portrait par Alex Schmidt
Ollie / Vincent Dallemagne
Salut Marion! Comment vas-tu depuis le temps?
Tiens, en parlant de star, t’as pas un p’tit scoop ä nous raconter sur Mr Bastien Salabanzi?!
Ca se passe à fond! Chillance, hydro, skateboard et un peu de stabilité dans ma vie. Ca fait plaiz’.
Comme ça la première idée qui me vient, Bastien vie très mal la défaite au poker!
Bon, avant de commencer, dis-moi, tes potes de PN Zine ne vont pas faire la gueule si tu fais une interview chez la concurrence?! Avec un noms tel que PNzine, tu crois vraiment qu’on va s’attarder là dessus. On s’en branle! Mais comme tu en parles gros Big Up à ce Jérem’. Au fait tu ne t’es même pas présentée!... Parlons peu, parlons bien. Comment se fait-il que tu ne bosses pas encore pour un vrai mag’ de skate? Tu crois que le fait que tu sois une gonzesse y est pour quelque chose? Et toi comment ça se fait que tu ne bosses pas encore pour un mag de skate?! Sérieusement toi même tu sais la route est semée d’embûches. Mais je ne lâche rien la passion m’anime. Le fait d’être une nana ne doit pas arranger les choses... Un message pour Soma ou Sugar? Non J’ai vu que t’avais eu la chance de shooter des gars comme Tony Cervantes ou encore Figgy en personne... T’as jamais voulu tenter ta chance à l’étranger? J’en rêve dude! Surtout après mes deux voyages en Cali et les rencontres incroyables que j’ai pu faire. Celà ne te donne pas la carte verte malheureusement. Un jour peut être qui sait, un autre voyage est prévu.
On a failli partir en skate-trip ensemble... Après coup, j’me dis que t’as bien fait de ne pas venir! Putain t’aurais vu ce bordel... Tu vis comment le quotidien aux côtés des skateurs? Je peux bien le vivre comme mal le vivre. C‘est un choix de vie. À vrai dire, ma maison et le repère central de la scène locale bordealaise. J’ai des milliers d’histoires dans cet appartement et pas des plus reluisantes Un peu de sérieux maintenant, tu bosses avec quoi comme matos en général? Niveau matos, je bosses avec avec Nikon, 4 flashs en déportés, et une gamme d’optique complète depuis peu. Je suis DERTER plus que jamais. Sinon, j’ai vaguement entendu parler d’une expo dans quelques temps, peux-tu nous en dire plus? Oui cette expo se fait en partenariat avec Keep A Breast (Fondation qui lutte contre le cancer du sein) à Bordeaux le 4 septembre 2014. L’expo s’intitule “SORRY FOR TRAVELING”. Elle retrace mon dernier voyage en Californie et se composera de 3 parties - On the road Brixton - Family Skate Rdv le 4 sept! Bon Marion, merci pour ton temps, j’te souhaite que du bon, et encore plus! Un dernier mot avant qu’on se quitte? Empêche-moi !
Overcrook / PJ Chapuis
Fakie Nosegrind / Paul Austin
I would love to hate on all those social media kind of stuff... But I’m using it all the time to advertise my fanzine... A bit like Sergej’s doing with his work. Actually, it’s even how I’ve heard of him the first time: via Facebook. Now I’m following him since a while, sent him a couple of Versus copies, and even bought his excellent “Something in between” book... without knowing anything about him! It was more than time to do an interview with this outstanding artist... And here it is. Enjoy!
I tried to behave a bit like a professional for once. I went on your websites to learn a bit more about you, etc before the interview... But I’m pretty sure a lot of Versus readers are too fucking lazy to do the same, and have no idea who you are... Anyway, like I’m not good at all to present somebody, could you intrdouce yourself please? It´s strange but this social medias give us new possiblities to make it cheaper and fast to be in touch and know spontanious and by follow where we are and what we doing at least for that part what we want to show or people around us found interessting… I am also happy to know you and meet you and make many exchange with you. Talking about myself to make someone picture who am I. I dont know still dreaming still searching falling and dancing riding against walls with my board and without trying to make things diffrent and watching between lines making my own way…. Born in country which no more exist makes me to don’t believe in flags...
“Something versus something what’s breath in between forever” First of all, thanks for the personal writing in my copie of “Something in between”. And again, congrats for your great job! Where does it start? Skateboarding? Photography? Rock’n’roll? DIY culture? Or does it come all together somehow? Yeah I think everything comes pretty early together… But we never call it DIY, because it´s not about name its not about puting label on it to be to sell it was about making whatever own skateboard, drums, shows, exchanging informations of own scene and activities… Until something comes from nothing and is core base then breath together. Skateboarding need agressive music, so….
Analog vs Digital... What kind of cameras are you using usually? You know camera is just medium, almost has no meaning because everything is in your feeling and your finger... If photography has no feeling, technology would still not help you‌
Why are you so much into ‘zines? First zine I bought I think was in 92 when I was 14. It was my first contact with something behind magazines and radio. It was about kids from parks, hanging, drawing and playing in punk bands screaming against system bored. I learn more from zines and scene then maybe from normal school and parents… For long time befor internet came, zines was for me voice, exchange of scene. I was running with my friends from band label/ distro we would become sometimes zines from other sides of world to open and make copys to share in our circle. Also with tapes, there was one with turkey crust bands, when the copy come to me sound was so low… That’s how I grow up. And letter when I was start to make art space I start to make for almost every exhibition for artist and visitor zine about exhibition something between documentation and my vision of artist and his work. With time it turn into my own medium of my feelings and idea. And how deep I start to be involved into art world or whatever we call it… Zines were my freedom, my own way to make it. Sometimes I made it in small amount call limited, today I feel bad about it… Zines are not artbook they are about sharing… When I found right paper I reprint copy them… They are my feelings without filter.
Oh, I was asking myself, are you related in anyway to Tadej Vaukman? ROW skateboards? Or the Boldrider crew? Of course its my family, we are inspiration to each other. Not matter how far we are sometimes phisicaly from each other… I feel that those few words say a lot, but maybe its to abstract to some readers, but I grow up on Balkan in Zagreb and we share in 90´s same shows jumping over each other and ten years later LeLe (boldrider) and me with friends was making art of asfalt project where we released for how long we was in crowd stand and falling over each other… Postojna was always hard core city and later with skateboarding made it into special city on world map, free of exploiting so call trademark energy diy shite, making skateboarding so serious, and at same times guys in dravograd ROW gang was shrading their basement ramps and screaming against all, making zines shows boards…. So naturally, kids found themselves and we build bigger own family. When I start in Heilbronn, artspace, plemplem, Lele & guys were part of it… All together by themself.
Some silly Top 3 questions now... I still think it’s a great way to learn something about somebody! Top 3 bands: - Analena (was a band on my label, we tour together around Europe, we change our lifes; on some songs I could stay in crowd nad cry) - Fugazi (never meet them, but few mails and many albums with strong statements made them special) - SRCEKI (giving hard core heart) Top 3 photographers: I don’t know... The one which follow their heart and make everything in one Top 3 skateboarders: Boldriders keep skateboarding so serious, Zarosh you never know what he would do but he does with smile and crazy, it’s hard maybe Charlie Wilkins for his perfection, building parks, skating street or transition...
What have you been up lately? Any plans for the future? I just came from tour with zines of the zone, mobily zine library from fance. I help them for some show and join the van in april and tour with them til 17th of june around Europe, was crazy expirenss. It’s interesting to see nowadays how zines are build and how some people have crazy plans behind and no understanding for trade… So serious... Last words? Thanks. Hopefully we see us soon. Best wishes Thanks for your time Sergej. All the best. Hope to finally meet you “for real” soon! Cheers!
a no-skateboarding Interview with
Anna Anderegg
Last year, I had the chance to work as a cameraman for the Asphalt Piloten crew (http:// a couple of times. They have plenty of different projects going on, but I really enjoyed one in particular: TAPE RIOT ( I’m here today with Anna Anderegg, the mastermind behind the project to talk about it. Even if it’s not (really) about skateboarding, I think you guys could enjoy it... As an introduction, I highly recommend you to watch a couple of their clips on vimeo (!) first... Hello Anna! How are you? It’s been a while already... What have you been doing lately? Hi dear, we have been very busy lately, working our buts of with our new project AROUND THE BLOCK. It is a sound and video installation where we use the city as projection surfaces and sound sculpture. It became a bit of a monster, but hey we love them, right? Alright, let’s talk about TAPE RIOT. The approach you seem to have while working on this project is, to me, really similar to the way skateboarders behave sometimes. You look for a place that can be interesting, hit the spot, do your things, documentate them from time to time and leave. I really enjoy this aspect... I think there is this global energy of taking public space and play with it. No matter what… Did you learn some stuff about Architecture in school or something? I didn’t. But again, I think we have a common view of the city. I mean by that, I don’t see a Bank. I see some stairs and a handrail... What about you? I think the more you are into something, the more you look for something the more these things come to you. Through dance I have been interested and fascinated by space in general. In particular city space the way we use and share it. I like the fact of changing the use of public space, I think that is when we come close to a skateboarding logic. Spontaneous. It’s another word that could describe your work. It’s a bit like cruising through the city, looking for adventures... Public space and everything that happens in it (also called life) is unpredictable. There is no point of swimming against it, you can only try to go with it and ride it. In TAPE RIOT the only thing we can rely on is us. Every time we just try to make the best out of it, that is the only steady thing…
The other thing that touched me, was, that you were working on a fully DIY spirit... From A to Z, you’re doing pretty much everything by yourself. That’s great! First of all I don’t do everything by my own. TAPE RIOT wouldn’t exist without the work of many people: Hervé Thiot for his mind-blowing Tape-Art, Marco Barotti as the heartbeat of it, the partner in crime Moni Wespi with her great mind and dance abilities... Several cinematographers (like you) and people working more in the shadow like production. Besides this of course there is still some work left for me, but hey I rather burn for my work than see my dream burning… We have another point in common. We have to deal with non-open-minded people quite often... Yes, but who doesn’t? Also working constantly in public space I realize how often I find people actually quite open minded. I don’t know how many absurd help I have received from people for other projects of ASPHALT PILOTEN. Where we needed to through tons of carton boxes out of peoples flats, wrap a house in newspaper, have a dragon tail coming out of a door entrances, a train station that decided to make trains arrive on different tracks (also due to a dragon). I think hope is out there and as long as there is people like you and me doing what we are doing we are going to find a lot of like-minded people… Alright, Anna, thanks a lot for your time. Say hello to the crew from me. All the best and hope to see you soon again. Any last words? I will, thank you for having me here and yes one last world: FUCK FOOTBALL. ASPHALTPILOTEN photo credits: Hervé Thiot & Vincent Vanhecke