So put another dime in the jukebox baby, says Paul Stewart
CAN THERE BE a single object that better embodies the colourful, sexual, rhythmic explosion of the youth of the 1950s? The kids’ new-found spending power, their local hang-out diners, and the wave of rock’n’roll that swept across the world and changed it forever – it’s all there in one big box. The whole world is yours for the price of a dime. Click your fingers as you sip your frothy coffee to the latest sounds, or clear back chairs and tables to create a dance hall, baby. The jukebox has everything you need. The automatic phonograph, as it was... ahem...
coined by the Automatic Music Instrument Corporation (AMI), actually made its debut in 1927, slapbang in the middle of Prohibition. The consequent gloom was easily and cheaply lifted by this miracle machine, which found itself in bars and speakeasies across America. Its automatic record-changer was a vast improvement on the hand-cranked Entertainer that, for 20 years or more, had been playing ten-inch discs chosen, one song at a time, by the customer. In 1935, Seeburg beat out the competition by using coloured phenolic resins and lights to great
AMI Model J, 1959. Price: 6,900 euros (£4,800)
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