VCS DIRECTOR: Nikola Stankoski COORDINATORS: Andrej Naumovski Goran Adamovski Goran Galabov Selina Niemi Ewelina Chańska Jolanta Ciopcińska David Stoilkovski EXTERNAL WRITERS: Dafina Veselinoska Robin BojanCveteDanielTeodoraNikolinaMarinaMagdalenaLambrechtsMilenkovskaKlimoskaBadjukovaVeljanoskaSmiljkovVeleskaKrstevski TRANSLATORS: Dora Arifi Nikolina Badjukova CONTACT: Volunteers Centre Skopje Emil Zola 3/3-1, 1000, Skopje +389 22 772 DESIGNERS: Selina Niemi José JasseMarieAngelinaAleksandraRodriguesKanasiukBerndtKielHeikkilä Jolanta Ciopcińska Nikolina Badjukova PROOFREADER: Nikolina Badjukova VOICES magazine is coordinated, designed and created by ESC and local volunteers with support of Erasmus+ program. „Септември беше триесетдневно збогум на летото, на сезоната што ги остави сите среќни и уморни од топлото, влажно време и исцрпувачките, но возбудливи авантури.“ – Леа Малот Летото полека, но мрзеливо завршува. Ќе недостасуваат топлите летни денови, но јас со нетрпение ја чекам есента. Деновите ќе станат постудени и конечно ќе можете да седнете на вашиот прозорец со шолја чај и да слушате како тивко паѓа дожд - се разбира додека го читате нашето ново издание на „Воисес“! Во Германија септември се нарекува и „Engelmonat“ (месецот на ангелите) и е време на чест на нашите ангели чувари. Еве мал потсетник да бидете свој ангел чувар и да се грижите за себе. Додека грижата за себе често се поврзува само со маски за лице, купки за капење и третмани за убавина, може да биде и многу повеќе. Најдете време за себе, прошетајте, сликајте, читајте или слушајте подкаст, правете се што ве прави задоволни и среќни. Уживајте во последните мигови од летото и дочекајте ја есента со раширени раце! Ангелина Бернд Едиторијал VOLUNTEERS: Lucile Guéguen José MarieAngelinaJasseAleksandraRodriguesKanasiukHeikkiläBerndtKiel
Editorial “September was a thirty-days long goodbye to summer, to the season that left everybody both happy and weary of the warm, humid weather and the exhausting but thrilling adventures.” – Lea Malot
Slowly but surly summer is coming to an end. While the warm summer days will be missed, I am looking forward to autumn. The days will be getting colder and finally you will be able to sit at your window with a cup of tea and listen to the rain falling softly - while reading our new edition of VOICES of course!
In Germany September is also called “Engelsmonat” (the month of angels) and is a time of honouring our guardian angels. Here is a little reminder to be your own guardian angel and to take care of yourself. While Selfcare is often only associated with facemasks, bath bombs and beauty treatments it can also be so much more. Take time for yourself, go for a walk, paint, read or listen to a podcast, do whatever makes you content and happy. Enjoy the last moments of summer and welcome autumn with open Angelinaarms!
topic of the month 4 Poiyas, promised land Jasse Heikkilä 14 Појаис – Ветената Земја Јасе Хеикила sport 6 Phoenix of Portuguese Football José Rodrigues music 26 Volunteering at DFestival David Stoilkovski & VCS Team 28 Music past and present Robin Lambrechts reportage 8 A short history of dumplings Angelina Berndt 10 Заедница во која моќта ја имаат жените- Умоџа Copy Даниел Смиљков 12 Life and death in the Victorian Era Nikolina Badjukova 16 Attachment Styles & Their Role in Adult Relationships Teodora Veljanoska 18 Një histori e shkurtër e dumplings(petullave) Angelina Berndt 20 The Man behind Erasmus Marie Kiel 32 Who are Sikhs? Lucile Guéguen poetry 30 Зборови излеани на плажа Дафина Веселиноска 31 Август Дафина Веселиноска erasmus+ 24 Животот во Анталија: Волонтерско искуство во Турција Магдалена Миленковска 25 It’s OK not to be OK Marina Klimoska, Cvete Veleska, Bojan Krstevski opinion 22 Fairytales gone bad Aleksandra contentKanasiuk VOICES September 2022 - issue 9 1028COVER: Simon Wilkes | Unsplash 4
Poyais, promised land
The coast was even more beautiful than the passengers of the cargo ship “Honduras Packet” had imagined. 70 passengers from the ship were waiting to meet their new home. No one had ever been there before, but in the guidebook by Gregor MacGregor the area had been described well without saving compliments, “The spectacular climate of this precious land is a source of well-being and energy to the European settler.”
topic of the month
Jasse Heikkilä iltalehti:Sources: kaikkien aikojen huijari historianet: trooppinen suo myytiin paratiisina
VOICES - 5 тема на месецот
Gregor MacGregor was a veteran of the Napoleon Wars and a well-known freedom hero in South America where the colonies had risen up against Spanish oppression. The British did not know that MacGregor had fled Venezuela because he was facing the death penalty for fraud. Instead, he was seen as a great adventurer, and this hero who had returned to his homeland now offered other British people the opportunity for a great adventure. MacGregor had with him a document of ownership of more than 30,000 km2 of land in the Caribbean. The document had been granted by the ruler of the
The settlers had bought land in Poyais from Gregor MacGregor, the ruler of the region. Gregor MacGregor had very convincingly described the vast natural riches of the fertile land: The water, so pure and refreshing it could quench any thirst –and as if that wasn’t enough, chunks of gold lined the riverbeds which were just waiting for someone to take them. When “Honduras Packet” sailed deeper into the lagoon, the views no longer corresponded to the guide’s descriptions. The captain dropped the anchor and fired a cannon shot to call the pilot. The locals would guide the settlers to their plots, which they had bought from MacGregor at a cheap price. No one had yet guessed that they were victim to a big scam and were in danger of losing not only their property, but also their lives- many of them would not be able to survive in their new home for even a year.
As a newly independent country, Poyais needed international investments. Since the land MacGregor ruled was close to the planned Panama Canal, it would be an excellent investment target. What MacGregor didn’t mention was that he himself had never been to Poyais. Because the whole country didn’t even exist. MacGregor managed to raise around 1.3£ million (3,6£ billion nowadays) for his imaginary state through bonds and direct land deals. From England’s point of view, the names of the South American states changed quickly, and no one really knew who was in possession of the territories at any given moment. Therefore, when MacGregor returned to Great Britain in the middle of 1821, there was really no way to claim that he could not be the prince of the exotic Poyais. MacGregor made all the official documents, designed the uniforms for the Poyais army and printed the local currency. In addition, everyone would have the opportunity to contribute to the building of a new nation by investing in Poyais bonds. It made people excited about it.
MacGregor opened “embassies” of his state in London, Glasgow and Edinburgh to make it seem more real. Some of the Brits got so excited about the paradise named Poyais that they definitely wanted to move there. MacGregor didn’t directly say no to the idea either, because he had another way of making money in his mind. At the port of departure, the “cacique” offered to exchange the remaining shillings of all passengers for Poyais dollars. In the end, malaria and yellow fever made sure that less than a hundred of the 250 new settlers ever returned home. After that MacGregor didn’t stay to sort out the issues. He moved with his family to Paris and tried to raise money again with the same story. In France, however, the authorities no longer issued passports to settlers because their destination did not even exist. In 1825, however, he was caught in France, which extradited him to Britain. After his true identity was revealed, he was deported from Britain. When his wife died in 1838, MacGregor no longer wanted to spend his retirement days in Europe. Perhaps some of the settlers who lost their savings began to pressure MacGregor to flee. He moved to Venezuela, where old army buddies were able to get him Hecitizenship.isanexample to modern pyramid schemes. This story has no morals. Indeed, there is no story more immoral than this, for it plays with all the legitimate beliefs about the rewards of virtue and retribution for the wrongdoers. A career which, with no miscarriage of justice, might have ended under the dark walls of Newgate instead of the sunlight of Caracas where he died in 1845 at age of 59. He had a military funeral in Caracas Cathedral the same year. Gregor MacGregor was never convicted of any crime.
Mosquito Coast, King George Frederic Augustus I. MacGregor had bought the area honestly with a few barrels of rum and cheap jewelry, but that land was worthless and the document didn’t even make him prince of that area. However, the documents he provided to MacGregor were valuable because he was able to build and rely his scam on them.
sport Phoenix FPortugueseoftball 6 - VOICES
Over the years, winning of the Portuguese Football League has been divided between 3 teams: Benfica, Sporting and Porto. Only two teams, Boavista and Belenenses, have broken that cycle. Besides the Portuguese League, "Os Belenenses" won the Portuguese Cup three times; three Champions of Portugal; second Division two times; one Super Cup and one Intertoto. But the history of Belenenses isn't only about trophies. They founded the first football field with natural grass in Portugal, and like the other clubs, they had some legendary players too. The most known are PePe and Matateu. In this article, I will talk about the club management's decision that turned their history upside down – the club fell from the first to the last - seventh division.
The stadiums became ‘too small’ to accommodate all of Belenenses's supporters. The club's journey has been going very well. Every year they succeed and move to a higher division. They are now in the 3rd division, which means if they continue to keep the trend, we will see them in the 1st division again in 2 years. Unfortunately, many social media channels confuse Belenenses and B-SAD even though they are different teams. The supporters' love for the club is terrific; obviously, it was easier to follow the team that stayed in the 1st division, but they decided to keep following the real Belenenses. All of them say they always want to follow the team, no matter the division they will be. Like in the chant, they sing: "A nossa paixão não tem divisão" (Our love doesn't have any division).
The ofaccomodate“toobecamestadiumssmall”toallBelenenses´ssupporters
The actions of the club management are an example of enormous courage, making all faithful Belenenses supporters respect the club even more. They valued the club over money. When the team started playing the first games in the District Division, they surprised other teams with the number of supporters following them to every match.
Youtube:Sources: Canal 11 - A longa Travessia Youtbe: Betano Portugal - Azul Intenso Youtbe: - De cruz ao Peito Photos: Rui Vasco Silva
In 2018, "Os Belenenses" experienced the darkest moment of its history. Due to political and financial reasons, the club was split into two teams after a long disagreement with the SAD (Sociedade Anónima Desportiva – Public Limited Sports Company).
A new club called B-SAD, even though it kept all of the team players, was forced to move to another location because they had no right to the stadium. Also, they couldn't use the name "Os Belenenses" and the logo (specifically the Cross of Christ), which was a core part of Belenense's identity. B-SAD took the spot in the first division, but the real Os Belenenses - the team that used to play in the European league, fell into hell.
What about you? Which side would you take if your favorite football club split in two?
José Rodrigues
VOICES - 7 спорт
The first known recipe for dumplings is not from Asia though. The text appears in a roman cookbook the “Apicius: Caelii Apicii De Opsoniis et Condimentis Sive Arte Coquinaria Libri X” and the final version most likely goes back to the third or fourth century. Archaeologists believe it was not only written down by one person, as the given name of the author Aspicius suggests, but rather collected over the years and maybe even compiled to honour a roman cook. Whoever wrote the recipe down – they had taste. It deliciously describes dumplings made of roasted pheasant, chopped fine and with pepper. Despite the long history of dumplings, the word itself only goes back to the 17th century. In an English text from 1600 it was noted that the word “dumpling” most likely goes back to the old German noun “dump”, which means as much as “lump”.
Dumplings are omnipresent. Pretty much every culture has their own special kind of dumpling and sometimes even more than one. In Italy you have Ravioli and Tortellini, in Poland Pierogi, in Germany Maultaschen, in Turkey Manti and the list goes on and on. Those tasty little pillows have somehow wormed their way into our hearts. But where did they come from and why do we love them so Accordingmuch?to a Chinese legend stuffed dumplings were invented by a pharmacologist, physician, inventor and writer named Zhang Zhongjian during the Han Dynasty (202 BCE - 220 CE), as the legend says, in the cruel, hard winter when Zhang Zhongjian returned to his ancestral village where many of the inhabitants were suffering from the cold. It caused frostbite, especially around the ears. Zhan Zhongjian wanted to help his fellow citizens with his medical knowledge and cooked mutton, chili and other herbs with healing qualities. Then he wrapped them in scraps of dough and folded them to look like little ears. After boiling them again, so that they could warm the ears of the from frostbite suffering villagers, he handed them out. This is how the legend was passed on. It is not told if the dumplings actually helped with the frostbite, but apparently some had tried eating them and loved the taste, since they kept making the dumplings until long after spring began. While this legend is quite a nice story, it has no scientific evidence, of course. The first proof of the invention of dumplings was discovered in an ancient tomb in China’s Xinjiang Autonomous Region. Archaeologists were able to excavate perfectly preserved dumplings, which are dated back over 1700 years ago! Seems like humanity has been enjoying dumplings for a long time already. There are also some ancient Chinese poems which indicate that their history with dumplings goes back even further than that.
Sources: “Delightful, Delicious Dumplings” on; Miranda Brown: A brief history of dumplings | TED Talk; “Wrapped & Stuffed Foods: Proceedings of the Oxford Symposium”; “Cookery and Dining in Imperial Rome” by Apicius VOICES
So if we most likely started to make dumplings because they were a good way to make food last longer, why do we continue to make them today, even in environments where there is more than enough food?
For me, dumplings are a dish of endless creativity and adaptability.
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And as heart-warming as the story about Zhang Zhonhjiang and the beginning of dumplings is, it is more likely that they were simultaneously invented in different regions as a way to stretch food. Since a bit of meat was very likely not enough for a family, they could use it with cabbage and onions, wrap it in dough and make it go a long way.
Depending on what you have on hand, the dough can be made out of potatoes, flour, rice – and those are just examples, the possibilities are endless. Do you have a sweet tooth, or do you rather prefer hearty meals? Doesn’t matter because a dumpling can do both! Filled with meat, vegetables, fruit or even chocolate, what do you want more? They also come in every kind of shape, colour or texture and you can eat them just like that or with some side dishes – in case you are feeling Thosefancy. small edible packages convey warmth, comfort and happiness and you know what the best is? They are not even that hard to make and since you can use a wide variety of ingredients, they can be very affordable. And if you don’t have time to make them yourself – storebought ones are fine as well and an easy-quick meal. As my colleague Ola said: „Dumplings are the best thing in the world.” Angelina Berndt Flour on my fingers, I crimp your tiny pillows of plum and cheese, watch them bob and float in the salty water, and rescue them again and again.
Karen Kovacik, “Making pierogi”
10reportageVOICES Заедница во која моќта ја имаат жените - Умоџа Покрај контролата врз жените на социјален план, мажите преку патријахалната структура, и традиционални ритуали на присилен начин во голем број заедници управуваат и со приватниот, сексуалниот живот на жената. Таков чин е обрежувањето на гениталиите на жените кој нема никакви медицински причини, напротив може да предизвика сериозни здраствени проблеми. Во Кенија, во номатската област Самбуру дури 86% од женската популација, меѓу 14 и 49 годинишна возраст, се жртви на таков грозоморен чин. Токму ваквиот чин на насилство е главната причина на Ребека Лолосоли за формирањето на утописка заедница на слобода и моќ каде што живеат само жени. Ребека била претепана од група мажи до стeпен што била хоспиталзиирана, а потоа и отфрлена од својата заедница поради кревање на бунт против практиката на обрежување на женските гениталии. Ребека после опоравувањето, реализира заедница-село каде мажите се забранети, заедница во која моќта ја имаат жените. Селото е основано во 1990 година и го добило името Умоџа што значи единство на јазикот Свахили. На самиот почеток Ребека добила подршка од 15 храбри жени кои биле единствените жители во ова ново село. Тие 15 жени биле преживеани жртви на жигосување од нивните семејства поради тоа што биле силувани од британски војници за време на тогашниот бунт, семесјтвата сакале да ги убиат за да се ослободат од гревот кој тие им ,,го нанеле на семејството”. Обидот жените да се убијат поради тоа што биле жртви на силување, за нешто против нивна воља е уште еден од многуте луцидни насилни акти врз жените. Со текот на времето селото добивало се поголема поддршка од други жени жртви, пикот на население е 50 жители, додека според последните податоци моментално брои 37 жени и нивните деца. Куќите во селото се изградени од самите жени, тоа се налик колиби, како и училиште за нивните деца. Тие сами заработуваат продавајќи мед и рачно изработувајќи ѓердани од монистри кои ги продаваат на големиот број туристи. Ова е само пример дека жените и те како можат да заработуваат, ова само го поништува верувањето дека мажот е тој кој е поспособен да заработува. Умоџа е заедница составена од жени жртви на присилни бракови, циркумцизија на женските органи, силување и други форми на културно насилство врз жената. Жените во Умоџа имаат матријахат, тоа е поглаварот Ребека, на која ја даваат дневната заработка од продадените ѓердани. Улогата на матријахатот е да додели сума пари доволна за храна на секое семејство базирано на бројот на деца во него.
VOICES - 11 репортажа Исто така матријахатот треба да издвои пари со кои ќе организира успешно образование за младите девојки. Уставот на Кенија како и многу држави и покрај тоа што одобрува жените да поседуваат земјиште речиси секогаш таткото го предава земјиштето на синот, што отежнува жените да поседуваат земјиште. Единствен начин би било доколку таа би платила за свое сопствено земјиште, а тоа е речиси неизводливо бидејќи немаат свој сопствен приход. Жените од Умоџа успеале законски да го купат земјиштето на кое живеат со парите кои ги заработиле како и со помошта од глобални Статистичкитедонации.податоци покажуваат дека Умоџа брои дури 200 деца, а при тоа мажите се забранети да влегуваат во селото. Жените имаат право да одат на таканаречен таен состанок за време на ноќта со мажот кој претходно го одбрале тие лично како и нивната заедница, најчесто тоа се мажи од соседните села и целта е прокреирање. Доколку детето е машко тоа може да остане да живее во заедницата на Умоџа се до неговата 18 годишна возраст кога мора да го напушти селото. Жените во Умоџа се свесни за битната улога на образованието и едукацијата. Токму затоа со иницијативи на матријахатот Ребека, со првите поголеми донации создале свое училиште во кое покрај девојките од селото дозволено е и присуство на момчиња од соседното село. Каде се врши воспитување на момчињата за нужноста од еднаква распределба на моќта меѓу половите. Жителите на Умоџа исто така патуваат во соседните заедници каде ги учат жителите за битната потреба на жените да бидат вклучени во поседување земјиште и битната улога за еднаквост. Врз нивно влијание е формирано и соседното село Начами, кое има матријахална структура но сепак дозволува мажи да живеат со нив доколку успешно се ре-едуцирале за улогата на жената во Женитезаедницата.воУмоџа живеат во еднаков пристап на моќ и ресурси, тие успеале да се изборат и да истраат против големиот број на напади. Но, се чини дека единствен начин жената да има моќ врз сопстевните акти и опшеството е доколку таа формира заедница одделена од онаа на мажот. Верувам дека многу битна е едукацијата и ре-едукацијата за еднаквост и напуштањето на патријахалното опшество. Патријахалната структура на социјалниот контекст е плодно тло за дизбаланс во моќта и насилство врз жените. Сметам дека за да се постигне еднаквост нужно е мажите да разберат дека поделбата на моќта врз индивидуални компетиции, а не врз полот би водело кон развивање на здраво и целисходно успешно опшество во кое полот би претставувал ништо повеќе од биолошка конструкција. Даниел Смиљков Извори: Kiriu, D. (2021). How an Extraordinary WomenOnly Village Is Inspiring Land Equality in Rural Bindel,Kenya. J. (2015). The village where men are banned.
Imagine this: You wake up in your little servants’ corner in 19th century England (because let’s face it, you definitely wouldn’t be royalty) and prepare to do your daily duties to serve your aristocrat masters. Also, you have no right to complain because it’s either this or working at the factory for a wage of a single penny per day. You aren’t exposed to any kinds of luxury and would be even luckier to merely be in the presence of a roasted chicken. But hey, at least Queen Victoria is thriving (or not).
In this period even making it to the age of 20 would be difficult for you.
reportage Life and death in the Victorian Era
This was the age of the industrial revolution and the factories were booming with business, so much so that a lot of lower class people worked there. If you worked at a factory your day would consist of roughly 15 hours of hard labor (at least you’re off on Sundays!) with 500 other workers, loud machines, low ventilated spaces and dim lighting so that your only source of light is a candle. Speaking of candles, you don’t realize that your sleeve had caught fire on the candle next to you and you burn to death with the materials you needed for work. Your co-workers are forced to work thrice as much so they can account for the losses. It’s another case of a bizarre Victorian death, but at least you didn’t get mauled to death by a pig like little Mullins in 1873.
A small amount of kids survived past the age of 3, most dying early under bizarre circumstances, illnesses and due to overwork. Unless you were born in a wealthy family (I doubt it), you would be forced to work as a street sweeper or a miner as soon as you turned 4 years old. “The Factory Act” which was established in 1833 disallowed children under the age of 9 to work in factories but still allowed them to take other dangerous jobs like chimney sweeping. Often people who came from the middle class were deployed to act as servants for the rich which only consisted of royals. But the poor? Again, chimney sweepers. Did I mention how much ash they inhaled
kids didn’t need to worry about money but they didn’t lead extraordinary lives either. They could only speak to their parents at certain times in a day and their main source of education would be their nannies, who were always old and unmarried ladies. The nannies would teach etiquette and propriety, but girls weren’t allowed to learn about much else. After all, an educated Victorian lady was deemed unattractive and blasphemous for being interested in something other than her family role as a wife and mother. Feminist movements would bring awareness and protest the issue but wouldn’t be able to change how girls were educated until much later. Boys would be sent to school as soon as they reached the age of 11, but only if they were wealthy and able to pay the school’s entry fees.
Issue no. 1 September 2022 VOICES 12 - VOICES
Most Victorian deaths were anything but normal. Though the medical field was evolving at the time people still didn’t have a complete understanding of poisons. It was because of this that when the Emerald Green dye was invented people immediately thought: “Ooh! Pretty color!” and not: “Oh, this might give me arsenic poisoning”. People would eventually realize that the many deaths that happened at the time were caused by the large amounts of arsenic which was used in green colored wallpapers, carpets and accessories, but also certain candies, and they would also gain awareness of similar poisonings and avoid them but not before leaving casualties. Other bizarre deaths in the 19th century include (but are not limited to) being killed by a mouse, cat, frog or any other small animal you can think of; dying due to an alarm clock; laughing oneself to death and being crushed to death by a modified alarm clock. Dying in this period was definitely traumatizing and weird, but at least you would feel comfortable knowing that there are people who are celebrating your death! That sounds weird, let me explain. The act of mourning and romanticising of death were popularized by Queen Victoria herself after her husband King Albert’s death in 1861. The Queen would make her household servants wear black for 3 years after King Albert’s death and continued to wear black until her own demise in 1901. She mourned him until she died and despite the initial concern for the Queen’s sanity people soon began to be influenced by her bereavement. The masses would host expensive funerals, wore mourning clothes, purchased mourning accessories, took photographs with the dead and created mourning rituals.
Celebrations of death were common and not at all unusual at the time which is why nowadays we correlate the terms “Victorian” and “death” with each other. It is not easy to explain the many quirks of the Victorian era in only a few pages. Queen Victoria ruled from 1837 until 1901 and it’s so interesting to see her influence on the folk at the time. I didn’t even have the opportunity to mention how detailed and extraordinary their mere everyday outfits were! That topic has to wait for another time, but I hope that I inspired you to look into the world of the 19th century. Seriously, research it, it’s great.
Nikolina Badjukova,Sources: The Victorians: Life and Death BBC, 10 truly bizarre Victorian deaths, Victorian Schools Facts for,Children Victorian Era Poor Children: Life of Kids, Boys, Girls, Child Labor, Education Medium, The Mystery Behind Poisonous Green Color During Victorian Era
Брегот беше поубав од колку што патниците на товарниот брод „Хондурас Пакет“ би можеле да замислат. 70 патници од бродот чекаа да се запознаат со нивиот нов дом. Никој досега не бил таму, но во прирачникот од Грегор Мек Грегор областа била опишана без заштедување на комплименти, „ Спектакуларната клима на оваа скапоцена земја е извор на благосостојба и енергија за европскиот доселеник“. ПојаисВетенатаЗемја topic of the month 14 - VOICES
VOICES - 15 Доселениците купиле земја во Појаис од Грегор Мек Грегор, владетелот на регионот. Грегор Мек Грегор многу убедливо ги опишал огромните природни богатства на плодната земја:Вода толку чиста и освежителна што може да ја задоволи секоја жед - и ако тоа да не е доволно, парчиња злато ги обложувале речните корита кои само чекале некој да ги земе. Кога „Хондурас Пакет“ пловел подлабоко до лагуната, погледите повеќе не одговарале со описите на водичот. Капетанот го фрлил сидрото и испукал топовски истрел за да го повика пилотот. Локалните жители ги воделе доселениците до нивните парцели, кои ги купиле од Мек Грегор по евтина цена. Никој сè уште не претпоставуваше дека е жртва на голема измама и дека е во опасност да го загуби не само имотот, туку и животот - многу од нив не преживеа во нивниот нов дом ниту една година. Грегор Мек Грегор беше ветеран од Наполеонските војни и добро познат херој за слобода во Јужна Америка, каде што колониите се кренаа против шпанското угнетување. Британците не знаеле дека Мек Грегор побегнал од Венецуела бидејќи се соочува со смртна казна за измама. Напротив, тој бил сметан за голем авантурист, а сега овој херој кој се врати во својата татковина им ја нуди можноста на другите Британци за голема авантура. Мек Грегор имал со себе документ за сопственост на повеќе од 30.000 км2 земјиште на Карибите. Документот го доделил владетелот на „Брегот на Комарците“, кралот Џорџ Фредерик Август I. Мек Грегор чесно ја купил областа со неколку буриња рум и евтин накит, но всушност таа земја била безвредна, а документот не го ни правел принц на таа област. Сепак, документите што биле доставени на Мек Грегор имале вредост бидејќи тој можел да се потпре на нив и да ја изгради својата измама со нивна Какопомош. новонезависна земја, на Појаис и беа потребни меѓународни инвестиции. Со оглед на тоа што земјата со која владееше Мек Грегор беше блиску до планираниот Панамски канал, тоа беше одлична инвестициска цел. Тоа што Мек Грегор не го спомна е дека тој самиот никогаш не бил во Појаис. Затоа што државата не ни постоела. Мек Грегор успеа да собере околу 1,3 милиони фунти (3,6 милијарди фунти во денешно време) за својата замислена држава преку обврзници и директни договори за земјиште. Од гледна точка на Англија, имињата на јужноамериканските држави брзо се менуваа и никој навистина не знаеше кој ги поседува териториите во даден момент. Затоа, кога Мек Грегор се вратил во Велика Британија во средината на 1821 година, навистина немало шанси да се утврди дека тој не можел да биде принцот на егзотичниот Појаис. Мек Грегор ги направил сите официјални документи, ги дизајнирал униформите за војската на Појаис и ја отпечатил локалната валута. Дополнително, секој би имал можност да придонесе за изградба на нова нација со инвестирање на обврзници на Појаис. Тоа ги возбудуваше луѓето. Мек Грегор отворил „амбасади“ на својата држава во Лондон, Глазгов и Единбург за да изгледа пореално. Некои од Британците толку се возбудиле за рајот по име Појаис што дефинитивно сакале да се преселат Нитутаму. Мек Грегор не кажал директно „не“ на идејата, бидејќи во умот имал друг начин на заработка. На појдовното пристаниште, кациките понудиле замена на преостанатите шилинзи на сите патници за Појаис долари. На крајот, маларијата и жолтата треска се погрижија да помалку од сто од 250-те нови доселеници се вратат дома. После тоа Мек Грегор не останал да ги средува проблемите. Со семејството се преселил во Париз и повторно се обидел да собере пари со истата приказна. Меѓутоа, во Франција властите повеќе не издавале пасоши на доселениците бидејќи нивната дестинација не ни постоела. Во 1825 година сепак бил фатен во Франција, која го екстрадирала во Британија. Откако бил откриен неговиот вистински идентитет тој бил депортиран од Британија. Кога неговата сопруга починала во 1838 година, Мек Грегор повеќе не сакал да ги поминува пензионерските денови во Европа. Можеби некои од доселениците кои ги загубија своите заштеди почнале да го притискаат Мек Грегор да побегне. Тој се преселил во Венецуела, каде што старите армиски пријатели му помогнале да добие Тојдржавјанство.епример за модерните пирамидални шеми. Оваа приказна нема морал. Навистина, нема понеморална приказна од оваа, бидејќи таа си поигрува со сите легитимни верувања за наградите на доблеста и одмаздата за погрешните. Кариера која, без пропуст на правдата, можеби би завршила под темните ѕидови на Њугејт наместо сончевата светлина на Каракас каде што Мек Грегор почина во 1845 година на 59-годишна возраст. Истата година имаше воен погреб во катедралата во Каракас. Грегор Мек Грегор никогаш не бил осуден за кривично дело. Jasse Heikkilä Превод: Николина Баџукова Iltalehti:Sources: Kaikkien aikojen huijari Historianet: Trooppinen suo myytiin paratiisina тема на месецот
Have you noticed patterns in your behavior when interacting with people? Have you ever wondered why you feel secure/insecure in your relationships? According to attachment theory, it’s because different people have different attachment styles. Attachment styles develop early in life and help predict future behaviors. & Their Role in
Early attachment patterns are formed in childhood through the caregiver/infant bond. The main idea behind John Bowlby's attachment theory is that children who have primary caregivers who are present and attentive to their needs can grow to feel secure. The infant learns that the caregiver can be relied upon, providing a safe foundation from which the youngster can later explore the outside world. Bowlby thought that the process of attachment was all or nothing. There are, however, individualized differences in attachment types, according to research. In humans, the attachment behavioral system is active throughout their lives and individuals find comfort in both physical and mental representations of significant others. This system does not end in infancy or even childhood (Bowlby, Attachment1969). styles are expectations people develop about relationships with others. You can better understand your own behavior, how you see your partner, and how you react to intimacy by realizing how your attachment style affects and shapes your personal Duringinteractions. the 1970s, psychologist Mary Ainsworth further expanded upon
Ainsworth's findings, and more investigation has shown that these early attachment types can aid in the prediction of behaviors in later life.
Adult Relationships
Attachment styles:
Disorganized-insecure attachment Researchers Main and Solomon added this a fourth attachment style. Disorganized attachment is normally exhibited by a fear of intimacy and avoidance of relationship-building. This is often considered an unhealthy attachment style.
Attachment styles are peopleexpectationsdevelopaboutrelationshipswithothers.“
Although attachment styles displayed in adulthood are not necessarily the same as those seen in infancy, early attachments can have a serious impact on later relationships. Children who are securely attached as infants tend to develop stronger self-esteem as they grow older. These children also tend to be more independent, perform better in school, have successful social relationships, and experience less depression and anxiety. On the other hand, children who display attachment problems are frequently diagnosed with oppositional defiant disorder (ODD), conduct disorder (CD), or post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), possibly due to early abuse, neglect, or trauma. Children adopted after the age of 6 months may have a higher risk of attachment problems. One effective way of treating different attachment styles is therapy, since it could allow individuals to work through their attachment style and reconstruct any thought or feeling process that leads to insecure attachment styles. Improving nonverbal communication skills, boosting emotional intelligence, developing relationships with people who are securely attached and resolving childhood trauma are all steps that can help improve one’s attachment style. Teodora Veljanoska BowlbySources:J. Attachment and Loss. Basic BowlbyBooks. J. Attachment and loss: Retrospect and prospect. Am J Orthopsychiatry. 1982;52(4):664-678. Mikulincer, M., Shaver, P.R. (2007). Attachment in Adulthood: Structure, Dynamics, and Change. Guilford Press. Baumeister, R. F., & Leary, M. R. (1995). The need to belong: Desire for interpersonal attachments as a fundamental human motivation. Psychological Bulletin, 117(3), 497-529. Ainsworth MD, Bell SM. Attachment, exploration, and separation: Illustrated by the behavior of one-year-olds in a strange situation. Child Dev. 1970;41(1):49-67.
Ambivalent-insecure (anxious) attachment
You can likely figure out which attachment style you have by reflecting on the current relationships you have and noting any patterns that you might see. There are also other unofficial quizzes online. Note that it's important not to take your results at face value because these tests are not scientifically backed.
Avoidant-insecure attachment Typically exhibited by a rejection of intimacy and independence. However, their independence is more to avoid dependence on others rather than feeling secure. This is often considered an unhealthy attachment style.
Secure attachment Typically exhibited by a comfort with building relationships or having independence. This is often considered a healthy attachment style;
Typically exhibited by a dependence on relationships and other people. This is often considered an unhealthy attachment style.
reportage dumplingsNjëhistorieshkurtëre 18 - VOICES
Miell në gishta, unë shtrëngoj jastëkët tuaj të vegjël me kumbulla dhe djathë, shikojini ato dhe notoni në ujin e kripur dhe i shpëtoni përsëri dhe përsëri.
Dëshmia e parë e shpikjes së petullave u zbulua në një varr të
legjendë është një histori mjaft e bukur, sigurisht që nuk ka prova shkencore.
Ato paketa të vogla ushqimore përcjellin ngrohtësi, rehati dhe lumturi dhe e dini cila është më e mira? Ato nuk janë edhe aq të vështira për t’u bërë dhe meqenëse mund të përdorni një shumëllojshmëri të gjerë përbërësish, ato mund të jenë shumë të përballueshme. Dhe nëse nuk keni kohë për t’i përgatitur vetë - ato mund ti bleni edhe në dyqan të cilat janë gjithashtu të mira dhe një vakt i shpejtë. Siç tha kolegia ime Ola: “Petullat janë gjërat më e mira në botë.”
Kështu u transmetua legjenda. Nuk është thënë nëse petullat vërtet ndihmuan me ngricat, por me sa duket disa kishin provuar t’i hanin dhe e kishin pëlqyer shijen, pasi vazhduan t’i bënin petat deri shumë kohë pasi filloi Ndërsapranvera.kjo
Ata gjithashtu vijnë në çdo lloj forme, ngjyre ose teksture dhe mund t’i hani vetëm ato ose me disa pjata anësorenë rast se ndiheni të dashur.
për një familje, ata mund ta përdornin me lakër dhe qepë, ti mbështillnin me brumë dhe të gatuanin një ushqim të shijshëm.
Angelina Berndt Perktheu: Dora Arifi
Karen Kovacik, “Bërja e pierogjive”
Petullat janë të gjithëpranishme. Pothuajse çdo kulturë ka llojin e vet të veçantë të petullave dhe ndonjëherë edhe më shumë se një lloj. Në Itali keni Ravioli dhe Tortellini, në Poloni Pierogi, në Gjermani Maultaschen, në Turqi Manti dhe lista vazhdon e vazhdon. Ata jastëkë të vegjël të shijshëm kanë hyrë disi në zemrat tona. Por nga erdhën dhe pse i duam kaq shumë? Sipas një legjende kineze, petët e mbushura u shpikën nga farmakologu, mjeku, shpikësi dhe shkrimtari i quajtur Zhang Zhongjian gjatë Dinastisë Han (202 pes - 220 e.s.), siç thotë legjenda, në dimrin e ftohtë e të vështirë kur Zhang Zhongjian u kthye në fshatin e pasardhesve të tij, ku shumë prej banorëve vuanin nga i ftohti. Dimri shkaktonte ngrirje, veçanërisht rreth Zhanveshëve.Zhongjian donte të ndihmonte banorët me njohuritë e tij mjekësore dhe gatuante mish deleje, përdorte djegës dhe barishte të tjera me cilësi shëruese. Pastaj i mbështolli ato me copa brumi dhe i palosi që të dukeshin si veshë të vegjël. Pasi i ziente sërish, që të ngrohnin veshët e fshatarëve të vuajtur nga ngricat, ai filloi të ua shpërndante.
lashtë në Rajonin Autonom të Xinjiang të Kinës. Arkeologët ishin në gjendje të gërmonin petulla të ruajtura në mënyrë të përsosur, të cilat datojnë mbi 1700 vjet më parë! Duket sikur njerëzimi i ka shijuar petullat për një kohë të gjatë tashmë. Ka edhe disa poezi të lashta kineze që tregojnë se historia e tyre me petat shkon edhe më larg se kaq. Megjithatë, receta e parë e njohur për petat nuk është nga Azia. Teksti shfaqet në një libër gatimi romak “Apicius: CaeliiApicii De OpsoniisetCondimentisSive Arte CoquinariaLibri X” dhe versioni përfundimtar ka shumë të ngjarë të kthehet në shekullin e tretë ose të katërt. Arkeologët besojnë se nuk është shkruar vetëm nga një person, siç sugjeron emri i autorit Aspicius, por është mbledhur gjatë viteve dhe ndoshta edhe është përpiluar për të nderuar një kuzhinier romak. Kushdo që e ka shkruar recetën - ka pasur shije. Ai përshkruan në mënyrë të shijshme petullat e bëra nga fazani i pjekur, i copëtuar imët dhe me piper. Pavarësisht historisë së gjatë të petullave, vetë fjala shkon prapa vetëm në shekullin e 17-të. Në një tekst në anglisht nga viti 1600, u vu re se fjala “dumpling” ka shumë të ngjarë të kthehet në emrin e vjetër gjerman “dump”, që do të thotë po aq sa Dhe“gungë”.sado që të ngrohë zemrën historia për Zhang Zhonhjiang dhe fillimi i petullave, ka më shumë gjasa që ato të jenë shpikur njëkohësisht në rajone të ndryshme si një mënyrë për të zgjeruar ushqimin. Meqenëse sasia e vogël e mishit me shumë gjasa nuk mjaftonte
Pra, nëse me shumë mundësi filluam të bënim petë sepse ato ishin një mënyrë e mirë që të kishim mjaftueshëm ushqim, pse vazhdojmë t’i bëjmë ato sot, edhe në mjedise ku ka ushqim më shumë se sa Përmjaftueshëm?mua,petullat janë një pjatë e pafund krijimtarisë dhe përshtatshmërisë. Në varësi të asaj që keni në dorë, brumi mund të bëhet nga patate, miell, oriz – dhe këto janë vetëm shembuj, mundësitë janë të pafundme. Preferoni diçka të ëmbël, apo preferoni ushqime të bollshme? Nuk ka rëndësi sepse një petë mund t’i bëjë të dyja! E mbushur me mish, perime, fruta apo edhe çokollatë, çfarë dëshironi më shumë?
Erasmus is a name to almost every single one of us. If you are not familiar with the philosopher you are likely to associate those 3 syllables with the EU’s very popular program -Erasmus+ - which is „supporting education, training, youth and sport in Europe “, as stated on their website. Conveniently enough the program is named after mentioned philosopher and theologist Desiderius Erasmus von Rotterdam, who is, even apart from being the origin to the Erasmus+ name, an important historical figure of the 16th Century.
Erasmus travelled to many different worse than those of a wild beast” (CWE 26: 305) showcase his strong opinion - and unlike many of his time he thought of men and women as intellectually equal (e.g., „The Abbot and the Learned Lady“).
Marie Kiel
In fact, he was very important; he is not only known for paving the way for reformation in catholicchurch like Martin Luther’s Reformation or playing a role in the Anglican but also as famous humanist with publications widely recognized then and now. The languages he was writing in were mainly Greek and Latin and he was notorious for his linguistic skills and his intellect was described as „the crowning glory of the Christian humanists “(Latourette, Kenneth Scott. A History of Christianity). The role he played in both reformations were more of a passive nature; in the Anglican separation from the roman catholic church, he acted as a background figure; being acquainted to young Heinrich VIII from an early age on and later as his friend and advisor during his regency and the actual separation act. In the Protestant separation from the Roman catholic church under Martin Luther, Erasmus claims, that he laid the egg Luther hatched. This interpretation roots in Erasmus translating and commenting the bible from Latin into Greek („Novum Instrumentum“) years before Luther translated the Bible into German. Luther picked up several remarks and critics of his, though Erasmus focus laid on containing and reforming the church rather than revolutionizing and separating from it. Edward Fröhlich, Professor at describesUniversityPhilosophical-TheologicalVallendaritas
„Erasmus had high hopes that the church could be renewed without separating it into individual parties.“ He was born between 1466 and 1469 illegitimately to a priest in Rotterdam. His education was mainly focused on literacy skills and languages, then, he joined an order where he was obtained a priest in 1492 but later rejected monastic life as he claimed to be unsuited for it. In 1495 he attended College de Montaigu in Paris but left it rather quickly to tutor students. In this time, he published a lot of his later most recognized work like the Adagia, a collection of Latin proverbs which are very popular to this day e.g., manus manum lavat - one Hand washes the other. 1499 he travelled with one of his pupils to England where he made acquaintance with popular humanists like Wiliam Grocyn or Thomas More, later Lord Chancellor of England. Over the next two decades
Deutschlandfunk – “Ein kosmopolitische StanfordVordenker”Encyclopedia of Philosophy –Desiderius Erasmus Wikipedia – Erasmus von Rotterdam Bartleby – Did Erasmus Lay the Egg Luther WikipediaHatched – Erasmus Lernhelfer – Erasmus von Rotterdam “Man, unless he has experienced the influence of learning and philosophy, is at the mercy of impulses that are worse than those of a wild beast”
Additionally, he was strictly against war. He viewed it as the last resource and regards war as fundamentally unchristian and fit for beasts. „The most disadvantageous peace is better than the most just war “(Adagia). He believed in unity, cultural exchange and in peacemaking as well as keeping. All those values clearly align with those the EU asserts to the Erasmus+ Program - from the love to languages to education, peacekeeping and international travels. Today’s Erasmus+ Program is a chance for young people to travel Europe or even further (Erasmus Mundus) and is highly demanded: over 4,4 Million students were or are part of it, making it to the biggest funding program of the world. Erasmus’s way of living can be an inspiration to all of us, we should be grateful for all the opportunities this connection gives to us, use the chance to learn about other cultures, to educate ourselves, to love language. As „The main hope of a nation lies in the proper education of its youth” (Desiderius Erasmus).
Love from the first sight Is falling in love so easy? Like love would be the result of a magic occurrence or destiny. You see an theirspotindividual,attractiveyouthesparkineyesorthe mythical “something”, and that’s it. What’s the point in asking additional questions or exchanging one word? Snow White knew she wanted to be with Prince without any conversation. Pocahontas and John Smith didn’t even share the same language. Anna from “Frozen” wanted to marry Hans almost immediately. I laughed hard because Elsa was the first rational voice ever: “You can’t marry a man you just met.” In fairy tales, there’s no time for searching. A princess usually weds the first prince she meets, or simply the one who chose her or saved her from distress. Even heroines who are reluctant at first, after some time, surrender.
Researchers also noticed the interesting fact that Brothers Grimm underlined that Prince Charming was in love with Cinderella, but we know nothing about her feelings. We assume she feels the same if a guy claims love for
Fairy tales
Once upon a time, , beyond seven mountains and seven forests, lived a poor, sad girl. All of her relatives were dead, and her stepfamily was mistreating her. Such a relief! She had friends – she was talking with mice and birds. One night the fanciest dude in the kingdom was throwing a huge party. Everybody was invited. He was looking for a new chick because his parents were nagging at him that he needed to settle down. The poor and sad girl also wanted to party hard, but her stepmother asked her to sweep the desert and clean the whole world, so she couldn’t. Luckily, out of the blue, her witchy ghost godmother appeared, made bibiddi-bobbidi-boo and sorted out all of the world’s problems, dressed the girl up and sent her to the mansion of the dude, in the carriage made by pumpkins and driven by mice. She showed up at the party, and the guy went crazy. He fell in love with her. They spent the whole evening together until she realized “the spell” would stop working, so she needed to run away. She escaped so fast that she lost her shoe. He didn’t want to lose that hot girl, but he was probably only staring into her breasts because afterwards, he didn’t remember any details about her appearance. So he needed to hang out with all of the girls from the kingdom to find the one. When they finally met, he didn’t recognize her. But the shoe apparently suited her, so in no time, they married and lived happily never after because there was no dude and no wedding, only hallucinations from malnutrition and Fairydeath.tales messed with my brain and my view of the world. Subconsciously I believed in a lot of stereotypes smuggled into tales. I’ve spent most of my childhood and young years dreaming that “someday my prince will come”. Just like that, I didn’t need to do anything, and he would appear at my doorstep. But apparently, he didn’t. Instead, I discovered that most Disney princesses are the best candidates for long-term psychotherapy. Moreover, Disney and the fairy tales I was consuming had contributed to structuring my beliefs and expectations about romantic love. And I believe not only mine.
Who’s the fairest of them all? But how does a man choose the love of his life? She needs to be beautiful. In fairy tales and, havehappybeautifulthem?andUsually,LittlefromstepsistersVillainsatheworthsuccess.goodness,beingrealsubconsciouslyunfortunately,alsoinlife,weconnotatebeautifulwithwealthandAlso,women’sisdeterminedbypossibilityofattractinglifepartner.Butwho’sugly?likeCruelladeVil,theandstepmotherCinderella,Ursulafrom“TheMermaid”andmanymore.theyarelonely,enviouspathetic–whowantstobelikeIusedtobelievethatbeingisaguaranteeforbeingandthatattractivepeopleeasierlives.Dealwithit.
Tales and Disney movies smuggled into our life many stereotypes and limiting beliefs. It doesn’t mean that watching or reading fairy tales is harmful, and we shouldn’t do it. Oh no, it is relaxing and lets us rest from reality. But the next time when you watch a Disney movie, try to detect what kind of unrealistic beliefs you internalized from fairy tales.
And I’ll keep wondering when will my life begin First, heroines needed to suffer (mistreatment, some of them were locked somewhere or even someone was trying to kill them) and they were passive nambypamby, waiting for their Prince who would solve all the problems and be a source of eternal happiness. Because, for sure true, love awaited them in an unspecified somewhere. Then some handsome dudes choose them to underline that madams in distress are worth the attention. Fortunately, Disney recently changed the narrative, and Princesses are more independent and focused on their interests and dreams. For instance, Tiana from Princess and the Frog wants to own a restaurant. Some of them even refuse to get married, like Elsa or Merida.
tool for connecting estates and clans, prolonging lineages and regulating access to sex. So the purpose of marriage was utterly different from what they told us, and not at all magical.
Sources: Emma Micallef – Fairytales – the influence on young women’s perception of romantic love
мислење her. But what if in real life we will don’t feel that it is “it” from the first millisecond? Should we die alone?
Aleksandra Kanasiuk
Julie C. Garlen, Jennifer A. Sandlin - Happily (n)ever after: the cruel optimism of Disney’s romantic ideal
conquersLove all the obstacles Personality clash? No shared vision of life? Irreconcilable differences? Who cares! For true love, you need to transform yourself, sometimes even sacrifice something essential for you. Ariel sacrificed her voice to be with prince Erik! On the other hand, we also have princesses who changed male heroes, like Belle changed the aggressive Beast into a perfect potential partner. Even though she could leave and return to her village, her Stockholm syndrome got in charge, and she stayed with the Beast in the castle even though their relationship was harmful because of his outbursts of anger. Happily ever after? Fairy tales show that love is eternal. The highlight is a big celebration – the wedding. After a fabulous ceremony, they will live happily… Wait, what? Finding true love will not suddenly give your life meaning. Let’s agree marriage is not an enchanted state. Moreover, it’s not even the essence of a person’s life. It just reinforces patriarchal structures by idealizing marriage. For a thousand years, marriage had as much to do with love and free will as social media with being social. It was more of a construct and
Одлучив да ја изберам Анталија за моето волонтерство затоа што сакав да преживеам едно поразлично искуство во животот. Турција е позната во светот со нејзината превкусна храна, гостопримливост и прекрасниот туризам. Анталија, пак, е еден од најубавите градови во Турција, и после Истанбул е најпосетената и најпосакувана дестинација. Пристигнав кон крајот на мај. Нормално, турското гостоприемливост можеше да се види уште во авионот. Еден час од пристигнувањето во Анталија веќе имав нови пријатели тука, се разбира тоа беа волонтерите, кои се од различни земји. Првите неколку дена бев навистина премногу зафатена со запознавањето со нови пријатели, а тука верувајте ми дека ќе запознаете луѓе од сите делови на светот. Анталија е атрактивно место за младите, но во тоа можете да се уверите само докулку ја посетите. Секако дека каде и да отидеш имаш очекувања и реалност, истото е и со Анталија. Првото нешто ми направи голем впечаток е што очекував дека луѓето тука ќе зборуваат многу добро англиски, бидејќи е туристичко место, но на повеќе места се зборува руски јазик. Очекував доцна навечер да нема излегување (мислев дека е опасно), но сосем спротивното, можете слободно да излезете надвор во кое било време, постојано има луѓе како домашни така и туристи, а насекаде во градот можете да ѓи забележите службите за безбедност, па навистина градот е безбеден. Често човек може да си помисли дека Турците се љубезни само на туристичките места, но не е така. Турците се навистина љубезен народ, а кога ќе кажеш дека си странец кон тебе имаат уште поголема почит. После првата седмица започнаа и моите активности. Нормално колку повеќе време сум тука и работам на своите активности толку повеќе тие стануваат по интересни за мене. Прво моите изненадена.навистинамоитемиЛидоск-Lidosk.канцеларијатазапочнааактивностивонаКогакажаакоиќебидатактивностибевпозитивноМојатазадача е да правам постери на Инстаграм за мојата организација, а за мене како економист тоа значи еден вид вистинско работно искуство. Други активности со кои се занимавам се поврзани со деца. Станува збор за посета на младински центар каде преку најразлични игри им помагам на децата да научат или да го подобрат англискиот јазик. Исто така, еднаш во седмицата имаме задача да отидеме во риболовен центар, место полно со најразлични видови на риби. Таму времето поминува навистина брзо, понекогаш се занимаваме само со риби, но многу често зборуваме за една од моите омилени теми, а тоа е екологијата. Даваме најразлични идеи за тоа како може ние младите да се стремиме да бидеме поодговорни за нашата животна средина и за нашата планета. Би сакала нашите идеи скоро да бидат реалност за да можеме да ја заштитиме нашата планета од несаканите климатски промени, кои стануваат се повеќе и повеќе актуелни. За време на викенд немаме никакви активност, па можам слободно да се пофалам дека за време на викенд не ми останува време за себе. Кога сакам да останам сама со себе тоа го правам во текот на неделата, откако ќе заврашат моите активности. За време на викенд секогаш организираме забави или некои вид патување со младите што живеат тука. Тука никогаш не си сам, секогаш има некој кој ќе те покани дали да пиете кафе, да отидете на плажа или на некое друго место - едноставно тука сите сме едно големо меѓународено семејство. Во слободното време имаме многу можности да ја запознаеме турската култура и турските традиции и да уживаме во турската храна.Како дел од нашиот проект се и нашите „Ерасмус+“ средби што ѓи организира Турската Национална Агенција. Моето прво вакво искуство се случи од 26 до 29 јули во Дијарбакир. Навистина станува збор за едно преубаво искуство. Таму успеав да се запознаам со сите волонтери што се наоѓаат на територијата на Република Турција. Реално малку бев разочарана што не сретнав друг волонтер од Македонија. Но, навистина Дијарбакир за мене беше едно навистина преубаво искуство. Повторно успеав да создадам нови пријателства, научив некои нови можности што ни ѓи нуди „Ерасмус+“, бев во сосем ново место за мене, пробав традиционална храна, имав можност да се запознаам со локални луѓе, да го разгледам градот, да доживеам нови авантури и да се откријам себе си уште подлабоко. Секое „Ерасмус+ доживување ме променува и оставува во мене длабок впечаток, но исто така чуствувам дека овие искуства ми помагаат да созреам и да го гледам животот по друг начин: поубав и позитивен. Магдалена Миленковска МагдаленаФотограф: Миленковска Сергеј Артуро Аддисц Ноелиа Марреро Животот во Анталија:Волонтерско искуство во Турција 24erasmus+VOICES
Are we aware of the importance of mental health, and can we eventually help suicide prevention?
A few of the afternoon sessions were dedicated to stress management, in the form of therapy, such as art, dance, and music sessions. They were good to reduce stress and improve the mood after spending the day discussing deep topics.
•Evette Rose, Metaphysical Anatomy
These were the main topics and aspects of an Erasmus Training that happened in Vilkanistrai, Lithuania. I, Cvete, and Bojan were fortunate to participate in a project of huge importance, on a topic that is still considered taboo and is not talked about enough. So, here are some key points which were discussed. The project started with Team Building activities, which were quite fun to participate in, and later proved to be necessary as the discussed topic was quite harsh and got personal very quickly. Surprisingly, apart from working great as a group, we were comfortable enough to talk about our own experiences with mental health issues and trauma by the end of the project.
•Janina Fisher, Transforming the living legacy of trauma (book)
Overall, the Erasmus project went well, and it was a great learning experience. For the future of suicide prevention, it’s important for us to contribute to society and our community. We plan to do exactly that: bring awareness to mental health and suicide prevention among the young generation.
•Teal(book)Swan, Completion process
Talking about identities. What are identities and how does one person have more identities? The personal “me” is presented differently for different people, sometimes to impress someone, sometimes to look as if we
~ Marshall B. Rosenberg
Marina Klimoska, CveteBojanVeleska,Krstevski
Further Reading:
еразмус+ WHO:Sources:Mental health WHO: Doing What Matters in Times of cnvc:StressWhat is Nonviolent Communication? integratedlistening: What is trauma? prevent-suicide: SafeTALK Suicide Alertness
“All that has been integrated into NVC (Non-Violent Communication) has been known for centuries about consciousness, language, communication skills, and use of power that enable us to maintain a perspective of empathy for ourselves and others, even under trying conditions.”
Besides suicide prevention, we also talked about trauma, since it’s a big part of mental health, especially because it resembles PTSD, stress, and anger, and the person often dissociates, unaware, and finds coping mechanisms. It was important to understand the impact of trauma and to identify the signs, even the signs from childhood trauma or trauma from a certain event. We were able to open up and share our experiences with trauma among smaller groups and practice active listening. Definition of childhood trauma by the National Institute of Mental Health: “The experience of an event by a child that is emotionally painful or distressful, which often results in lasting mental and physical effects.”
Anunawaremoreworkplace,friends,ourwehaveidentitiesTheprofessional.tosometimesandbehave,maybebecommonwearethosepresenttoparents,attheandeventhatweareof.importantexercise was non-violent communication where we used certain phrases to express ourselves and it was quite helpful that we talked about emotions beforehand. Non-violent communication generally helps with feeling compassion through deep listening. During the next sessions, we got information about the basis of safeTALK for suicide prevention, which aims to identify people thinking of suicide, Tell, Ask, Listen and Keepsafe the suicidal person, and most importantly connect them with suicide intervention resources.
26 - VOICES Volunteering at...Волонтирање на...
Life-work balance plays an important part in the overall volunteering experience. Though volunteering on a festival like D-Festival seems to peak in this category. I can only recommend experiencing it first-hand as descriptions won’t do justice to the experiences and bonds we built during our time there. Volunteering is not always just in the office, cleaning the municipal park or helping the elderly. Volunteering always comes to us in different forms and opportunities, so this year our team of volunteers took the opportunity to volunteer at a music festival and together with Password Production participated in this year's edition of D - Festival in Dojran. All the volunteers who participated in the festival were in charge of making it look great. Starting from the decorations, to the boards with slogans that adorned the entire festival, they were all made by the skilled hands of the volunteers as well as food service, receiving of bracelets for entering the festival and accompanying artists behind the stage or their hosts. During working hours we had the opportunity to enjoy the wonderful program prepared with various artists from all over the world, and to make friends with the other volunteers and guests of the festival. The Dojran lake located on the shore and the festival itself served us well for a short walk, drinking coffee or cooling off from the hot July days. Thanks to Password Production and the entire team that worked on the D-Fest, we had the opportunity in every part of the day, starting from 11 am to 3 am, to enjoy the wonderful music artists. We were divided into different shifts during the day, so we all had the same opportunity after or before work to enjoy a midday coffee by the lake or on the main stage listening to the artists in the evening. Despite the wonderful performances of all the artists and the working hours, we will mostly remember the moments shared with the attendees of the festival with whom we spent our free time, who came to us from all the cities of Macedonia and from other European countries.
All in all, we can say that the D - Festival was an amazing experience that I would recommend to everyone. We can promise you, you will have a great time.
David Stoilkovski & VCS Team music
VOICES - 27 Балансот на животната работа игра важна улога во целокупното волонтерско искуство. Иако волонтирањето на фестивал како Д-Фестивал се чини дека го достигнува врвот во оваа категорија. Можеме само да ви препорачаме да се доживее од прва рака бидејќи описите нема да одговараат на искуствата и врските што ги изградивме за време на нашиот престој Волонтирањетотаму. не е секогаш само во канцеларија, чистење на паркот во општината или помагање на стари лица. Волонтирањето секогаш ни доаѓа во различни форми и можности, така и оваа година нашите волонтери ја искористија шансата да волонтираат на музички фестивал и заедно со Пасворд Продукција учествуваа на овогодинешното издание на Д – Фестивал во Дојран. Сите волонтери кои учестуваа на фестивалот беа задолжени да го направат истиот да изгледа одлично. Почнувајќи од декоративните украси, како и таблите со слогани кои го красеа целиот фестивал беа изработени токму од вештите раце на волонтерите, заедно со сервирањето на храната, примањето на алките за влез во фестивалот и придружба на артистите позади сцена или нивните домаќини. Настрана од работните саати имавме можност да уживаме во прекрасната програма спремена со разновидни артисти од секаде околу светот, да се дружиме со останатите волонтери и гостите на фестивалот. Дојранското езеро на чив брег се наоѓа и самиот фестивал одлично ни послужи за кратка прошетка, пиење на кафе или разладување од топллите јулски денови. Благодарение на Пасворд продукцијата како и целиот тим кој работеше на Д – Фестивалот имавме можност во секој дел од денот, почнувајќи од 11 часот наутро се до 3 часот после полноќ, да уживаме во прекрасните музчики артисти. Сите бевме поделени во различни смени во текот на денот, па така сите имавме поеднаква можност после или пред работните часови да уживаме во пладневното кафе покрај езерото или на главната бина слушајќи ги артистите во вечерните часови. И покрај прекрасните изведби на сите артисти и работните часови, најмногу ќе ги паметиме сите моменти поминати со сите присутни на фестивалот со кои го поминувавме нашето слободно време, кои ни доаѓаа од сите градови од Македонија па и од другите Европски држави. Сè на сè, можеме да кажеме дека Д - Фестивалот беше неверојатно искуство кое би го препорачале на сите. Можеме да ви ветиме, одлично ќе си поминете! Давид Стоилковски & ВЦС Тим музика
In the 60’s there was a massive rise of popular music styles. In the 50’s there was the beginning of rock music. But several years later, in the 60’s there were new popular styles, such as jazz, pop and folk music. Rock and roll continued to grow but there is a distinction between soft and hard rock.
The “old” music was produced using very simple instruments, such as cello, viola, tuba and trumpet. Of course, there were many other instruments, but these are the most important ones. In these days, you can just open a computer program and put a few sounds in it and the program will mix them together to create a completely new sound. This had led to a new area in music, you don’t need a musical education, you only need a feeling for music. These days we still use musical instruments, and we like them, but electronic music is more and more a thing.
Not one day goes by that you haven’t heard at least 1 song on radio or another device. But what are the differences between the music in the 60’s, 80’s, 00’s and now? Music can be like a therapy, there are different styles, genres and feelings in music. But music also has the capability to entertain, educate and inform. Of course, the music in the 60s isn’t the same as it is now, there are a lot of differences made through the years.
Music in the 60’s
Genre Back in the days, the genre was very clear to hear and to tell which genre it is. There was either western or Indian, but not the combination. Nowadays, musicians can fit different genres together, so it is impossible to identify them apart.
Method of creation
Old songs heavily depended on melody; the composers took their time to create their own specific music. Making a new song could take several years. Now, the composers often only take a few hours to compose their new song. This is possible thanks to our current knowledge of technology. While we can convincingly say the old songs are a lot better in terms of quality than the new songs, there are a lot of songs of bad quality be it old or new. It’s up to us what we choose to hear and enjoy.
Music: past
The use of instruments
The biggest news about music in the Music in the 00’s In the 00’s there was a massive rise of other genres, such as classical, country, hip hop and Latin. Also new bands were formed that you may have heard of! Do you know the bands Art of Noise, Color Me Bad, Kid Dynamite and Rage Against The Machine? Yes? These are just a few examples. This year was also the peak of CD sales in the United States. For the young kids, a CD (Compact Disc) is a digital optical disc data storage to store and play digital audio recordings. Music now These days the most popular genres are still classical, country, electronic, jazz, Latin, heavy metal, hip hop and rock. The most popular artists still make music and are played daily on one of the many radio stations in the world. Names such as Taylor Swift, The Weeknd, Maroon 5, Bruno Mars and Ed Sheeran. These names ring a bell, I presume. Robin Lambrechts
Sources: Medium, Taking a Look At The Differences Between Old and New Music Encyclopedia, 1960s: Music Encyclopedia, 1980s: Music Wikipedia, 2000 in music Wikipedia, Compact Disc probably the coming of a television network about music, called MTV. The cable channel soon made the music video very popular and essential. Almost singlehandedly, MTV made stars of names all of us know these days, such as Michael Jackson, Madonna and Duran Duran. It also helped bring rap music to the mainstream. The single best-known performer was Michael Jackson. His 1983 album Thriller, with its singles ‘Billy Jean’ and ‘Beat It’, made the former child star a millionaire. Other famous names in the 80’s are Whitney Houston, Prince and Bruce Springsteen. Springsteen’s song ‘Born in the USA’ became an alternative national anthem after its release in 1984.
Folk music was reborn in the 60’s thanks to several performers who wanted to rescue the musical form from what they saw it was. Bob Dylan, Joan Baez and the group Peter, Paul and Mary adopted folk styles. They played simple musical arrangements on acoustic instruments, but the songs were filled with political commentary on contemporary issues. Their songs addressed the problems of the civil rights movement and the Vietnam War. As the decade continued, folk music merged into folk-rock as performers used electrified instruments and more sophisticated songwriting. The starters of this genre were Bob Dylan and the group Simon and Garfunkel. But rock and roll music was dominated by one group: The Beatles. Music in the 80’s
VOICES - 29 музика
poetry Зборови излеани на плажа Сино лелеаво море Сино лелеаво море, дали длабоко во тебе моите солзи ги криеш? Или досега испарени се од жешково малтешко Синосонце?лелеаво море, зарем од тага сјаеш? Зар толку си бесно, што единствено олеснување ти е на брегот да се фрлаш? Сино лелеаво море, сакам да сум твоја сирена. Очите со тебе едно да ми се. Сино лелеаво море, сакам да сум само твоја Дакреација.мирисам на тебе и да сум солена, а блескава. Кажи ми море, како и покрај сето ѓубре во тебе, толку чисто се лелееш, милно? Ти, што прва насмевка кај децата си, што мир носиш повеќе од секој силен дожд, зарем не си некогаш уморно од сиов овој џагор и бука? И зарем сево ова зиме не ти недостасува? Лелеаво море, зарем не му се лутиш на сонцето што везден те пецка? Лелеаво море, кажи ми како да разговарам со Синомесечината.лелеаво море, јас ќе бидам онаа која зиме ќе те посетува. 30 - VOICES
поезиja Август Август е твојот месец. Ти го обожуваш летото... Лаву мој. Зајдисонцето ме потсетува на тебе. Убавото зајдисонце покрај морето е најблиско до совршенството на овој свет, после нашите охридски зајдосонца. Ни Горјан Петревски не би можел да ги опише моите чувства кон тебе додека ги гледам облчачињата од шеќерна волна на небото, слушајќи ги детските среќни извици во Самоводата.ти недостасуваш на оваа прекрасна сцена на плажава, која буди солзи во моиве очи и ми го затвора грлото, додека с# побрзо Ужаснопишувам...болно, многу ми недостасуваш. Имам храброст да ти признаам. Само не в Збороточи. „кадифено“ ми е омилен придавски збор. Ме потсетува на убави работи. Кадифено маченце. Кадифениот кауч кај баба ми кој стои на истото место уште од КадифенотоЈугославија. маченце од баба ми на нејзиниот кадифен кауч. Кадифен глас, како оној од Џуди Гарланд. Кадифе, кадифе, кадифе... Сакам хаотично скоцкани, убави, меки на душата работи. Како мојата љубов кон тебе. Затоа те пуштам. Зашто мојата љубов и приврзаност кон тебе, тебе те гуши, а јас сакам да дишеш и со сите нишани(како што е воздухот) да живееш. П.С. Ме препознаваш ли? Дафина Веселиноска VOICES - 31
Lucile Guéguen Sources: World Sikh: What are the 5 ks or five The Magic of the Golden Temple – Volunteers feed masses at Sikh holy place! reportage
In spite of being the world’s fifth-largest religion with more than 25 million followers worldwide - the majority of whom are found in India, Sikhism is not well known.
Sikhs are exempt from the mandatory requirement of wearing helmets on twowheelers, and they are even permitted to carry Kirpan onboard domestic flights.
5. Kirpan: a 6- to 9-inchlong dagger or ceremonial sword worn in a strap, representing the duty of Sikhs to stand up against injustice. It is a religious symbol and by no means a weapon. Here are the interesting facts: as per Indian law, turban-wearing
In the Punjabi language, Sikh means “disciple” or “learner”. Sikhism includes a daily discipline of meditation and prayer as well as five articles of faith called Kahaars to be worn at all times as the markers of Sikh identity. The Five Kakaars (or 5 K's) consist of:
4. Kachhera:undergarmentcotton representing high moral character and restraint;
2. Kangha: a wooden comb worn in the hair representing self-discipline;
Another key concept of Sikhism is “seva”, or selfless service: Sikh temples offer free meals to anyone who stops by, regardless of age, gender, race, or faith. The Golden Temple is home to the world’s largest free kitchen with roughly 50 000 to 100 000 meals served daily. The gigantic kitchen is entirely financed by donations and is managed by over 400 staff members and hundreds of volunteers that keep it running 24 hours every single day of the year. This is what Sikhs call “sharing is caring”.
3. Kara: an iron or steel bracelet worn on the wrist;
Have you ever wondered why some Indians wear a turban and others don’t? Indians who wear turbans are typically Sikhs. Sikhism is a monotheist religion that originated in Punjab, India.
1. Kesh: unshorn hair; Sikhs are not suppo sed to cut hair from any part of their body. The hair must be kept covered at all times with a turban or head-covering, traditionally mostly for men. The Sikh turban is typically up to six meters long and one to two meters wide,
Sikhs worship in temples called gurudwara. The preeminent pilgrimage site of Sikhism is the Golden Temple located in Amritsar, India. The religious shrine is characterized by a full golden dome surrounded by a sacred pool where devouts can take a bath.
In addition to stressing the equality of all men and women, Sikhism disagrees with the practice of caste and class systems and considers all humans equal. It is one of the reasons why all Sikhs bear the same surnames: men were instructed to adopt the last name Singh, meaning ‘lion’, while women were encouraged to use Kaur, meaning ‘princess’.
Founded by a man named Guru Nanak in the sixteenth century, Sikhism is distinct from Hinduism and Islam, the two dominant religions in India.
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