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Tiles for Architecture Design 2015 | 2016

Sustainable building Tiles by Villeroy & Boch meet every aspect of the interna-

mental compatibility of our production. At least 85%

tional parameters required for “sustainable building”.

of the waste produced is recycled. The waste water gen-

All over the world, our tiles feature in architectural pro-

erated by the manufacturing process and the solids it

jects that are classified by the German DGNB, the

contains are almost entirely re-used. Thanks to heat

American LEED and the British BREEAM. The closed

recovery, CO2-emissions can be reduced by about 3000

manufacturing processes that include both traditional

tons per year.

and state-of-the-art technologies, such as digital print, meet the very highest environmental standards. All raw

Not only manufacturing considerations but also the last-

materials used in the ceramic mass, glazes and pastes,

ing quality of the designs of our tiles earn them the “sus-

as well as for packaging the tiles, are evaluated accord-

tainable building” accolade at international level. Both

ing to strict ecological principles.

manufacture and the products themselves are continuously assessed in accordance with the latest independ-

The entire manufacturing process avoids emissions into

ent system and product certifications.

the water, soil and air that would have a detrimental effect on the environment. Heat recovery and continuous

For further information about projects and certifications,

energy-efficiency measures, as well as environmentally

as well as videos and brochures about our environmental

aware waste management, are testimony to the environ-

management, please go to www.respecting-nature.com

EMAS validation

Ecological, environmentally friendly production

V&B Fliesen GmbH was the first German tile manufactur-

V&B Fliesen GmbH has been awarded the Environmental

er to participate in the EMAS (Eco-Management and

Product Declaration (EPD) label by the IBU (Institut für

Audit Scheme), currently the strictest test system for

Bauen und Umwelt e.V.). The Environmental Product

environmental criteria, at Merzig, Mettlach and La

Declaration provides relevant, verifiable and comparable

Ferté-Gaucher. It calls for a continuous, performance-

information on the environmental impact of products.

oriented and regularly measurable optimisation process

This certification allows architects and planners to utilise

in which employees must also be involved.

our products in all properties that have been certified as

In 2013, Bureau Veritas recertified V&B Fliesen GmbH for

satisfying the BREEAM, LEED, DGNB or other comparble

another three years.

international requirements for sustainable building. The IBU, as the administrator of the German EPD program, is part of the ECO PLATFORM, through which it

Technical information

works to promote the harmonisation of national EPD programmes at the European level.




CE mark

The DIN EN ISO 9001 quality management system has

The CE mark indicates that the product complies with the

been documenting the ongoing optimisation of work

requirements of the corresponding EU directive – in par-

processes throughout the company since 1995.

ticular with regard to health protection and the safety of users and consumers – and may thus be freely circulated

DIN EN ISO 14001

on the Community market.

Based on the plan-do-check-act cycle and ongoing improvement in environmental performance, DIN EN

At www.villeroy-boch.com/ce

ISO 14001 specifies the main requirements for identifica-

you will find information on compliance with require-

tion, monitoring and supervision of direct and indirect

ments for the CE mark by porcelain stoneware, glazed

environmental aspects in the company.

vitreous and nonvitreous products from Villeroy & Boch Tiles.

DIN EN ISO 50001 V&B Fliesen GmbH is certified in compliance with

Detailed product-specific values and the declaration of

standard ISO 50001 as a company with particularly ener-

conformity are available on request.

gy-efficient production.

Technical information

All certifications are carried out by Bureau Veritas.




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