst in the quicksand-like conditions.

Colonial Beach, VA (Aug. 5, 2014) – A summer outing almost turned tragic for a Colonial Beach-area family recently. Fortunately, the knowledge of basic CPR skills prevented a parent’s worst nightmare—the accidental drowning of a child.

“We were right there and he just disappeared in the blink of an eye,” she said, adding that he was “purple and lifeless” when pulled out of the water. Beatris, who had gotten certified in CPR while living in another state but had never used CPR on a real person, began giving mouth-to-mouth resuscitation and also pushing on his chest.

Beatris Mendez, a resident of Montross, Va., still shudders when she talks about almost losing her 13-month old son, Carlos. She and her husband, father, two children and four siblings had been enjoying their visit to a local site on June 30. She believes that Carlos fell into the water while reaching for a ball that he had been playing with and was quickly

“I truly thought it was too late, but after three times he started coughing and spitting out the debris,” she recalled. “Then my husband, Artemio, took over and put Carlos on his lap face-down and patted his back to help the baby expel more debris. Artemio also kept Carlos alert until medical assistance arrived.” Local rescue teams from Colonial Beach Volunteer Rescue Squad and Oak Grove Fire Department quickly offered emergency care. CBVRS initiated advanced life support procedures and drove Carlos to a nearby landing zone where he was air-lifted to a Pediatric ICU in Fairfax, Va. After a 24-hour observation and some antibiotics against bacteria, a healthy Carlos was returned to his very relieved parents and family members.



Mendez credits everyone involved with helping to save her son’s life. “My husband, father, sister, rescue workers and I all played a role. We will never forget that terrifying moment when we almost lost our baby, our angel,” she said. According to Wesley Melson, Rescue Chief of Colonial Beach Volunteer Rescue Squad, the incident had a happy ending thanks to Mendez knowing CPR and springing into action without hesitation. “Most drownings are avoidable with proper use of floatation devices and some basic training in Hands-Only CPR,” he said, noting that water-related emergencies always increase during the summer months. “It’s an important skill for everyone to learn, from teens to adults. Saving the life of a loved one could depend on it.” For more information about water safety and Hands-Only CPR, contact Wesley Melson, Rescue Chief of CBVRS, at May




CVFR President Honored as Hometown Hero Submitted by Sara Hunt, Touch Points Public Relations Beth Addington, current President of Chancellor Volunteer Fire & Rescue, was recently selected as a 2014 Fredericksburg area “Hometown Hero” by the law firm of Allen, Allen, Allen & Allen. This year, fifty honorees around Virginia were chosen as winners of the statewide annual awards competition, which celebrates local acts of kindness. A life member of CVFR and Fredericksburg Volunteer




Rescue Squad, Addington is a past recipient of the Governor’s EMS Provider of the Year Award. In her work with CVFR, she organizes the 9 -1-1 For Kids program to educate second-graders on the proper use of the 911 system. Other activities in the emergency services arena include volunteering as an American Heart Association instructor, teaching CPR and spending many Saturdays assisting with local EMT classes. “I was honored to be nominated as a Hometown Hero,” said Addington. “I am just one of many volunteer providers in the fire and rescue system that has been fortunate to have had outstanding instructors and inspirational leaders to



follow. I'm proud of my roots in the volunteer service and humbled by being a recipient of this prestigious award.” Kevin Dillard, Administrative Chief of Chancellor Volunteer Fire & Rescue, praised Addington for her dedication to making a positive change in the Fredericksburg/ Spotsylvania community and in the lives of others. “Beth is a natural leader and a true inspiration to all of us on the CVFR team,” he said. “We’re very proud of her for receiving this well-deserved award.” For more information about Hometown Heroes, visit hometown-heroes.



VAVRS Nominating Committee Report Submitted by Bruce Stratton, VAVRS Nominating Committee Chair

President Rickey Hodge Vice President Kim Craig Treasurer Steve Grayson Secretary Scott Davis Chaplain Mike Smoot Training Officer Cecil Leach

AVAVRS Nominating Committee Report Submitted by Ruth Swicegood, AVAVRS Nominating Committee Chair

President Sharon Campbell, Cave Spring Aux, Southcentral District Vice President Harry Householder, Loudoun Aux, Northeastern District Treasurer Patsy Wingfield, Cave Spring Aux, Southcentral District Secretary Dolores Hudson, Franklin County Aux, Midwestern District Historian Linda Berkstresser, Lexington Aux, Western District Chaplain Ailease Short, Brunswick Aux, Southeastern District I encourage others to run: it would be nice to have two people running for each office. I hope to have the slate of officers in the Lifeline as well as sending out the slate to all Auxiliaries prior to the Convention. P. S.

I want to thank everyone for the thoughts and cards that I received while I was sick. Thanks to your prayers, I am doing okay!







indefinitely " is a motion that the assembly declines to take a position on the main question. Its adoption kills the main motion (for the duration of the session) and avoids a direct vote on the question." The assembly can now bring up the postponed motion at a later meeting or session, if it desires, otherwise the motion dies.

The 60 Second Parliamentarian Tip Submitted By J.C. Phillips, VAVRS Parliamentarian

motion later at another meeting.

Is a motion to "Table" something the same as a motion to "Postpone" something? I wrote on this subject about 14 years ago and since I still get questions on this subject, I thought I would write about it again in more detail.

Robert's Rules of Order (RRO) suggests that the following words be used when laying something on the table, "I move to lay the question on the table" or "I move that the resolution be laid on the table." Most people just make a motion to lay it on the table or to table the motion. (RRO) says to avoid saying it this way. (I don't know why?) After a question has been laid on the table, it can be taken from the table by a majority vote, later in the same meeting or session. If a motion is not made to take it off the table, it dies.

To table something and to postpone something is often not used properly. There is a difference between the two. Both deals with not voting on the main motion immediately that is pending on the floor. Lay on the Table deals with the possibility of voting on the main motion later in the same meeting. To Postpone deals with the possibility of voting on the main Official




To make a motion to postpone something or to postpone VAVRS

In conclusion, to table something means it has to be settled later during the same meeting or session if desired and to postpone something, it has to be settled at a later meeting or session if desired. If you want to delay the vote on a main motion, just make sure you use the right words to avoid confusion.

J. C. Phillips busy concentrating at a recent District Vice President’s Meeting‌.you know, the more I think about it, some photos just need a caption! Thanks for the photo Frank.
















A Not-So-Serious Moment On Duty

VA Beach EMS Units staging at Cherrystone Eastern Shore Tornado

Davis Corner Volunteer Rescue Squad’s 2014 Braun Ambulance

Tidewater Emergency Medical Services Council Picnic Page


Marine Rescue Team Oceanfront Standby Event

EMT Academy Class 03 Halfway Lunch May




Report From District 5

Hello from District 5. Sure hope everyone has had a wonderful Summer and is looking forward to coming to Conference. It looks like we just finished last year’s Conference and now we are gearing up for this year’s Conference. District 5 has been busy holding district meetings during the past year. Hosting squads have included Gretna Rescue, Altavista EMS, Appomattox Rescue, Campbell County Rescue and Kenbridge Emergency Crew. The District has held ALS, BLS and EVOC competition at each of the district meetings and has attracted teams from other districts to compete. Our competitions are always open to anyone that would like to come and sharpen their skills and compete on the district level, Publication


meeting were Margie Vassar, Rhonda Morgan and Joan Smoot.

At our July meeting, hosted by Kenbridge Emergency Crew, Woody Conner was awarded District Life Membership.

BLS competition is arranged by Bob Marion, BLS coordinator for District 5. At the July meeting we had 3 teams competing. First place was won by Altavista EMS, 2nd place by Danville and 3rd by Southside Petersburg, Jrs.

This year the District created a new type of way to honor those people in the district that contribute time, effort and support the District and that are not active members of a District 5 squad. Those receiving Honorary Life Membership at the July

Submitted by Joan Smoot, District 5 Historian


whether it is senior squad, auxiliary or junior members; everyone is welcome.


The Burleigh Vassar Award was won by Kenbridge Emergency Crew for overall participation. EVOC competition continues to grow in the District. Each

Woody Connor was awarded District Five Life Membership




Gordon Reese Chase City Rescue October 21, 2013 Herbert House Danville Life Saving Crew December 11, 2013 Jimmy Powers Bedford Co. Life Saving Crew February 6, 2014 Philip Hicks Mecklenburg Rescue March 8, 2014 Becky Morgan Campbell Co. Rescue & Auxiliary April 20, 2014

Margie Vassar receives District Five Honorary Life Membership

meeting, rain, snow, sleet or hail, you will find Jack and Rhonda Morgan out on the EVOC course. Jack always has an interesting course and test ready for anyone to compete in. It doesn’t matter whether you are a first time driver or an old hand at it, Jack and Rhonda are there waiting patiently and watching as each driver maneuvers around the course hoping not to hit the cones and perform in record time. This seems to be the favorite as it has grown from having 3 or 4 competing to having as many as 15-19 competing at each Page


Hope to see everyone at Conference and good luck to everyone that will be competing!

meeting. Jack encourages everyone to come and drive his course. He loves doing this and Rhonda, I think, loves it as much as he does! Since last year’s Conference, District 5 has lost several members. Those that will be remembered are: Josephine (Jo) House Danville Life Saving Auxiliary September 4, 2013

Rhonda Morgan receives District Five Honorary Life Membership May




AVAVRS Conference Information Submitted by Sharon K. Campbell, AVAVRS President It is almost time for us to head to the beach for the 2014 AVAVRS Conference. Your Conference Chair, Vickie Arnold, Conference Co-Chair, Sheila Gordon and I met with the hotel staff as well as the VAVRS Conference Committee on August 8th and 9th to finalize the plans for the event. We think we have everything in place and look forward to having a great time at the beach. As a reminder, the Opening Ceremony will begin at 6:00 on Wednesday at the Virginia Beach Convention Center, Suite 5. The first AVAVRS Delegates meeting will begin at 1:00 pm in the Chesapeake Room. From 4 pm to 7 pm each of you are invited to a Family Picnic which will be held at Red Wing Park in Virginia Beach (please be sure that the state office is aware of the number you will have attending). Bring a chair or a blanket and enjoy the amenities of the park, a free meal and great fellowship. The Friday Business meeting will begin at 10:00 am, again in the Chesapeake Room. Don’t forget the Parade will start at 7:00 pm on Friday followed by Casino Night in the Sunset Ballroom sponsored by the VAJVRS. The AVAVRS Breakfast will be Official




held on Saturday at 8:00 am in the Chesapeake Room with the meeting to follow. The day will be rounded out with the Awards and Installation Service at the Virginia Beach Convention Center starting at 4:00 pm. This information is online but if you have any questions please call me or the state office. I have been working on the classes to be offered at Rescue College in June 2015. To make the classes interesting, there will be some different ideas offered next year. Mark your calendars now and plan to attend this class. As I said last year, you learn so much from each other.

I want to thank each of you in advance for your hard work in selling raffle tickets. Many of you have helped sell tickets for the VAVRS Raffle, It is important that we try to sell these in hopes that we can keep the price of future conferences reasonable. Please remember that you do not have to be present to win and there are 20 - $500.00 cash prizes. If course it is important to sell the AVAVRS Raffle tickets. VAVRS

Again, you do not have to be present to win and the top prize is $500.00 with six district prizes also available. For those attending conference remember that on Saturday night we will be selling 50/50

chances. Some lucky winner will leave after the award ceremony with a pocket full of cash. I want to thank each of you for the privilege of serving as your AVAVRS President this past year. This year we have gone many places together and we are almost on our final leg of the 2013-14 journey. From you reports it is obvious that you are important asset to your crews and the VAVRS. Keep up the good work. Page


Crew Picnic—Cave Spring Rescue Squad Auxiliary Submitted by Sharon K. Campbell, Cave Spring Auxiliary The members of the Cave Spring Rescue Squad Auxiliary have taken it fairly easy this summer. Many hours have been spent working on our Auxiliary Scrapbook. We have found that over the years this is a book we often look at. Not just for the memories but to get information and it is always good for a few laughs. Our Historian, Brenda Clark is doing a great job.

Members had a fun game of Bocce and the younger ones ask the volunteers with the fire department to join them in a softball game. I am not sure

who had more fun, the participants in the game or those watching from the sidelines. I won’t say who won the game but those fire department members better watch out next year. We are continuing to make cravats for the crew. The

June 29th, the Auxiliary sponsored a Picnic for members of the crew, auxiliary and their families. Our crew has not had a picnic for several years due to poor attendance but decided to try it again. The Auxiliary provided all the food and the picnic was a huge success. A local resident brought his smoker to the park and cooked barbecue, with side dishes and Bojangles gave us a good price on chicken and sides. Auxiliary members then provided the desserts. Some of the Life Page


handle all donation correspondence for the crew. These are easy projects but are appreciated by our volunteers. Our Annual Yard Sale will be held on 16th of August. From the looks of the crew hall we are going to have lots and lots of treasures to sell. This is a time that we get people into the crew hall, provide a little PR for the crew and line our pockets. The 2014 Conference is on the horizon and we are preparing for a great time visiting with old and new friends. The Conference Committee has worked hard and there are a few changes but it should be a fun time for all. Fall is fast approaching and personally I feel that we really haven’t had summer but to each of you we send our best wishes for a safe and fun end of summer season.

price is right on the ones we make and they also are so much nicer. Phyllis and Edith Martin have headed up this project. The Auxiliary also continues to





District Ten News








The Financial Assistance Review Committee Information taken from the VAOEMS Website The Financial Assistance Review Committee, better known as FARC, is the committee which reviews applications for the Rescue Squad Assistance Fund (RSAF) grants. FARC was created in 1978 by the EMS Advisory Council to carry out the responsibility of reviewing RSAF grant applications and recommend funding. In 1996, FARC was established by §32.1111.12:01 in the Code of Virginia for the purposes of administering the Virginia RSAF grant funds. The purpose of FARC is to review the RSAF grant applications from eligible licensed Emergency Medical Services (EMS) agencies and other eligible not for profit and then make their recommendations for grant awards to the Commissioner of Health. The FARC is composed of six members, including a chairman, who each represent an EMS region throughout Virginia. Each FARC member is appointed by the EMS Advisory Board and serves



a three-year term. No member may serve more than two successive terms. The chairman is elected from the membership of the FARC for a term of one year and is eligible for reelection. Membership on FARC rotates on a cycle so geographic representation is achieved from all EMS regions. The FARC holds quarterly meetings which are typically scheduled the day before each EMS Advisory Board meeting which takes place in February, May, August and November. The FARC meets twice a year for the RSAF awards meeting which are scheduled during the first week of June and December. FARC reports bi-annually after each funding cycle to the EMS Advisory Board and the Commissioner of Health. The FARC reports on the number of grant applications received, the total costs of grant applications funded, the number of grant applications denied funding and the nature of the denied requests and the reason for denying funding.

2014-2015 FARC Members Robert Trimmer (Chair) - ODEMSA Region Barbara Brown - NVEMS Region Karen Wagner – LFEMS Region Mark Nugent – PEMS Region Curtis Sheets – TJEMS Region Dan Norville – TEMS Region For more information regarding FARC or the RSAF grant program, please contact Amanda Davis, Grants Manager at 804-888-9106 or or Linwood Pulling, Grants Specialist at 804-888-9105 or

Grant applications through new E-Gift System are due on March 15 and September 15 each year.


















District One—Call of the Quarter Winner Waynesboro First Aid Crew Submitted by Amy Markham, District One Secretary June 30, 2014. While crew members tried to sleep, the Waynesboro Police were in pursuit of a vehicle that refused to stop when requested. The pursuit went through the city towards the city limits. At 0239 hours the crew was dispatched for an unknown medical emergency. Initially the call was dispatched as BLS. Prior to responding at 0253 hours the call was upgraded to medic level due to a severe neck laceration. Per protocol Aircare 5 was auto launched. The location of the call also required that the county law enforcement be notified. Arriving on scene at 0255 hours a 16-year-old male was lying supine on a sidewalk with a WPD officer and an Augusta County Sheriff deputy attempting to control severe bleeding from the patient's neck. As the patient had exited his vehicle, he used a razor knife to slit his throat. Fortunately the WPD officer was an EMT and the ACS deputy was a medic. It was possible the patient had also taken an overdose as several types of pills were found in his possession.





The patient was unresponsive, skin was pale, cool, and clammy. The laceration was approximately 5-6 inches long. Lung sounds were clear bilaterally, trachea was midline, there was no JVD, and there was equal rise and fall of his chest. The patient's abdomen was soft and non-distended. Extremities and back were unremarkable. The patient was placed on high flow oxygen and placed in the ambulance. At 0302 hours the unit marked enroute to Augusta Health and requested Aircare 5 to rendezvous with them there. At 0304 hours the patient's initial vital signs were blood pressure 94/30, pulse 125, respirations 20, saturated oxygen 99%, and the GCS was l3. Enroute the vital signs were blood pressure 80/46, pulse 109, and saturated oxygen was 100% on room air. Pressure was continuously applied with thumbs and celox. An IV was attempted in the left antecubital with no success.


On arrival at Augusta Health at 0309 hours the report was given to an RN and a physician, and care was transferred. EMS personnel continued to assist with patient care by controlling bleeding until care was turned over to Aircare 5. The patient was transferred to the University of Virginia Medical Center where follow up showed the patient should make a complete recovery. WFAC would like to thank the Waynesboro Police Department and the Augusta County Sheriff's Office for their assistance. There is no question that the outcome would have been drastically different if these two officers had not had medical training.









CFRS Ambulance-Unique Design Clifton Forge Rescue Volunteers VAVRS District One contest at the VAVRS Meeting Report the Submitted by Greg Burton, Conference. Justin Strader

District One Alt. V. P.

Saturday, July 27, 2014 was the date of the most recent District One meeting and EMS competitions. The event was hosted by Clifton Forge Rescue Squad (CFRS) and held on the campus of Dabney S. Lancaster Community College in Clifton Forge, VA. The morning started off with participants arriving between 7:30 and 8:00 am to grab a quick snack and head off to the captain’s meetings for various competitions. Vehicle Extrication modular was the first event scheduled. Team #1 from Staunton-Augusta First Aid Crew got things started and was followed by the team from Covington Rescue Squad. Up next was Waynesboro FAC, then Stuarts Draft Rescue Squad. The fifth and final extrication team of the day was team #2 from StauntonAugusta. The event was the result of a vehicle that had run off of the roadway and struck Official




a pedestrian pushing a stroller. The vehicle had to be secured, and the victim had to be removed from under the front of the vehicle. The driver had fled the scene and the stroller only had miscellaneous items in it (no baby) leaving only one patient to care for. All the participating teams showed a wide variety of knowledge, experience, and skill in handling a complex rescue challenge. In the midst of the vehicle rescue contest, the second event of the day was set to begin. The grueling EVOC course was about to be tackled! As a prelude to competitors showing off their driving skills, a written test was administered to challenge their knowledge of the rules and laws of the road. After finishing the written test, the contestants were split into two groups, instructor and non-instructor, to mimic VAVRS

(Stuarts Draft RS) and Stephen Rohr (StauntonAugusta RS) faced off in the instructor category while Patrick Scott (StauntonAugusta), Nicky Simmons (Boiling Springs RS), Sherry Strader (Stuarts Draft RS), David Price (Waynesboro FAC), and Eddie Joe Entsminger (Covington RS) battled in the non-instructor category. Instead of following tradition and using an ambulance in this event, Clifton Forge EVOC instructor Barry Rose decided to throw a curveball and use their support unit, a Dodge Ram 4 door pickup truck. Everyone enjoyed changing up from the standard modular unit to the truck. The next competition on the agenda was Advanced Life Support. The scenario featured a pediatric case where caregivers were challenged to come up with correct drug (Continued on page 28)



EVOC Instructor 1st Place-Justin Strader

Junior BLS 1st Place-Stuarts Draft

ALS 1st Place-Staunton Augusta RS



Extrication 1st Place-Staunton Augusta RS

Senior BLS 1st Place-Waynesboro FAC

VP Award-Waynesboro FAC





(Continued from page 26)

dosages and life saving measures for a child who was in a supra-ventricular tachycardia and respiratory distress. Providers who have extended their knowledge and skill-set beyond the basic EMT level were definitely on display here. Thanks to Staunton-Augusta, Covington, and Stuarts Draft for participating in this event. Last, but not least, on the morning schedule was the EMT (BLS) contest. In this event rescuers had to help a person who was participating in the “Cold Water Challenge”. This individual had jumped from a swinging bridge not realizing how shallow the water actually was. Providers had to deal with a fractured femur among the variety of injuries he sustained. Teams from Boiling Springs, Burnsville, Covington, Staunton Augusta, Stuarts Draft, and Waynesboro participated in this event. After the contests were completed, Vic’s Restaurant in Clifton Forge provided a delicious, hot lunch complete with desserts. What a way to make a good day so-far, even better. Yum Yum. With lunch in our bellies, and everyone anxiously awaiting the announcement of the award winners from the contest, District VP Steve Southworth called our meeting to order. After an opening prayer from Official




VAVRS Chaplain Emeritus Page Entsminger, Alt. VP Greg Burton introduced the District One Life Members in attendance. District One boasts 17 life members and there were 10 in attendance on this day. State officers, Steve GraysonTreasurer, Cecil LeachTraining Officer, and Kim Robbie Blackburn-District-1 Life Member Craig-who was appointed interim Vice President until conference, were also recognized for their attendance. Vendors from Southeastern Emergency Equipment and Vest’s Sales and Service were also thanked for being at the meeting. Officers and guests gave various reports and, as always at Scott Masincup-District-1 Life Member the July meeting, there was an officer election held for recognition of two longtime three (3) positions. Steve supporters of District One. Southworth from Wintergreen Throughout the year until the VRS was nominated for District end of May, applications are VP, Bobby Varner from Falling accepted for individuals to be Spring VRS was nominated for considered for life membership treasurer, and Della Hylton in the district. In June, a from Buchanan VRS was dinner meeting was held for all nominated for Chaplain. With previously elected life each of these individuals members and guests. During running unopposed, they were this dinner meeting, the life elected by a unanimous ballot members in attendance gather cast by VAVRS Past President, to review and discuss any new Life Member and highly applications received. Robbie respected District One Life Blackburn (Waynesboro FAC) Member, Page Entsminger. All and Scott Masincup (Stauntonother officer positions will be Augusta RS) were introduced appointed by the VP. as the newest recipients of life Next up was the special VAVRS

membership. Page


Now that elections were over, special awards had been given out, and all the business had been discussed, IT�S TROPHY TIME!! Teams and individuals were recognized in the following categories: Man-Mile Award Staunton-Augusta Activity Report 2nd place Covington 1st place Waynesboro EVOC—Instructors 2nd place Steve Rohr Staunton-Augusta 1st place Justin Strader Stuarts Draft EVOC Non-Instructor 3rd place Sherry Strader Stuarts Draft 2nd place Nicki Simmons Boiling Springs 1st place Patrick Scott Staunton Augusta

EMT (Junior) 2nd place Waynesboro 1st place Stuarts Draft EMT (Senior) 3rd place Covington 2nd place Staunton Augusta 1st place Waynesboro Vice Presidents Award for total points accumulated on the day: Waynesboro After all of the competition trophies had been handed out, there was still one rather large trophy still on the table. Ronnie Slough from Buena Vista RS was asked to come forward; Ronnie explained that the last remaining award was the Bennie Rice Memorial Trophy. Awarded annually at the July meeting, this is given in memory of Mr. Rice who was a former

member of BVRS and recognizes the team who has garnered the most points in the EMT contest at the previous 4 meetings. This is a special award that gives a greater incentive to have a BLS competition team at each district meeting. The award on this day was presented to Stuarts Draft Rescue Squad. With all other business being completed, Boiling Springs RS was introduced as the host squad for the next district meeting which will be held on, Oct 26, 2014 and the meeting was adjourned. All-in-all, with approximately 125 members and guests in attendance, representing 22 different volunteer organizations in District One, it was a great day for competitions, business, and bonding and we look forward to seeing everyone at the beach in September!

Vehicle Extrication 3rd place Staunton Augusta 2nd place Waynesboro 1st place Staunton Augusta Advanced Life Support 2nd place Covington 1st place Staunton Augusta Page


Bennie Rice Award-Stuarts Draft RS May




The “Real� Attic As I begin this report, as usual, I am late getting it to the Editor. The process has begun to get caught up after three days of recertification class and practical sessions. My thanks to Monty Dixon and her staff at Henrico Fire for putting up with me for those three days. Since my last article busy is the term to be used. Carol and I have visited a number of districts and will continue to do so through the end of August. We certainly appreciate the hospitality that has been afforded to us. I think that by conference we will have visited all the districts with the exception of three. We have two new representatives for VAVRS on the EMS Advisory Board, Valeta Daniels from District 3 and Denene Hannon from District 6. Congratulations to both of you and we look forward to working with you over the next, at least, three years. Speaking of the advisory board, Official




questions are still coming up about the background checks. There are some issues on the checks, but OEMS has asked for some time to work these out with the state police. It will take some time, but should be accomplished to better the system. But you must know that this is working. Two applicants have been termed "not acceptable" because of out of state criminal records. This is exactly what the checks are meant to do. Had we only been doing the state checks, they would not have been caught. The EMS terminology legislative package is still being worked on, but the "first" final draft is in the hands of the workgroup and will be going out to stakeholders by the first of September. You will have about thirty days to review and make comments. The EMS Advisory Board will tackle this at their November meeting. Over the summer, I have attended numerous legislative meetings along with the advisory board meetings. In VAVRS

early August, Kim Craig, Steve Southworth, Bubby Bish and myself met with staff of the Joint Legislative Audit and Review Commission (JLARC). We spent two hours discussing VAVRS, its history, training, membership, etc. The reason is that in the 2014 session as resolution was introduced to study the Line of Duty Act. This meeting was a part of it. Very informative and we felt productive. I also attended a meeting presented by OEMS on the proposed specifications for new ambulances, what it entails, and the approximate cost. One reminder though. If you have an idea for legislation, please solicit thoughts from the Legislative Committee before moving too far with it. Gives us an idea of what is out there for the coming session. We are looking forward to seeing each and everyone one of you at the 80th Conference to renew friendships and enjoy the week at the beach.









OLD LEADERSHIP—ASSISTING—NEW LEADERSHIP Submitted by Fran Phillips, VAVRS Recruitment and Retention Committee Chair RUNNING FOR OFFICE: If you are contemplating running for office in an organization [VAVRS, District, Squad or Auxiliary], you should attend every meeting of that organization so that you are well acquainted with what has been discussed and voted on in the past year. If you have never held that particular office [or even if you have] you need to be a shadow of the person who holds the office now. Ask questions: Who, What, When, Why, How? Each office changes with the laws and times of the community you serve. PERSONS WHO ARE PRESENTLY HOLDING AN ELECTED POSITION SHOULD: Be cooperative with the person who has expressed an interest in running for the office you presently hold. Even if you are running for reelecting to that office, answer every question asked and make sure they know the time and energy that the job requires. Time is an extremely important factor in life today. Do they have the time, can they listen, be diplomatic, be dependable? What a great honor and responsibility it is to be a Official




mentor, to a person, helping them have a familiarity with and to begin to understand the office you presently hold. ELECTIONS ARE HELD: You have been elected! You should never have to ask the question - “What do I do now?” Meet with the person who held the job immediately to acclimate yourself to the responsibilities of the job. If you are responsible for going to meetings [County/City/VAVRS, etc.] go to the meetings with the person, who held the job before elections. Know when you will be taking over the office. Most bylaws state a certain time such as: January 1 at 12:00 midnight. At that time the job is yours. The person who had your job should have given you all the material that pertains to your new office before the stated deadline. NEW LEADERS SHOULD: Be


present at every meeting. Your input is vital to your organization. If you hold the position of President [or head of your organization] make certain that your elected officers know what is expected of them and help them in any way to get off to a good start. Be available 24/7 if you are the President or Chief. Explain to your officers and membership that you are on a need to know basis of important issues but not to call or page you at 3:00 a.m. on a minor issue that can be taken care of after 9:00 a.m.. THE MEMBERSHIP: The membership has a responsibility to be at all Membership Meetings, to encourage the leadership by offering to help them with their tasks as leaders and too, along the way, learn to become (Continued on page 33)



On June 27, 2014 Governor Terry McAuliffe announced appointments to various boards. Appointed to represent the VAVRS on the State Emergency Medical Services Advisory Board: (L-R) S. Denene Hannon Paramedic, Salem RS Valeta C. Daniels Paramedic—Bensley-Bermuda VRS Our congratulations to them on their three year appointment and we all look forward to getting to know and working with these two highly respected EMS providers.

(Continued from page 32)

good officers in the future. MAKING PROGRESS THROUGH PARTICIPATION: If EVERYONE in your organization is working together to make your Squad, Auxiliary and/or Junior Squad “THE BEST”, the members and community will appreciate your effort for excellence. Your organization will move forward and be a pleasant place to come for duty, meetings, and be an esteemed part of your community.







OEMS web-site to find the classes. Ed Rhodes went over some changes that are being worked on. New ambulance specification, back ground checks and a program for RN's to be

District Three Report Submitted by Cindy Swann, District 3 Historian District 3 August meeting was held by Charles City Fire and Rescue. and was held at the Charles City County Social Center. John Robert Charles City Chief welcomed everyone. As always we want to thank there members for there hospitality and a great meal. We had a fairly good turn out. Sorry to say we didn't have any competition. Kenny Frenier's time is up to serve as District 3 VP. Kenny has done a great job this past two years and will miss him as VP. We want to thank him for all of his hard work. Our New District 3 VP is going to have his hands full. Along with his job at Chesterfield Insurers, Warren

Winner is going to be District 3's New VP. Welcome Warren and hope you have a great two years as VP. Valeta Daniels went over CEU. She also reminded everyone that you can go on the computer to check on classes that are coming up. All you have to do is check the VAVRS, ODEMSA and or

able to cross over to Paramedics. Ed also announced that VAVRS has a New Member on the Advisory Board. It is Valeta Daniels who we want to Congratulate and are real proud of her. Last but definitely not least. District 3 has three New Life Members, Kenny Frenier, Vernon Wilson. Congratulation to both of you and for all you have done. Now you will know why this was last. I was the 3rd member that was made a Life Member. I am still in a daze. I want to thank everyone. Our next meeting will be November 1st at Colonial Heights F & EMS at 5:30pm. Come and join us.

Scott Davis, Mayor of Colonial Heights, presents a proclamation to Battalion Chief Donnie Woolard to commend him for 40 years of Volunteer service to Colonial Heights Fire & EMS. Donnie has served the department in every officer position and has recently retired from DuPont. He also teaches for the Department of Fire Programs. He plans to continue serving the department in a new role of assisting the Fire Marshal as Donnie is now a certified Fire Inspector. Official







Colonial Heights Fire & EMS along with the Colonial Heights Auxiliary Police were asked by City Manager Tom Mattis if they would like to take the copper off the old Colonial Heights Courthouse that is set for demolition. He said that the two volunteer organizations could split the proceeds as a fund raising effort. On Saturday August 1 both organizations assembled about 20 members and began the task of removing the copper and placing it into a large dumpster. It took about 5 hours, but the end results were an overflowing dumpster that netted each organization $4,000 each. We were also assisted by Cal’s Towing and Timothy's Home Improvements. It was a creative opportunity and another source of income that organizations might be able to utilize in their localities to raise funds should buildings become available for demolition.

Photos submitted by Kenny Frenier














Grant Research and Writing for Volunteer Fire /EMS Agencies

Submitted by Elizabeth Papelino, VAVRS Grant Committee Chair This class provides an introduction to the grant writing process, offer resources, and allows students to apply basic concepts to proposal writing. This class will go through the 12 steps involved in grant writing including identifying the project, researching funding opportunities, developing a proposal and budget, submitting a letter of intent, accepting the grant, evaluating the project, and submitting the final report. Course Hours: 8 hours

VAVRS Grant Writing Class!* September 24, 2014 0800-1700 Va. Beach Fire/EMS Offered in conjunction with VAVRS Conference *We must have a minimum of 15 people to hold the class

*Go to and click on the training page and search to register.

Refresher Hours: 8 hours Prerequisites: none

If you have questions please e-mail







Dear Rescue Ranger Dear Rescue Ranger, I was in the emergency room the other night and was very perplexed about the unusual behavior of a new ER Doc. Several times while I was there during my shift I saw him run up and down the hallway, yelling, “Tetanus, measles, flu!” It very peculiar behavior and I was curious so asked the nurses about it but none knew what he was doing. Do you have any insight? G. B. Dear Greg, Don’t worry about him. That was Dr. Smith, he thinks he calls all the shots in the emergency room. Dear Rescue Ranger, I had an EMT student ask me, “Would you punish me for some thing I didn’t do? I said, “No, of course not.” He said, “Good, because I didn’t do my last homework assignment!” Still gave him a bad grade but guess he got me didn’t he? Teaching in Tunstall Dear Teaching, I had a student ask me, “Why did the cow jump over the moon?” I said, “Because the farmer had cold hands!” Dear Rescue Ranger, My children are growing up Official




and I don’t like it much. They must be getting older because they have stopped asking me where they came from and refuse to tell you where they’re going. Parenting in Pamplin Dear Pamplin, I agree, by the time we realize that our father was right, we have a son who thinks we’re wrong. Dear Rescue Ranger, Every time I drink a cup of coffee I get a stabbing pain in my eye. Any suggestions? B B Dear Bubby, Take the spoon out of your cup. Dear Rescue Ranger, I see Bubby is wearing his green jacket more often but why did he take his green tie back to the store? T G Dear Tommy, It was too tight. Dear Rescue Ranger, What have you been up to lately? I have not seen you VAVRS

hanging out at the squad as much. Jim Dear J. D. I am writing a book….I am writing it in our basement, I want it to be a best cellar. Dear Rescue Ranger, Our job is so difficult. No one gets out of the way anymore when we are responding with lights/ sirens. They just poke around in front of us and don’t’ yield. They when we get on the interstate running “hot” many people pass us like crazy people and fail to yield to our request for the right-of-way. What is going on with the world? Doug Dear Mr. Eberhardt, I think it is just our human nature for you to feel that way. I mean, isn’t it strange how drivers who go slower than you are idiots and those that go faster are maniacs?









PO Box 279 2535 Turkey Creek Road Oilville, VA 23129 ISSN 0279-6023


Virginia Association of Volunteer Rescue Squads, Inc.

Phone: 804-749-8191 Phone: 800-833-0602 Fax: 804-749-8910 E-mail:

"Greater Love Hath No Man Than This, That A Man Lay down His Life For His Friends." John 15:13

Wednesday, September 24 through Saturday, September 27, 2014 Headquarters: Virginia Beach Resort Hotel & Conference Center Virginia Beach, VA

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