WA Grower Magazine Summer 2020

Page 72


OCtOBeR 2020

WA poMe fruIt Industry strAtegIC plAn 2021-2025 VIsIon

oBjeCtIVes 1 Improve WA apple productivity and profitability to 55t/ha yield, 75% Class 1 packout and $75 spend/household/year.

A profitable and sustainable Western Australian pome fruit industry meeting market requirements and consistently satisfying customers with high quality fruit.

( Currently 48t/ha / 69% / $68 )

2 Build the strategy to export 15% of WA’s annual apple production.

MIssIon Working in partnership with stakeholders to provide industry leadership, strategic direction and innovative solutions to support a profitable and sustainable Western Australian pome fruit industry.

( Currently 100t, 15% of WA produCtIon of 35,000t = 5,000t )

3 lift WA pear productivity and profitability to 4,750 tonnes and consumption to $20 spend/household/year. ( Currently 3,800t / $18 )


1. Productivity and Profitability

2. Market develoPMent

3. SuPPly chain iMProveMent

4. induStry leaderShiP

Improve capability and capacity to build your profitable ‘Future Orchard’.

Drive domestic consumption and develop export opportunities for future WA industry security.

Identify and manage WA supply chain inefficiencies.

Provide industry leadership with unity and purpose, and attract funding to deliver the plan.

tacticS 1 Support capacity and capability 1 Work with APAL to create an Apple and Pear Strategy for building initiatives and WA domestic market to add benchmarking for improved value for growers. decision making to drive productivity and profitability, and manage risk (climate, soil, 2 Work with APAL, DPIRD and Fruitwest to create an Apple varieties, water, technology, and Pear Strategy for export marketing). markets to add value for 2 Develop a WA Pome Fruit growers. Industry R&D Plan to maximise orchard productivity 3 Invest in better understanding consumer preferences and and lower the costs of knowledge of WA fruit. production. 3 Improve labour planning, monitoring of efficiencies, OH&S and management.

4 Develop a clearer brand proposition for WA’s apple and pear varieties.

4 Promote commercially available and cost effective new technologies to drive productivity improvements including crop protection, remote sensing, robotics.

5 Encourage grower participation in quality assurance, food safety and traceability programs.

5 Promote improved orchard and marketing data management and analysis to enable timely and accurate decision making. 6 Manage increasingly complex biosecurity issues with investment in the WA Pome Fruit Biosecurity Strategic Plan.


WA Grower SUMMER 2020

6 Re-engage with the DPIRD Apple Breeding Program for a shared pathway for future investment and clearer targets. 7 Actively work with the beverage side of the apple industry to build profitable market options for growers.

1 Work with stakeholders 1 The Pomewest Committee will provide proactive leadership to across the WA supply chain to improve WA industry cohesion ensure consumers consistently and manage Pomewest with receive quality fruit. sound governance. 2 Drive improvements in 2 Cultivate more productive cool chain integrity and relationships with APAL and fruit handling, from harvest HIA - Apple and Pear Hort to storage and retailing Fund to achieve greater including transport and retail support for WA project management and display. investment. 3 Establish a working group with 3 Manage the Pomewest growers, agents and retailers to communication strategy address WA supply chain issues to maintain the industry and inefficiencies. database, deliver timely and 4 Determine the effect of quality effective communications on profitability, price, visibility and organise state workshops and trust from the retailer’s or conferences to improve perspective. grower and supply chain knowledge. 5 Promote data sharing to drive benchmarking and continuous 4 Raise awareness of industry improvement across the supply issues and provide an industry chain. perspective on WA pome fruit 6 Identify levels of waste creation across the value chain and opportunities for value-adding to non-first grade fruit.

note: hightlighted boxes are the 2021 priorities.

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Articles inside

Blockchain traceability

pages 110-111

Export Facilitators Project update

pages 112-115

New dispute resolution service

pages 104-105

VegNET WA Strategy

pages 102-103

Managing and preventing heat stress

pages 100-101

Managing your overheads

pages 98-99

Do you need a business plan?

pages 94-95

Grower profile: Sebastian Fiolo

pages 92-93

Good Choice Campaign

page 89

Summerfruit Annual Report

pages 90-91

From the Chair

page 82

Afourer canopy management

pages 86-87

Apple pests and export markets

pages 80-81

Promotional activities

pages 78-79

Fair pay — let’s get it right

pages 76-77

Annual Grower Dinner Meetings

page 73

Grilled Kipfler potato salad

pages 68-69

Strategic Plan 2021–25

page 72

SmartSpud™ testing underway

page 63

Grower profile: Julian Ackley

pages 64-66

Executive Officer’s Report

page 62

VegNET RDO Summer Update

pages 58-61

Freshcare Releases FSQ4.2

page 54

GFSI 2020 and food safety?

pages 56-57

Precision ag in vegetables

page 51

Changes to minimum wages

page 47

Industrial manslaughter in WA

page 50

Gingin water supply tightens

pages 44-46

New quad bike regulations

pages 48-49

Horticulture mandatory training

pages 42-43

Resilience retained

pages 40-41

Fall armyworm detected near Gingin

pages 20-23

Soil biology and weed management

pages 12-15

Hygiene practices

pages 28-30

Reducing food safety risks

pages 24-27

Queensland fruit fly response

pages 10-11

European wasp program success

pages 16-19

vegetablesWA President’s Report

pages 7-9

vegetablesWA CEO’s Report

page 6
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