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News Around The World




Miami, FL (March 10, 2018) – An up and down breeze of 10-15 knots in a choppy sea and tropical temperatures on Biscayne Bay presented a whole new set of race conditions on the fi nal day of the Bacardi

Cup Invitational Regatta 2018.

In the 72-boat Star fl eet, Diego Negri and Sergio

Lambertenghi (ITA) managed to maintain their lead, retaining pole position as the battle heated up behind, with three teams neck and neck on 14 points apiece.

Robert Scheidt (BRA) /Brian Fatih (USA) led the fi nal race off the starting line, with Negri/

Lambertenghi languishing back around 7th place at the fi rst mark.

A determined fi ght back unfolded from the Italians, accelerating in the fi rst downwind to 3rd and ultimately crossing the fi nish line in 4th, whilst Scheidt/ Fatih lost ground and dropped back to 2nd in the fi nal leg; in an unbelievably close fi nish to the 91st Bacardi Cup.

Negri/ Lambertenghi make history by becoming the fi rst ever Italian team to win, with Negri’s name added to the list of sailing icons on the Bacardi Cup Trophy, and Lambertenghi added to the crew names on the Tito Bacardi Cup. Scheidt/ Fatih upgraded to second, with Eivind Melleby (NOR)/ Joshua Revkin (USA) picking up third. www.sailingscuttlebutt.com



The fi rst 5.5 boat was designed back in 1948 by Charles E. Nicholson, when the Rule of the International 5.5 Metre Class was written. Seventy years after the fi rst boat, K-1, The Deb, was designed, the 5.5 Metre fl eet is returning to the same waters where she was launched, reports Seahorse magazine. The 2018 International 5.5 Metre World Championship in Cowes, UK, will be the highlight of the class’s 70th anniversary year.

With enthusiastic fl eets and devoted sailors in many countries, the International 5.5 Metre remains one of the most numerous Metre classes, and is still very popular around the world.

The 2018 international circuit begins with the Alpen Cup in Torbole, on Lake Garda and ends with the Herbstpreis on Lake Thun, Switzerland in October, with visits to Glücksburg, Lago di Como, Midland, Canada, Travemünde, Copenhagen and Cannes along the way, in addition to two weeks in Cowes for the famous Scandinavian Gold Cup and 5.5 Cups, followed by the World Championship.

Seahorse Magazine Code seil er ideelt for turseilas. Enten de er på rulle, eller skjøtet løst fra baugen. La jernhesten få hvile denne sommeren, vi lagerfører ferdige og ikke minst rimelige seil til de aller fleste båter.

Et moderne Code seil dekker de aller fleste vindvinkler og gir båten god fart også under svært lette vindforhold. Det er lett å håndtere og gir mange muligheter for soloseileren.

Rolly Tasker er et av verdens største seilloft. Med rasjonell produksjon og store innkjøp kan vi tilby seil til svært konkurransedyktige priser, og med god kvalitet. Ta kontakt i dag for tilbud.

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