Web Art Gallery Magazine Issue 1 Volume 2

Page 1

2 1 Auguest 2011

web art gallery magazine

Interveiw with Dukeofspade On Page 4

Inter veiw with LadySymphonia On Page 14

Vol. 2, Issue. 1 Auguest, 2011

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Table of Content Dukeofspade Interviewe 4

Sketch To Vector Bird An Illustration Tutorial 10

Intimate Communication 13

lady-symphonia Interviewe 14

Watercolor Effect An Photo editing Tutorial 19

TAG: Top Art Gallery 22


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Dukeofspade Interviewe Can you please introduce yourself to the readers that are not familiar with you? You can call me Duke as my friends called me. From Philippines and working in Taiwan presently. I consider myself as late bloomer. I started the love of photography when I was 10 and got my own compact camera just last 2007 and I am self taught by watching tutorials in the web.

Tell us if you follow any styles and which is your favorite one? What attracts you to work with this style? I don’t know. I don’t follow any steps I just admire works on a random artists as long as I was captivated by their works. I like Macro photography,but since I don’t

“we serve God” Created by Dukeofspade


have a macro lens yet, I make the best for my camera. For now I am fascinated on street photography and I’m trying my best to be good on that.

What are some of the tools you use? and what do you think is the key of your art? “I just bought my DSLR last year, a Canon 450D and I’m still using my compact camera which I love (it’s so handy). If you can see my room, its a mess. I used f lashlights, some card boards,and some stuff that you can find, even in the garbage. As what I’ve learned with my experience, it’s not all on the camera or lenses, it’s on your perseverance, obsession, and hard work. If you love what you are doing, you’ll make a special piece of art.”

inspire on great works in the community. It’s all about passion on art. I want to prove that I can make a piece of art that everyone will adore and make them inspire as well.

What is the best part of your art work in your opinion? T he b e s t pa r t i s when it wa s recognized by others which initiated conversations with people with the same enthusiasm. “snack time square” Created by Dukeofspade

How long have you been working on your art? And how did you come along with this great talent of yours? It wa s on 2 0 0 8 when I joi ne d deviantArt. I received good comments

“the dragon's heart” Created by Dukeofspade

Do you think you have found a source of inspiration that motivates you to create your art work? There’s a lot of things that motivates me in doing my art work: people, music, nature and myemotion are most that inspires me.

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the seed grew until it will produce it’s own seed. Just like photography, you can capture any stages of emotion of a person or any moments on any time.

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In your opinion do you think that art is something you learn or its an instinct your born with? Do you think any one has the potential of becoming an artist? “ I think it’s an instinct. I was a dancer and a drummer before I learn to photograph and none of my family is an artist in any way. You can not force

“smoki'n colors = my first daily devaition award” Created by Dukeofspade

Do you have any one that you admire for their art work? And what gives them such an effect on you? “Honestly, I don’t know much about great photographers and I don’t know more about them. A lot of artists in deviantArt in any form that I admired. It gives me visions on what they’re trying to portray in their arts, and in that way I was inspired which ignited my brain and my hand to do photography.”

What level of education do you have? and does it relate to your art work? Did your education have any effect on your art in any way? I ’m a college g raduate major ing Horticulture. It relates to nature somehow since I studied about plants. There’s an effect I think. I was fascinated on how 6

“Gold Morning” Created by Dukeofspade

What are some movies you like? and do they inspire you in any way? The Pursuit of Happiness, Slum dog Millionaire, Studio 54, I like real life story films It gives me a vision on how to capture real people with real emotions. Avatar was really a fantastic work of movie art which I want to learn more on digital photography.

What books do you read? How do they touch on your work? I don’t read books. I prefer magazines like National Geographic and Readers Digest.

Do you have any goals in your life? What are they? Everyone of us I think has it. Going to or taking a photography classes on line. Sell more prints, to have my own studio, makes my works be recognize “Pure honey” Created by Dukeofspade

art or yourself to love art. It will come naturally to your heart.”

Do you listen to music while your working on your art work? What are your favorite bands or singers? How does it effect your art work? Yes before (mostly) ,du r i ng and after I work, like when going to the city to do street shots, I listen to a lot while traveling. I listen to John Mayer, Incubus,One Republic, etc. It keeps my blood pumping, keeps me smiling and when I got to shoot, I never felt tired.

“I'll count one, two, three” Created by Dukeofspade

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world wide and to have a book of my own photographs.

As an artist what kind of message do you intend to send out? “ Try and try, don’t lose hope and never compare your works to others, it may let you down. Accept the critiques on your works whether good or bad. When receiving a negative comment on your art works, make this as a motivation and challenge yourself to do better next time.”

What preparations do you undertake before you start creating a new work? When going out a photo shot with my friends, I review and practice shooting first with my own. But mostly when doing photography with my own, I don’t make

“Blessing” Created by Dukeofspade

preparations I just grab my camera and hit the shutter.

Do you prefer normal employment or freelancing more? No. I think I like more to be a freelancer. It gives me a more free time to do my thing.

Are you working on any current projects? and can you tell us about it? I’m working on my portraits,street and photojournalistic images for now and still talking with my friends if they like to be my models.

If a reader would like to contact you, how would you prefer they do so? “Blessmewiththisfire=myseconddailydeviationaward” Created by Dukeofspade


Note me at dukeofspade.deviantart. com or email me at hdocjr@yahoo.com

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Tu t o r i a l


To Vector


An Illustration

Tutorial From our friends at



file > Place. Place the artwork on the stage. Reduce the opacity to 50% and lock the layer.

Step 2 Step 1

Here we start the process. Scan the artwork into your pc. Open a new document with RGB color mode. Go to 10

Create a new layer and move it below the artwork. Rename it as feather. We start with the feather because it is at the backward of all part for the “bird�. Start illustrates and fills it with black color. You will get this:-

Step 3

Step 5

Secondly, create a new layer and rename it as body. Draw the white feather as it is just above the feather layer. Sure, fill it with white color.

This is the process to draw out the eyes. Still, create a new layer and name it as eyes. You need to use the pathfinder for this part:-

Step 4

Step 6

Create a new layer, name it as mouth. Draw out the mouth and set the gradient as shown below:-

after all, you will get this:-

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Step 7

Step 9

This part will be a bit more difficult but still using the same technique. Create a new layer and rename it as leg. Simply follow the steps shown below. You may also use your own color for this part.

To make it look more real. Simply create a new layer and draw out the shadow for each part that you think is necessary.

Tu t o r i a l

Step 8

Lastly, create a new layer and draw out the tree. Put this below the legs layer.


Step 10

Here is it! Cheers! Hope you enjoy this. Any question, simply email me or leave a comment here. Thanks!

Intimate Communication By Salah Talhami I am not sure what the difference between our dreams and art is. They both act as an escape from reality and are true expressions of the emotions, wants, and needs of the mind. The only difference one is private and one is expressed in a way that others can relate to. In a way art work is the most intimate way of communicating. Nothing expresses your emotions and passions more than art in a public manner. An artist sits down with whatever tool he or she uses and lets the creative flow from the mind to the instrument of choice like smoke, each time making a unique and distanced piece of art work. And no matter how much the artist tries the original can never be copied to be the exact same. Each art work with its own uniqueness of the moment filled with that moment’s emotion and thoughts. Sometimes it not easy to understand other art but I don’t believe that it’s truly meant to be understood. When we look at a art we see a part of our self ’s in the other persons art work and relate to it giving us a unique understanding that we share with the artist. One thing I always did not believe is art experts talking about artist thoughts and mentality when the created the piece of art. Everyone looks at the world in a different way, for example a photo of a tree. To most people it’s just a tree but what does it mean to the artist. The artist may have been thinking about the beauty of the shape, the way the branches look or the way the trunk of the tree bends in orientation with its surroundings. Or the artist may be love with the colors, how the sun ref lects of on each leaf or how each leaf has its own color of green or brown. Or it can be related to a concept like nature, the environment, green living. So next time you look at art, look at it and think what it means to you and what it may mean to the artist and try to find all the different possibilities that come to your mind. Try to form the intimate relation with the art work and let it show you the way of viewing the work.


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lady-symphonia Interviewe Can you please introduce yourself to the readers that are not familiar with you? I`m a self-taught digital artist, 22, from Brazil. I am head of LadySymphonia digital art and I have been working since 2008, mainly focused on dark and fantasy artwork.

Tell us if you follow any styles and which is your favorite one? What attracts you to work with this style? A c tua l ly I don’t fol low a st yle, it’s not a choice. The style was slowly surging, automatically. I think it’s born in ourselves and I had to discover by myself that dark art fits best with my own.

What are some of the tools you use? and what do you think is the key of your art? “Not too many tools, just the basic. Currently I am using Photoshop cs5, Intuos 4 and a Canon 550d.”

How long have you been working on your art? And how did you come along with this great talent of yours? 3 years or so. A lot of practicing and reading. Tutorials, videos and effort. Actually effort, mainly.

What is the best part of your art work in your opinion? “I Feel Immortal” Created by Lady-Symphonia


I don’t like to begin but I like when it’s almost finishing and I can breath and say: “it worked.”

“Wrath” Created by Lady-Symphonia

Do you think you have found a source of inspiration that motivates you to create your art work? We b s i t e s , m a g a z i n e s , f a s h i o n photography, songs are a good source of inspiration for me.

Do you have any one that you admire for their art work? And what gives them such an effect on you? Yes I have so many that I admire, like Victoria Frances and the way she shows sadness. Her simplicity in dark art is really involving. Zemotion in photography is great too, very deep. Eugenio Recuenco, Michaelo and much more. I like anything that can transmit emotion through what they do. Something that makes me think

“The Three Sisters” Created by Lady-Symphonia

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Do you listen to music while your working on your art work? What are your favorite bands or singers? How does it effect your art work?

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Yes. I enjoy instrumental, movie soundtracks, dramatic things. Also I love metal, symphonic metal mainly, as well as Nightwish, Dark Sanctuary, Proyecto Oniric and so forth. Things from this same genre.

“She Burns” Created by Lady-Symphonia

What are some movies you like? and do they inspire you in any way? Can’t say, I love movies, the list is quite big.

What level of education do you have? and does it relate to your art work? Did your education have any effect on your art in any way? Nope. My education has nothing to do with my artwork.

In your opinion do you think that art is something you learn? or its an instinct your born with? Do you think any one has the potential of becoming an artist? Instinct you born with. At least for me. You can study, you can know the theory, how to do that or this but If you don’t like what you do, If you are stuck on theories, you’re art will be empty... art is not a thing you learn, its a thing you feel and what you want to transmit. 16

“Metamorphosis” Created by Lady-Symphonia

by how popular he or she is. But by the quality of his or her art. There is a lot of inspiration to go around and the best artists sometimes are the ones who the public have never seen. I have learned many things with unknown artists, I really love the way they don’t care for anything and always keep doing what they want, despite whether the public likes it or not. Because if you think that way, you will know the meaning of being an artist. You don’t have to please everybody, but you have to do what you want to do. Its part of our story, part of ourselves. There is nothing better than look and say, the day I created this piece I was feeling that way! Tomorrow you can die and know that you have left part of yourself to the world. Forever.

“Forgotten and Never Heard” Created by Lady-Symphonia

What books do you read? How do they touch on your work? No time for books lately. Honestly I prefer movies.

Do you have any goals in your life? What are they? Practice a bit more painting, its still very hard for me. Want to start an artwork from sketch and not depending on having a reference. And also photography.

As an artist what kind of message do you intend to send out? I’m used to send the same “not give up” message in every interview I do. But this time I want to say another thing. If you enjoy art do not look at the artist

“Diary of a Hunter” Created by Lady-Symphonia

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What preparations do you undertake before you start creating a new work? I try to have focus on an idea before starting, so I don’t get too lost, cause ideas always come and it’s also dangerous when we have a concept.

Do you work in an artistic field? What is it? Do you prefer normal employment or freelancing more? I ’m freelancing. Cur rently I am working for many publishers around the world, and I do love it.

Are you working on any current project? and can you tell us about it? I shouldn’t say, should I? Ok, this year I’m planning to create a second part of my artwork. Not sure how to explain. I want to create a series of more mature artworks with mature concepts. I want to create a fashion of art series and that is all I can say so far. Its quite different from my usual artworks but I guess you are going to enjoy it.

If a reader would like to contact you, how would you prefer they do so? site: ladysymphonia.com email: info@ladysymphonia.com”

“Forever” Created by Lady-Symphonia




An Photo editing

Tutorial From our friends at


Resources: Step 2

Step 1 Open an image, I will use this image because it suit to my tricks.

CT R L + J, duplicate the image. Now you will have a layer which labeled as layer 1 copy. SHIF T + CTRL + U, desaturate the image and you will get something like this:

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Step 3

Tu t o r i a l

Blur > radius 6. Set the layer blend mode to linear burn. CTRL + J on layer background and put the layer background copy at the top of all layer and set the layer blend mode to color.

Step 5

CTRL + J again to duplicate layer 1 and you will get a new layer which labeled as layer 1 copy. CTRL + I to invert the layer and set the layer blend mode to Color Dodge. Go to filter > other > minimum > 1. Double click on layer 1 copy to bring out the blending option. ALT + left click on the triangle and set the underlying layer as below:

Step 4

CTRL + E to merge up both layers. CTRL + J, duplicate layer 1. Select layer 1 copy and go to filter > blur > Gaussian


Hope you are still with me. Select layer background copy and add a layer mask, fill it with black color.

Step 6

Still with the layer background copy, go to image > adjustment > curve and set as above

Step 7

Create a new layer and put it top of all layer. Fill it with #ffecd1. Set layer blend option to linear burn.

Step 8

We are nearly there, now select layer 1 and set the opacity to 60% or whatever you think suitable. Select the background copy layer’s mask, with a 45px soft brush, opacity 65%, brush the face area. Here is it!

The difference:

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TAG Top Art Gallery

W h e r e We T A G S o m e O u r F a v o u r i t e A r t Wo r k s F o r Yo u To S e e ! We have 14 great art works for you to see this month. We picked 5 of our favorits that are listed here on these two pages. The next two pages have another nine art works that we loved, they are not ordered in any way. Please in joy the great art work that are here for you to enjoy!


“Waiting for a strange bus� Created by sylphielmetallium




“Pandora's box” Created by Behrouz Riahi allias Zardo.

“moment” Created by Apofiss



“Reaching Out” Created by IvanAndreevich

“Visit of the Goddess” Created by Jonas Jödicke

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“"Somewhere..." for ClefairyKid” Created by Loonaki

“grey power” Created by doubleleaf

“Hummer Time” Created by L.A. Zavala (DiamonEyes)

“Color of Summer” Created by Jojo AKA Kameolynn

“Run, Husky, Run” Created by Oliver Matla AKA Lupinicious

“Bloody Moon” Created by ryoko-san18


“summer delight” Created by A-l-a-s-s-e-a

“quasi-evil” Created by Blepharopsis

“pepitas.” Created by Cristina Otero

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