President’s Letter Another two months gone, another edition of Verse, and another President’s Letter. The issues surrounding COVID-19 and the implications of that on students are still making themselves felt, and USASA has been at the forefront of ensuring that the University of South Australia is accountable to students, and puts their wellbeing at the forefront when responding to the challenges that present themselves during this period. We’ve had some big wins for students, particularly the creation of the census date grace period, the adoption of Non Graded Passing (NGPs) and Fail Grade Conversions, and the continuing implementation of financial support. The Student Hardship Fund (SHF) and the International Student Support Package (ISSP) are still operational at the time of writing, so if you need support, make sure you check them out. The Federal Government seems intent on undermining universities and the students that attend them, so going forward, I’ll be advocating that we continue to provide students with the support that they need to ensure that they can succeed in their education. Likewise, I’ll be continuing USASA’s work with the National Union of Students to pressure the Government to extend their support to students, particularly our international student cohort. This edition of Verse is all about mental health. Being a student is stressful at the best of times, and throw in COVID and isolation? You’ve got a wild combination. It’s important to make sure you’re taking care of your mental health, especially now. Make sure you access the services that UniSA has on offer such as counselling and the medical clinic if you’re struggling, they are free to access as a student. Also, remember to check in on your fellow students. Isolation can be gruelling to endure at the best of times, so reach out to your classmates and friends to see how they’re doing. Clubs are another great way to meet new friends and create connections whilst at university and break up the monotony of isolation and study. As always, I’m here for you all, and if you’ve got any issues, feel free to reach out to myself or any of the student board. We’re here for you. — Noah Beckmann