SECRETARY’S REPORT Happy New Year to all, and I hope you have had a good break with family and friends these last two months. There will be disruptions in the clubrooms over the next few months as we work though our major kitchen renovations, please bear with us on this. The Hub It gives me great pleasure to be able to put the Hub scenario behind me. As you know there are a few members for whatever reason who have found receiving or viewing the magazine online a pain in the butt. I would like to thank those on behalf on the committee that have perservered and stuck with the online version. To those that wish to revert back to the printed / posted version you now know how that is going to work. Simply deposit $41.60 in the branch account 03-1594-0096832-00 per year for 11 copies. Please include your membership number and Hub P/P I will be away during the first three weeks of February but will be able to access my emails if you require forms. Some are available at the magazine rack in the foyer or on the noticeboard. Notice of Motion - Feedback Invite I will be attending The National Executive Meeting in Wellington on the 20th March as your branch delegate, if there are any matters you would like raised at this meeting please let me know before or speak to me at the March Noggin. There is a Notice of Motion in this issue and on the noticeboard in the clubrooms. Any PAGE 6
relevent feedback or comments you want to make, ROD THROWER please send to the Secretary branch committee ph 03 338 2320 in writing by 25 Feb. This will be discussed at our March branch meeting. Remember I am usually available up by the stage at most noggins if you require forms or have any issues you wish to raise with your committee. (Don’t be surprised if I ask you to put it in writing) Unfinancial Members At 6 January we had 57 unfinancial members up 15 on last year. Subscriptions were due end of Oct 2020 and invoices were sent out end Sept with a reminder in Nov so these are now two and half months over due so you would have noticed you did not receive your Dec/ Jan Beaded Wheels. Subscriptions not paid at the time of the National Half year Exc Meeting 20th March will be removed from the database and will have to reapply for membership (losing any continuity of membership). Keep your contact details current Please update at National HQ. Addresses, Phone numbers and change emails that are no longer active, please make sure you notify myself or national office of changes. Thank you for the support given to those involved for a succesful Boxing day Run.