Listen - Bible Friends Newsletter Camps - Creative Ideas New Info Games Puzzles Prizes, God's Word

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12 | L i s t e n – B i b l e F r i e n d s N e w s l e t t e r Issue 8 Winter 2021 Dr. Katie Canty, Ed.D.

Suz295zy: The Blessing Box that I keep on my home office desk is one of the best ways for me to hear and listen to God daily. Here is the link to find your blessing box:

theirfuture2.035: scriptures











Sometimes, I have to read it again, and again. Or, God provides others like a good parent, teacher or pastor to explain it. motherofPearl: Listen to God in prayer: I keep a simple prayer journal. The PowerPoint link that shows how you can journal listen in 4 different ways is: al-autosaved.pptx

Studentfifty: I was not listening at all. Actually, I was hanging out in some pretty bad places in the worst parts of town. A girl I liked would occasionally ask me to stop by her church. I thought to myself that if I stopped by her church that she would go out with me. When I went to her church, something strange happened on the inside of me. By some power, I made it to the alter and gave my live to Christ. There are still a few bad days but more good ones, lately. Sometimes, my spiritual ear even hears, “the best is yet to come.”

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Listen - Bible Friends Newsletter Camps - Creative Ideas New Info Games Puzzles Prizes, God's Word by Vacation Bible School Anytime Online - Issuu