march 2022
The beauty of giraffes forFighting visibility
Let’s go zero waste. PERIOD.
The music industry has a name, and it’s Taylor Swift
Let’s recycle! But how?
Photographers as guardians ofThere is light at the end of memories, but also the mostthis tunnel, the best of life is common target of theft yet to come
Reflect yourself in a horse Consent is We are all Humans
delicious way to be more creative
Hello everyone, in the women’s month and spring. Warm days are coming!
Здраво на сите во месецот на жените и на пролетта, што значи дека доаѓаат топли денови!
This month is extraordinary for women, especially March 8, when we celebrate their day, and we should say a special “thank you” for all the female achievements in society. Also, let’s not forget about the fight for gender equality. In the month’s topic, you can find out about more environmentally friendly products that can be used during the menstrual period and be reused more than once. You can also find out how the pressure on women for sex is insufficient for both parties.
Овој месец е многу посебен за жените, особено 8-ми март кога го одбележуваме нивниот ден и треба да им кажеме посебно „благодарам“ за сите женски достигнувања во општеството. И да не заборавиме да се бориме за родова еднаквост. Во темата на месецот можете да дознаете за повеќе еколошки производи што можат да се користат за време на менструалниот период, а сепак да траат повеќе од еднаш. Можете, исто така, да откриете како притисокот врз жените за секс е лош за двете страни.
Are you tired of eating the same foods over and over again? After a fantastic interview with Stefan - such days will be a thing of the past. One interview was not enough. In this issue of VOICES, we have a total of three. One is about a volunteer in an NGO that beautifies the daily lives of children with cancer, and the other is about two women who explain what benefits horses can have in people’s lives.
Дали сте уморни да јадете исти јадења одново и одново? По неверојатно интервју со Стефан - таквите денови ќе му припаѓаат на минатото. Едно интервју не беше доволно, во ова издание на „Воисес“ имаме вкупно три. Едното зборува за волонтер во невладина организација што им го разубавува секојдневието на децата со канцер, а другото е со две жени кои раскажуваат за придобивките што коњите можат да ги имаат во животот на луѓето.
Spring brings good weather, which means it’s time to exercise outdoors, and you may find yourself in the article on “new” sports. Good music always goes with sports. Find out why Taylor Swift is changing the music industry.
Пролетта носи убаво време, а тоа значи дека е време за вежбање на отворено, а можеби ќе се пронајдете во статијата за „новите“ спортови. Со спортот секогаш оди добра музика, дознајте зошто Тејлор Свифт ја менува музичката индустрија.
José Rodrigues
VCS DIRECTOR: Nikola Stankoski COORDINATORS: Andrej Naumovski Goran Adamovski Goran Galabov Selina Niemi Ewelina Chańska
VOLUNTEERS: Jolanta Ciopcińska Lucile Guéguen José Rodrigues Aleksandra Kanasiuk Annik Fasold Antonia Barth
EXTERNAL WRITERS: Martina Danilovska István Gál Anna Marek Yvan Barbeau TRANSLATORS: Stefan Nikolovski Ejona Limanaj
Жозе Родригеш
DESIGNERS: Selina Niemi Anna Marek Lucile Guéguen Jolanta Ciopcińska José Rodrigues
CONTACT: Volunteers Centre Skopje Emil Zola 3/3-1, 1000, Skopje +389 22 772 095
PROOFREADERS: Elen Wright-Stead Edward Stead
VOICES magazine is coordinated, designed and created by ESC and local volunteers with support of Erasmus+ program.
VOICES March 2022 - issue 3
topic of the month 4 12
Let’s go zero waste. Period. Lucile Guéguen
Да одиме кон нула отпад во „периодот“
Лусил Геган
interview 6
Delicious way to be more creative
Jolanta Ciopcińska
8 Reflect yourself in a horse Aleksandra Kanasiuk
Childhood cancers: there is light at the end of the tunnel
Yvan Barbeau
reportage 14 16
17 18 30
The beauty of giraffes
Anna Marek
Consent is Sexy
Annik Fasold
Miratimi është seksi
Annik Fasold
Fighting for visibility
Aleksandra Kanasiuk
Let’s recycle...but how? Selina Niemi
sport 20
10 (un)known Sports
José Rodrigues
music 22 The music industry has a name, and it’s Taylor Swift Anna Marek
opinion 24
The art of haggling
István Gál
photography 26
Фотографите како чувари на спомени, но и најчеста мета на кражби
Мартина Даниловска
27 Photographers as guardians of memories, but also the most common target of theft Martina Danilovska
erasmus+ 28
We are all Humans Antonia Barth
COVER: Selina Niemi
topic of the month
Let’s go zero waste. There are almost 4 billion women in the world right now, of which roughly half has monthly periods. Menstruation is a normal event in every healthy woman of reproductive age’s life. While the de-stigmatization of menstruation and the elimination of period poverty worldwide are underway, the debate over sustainable menstruation is still far.
t’s a very long way to bleeding green. While single-use plastics such as drinking straws, bottles, and packaging are being banned worldwide, throwaway menstrual products are adding to the plastic epidemic. On average, women menstruate for about 2 535 days – around seven years in total – and use more than 10 000 disposable menstrual products in their lifetime. Roughly 70 billion single-use menstrual products are consumed each year only in the European Union and the United States. Feminine hygiene products have a tremendous environmental impact. Disposal of single-use menstrual products – tampons, pads, and applicators – generates 200 000 tons of waste per year. Many pads and tampons end up in the sea and litter beaches. According to a study conducted by the European Commission, discarded menstrual products are the fifth most common plastic waste product washed up on beaches across Europe. Sanitary products flushed down the toilets mostly end up landfilled or incinerated. Most women are still not aware that conventional sanitary products available in the market are loaded with plastic. Menstrual pads incorporate up to 90% plastic, from the synthetics that soak up fluid to the packaging.
PERIOD. It is estimated that one pack of pads contains the equivalent of four plastic bags. Tampons are made of up to 6% plastic, including polyethylene – the most common form of plastic – and polypropylene – which is the plastic used in chocolate bar wrappers. Traditional sanitary products could take 500 to 800 years to decompose, as the plastic used is non-biodegradable. Some feminine hygiene products can be a threat to women’s health. According to recent studies, conventional menstrual products contain elevated levels of chemicals. Also known as endocrine-disrupting chemicals, these toxic chemicals are linked to developmental and reproductive harm and potentially lead to health issues such as endometriosis and breast cancer. Through period care, pads and tampons come into contact with some of the most sensitive and absorptive skin on women’s bodies. Due to the high absorption efficiency and permeability of female reproductive organs, the chemicals sanitary products contain, are easily absorbed into the bloodstream. And let’s be honest: sanitary pads are not the most comfortable feminine products. Although no sanitary product is perfect, some are less damaging than others.
тема на месецот
Here is a list of 3 of the most popular sustainable alternatives to conventional menstrual products:
Still hesitant to make the switch?
REUSABLE PADS Reusable pads are used the same way as disposable pads, but the main difference is that they can be washed and reused over and over again for many years. They are made out of unique soft and breathable fabric topped with an absorbentleaking protecting layer.
These eco-friendly alternatives to disposable feminine hygiene products have entirely changed the way women manage their periods. In my experience, once women get the hang of using it, most of them never look back. Though the initial cost is higher than disposable sanitary products, these eco-friendly alternatives will enable you to save money over the long run as they last much longer (up to 10 years!).
2 tips before getting started:
PERIOD UNDERWEAR Looking and feeling like regular underwear, period panties are a specially designed undergarment that consists of special odor-eliminating and absorbent fabrics in the crotch area to absorb menstrual blood. They come in a lot of different colors, sizes, patterns, and absorbencies and ensure protection from 8 to 12 hours. Unlike throwaway pads and tampons, period underwear can be washed and reused for up to 5 years.
- see if there are any reviews of the brand (on social media, for instance) and see what others have experienced while using them. - preferably choose products made in Europe or in one of the neighboring countries of your country. Cheaper products (for example, those made in Asia) are usually of lower quality.
Where to find reusable sanitary products ?
MENSTRUAL CUP A menstrual cup is a small flexible funnel-shaped cup of rubber or silicone inserted into the vagina to collect period fluid. Menstrual cups can hold more blood than other methods, hence being used for up to 12 hours depending on flow. The cup only needs to be removed, emptied downed the toilet, rinsed, and reinserted every 4 to 12 hours. One cup may be reusable for up to 10 years. A report conducted by The Lancet, one of the most respected international medical journals, indicates that menstrual cups are a safe option for menstruation management.
Although the number of reusable sanitary products is limited in Macedonia, you can find them in some drugstores and Dm. There are also several Serbian brands as well as EU-based companies shipping their products internationally, such as OrganiCup ( and DAME ( Lucile Guéguen Sources: National Geographic, How tampons and pads became so unsustainable Metropolitan, What’s the Environmental Impact of Your Period? Wen, Environmentrual Fact Sheet Global Citizen, Which Period Products Are Best for the Environment?
A delicious way to be more creative “I cook, I create, I’m incredibly excited by what I do, I’ve still got a lot to achieve.” - Gordon Ramsay
Charismatic, always smiling and passionate about cooking, a math teacher who is a real virtuoso in the kitchen, creating nothing but masterpieces on the plates. I talked to Stefan Lozanovski to find out what magic spells he uses to craft delicious homemade meals, which all our friends praise.
ertain foods offer divine aromas that can make your whole house smell amazing, and when we enter the kitchen of a person who is passionate about cooking, we expect plenty of delicious scents. Stefan’s kitchen is not an exception. While he is cooking, you can feel at home, like in a traditional Macedonian kitchen, especially when the air smells of olive oil, fried onions, and garlic. Most people rely more on taste than the smell, but “By the smell, you can see if something is missing in your dish, even before trying.” says Stefan. His favorite spice is cumin, but it’s not the apparent smell in his kitchen. You have to dive deep into the drawer to smell the spice with a warm, slightly nutty, and earthy aroma. What else is a mystery in Stefan’s kitchen? His orderliness. How does he keep a clean kitchen when he often cooks for many people? This may remain a mystery. Stefan didn’t have many outlets for his creativity as an engineer who teaches mathematics. Drawing, painting, or other artistic skills were not his creative destiny, but he found what he did not find there, in cooking. “I started to get into cooking when a friend suggested the MasterChef TV show,” he explains. It all started with MasterChef USA hosted by Gordon Ramsay, and in the blink of an eye, he watched all the seasons of the American and then the Australian version of the show. Stefan’s first try with cooking like a chef went like this: chicken breast stuffed with spinach, cheese, and sun-dried tomatoes, served with rice and veggies,
cranberry sauce, and fresh pears on the side. It sounds incredible for someone who previously was a master of the toasted sandwiches and eggs only. “It was my first try, but it was not my first finger-licking success. That came to a lot later.” he sums up. Gordon Ramsay and grandma are his cooking inspirations. Grandma’s food brings back memories; Ramsay inspires him to try new recipes. Also, the Internet, in general, can be an excellent place for finding ideas for food presentation and plating techniques because cooking isn’t just about cooking. It’s also about planning, shopping, preparing, combining authentic cuisine, and serving. Stefan enjoys all the steps. When it comes to shopping, he makes sure that he buys fresh products. “I let the food inspire me. I go to the market, see what is there, what is fresh or ask the sellers for their suggestions on what’s the best.” With planning and later serving, you need to be creative, and it always helps to draw. “Once, I wanted to present the same food in
three different ways. And then, after buying the products, I took a blank piece of paper and started planning and drawing what the dish can be.” Chefs on Instagram do that often. The sketch doesn’t have to be beautiful. Its purpose is to make it easier for you to present your meal. As for food preparation, Stefan has one crucial principle: “If you work in a mess, you will create the mess.”. He always keeps his surfaces clean as he cooks. The used pots and pans shouldn’t obstruct the whole process. “The most important thing in cooking, which I also learned from the shows – taste everything you put on the plate. Taste not only at the end but also while cooking,” advises Stefan. If you try it at the end, it would be challenging to balance all the flavors. And what is the “recipe” for a great evening? Good food and friends at the table because at the end, “food is nothing by itself if you don’t share it with others.”. Cooking is an opportunity to use our creativity, and without it, life would be as bland as unseasoned food. Now that the dinner is over, and the lesson that cooking is not just about food is learned, it is time to think about what we can prepare next. Jolanta Ciopcińska Photos: Stefan Lozanovski
Reflect yourself in a horse What benefits come from interaction with horses? Maria Bielak: Horses teach us humility, consequence, perseverance, and relentless development on multiple levels. Anna Łaszcz: For me, contact with a horse is a lesson of being here and now, focusing on yourself, and seeking peace and relaxation in your body. Benefits are as many as people, and everybody can take whatever they need in this particular moment. Horses are excellent teachers and companions if you want to listen to them. People say that horses are a mirror to your soul. How is that possible? Why can they be beneficial in selfdevelopment? MB: They are communication masters and perfectly can feel all emotions. It is hard to fool a horse, they demand authenticity, and in a way, they force constant development.
AŁ: It can be said that they look straight into our hearts. It is not about our social status or life role we’d like to play. They see us sauté: our fears, dreams, self-confidence, or insecurities. When we reflect on our relationship with a horse, we can see our schemes, needs, or behaviors, which in our daily life are unconscious. This kind of knowledge is very releasing. How these kinds of workshops look like in practice? Is it similar to coaching or therapy? AŁ: In practice, tempo and deepness of work depend on participants. There are groups and people when workshops look more like coaching sessions. A lot of exercises are connected with the goals of participants. We continuously evaluate the current situation and check what we would like to change. At the same time, we are working with emotions, values, thinking patterns, and beliefs. In this way, it can be therapeutical. Development workshops are a time for yourself. Horses are here to help us open up and listen to what’s inside us.
There are no coincidences in life. Two women who fell in love with horses – Maria Bielak, an owner of Zadora stable, and Anna Łaszcz, psychologist, met at the right time and decided to organize equine-assisted development workshops for youngsters and adults. Can horses help us to grow? In reference to the workshop’s title – how can horses help us discover our way? AŁ: Depending on what we want to work on, experience with horses can be a universal tool to work with our inside software. In the case of the workshop’s Own Way, horses’ main task is to draw each participant from the perpetuated behavioral scheme. Motivate to focus on here and now, on relations and our inside world. A considerable part of what is happening to us in brain processes is unconscious. And here, the presence of a horse, which forces us to be 100% aware, is the first step to verify if we are on OUR Own way. The horse sees if we want to do something in the kindness of our hearts, or we want to do it because it is appropriate. They can show when we have too much or not enough strength. And this is your own way– living in harmony with yourself, your heart, values, and what is ‘alive’ inside us. I read that one of the basic exercises is just observing horses. How can we refer that to development?
интервју AŁ: Observation of horses and yourself. It is a beautiful and multidimensional exercise. Its’ goal is to introduce participants to the state of relaxation and aware observation. The nervous system starts to self-regulate, the tension drops. Serenity comes up. Then we begin to work on relations and boundaries. Self-observation is a key to realizing emotions, thoughts, and feelings that come up when we watch the herd. Every participant receive worksheet which is leading their focus. After that, we discuss how it helps to perceive and accept different insights and feelings. And it is a beautiful prologue to what is truth, judgment, and projection. To differentiate facts from opinions is a crucial step in selfdevelopment. In therapeutic work, people often experience enlightenments when they suddenly understand how their patterns work. Do participants also share these kinds of feelings? AŁ: Yes. Sometimes, the workshops’ effect is perceiving a scheme that doesn’t serve us. Other times it is understanding of emotions. Sometimes we even try to change our way of thinking and harmful beliefs to those that help us grow. In the past, facilitators addressed these workshops mainly to managers and corporate workers. They were growing leadership qualities. But what can an ordinary person learn from it?
AŁ: A few years ago, competencies growth was connected with the business, similar to therapeutic work to patients. Today we know that we can use these tools in a broad context. The goal is to feel better with our inner software. To better understand ourselves and other people, to have more energy, contentment, and sense of life. To live life to the fullest and feel that we have an impact. Development workshops help us in the dailiness – perceive where we are and which area is the most important.
assisted therapy are new fields, so scientists are careful with evaluating effectiveness. There are still not many empirical studies, but from your experience – does it work? MB: No one ever was dissatisfied. People often come back to work on other topics, and they recommend our workshops. I think it’s the best review.
AŁ: A lot of people speak about reducing fear. From the perspective of the training process of equestrian and the horse, seeking relaxation is crucial. Moreover, during exercises, we start being more confident, and this aspect in horse riding is very important. Whether we are on a horse or stepping beside it, we set the direction. The road depends on our motivation. In both cases, the vast role play consistency of communication: heart – thoughts – body.
AŁ: I think that lacking empirical studies is an oversimplification. If projected accurately, HAE will be the same efficient as every workshop based on Kolb’s experiential learning cycle. Therapeutical or coaching effects will depend on facilitators and their relationship with the participants. The same as in the case of conventional workshops in training rooms. Horses, their presence, and participation are not a form of preferential treatment. They aren’t magical tools that will solve all problems. However, they give us huge possibilities, scientifically tested – in a hypnotherapeutic or neurotherapeutic context. During workshops, participants can experience authentic relations with an animal. Working with a horse grows curiosity, involves emotions, and creates unique educational circumstances. From a neurobiological perspective, equineassisted work initiates permanent changes in thinking patterns. Horses are our guides, catalysts to change, and mentors.
Horse-assisted education or equine-
Aleksandra Kanasiuk
I know it is groundwork; participants don’t ride horses. Can it be beneficial also for equestrians? MB: Equestrian is a human being and has to develop its inner self, the same as everybody else. But when it comes to direct impact, it could be beneficial for beginners to reduce anxiety.
MB: A lot, but it depends on the exercises and the direction led by the facilitator.
Photos: @brzeskifoto
There is light at the end of the tunnel.
Andrijana Serafimovska, active member of SANO, has a solid message to the kids who have cancer. The NGO SANO, created by parents and friends of children being treated for cancer, has been considered an incredibly positive example in the community for years. Their spirit and fighting modes motivate all of us and give strength to those who need it most. In this edition of "VOICES", we talk to Andrijana Serafimovska, who will tell us what it is like to volunteer in this organization.
What your volunteering experience consists of? - I have been volunteering in SANO since its first day, almost four years ago. I started by going to the Children's hospital at the hemato-oncology department to organize events and coordinate projects. Besides organizing and coordinating the projects, I participate in them as well. My favorite part of volunteering is when I visit the child in the hospital. I sit beside their bed, and we read stories, draw, talk, laugh, and form an unbreakable bond and lifelong friendship. How did you get involved in your organization? - I have been going to conferences in ex Yugoslavian countries since 2012. When it was Macedonia's turn to be the host in 2018, we needed a legal entity behind us to find finances. We organized a three-day conference in Struga for 50 young cancer survivors. Amid all that organizing, I began my volunteering journey at the hematooncology department at the Children's Hospital in Skopje. What motivates you to do this volunteering experience? - My primary source of motivation is my will to help others and my personal experience with cancer. Since I was a little girl, I have wanted to help everyone. Being diagnosed with cancer at 12 years old just showed me the
интервју path where I am most needed. I have always felt privileged because I have a good life and won my cancer battle. So I have always felt the need to do better for the children with cancer and give them the support they need in these challenging times. I did not know how; I just knew that I will. Despite all the challenges and fear, I try my hardest every day. You say you always felt privileged. Why? - It's because, despite all the life challenges, I have always managed to enjoy and love life. Every challenge has its burden on me, yet I feel more alive than ever. I have had a good life. A wonderful, supportive, open minded family, a one or two close friends, good education, active social life, a healthy thurst to fight for my dreams and goals and many chances to experience different cultures and things. I learned to love the small things in life at an early age. That is why it doesn't take much to make me happy. Can you tell us about the causes of cancer? - Childhood cancer is still a mystery. There is no correct answer. All cancers occur when the DNA in a cell mutates or changes. The body typically kills this new cell before it can cause damage. However, in the case of cancer, the mutated cell keeps growing and splitting into more cells, much faster than the healthy cells. What are the different types of cancer? - There are so many types of cancer. Recently, there
have been multiple new types of cancer that have not existed before, so they do not have names, only codes for now. In Macedonia, approximately 40 children are diagnosed with cancer every year. The most common type is leukemia, which is a blood cancer. Over the past few years, there has been an increase in sarcoma cancers.
How can people organization?
What is the state of children that you look after? Do they feel better?
What are your plans for the future?
- We have only gotten positive feedback from them. It is essential for them to talk to someone who has had a similar experience and managed to continue with their life afterward. It gives them hope and strength to fight. On the other side, they are isolated for weeks, and they need a friend or someone who will spend some time with them, so for just a minute, they can forget about their diagnosis. When we come, and they see us at the door, they instantly feel better and want to do many different activities with us. Because I still talk to some children who had their treatment two or three years ago and now are healthy individuals, and they still remember me and want to stay in touch with me, it just shows how significant my presence was and that I managed to touch their lives for just a little bit. What kind of messages would you give to the children who have cancer? - I want to tell them to believe in themselves. They are way stronger and braver than they think. They should be proud of themselves for fighting so hard and that it's okay to be scared. There is light at the end of this tunnel. They just need to endure it. The best of life is yet to come.
- They can reach us at our Facebook page SANO and Instagram Every time we have new projects, and we need volunteers, we post that publicly. Anyone who wants can contact us.
- For now, I want to do as much as possible to better the conditions and quality of life for the children with cancer and young cancer survivors. But I also want to get a master's degree in social work or management, and maybe a doctorate afterward. I would also like to live abroad for at least a year, experience a new culture, learn new things and meet new people. I love countries with history like for example, Istanbul is my favorite city. I would always go back there. I want to live in either Barcelona or Prague. Both cities have a fascinating history and cultural landmarks that I would like to visit every day. What are the reactions of the outside volunteers? How do they feel? - Volunteering at the Children's Hospital is an outstanding humanitarian and fulfilling experience for everyone. Spending at least 30 minutes 2 times a week with a sick child who doesn't want anything from you, just your attention, brings you so much compassion and empathy. It makes everyone feel better about themselves and their lives. You can only have positive moments. I encourage everyone who wants to volunteer and meet a new little lifelong friend to contact us. Yvan Barbeau
topic of the month
Да одиме кон нула отпад во Д
олг е патот додека да крвариме зелено. Додека пластика за еднократна употреба како сламки за пиење, шишиња и пакувања се забранети ширум светот, еднократните менструални производи дополнителнододаваат на епидемијата на пластика. Во просек, една жена вкупно менструира околу 2535 денови – или тоа се околу 7 години – и користи повеќе од 10000 еднократни менструални производи во текот на нејзиниот живот. Приближно 70 милијарди менструални производи за еднократна употреба се користат на годишно ниво само во Европската Унија и во САД.
Женските производи за хигиена имаат огромно влијание на животната средина. Исфрлањето на еднократни менструални производи – тампони, влошки и апликатори – е причина за 200000 тони отпад годишно. Многу влошки и тампони завршуваат во морињата, а потоа и како отпадоци на плажите. Според едно истражување, спроведено од Европската Комисија, 12 - VOICES
Во светот постојат речиси 4 милијарди жени, од кои грубо кажано, половина од нив имаат менструален циклус. Менструацијата е нормална појава кај секоја здрава жена во репродуктивниот период од животот. Додека дестигматизацијата на менструацијата и елиминирањето на сиромаштијата поврзана со неа во светски рамки се во тек, дебатата во врска со одржлива менструација е сѐуште далеку.
употребените менструални производи се петти по ред како најчест вид на пластични отпадоци кои завршуваат на плажите ширум Европа. Санитарните производи кои сеисфрлаат низ тоалетните школки,најчесто завршуваат во депониите или пак , горат. Повеќето жени сѐ уште не се свесни дека вообичаените производи за хигиена достапни на пазаротсе полни со пластика.Влошките за менструација содржат до 90% пластика во нив, од синтетиката што впива, па се до нивното пакување. Се претпоставува дека едно пакување влошки содржи количина на пластика еквивалентна на четири пластични кеси. Тампоните се направени од 6% пластика, вклучувајќи полиетилен – најчестата форма на пластика – и полипропилен – истата онаа пластика од која е направено пакувањето за едно чоколадо.За да се разградат традиционалните хигиенски производи може да поминат од 500 до 800 години, бидејќи самата пластика во нивниот состав е
Дел од производите за хигиена можат да бидат и закана за здравјето на жената. Според неодамнешните истражувања, вообичаените менструални производи содржат високо ниво на хемикалии. Уште познати како ендокрино нарушувачки хемикалии, овие токсични материи се поврзуваат со развојни и репродуктивни оштетувања и потенцијално можат да доведат до заболувања како ендометриоза и рак на дојка. Како нормален дел од негата поврзана со менструација, влошките и тампоните доаѓаат во директен контакт со едни од најсензитивните и најапсорбирачките делови од кожата на женското тело. Како резултат на високата апсорптивна ефикасност и пермеабилност на женските репродуктивни органи, хемикалиите од производите многу лесно се апсорбираат во крвотокот. И да бидеме искрени: влошките па и не се едни од најудобните женски производи што постојат.
тема на месецот
Иако не постои нешто како совршен производ за менструална хигиена, некои од производите се помалку штетни за разлика од останатите. Следува листа на три од најпопуларните алтернативи за вообичаените менструални производи:
Менструална чашка Менструалната чашка е мала еластична чашка во форма на инка, направена од гума или силикон која што се става во вагината со цел да ја собира менструалната содржина. Менструалните чашки можат да задржат многу повеќе менструална содржина отколку останатите методии поради тоа може да се користат и до 12 часа, во зависност од количината на содржината. Чашката треба да се отстрани, да се испразни, да се исплакни, и потоа повторно да се стави за следните 4 до 12 часа. Една ваква чашка може да се користи и до 10 години. Една статија од „The Lancet“, едно од најпопуларните интернационални медицински списанија, укажува дека менструалните чашки се најбезбедната опција кога станува збор за менструалната хигиена.
Долна облека за менструација Навидум иста во однос на изгледот и чувството, долната облека за менструација е специјално дизајниранаи се состои од посебен материјал кој што ја елиминира миризбата и ефикасно ја апсорбира менструалната содржина. Доаѓа во различни бои, големини, шари, и нивоа на апсорбирање за да постои заштита од 8 до 12 часа. За разлика од еднократните влошки и тампони, овој вид на долна облека се пере и може да се користи и до 5 години.
Влошки за повеќекратна употреба Влошките за повеќекратна употреба се користат на истиот начин како и оние за еднократна, но главната разлика е во тоа што тие можат да се перат и да се користат одново и одново со години. Направени се од посебен вид на ткаенина, која е мека и дише, и се обложени со заштитен непропустлив слој.
СЀ УШТЕ СЕ ДВОУМИТЕ ДАЛИ ДА ЈА НАПРАВИТЕ ПРОМЕНАТА? Овие еколошки алтернативи за еднократните менструални производи целосно го променија начинот на кој жените се грижат за нивната менструација. Од мое искуство, штом жените ќе се привикнат да ги користат, скоро ниту една од нив се нема покајано. Иако првичната цена е повисока во споредба со еднократните санитарни производи, овие еколошки алтернативи ќе ви овозможат да заштедите пари на долгорочен план, земајќи го во предвид фактот дека траат значително подолго (дури и до 10 години!).
Проверете дали има некои мислења за брендот (на пример на социјалните мрежи) и прочитајте за искуството на другите Доколку сте во можност бирајте производи кои се произведени во Европа или па во некоја од соседните држави. Поефтините производи (како на пример оние направени во Азија) се најчесто со понизок квалитет.
КАДЕ ДА НАЈДЕТЕ ХИГИЕНСКИ ПРОИЗВОДИ ЗА ПОВТОРНА УПОТРЕБА? Иако бројот на санитарните производи за повеќекратна употреба се ограничени во Македонија, можете да ги најдете во некои аптеки или во „DМ“. Постојат и некои српски брендови како и компании во ЕУ кои што ги испорачуваат нивните производи интернационално, како “OrganiCup” (www. и “DAME” (www.wearedame. co). Лусил Геган Превод: Стефан Николовски Извори:
National Geographic, How tampons and pads became so unsustainable Metropolitan, What’s the Environmental Impact of Your Period? Wen, Environmental Fact Sheet Global Citizen, Which Period Products Are Best for the Environment
The beauty of giraffes
It’s hard not to look at these animals without thinking that they definitely stand out from the species known to man. Comments that the appearance of a unicorn is more likely to exist than that of giraffes are not exaggerated. Giraffes are amazing creatures that hide many unusual things. 14 - VOICES
et’s start with basics: giraffes are so tall. It is not surprising they are the tallest mammals in the earth. We, humans, cannot even have the same height as their legs, whose size is approximately six feet. However, long legs are not the only thing that make giraffes a great object of interest. It all comes down to that neck that seems unbelievable. So why is it so long? The first thought that comes to mind is obviously simple: food. The long neck allows giraffes to get food inaccessible to other creatures. This idea has been around since 1809. Its creator, Jean Baptiste, stated that this neck evolved as a result of a constant struggle for nourishment. And this, for an ordinary person, seems normal and natural: giraffes have long necks to be able to get food. However, this is not the only cause. Some scientists believe that the cause of the giraffe’s long neck is the sexual aspect. Male counterparts fight with each other in order to be able to get a partner. Those with longer necks usually win the fight, which in turn causes them to pass on their genes, including that neck. Another idea is connected to the body temperature. They help to regulate body temperatures in hot climates. It is happening by increasing the surface area of their bodies, through which internal heat can escape. Necks itself are so fascinating, but giraffes are more than that. Several of the characteristics of giraffes can be found among humans. Our fingerprints are unique, not single person in the world has the same. Also, giraffes don’t have the same coat pattern. It is difficult for people to drink the amount of water that is needed. And while giraffes are trying to drink the right amount of water, they don’t do it often: only once in a few days. Remember this neck? They cannot reach the ground with it, so first they have to use their legs to splay them or
bend on the knees to make it possible to drink water. What distinguishes humans from giraffes is definitely the approach to standing. Whenever possible, people sit down. Giraffes, on the other hand, love to stand. So much so that even the delivery of subsequent babies is performed standing up. They can be found in this position even while sleeping. And when they are asleep, it does not take long, just a few minutes all day long is enough for them. They love standing so much that the calves need only half an hour after being born to do it on their own.
This uniqueness of these amazing animals causes obvious human influence on their lives. They are still being killed by poachers, who have many reasons to commit this heinous act. Usually, animals are killed, then their parts are sent to countries to be used for jewelry or medicine. Giraffes are mainly killed because of their tails. Their hair is used, among others, in bracelets and sewing. These animals are also killed for the meat and skins and the brain. Some herbalists also believe that giraffe bone marrow can protect people against HIV. Unfortunately, this causes the number of giraffes to decline drastically. The extinction of this species could have more consequences than is thought. Without them, African habitats could lose a variety of other flora and fauna. Thus, the unusual stature, distinguished size and behavior that may seem strange, make giraffes majestic creatures.
But without these strange but amazing creatures, the natural world would be different. So, we have to take care of their survival. Anna Marek Sources: Science Alert: We still don’t know why giraffes have long necks Giraffe Conservation: Fascinating giraffe facts Do Something: 11 facts about giraffes National Geographic: Giraffe IAPF: Giraffes
CONSENT IS sexy trigger warning: sexual abuse Two people are together, one person comes close to the other one, and before they kiss, there is this short moment of not knowing if it is okay to continue. Wouldn’t it be sexy to ask for permission?
exual consent means that people are actively willing to engage in sexual activity. That means that a person is freely accepting something that is going to happen related to sexual activity. It is important to give or receive enthusiastic consent when it comes to kissing, having sex, sexting, or sending nude photos, for example. In this context, enthusiasm means that the person genuinely wants to do this and is not only allowed to please the other person or because they feel like they should behave like it is expected. But how do you know the other person is interested, or what does enthusiastic consent look like? If a person is awake during the sexual activity, aware,W and feeling free of making their own choices, it means that there is enthusiastic consent. A person can also give you consent through words and action. But if a person says “No!” whether, with body language or out loud, it indicates that they do not give you consent to do this. People can change their minds though you already began to be sexual and say “No” to something they usually say “Yes” to. Silence is not confirmation to keep going, and also, a nod is not enough to establish content.
Sometimes it is hard to say “No.” because you don’t want to enter into a conflict or don’t want to disappoint someone. So, if someone says sentences like “I am tired,” “Maybe later,” “Not now,” that’s a big red flag, and you have to stop immediately. Just as crying, shaking, passing out, no eye contact, and silence is not a sign of acknowledgment.
completed rape in her lifetime, and one in three experienced this for the first time between the ages of 11 and 17. About half of female rape victims reported in the United States being raped by an intimate partner and 40.8% by an acquaintance. Nearly a quarter of men experience some form of contact sexual violence in their lives.
But how can you know if the other person wants to kiss, have sex, be touched, or even wants to see your nudes? You have to ask. Ask if they feel comfortable with this and if it is okay for them. Listen to what they are saying; if you are not sure if you can continue, double-check and never assume something.
So yes, it is vital to ask for consent. Without it, sexual activity is sexual violence, and this leaves enormous consequences on the physical, mental, and sexual health of the survivor.
However, is it necessary to ask for consent, even though you are married or in a relationship? According to the UNIFEM, one in three women worldwide will be raped, beaten, forced to have sex, or otherwise abused. Based on UNODC data, more than one million rapes are committed each year. This does not take into account that many rape victims do not report, and the crime is not registered. Based on information from the National Center to Combat Sexual Violence, every fifth woman in the USA experienced an attempted or
It is never the fault of the survivor, the person that survived an abuse, assault, or rape, and there are no excuses. If this happens to you, there are places where you can find help. It would be best if you talked with someone you trust and have a good relationship with. Stay safe and always ask for consent. Annik Fasold Sources: Microsoft Word - Weltweit Gewalt gegen Frauen ( WHO | Sexual violence Consent: What it is and why it’s important - Kids Help Phone What Consent Looks Like | RAINN How to give and get consent – Brook Microsoft Word - Weltweit Gewalt gegen Frauen ( Sexual Assault Statistics | National Sexual Violence Resource Center (NSVRC)
është seksi Paralajmërim: Abuzim sek sual Dy persona janë bashkë, njëri i afrohet tjetrit dhe para se të puthen, është një moment i shkurtër kur nuk e dinë nëse është në rregull të vazhdojnë. A nuk do të ishte seksi të kërkonin leje?
iratimi seksual do të thotë që njerëzit janë aktivisht të gatshëm për t’u përfshirë në një aktivitet seksual. Kjo do të thotë që një person pranon lirisht diçka që do të ndodhë në lidhje me një veprim seksual. Është e rëndësishme të jepni ose të merrni miratim entuziast kur bëhet fjalë për puthjen, kryerjen e seksit, seksting ose dërgimin e fotove nudo, për shembull. Në këtë kontekst, entuziast do të thotë që personi me të vërtetë dëshiron ta bëjë këtë dhe jo vetëm të thotë po, që të kënaqë personin tjetër ose sepse mendon se duhet të sillet ashtu siç pritet. Por si ta dini se personi tjetër është i interesuar, ose si duket miratimi entuziast? Nëse një person është zgjuar gjatë aktivitetit seksual, i vetëdijshëm dhe ndihet i lirë për të ndërmarrë vendimet e tij, do të thotë se ka miratim entuziast. Një person gjithashtu mund t’ju japë miratimin përmes fjalëve dhe veprimeve. Por nëse një person thotë “Jo!” qoftë me gjuhën e trupit apo me zë, kjo tregon se ata nuk ju japin miratimin për ta bërë këtë. Njerëzit mund të ndryshojnë mendjen edhe pse ju tashmë keni filluar të kryeni veprime seksuale dhe thonë “Jo” kundrejt diçkaje që ata zakonisht thonë “Po”. Heshtja nuk është konfirmim për të vazhduar dhe gjithashtu një tundje
koke nuk mjafton për të përcaktuar miratim. Ndonjëherë është e vështirë të thuash “Jo.” sepse nuk doni të hyni në një konflikt ose nuk doni të zhgënjeni dikë. Pra, nëse dikush thotë fjali si “Jam i lodhur”, “Ndoshta më vonë”, “Jo tani”, kjo është një flamur i madh i kuq dhe ju duhet të ndaloni menjëherë. Ashtu siç qarja, dridhja, humbja e ndjenjave, mungesa e kontaktit me sy dhe heshtja nuk janë një shenjë pranimi. Por si mund ta dini nëse personi tjetër dëshiron të puthë, të bëjë seks, të preket apo madje dëshiron të shohë fotot nudo tuaja? Ju duhet të pyesni. Pyetini nëse ndihen rehat me këtë dhe nëse është në rregull për ta. Dëgjoni se çfarë thonë. Nëse nuk jeni të sigurt nëse mund të vazhdoni, kontrolloni dy herë dhe mos supozoni kurrë. Megjithatë, a është vërtet e nevojshme të kërkoni miratim, edhe nëse jeni të martuar ose në një lidhje? Sipas UNIFEM, një në tre gra në mbarë botën do të përdhunohet, rrihet, detyrohet të kryejë marrëdhënie seksuale ose abuzohet në një farë mënyre gjatë jetës së saj. Bazuar në të dhënat e UNODC, më shumë se një milion përdhunime kryhen çdo vit. Kjo nuk merr parasysh
që shumë viktima të përdhunimit nuk raportojnë dhe krimi nuk regjistrohet. Bazuar në informacionin nga Qendra Kombëtare për Luftimin e Dhunës Seksuale, çdo grua në pesë në SHBA ka përjetuar një tentativë ose përdhunim të plotë gjatë jetës së saj dhe një në tre e ka përjetuar këtë për herë të parë midis moshave 11 dhe 17 vjeç. Rreth gjysma e viktimave femra të përdhunimit të raportuara në Shtetet e Bashkuara është përdhunuar nga një partner intim dhe 40.8% nga një i njohur. Gati një e katërta e meshkujve përjetojnë një formë të dhunës seksuale me kontakt në jetën e tyre. Pra, po, është e rëndësishme të kërkoni miratim. Pa të, një aktivitet seksual është dhunë seksuale dhe kjo lë pasoja të mëdha në shëndetin fizik, mendor dhe seksual të mbijetuesit. Nuk është kurrë faji i të mbijetuarit, personi që i mbijetoi një abuzimi, sulmi apo përdhunimi, dhe nuk ka justifikime. Nëse kjo ju ka ndodhur, ka vende ku mund të gjeni ndihmë. Ju duhet të flisni me dikë që keni besim dhe keni një marrëdhënie të mirë. Qëndroni të sigurt dhe kërkoni gjithmonë miratim. Annik Fasold Përkthyese: Ejona Limanaj
Fighting for visibility You haven’t met the right person yet! Are you a virgin? How will you know you don’t like it until you try? So, you want to be alone to the end of your life? It’s just a phase, and you’ll get over it! Did you experience sexual trauma? So, you don’t masturbate? These misconceptions asexual people hear pretty often. Let’s debunk myths and learn something about asexuality!
e all are born and raised in an allosexual world – allosexual means that it is natural to feel sexual attraction or intrinsic arousal to have sexual relationships. It can be explained by the instinct of human creatures to propagate the species. Not having any interest in sexual actions is unthinkable for allosexuals, like against nature. But I assure you, some people don’t feel sexual attraction, but for society, they are invisible. In the 2000s in the USA, David Jay founded AVEN (The Asexual Visibility and Education Network). Their main goals are education about asexuality and the growth of the asexual community. Still, many people don’t know that they may be from the asexual spectrum because of information deficit. To better explain whom asexual people are, let’s start with the concept of aesthetic, romantic, sensual, and sexual attraction.
Attraction can be defined as a force, mental or emotional, that draws people together. The aesthetic attraction is when you find it aesthetically pleasing to observe someone because of their beauty, but you haven’t any romantic or sexual plans towards them; it can be similar to when you admire a beautiful painting. Romantic attraction it’s like falling in love. Based on deep emotional feelings. You want to be romantically involved with another person and spend a lot of time together. Sensual attraction is about close physical contact. You want to cuddle, kiss, hug, or affectionate touch someone but in a non-sexual way. And last but not least – sexual attraction. It can be defined as a desire to have sexual intercourse with someone. But it shouldn’t be confused with libido. Cody DaigleOrians from Ace Dad Advice used a great culinary metaphor to differentiate libido from sexual
attraction. Sexual attraction is like ‘being hungry for a pizza’ (feeling sexual attraction to a specific person/group). Libido is being hungry in general (overall sexual drive, not directed towards a particular individual). Asexuality is a fourth sexual orientation from the LGBTQIA+. Asexual (ace) people don’t experience intrinsic sexual attraction and don’t desire to form sexual relationships with others. But they have a libido and can experience arousal. Necessary to add that attraction is not equal to action. Asexuality cannot be defined by lack of sexual activity; it’s not a synonym to celibacy. So, ace folks can have sex; some of them might even like it if they are not fully sex-repulsed (they find sex uninteresting, unwanted, or uncomfortable). They can masturbate to release the tension. Some of them even may have children if they want to. More - there’s no point of not building a relationship - they can sense a romantic, sensual and aesthetic attraction. Unless they are aromantic, but that’s another broad topic. We call asexuality and identities close to the asexual spectrum an “asexual umbrella.” It contains a range of different approaches toward sexual attraction. Under the asexual umbrella, we can find demisexual and greysexual people. A demisexual person feels
sexual attraction to another tough for people in relationships person, but only when they create when a partner doesn’t understand a solid emotional bond with them the reality of being asexual.” – but it is entirely different than prevalent in catholic societies Problems of asexual people are waiting with sex till the wedding. often marginalized. “Even the It’s not a choice; it is how their LGTBQI (A) community often attraction works. Whereas grey- discriminates against us. They say sexuality means that people we don’t suffer because can feel a bit of sexual asexuality is a medical attraction but is condition, not sexual exceedingly rare, orientation, and for instance, One of their key issues there are more under specific important topics is feeling of being circumstances or broken, wrong, ill, weird, to talk about. the intensity of Also, different... They must interest is so low that it is ignorable. face a world that doesn’t You know now that know asexuality. it’s not about your actions, so people from your environment cannot say that when you are asexual. Only you know you seek the answer. People’s sexuality help, some is flexible, and the boundaries therapists between definitions are fluid. may give We are human beings; each has you wrong unique needs and interest levels answers if in sexual activities, so extremely they have hard to fit us into the framework. never learned “Before realizing you are ace, you about asexuality. may think you are a late bloomer, Finally, when you shy, afraid of sex, gay, or you need notice and embrace to check your hormones. Also, your identity (it is a long process), society sends you these messages you face one of the multiple that something is wrong with you. violence that ace folks suffer: nonYou may never realize that you existence.” belong to the asexual spectrum, even though you know that your We all can support the ace behavior and thoughts regarding community and make them more sex are different from those in visible. How to be an ally? It’s your environment. It can happen pretty simple. As Olivia says, we with demisexual people, since they can start learning about sexual may also be stuck in the myth of diversity and mention asexuality romantic love.” – says Olivia Ávila if the conversation and situation Ruiz, asexual activist. allow us to. Even adding the letter to the acronym: LGTBQIA+ can Currently, ace people can find vast be a form of support. Above all, support on social media – on Tik sexual education is a powerful Tok or Instagram. Olivia runs her tool, even though it’s demonized profiles to educate and support in some countries. Don’t forget the ace community in their about that. daily struggles in the allosexual world. “They usually thank me because they see themselves in Aleksandra Kanasiuk the contents I upload, mainly on Instagram. So, one of their key Sources: issues is feeling of being broken, The Asexual Visibility and Education wrong, ill, weird, different... They Network must face a world that doesn’t Ace Dad Advice: Am I asexual or just disinterested in sex? know asexuality. For instance, it’s Instagram @oliviaavilaruiz
10 (Un) known Sports For some people, certain sports were too overrated and/ or expensive, and they decided to create/practice some sports outside the box; others bring to live traditional sports of their own countries and want to share with the rest of the world.
Country of Origin: Finland As the name says, this sport consists of a man carrying her “wife” (it is not mandatory to be married) for 254m in the fast time possible along an obstacle course. The woman must weigh>49kg and be 17+ years old; the winner receives the equivalent of the wife’s weight in beer. You can participate in this sport as the fastest one, the most entertaining couple, the best costume, and the most robust carrier. Picture: Mark Robinson / Flickr
Country of Origin: UK Very similar to arm wrestling, in this sport, players fight against each other with their feet. You have three rounds, the first with the right foot, the second with the left, and the third round again with the right foot if there is a tie after the two rounds have been done before. To win, you need to pin the opponent’s feet down in the “tedium.”
This sport was created by lumberjacks, consisting of logs in a river or any body of water, with two contestants that start to "walk" or roll the log as the opponent tries to keep up. The game's goal is to try to stay on the log while causing the opponent to lose their balance and fall to the river. Picture Richard Hurd / Flickr
LAWNMOWER RACING Country of Origin: UK
The drivers compete in modified lawnmowers (like tuning but legal) without the blades for safety reasons. The creators of this sport wanted to participate in regular car racing, but it was too expensive; due to almost everyone having a Lawnmower in the UK, they decided to start racing with their lawnmowers to make “car races” for an affordable price.
Country of Origin: Spain This sport is a mix of 4 sports (football, volley, gymnastic, and capoeira) played in an inflatable court with one trampoline on each side of the field. Players are allowed to play with any part of the body. In this sport, you make points with a volley touch (1 or 3) or a soccer touch (3 or 5). This mix of sports in one creates a massive show with excellent techniques in every match and a lot of overhead kicks. Picture: Bossaball Master
Country of Origin: Germany Like the name says, are two sports in 1. You have six rounds of chess and five rounds of boxing. To win, you need to make a checkmate or knock out your opponent. The players can also be disqualified for trying to stall time; if so, the winner is determined by boxing points. If the draw remains, the player in the black “corner” is the winner.
Country/Place of Origin: India Game played between two teams in opposite halves of a field/court. Each player, by turns, crosses the field to the other time’s side, repeating “kabaddi, kabaddi” (or other chants). You score tagging the many opponents as possible without being caught or taking a breath before returning to home territory. Picture: Amir Hosseini / FarNews
Country of Origin: Finland This sport mostly is practice by teenager’s girl´s, it´s like horse riding (with real dogs) but with toy horse head in a stick. You have real horse events, like dressage and show jumping. This sport is a huge raise across the Nordic countries and is starting to expand to Australia. Estimates that are + 10.000 hobby horse enthusiasts just in Finland.
Sources: Sportsmatik: Toe-wrestling Radseason: Wife Carrying Topendsports: Log-rolling Wikipedia: Compétition de tondeuses à gazon The Peak: Chess boxing a sport of two extremes Kabaddi Whats “Hobby Horse” ? Topendsports: Botaoshi
Country of Origin: Japan This game traditional played by the National Defense Academy cadets, in the annual anniversary ceremony, where 2 teams of 150 elements play against each other a version of “Capture the Flag”. The teams are divided in 2 groups, 75 players attack and 75 players defend. To win this game, who need to lower the pole of the opposite team 30º before the other team. Picture: DozoDomo
Country of Origin: Portugal All so knowns as Lusitanian fencing, this traditional Portuguese sport, is played with a long wood stick against another opponent. This Portuguese martial art and self-defense technique nowadays is also practice with synthetic material (the weapon) in the competitive way, to be more attractive for the young generations and the athletes, don’t get mad injuries. Wins the player with more hits in the opponent body (torso and head). José Rodrigues VOICES - 21
The music industry has a name, and it’s
Taylor Swift
More than 15 years of musical activity, but not only that: staying on top for several years. Despite many adversities, critics, and actions aimed at pushing her from the top, she continues to create, convincing more and more people to listen to her music. Why is Taylor Swift a phenomenon?
t the age of 14, she signed a contract with the first recording company. Barely two years later, she released her first album. Since then, she is at least co-writer on all of her songs, which is impressive in the contemporary music industry. Taylor Swift is well known not only for writing her songs but also for the way she does it. For many years, Swift was associated with songs in which she described her experiences after the breakup. True, she has songs like this in her discography, but apart from them, there are many others that deal with completely different matters. And when Swift writes about love, she does it in ways that make her stand out from the crowd, what she proved in “Folklore” and “Evermore”. Not everyone knows that she wrote the song “Ronan”, about a little boy who died of cancer, and all the proceeds from this song went to the treatment of sick children. As a co-creator of the song, she mentioned the mother of the deceased boy. She also wrote about her mother’s illness in “Soon You’ll Get Better” and about the death of her friend in “Forever Winter”. Such songs meant that a loyal group of fans stayed with her even in the most difficult moments of her career. Which she had so many. Being at the top involves an inherent struggle for privacy and rights. The high-profile case with Kanye West made her step back for a year. She came back with the album “Reputation” that to this day is called iconic. Instead of making huge drama in media, she
stayed silent and put every feeling to this album. Later on, other problems started, this time with the rights to her music. Cheated by the label, she lost the rights to songs she created herself. So, her words are confirmed that if you want to enter the music industry, you need to find a good lawyer. What distinguishes Taylor Swift is the fact that she does not give up and can turn difficult situations to her advantage. That’s what she did with taking her music rights away. The law allows her to re-record albums, which she has already started doing. Thanks to this, her music will be hers, and she will be the one to decide what to do with it. New releases meant that it attracted even more people, breaking all possible music records. In addition to re-recording well-known songs, she took advantage of the possibility of including songs that were not published before. The reason, of course, was the influence of the recording label. Now, however, Taylor Swift decides for
What distinguishes Taylor Swift is the fact that she does not give up and can turn difficult situations to her advantage. That’s what she did with taking her music rights away. The law allows her to rerecord albums, which she has already started doing.
herself what she wants to put on the album, so this is how the new songs came. Not only the musical quality, but the fight for her rights and skills also made the fans faithfully stick to their idol. Taylor has interacted with them many times in a variety of ways, be it via social media or in real life. She repeatedly invited fans to her homes, so that they were the first to listen to her new albums or to support them financially when they were in a difficult situation. Swift knows what her fans want, for example, that’s why she has released a 10-minute version of the song “All Too Well” considered to be closest to fans’ hearts. Many of her fans are aspiring young artists who can count on Swift’s support. It was she who fought for adequate payments for musicians from streaming services, thanks to which a huge problem was noticed in the music industry. Nowadays, the issue still exists, but if it wasn’t for Taylor, it would be probably much bigger than it is. Unfortunately, even if other artists can count on Swift, she cannot say the same. Betrayed by many, but maybe because of that, she has a loyal group of people close to her. The many reasons why her fan base is close to her and is constantly growing, unfortunately, does not make everything flow smoothly. There is more and more new information to push Swift from the top. However, Taylor’s approach, in which she focuses on music and keeps her private life to herself, means that nothing can stop her. Being herself in the business is not easy, but it clearly helped Swift. Anna Marek
Clem Onojeghuo | Unsplash
The art
of haggling
Marcel Pirnay | Unsplash
Nikola Duza | Unsplash
lea markets and garage sales. These two are the best places to buy some cheap, antique, or vintage gadgets and trinkets. Most of the time, the prices of the wares are way lower than in general. Primarily because of overuse, damage, manufacturing fault, or other circumstances. But often, merchants are aware of how much their antique merchandise costs, and they raise the prices even more. In this case, we either open our wallets with a deep sigh or jump into the dangerous waters of haggling, which I witnessed in my hometown, Jászkisér. Let’s say you see a beautiful, old vase while rambling around the flea market. You want to buy it and place it in your living room, but it costs 13 euros, and you have only 11 euros in your pocket, so you decide on haggling. What should you do? I got some steps for you. The first tip is to politely ask the seller if they would give you the said vase for 9 euros instead of 13. This seems a bit too easy, and probably it sounds impossible, but believe me, one kind question and a crumb of patience can reach more than half an hour of yelling over a cracked vase. And all besides that, we should keep calm and be polite during the conversation with the merchant.
Coppers and silvers may allow you to buy your new dream decor for your home. Start playing with the numbers if they don’t let the price down after asking. Offer them 10 euros instead of 9. You can use the small change for a slow price raise in this matter. When even the species turns out crabs, you should move forward to the next step. Search for flaws! Look for manufacturing defects, painting flaws, cracks, broken edges, and report them to the merchant. Let’s say you found a crack at the bottom of the vase, and you show it to the seller. By this, they might let you go with it for 9 euros. But what if they still say it costs 13 euros? Take slightly insulting comments on the vase. For example, it’s way too damaged for 13 euros! At this point, you can get into quarrels with the merchant because let’s be honest, nobody likes it when someone insults their product. But also by disparaging the item, we can make the seller think over the price of the vase, and they may finally give it to you for 9 euros. In summary, always make sure not to run over people’s feelings by harsh insults on their merchandise. Keep your horses, be polite and comprehending with the sellers, and don’t be afraid to haggle a little for something you want!
István Gál
Фотографите како чувари на спомени, но и најчеста мета на кражби
Joren Aranas
“Фотографијата е приказната која не успевам да ја искажам со зборови” Дестин Спаркс
отоапаратите се едни од најдрагоцените предмети на светот. Од дрвени кутии прекриени со црн чаршаф, сè до аналогни и дигитални со долги објективи, апаратите со векови документираат безброј моменти. Но сепак фотоапаратите би биле безначајни доколку нема кој да ја создаде магијата зад нив. Првата перманентна фотографија го носи името „Поглед од прозорот во Ле Грас“. Неа ја има направено фотографот Жозеф Нисепор Ниепс во 1825 година користејќи дрвена кутија на лизгање направена од Чарлс и Винсент Чевалиер во Париз. Од тогаш па натаму непрестанато се појавуваат нови фотографи кои со различните стилови ни го доближуваат светот низ нивните очи. А и вие би можеле да се согласите дека да не би постоеле, љубопитното око на човекот никогаш нема да е задоволено. Многу од фотографите низ светот имаат направено неверојатни фотографски дела кои го задржуваат вниманието и токму поради тоа често се случува истите да бидат искористени без да се даде заслуга на авторот. Во ерата каде што имаме широк пристап до секакви содржини стана доста вообичаено да се „крадат“ фотографии не размислувајќи за последиците 26 - VOICES
од тоа. Покрај тоа што се занемарува нивната вредност и се обезвреднува креативниот ум на фотографот, постојат и случаи каде истите се препродавани од страна на онои што ги презел.
На денешницата големо влијание врз таквиот вид на кражби имаат социјалните мрежи. Секој од нас барем еднаш бил сведок на статии или постови со прекрасни фотографии чии автори не се никаде споменати. Најчест изговор за ваквите случувања е тоа дека „се најдени онлајн“, но тоа воопшто не го оправдува направеното. Голем број на млади луѓе денес влегуваат во сферите на фотографијата, а јас познавајќи такви млади инспиративни луѓе често сум сведок на тоа дека тие се вообичаена мета.
Jeremy Bishop
Mohammado Shokoofe
Затоа сите ние кои сакаме да објавиме на Инстаграм фотографија која не импресионирала. Најмалку што може да направиме е да дадеме признание на авторите за да го спречиме ваквиот „потценет“ вид на криминал. Сепак во ова време на милост и немилост, уметноста како професија е храбар чекор на младите. Мартина Даниловска Извори: Shotkit Indiatimes
Sam Burriss
James Hammond
Photographers as guardians of memories, but also the most common target of theft “Photography is a story I can not put into words” Destin Sparks
ameras are one of the most precious objects in the world. From wooden boxes covered with a black sheet to analog and digital with long lenses, the cameras have documented countless moments for centuries.
Talles Alves
Hongmei Zhao
But still, the cameras would be insignificant if there was no one to create the magic behind them. The first permanent photograph is entitled “View from the window in Le Grasse.” It was made by the photographer Joseph Nicèpor Nièpce in 1825 using a wooden sliding box made by Charles and Vincent Chevalier in Paris. Since then, new photographers have constantly been appearing who, with different styles, bring the world closer to us through their eyes. And you could agree that if it did not exist, man’s curious eye would never be satisfied. Many photographers around the world have done notable photographic works that hold the attention, and that is why it often happens that they are used without crediting the author. In an age where we have broad access to all kinds of content, it has become quite common to “steal” photos without thinking about the
David Hofmann
Benjamin Huggett
consequences. In addition to neglecting their value and devaluing the creative mind of the photographer, there are cases where they are resold by those who have taken them. Today, social networks have a significant influence on this type of theft. Each of us has witnessed articles or posts with beautiful photos whose authors are not mentioned anywhere. The most common excuse for such events is that “they were found online”, but that does not justify what was done. Many young people today enter the realm of photography, and I, knowing such young inspiring people, often witness that they are a common target. That’s why all of us want to post a photo on Instagram that impress us. The least we can do is acknowledge the authors to prevent this “underestimated” type of crime. Yet, in this time of (un)mercy, art as a profession is a brave step for young people. Martina Danilovska Sources: Shotkit Indiatimes
We are all
Humans We are all humans, born in the same world. We all have a prominent cornerstone in common. But no one of us is the same; we are all made unique, with different talents, interests, fondness, behaviors, and no one of us is living a similar life with the same impressions and perceptions. There is this big problem that people start separating the society in “normal and absurd.”
eople are even seen as weird when they dress differently or do not fit in the frame of society. So now start thinking about humans sitting in a wheelchair, talking with themselves, beginning to scream in public, and getting nervous around other people. Automatically they get excluded from society because they cannot fit in and behave incorrectly. Every single day I work with these children: children who have a disability and challenging behavior. Before I started to work in the school with children with special needs, I didn’t know much about it. But for me, it was always a mystery how human beings could be so mean and look at them as something with less worth. In some cultural areas, children born with disabilities are even seen as a punishment of God. What I can say for sure is that working with those people is a big honor for me because it’s maybe hard to imagine, but they can
teach you so many things, even if some children cannot talk at all. For me, it’s clear that the time has come that we have to learn more about disabilities and problematic behaviors, so there is no need anymore to watch at people with a critical gaze. That’s why I would like to share my thoughts and knowledge from the last ten months, and especially Autism is a field where many new perspectives crossed my mind. When I was thinking about Autism, I was thinking about brilliant people, especially in one field or topic like mathematics. But then I came into a classroom with children hurting themselves, screaming, spitting, scratching, throwing things, and it was different than my way of thinking. There was a lot of fear inside of me. Because working with children with an autism spectrum disorder can be overextending, primarily when you never studied it or have no experience. All of them have their behaviors, and even when most of them cannot speak, they can show what they want. Behavior is a form of communication, and often it is essential to observe concretely to know which situation led to challenging behavior, for example. Because everyone has a reason for their behavior, every behavior has a function. But one behavior can have different functions, and other behaviors can have the same function. So mostly, it is all about teaching to control and prevent challenging behaviors. Also, a fascinating fact is that none of them has an attention span that lasts longer than 5 minutes with breaks
in between (otherwise, it’s like 45 seconds). In my classroom, they came up with the idea to reward the children with things they grave a lot like a ball to jump on or just water to drink. For me, it is in general impressive which knowledge, empathy, good ideas, and love the teachers have. In the book “Thinking in Pictures. My life with autism”, the author Temple Grandin gives an insight into her struggles and personal stories. Reading her book made me think about even more questions. How do those people feel? Do they know that they are different? Do they know that in society, there are some borders for things that you cannot do, like smelling randomly on people? Are they questioning their worth sometimes? Are they even asking anything? In the book, it is said, “Temple does not romanticize autism, nor does she downplay how much her autism has cut her off from the social whirl, the pleasures, the rewards, the companionships, that for the rest of us may define much of life.” Also, she says that some simple emotions she cannot feel, for example, by looking at the mountains. She can say that they are pretty, but they don’t give her the special feeling
that other people seem to have like this feeling of enjoying. So, Autism is a disorder of interiority. But it had been a medical dogma for 40 years that there is no inside, no inner life in the autistic. But when you take a look at my students, you can see how they react to the words of the teachers, they are not made of stone, they can cry, they can laugh, and they can feel, maybe even more than we can because they are embossed by the changes of the
weather, the moon, food changes, just every little change they can recognize or at least their body can and their behavior will be different. To answer the question of worth, we can also take a look at her book where a non-autistic guy describes the struggles of Temple Grandin: “She is struggling for a deeper understanding of autism, struggling not least to understand that odd species-us-and to define her worth, her role, in a world that is not autistic.” Maybe it’s just us being weird in their eyes. Everyone is different, but we are all human beings and should love each other for what we are and who we are. Working with low-functioning autistic children and youth can be difficult but what I especially learned in the last weeks is that you must face it with
humor: “All right, this child is licking the walls again, and yeah, the other one is throwing something out of the window, so its time for a little walk outside to take it back, and oh, one of the children was biting again but isn’t it nice to have some color on the skin and also those bleeding scratches they will leave beautiful scars so I always have something with me where I can remember my time in Macedonia”. Just because they are different doesn’t mean that they have less worth. In some things like socially acceptable behavior, they may be not so good, but in coming up with crazy ideas, making you laugh, eating nonstop, and giving love, they are better than most people without Autism. Antonia Barth
We are different, everyone is different, but we are all human beings and should love each other for what we are and who we are.”
ven though recycling will not be the solution for countless landfills piling up and our oceans floating around with 5.25 trillion pieces of plastic, we have to start somewhere. You can reduce your consumption by small choices in everyday life, but let’s be honest; it’s not yet that easy in Macedonia. Recently you could see people taking their reusable bags to stores – because the government made plastic bags chargeable. It’s a minimal start towards innovative packaging of products, but it’s a start. So, when you create trash in Macedonia, what can you do with it? Recycling bins are slowly popping out to neighborhoods. But HOW to recycle – well, that’s another story.
What can you recycle in Macedonia? Plastic, metal, glass, cardboard and paper. By following numbers that should be found with every packaging material, you can see if the item is recyclable or not. Few examples of materials to recycle: Milk cartons, plastic
bottles, shampoo & soap bottles, cigarette boxes, tuna and bean cans, glass bottles and containers, office papers, cardboard boxes egg containers...
Wash what you recycle Chunks of food or liquids can contaminate a batch of recycling and attract pests. Your recyclables don’t need to be dishwasher clean, but give them a rinse and leave them to dry before throwing them into a bin. Don’t, however, wash them with soaps and hot water, as that will use more energy – which makes the process less ecological. A quick rinse with cold water to your yogurt bottle or tuna can is all that’s needed to wash out the leftovers.
Where to recycle in Macedonia? There are recycling bins in many neighbourhoods in Skopje. Yellow for plastic and metal, blue for paper and cardboard,
Plastic & Metal
green for glass. The AirCare App, where you can see the pollution levels on your community also has a map of recycling points in Macedonia – check it out! Electronic waste you can take to a store where electronic equipment is sold. They are obliged to take it. You can also call Zero Waste (070-236-000) to pick it up from your home. No one is expected to turn fully eco in a night – that’s not even possible. We start where we can, even if the society we live in makes it hard. That’s why we need more noise and more action to make the process accessible for everyone. Selina Niemi Sources: EPA: Facts and figures about materials waste and recycling – National overview facts and figures Datatopics: What a waste – Trends in solid waste management National Geographic – Article: Oceans plastics sea trash science marines debris
Paper & Cardboard
Plastic & Metal
Paper & Cardboard
Our monthly magazine has a very simple, yet powerful, mission to be the voice of youth. And how do we do that? We encourage young people to take an active part in today’s society through journalism and designing by giving them a platform to express themselves. VOICES is produced in Skopje, Macedonia, and published online every month and four times per year as a printed edition.
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