Daffodil Rally – The Rally That Wasn’t (but there’s still a bit of hope!) Well, by the time you read this, we probably still won’t be out of Lockdown – whether it be Level 3 or 4. And it will be no surprise that both the original planned Daffodil Rally day of 22 nd August and its back-up date of 29 th August have both come and gone, and the Rally hasn’t happened. For the second year in a row! This was extremely disappointing, not just because of all the work I put in organising it, but more so for the Cancer Society, who now stand to miss out on many thousands of dollars in donations that this VCC National Day generates. The good thing is that the rally routes and event plan will not go to waste – they can be re-used next year. I must acknowledge the many members that volunteered their help for the day, and also to the management at the Pak’n’Save Rangiora, and the New Brighton Club, who were particularly helpful and accommodating in allowing us to use their car parks as start locations. But we have a couple of back-up plans. 1) In order not to lose sight of this important fundraiser for the Cancer Society, we now invite all of our members, or anyone with any sort of special interest vehicle (car, motorcycle, trike, commercial) to bring it along to our next Old Cars, Bikes & Coffee (OCBC) event on Sunday 19th September, where we'll hold an informal Show'n Shine event. There we will collect donations for the Cancer Society. For those who have never been before OCBC is an open event held every third Sunday morning of the month in our club grounds, and any car, motorcycle or vehicle enthusiast is welcome to attend. Vehicles can be of any age, nationality or condition—if they are loved and enjoyed they are more than welcome to be put on display. A coffee van is always in attendance, and the Spares Shed and compound (an experience all on its own) is also always open. For the September event we will also have small prizes for the best British, American, European, Japanese and Australian vehicle, and the best motorcycle. 2) Additionally, in between now and 19th September, we are running a fun competition through the VCC Facebook page. All you need to do is take a photo of your vehicle in an outdoor setting at your home address and post it to the VCC NZ Facebook Page: 24