Web Art Gallery Magazine Issue 4

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Issue 4

February 2011

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Web Art Gallery Magazine  3

Issue 4 February 2011

Contents Culpeo-Fox 6 Lady2 12 Salmaashraf 17 Inormal 22 Employment Against The Machine. 26 Designosaurus-Rex 27 Setsuna22 34 Zardo 40 Jinx-Star 46 Astral-Haze 52 Flashlioness 58 Isvoc 62 Vk-Oelala 66 Kurohime29 72 Wildpassion 76 Soad2k 82 Recreate The 300 Effect 88 Tag - Top Art Gallery 96 I would like to thank every one in this issue for making this possible. After all the hard work on this issue and on the previous issues of such a great magazine, I personally thank you. And I did not forget the great artists that helped us on this issue. We thank every one no matter how small of a role that they had on this magazine, we hope we can farther improve this magazine for our readers from all over the world.

Salah Talhami | Wissam Moutan | Mohammad Hamayel | Mohammad Drai

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Web Art Gallery Magazine  5

Editor Letter

WAGM is BACK!! with its fourth successive issue. We have received plenty positive feedback and views of our previous issues which is our source of motivation to sustain the Web Art Gallery Magazine. Nothing gives us more fulfillment and content knowing our viewers enjoyed the work we were able present to them. The fourth issue guarantees breath taking art work, intriguing interviews with highly talented artists from all over the world, articles that will grab your attention, and beneficial Photoshop tutorials that assures to assist and enhance your graphic designing skills. Again the WAGM staff has devoted lots and lots of time and effort to put together yet another great issue. This issue incorporates many more interesting interviews, more top of the line art work that will blow you away with surreal and extraordinary drawings, fascinating articles you’d want to read, Top Art Gallery pictures you’d want to see over and over again, and Photoshop tutorials which is a new comer to this edition that promises to not leave you disappointed. We are planning to expand our magazine by including sponsors and advertisements in the near future. Our goal is to gain as much publicity as we can to make this magazine aware to the entire world. We are planning to print hard copies of our magazine soon, selling WAGM magazines on an international level. We believe that WAGM has the potential to be a popular worldwide magazine in the future and we will continue trying to make this dream a reality with the help of artists who are willing to participate in our magazine. Our mission is to find artists who have potential and are willing to display their work on the web. If there is anyone you are familiar with who is talented within the art field please contact us at webartmag@gmail.com with the subject line “suggestions”. We would really appreciate it and will reply to you as soon as possible. To conclude, this issue is just the beginning of whats to come. I thank all the artists for their participation and I hope our viewers will like this issue and will continue reading our next issues. Thank You and Best Regards... Sincerely yours,

Wissam Moutan



Culpeo-fox Scratchboard Fox

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6 Culpeo-fox

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Web Art Gallery Magazine  7

Can you please introduce yourself to the

Besides that, I also have great fun with digi-

readers that are not familiar with you?

tal media (Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator),

I’m a young designer, illustrator and artist from Germany who started drawing since I was able to hold a pencil and who loved foxes since I can think of. Tell us if you follow any styles and which is your favorite of them? What attracts you to work with this style?

although I definitively prefer working with traditional art. About the key of my art: good question, look at it and find out for yourself. How long have you been working on your art? And how did you come along with this great talent of yours?

I’m always eager to try new styles and tech-

I have been drawing since I was able to hold

niques, though I’m obviously fond of classic toon

a pencil, which would make my entire life now.

art and a surreal, dark style which is often called

Anyhow, I started getting serious with the art


business about a couple of years ago, that means

What are some of the tools you use? And what do you think is the key of your art? I work with any medium sized tool that I can find. That includes colored (water- color) pencils (Albrecht Dürer and Polychromos by

aimed practice, study and Co. That leads us to the “talent” topic. Having talent is only half the battle, practice is the magic word. What is the best part of your art work in your opinion?

Faber Castell), graphite pencils, markers (Copic

Very hard to say for myself, this is something

and Touch), water colors, ball pen, ink and quill

that anyone has to decide for themselves while

feather, acrylics, oils, pastels and coffee, etc.

looking through it.

Culpeo-fox Komodo Breath

Do you have and think you have found a source of inspiration that motivates you to create your art work?

The best inspiration is simply taken from life. Life (or generally MY life) is full of awkward things and experiences - ideas can be found in every situation and may it be so random. One has just to keep their eyes open. Do you have any one that you admire for their art work? And what gives them such an effect on you? Oh, many, I always admired Brian Frouds work for example, his deep pictures always carry me away. Same goes for Alan Lee, John Howe and plenty great artists of the past, like Carl Spitzweg, Franz Marc, Caspar David Friedrich, Arnold Böcklin, Gustave Doré and Mucha.

Culpeo-fox El condor pasa

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8 Culpeo-fox

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Web Art Gallery Magazine  9 What level of education do you have? And does it relate to your art work? Did your education have any effect on your art in any ways? I am not entirely sure how you’d call it in English, but I achieved the “Fachhochschulreife in Gestaltung (design)” in a time of four years. And yes, I learned a lot in this time. I wouldn’t be on the same status as I am now otherwise. In your opinion do you think that art is something you learn or it’s an instinct you’re born with? Do you think any one has the potential of becoming an artist?

Culpeo-fox Eagle eye

It is both. An instinct or eye for the things is needed in my opinion, but it is not done with it. This instinct must be sharpened and formed in any case.

In my opinion, anyone who REALLY wants something, being not afraid of how much work and hard discipline it will take can achieve it. Do you listen to music while your working on you’re art work? What are your favorite bands or singers? How does it affect your art work? Yes, mostly. My favorite bands appear to be the Beatles and Scorpions, favorite singers are Bruce Springsteen, George Harrison, Maurice Gibb, Josh Groban and Enya. Generally, I’m very flexible when it comes to music, means, I listen to Nine Inch Nails as

Culpeo-fox Tassie Tigers

well as I listen to Beethoven, but I clearly have a preference for stuff from the 70s and 80s and

a single one which would be The Never-Ending Story from Michael Ende. This book is the book of books, the inspiration that it gives you is terrific. Besides that, I may only name some authors that I really enjoy and inspire me greatly in my work. That would be Stephen King, Jules Verne, Michael Crichton and Mark Twain. Do you have any goals in your life? What are they? Culpeo-fox Commission: Dagon

Too many. One of the most important is to publish my stories. Standing in front of your own book printed and for sale in a book store must be

film soundtracks. Every kind of music has its own effect on my art. What are some movies you like? And did they inspire you in any way?

The Fountain from Darren Aronofsky. I think this movie inspired me deeply in every way, be it the music, the storyline, and the pictures. Besides that, there are plenty movies that inspired me life-long, especially those that I’ve seen in my childhood, like The Dark Crystal, the Plague Dogs and Watership Down, Felidae, Labyrinth, The Neverending Story or such unknown jewels like the Glacier Fox. The list is long. What books do you read? How do they touch on your work? I’m quite the book-nerd, so a list of books would be endless again. Instead, I may only name

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10 Culpeo-fox

Culpeo-fox Bird is the word

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Web Art Gallery Magazine  11 an incredible feeling. It would be THE personal fulfillment. Other goals are visiting some places of the world that I always wanted to see, watching and studying real Culpeo Foxes and achieving such fads like fame and fortune. But I will be also happy if I have my little own space and privacy. As an artist what kind of message do you intend to send out? That totally depends on the subject. Do you prefer normal employment or free-

but also work as some sort of educational game for everyone who is interested in foxes. Besides that, I illustrate a children’s book (written by Amaxis) which will be printed and will be for sale next year. The next big project appears to be an art book that will contain some of the best of my art. A long-time project of mine is, anyhow, the realization of my own stories, like the Alopecoides-Cycle or The Bizarre Mr. Mikado. Especially the ones I mentioned grew quite close to me over the years and I will take every time I need to finish it. If a reader would like to contact you, how

lancing more? I currently work as a freelance artist. Both freelancing and employment have their advantages and disadvantages. What I love as a freelancer is the immense freedom, working at home,

would you prefer they do so? Via E-Mail. Would be the preferred option. CulpeoFox@hotmail.de

being your own boss. The big disadvantages, though, is the income which depends on your very own. So there can be times where your income is flourishing while there are also times of “starving”. Anyway, I actually will do an apprenticeship soon, for the luxury of getting a fixed income. Beside a fixed job, I will continue my freelance work, of course, but it’s just better to have both options. Are you working on any current project? And can you tell us about it?

I work on too many projects. Currently, I’m finishing a foxthemed Pokerdeck called “Outfoxed” which will be not only a poker deck

Culpeo-fox How could he ever kill...


Lady2 Lady2 Bullies_with_the_principles

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12 Lady2

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Web Art Gallery Magazine  13 Can you please introduce yourself to the readers that are not familiar with you? My name is Katarzyna Kozlowska, I come from a small town in Poland. Currently I’m studying architecture. Always willing to reach for a pencil, but the work that allowed me to develop fully, started to create three years ago. It was a complete accident! To this day I don’t know how I do what I do now. Namely, during a visit to the doctor, waiting in a fairly large queue, I decided to go read something. So I came across a book about drawing portraits. I bought it, and while sitting at home I began to scribble. I still do it today! Tell us if you follow any styles? Which is your favorite of them? What attracts you

Specificity of my work is that they are quite noticeably contrasted. So say people who watch them. And all my work includes butterflies. I love them. How long have you been working on your art? and how did you come along with this great talent of yours? Talent is something that does not exist! Work and only hard work brings a man to what is achieved .People often ask how to get started, well my advice to them is to search for possible clues. I have been drawing for less than 3 years, so I’m at the beginning of the way, which I hope will bring me much satisfaction :).

to work with this style? Traditional Art is something that I love! Visible errors, which sometimes will not wear no eraser, tracks, and imperfections. Simply magic! Maybe that is why I love it because I am one of the creators of this style. What are some of the tools you use? and what do you think is the key of your art? The work that I make is based mainly on the pencil. Why? Perhaps the sentiment, because it started my adventure with the drawing. Also because the pencil has its own special atmosphere, which no other instrument has. I fell in love with it and I hope that this love will not forsake me!

Lady2 sum of frames

Lady2 like_a_memory

What is the best part of your art work in

muse. Of course, the work is also influenced by

your opinion?

current mood and memories :)

Best part? I do not have anything like that.

Do you have any one that you admire for

All, without exception, I am happy. Starting from

their art work? and what gives them such

drawing lines and looking like a character come

an effect on you?

to life, and then ending with people’s comments. Do you think you have found a source of inspiration that motivates you to create your art work? My inspiration is music. If there is no music I probably won’t be able to move into the world of dreams. My work is related to a specific song, which perhaps proves that this is my greatest

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14 Lady2

When I started drawing I admired a lot of people on Deviantart. Now, this reduced the amount a little, but they are still valuable people. Not to mention every one, because I run out of space, but I can write that these people gave me a pretty good kick for further action, they have motivated me to do so.

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Web Art Gallery Magazine  15 What level of education do you have? and does it relate to your art work? Did your education have any effect on your art in any way? Currently I’m studying architecture. Quite strongly associated with the drawing, but it’s not that style I present on my DA profile. However, the creativity which is inherent in the profession of architecture helps to transfer ideas to paper. In your opinion do you think that art is something you learn or it’s an instinct your born with? Do you think any one has the potential of becoming an artist? I mentioned earlier, there is no talent! Anyone can be anyone you want. All you need is a willingness and enthusiasm to work. So we limit ourselves saying that someone has talent and we do not. It’s just that person works harder than we do. So do not wait around with your dreams, try to achieve them.

Lady2 ladyoscar Do you listen to music while your working on you’re art work? What are your favorite bands or singers? How does it affect your art work? Music = my inspiration. I don’t have a favorite artist or band . I listen mostly to instrumental tracks and soundtracks from different movies. Now if I had someone to mention it would be The Emancipator. What are some movies you like? and did they inspire you in any way? Of course! I love Disney cartoons! All, with-

Lady2 believe.

out exception . Last movie that charmed me was Wall.e. and I went back to the classics like Sleeping Beauty. Cartoons created by Disney

gave me lots of ideas and above all, improved my mood and drive into the world of fairy tales. What books do you read? How do they touch on your work? In my house there were always a lot of books. So I learned that the written word has more value than what is said. Until today, I read tons of books, I even absorb them! Favorite? Thrillers and fairy tales. Books develop my imagination. So I have no major problems with it when I draw. Do you have any goals in your life? What

Lady2 Russian roulette.

are they? Yes. Seek to develop and don’t stand in the same place. And When I am old I can look into the mirror and say: you did it! As an artist what kind of message do you intend to send out? Only one piece of advice - do not be afraid and go to work! What preparations do you undertake before you start creating a new piece? Most important is the idea. Without it, no move! So usually I watch Disney movies and listen to the music. Usually it helps. If not - do not draw. Do not get down to work when I know I did not come out as I wanted.

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My works are made for myself. They give me much satisfaction and joy. Each involves a separate memory.I will never sell them! And I don’t even do any commissions. Are you working on any current project? and can you tell us about it? Currently, I plan further work in pencil. Of course, with a butterfly motif. I also intend to illustrate Finnish fairy tales. If a reader would like to contact you, how would you prefer they do so? (Optional)

Do you work in an artistic field? What is

If you want to send me a note, check my

it? Do you prefer normal employment or

e-mail: lady2art@gmail.com or visit my blog:

freelancing more?


16 Lady2

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Salmaashraf Salmaashraf Wish

What are some of the tools you use? and what do you think is the key of your art? I use ordinary pencils and I have a set from grade 2H to 8B. For rubbing out I have a big rubber, but I also have small ones for highlights. I’m hoping to get one of those eraser pens soon. For blending small areas I use cotton buds, and for bigger areas I use toilet paper. I used to use cotton wool but I find that toilet paper blends better. Not so well if they’re Tesco Value though, which my mum seems to be getting recently. How long have you been working on your Salmaashraf Cat

art? and how did you come along with this great talent of yours? Well I’ve always like painting and drawing,

Can you please introduce yourself to the

but I first decided to focus more on art near the

readers that are not familiar with you? Hi, I’m Salma Ashraf and I live in East London. I’m 15 years old so I’m in my last year of secondary school, currently doing my GCSE’s. But that doesn’t always stop me from having time to draw, which I really enjoy doing as it gives me satisfaction. Tell us if you follow any styles and which is your faviorite one? and what attracts you to work with this style? I try to draw my drawings as realistically as I can, and I use photo’s that I think look really nice that I find mostly on DeviantART to work from. I don’t know what attracts me to Realism. I suppose I just find it easier to do.

Art Web


18 Salmaashraf

Salmaashraf Cracks Coloured

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Web Art Gallery Magazine  19 end of 2008, a month or so before I was 14. I wasn’t

onto DeviantART, when I get nice comments and

very good then though, and I think that I started

people telling me that my art is amazing. It makes

to get noticeably better around the time when

me feel better when I feel like I’m not that good.

I decided to focus on pencil portraits, which was in February 2010 (this year), so when I was 15, which I still am. So it’s not even been a year since I started drawing properly. All it took was to keep drawing and practicing that made me improve. Looking at other people’s artworks on DeviantART also helps me. What is the best part of your art work in your opinion?

Do you think you have found a source of inspiration that motivates you to create your art work? No, not really. I just draw because I enjoy it. Do you have any one that you admire for their art work? and what gives them such an effect on you? Oh yes. There are many people on

The feeling I get when I come back to a draw-

DeviantART who are just SO AMAZING WITH

ing I’m working on and think ‘ooh, I just drew

A PENCIL. I envy them all. My top 3 favorites

that!’ Then the feeling that I get after I upload it

are Rajacenna, Cataclysm-X and Dignity13. They

Salmaashraf Don’t Speak Coloured

In your opinion do you think that art is something you learn or it’s an instinct your born with? Do you think any one has the potential of becoming an artist? I think that it’s definitely something that you learn. As I’m sure many artists have done, they start out not so good, but learn and improve to become better. Yes, anyone has the potential to be an artist, but it takes practice, effort and patience to become a great artist. What are some movies you like? and do they inspire you in any way? Salmaashraf Mad Hatter Coloured

I love films from DreamWorks Animation, like Kung Fu Panda and Monsters vs. Aliens, because they’re really funny. No, they don’t inspire me in any way.

have a way of making their drawings look so so realistic, and the details in it are just phenomenal. What level of education do you have? and does it relate to your art work? Did your education have any effect on your art in any way? I’m still in school, in my last year of secondary school. So far, I have learnt a few things that have been helpful in the drawings that I do at home in my spare time. Like learning about the pencil grades and how to use the grid method to draw.

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20 Salmaashraf

Salmaashraf Rainbow Eye Coloured

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Web Art Gallery Magazine  21 As an artist what kind of message do you intend to send out?

Just keep practicing! That’s all it really takes. Well, looking at tutorials and stuff will help a lot too. Are you working on any current project? and can you tell us about it? I’m currently drawing a picture of my cousin when she was younger for her birthday which is coming up soon. Sometimes I’d rather draw something for someone than buy something from the shops for them. It’s more special, I guess. Salmaashraf Ayumi Coloured

If a reader would like to contact you, how would you prefer they do so? Emailing me would be best, as I go on

What books do you read? How do they touch on your work?

my hotmail account every day. Its angelnina_ icecream@hotmail.com

I read many books, as it’s my second favourite thing after drawing. I always read for at least an hour in bed before going to sleep. I don’t have a specific genre of books that I like, but my favorites so far, the only books to have made me cry because they’re just so amazing and wonderfully written, are The Host and The Uglies Series. Do you have any goals in your life? What are they? I’m not sure exactly what I would like to be when I’m older. All I know is that I want it to be something art related. Salmaashraf Tell me your story



Inormal The Artist’s Bride-Wax

Art Web


22 Inormal

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Web Art Gallery Magazine  23 Can you please introduce yourself to the

What are some of the tools you use? and

readers that are not familiar with you?

what do you think is the key of your art?

My name is Ron Norman. I am a high-speed, driver that spends most of my time trying to make the two dimensional into three or more. Tell us if you follow any styles and which is your favorite one? What attracts you to work with this style? I admire works of art that shows the viewer

I use pencils, electric erasers, sharp blades, and some tools I have invented. Anything to get the job done. If my art has a “key” it would probably be that i stay true to my vision and i don’t let any sort of outside influence, such as praise or condemnation stop me from doing what needs to be done. How long have you been working on your art? and how did you come along with this

that the artist was totally involved and absorbed by their work. Usually this involves elements of hyper-realism or surrealism to do this type of work well, the artist generally must have a certain, strange vision that is different from all others that shows a certain degree of thought that i admire.

great talent of yours? I saw the DALI dream sequence in the movie ‘Spellbound’ when I was very young that really torqued my head. I have always been drawn to art {no pun intended}, I am now, and have always been compelled to draw, it is meat and a drink to me.

Inormal Rocky And Bullwinkle

of technical skill that is coupled with a strange vision that i very much admire. What level of education do you have? and does it relate to your art work? Did your education have any effect on your art in any ways? My education in the U.S. public school system Inormal Teddy And Kax

What is the best part of your art work in your opinion? The moment when I, with a pencil’s stroke, made the two dimensional three. Do you think you have found a source of inspiration that motivates you to create your art work? I have a constant swarm of ideas in my brain

contributed not one bit to my work. The “school of hard knocks” has been the best educator. In your opinion do you think that art is something you learn or its an instinct your born with? Do you think any one has the potential of becoming an artist? I have always felt that we are born with a certain “urge” if it is powerful enough, then you will let that spirit drag you along, if one is willing to work very, very hard, then you will eventually find your way. This is true with everything.

fighting to get out and i must obey. Do you have any one that you admire for their art work? and what gives them such an effect on you? Currently my two favorite artists are ARMIN MERSMANN and BERNARD DUMAINE. Armin’s work is, in my opinion, the best graphite work I’ve seen. It is very hyper-real, but with a soul. He is the modern Albrecht Durer. Dumaine’s work is quite different but displays a high degree

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24 Inormal

Inormal Benediction

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Web Art Gallery Magazine  25 As an artist what kind of message do you intend to send out? Death to mediocrity. Do you work in an artistic field? What Inormal Goodbye, Uncle Albert

is it? I offer burnt offerings on the Altar of the Muse, spin ‘round thrice, and then dive right in.

Do you listen to music while your working

Do you prefer normal employment or freelancing more?

on your art work? What are your favorite bands or singers? How does it effect your art work? I must have music when i work. It could be

I work in my studio every day. Are you working on any current project? and can you tell us about it?

Tool or Radiohead or Bluegrass or Beethoven. The soundtrack of Kingdom of Heaven is also nice. What are some movies you like? and do they inspire you in any way? I watch very, very little T.V I have a large collection of movies, anything by Kubrick or Tarantino is great. What books do you read? How do they touch on your work?

You have to wait and see. I don’t like to talk about or show works in progress. A casual remark, either good or ill, might change the outcome. If a reader would like to contact you, how would you prefer they do so? People may contact me through DA or at my e-mail, ronnormanfineart@yahoo.com

Mark Twain, O. Henry, Pete Dexter, and even some Stephen King on occasions but is anything better than Robert Louis Stevenson? Do you have any goals in your life? What are they? To live a very long time. Inormal Billy Bones, His Fancy

Employment against the machine. I am in a slump, devastated, even ruined. Imagine being good at something, regardless of how simple that something is, it remains as something. Now imagine this very something is taken away from you and given to a machine, not even a machine but several lines of computer code. Yes, it happens to the best and the worst of us, you have been moved out and an automatic form submission system has replaced you. While my algorithmic nemesis has wooed the powers that be in our unorthodox organization, it lacks that warm hearted charisma that my wonderful self enjoys. Unlike the archaic horrors of old science fiction films, machines today do not let out beeps, blips, and squeaks of yore, rather a series of clicks and prompts which are less of 2001 space odyssey and more like haunting elevator music, with even less personality. And now a day we don’t even need to send papers anywhere, after all, we have email, and online document sharing. Isn’t that splendid? Call me bitter; call me envious, you may even call me vain! I thought I may seek out answers to end this vendetta and claim victory over the cold-hearted machine, and who better to ask than my favorite ancient, Refried Noodle. And after several hours of staking out his mysterious alley way shop, I didn’t find the ancient, rather he found me. Cornering me on the roof of the building that I chose as my hide-out he opened his arms welcoming any ponderings I may have had. 4 hours of whining and complaining later, the ancient looked at me wide-eyed and his jaw was hanging. This was slightly amusing as I never saw the ancient’s eyes before. But the horror on his face was obvious. Asking for an answer, he merely shrugged his shoulders. The conversation was over. I looked over the roof and looked back to the ancient; he pulled another ninja trick on me… I heard the slamming of a metal door; I looked down and saw the small frame of Refried Noodle packing his merchandise onto a small pickup truck. Running down the stairs, I had to catch a final glimpse of the ancient; we needed to fight this new age Beelzebub. But as I reached the street I found no truck, no ancient, just an empty warehouse where his shop once was. Where did Refried Noodle head off to? Will I ever get the answers I need? Disappointed I went home to the greetings of my laptop screen informing me that it has finished collecting the data that was required and sent it off on its way for revision, defeated; I merely clicked on the “Confirmation Button”. Grudgingly I began a game of chess with my computer to which I lost, but it was no match for me in kick boxing. Does that count as a win? Good night and good luck,

Mohammad Hamayel.

Art Web


Employment against the Against machine. The Machine. 26  Employment

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Designosaurus-rex Designosaurus-rex Track7 - Clown


EmploymentAgainstTheMachine. Molten Duck Can you please introduce yourself to the

Tell us if you follow any styles? Which is

readers that are not familiar with you?

your favorite of them? What attracts you to work with this style?

Hello everyone, my name is Alexander Hislop and I’m called Designosaurus-Rex on DeviantART. I’m a Manchester, UK based designer who started using DeviantART as a way to show my work and to keep me working. I graduated from Lincoln University in 2007 and found Graphic Design an incredibly hard industry to break into. “Break into” - sounds like I’m a safe-hacker. I’ve always been doubtful or modest about my artwork and skill. Which probably hasn’t helped me get a job, but putting my work online allows me to be honest about it. The pieces

I have so many different favorites! I’ve loved seeing the recent boom in styles like Art Deco, Propaganda and Grindhouse that have popped up in the past 2 or 3 years. I love the strength and simplicity of the image. I suppose that’s my reaction to the overuse of quotes, ratings and other rubbish you find littering design. Movies have been a massive influence on me. As you would see through my work. My work was a reaction to when you bought a DVD and there were 5 or more quotes that told you how great the movie was and littered the cover with

I make speak for themselves and speak to lots of

stars and names. Things that are only relevant to

different people. I just HAVE to be creative.

that person and that instant. So, I like the simple,

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28  Employment Against The Machine.

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- symmetry, texture and arrangement. Hopefully I do well. What are some of the tools you use? and what do you think is the key of your art? I am a huge fan of using the modes of a layer to maximum effect. I would say my work varied so much, depending on what inspires me at that time. I either keep something very simple or work into it a lot. I use digital, mostly Photoshop and artistic means, such as inks. I believe that some styles can’t be recreated on computer that well, so I try things myself first and work it over on the computer. I love to use texture. A design I’ve been perfecting might not look as good as I was hoping, so I’ll use texture to give it a new dimenEmploymentAgainstTheMachine. Alien Queen

sion. If that doesn’t work I might play around with the arrangement. Either way I let my eye tell me what’s right.

timeless pieces. I think people are respecting art of the past more now and even respecting the bad art that’s out there. I myself find, say, a B movie with a terrible poster kind of charming. I would also recreate a film poster due to the tragic existing one. I felt bad that a film, that probably had more love and passion put into it than most Hollywood movies, had a bad poster which would have been a key in its sales and popularity. Typography is very important, but I feel an image is a stronger hook to the eye, so my work is very image based and sometimes very conceptual. My work has brought aspects of all into it

EmploymentAgainstTheMachine. Bugs In Ember II

family business, college and then university. My last year of university was pivotal in my skill. Where the whole year of Graphics was able to enter live competition briefs and I always thrive on the idea competition and exposure where I’ve won 2 competitions. After the university, it was a bit of a shock really, there weren’t any jobs and nothing really in an avenue I was hoping to go in. What is the best part of your art work in your opinion? I would probably say simplicity in design and strength in the detail. I won’t finish with something if my eyes don’t like it. But, I think people like my work because I make it for me EmploymentAgainstTheMachine. G28 Godzilla Final Wars

and people like me. I’m a bit of a nerd and the things that I like are what I’m inspired by - like a lot of people. So, I’ll make posters for bad shark movies or Godzilla films. I have so many ideas in

How long have you been working on your art? and how did you come along with this great talent of yours? Sniggers. Well, I began around 1997 when my father’s company started to use Photoshop and we had it on our home computer. At the time

my head, it’s just finding the time to do them or feeling creative enough for them. I always want to do things as well as possible, which means I leave things if I don’t feel right about them. Do you think you have found a source of inspiration that motivates you to create your art work?

my Grandmother had brought herself a video camera and allowed me to make my own films. I

I find inspiration in all sorts! The games

believe the first one I ever made was ‘Anaconda’,

I’m playing, movies I watch, magazines, books,

except this version took place in a blow up dingy

comics and CD’s I buy. I keep pictures I find on

in my garden, way more exciting! I then wanted to make a poster to accompany it. Looking back, I cringe as I didn’t like or understand ‘layers’ and did everything manually which is painful! From there I worked up, making designs for the

Art Web


30  Employment Against The Machine.

the internet in a folder I’ve called “Cool Pretty Things” that I sometimes browse for a spark of inspiration.

Art Web


Web Art Gallery Magazine  31 Do you have any one that you admire for

by. I’m not sure how successful it was, maybe I’ll

their art work? and what gives them such

rework it one day.

an effect on you? As you know now, I’m a bit of a sad geek and on my internet travels I discovered ‘strong stuff’ that had done the most amazing designs for Gamera 3, I was so impressed I asked for a print to go on my wall. Alas he never replied, so I decided to make a series of my own version. Mine was very different, but it was a first in the very simple vector design I had been so inspired

As a comic reader I absolutely love Raymond Swanland! He captures such a dynamic and realistic vision that penetrates the audience. I first saw his work when he did the new ‘Turok’ and ‘Alien Vs Predator’ comic covers. That also brings me to HR Giger. Need I say more? While I’ve been on DeviantART I’ve found ‘rodolforever’ who creates beautiful art deco pieces that you could easily see sold for thousands! Featuring classical subjects as well as contemporary. He has a wide view for his art! During university I stumbled upon a lot of designers and none stood out quite as much as ‘Non-Format’. I find all their design stunning, their use of ink is beautiful and they straddle the contrast of clean and textured like no other. I would love to spend a day in their studio! What level of education do you have? and does it relate to your art work? Did your education have any effect on your art in any way? I have a BA Honors in Graphic Design, which brought me into contact with other people like me. The course itself was also very passionate about pointed design and working a concept as much as the graphics. So, I feel that developed me to understand what I’m making and for whom.

EmploymentAgainstTheMachine. Illyria Comic

massive difference! I don’t think the music effects the designs, but it keeps me going. I don’t find silence a good motivation. What are some movies you like? and did they inspire you in any way? My top three movies would be ‘Aliens’, ‘Jurassic Park’ and ‘The Fifth Element’. I think ‘The Fifth Element’ was probably the biggest design influence, the use of color and design was EmploymentAgainstTheMachine. Piranha

In your opinion do you think that art is something you learn or it’s an instinct your born with? Do you think any one has the potential of becoming an artist? I think it is something you’re born with, but I also think anyone can be an artist too. It depends on who’s looking, whether it’ good or not - art is a personal experience. Is my work better because of the content or the subject? I don’t think there is any clear way of finding out because it depends on the viewer. I can only make art to my standards and hope that people like it.

stunning in that film! I love my films as you have probably guessed. I watch ‘Buffy the Vampire Slayer’ and ‘Firefly’ quite a lot. What books do you read? How do they touch on your work? I’m a bit of a slow reader, I love books, but I don’t read as quickly as I’d like. I love the ‘Meg’ series by Steve Alten. I read a mixture of horror, fantasy and classics. At the moment I’m reading ‘Let the right one in’. Books touch on my work as much as the covers they have. I’m a sucker for pretty packaging and some books are being treated to an excellent finishing cover now. Do you have any goals in your life? What are they?

Do you listen to music while your working

I would just say - be happy. I don’t set myself

on you’re art work? What are your favorite

goals, just to enjoy myself. Goals represent a

bands or singers? How does it affect your art work?

potential pressure, disappointment and failure. If I want to achieve something, I work hard to get it. Things are always changing and an outcome

I do listen to music, I try to put on music

I’m hoping for might not be what I want in the

I won’t sing-a-long to, which is difficult. I love

long run. To put my eggs in one basket doesn’t

Christina Aguilera and Laura Marling - I know

make much sense to me.

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32  Employment Against The Machine.

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Web Art Gallery Magazine  33

and future projects. I also spend a lot of time finding the perfect image that I will use. Imagery is the key! Do you prefer normal employment or freelancing more? At the moment I’m not in a Graphic Design job. I’m always on the look out for anything suitable. I’m currently working as a cookery and art teacher for people with mental illness and learning difficulties. I have had a few freelance projects that I have found through friends and colleagues. I’ve enjoyed the artistic challenge and the satisfaction of doing a good job for someone. Are you working on any current project? and can you tell us about it? EmploymentAgainstTheMachine. Deep Rising

Everything at the moment is at a personal level, which includes a Godzilla series of posters. Using the silhouette of Godzilla and an image

As an artist what kind of message do you intend to send out? I perhaps try to show an alternate perspective on things. With the movies that I feel didn’t receive enough attention, I try to give a boost with a cool poster. Just trying to help the things I love What preparations do you undertake before you start creating a new piece? Do you work in an artistic field? What is it? I always start in my sketch book, no matter what I do. It’s also a good place to list your ideas

within that’s relevant to the film. There are 28 Japanese Godzilla films, so I’ve got a few to do! I recently designed a poster for the infamous ‘Sharktopus’ B movie, to which I received an email and friend request from the writer of the movie. That was quite exciting, I was hoping that my design might be used in someway. He was very impressed and thankful for my support. I would love to design posters for monster movies. If a reader would like to contact you, how would you prefer they do so? Well, they are welcome to find me on DeviantART - Designosaurus-Rex, otherwise my website www.alexhislop.co.uk


Setsuna22 Setsuna22 Lulu

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34 Setsuna22

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Web Art Gallery Magazine  35

My tablet is a Wacom Intuos 4 and I do most

Can you please introduce yourself to the readers that are not familiar with you? My name is Brittany but I am better known

of my art in Photoshop, my current version is CS5.

as Setsuna22 on the interwebs. I am a freelance

How long have you been working on your

artist in Denver, CO. I was always interested

art? and how did you come along with this

in drawing and anime from a very young age

great talent of yours?

but finally started posting my work online via Deviantart in 2003. I started with traditional sketches and then moved my way up to oekaki and eventually Photoshop. I took a very large leap of faith in 2007 and started taking commissions and selling my work at conventions. I quit my god awful desk job in 2009 and have been doing freelance work ever since. My art style is

I have been drawing for as long as I can remember. I have very early memories of asking my mother to purchase “How to Draw” books for me at a young age but it was somewhat of a passing hobby at the time until I turned about 11 or 12. That’s when I first saw Sailor Moon. I was so enthralled with the style and look of it that it

something that I would consider a mix between

kick started me into working on my own work.

anime, art nouveau and pin-up.

The rest is history as they say.

Tell us if you follow any styles and which

What is the best part of your art work in

is your favorite one? What attracts you to

your opinion?

work with this style?

I would say my color and shading and the

I closely associate with and find myself

way that I draw body shapes. I tend to color with

attracted to anime (of course), pin-up art, and

bright, vibrant colors and coloring my images is

art nouveau and I incorporate all of them into my

the part I find most enjoyable. I also tend to draw

own work. I really enjoy how they are simplistic at the surface but can still be very detailed and complicated at the same time. What are some of the tools you use? and what do you think is the key of your art? For a long time, up until around April of 2010, I used a mouse for all of my digital work. I finally budged and purchased a tablet and I really do enjoy using it now.

Setsuna22 Commission: Chee

friends and school mates. But now, having the support system I have online and knowing that people are looking at my work and possibly waiting and wanting me to submit more is what motivates me to create art. Do you have any one that you admire for their art work? and what gives them such an effect on you? I really admire Alphonse Mucha, Hayao Miyazaki and Shigenori Soejima if I had to pick a few major artists. I really enjoy how Mucha drew figures and his attention to detail. Even though Setsuna22 2D Design- Color Project

there are times when I find Miyazaki’s art style lacking, his imagination and the dreamscapes and creatures he creates are really inspiring. And

my female anatomy in what I see as a more realistic and attractive way; which is to not draw each and every one of them as a stick-skinny Barbie doll. That’s not to say that I don’t at all, but those

Soejima has such a wonderful way of creating lovely, expressive faces in the anime style which can be really hard to do a lot of the time. His line work is also impeccable.

tend to be the minority amongst my work. I have

What level of education do you have? and

gotten a really good response from the commu-

does it relate to your art work? Did your

nity in that respect, which is stellar.

education have any effect on your art in

Do you think you have found a source of inspiration that motivates you to create your art work? I would say my friends and watchers online. Deviantart and the internet in general really was

any way? I graduated highschool and I waited 6 years before going to college. I am currently in art school, working on my BFA in Drawing and I will be a Junior next semester.

a huge help to my work. For people in my age

My early education had somewhat of an

group, the internet wasn’t always around and

effect on my artwork in several ways. My art

most definitely wasn’t the same creature it is

teachers in middle and high school highly dis-

today when it first came into being. So, when I

approved of me drawing in an anime style from

was younger, the only person really seeing my

the get-go. My teachers often told me that it was

work was myself, my family and maybe some

a fad and that I had better stop drawing in the

Art Web


36 Setsuna22

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Web Art Gallery Magazine  37 style if I wanted to be successful in art. It discouraged me a lot but luckily I was very stubborn and the more they told me not to, the more I just continued to do so. Currently, since anime and manga has been integrated into American culture much more

Setsuna22 2D Design- Collage project

than 10 years ago, my teachers seem to be more open to the thought of me drawing in my own style.

Do you listen to music while your working on your art work? What are your favorite bands or singers? How does it effect your art work? I have the T.V. on in the background, actually! I tend to “watch” my recordings on DVR or movies from Netflix (Netflix Instant has been the greatest thing ever created for me!). I say “watch” because I tend to mostly listen with occasional stops in my work to look at what’s going on. I have a hard time just sitting down and working on something for long periods of time, regardless of what is on in the background, but the television seems to help me work better than music ever does. But, if you really want to know, my favorite artists are Muse, Lady Gaga, Jason Mraz, Coheed & Cambria, Santogold and Asian Kung-Fu Generation. What are some movies you like? and do they inspire you in any way? Setsuna22 Commission: Foehn

My absolute favorite movie of all time is Fight Club. Other notable favorites are Pan’s Labyrinth,

Setsuna22 Fanime 2009- Amber Badge

V for Vendetta, Inception, Paprika, Spirited Away,

Geisha, The Golden Compass, and Catcher in

Ink, and Star Trek 2009.

the Rye.

The animated movies are always the most inspiring for me. Mostly because I see such wonderful animation and it makes me want to create something as well. I almost always tend to hop onto the computer and work on something after watching an animated movie. What books do you read? How do they touch on your work?

Do you have any goals in your life? What are they? I would like to continue being able to work and make a living off of something that I love as much as making art. As an artist what kind of message do you intend to send out? My goal has always been to create work for

I have not been much of a reader as of late,

the sheer joy of it and I think that more artists

unfortunately! I am much more of a movie girl

should do the same. I feel that a lot of artists can

than a book one. Either way, my favorite books

be too serious and can tend to sit on a high horse

are Choke, Invisible Monsters, Memoirs of a

when it comes to their art. I don’t always think

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38 Setsuna22

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Web Art Gallery Magazine  39 that art needs to contain any existential meaning or has to change how people think, I think art should be more about the joy of creation and I try to never lose sight of that. What preparations do you undertake before you start creating a new piece? Do you work in an artistic field? What is it? I turn on my T.V, grab a good drink and get comfy in my big computer chair! Do you prefer normal employment or freelancing more? I do. I currently work in a few endeavors. Mostly though, I work for Fanimecon and Gaia Interactive, both are in San Jose, CA. I am a staff artist for Fanime and I make artwork for their promotional items at the convention. I make artwork for things like programs, t-shirts, newspaper ads, badges, and signs. Then I am a member of the off-site artist team at Gaia Interactive doing Sprite work. I only just got hired in December 2010 so I am still very new to it. But, I will be creating items for the Gaia avatars.

I would say that I prefer freelancing over standard employment any day. You get to make your own hours, work from home and can still pursue other endeavors like school or other jobs. The only issue is that freelancing work can be very unsteady money-wise at times. Are you working on any current project? and can you tell us about it? I can tell you about my personal projects. I am currently working on a 2-D all-female fighting game called Maledonna (Mah-el-ah-dawn-ah). Each of the women have been turned into/possessed by demons/mythological creatures and each girl has a desire to be returned back to normal. In order for the ladies to be returned to their normal selves, they must first defeat each other and the Queen of the Underworld. If a reader would like to contact you, how would you prefer they do so? They can contact me through my email setsuna22@gmail.com or on Deviantart, user: setsuna22.

Setsuna22 Drawing II- Extended plane



Zardo On the other side

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40 Zardo

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Web Art Gallery Magazine  41 Can you please introduce yourself to the

filters and a remote control. As I use a method

readers that are not familiar with you?

called “HDRi” (High Dynamic Range image), I

Behind Zardo, my real name is Behrouz

have to use a post-processing software. I use the

Riahi. I was born in 1985. I’m Belgian and since

Photomatix pro. In my opinion, it’s the best way

two years, I have been a Psychologist. I really

to merge your HDR.

began photography when I was 19 years old and have pursued it actively for 6 years. With photos

I always go out with my camera and all my

and the technique I use, I found the way to show

lenses, tripod, etc. Everywhere I go, i take them

the world as I see it.

with me. I look at the meteoric conditions every

I am a self-taught person as far as photogra-

time. And I search to find the best place to shoot

phy is concerned. When I see a really good photo

with my camera. The key of my art was to try and

I wonder how it was made and how I could make

make a lot of mistakes before finding my way.

it myself. Then I search and learn. The greatest help I received was on DeviantART. It’s a super community with a lot of beautiful images. It makes you feel like perfecting your skills. Tell us if you follow any styles? and which one is your favorite? What attracts you to work with this style? I don’t know if I really follow a style of art but I can say that the powerful paints of Magritte, Delvaux, and Delville have really influenced my work and my preference for surrealism and the world of dream. I like the dark images, where we can easily project ourselves. If I had to say a favorite style, it would be the gothic movement and the dark landscapes. What are some of the tools you use? and what do you think is the key of your art? I use a Canon EOS 5D Mark II and generally, it’s with a wide angle, canon 16-35/f2.8L. I always use a tripod Manfrotto 190XPROB. I have a lot of

Zardo Once upon a time

Zardo In the fog How long have you been working on your

I put together my first digital camera at 22

art? and how did you come along with this

years old. And then, it was the beginning of the

great talent of yours?

real fun! I have tried so many techniques, so

I have grown in a family in which the photography was omnipotent. When i was 6 years old i took my first shot. It was a photo of my mum’s

many ways of shooting. One day, I’ve seen a photo of Martin Stawiarz. I said to myself : “This artist understands everything in the field of photography!, I searched to

foot. The camera was too heavy for me. It was

make my photos similar to his but I have found

really frustrating.

my own way which is totally different than his.

Since I was 12 years old, photography has made me passionate. My first camera was a point and shot camera with a roll film. I put together my own first camera when I was 16 years. It was a canon 300D with a roll film. I loved to take photos with it. I always wanted to improve myself.

Art Web


42 Zardo

What is the best part of your art work in your opinion? There are so many best parts in my art work. Firstly, it’s a pleasure to discover so many places, life’s, and scapes. I always enjoy to go somewhere and take the time to explore all the coins of the

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Web Art Gallery Magazine  43

a way for me to expose them. Photography has saved me more than once. An other motivation is the fact I can share my world. I can show how I see the world. People don’t really understand my world when I tell them. When I show them my photos, they better understand and are open to see the world in a different perspective. “ Do you have any one that you admire for their art work? and what gives them such an effect on you? Yes. The person I admire the most probably is Magritte. Not for the person but for his paintings. He had found the world of dreams Zardo Man on the bridge

places. Secondly, I really love to share my art with people and discuss with them about my images. It’s pleasant to see that my work is liked by others. Last, what I really think is the best in my art, is the fact that we always discover new ways to improve ourselves. With numeric, there’s no limit. You can always learn and be better than yesterday. Do you think you have found a source of inspiration that motivates you to create your art work? Of course, my motivation is multiple. It becomes by the fact that it’s a way to put in a photo that represents my feelings. I have so many emotions which I can’t express. Photography is

Zardo White wolf sanctuary

Zardo Electric field

and nightmares. Sometimes you can’t know if his

In your opinion do you think that art is

paintings are painted or photography. It’s a beau-

something you learn or its an instinct your

tiful feeling and I always love to see his works, especially : “L’empire des lumières”.

does it relate to your art work? Did your

with others. It’s a shame to see some people who

Well, I have studied psychology. I think photography and psychology influence each other. I can’t imagine one without the other.


I think that it’s an instinct your born with. But I also think that an artist becomes a real artist

any way?


potential of becoming an artist?

What level of education do you have? and

education have any effect on your art in


born with? Do you think any one has the

44 Zardo

have some relations and become known because of their relations and to see some real talents never known because they are unlucky. Even if I think it’s an instinct, I think that everybody has the potential of becoming an artist. When you try, work, search and persevere, nothing is impossible.

Art Web


Web Art Gallery Magazine  45 Do you listen to music while your working

Only one advice : never stop trying ! There’s

on your art work? What are your favorite

so much failure before you find your way in art.

bands or singers? How does it effect your

The most important thing for me is to dream and

art work? It depends. Sometimes I listen to some music

make people dream. Do you work in an artistic field? What is it?

but it’s not a rule. I prefer to listen to something like the music of Danny Elfman or the music of Thomas Newman. Their music puts people in a new mood. It’s the same when I take my photos. What are some movies you like? and do they inspire you in any way? I really like the movies by Tim Burton and the beauty of his images. I like how you can enter a different world and explore new universes. I think they inspire me in some ways. In the movies by T. Burton, you always have two things : first : the difference between black and white and colors. And second : the difference between light and darkness. In my photo you can find both concepts. Do you have any goals in your life? What are they? In my artist life, I have a lot of goals. The

There are no preparations. Except one : no limit in the creation and feel what you want to share. Do you prefer normal employment or freelancing more? I don’t for the moment but I hope one day. Are you working on any current project? and can you tell us about it? Yes, I will have three exhibitions in January and February in Belgium. I also have some contests of photography and some future project exhibitions. If a reader would like to contact you, how would you prefer they do so? By mail : behrouz_riahi@hotmail.com

greatest is to open my own gallery where I would expose my works and the art of other people. I would like to be worldly known and explore the world to take different pictures. In my life, my goals would be to be happy with my lovely wife and do my best to brighten all her days. As an artist what kind of message do you intend to send out?

Zardo Timeless II


Jinx-star Jinx-star +6th DIVISION+

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46 Jinx-star

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Web Art Gallery Magazine  47 Can you please introduce yourself to the readers that are not familiar with you? I’m from some Asian country. I like reading manga but hardly have time for anime. I play RPGs if I have time. Nowadays I only play iphone apps games. Tell us if you follow any styles and which is your favorite one? What attracts you to work with this style? I think semi-realism is the closest style I can choose to classify them. I really admire people who can draw fanarts from Anime with a realistic touch to them. It’s nice to see anime characters drawn in different ways.


What are some of the tools you use? and what do you think is the key of your art? I used 0.3mm mechanical pencils, 4H,2H, HB and 2B pencils for most of my pencil work. For digital work, I used Photoshop CS2 and Intuos 3. How long have you been working on your art? and how did you come along with this great talent of yours?

Jinx-star +6th DIVISION+

Since i was young, I would say around 17,18 years of drawing. I never really have any breakthrough in style until I stumbled some of the wonderful artworks online and promise myself I want to be this good. Talent plays minor role and it’s all about practice and observations which is the key.

Do you have any one that you admire for their art work? and what gives them such an effect on you? Most of the artists I admired are other Japanese fan art artists who can draw anime characters with realistic touch. There are actually two who have massive influence on my style. One is AZ Pt and the other Wolfina. Jo Chen’s style is also one which I love so much. What level of education do you have? and does it relate to your art work? Did your education have any effect on your art in any way? Jinx-star COMMISSION: NEIT SITH

What is the best part of your art work in your opinion? Aesthetically pleasant characters and probably style of coloring as well. According to the feed backs from people, I tend to draw characters aesthetically pleasant to the audiences. I also took a lot of time working on characters’ face and especially the eyes. I love drawing eyes. Do you think you have found a source of inspiration that motivates you to create your art work? I mostly draw ideas that I see from the Internet and DA.

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48 Jinx-star

Jinx-star +ONCE GRACE+

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Web Art Gallery Magazine  49 I have only up to tertiary qualification and it has nothing to do with artworks.

Do you listen to music while your working on your art work? What are your favorite bands or singers? How does it effect your art work?

In your opinion do you think that art is something you learn or is it an instinct your born with? Do you think any one has the potential of becoming an artist? I don’t think I can be at this level if I were to count on talent alone. I always believe hard work and the motivation to exceed is the key. Given enough motivation, I think it’s possible.

Ironically, music is hardly my muse. In fact I can draw without listening to music. If I have to put in one, I would say Disturbed is my favorite band at the moment. Oh and Lady Gaga. C: Do you have any goals in your life? What are they? To have my first art book published and maybe create characters for Square-Enix. lol


As an artist what kind of message do you intend to send out? Drawing is not easy for the most part. I know a lot of people say things like “I wish I can draw like you.” I want to say “Yes you can!”. Just don’t be depressed and don’t give up when things don’t turn out the way you have in mind. Study and observe great works from other artists and ask for critiques. Do you work in an artistic field? What is it? I just need to find a nice level table top and with my drawing tools. I like to work in a mildly quiet room. Do you prefer normal employment or freelancing more? No unfortunately. Given a chance, I would say freelancing. I like to have control over my time and still do what I love to do most. Are you working on any current project? and can you tell us about it? Well, I’m not working an anything specific. Mainly due to the lack of time. If a reader would like to contact you, how would you prefer they do so? If possible, I like to be contacted via DA notes.

Art Web


50 Jinx-star




Astral-haze Innerii

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52 Astral-haze

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Web Art Gallery Magazine  53 Can you please introduce yourself to the

What are some of the tools you use? and

readers that are not familiar with you?

what do you think is the key of your art?

Hi, my name is Sylvan O’Reilly. I am a 23 year old, currently residing in Auckland, New Zealand. My principal work activity involves freelance graphic art and design. Aside from commissions for commercial design, my personal art focuses on explorations of the mind. Often the work is quite layered and textured. I am interested in going beyond the superficial. Observers taking a closer look at the imagery will be rewarded.

I like to explore many materials. These include ink, pencil, gouache, acrylic, digital elements and also photography. I think the key to my work is the uniqueness. Trying to create something that is not like anything else. Something new. How long have you been working on your art? and how did you come along with this great talent of yours?

Tell us if you follow any styles and which

I’ve been making art for the past five years.

is your favorite one? What attracts you to

I view my artistic journey as my own evolution.

work with this style? My work explores visionary, spiritual, and psychedelic realms. Because of the infinite scope of this kind of art, my palette is very broad. I keep the work diverse to cater to different types of viewers. I like to connect with people on a new level. To temporarily immerse the viewer into the image 100%. People who have bought my work have responded in different ways. For example, some people may perceive Aztec motifs in the work where others see Polynesian elements that I have not consciously included. Feedback like this is very satisfying because it confirms to me that I am succeeding in my mission of making connections. Colour plays a huge part, as does pattern, symmetry, iconic motif, repetition, perspective, humor and illusion. There really is no limit to the materials and techniques one can employ.

Astral-haze Creative Seed

Do you think you have found a source of inspiration that motivates you to create your art work? I have many influences. They include music, artists, visions, imagination, nature, books, people, cultures, meditations, ideas, colours, patterns and also my own work. A lot of my work is rich in detail which is great because I can focus

Astral-haze Peripheral Experiments My work is constantly changing but always stays in tune with my particular style. What is the best part of your art work in your opinion? I enjoy the entire creative process. From the initial idea of the work to the final finished result. The best part for me is surprising myself with my own work, sometimes I can’t believe that these images come from me haha. Getting the inside of me outside.

Art Web


54 Astral-haze

Astral-haze Metamorphosis

Art Web


Web Art Gallery Magazine  55 on a particular part of that work and create an

What level of education do you have? and

entire work based on that particular section.

does it relate to your art work? Did your

Do you have any one that you admire for their art work? and what gives them such an effect on you?

education have any effect on your art in any way? I attended Whitecliffe College of Art and

Yes I have many artists that inspire me. One

Design in Auckland. There, I explored many tech-

of my favorites would be Alex Grey. His work

niques and media including photography, paint-

automatically takes me to a higher place. He is

ing, drawing, digital formats, printing, sculpture,

able to depict the visionary states so clearly and

installations and so on, many of which have fed

truly share his vision with you.

into my current style.

Astral-haze Dream Lines I

In your opinion do you think that art is

I read a lot of books that explore different

something you learn or its an instinct your

cultures, artists, philosophy, psychedelic states

born with? Do you think any one has the

and the mind. I believe the books that I read do

potential of becoming an artist?

have an effect on my work if not directly then

I believe anybody can be a great artist. They


just need to realize their potential and find out

Do you have any goals in your life? What

what they enjoy creating. And don’t stop doing it!

are they?

Do you listen to music while your working on your art work? What are your favorite bands or singers? How does it effect your art work? Yes I sure do, it seems to partly fuel my creativity. My musical interest is very broad. I could literally list hundreds of artists. Musicians on the top of my list would be The Grateful Dead (for pure creative exploration), Jimi Hendrix (for playing straight from the soul), Ravi Shankar (for incredible improvisation and amazing musicianship) When I’m creating art I enjoy the immersive state I reach, and music helps me get there.” What are some movies you like? and do they inspire you in any way? I enjoy surreal, obscure and visionary films, and also B-grade films that are so bad their good. A few of my favorites would be The Matrix, Enter The Void, The Holy Mountain, CoSM (about the art of Alex Grey). Anything that makes you question your reality and expand your knowledge. What books do you read? How do they touch on your work?

Art Web


56 Astral-haze

To share my art with people, connect with them and try to make a living at the same time. Also to never stop creating art.

Art Web


Web Art Gallery Magazine  57 As an artist what kind of message do you intend to send out? Only positive vibes. Don’t stop doing what you love, the creative possibilities are endless and open your mind to your potential :) Astral-haze Transmission

What preparations do you undertake before you start creating a new piece? Do you work in an artistic field? What is it?

Nothing really ritualistic, I just seem to start a work when the time is right and I’m feeling the creative flow. Do you prefer normal employment or freelancing more? Yes, I am freelancing at the moment. I have never had a studio job so I don’t have a preference. Are you working on any current project? and can you tell us about it? I am currently designing a tattoo for someone which is something new. I’ve been doing quite a bit of work for a local musician, designing album covers, t-shirt designs, logos and gig posters. And I usually have at least 5 personal works on the go. If a reader would like to contact you, how would you prefer they do so?

Astral-haze Sea Land and Sky II

Just send me an email to astral-visions@hotmail.com or find me on DeviantArt http://astral-haze.deviantart.com/


Flashlioness Flashlioness Cheee

Art Web


58 Flashlioness

Art Web


Web Art Gallery Magazine  59 Tell us if you follow any styles and which

What level of education do you have? and

is your favorite one? What attracts you to

does it relate to your art work? Did your

work with this style?

education have any effect on your art in

My favorite styles are cartoon and realism. I think in realism I like many variations of colors, in cartoon I like cute characters. What are some of the tools you use? and what do you think is the key of your art? Photoshop, pencils, acrylic, watercolor sometimes. How long have you been working on your art? and how did you come along with this great talent of yours? I’ve been working on my art for three years,

any way? I have no levels of education, because I’m first year in art university, but I’ve finished art school. Education in art school helped me. In your opinion do you think that art is something you learn or its an instinct your born with? Do you think any one has the potential of becoming an artist? I think that I was born for art, but I know that I have to learn many things. I think every person can become an artist, if he/she really wants to be.

but I love drawing and painting since my childhood. :) What is the best part of your art work in your opinion? I think I do my best in drawing felines. Do you think you have found a source of inspiration that motivates you to create your art work? Yes, I have some favorite artists that inspire me. Do you have any one that you admire for their art work? and what gives them such an effect on you? In some of their works I love realism, in some cartoon style. :)

Flashlioness tiger card

Flashlioness I want to live,mother..

Do you listen to music while your working

What books do you read? How do they

on your art work? What are your favorite

touch on your work?

bands or singers? How does it effect your art work? I can’t imagine my life without music. Music

Charles de Lint’s books and some fantasy books. I think I’m resting from drawing and painting when I’m reading.

inspires me. I’m meloman, I haven’t any favorite

Do you have any goals in your life? What

bands or singers, just want to say that for me the

are they?

real king of pop music is forever Michael Jackson. What are some movies you like? and do they inspire you in any way? Lion king 1,2,3. I started to draw seriously from fan arts.

Art Web


60 Flashlioness

I want to become a professional artist. As an artist what kind of message do you intend to send out? I think I want to make a wish to everyone reach all your goals and dreams!:)

Art Web


Web Art Gallery Magazine  61 Do you work in an artistic field? What is it? It depends on what I’m working with. If I’m working with traditional instruments I start from sketch. If I’m working with Photoshop I start from doing some layers and then I do a sketch. Do you prefer normal employment or freelancing more? I’m work with some inspiration. I prefer freelancing more. Are you working on any current project? and can you tell us about it? No, currently I’m not working on something big.

Flashlioness Bear

If a reader would like to contact you, how would you prefer they do so? Reader can write me a note on DeviantArt.

Flashlioness Wanderers

Flashlioness Chase the sun



Isvoc Albireo

Art Web


62 Isvoc

Art Web


Web Art Gallery Magazine  63 Can you please introduce yourself to the

Presence of incredible artists from my class, made

readers that are not familiar with you:

me work even harder. Making ton of works every

Hello, my name is Karolina known online

day is the key. There is no incredible “secret” in

as Isvoc and I’m from Poland. I’m mostly a tradi-

drawing. Talent may help you, but without prac-

tional artist, working as a freelancer. I love draw-

tising it’s nothing.

ing and painting and it’s my main passion. Tell us if you follow any styles and which

What is the best part of your art work in your opinion?

is your favorite one? What attracts you to work with this style? Difficult question. I’d say I like traditional style in which you can observe not only good technique but also emotions, feelings. It’s important for me to actually show ambience, mood and

Definitely creation! It’s the point where it’s all fun. It’s great to show finished piece, but everything important and interesting happens in creation part.

feelings. I used to believe that “A good brushwork has it’s own soul and power to move people’s heart!”. What are some of the tools you use and what do you think is the key of your art? My main tools are watercolors and it’s my favourite material at the same time. I’m also using markers, color pencils, inks and acrylics. For digital pieces I’m using Intuos 3 graphic tablet, Photoshop CS3 and SAI, but I need a lot to learn at this point. How long have you been working on your art? And how did you come along with this great talent of yours? I started 5 years ago, when I joined DeviantArt. Looking at incredible work by others was pushing me to work by myself. I really liked it, so 2 years later I applied to art high school.

Isvoc Moonsong

Do you have any one that you admire for their art work? And what gives them such an effect on you? Yes. I love incredible creatures made by Allison Theus and amazing traditional works by Hillary Luetkemeyer. Both are giving me an incredible inspiration boost. Do you listen to music while your working on your art work? What are your favorite bands or singers? How does it effect your art work? It happens really, really often. Music (especially OSTs and instrumental songs) allows me

Isvoc Warm

Do you have and thing you find as a source of inspiration that motivates you to create your art work? It’s a really funny thing, because inspiration is everywhere! It can be everything. Sometimes it’s a nice chat with a friend or natural occurrence, but also it can be great artwork by other artists, song or video game.

Art Web


64 Isvoc

Isvoc Tea sky

Art Web


Web Art Gallery Magazine  65 to imagine. It really depends on the song, but sometimes it’s like I see a short “”movie”” in my head and its song track. I don’t have any favourite bands or singers, but I have favourite genres like soundtracks, trailer music, rock and even electronic. Isvoc Ravine of no Return

Do you have any goals in your life? What are they? To be happy, to do what I love with the

Do you prefer normal employment or free-

person whom I love. Do you work in an artistic field? What is it?

lancing more? I’m active freelancer and I must say that I

Clean up my table so I have the place to put my sheet on ;)

love it ;) It’s really comfortable and a profitable way of working. Honestly, I can’t imagine myself doing anything different. Are you working on any current project and can you tell us about it? Yes! the project is called “Verilia”. This giant project is based on design. “Verilia” is the name of an imaginary world, full of incredible creatures, magic and natural beauty. World without humans, fully designed by me and my fiance’. Main point of that project is to create a wild and different world where the main dominating creatures are dragons. If a reader would like to contact you, how would you prefer they do so? Always feel free to contact me on DeviantArt!

Isvoc Silentum v2



Vk-oelala Vk-oelala Lost in stereo

Art Web


66 Vk-oelala

Art Web


Web Art Gallery Magazine  67 Can you please introduce yourself to the readers that are not familiar with you? My name is Merel. I’m a 15 year old girl who lives in Netherlands. People know me as ‘VK-Oelala’ on DeviantArt. I mostly draw manga/ anime, although recently I started to get really interested in realism. I have been drawing for as long as I can hold a pencil. I already used to be a fanatic drawer when I was 4 years old and I hope that 20 years later I still am. Tell us if you follow any styles and which is your favorite one? What attracts you to work with this style? My favorite styles to draw are manga/anime and realism. But I almost love every kind of art.

Manga and realism attract me because I have always loved art with people in it. As I said before, my interests for animals and nature drawing are less, although I do get inspired by them. I love art with details in it and a nice use of colors. That doesn’t mean it has to be a very colorful work. A drawing with only a few soft colors can be amazing too, I find those very inspiring, and that’s one of the reasons why they are my favorite. What are some of the tools you use? and what do you think is the key of your art? Mostly I use a pencil to sketch and markers to color. Before I bought markers I used to draw with just simple pencils. But lately I have been

Although I must say I don’t have a big interest for drawings with animals, there’s nothing wrong with them, it’s just not my style. I really enjoy realism, especially drawing the eyes. It’s always a challenge for me to make it as much realistic as possible. I also love to draw manga/anime, although I find this style more difficult as realism. I have been drawing manga for around 6 years now. At the moment I’m trying to get my own style, since there are so many. But I think I’m coming closer to one. That’s also the reason I find realism easier, there’s only one right way to draw realism. I can get really inspired by every kind of art, especially the ones with a nice composition, use of colors, concept, etc. Therefore, the style doesn’t matter.

Vk-oelala .: pink :.

started to take it really serious and wanted to learn more about it. I made a DeviantArt account and learned a lot about art by all the amazing artists on this site. DeviantARt really helped me become the artist I am right now. Other artists gave me so much inspiration and without them I would have never tried the tools I use now, I don’t even Vk-oelala Icing Gaze

think I would know they exist if I didn’t have a DeviantArt account. Besides that the interest for art is also some-

experimenting a lot. I started to draw realism,

thing that has been going on in my family. My

which I draw with just a regular pencil since I still lack in tools for realism art, and I have bought watercolor and a week ago I even bought a tablet. Digital art is something totally new for me, so I still have to practice and find a way which I feel comfortable with, but it’s fun! I think the key of my art is how I try to display the characters I draw. Although I still need to improve a lot on it. It’s also a favorite part for me to draw the character. I have problems with doing the background, therefore I try to put a lot of attention into the character. How long have you been working on your art? and how did you come along with this great talent of yours? I have been drawing for more than 10 years now. Actually I have been drawing my whole life. Ever since I was a toddler. I have always seen drawing as a serious hobby of mine, already at a very young age, but when I was turning 13 I

Art Web


68 Vk-oelala

Vk-oelala Headphones

Art Web


Web Art Gallery Magazine  69 Do you think you have found a source of inspiration that motivates you to create your art work?

Music also helps me with drawing. It gives me inspiration but especially motivation. Because of music I won’t get bored very fast, that way I can work on a drawing for hours. And If I draw a drawing with a sad atmosphere than music with a sad feeling to it helps me to capture the sad atmosphere in the drawing. Do you have any one that you admire for their art work? and what gives them such an effect on you? I know some artists which inspire and help Vk-oelala Chally - sketch

me with drawing a lot! I learn by looking at there art, without them I had to find it out all by myself, which isn’t as easy as just simple take a look at they’re art. For example, an inspiration for me

father is a graphic designer and my grandmother used to be an artist too. She used to be very talented if I take a look at the works she did! So the interest for art is in my gene. I’m very lucky with that, also my father supports me a lot with drawing. So without DeviantArt and my family I wouldn’t have this ‘talent’. What is the best part of your art work in your opinion?

when concerning colors, composition and things like that I take a look at the art of Mucha. His art also gives me a lot of motivation. I always get nice ideas when I look at his art and when I get some nice ideas for a new drawing I can get really excited and draw something. What level of education do you have? and does it relate to your art work? Did your education have any effect on your art in any way?

That’s a hard question. If I had to choose

I still attend secondary school, so I don’t

something I would say the way I try to express

really have an education related to art. Although I

the characters of my drawings. I still need to pay

did choose art classes for my schedule. However,

a lot attention to my backgrounds.

this hardly has an effect on my art I draw besides

Do you listen to music while your working

school; it’s really different from each other.

on you’re art work? What are your favorite

In your opinion do you think that art is something you learn or it’s an instinct your born with? Do you think any one has the potential of becoming an artist? I think it’s an instinct you are born with. I’m pretty sure, I even learned it in school. Your personality for example but also interests are very personal and you are born with it. I believe that every artist, the good and ‘bad’ ones, is born with an instinct for art. Else you

bands or singers? How does it affect your art work? Always. I listen to every kind of music. From songs from Lady Gaga and Britney spears (pop) to songs from Bullet for My Valentine and Killswitch Engage (metal). Those examples can’t be compared to each other, but I love them all. Music has a positive effect on my work. As I said before, it gives me motivation and inspiration. Music can get me in a specific mood which helps me capture the atmosphere in a drawing.

wouldn’t do it if it doesn’t interest you. I also

What are some movies you like? and do

believe that everyone can become an artist as long

they inspire you in any way?

as you believe in your self and keep practicing. Especially practicing. I have seen some amazing artists’ old work and when I take a look at them they aren’t even that great. But by just constantly

To be honest, I don’t get inspired by movies. I’m not a big fan of movies. Of course I go to the cinema sometimes and watch a movie on the television but I don’t have a specific interest for it. I

drawing and practicing they became one of the

also don’t have a favorite kind of movie. Movies

most artistic drawings I have ever seen.

don’t have an effect on my art works.

Vk-oelala Dazzling

Art Web


70 Vk-oelala

Art Web


Web Art Gallery Magazine  71 What books do you read? How do they touch on your work? I don’t get inspired by books honestly. I’m not that much of a reader. All the books I read are because I’m permitted to read them for school. Do you have any goals in your life? What are they? Yes, to go to the art academy and become a ‘real artist’. It would be absolutely amazing if I could do something with art in the future. However, I’m still young so I have got a long way to go, but that’s definitely one of my goals As an artist what kind of message do you intend to send out? Everyone can be an amazing artist. You just have to believe in yourself and keep practicing. Practicing is the key to become a true artist. This

Vk-oelala Who I am

doesn’t only count for becoming an artist, but for pretty much everything! So my message is: Believe in yourself and make your goals come true. What preparations do you undertake before you start creating a new piece? Do you work in an artistic field? What is it? First I take a look at other art for inspiration. Before I start I always think of what I’m going to draw. That way it’s easier. I already think of an idea. However, I can still deviate a lot from that idea but it definitely helps me in the progress of my work.

Do you prefer normal employment or freelancing more? I’m not. I’m just a secondary school student. Are you working on any current project? and can you tell us about it? No, I have never worked on a specific project. I would love to in the future though. If a reader would like to contact you, how would you prefer they do so? They can always leave a message on my DeviantArt account: VK-Oelala.deviantart.com


Kurohime29 Kurohime29 Art Trade: Rein

Art Web


72 Kurohime29

Art Web


Web Art Gallery Magazine  73 Tell us if you follow any styles and which is your favorite one? What attracts you to work with this style? My style is maybe more of an anime style.

of course, the music helps to motivate me whenever I start working. Also the rain gets me in the mood and gives me ideas.

It is because of the anime I watched since I was

Do you have any one that you admire for


their art work? and what gives them such

What are some of the tools you use? and

an effect on you?

what do you think is the key of your art? I use a Genius Tablet ‘Genius G-Pen M712’

My idols are Hayao Miyazaki, Tetsuya

type for my drawing tool. Paint Tool SAI and

Nomura, and Yasuhiro Nightow. I just love their

Photoshop CS3 software for drawing and color-

drawing styles, the emotion they put in their art-

ing, also for effects. But Paint Tool SAI is the main software that I always use.

works, and mostly the great character designs.

How long have you been working on your art? and how did you come along with this great talent of yours? I have great interest in art since the first time I saw my own aunt draw this picture of Dragon Ball. I start to draw seriously when I was in secondary school. What is the best part of your art work in your opinion? I don’t actually know. But others keep telling me how well I do characters’ hair and how I colored my artworks. Do you think you have found a source of inspiration that motivates you to create your art work? I must say every time I log into the DeviantArt website, I always see inspirational artworks. And

Kurohime29 MGS :: R A I D E N

Kurohime29 :x: Jin :x: Samurai Champloo

What level of education do you have? and

Anyone can draw, but just some of them who

does it relate to your art work? Did your

are really determined and talented can make

education have any effect on your art in any way? Haha, I didn’t take any class for art. I’m a self-taught artist. In your opinion do you think that art is something you learn or its an instinct your born with? Do you think any one has the potential of becoming an artist? I think there’s some people who are actually born gifted to have great drawing skills.

Art Web


74 Kurohime29

their way in art. Learning is not enough, we must have great interest in it first. Do you listen to music while your working on your art work? What are your favorite bands or singers? How does it effect your art work? Yes, very much. I can’t start drawing without listening to music. Depends on the music, if its a slow song, I’ll draw something emotional, if its a badass song, I’ll draw something badass. I have lots of favorite bands and singers, like My Chemical Romance, Hujan ( Local band ), Angela Aki, Black Eyed Peas and more.

Art Web


Web Art Gallery Magazine  75 Do you have any goals in your life? What are they? I always dream I can make my own anime / animation for my own creation story. But if not, I just want to be successful in life as a lecturer that loves art.

Kurohime29 .:R A D U L F:.

As an artist what kind of message do you intend to send out? Be original. Art theft is a crime, don’t do it. It takes time to be good in art, but just keep on going.

If a reader would like to contact you, how would you prefer they do so? I prefer they deviantwatch (add) me in deviantArt. Or just give me an email.

Kurohime29 GACKPOID


Wildpassion Wildpassion Assassin

Art Web


76 Wildpassion

Art Web


Web Art Gallery Magazine  77 Can you please introduce yourself to the readers that are not familiar with you? Hi I am a traditional artist who loves to paint with watercolours. I am a single mother of 2 children and painting is an escape for me from the day to day reality of life. Life can be challenging so painting makes me relax and for me its like

Wildpassion Beautiful Assassin

meditation. I have been painting for a long time but just recently I decided to put my art work for everyone to see by joining DeviantArt . Tell us if you follow any styles and which is your favorite one? What attracts you to work with this style? I don’t really follow any styles. I paint when I

I use a pencil and an eraser for the first sketches and then use watercolour paints and brushes. I think the key to any art is the artist themselves as you can create beautiful art with the most limited tools.

have an idea or inspired and have my own unique

How long have you been working on your

way of painting which has come to me naturally

art? and how did you come along with this great talent of yours?

as I have progressed throughout the years. What are some of the tools you use? and what do you think is the key of your art?

I have been interested in art from the age of 7 or 8 as pictures and drawings always intrigued me. I started experimenting with different ideas at secondary school where i did well in my art exam but didn’t get to further my artistic abilities after i left due to personal circumstances. I didn’t do any kind of art for 5 years or so, then i went through a dark time in my life where i felt lost and that’s when i started sketching and rediscovered my passion and love for art which i thought i lost. I experimented with a lot of dif-

Wildpassion F lowers

ferent methods but watercolour was best suited to me.

Do you have any one that you admire for their art work? and what gives them such an effect on you? I admire the graphic designers who make games such as Prince of Persia and that has had a huge affect on me and my work. What level of education do you have? and does it relate to your art work? Did your education have any effect on your art in any way? My education hasn’t had any effect on my art work, i am not a professional artist and I have never been to a art school. Wildpassion Ezio Auditore And Altair

What is the best part of your art work in your opinion? The colours and the details and the finished piece. Its knowing you started out with nothing and slowly seeing your painting come alive. Do you think you have found a source of inspiration that motivates you to create your art work? My source of inspiration are characters from games such as Prince of Persia as i find them beautiful to look at and it motivates me to try my own ideas

Art Web


78 Wildpassion

Wildpassion Che 2

Art Web


Web Art Gallery Magazine  79 In your opinion do you think that art is something you learn or its an instinct your born with? Do you think any one has the potential of becoming an artist? I think you have to have the instincts to be an artist and it cant be learnt, you have to have that natural flare and passion for it, either you have it or you don’t. Do you listen to music while your working on your art work? What are your favorite bands or singers? How does it effect your art work? I listen to a variety of music, anything from rock, country to pop, metal and classical. I don’t Wildpassion Watching you

have any favorites or specific music I listen to, if I like it then l listen to it. It doesn’t affect my work, I just listen as it relaxes me but as I paint I forget that the music is playing, that’s how lost I get in my painting What are some movies you like? and do they inspire you in any way? I love watching movies but they don’t really inspire me. Like my music, I like a variety of movies from horror, thriller to mystery, comedy Wildpassion Thinking

and sci fi. My favorite movie is lord of the rings trilogy, green mile and predator.

Wildpassion Prince Vs Altair

What books do you read? How do they

As an artist what kind of message do you

touch on your work?

intend to send out?

I’m not a reading person, I would rather look at things, take in all the details rather than read. Do you have any goals in your life? What are they? To raise my 2 children to make them decent human beings and to also push myself to better my paintings even more.

Art Web


80 Wildpassion

I don’t send out any messages through my art but as an artist I would like to say that there is a lot of bad thing’s going on in this world and at time’s like these people should get along and take the time to understand each other, only then can we change our world for the better. Do you work in an artistic field? What is it?

Art Web


Web Art Gallery Magazine  81 I don’t really do any preparations I just look at different pictures of for example Prince of Persia or Assassin’s Creed and see how I could do it differently putting them in different situations. I just like challenging myself, I would start with an idea and then as I go along , sketching and then painting then at the end when I’ve finished , it would turn out differently than what i would be expecting most of the time a lot better than what I thought it would look like . I some time’s surprise myself because I really don’t know how Wildpassion Lost

it would turn out .

Do you prefer normal employment or freelancing more? No I don’t, I’m not a professional. Are you working on any current project? and can you tell us about it? I can’t because I myself don’t know what and when my next piece would be I don’t plan, it just comes to me, but the only thing I could tell you for sure is that it would be a Prince of Persia or an Assassin’s Creed piece.. Wildpassion Modern warfare

If a reader would like to contact you, how would you prefer they do so? They could contact me through DeviantArt while they are there they could take a look at my work.

Soad2k soad2k

Soad2k Whos gonna save my soul

Art Web


82 Soad2k

Art Web


Web Art Gallery Magazine  83 Can you please introduce yourself to the readers that are not familiar with you? Hey, my name is Joe but i go by soad2k. I have been playing around with Photoshop and various 3D programs for 5 or 6 years now and I love it. I enjoy all abstract art and creating anything that I can. Currently I work for FedEx but in my free time I freelance and work on my personal work as much as I can. I currently write tutorials when I can, mainly for design.creativefan.com but I have also written tutorials for psdtutplus and wegraphics. When I’m not doing any of the above, I’m usually hanging out with my friends or playing Xbox.

Soad2k Gagging order

Tell us if you follow any styles and which is your favorite one? What attracts you to work with this style? I don’t know, I have been told many times that I do. But I don’t like to think I do. I’m sure I work within my own limitations but I do not try and stick with any particular style. I try to experiment with styles that I see and throw my twist on Soad2k Go go gadet gospel

them. In my mind its better to be varied in style than constricted to one specific style.

Soad2k Beauty school

What are some of the tools you use? and what do you think is the key of your art? I use Photoshop 100% of the time. I also use 3DS max and a few other programs but really, its all put together in Photoshop in the end. Other than the typical software i use my tablet. I have not had a mouse in about 2 years (at all), which has leaded me to rely and depend a great deal on my ability with my tablet. So I suppose those are my tools and the tablet is the key!

Art Web


84 Soad2kďťż

How long have you been working on your art? and how did you come along with this great talent of yours? I would not call it great yet! I have been using Photoshop for a few years, between 5-6 years give or take a few months and not including my hiatus. Do you think you have found a source of inspiration that motivates you to create your art work? Music, movies, really anything in general. I mean, everything in

Art Web


Web Art Gallery Magazine  85

opinion art is something any one can do, you just have to try. Do you listen to music while your working on your art work? What are your favorite bands or singers? How does it effect your art work? Soad2k Dark Center Of The Universe

Yes I do! I like to listen to Radiohead, Ray LaMontagne, The Deftones, Tool, OutKast, Slipknot, RATM, Modest mouse and much more.

life can inspire you, its all in how you perceive what your looking at and hearing.

I think it has a drastic effect on my art, sometimes its the titles of songs that give me a certain idea or the lyrics. Other times its the rhythm or

What level of education do you have? and

harmony of the song that helps motivate me to

does it relate to your art work? Did your

finish a piece.

education have any effect on your art in any ways? I went to high school but never attended any formal college or university. I believe that my education (or lack their of) has had absolutely no effect on my designs/art. But, that’s not to say that if i had some more education I would not be benefiting from it now. In your opinion do you think that art is something you learn or its an instinct your born with? Do you think any one has the potential of becoming an artist? I think its both. You can be born being able to see color combination’s that work together, draw and paint etc.. but without the strive there is nothing. You can also want to see the right colors/hues, draw well and paint well. In my

Soad2k In Rainbows

As an artist what kind of message do you intend to send out? I really don’t have any messages in my art, but as an ‘artist’ i would like to say “Try, try and try again. There is no failure in trying only failure in giving up.” What preparations do you undertake before you start creating a new piece? Do you work in an artistic field? What is it? None really, I just get an idea and go out and get it done or try to at least! Do you prefer normal employment or freelancing more? Soad2k Feiticeira

I guess you could say i do but not full time. I do at least one freelance project a week but no not full time. I’m not 100% sure, both have very

What books do you read? How do they touch on your work? I prefer Kurt Vonnegut, Chuck Palahniuk and Scott smith. I of course read various web articles, the news and art related magazines (E and hard). All in all though i do not feel it has any real effect on my art, maybe it does though, subliminally speaking. Do you have any goals in your life? What are they? Be financially stable and happy!

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86 Soad2k

Soad2k Patience

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Web Art Gallery Magazine  87

big pros and cons. I think in the end I would say do what suits you! Are you working on any current project? and can you tell us about it? I’m working on some typographical work for the holiday season! It will be a tutorial for Creativefan. If a reader would like to contact you, how would you prefer they do so? Soad2k Arctic sounds

Email, i check my email at work so i can reply very quickly rather than the DA note system which is blocked at work.

Soad2k Amnesiac

Recreate The 300 Effect Photoshop Tutorial

Provided By surfaceblur.com

For more tutorials and the orginial tutorial Please vist our partner and tutorial provider http://surfaceblur.com

Recreate The 300 Effect

This tutorial outlines the steps to creating the coveted 300 movie effect in Adobe Photoshop. With help of channels, layer blend modes, and a couple adjustment layers, you can recreate this effect on your photos


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88  Recreate The 300 Effectďťż

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Web Art Gallery Magazine  89 Step 1 Open the stock image of the warrior mentioned in the ‘Resources’ section above.

Step 2 Using the Quick Select tool (W), create a selection around the figure of the warrior.

Step 3 Create a layer mask by clicking the layer mask button as shown below on the layer panel.

Step 4 The image below is an example of the desired effect of creating the layer mask.

Step 5 Open the stock background image (referenced in the ‘Resources’ section on first page).

Step 6 Paste the warrior onto the background image into a new layer, which I have named ‘Warrior’.

Step 7 Create a merged layer copy (Shift+alt+command(ctrl)+E).

Step 8 Ensuring that the new merged copy layer is selected, switch over to the channels panel and create a copy of the red channel (right-click+Duplicate Channel). Next, open the ’Layers’ pane by pressing command(ctrl)+L. Enter the values seen below: 79, 0.25, 202.

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90  Recreate The 300 Effect

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Web Art Gallery Magazine  91 Step 9 Copy and paste the red channel copy into a new layer. Change the blend mode of the layer to Hard Light and the opacity to 50%

Step 10 Create another merged copy layer by pressing command(crtl)+alt+shift+E. We will be applying a glow effect to this layer, so i named it ‘Glow Layer’.

Step 11 Ensuring the foregound color is set to black and the background color is set to white, open the ‘Diffuse Glow’ filter options (Filter>Distort>Diffuse Glow), set the parameters as shown below: Graininess – 6; Glow Amount – 3; Clear Amount – 10.

Step 12 Create a new Hue/Saturation adjustment layer (Layer>New Adjustment Layer>Hue/Saturation) and set the ‘Saturation’ value to -51. This will remove some of the color and allow the warrior image to blend better with the background.

Step 13 Create a ‘Photo Filter’ adjustment layer (Layer>New Adjustment Layer>Photo Filter). In the Adjustments pane, set the filter type to ‘Sepia’ and the density value to 98%. Next, change the blend mode of the Photo Filter adjustment layer to ‘Color’ and change the Opacity value to 51%.

Step 14 Create a new merged copy layer (command(ctrl)+shift+alt+E). I have named the layer ‘Lighting Effects’ as we will be adding a lighting effects filter to this layer.

Step 15 Open the Lighting Effects filter options pane (Filter>Render>Lighting Effects). From the Style dropdown list, select ‘Soft Omni’. Position the light centerpoint on top of the warrior figure. Click ‘OK’ when finished.

Step 16 Change the blend mode of the Lighting Effects layer to ‘Overlay’ and the Opacity to 30%.

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92  Recreate The 300 Effect

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Web Art Gallery Magazine  93 Step 17 In the Channels panel, create a copy of the blue channel (right-click+Duplicate Channel). Open the Levels pane (command(ctrl)+L) and change the Input Levels values to those shown below: 60, 0.34, and 198.

Step 18 Paste the copied blue channel into a new layer (Highlights). Alt+click the layer mask button on the layers panel to create a negative layer mask.

Step 19 Ensuring the layer mask is selected and using a soft white brush (B), paint the area as shown below to emphasize the highlights and hotspots on the figure’s body.

Step 20 Change the blend mode of the Highlights layer to ‘Overlay’ and the Opacity to 40%.

Step 21 Create a Brightness/Contrast adjustment layer (Layer>New Adjustment Layer>Brightness/Contrast), and change the values to the ones shown below: Brightness -45; Contrast 32.

Step 22 Using the Lightning brushes references in the ‘Resources’ section, paint a lightning bolt in the top right-hand corner.

Congratulations! You have just recreated the sought-after 300 Effect in Adobe Photoshop.

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94  Recreate The 300 Effect

t r A p o T llery a G

ite r u o v a r F e! u O o Se e om ou T S AG For Y T e s k W r e er t Wo h W Ar TAG - Top Art Gallery


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