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SIlVer CArrIAGe & wAGOn wOrks AyAnAvArAm, TAmILnAdU


About the workshop

The present day’s Carriage & Wagon Works at Ayanavaram, Chennai was built by the Madras Railways in the year 1856. Later, it became a part of the Madras and Southern Mahratta Railway Company after the merger with the Southern Mahratta Railway Company. The workshop originally handled Broad Gauge Coaches, Wagons and Steam locomotives for periodical repairs and overhaul. The locomotive maintenance works was transferred to the Loco works, Perambur in the year 1932. Since, then this workshop is known as the Carriage & Wagon Works. In 1951, as a result of amalgamation of 3 company railways, it came under Southern Railway.

Our workshop is the first workshop in Indian Railways to receive GreenCo rating in the year 2017. With our sincere and dedicated team, we are able to sustain the environmental performance and also to achieve the rating to the next level. Achieving GreenCo Rating SILVER is the recognition to the dedication efforts towards the continual improvement. We have devoted ourselves to improve our workshop’s performance and also make our society a better place to exist.

P. ravindra Babu

Chief Workshop Manager

Key Achievements

1. 32% reduction in overall Energy Consumption achieved in last three years. 2. 28% reduction in overall GHG emission (Direct and Indirect) achieved in last three years. 3. With the implementation of E-Office, 40% of the paper consumption is reduced. 4. Handling of LHB coaches resulted in decrease in reduction in waste disposal due to handling of enhanced quality materials. 5. Introduction of E-Library system to create awareness and also to enhance the knowledge among staff, pertaining to different parameters of GreenCo

Rating. 6. Inventorized Green house Gas emission and monitored. 7. Disposing of Zero value wastes to the sites where these wastes were recycled/alternatively used. 8. Unused land spaces are identified to create landscape and gardens.

Energy Efficiency

Our Overall energy consumption and Greenhouse gas emission reduced in last three years through green initiatives. y Monitoring of Electrical Energy performance through Energy meters. y Replaced conventional lights to LED lights, Provided Auto shutdown switches, replaced conventional fans to star rated fans, Converted air circulators to BLDC type air circulators etc., 7.1 lakhs kilowatt hour saved in last three years. y Real time Energy monitoring - IOT based energy monitoring system in substations started. y Usage of Solar Power for lighting and fans in the administrative office. y Usage of Solar Water heater in canteen. y Inducted new IGBT welding plants and also provided VRD unit in existing

IGBT welding plants, thereby safety of staff is ensured & energy saved.

Water Conservation

y Overall water consumption savings by 19% over the last three years. y Monitoring of water consumption through water meters installed at various locations. y Rain water harvesting system provided at three major locations inside the premises. y Treated discharge water from Effluent Treatment Plants used for gardening purpose @ 2 KL/day. y Provision of waterless urinals at various places, thereby 3.9 Lakh litres per year of water consumption can be saved. y Apart from the above, released RO Water used for Mopping the floors and also released water used for flushing of toilets. y Timer for automation of pumps were provided, thereby overflowing of waters is saved.

Waste management

y Disposal of hazardous waste/sludge to PCB approved agencies. y Segregation and moving of Ferrous & Non-Ferrous wastes to recyclers through stores department. y Around 3500 MTs of zero value wastes moved to designated place over the last three years.

Contact: Mr. P. Sivaraman, Dy. Chief Mechanical Engineer / Production Carriage & Wagon Works, Ayanavaram, Chennai, TAMILNADU Ph: 044-26742935 | Email: sivawm@rediff.com

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