Versus Skatezine & Plus #91

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edito First of all, a huge thanks to Milä. I mean he pretty much organised everything. And... Came with us even if he fucked up his leg the day before the trip! (soccer sucks I tell him every fucking time!). That’s pure passion. Dedication. Man, we, the Versus Army, are all thankfull! Cheers bro! Second, going to Copenhagen, for a skate-trip, when it’s raining every god damn day at your place, 1500km down south sounds pretty stupid... But it wasn’t! Perfect weather, warm and sunny, all good! Third: Dealing with 9 fucking idiots 24h/day might be sktechy sometimes... And again, it wasn’t. Those guys are the best. Perfect crew. Love you all. This time, I made a book (King Of Copenhagen) with 2 teams. The tranny team, composed by Charlie, Alex, Pascu G and me, and the street team, with Simu, Pascu M, Marc and Mäd. Milä ended up being the referee (+cameraman +photographer). It worked out pretty well. In the end, that was fucking tight! Everybody was ripping is own way. Pusing each other in a “good” way. Sick. Loved the spirit. No stupid contest rules, pressure and shit. Just pure fun! Some guys were missing, but it’s up to them to make it happend next year! Because yeah, Copenhagen, we will ne back! This city is worth staying longer than just a 4 days skate-trip... So many spots, amazing skateparks, Christiania, beautiful women, friendly locals, etc... All this right after a 10 days trip (see Versus #89) and a short trip to Budapest and Kosice, I felt like a pro-skateboarder for a minute, minus the skills, but that was a good feeling anyway! Can’t wait to hit the road again! Who’s in? See you soon on board! Cheers Jey

Versus Skatezine & Plus 91 - october 2013 special king of copenhagen starring: milae - simu - pascu g - minder - charlie - alex - mad - marc - jey -


cph Pascal Geiger / Studying / Photo: Pascu M.

This was the next best skate-trip in my life once again. It started as usual, means getting wasted the night before, with pretty much no sleep at all. Yeah we didn’t learn shit with the time. Doesn’t matter, it was all fun. We arrived there, at least I arrived there already dead. But that was ok because Milä handled it like a boss. Bus, appartment, etc... Huere easy gsi! Then we went to the city, to hunt some spots. The crew was into getting bikes. I guess only Charlie and me were like, “Fuck that, this is no bicycle trip! Let’s skate!”. Anyway, in the end, with Milä not really able to walk, we all agreed. Those idiots were right. Moving from one spot to the other by bike in Copenhagen is no problem. Good choise guys. Thanks! Another surprise to me was that Copenhagen isn’t that expensive. I mean, at least, not much more than Switzerland. As a constantly broken dude, I was like, good, I won’t drink too much for once. Mission failed. Beer in Christiania was too cheap to stay sober...

michael sieb



versus ARMY JUNE 2013

Beautiful girls everywhere with soft light dress floating in the wind while riding their bikes... Wasn’t expecting that neither. Would had love to be a Casanova a couple of times like some of my friends think I am... Whatever, I was there to skate. And it’s what I did (like everybody!) My first skate-trip with no injuries! I didn’t even took much time to shoot pictures (sorry guys about that). I felt in love with this city like I did with Melbourne a couple of years before. Melting just thinking about it...

TOM PENNY IN WONDERLAND I had this poster in my bedroom during a couple of years, something like 15 years ago. I had no idea at the time. To be honest I was even thinking it was a frontside flip... Don’t ask me why... Maybe because the only video I had seen at the time was “Fullfill the dream” (Shorty’s), filled with illusion’s flip from Chad Muska? Anyway now it’s all clear. It’s a fucking perfect 360 flip fakie. Yeah kid, watch and learn! The new trend of the “dog pisser” front-foot-catch sucks. This is not the only amazing thing about this shot. No, it’s also probably one of the last shot we’ve seen from Tom Penny before a while. Yeah that was the time when he, pissed of the jet-skate business, left the USA, and pretty much disapeared. And it’s not over yet. No. This bowl... Do you where is it? Kids, it’s Wonderland*, Copenhagen! DIY! Now this spot is indoor, in the middle of a crazy hippie community called Christiania. Fits pretty well with Mr Penny! Oh just to let you know: Don’t even dream about being able to land a ollie to fakie there. This shit is steep as fuck. Rad to oververt. Corners are so tight that a frontside carve is already a great trick. The coping is nowhere smooth. Crazy angles everywhere. Free, open 24h/day, 365 days/year, surrounded by hippies, punks, and other freaks, make this place so unique (“Is this real or really real?”). The spirit, the atmosphere there... Unbeatable! Penny... Perfect 360 flip... Wonderland... Christiania... A match in heaven. Legendary! (“Perfecto!”) So yeah, this spot should be on your to do list before you die. Charlie, Alex and me, tried our hardest there. One of the best session in my life. Been there. Done that. Thank you so much guys. Oh and just in case you are not into bowl riding at all, the beer is cheap and good there and it’s just around the corner of the Green Light District... So enjoy! * (Alis, skateboard oriented brand from Copenhagen made all this possible and we are all really thankfull!)

Jey / Rock fakie / Photo: Pascu M.

So yeah, Wonderland. Mon coup de coeur. This is a place where I could easily see myself living for a while. I might be a too sensible guy in the end I don’t know exactly what’s the matter is with me, but when I feel good somewhere, I can feel it on my skateboarding. I’m not trying to say I was ripping there. No. Not at all. But I felt so comfortable, I did stuff I would had never been able to do in a shit place like EG18 in Paris or so (You don’t know this place? It’s ok, you don’t have to go). A local heroe helped us out to find the place, while telling us some stories about the spot, and then even showed us the basic lines to be able to deal with this beast. Can’t remember your name man. Sorry. Anyway thanks a lot. Alex killed it, like pretty much every spots on his way. Yeah I’ve to say that our Tranny team wasn’t ridiculous thanks to him. It took a little while to Charlie and Pascal G. to really get into it, but then, when the session was on, they were ripping too. BS Grind the oververt? C’mon Charlie... The concrete diy spots just around the corner are sick too. We made some good points there. Because yeah, you shoudn’t forgot that we had to deal with this book all the time... Shot gun just right after the session? Good times!

Alex / BS Boneless / Photo: Pascu M.

Even if they were “enemies” during this skate-trip, I would like to give a big props to Simu and Pascu for coming with us a second time to Wonderland. They shot pictures, bought some beers, and even some hippie shit (just to get some points hey what are you thinking about?). Love you bros. Oh, in case of you ask yourself: Menikmati, Tom Penny, yeah it’s there, but no, you won’t be able to do any of those tricks... I’m not sure how deep they are involved, but thanks to Alis, the local skate brand to keep this spot alive. You made my journey. To me, just for that, the trip was worth it.


Charlie / Practising / Photo: Pascu M.

As usual the book was filled up with tons of shit stupid challenges to do. And, as usual pretty much all of them done were done in the end. I’ve to give a big props to the Street team for giving their best without giving a shit all the way. The Kiss make-up was sick. You guys rock. And this bath in a random fountain in the center of the city from Marc? Hey 20pts man! From the Finger skateboarding session to the Tequila Suicide, nothing was left behind. Just the shot-gun war almost killed us. Fuck. Never had so many in a so short amount of time. I think we even beat The Dude’s record from Barca. We (I mean at the Tranny team) had another epic moment at the amazing Faelledparken Skatepark. Rune (Glifberg), I love you man. This is the best pool I rode in my life. Charlie totally killed it (Boardslide fakie over the stairs? Fuck yeah!). Love seat, shallow end, stairs, death-box, this beauty had it all. Pascu G was on fire too. Riding the biggest vert in Europe. He was just unstoppable. Was a pleasure to see him all dirty, smiling, asking for some more. I missed the Street team session there, but I’m sure they found some great stuff to skate there too. This park is so well done / thinked... Alex / Handplant / Photo: Pascu M.

Those ones are just for you the dude! We missed you!

It’s always a bit sad when some of your friends can’t join the trip... That was the case of The Dude for example. Anyway, in his honor, we did eat some good stuff, in huge quantity! Last day, last session was just incredible. First it was quite a ride with the bike, all along the see, admiring beautiful landscapes. Then we arrived to the famous beach spot... Wow... The Tranny team enjoyed a great micro-ramp. Alex totally raped it. Fuck this kid is good. Nice job!

Pascal Minder / Style Master / Photo: Charlie

But the award of the day goes to the Street team again. Those maniacs all jumped down the double set and the ledge to flat gap (as seen on the cover). That was intense. Milä as a paparazzi, while the rest of the army was trying to save the boards from a ride into the sea. Simu’s backside 180 was nothing but perfect. Pro-style. First cover, well deserved bro. Congrats! We all felt a bit sorry for Pascu M. Poor boy almost killed himself jumping down this gap 1000 times trying his signature trick (shoveit tailgrab)... Too bad... Next time? Deal?! And the commitment from Marc for this ollie down the double set? Thing was worth anything! Crazy good!

Simu / Heel-Flip Manual Crooked 1st try... / Sequence: Pascu M.

Crew / Chilling / Photo: Pascu M.

Next page: This spot is fucked. Is it a skatepark? A basket-ball field? No idea. Anyway it’s amazing. I remember yelling at Simu, while he was doing this 10 different flips line with style and ease... But I’ll never forget Mäd’s ollie into bank neither. Shit was scary, hard, dangerous. Fuck yeah, a couple of bad slams later, he nailed it. Nobody from the Street Team was taking it easy! I’ve no fucking idea what I did with my Lomo Fisheye film... A fucking 1600 ISO film, you know the good expensive one... Simu’s back 180, Christiania, the mini-ramp on the beach, some pretty epic bike ride moments, etc... I can imagine them... Sorry guys. Maybe one day it will pop out my backpack or something?! Until then, that’s I have. That was again the next best skate-trip in my life. Thank you all guys. Can’t wait to hit the road with you again soon... Wait, what?! King Of Malaga, end of november? Fuck yeah! I’m in!

Marc / Killing it / Photo: Charlie

Dominique Maeder / Ollie Innnneee! / Photo: Milae

Pascal Minder / FS Grind / Photo: Milae

Pascal Geiger / Chilling / Photo: Charlie

Nest try First try

Pascal Minder / Almost Shove-it Tailgrab / Photo: Milae

Le bonheur est ailleurs...

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