Catalogo de Direitos

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Brazilian Publishers Created in 2008, the Brazilian Publishers project in the Brazilian publishing market resulted from an agreement between the Brazilian Book Chamber (CBL) and the Brazilian Trade Investment Promotion Agency (Apex-Brasil). The objective of the initiative is to promote the Brazilian publishing industry in the global market. To meet this objective the project works to promote export of services, content and products through actions ranging from those focusing on publisher empowerment to those designed to promote sale of author rights, books and participation in fairs and international events. In addition to fostering exports, the activities of the project contribute toward positioning the country internationally, showing the world the Brazilian capacity to create technical, literary and scientific content of great importance to the international information and communications market. The goal is to show other countries the characteristics of a country with a modern economy and advanced scientific production capabilities, thereby skillfully contributing to increase exports and develop a positive image of Brazil. In these three years Brazilian Publishers improved publishers access to the external market and more than 250 titles were licensed abroad. The Brazilian Publishers project and its participating companies also have the formal support of the Foreign Ministry of International Relations and its network of consulates and embassies all over the world.

Dolores Manzano (Dosh) Executive Project Manager

The Brazilian Book Chamber The Brazilian Book Chamber – CBL is a non-profit organization that has been working for over 60 years in order to promote both actions that allow free access to books and the diffusion of reading, aiming at expanding the Brazilian publishing market. Through punctual actions and a permanent dialogue with stakeholders, CBL has guaranteed its members significant representation alongside public administration and private initiative, facilitating the democratic access to practices that can benefit books and reading in Brazil. An example of successful achievement, the São Paulo International Biennial Book Fair – the greatest literary event in Brazil, which is organized by CBL – currently is one of the largest cultural events in the world. Its latest edition, in 2010, took place in a 70,000 square meter area, hosting 350 exhibitors and 728,000 visitors over 11 days. CBL is also the sole body responsible for administering the Jabuti Award which has been the greatest and most important Brazilian literary award for over 51 years. Its goal is to acknowledge the talent of publishers, authors, cover designers, illustrators, translators, graphic producers and designers, all of them significant drivers within the production chain book. Noted for its excellence and for always keeping in mind the growth of its members, CBL promotes, supports and encourages fairs and events on behalf of books and reading across Brazil; CBL organizes training and professional improvement programs besides providing essential information and guidance services. CBL members periodically receive Panorama Editorial, a print magazine containing articles and opinion by important names from the literary world. Our electronic newsletter, CBL Informa, issued biweekly, offers updates in a light and reader-friendly format, and the CBL website ( has two roles – it is the key to our relationship with members, who can get access to exclusive content and services, and it makes CBL known among sympathizers from the publishing world. In order to facilitate Brazilian publisher access to global markets, CBL created the Brazilian Publishers project, along with the Brazilian Trade and Investment Promotion Agency – Apex-Brasil. Thanks to this initiative, publishers can take their brands and publications to the leading book fairs worldwide, enabling them to explore new markets and get visibility and recognition, attesting to the quality of Brazilian publishers and books. Join the Brazilian Publishers project and come do business with publishers from around the world. Readers will be surprised by what the Brazilian publishing market has to offer. Cordially, Karine G. Pansa CBL President

Rua Cristiano Viana, 91 CEP 05411-000 • São Paulo • SP • Brazil +55 11 3069-1300 •

Brazilian Trade and Investment Promotion Agency – Apex-Brasil The mission of the Brazilian Trade and Investment Promotion Agency (Apex-Brasil) is to promote exports of Brazilian products and services, contribute to the internationalization of Brazilian companies and attract foreign investment to Brazil. As an instance of strategy formulation, Apex-Brasil is a Brazilian government agency linked to the Ministry of Development, Industry and Foreign Trade (MDIC). Apex-Brasil currently gives support to more than 13,000 companies in 80 productive sectors of the Brazilian economy exporting to more than 200 markets. Through initiatives undertaken in a partnership with industry organizations, the Agency organizes trade promotion activities, such as prospecting and trade missions, business roundtables, supporting the participation of Brazilian companies in major international exhibitions and visits of foreign buyers and opinion formers to learn about the Brazilian productive structure. It also produces trade and competitive intelligence studies with the objective of guiding the decisions of domestic corporations on entry into international markets. Besides its headquarters in Brasilia, Apex-Brasil has desks in the Brazilian states and Business Support Centers (CNs) around the world. These centers serve as platforms to assist the process of internationalization of Brazilian companies exploring business opportunities and increase their participation in key global markets, and serve as a benchmark for attracting foreign investment. CNs are strategically located in Asia (Beijing - China), the Middle East (Dubai - United Arab Emirates), North America (Miami - USA), Central America and the Caribbean (Havana - Cuba), Western Europe (Brussels - Belgium), Eastern Europe (Moscow - Russia) and Africa (Luanda - Angola). Next to the Brussels CN are the Brazilian Business Affairs (BBA), Office of Apex-Brasil and the National Confederation of Industry (CNI), whose function is to monitor trends and decisions of the European Union that may affect Brazilian exports. The agency also coordinates efforts to attract foreign direct investment (FDI) to the country, working to identify business opportunities and promoting strategic events and assuring support to foreign investors throughout the whole process in Brazil. The objective is to attract productive capital from foreign companies that may incorporate technological innovations and new business management models and deepen supply chains. As regards international cooperation, Apex-Brasil coordinates important global forums and heads the World Association of Investment Promotion Agencies (WAIPA) and the Ibero-American Network of Trade Promotion Organizations (REDIBERO), consolidating Brazil as a regional reference in the promotion of exports and attraction of foreign direct investments.

SBN, Quabra 02, Lote11, Edifício Apex-Brasil CEP 70040-020 •Brasília • DF • Brazil +55 61 3426-0202 •

The Program for Supporting the Translation and Publishing of Brazilian Authors aims at promoting Brazilian literature and culture all over the world. Created by the National Library Foundation, an institution of the Brazilian Ministry of Culture, the Program is intended for foreign publishers and offers financial support to the translation of Brazilian literary works of all genres, as well as support to reeditons of books already published abroad. It is the largest investment ever made by the Brazilian government to encourage the presence of literature from Brazil in the international publishing market. Until the year 2020, the program will offer US$ 7.6 million in translation grants and in support to publishing and reediting books by Brazilian authors. For the period from 2011 to 2013, total investment in the program will be US$ 2.03 million, divided into translation grants from US$ 2,000 to US$ 8,000 per work and support from US$ 1,000 to US$ 4,000 to reeditions of already translated books at least three years before. Applications for the program must be made by foreign publishers by means of a letter of enrollment and an application form available at Letter and form must be sent to the National Library Foundation along with other requested documents, such as the publishing house’s catalogue, contracts and a copy of the book intended to be translated. Information about the Program may also be collected in international book fairs with Brazilian participation. Specific guidelines of the program will be made public until 2020. Applications will be evaluated by the end of each quarter by a committee of the National Library Foundation and the announcement of selected works will take place within a 30-day period. Works selected through the 2011/2013 bid must be published until August, 2013. The amount granted for translation and reeditions will be paid as follows: 50% when the grant is formalized and 50% after ten copies of the book are delivered, once translated and published in accordance with the Program guidelines (for example, the book must display information about the support offered by the Ministry of Culture/National Library Foundation and the logo of the institution). Brazil will be Guest of Honor at the 2013 Frankfurt Book Fair in Germany, the largest event of its kind. This will be a unique opportunity for Brazilian authors and publishers to showcase their work abroad. Our country expands its literature and culture throughout the world. Book market grows as a business, has its influence increased and develops as a commodity exporter with the selling of publishing rights. For more information about the application process:


LIVROS Técnico Científico






Obras Gerais


EDITORAS Técnico Científico


Autores Associados Bluncher Luminara Atheneu Manole Unesp Edusp Grupo A Grupo Gen Ofina de Textos Yedis


Difusão Senac Rio Senac São Paulo Escrituras Imprensa Oficial Toriba


Casa dos Espiritos Cansão Nova Edicei

Infantil Aletria Alis Aymará Educação Callis Cortez Cosacnaify D A Produções Artísticas Ática SM Difusão Cultural Editora do Brasil Elementar Fama Magia de Ler Positivo Todo Livro Escala Educacional FTD Girassol Global Melhoramentos Pallas Panda

Obras Gerais




TÉCNICO CIENTIFICO Catálogo de Direitos


Políticas Territoriais na Amazônia

Políticas Territoriais na Amazônia

A Época Brasileira de Vilém Flusser

By Nome do Autor

By Nome do Autor

By Nome do Autor

ISBN: 000-00-00000-00-0 00 X 00 cm 000 páginas Nome da Editora

ISBN: 000-00-00000-00-0 00 X 00 cm 000 páginas Nome da Editora

ISBN: 000-00-00000-00-0 00 X 00 cm 000 páginas Nome da Editora

RESUME BOOK The three great civilizations that inhabited America before Colombus’ arrival the Incas, Mayas and Aztecs present us with their legends of wisdom, respect for nature and love between human beings. These stories are told in both Portuguese and Spanish in this fantastic book.

RESUME BOOK The three great civilizations that inhabited America before Colombus’ arrival the Incas, Mayas and Aztecs present us with their legends of wisdom, respect for nature and love between human beings. These stories are told in both Portuguese and Spanish in this fantastic book.

The three great civilizations that inhabited America before Colombus’ arrival the Incas, Mayas and Aztecs present us with their legends of wisdom, respect for nature and love between human beings. These stories are told in both Portuguese and Spanish in this fantastic bookrrival the Incas, Mayas and Aztecs present us with their legends of wisdom, respect for nature and love between human beings.

The three great civilizations that inhabited America before Colombus’ arrival the Incas, Mayas and Aztecs present us with their legends of wisdom, respect for nature and love between human beings. These stories are told in both Portuguese and Spanish in this fantastic bookrrival the Incas, Mayas and Aztecs present us with their legends of wisdom, respect for nature and love between human beings.

RESUME BOOK The three great civilizations that inhabited America before Colombus’ arrival the Incas, Mayas and Aztecs present us with their legends of wisdom, respect for nature and love between human beings. These stories are told in both Portuguese and Spanish in this fantastic book. The three great civilizations that inhabited America before Colombus’ arrival the Incas, Mayas and Aztecs present us with their legends of wisdom, respect for nature and love between human beings. These stories are told in both Portuguese and Spanish in this fantastic bookrrival the Incas, Mayas and Aztecs present us with their legends of wisdom, respect for nature and love between human beings.

Coleta Seletiva com Inclusão Social

By Nome do Autor

By Nome do Autor

By Nome do Autor

ISBN: 000-00-00000-00-0 00 X 00 cm 000 páginas Nome da Editora

ISBN: 000-00-00000-00-0 00 X 00 cm 000 páginas Nome da Editora

ISBN: 000-00-00000-00-0 00 X 00 cm 000 páginas Nome da Editora

RESUME BOOK The three great civilizations that inhabited America before Colombus’ arrival the Incas, Mayas and Aztecs present us with their legends of wisdom, respect for nature and love between human beings. These stories are told in both Portuguese and Spanish in this fantastic book.

RESUME BOOK The three great civilizations that inhabited America before Colombus’ arrival the Incas, Mayas and Aztecs present us with their legends of wisdom, respect for nature and love between human beings. These stories are told in both Portuguese and Spanish in this fantastic book.

RESUME BOOK The three great civilizations that inhabited America before Colombus’ arrival the Incas, Mayas and Aztecs present us with their legends of wisdom, respect for nature and love between human beings. These stories are told in both Portuguese and Spanish in this fantastic book.

The three great civilizations that inhabited America before Colombus’ arrival the Incas, Mayas and Aztecs present us with their legends of wisdom, respect for nature and love between human beings. These stories are told in both Portuguese and Spanish in this fantastic bookrrival the Incas, Mayas and Aztecs present us with their legends of wisdom, respect for nature and love between human beings.

The three great civilizations that inhabited America before Colombus’ arrival the Incas, Mayas and Aztecs present us with their legends of wisdom, respect for nature and love between human beings. These stories are told in both Portuguese and Spanish in this fantastic bookrrival the Incas, Mayas and Aztecs present us with their legends of wisdom, respect for nature and love between human beings.

The three great civilizations that inhabited America before Colombus’ arrival the Incas, Mayas and Aztecs present us with their legends of wisdom, respect for nature and love between human beings. These stories are told in both Portuguese and Spanish in this fantastic bookrrival the Incas, Mayas and Aztecs present us with their legends of wisdom, respect for nature and love between human beings.


Nome do Livro

15 Catálogo de Direitos

Escravos e Libertos nas Minas Gerais do Século XVIII


RELIGIOSO Catálogo de Direitos


Políticas Territoriais na Amazônia

Políticas Territoriais na Amazônia

A Época Brasileira de Vilém Flusser

By Nome do Autor

By Nome do Autor

By Nome do Autor

ISBN: 000-00-00000-00-0 00 X 00 cm 000 páginas Nome da Editora

ISBN: 000-00-00000-00-0 00 X 00 cm 000 páginas Nome da Editora

ISBN: 000-00-00000-00-0 00 X 00 cm 000 páginas Nome da Editora

RESUME BOOK The three great civilizations that inhabited America before Colombus’ arrival the Incas, Mayas and Aztecs present us with their legends of wisdom, respect for nature and love between human beings. These stories are told in both Portuguese and Spanish in this fantastic book.

RESUME BOOK The three great civilizations that inhabited America before Colombus’ arrival the Incas, Mayas and Aztecs present us with their legends of wisdom, respect for nature and love between human beings. These stories are told in both Portuguese and Spanish in this fantastic book.

The three great civilizations that inhabited America before Colombus’ arrival the Incas, Mayas and Aztecs present us with their legends of wisdom, respect for nature and love between human beings. These stories are told in both Portuguese and Spanish in this fantastic bookrrival the Incas, Mayas and Aztecs present us with their legends of wisdom, respect for nature and love between human beings.

The three great civilizations that inhabited America before Colombus’ arrival the Incas, Mayas and Aztecs present us with their legends of wisdom, respect for nature and love between human beings. These stories are told in both Portuguese and Spanish in this fantastic bookrrival the Incas, Mayas and Aztecs present us with their legends of wisdom, respect for nature and love between human beings.

RESUME BOOK The three great civilizations that inhabited America before Colombus’ arrival the Incas, Mayas and Aztecs present us with their legends of wisdom, respect for nature and love between human beings. These stories are told in both Portuguese and Spanish in this fantastic book. The three great civilizations that inhabited America before Colombus’ arrival the Incas, Mayas and Aztecs present us with their legends of wisdom, respect for nature and love between human beings. These stories are told in both Portuguese and Spanish in this fantastic bookrrival the Incas, Mayas and Aztecs present us with their legends of wisdom, respect for nature and love between human beings.

Coleta Seletiva com Inclusão Social

By Nome do Autor

By Nome do Autor

By Nome do Autor

ISBN: 000-00-00000-00-0 00 X 00 cm 000 páginas Nome da Editora

ISBN: 000-00-00000-00-0 00 X 00 cm 000 páginas Nome da Editora

ISBN: 000-00-00000-00-0 00 X 00 cm 000 páginas Nome da Editora

RESUME BOOK The three great civilizations that inhabited America before Colombus’ arrival the Incas, Mayas and Aztecs present us with their legends of wisdom, respect for nature and love between human beings. These stories are told in both Portuguese and Spanish in this fantastic book.

RESUME BOOK The three great civilizations that inhabited America before Colombus’ arrival the Incas, Mayas and Aztecs present us with their legends of wisdom, respect for nature and love between human beings. These stories are told in both Portuguese and Spanish in this fantastic book.

RESUME BOOK The three great civilizations that inhabited America before Colombus’ arrival the Incas, Mayas and Aztecs present us with their legends of wisdom, respect for nature and love between human beings. These stories are told in both Portuguese and Spanish in this fantastic book.

The three great civilizations that inhabited America before Colombus’ arrival the Incas, Mayas and Aztecs present us with their legends of wisdom, respect for nature and love between human beings. These stories are told in both Portuguese and Spanish in this fantastic bookrrival the Incas, Mayas and Aztecs present us with their legends of wisdom, respect for nature and love between human beings.

The three great civilizations that inhabited America before Colombus’ arrival the Incas, Mayas and Aztecs present us with their legends of wisdom, respect for nature and love between human beings. These stories are told in both Portuguese and Spanish in this fantastic bookrrival the Incas, Mayas and Aztecs present us with their legends of wisdom, respect for nature and love between human beings.

The three great civilizations that inhabited America before Colombus’ arrival the Incas, Mayas and Aztecs present us with their legends of wisdom, respect for nature and love between human beings. These stories are told in both Portuguese and Spanish in this fantastic bookrrival the Incas, Mayas and Aztecs present us with their legends of wisdom, respect for nature and love between human beings.


Nome do Livro

19 Catálogo de Direitos

Escravos e Libertos nas Minas Gerais do Século XVIII


INFANTIL Catálogo de Direitos


Políticas Territoriais na Amazônia

Políticas Territoriais na Amazônia

A Época Brasileira de Vilém Flusser

By Nome do Autor

By Nome do Autor

By Nome do Autor

ISBN: 000-00-00000-00-0 00 X 00 cm 000 páginas Nome da Editora

ISBN: 000-00-00000-00-0 00 X 00 cm 000 páginas Nome da Editora

ISBN: 000-00-00000-00-0 00 X 00 cm 000 páginas Nome da Editora

RESUME BOOK The three great civilizations that inhabited America before Colombus’ arrival the Incas, Mayas and Aztecs present us with their legends of wisdom, respect for nature and love between human beings. These stories are told in both Portuguese and Spanish in this fantastic book.

RESUME BOOK The three great civilizations that inhabited America before Colombus’ arrival the Incas, Mayas and Aztecs present us with their legends of wisdom, respect for nature and love between human beings. These stories are told in both Portuguese and Spanish in this fantastic book.

The three great civilizations that inhabited America before Colombus’ arrival the Incas, Mayas and Aztecs present us with their legends of wisdom, respect for nature and love between human beings. These stories are told in both Portuguese and Spanish in this fantastic bookrrival the Incas, Mayas and Aztecs present us with their legends of wisdom, respect for nature and love between human beings.

The three great civilizations that inhabited America before Colombus’ arrival the Incas, Mayas and Aztecs present us with their legends of wisdom, respect for nature and love between human beings. These stories are told in both Portuguese and Spanish in this fantastic bookrrival the Incas, Mayas and Aztecs present us with their legends of wisdom, respect for nature and love between human beings.

RESUME BOOK The three great civilizations that inhabited America before Colombus’ arrival the Incas, Mayas and Aztecs present us with their legends of wisdom, respect for nature and love between human beings. These stories are told in both Portuguese and Spanish in this fantastic book. The three great civilizations that inhabited America before Colombus’ arrival the Incas, Mayas and Aztecs present us with their legends of wisdom, respect for nature and love between human beings. These stories are told in both Portuguese and Spanish in this fantastic bookrrival the Incas, Mayas and Aztecs present us with their legends of wisdom, respect for nature and love between human beings.

Coleta Seletiva com Inclusão Social

By Nome do Autor

By Nome do Autor

By Nome do Autor

ISBN: 000-00-00000-00-0 00 X 00 cm 000 páginas Nome da Editora

ISBN: 000-00-00000-00-0 00 X 00 cm 000 páginas Nome da Editora

ISBN: 000-00-00000-00-0 00 X 00 cm 000 páginas Nome da Editora

RESUME BOOK The three great civilizations that inhabited America before Colombus’ arrival the Incas, Mayas and Aztecs present us with their legends of wisdom, respect for nature and love between human beings. These stories are told in both Portuguese and Spanish in this fantastic book.

RESUME BOOK The three great civilizations that inhabited America before Colombus’ arrival the Incas, Mayas and Aztecs present us with their legends of wisdom, respect for nature and love between human beings. These stories are told in both Portuguese and Spanish in this fantastic book.

RESUME BOOK The three great civilizations that inhabited America before Colombus’ arrival the Incas, Mayas and Aztecs present us with their legends of wisdom, respect for nature and love between human beings. These stories are told in both Portuguese and Spanish in this fantastic book.

The three great civilizations that inhabited America before Colombus’ arrival the Incas, Mayas and Aztecs present us with their legends of wisdom, respect for nature and love between human beings. These stories are told in both Portuguese and Spanish in this fantastic bookrrival the Incas, Mayas and Aztecs present us with their legends of wisdom, respect for nature and love between human beings.

The three great civilizations that inhabited America before Colombus’ arrival the Incas, Mayas and Aztecs present us with their legends of wisdom, respect for nature and love between human beings. These stories are told in both Portuguese and Spanish in this fantastic bookrrival the Incas, Mayas and Aztecs present us with their legends of wisdom, respect for nature and love between human beings.

The three great civilizations that inhabited America before Colombus’ arrival the Incas, Mayas and Aztecs present us with their legends of wisdom, respect for nature and love between human beings. These stories are told in both Portuguese and Spanish in this fantastic bookrrival the Incas, Mayas and Aztecs present us with their legends of wisdom, respect for nature and love between human beings.


Nome do Livro

23 Catálogo de Direitos

Escravos e Libertos nas Minas Gerais do Século XVIII


OBRAS GERAIS Catálogo de Direitos


Políticas Territoriais na Amazônia

Políticas Territoriais na Amazônia

A Época Brasileira de Vilém Flusser

By Nome do Autor

By Nome do Autor

By Nome do Autor

ISBN: 000-00-00000-00-0 00 X 00 cm 000 páginas Nome da Editora

ISBN: 000-00-00000-00-0 00 X 00 cm 000 páginas Nome da Editora

ISBN: 000-00-00000-00-0 00 X 00 cm 000 páginas Nome da Editora

RESUME BOOK The three great civilizations that inhabited America before Colombus’ arrival the Incas, Mayas and Aztecs present us with their legends of wisdom, respect for nature and love between human beings. These stories are told in both Portuguese and Spanish in this fantastic book.

RESUME BOOK The three great civilizations that inhabited America before Colombus’ arrival the Incas, Mayas and Aztecs present us with their legends of wisdom, respect for nature and love between human beings. These stories are told in both Portuguese and Spanish in this fantastic book.

The three great civilizations that inhabited America before Colombus’ arrival the Incas, Mayas and Aztecs present us with their legends of wisdom, respect for nature and love between human beings. These stories are told in both Portuguese and Spanish in this fantastic bookrrival the Incas, Mayas and Aztecs present us with their legends of wisdom, respect for nature and love between human beings.

The three great civilizations that inhabited America before Colombus’ arrival the Incas, Mayas and Aztecs present us with their legends of wisdom, respect for nature and love between human beings. These stories are told in both Portuguese and Spanish in this fantastic bookrrival the Incas, Mayas and Aztecs present us with their legends of wisdom, respect for nature and love between human beings.

RESUME BOOK The three great civilizations that inhabited America before Colombus’ arrival the Incas, Mayas and Aztecs present us with their legends of wisdom, respect for nature and love between human beings. These stories are told in both Portuguese and Spanish in this fantastic book. The three great civilizations that inhabited America before Colombus’ arrival the Incas, Mayas and Aztecs present us with their legends of wisdom, respect for nature and love between human beings. These stories are told in both Portuguese and Spanish in this fantastic bookrrival the Incas, Mayas and Aztecs present us with their legends of wisdom, respect for nature and love between human beings.

Coleta Seletiva com Inclusão Social

By Nome do Autor

By Nome do Autor

By Nome do Autor

ISBN: 000-00-00000-00-0 00 X 00 cm 000 páginas Nome da Editora

ISBN: 000-00-00000-00-0 00 X 00 cm 000 páginas Nome da Editora

ISBN: 000-00-00000-00-0 00 X 00 cm 000 páginas Nome da Editora

RESUME BOOK The three great civilizations that inhabited America before Colombus’ arrival the Incas, Mayas and Aztecs present us with their legends of wisdom, respect for nature and love between human beings. These stories are told in both Portuguese and Spanish in this fantastic book.

RESUME BOOK The three great civilizations that inhabited America before Colombus’ arrival the Incas, Mayas and Aztecs present us with their legends of wisdom, respect for nature and love between human beings. These stories are told in both Portuguese and Spanish in this fantastic book.

RESUME BOOK The three great civilizations that inhabited America before Colombus’ arrival the Incas, Mayas and Aztecs present us with their legends of wisdom, respect for nature and love between human beings. These stories are told in both Portuguese and Spanish in this fantastic book.

The three great civilizations that inhabited America before Colombus’ arrival the Incas, Mayas and Aztecs present us with their legends of wisdom, respect for nature and love between human beings. These stories are told in both Portuguese and Spanish in this fantastic bookrrival the Incas, Mayas and Aztecs present us with their legends of wisdom, respect for nature and love between human beings.

The three great civilizations that inhabited America before Colombus’ arrival the Incas, Mayas and Aztecs present us with their legends of wisdom, respect for nature and love between human beings. These stories are told in both Portuguese and Spanish in this fantastic bookrrival the Incas, Mayas and Aztecs present us with their legends of wisdom, respect for nature and love between human beings.

The three great civilizations that inhabited America before Colombus’ arrival the Incas, Mayas and Aztecs present us with their legends of wisdom, respect for nature and love between human beings. These stories are told in both Portuguese and Spanish in this fantastic bookrrival the Incas, Mayas and Aztecs present us with their legends of wisdom, respect for nature and love between human beings.


Nome do Livro

27 Catálogo de Direitos

Escravos e Libertos nas Minas Gerais do Século XVIII




Founded in 1993, Annablume´s editorial concept is to publish Brazilian academic thought engaged in live reflection. In these eighteen years of work, it has published over 1,600 titles produced by the best universities in the country. A highly qualified council and rigorous body of commentators select the originals and create the editorial cohesion for the publishing house, which presents eleven collections directed by specialists of several areas of the humanities. Along with Brazilian thought, Annablume´s catalog offers distinguished international authors such as Vilém Flusser, David Harvey, André Gorz, Paul Gilroy and Thomas Robinson, among others.

The word BEI – “a little more”, in Tupi – precisely defines the spirit of those who strive to breach boundaries. Since its foundation in 1990, BEI Editora has set itself apart through the originality of its publications. Today, its catalog features close to 150 titles on diverse subjects that range from gastronomy, architecture, photography to politics. All share two important hallmarks: the novelty of the subject and quality of the graphic design, often enriched with exclusive images by renowned photographers and artists. In 2010, BEI jumped into the world of digital publishing, releasing its first titles for e-readers and tablets. Each book is seen as a special project, conceived and developed in accordance with its own particularities. Find out more at

Blucher has been in operation for 56 years publishing technical and scientific books in the fields of architecture, biochemistry, business, chemistry, design, ecology, ergonomics, education and educator licensing, engineering, geosciences, mathematics, physical education and physics. More than 1,000 books have been published and there are over 350 active titles in its backlist. Blucher has won 14 Jabuti awards – the most important and traditional Brazilian book award. With each new release, commited to serious, high quality product and dedicated to readers and teachers, Blucher continues to build its reputation.

Annablume Editora

BEI Editora

Editora Edgard Blucher

Rua M.M.D.C, 217 Butantã - São Paulo 05510-021 - SP - Brazil Rights Department: Mr. Alessandro Franco 55 11 3812-6764

R. Dr Renato Paes de Barros,717, 5th floor - São Paulo 04530-001 - SP - Brazil Rights Department: Ms. Jana de Mattos 55 11 3089-9495

Rua Pedroso Alvarenga, 1245 4ºandar - São Paulo 04531-012 - SP - Brazil Rights Department: Mr. Eduardo Blucher 55 11 3078-5366

The word BEI – “a little more”, in Tupi – precisely defines the spirit of those who strive to breach boundaries. Since its foundation in 1990, BEI Editora has set itself apart through the originality of its publications. Today, its catalog features close to 150 titles on diverse subjects that range from gastronomy, architecture, photography to politics. All share two important hallmarks: the novelty of the subject and quality of the graphic design, often enriched with exclusive images by renowned photographers and artists. In 2010, BEI jumped into the world of digital publishing, releasing its first titles for e-readers and tablets. Each book is seen as a special project, conceived and developed in accordance with its own particularities. Find out more at

Blucher has been in operation for 56 years publishing technical and scientific books in the fields of architecture, biochemistry, business, chemistry, design, ecology, ergonomics, education and educator licensing, engineering, geosciences, mathematics, physical education and physics. More than 1,000 books have been published and there are over 350 active titles in its backlist. Blucher has won 14 Jabuti awards – the most important and traditional Brazilian book award. With each new release, commited to serious, high quality product and dedicated to readers and teachers, Blucher continues to build its reputation.

Annablume Editora

BEI Editora

Editora Edgard Blucher

Rua M.M.D.C, 217 Butantã - São Paulo 05510-021 - SP - Brazil Rights Department: Mr. Alessandro Franco 55 11 3812-6764

R. Dr Renato Paes de Barros,717, 5th floor - São Paulo 04530-001 - SP - Brazil Rights Department: Ms. Jana de Mattos 55 11 3089-9495

Rua Pedroso Alvarenga, 1245 4ºandar - São Paulo 04531-012 - SP - Brazil Rights Department: Mr. Eduardo Blucher 55 11 3078-5366

31 Catálogo de Direitos

Founded in 1993, Annablume´s editorial concept is to publish Brazilian academic thought engaged in live reflection. In these eighteen years of work, it has published over 1,600 titles produced by the best universities in the country. A highly qualified council and rigorous body of commentators select the originals and create the editorial cohesion for the publishing house, which presents eleven collections directed by specialists of several areas of the humanities. Along with Brazilian thought, Annablume´s catalog offers distinguished international authors such as Vilém Flusser, David Harvey, André Gorz, Paul Gilroy and Thomas Robinson, among others.





Catálogo de Direitos


Founded in 1993, Annablume´s editorial concept is to publish Brazilian academic thought engaged in live reflection. In these eighteen years of work, it has published over 1,600 titles produced by the best universities in the country. A highly qualified council and rigorous body of commentators select the originals and create the editorial cohesion for the publishing house, which presents eleven collections directed by specialists of several areas of the humanities. Along with Brazilian thought, Annablume´s catalog offers distinguished international authors such as Vilém Flusser, David Harvey, André Gorz, Paul Gilroy and Thomas Robinson, among others.

The word BEI – “a little more”, in Tupi – precisely defines the spirit of those who strive to breach boundaries. Since its foundation in 1990, BEI Editora has set itself apart through the originality of its publications. Today, its catalog features close to 150 titles on diverse subjects that range from gastronomy, architecture, photography to politics. All share two important hallmarks: the novelty of the subject and quality of the graphic design, often enriched with exclusive images by renowned photographers and artists. In 2010, BEI jumped into the world of digital publishing, releasing its first titles for e-readers and tablets. Each book is seen as a special project, conceived and developed in accordance with its own particularities. Find out more at

Blucher has been in operation for 56 years publishing technical and scientific books in the fields of architecture, biochemistry, business, chemistry, design, ecology, ergonomics, education and educator licensing, engineering, geosciences, mathematics, physical education and physics. More than 1,000 books have been published and there are over 350 active titles in its backlist. Blucher has won 14 Jabuti awards – the most important and traditional Brazilian book award. With each new release, commited to serious, high quality product and dedicated to readers and teachers, Blucher continues to build its reputation.

Annablume Editora

BEI Editora

Editora Edgard Blucher

Rua M.M.D.C, 217 Butantã - São Paulo 05510-021 - SP - Brazil Rights Department: Mr. Alessandro Franco 55 11 3812-6764

R. Dr Renato Paes de Barros,717, 5th floor - São Paulo 04530-001 - SP - Brazil Rights Department: Ms. Jana de Mattos 55 11 3089-9495

Rua Pedroso Alvarenga, 1245 4ºandar - São Paulo 04531-012 - SP - Brazil Rights Department: Mr. Eduardo Blucher 55 11 3078-5366


The word BEI – “a little more”, in Tupi – precisely defines the spirit of those who strive to breach boundaries. Since its foundation in 1990, BEI Editora has set itself apart through the originality of its publications. Today, its catalog features close to 150 titles on diverse subjects that range from gastronomy, architecture, photography to politics. All share two important hallmarks: the novelty of the subject and quality of the graphic design, often enriched with exclusive images by renowned photographers and artists. In 2010, BEI jumped into the world of digital publishing, releasing its first titles for e-readers and tablets. Each book is seen as a special project, conceived and developed in accordance with its own particularities. Find out more at

Blucher has been in operation for 56 years publishing technical and scientific books in the fields of architecture, biochemistry, business, chemistry, design, ecology, ergonomics, education and educator licensing, engineering, geosciences, mathematics, physical education and physics. More than 1,000 books have been published and there are over 350 active titles in its backlist. Blucher has won 14 Jabuti awards – the most important and traditional Brazilian book award. With each new release, commited to serious, high quality product and dedicated to readers and teachers, Blucher continues to build its reputation.

Annablume Editora

BEI Editora

Editora Edgard Blucher

Rua M.M.D.C, 217 Butantã - São Paulo 05510-021 - SP - Brazil Rights Department: Mr. Alessandro Franco 55 11 3812-6764

R. Dr Renato Paes de Barros,717, 5th floor - São Paulo 04530-001 - SP - Brazil Rights Department: Ms. Jana de Mattos 55 11 3089-9495

Rua Pedroso Alvarenga, 1245 4ºandar - São Paulo 04531-012 - SP - Brazil Rights Department: Mr. Eduardo Blucher 55 11 3078-5366

33 Catálogo de Direitos

Founded in 1993, Annablume´s editorial concept is to publish Brazilian academic thought engaged in live reflection. In these eighteen years of work, it has published over 1,600 titles produced by the best universities in the country. A highly qualified council and rigorous body of commentators select the originals and create the editorial cohesion for the publishing house, which presents eleven collections directed by specialists of several areas of the humanities. Along with Brazilian thought, Annablume´s catalog offers distinguished international authors such as Vilém Flusser, David Harvey, André Gorz, Paul Gilroy and Thomas Robinson, among others.





Founded in 1993, Annablume´s editorial concept is to publish Brazilian academic thought engaged in live reflection. In these eighteen years of work, it has published over 1,600 titles produced by the best universities in the country. A highly qualified council and rigorous body of commentators select the originals and create the editorial cohesion for the publishing house, which presents eleven collections directed by specialists of several areas of the humanities. Along with Brazilian thought, Annablume´s catalog offers distinguished international authors such as Vilém Flusser, David Harvey, André Gorz, Paul Gilroy and Thomas Robinson, among others.

The word BEI – “a little more”, in Tupi – precisely defines the spirit of those who strive to breach boundaries. Since its foundation in 1990, BEI Editora has set itself apart through the originality of its publications. Today, its catalog features close to 150 titles on diverse subjects that range from gastronomy, architecture, photography to politics. All share two important hallmarks: the novelty of the subject and quality of the graphic design, often enriched with exclusive images by renowned photographers and artists. In 2010, BEI jumped into the world of digital publishing, releasing its first titles for e-readers and tablets. Each book is seen as a special project, conceived and developed in accordance with its own particularities. Find out more at

Blucher has been in operation for 56 years publishing technical and scientific books in the fields of architecture, biochemistry, business, chemistry, design, ecology, ergonomics, education and educator licensing, engineering, geosciences, mathematics, physical education and physics. More than 1,000 books have been published and there are over 350 active titles in its backlist. Blucher has won 14 Jabuti awards – the most important and traditional Brazilian book award. With each new release, commited to serious, high quality product and dedicated to readers and teachers, Blucher continues to build its reputation.

Annablume Editora

BEI Editora

Editora Edgard Blucher

Rua M.M.D.C, 217 Butantã - São Paulo 05510-021 - SP - Brazil Rights Department: Mr. Alessandro Franco 55 11 3812-6764

R. Dr Renato Paes de Barros,717, 5th floor - São Paulo 04530-001 - SP - Brazil Rights Department: Ms. Jana de Mattos 55 11 3089-9495

Rua Pedroso Alvarenga, 1245 4ºandar - São Paulo 04531-012 - SP - Brazil Rights Department: Mr. Eduardo Blucher 55 11 3078-5366

The word BEI – “a little more”, in Tupi – precisely defines the spirit of those who strive to breach boundaries. Since its foundation in 1990, BEI Editora has set itself apart through the originality of its publications. Today, its catalog features close to 150 titles on diverse subjects that range from gastronomy, architecture, photography to politics. All share two important hallmarks: the novelty of the subject and quality of the graphic design, often enriched with exclusive images by renowned photographers and artists. In 2010, BEI jumped into the world of digital publishing, releasing its first titles for e-readers and tablets. Each book is seen as a special project, conceived and developed in accordance with its own particularities. Find out more at

Blucher has been in operation for 56 years publishing technical and scientific books in the fields of architecture, biochemistry, business, chemistry, design, ecology, ergonomics, education and educator licensing, engineering, geosciences, mathematics, physical education and physics. More than 1,000 books have been published and there are over 350 active titles in its backlist. Blucher has won 14 Jabuti awards – the most important and traditional Brazilian book award. With each new release, commited to serious, high quality product and dedicated to readers and teachers, Blucher continues to build its reputation.

Annablume Editora

BEI Editora

Editora Edgard Blucher

Rua M.M.D.C, 217 Butantã - São Paulo 05510-021 - SP - Brazil Rights Department: Mr. Alessandro Franco 55 11 3812-6764

R. Dr Renato Paes de Barros,717, 5th floor - São Paulo 04530-001 - SP - Brazil Rights Department: Ms. Jana de Mattos 55 11 3089-9495

Rua Pedroso Alvarenga, 1245 4ºandar - São Paulo 04531-012 - SP - Brazil Rights Department: Mr. Eduardo Blucher 55 11 3078-5366

35 Catálogo de Direitos

Founded in 1993, Annablume´s editorial concept is to publish Brazilian academic thought engaged in live reflection. In these eighteen years of work, it has published over 1,600 titles produced by the best universities in the country. A highly qualified council and rigorous body of commentators select the originals and create the editorial cohesion for the publishing house, which presents eleven collections directed by specialists of several areas of the humanities. Along with Brazilian thought, Annablume´s catalog offers distinguished international authors such as Vilém Flusser, David Harvey, André Gorz, Paul Gilroy and Thomas Robinson, among others.





Founded in 1993, Annablume´s editorial concept is to publish Brazilian academic thought engaged in live reflection. In these eighteen years of work, it has published over 1,600 titles produced by the best universities in the country. A highly qualified council and rigorous body of commentators select the originals and create the editorial cohesion for the publishing house, which presents eleven collections directed by specialists of several areas of the humanities. Along with Brazilian thought, Annablume´s catalog offers distinguished international authors such as Vilém Flusser, David Harvey, André Gorz, Paul Gilroy and Thomas Robinson, among others.

Founded in 1993, Annablume´s editorial concept is to publish Brazilian academic thought engaged in live reflection. In these eighteen years of work, it has published over 1,600 titles produced by the best universities in the country. A highly qualified council and rigorous body of commentators select the originals and create the editorial cohesion for the publishing house, which presents eleven collections directed by specialists of several areas of the humanities. Along with Brazilian thought, Annablume´s catalog offers distinguished international authors such as Vilém Flusser, David Harvey, André Gorz, Paul Gilroy and Thomas Robinson, among others.

The word BEI – “a little more”, in Tupi – precisely defines the spirit of those who strive to breach boundaries. Since its foundation in 1990, BEI Editora has set itself apart through the originality of its publications. Today, its catalog features close to 150 titles on diverse subjects that range from gastronomy, architecture, photography to politics. All share two important hallmarks: the novelty of the subject and quality of the graphic design, often enriched with exclusive images by renowned photographers and artists. In 2010, BEI jumped into the world of digital publishing, releasing its first titles for e-readers and tablets. Each book is seen as a special project, conceived and developed in accordance with its own particularities. Find out more at

Annablume Editora

Annablume Editora

BEI Editora

Rua M.M.D.C, 217 Butantã - São Paulo 05510-021 - SP - Brazil Rights Department: Mr. Alessandro Franco 55 11 3812-6764

Rua M.M.D.C, 217 Butantã - São Paulo 05510-021 - SP - Brazil Rights Department: Mr. Alessandro Franco 55 11 3812-6764

R. Dr Renato Paes de Barros,717, 5th floor - São Paulo 04530-001 - SP - Brazil Rights Department: Ms. Jana de Mattos 55 11 3089-9495

Founded in 1993, Annablume´s editorial concept is to publish Brazilian academic thought engaged in live reflection. In these eighteen years of work, it has published over 1,600 titles produced by the best universities in the country. A highly qualified council and rigorous body of commentators select the originals and create the editorial cohesion for the publishing house, which presents eleven collections directed by specialists of several areas of the humanities. Along with Brazilian thought, Annablume´s catalog offers distinguished international authors such as Vilém Flusser, David Harvey, André Gorz, Paul Gilroy and Thomas Robinson, among others.

The word BEI – “a little more”, in Tupi – precisely defines the spirit of those who strive to breach boundaries. Since its foundation in 1990, BEI Editora has set itself apart through the originality of its publications. Today, its catalog features close to 150 titles on diverse subjects that range from gastronomy, architecture, photography to politics. All share two important hallmarks: the novelty of the subject and quality of the graphic design, often enriched with exclusive images by renowned photographers and artists. In 2010, BEI jumped into the world of digital publishing, releasing its first titles for e-readers and tablets. Each book is seen as a special project, conceived and developed in accordance with its own particularities. Find out more at

Editora Edgard Blucher

Annablume Editora

BEI Editora

Rua Pedroso Alvarenga, 1245 4ºandar - São Paulo 04531-012 - SP - Brazil Rights Department: Mr. Eduardo Blucher 55 11 3078-5366

Rua M.M.D.C, 217 Butantã - São Paulo 05510-021 - SP - Brazil Rights Department: Mr. Alessandro Franco 55 11 3812-6764

R. Dr Renato Paes de Barros,717, 5th floor - São Paulo 04530-001 - SP - Brazil Rights Department: Ms. Jana de Mattos 55 11 3089-9495

37 Catálogo de Direitos

Blucher has been in operation for 56 years publishing technical and scientific books in the fields of architecture, biochemistry, business, chemistry, design, ecology, ergonomics, education and educator licensing, engineering, geosciences, mathematics, physical education and physics. More than 1,000 books have been published and there are over 350 active titles in its backlist. Blucher has won 14 Jabuti awards – the most important and traditional Brazilian book award. With each new release, commited to serious, high quality product and dedicated to readers and teachers, Blucher continues to build its reputation.



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