Veteran 8 30 2013

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35 cents



The 806th is back home Patrick McCallister For Veteran voice

Photo courtesy of the Florida National Guard, Thomas Kielbasa photographer 1st. Lt. Danial Harris is back home with his family. The Florida National Guard’s 806th Military Police Company returned home on Friday, Aug. 23. The company was on deployment to Afghanistan in support of Operation Enduring Freedom since November. The company is stationed in Fort Pierce. National Guard for 12 years. This was his second deployment to Afghanistan, too. There were big differences between the two deployments for him. Back in 2004,

he had a friend named Amy. “When I came home, we started dating,” Angulo said. When he got his boots back on Florida this time, Angulo’s wife

was waiting for him. “It was a big change for her,” he said. “Last time, we were just

See 806TH page 4

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The Treasure Coast has been missing about a hundred faces since November. They’re home now with big smiles. On Friday, Aug. 23, the Florida National Guard’s 806th Military Police Company returned home from a deployment to Afghanistan in support of Operation Enduring Freedom. The company is stationed in Fort Pierce. It was the company’s second deployment to Afghanistan. It was also deployed in 2004 to 2005. Staff Sgt. Andres Moreira Jr. was in both deployments. He said deploying is something a soldier never starts liking. “One really never looks forward to going back,” he said. “For the most part, it was nerve-racking. You can do all the training in the world, but when you’re expecting the unexpected that’s very scary. Not knowing if you’ll come home the same way, in one piece, that’s very scary.” Moreira is back home just in time for his daughter, Autumn, to start high school. “Scaring off guys is what I’ll be doing,” he said. His son Alex is starting his last year of elementary school. The 33-year-old joined the guard back in 1998, shortly after high school. “I was in (Army Junior ROTC) in high school,” Moreira said. “Going through ROTC in high school, you tend to have a respect for the military.” Staff Sgt. Jose Angulo also lives in Port St. Lucie. He’s been in the


anD our obJeCtIVe

Veteran Voice is a weekly publication designed to provide information to and about veterans to veterans and to the broader community. Veterans are an integral part of their Florida communities, which currently have individual organizations of their own, such as the Veterans of Foreign Wars, the American Legion, the Vietnam Veterans of America and many other groups with a narrow focus, but no convenient way to connect to a wider population of veterans and to the community in general within a limited geographic area, their community. The mission of Veteran Voice is to publish a weekly source of information that will provide, in one place, a listing of resources available to veterans, articles about changes in policies or organizations affecting veterans and events of interest to veterans as well as articles about veterans of interest to the general public. Veteran Voice LLC is organized as a partnership of experienced newspaper executives with an interest in veterans and in the communities of Florida veterans and friends. Veteran Voice is a start-up intended to address a perceived lack of information readily available to veterans on programs and policies affecting them and objective reporting of veteran affairs to the public. To our knowledge, and based on comments from leaders of local veterans organizations, there was no media or website currently meeting this need until the launch of Veteran Voice. We hope you agree, and will support this publication with your subscription. Without subscriptions there will be a limited number of people we can help, without which this mission will not be realized. As part of our commitment to supporting local veteran communities, we will donate 10 percent of our profits each quarter to qualified veteran charities recommended by you, our readers and subscribers. Please let us know what you think by emailing or mailing your comments to us at 1919 S.W. South Macedo Blvd., Port St. Lucie, FL 34984.

County Veterans Service Officers St. Lucie County, Wayne Teegardin Phone: (772) 337-5670 Fax: (772) 337-5678 Dorothy J. Conrad Building (formerly the Walton Road Annex Bldg.) 1664 S.E. Walton Road, Suite 205 Port St. Lucie, FL 34952 By appointment Mon., Tues, Thurs, Fri * 8:30 am-4:30 pm Wed * 8:30 a.m.-3 p.m. St. Lucie County Community Services Bldg. (Corner of Avenue D and 7th Street) 437 N. Seventh St., Fort Pierce, FL 34950 Walk-ins Mon. and Fri. * 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Brevard Veteran’s Services Office 2725 Judge Fran Jamieson Way, Bldg. B, Suite 102, Viera, FL 32940 Office: (321) 633-2012 Fax: (321) 637-5432 Mon., Tues. and Thurs., 8 a.m.-4 p.m. Wed. and Fri, 8 a.m.-noon Manager: Glenn McGuffie Indian River County Joel Herman Vero Beach 2525 St. Lucie Ave., Vero Beach, FL 32960 Ph: (772) 226-1499 Fax: (772) 770-5038 Sebastian Square 11602 U.S. 1, Sebastian, FL 32958 Ph: (772) 589-6597 Fax: (772) 581-4988

Veteran Voice The Voice of Experience

Veteran Voice is a weekly newspaper for veterans, active military, their families and their friends.

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Martin County Tony Reese, Veterans Service Office Supervisor Nick Ciotti, Veterans Service Officer (772) 288-5448 Veterans Services Office Martin County Community Services 435 S.E. Flagler Ave., Stuart, FL 34994 Office Hours: Mon-Fri, 8 a.m.-5 p.m. VA Life Insurance Ctr., Phil., PA 1-800-669-8477 VA Regional Office - 1-800-827-1000 VA Medical Ctr, W. Palm Beach 1-800-972-8262 Pharmacy, VA Medical Center 1-800-317-8387 Military Retired Pay Activities, Cleveland, OH - (Army, Marine Corps, Navy, Air Force ONLY) 1-800-321-1080 Military Retired Pay Activities, Topeka, KS - (Coast Guard ONLY) 1-800-772-8724 Survivor Benefits (SBP), Denver, CO - 1-800-435-3396 Stuart VA Clinic - (772) 288-0304 Okeechobee County Veterans Services office (863) 763-6441, Ext 5. Fax: (863) 763-0118. Orlando VA Medical Cente 5201 Raymond St., Orlando, FL 32803 (407) 629-1599 or (800) 922-7521 Telephone Care (407) 599-1404 8 a.m.-4 p.m. Mon. - Fri. (800) 645-6895 8 a.m. - 4 p.m. Mon - Fri (321) 637-3625

West Palm Beach Department of Veterans Affairs Medical Center 7305 North Military Trail, West Palm Beach, FL 33410 (561) 422-8262 or (800) 972-8262 Telephone Care (561) 422-6838 (866) 383-9036 Open 24 hours - 7 days Viera VA Outpatient Clinic 2900 Veterans Way, Viera, FL 32940 Phone: (321) 637-3788 1 (877) 878-8387 Mon. - Fri. - 8 a.m.-4:30 p.m. St Lucie County PTSD Clinical Team (PCT) Outpatient Program 126 S.W. Chamber Court, Port St Lucie, FL 34986 Phone: (772) 878-7876 Fort Pierce Community Based Outpatient Clinic 727 North U.S. 1, Fort Pierce, FL 34950 Phone: (772) 595-5150 Fax: (772) 595-6560 St Lucie Community Based Outpatient Clinic 128 S.W. Chamber Court, Port Saint Lucie, FL 34986 Phone: (772) 344-9288 Stuart Community Based Outpatient Clinic 3501 S E Willoughby Boulevard, Stuart, FL 34997 Phone: (772) 288-0304 Fax: (772) 288-1371 Vero Beach Community Based Outpatient Clinic 372 17th St., Vero Beach, FL 32960 Phone: (772) 299-4623 Fax: (772) 299-4632

Viera patients 8 a.m. - 4 p.m. Mon. - Fri. (877) 741-3400 Weekends, holidays, evenings and nights

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Fort Pierce gets new VA digs Patrick McCallister For Veteran voice

See CBOC page 5

Mitch Kloorfain/chief photographer The West Palm Beach Department of Veterans Affairs Medical Center celebrated their grand opening with a ceremonial ribbon cutting for St. Lucie County’s new Community Based Outpatient Clinic in Fort Pierce Friday, Aug. 23. From left: Charleen Szabo, Veteran’s Administration medical center director, Darin Rubin, chief of primary care, Congressman Patrick Murphy, Chris Dzadovsky, St. Lucie County Commissioner, and Linda Hudson, mayor of Fort Pierce, Kim Johnson, and St. Lucie County Commissioner, Jeffrey Lambert, national medical director for MedMark.


Veterans in Fort Pierce have some new digs. On Friday, Aug. 23, the West Palm Beach Department of Veterans Affairs Medical Center had the grand opening for St. Lucie County’s new Community Based Outpatient Clinic. The clinic is at 1901 South 25th Street, suite 103. Dr. Darin Rubin, chief of primary care at the West Palm VAMC, said the new 9,100-square-foot facility will greatly improve many services to area veterans. “It increases our mental-health capacity significantly over our old facility,” he said. Fort Pierce’s old CBOC, 727 North U.S. Highway 1, was about 8,400 square feet. The VA used that facility for 15 years. Jeffrey Lambert is national medical director for MedMark, the company the VA contracts with to run the Fort Pierce CBOC. When Veteran Voice asked him how the new facility would improve area veterans’ medical services, he replied

4 • AUGUST 30, 2013 • VETERAN VOICE • THE VOICE OF EXPERIENCE The Florida National Guard’s 806th Military Police Company returned home on Friday, Aug. 23. The company was on deployment to Afghanistan in support of Operation Enduring Freedom since November. The company is stationed in Fort Pierce.

Photo courtesy of Congressman Patrick Murphy

806TH from page 1 friends. This time she had to go through it in the front seat.” That made things different for him, too. “Last time, my parents took care of everything,” Angulo said. “This time, I had to get involved and worry about my wife, worry about

my house.” The 806 was overseeing detainees this time around. Last deployment, it provided force protection. “First deployment, we were protection for a civil affairs unit,” Moreira said. That took the company to Afghan villages last deployment. This time around, they didn’t

veteran voice The Voice of Experience

Theodore Wilson Publisher Steve Erlanger Partner

Veteran Voice is a newspaper for veterans, active military, their families and their friends.

Tammy Raits Managing Editor

Veteran Voice is published weekly by Veteran Voice, LLC. 1919 SW South Macedo Blvd., Port St. Lucie, FL 34984 (772) 204-2409 Office • (772) 204-2940 Fax

Debbi Denning Advertising Consultant

SUBSCRIBE TODAY $18 YEAR (52 weeks) $12 Veterans or Active Military For more information on distribution and subscriptions of this newspaper, please call our main office (772) 204-2409 or contact us by email at: POSTAL STATEMENT Veteran Voice (USPS# 9749) is published weekly by Veteran Voice LLC, 1919 SW South Macedo Blvd, Port St Lucie, FL 34984. Periodicals Postage Paid at Ft Pierce, FL POSTMASTER: Send address changes to: Veteran Voice, 1919 SW South Macedo Blvd, Port St Lucie, FL 34984

Kelly Delprete Advertising Consultant Patrick McCallister Staff Writer

have much interaction with locals. The 806 was designated an internment resettlement company in 2009. Moreira said most on the last deployment weren’t around last time. The biggest difference between the deployments for him? “Rank, age, and responsibility,” Moreira said.

Angulo said he dreaded separation from Amy this deployment, but he was looking forward to putting his training to practice. “I was excited, because I’m in a different part of my career and I’m leading troops,” he said.

See 806TH page 11 On Friday, Aug. 23, hundreds greeted the returning 806th Military Police Company, Fort Pierce. Some were well-wishing strangers. Others were parents, spouses and children. Staff Sgt. Andres Moreira Jr. said soldiers never get used to deployments.

Nicole Rodriguez Staff Writer Shelley Koppel Staff Writer Mitch Kloorfain Chief Photographer Eric Macon Graphic Designer Phil Galdys Director of Operations Donna Marinak HR/Accounting Manager

Photo courtesy of Congressman Patrick Murphy


CBOC from page 3

Mitch Kloorfain/chief photographer From front to back, Shanna Morse tours Congressman Patrick Murphy along with Mary Ann Goodman, public affairs director for the West Palm Beach VA, and St. Lucie County commissioners Kim Johnson, and Chris Dzadovsky, staff member Denise Burns through the new Department of Veterans Affairs Medical Center’s Community Based Outpatient Clinic in Fort Pierce Friday, Aug. 23. The facility is located at 1901 South 25th St in Fort Pierce.

with a question. “Vietnam is one of the “Have you visited the old groups we’re targeting facility?” he said. to come to our clinics “We have much more room and medical centers.” here,” Lambert said. “The VA put much more equipment Dr. Darin Rubin here.” chief of primary care Mayor Linda Hudson said West Palm VAMC she’d visited the old location with family members receiving care. She said it had parking shortages and obvious signs of building aging. “I’m going to miss the old spot, but I know you will not miss the old spot,” she told veterans gathered for the grand opening. Rubin said the Fort Pierce CBOC has about 5,100 patients. It’s hovered around that number for a few years. Most are Vietnam-era veterans. He said the move helped the West Palm VAMC tailor equipment to the needs of that age group. “Vietnam is one of the groups we’re targeting to come to our clinics and medical centers,” Rubin said. To receive care at VA medical facilities, veterans must enroll. Those who served in the Vietnam-era are among the most difficult to convince to use VA care, according to many. The youngest Vietnam-era veterans are now in their late 50s. Most are in their 60s to early 70s. The Florida Department of Veterans Affairs, a state agency not affiliated with the federal one, estimates that Vietnam-era veterans are the largest group in the Sunshine State. Of Florida’s 1.6 million veterans, about 500,000 served during the Vietnam era. While the overall population of veterans is declining, Rubin said VA demographers predict the Treasure Coast will see a growing population of Vietnam-era veterans over the next decade. “This area up here, St. Lucie County, the VA projects will be an area of growth,” he said. One of the services expanded by the opening of the new, larger clinic is telehealth. Rubin said more St. Lucie patients will be able to visit with specialists at the West Palm VAMC, and from all over the country, without having to drive out of town. “It allows our veterans to get treatment in their own community,” he said. Mary Ann Goodman, public affairs officer, said more than 60,000 veterans live in the West Palm VAMC’s area — Palm Beach, Hendry, Glades, Okeechobee, Martin, St. Lucie, and Indian River counties. It has six CBOCs. In addition to Fort Pierce, there are VA outpatient clinics in Vero Beach, Stuart, Delray Beach, Boca Raton and Okeechobee. Among those at the open house was Congressman Patrick Murphy, FL-18. He told attendees that his district, which stretches from Fort Pierce southward to Palm Beach, is in the top 50 with veterans populations. “If there is anything you think the VA could be doing better, should be doing better, let us know,” he said. There are about 40 CBOCs in Florida.

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Be careful when giving to veterans’ charities T

his article is with reference to the various bogus charitable organizations who profess to be helping the military veterans. Includes tax & cart I am a WWII veteran and have been very involved with many veteran groups. With the American Legion, I was a post commander, 3 Months Free With Annual Membership division commander and a counFirst Timers Get 20% Off The First Year ty commander. With the VFW, I was a service officer and with the Disabled American Veterans, I was a chapter commander. I also served on, the advisory board to the director of the Northport Veterans Medical Center and on the Board of Directors for the Homeless Veterans in Long Island, N.Y. I believe I can speak from expe7900 N.W. Selvitz Rd. rience the people who really help the military veterans and those that are questionable. Championship 18 Hole The U.S. Veterans AdminisPublic Golf Course tration is the prime provider for our military veterans. Even with the constant budget cuts, which unfortunately does affect the services provided, they do a good job. visit: There are many truly sincere www. veterans groups who do help the Stuart, Florida veterans adjust to civilian life and walk them through the Veterans Administration benefits. Organizations such as the American Legion, Veterans of Foreign Wars, Disabled American Veterans, the Korean War Veterans, the Vietnam War Veterans, the AMVETS, Catholic War Veterans and Jewish War Veterans. There may be others but these organizations as a matter of record have proven themselves to truly help the veterans. Banquet My concerns are the bogus organizations who legally get a Facilities nonprofit status and use the vetfor All 15 Acre Driving erans as pawns to collect money Occasions so they can create a lucrative job Range for themselves. These organizaAll Grass Tees tions use the same advertisement technique to lull the public with sympathy. For example, to Regular 18 Hole Golf Rate $45 everyday. Including cart w/G.P.S list those who use emotions on YV2 YV2 YV2 the TV media: “Save The Chil$ 00 $ 00 After 11:30am Before 11:30am dren of the World” — TV $19 per The Ultimate Golf Experience The Ultimate Golf Experience The Ultimate Golf Experience Includes withwith G.P.S. Includes withwith G.P.S. A PublicCart Course a Private Club Feel... A Public Cart Course a Private Club Feel... month, “Save The Dogs” — TV A Public Course with a Private Club Feel... Good for up $19 per month, “Save The Polar Good for up Range Balls to 4 players Bear” — TV $8 per month, “Save to 4 players Any Size Expires 9/6/13 Expires 9/6/13 Expires 9/6/13 The Tiger” — TV $8 per month, FACILITIES INCLUDE: FACILITIES INCLUDE: “Salute to American Heroes” — • 18 Hole Championship Golf Course • Restaurant with Full Bar FACILITIES INCLUDE:

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Domenick Scarlato TV donations “Hospital Veterans Organizations” — TV Donations, Disabled Veterans Foundation – Wearing BDU: uniforms on street corners, and the most advertised on TV and Magazines, “The Wounded Warrior” — $19 per month. It is to be noted when “The Wounded Warrior” program airs an ad on TV, it leads you to believe they have programs which help the veterans. This is far from the truth. When the narrator supposedly describes the programs, which is never in detail or clear, what you see in the background is the rehabilitation scenes from the Veterans Administration medical centers. This is deception. They pay or they help a few, very few, veterans to give testimony of receiving help. This is how they dupe the public with its million-dollar false advertisement. They even got celebrities to endorse their false mission. After they stimulate the public’s emotions, they ask for a $19-permonth donation. To validate what I am saying, I wish to quote a columnist called Eve Samples of Scripps Treasure Coast Newspapers, Dec. 6, 2012, which exposes the operations of the “Wounded Warrior” organization. “The ubiquitous veterans charity Wounded Warrior Project raised about $74 million last

See CHARITIES page 7


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‘I beg the true veteran organizations such as the American Legion, VFW, DAV, Korean War Vets, Vietnam Vets and the others mentioned organizations, along with the Veterans Administration to please get involved in exposing the corrupt charitable organizations.’


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Domenick Scarlato served in the U.S. Navy on active duty from 1944-48 and later in the Naval Reserve and National Guard. He holds a doctorate of education and because of his work in special education, has been involved in an advisory capacity while changes to national mental health care policies occurred over the last 50 years. He has been a St. Lucie West resident for 14 years.

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year. It spent money on salaries and travel. “It used it to pay consultants and other outside vendors. But not a penny went towards helping financially struggling veterans pay their bills. This was a major point of contention for Major James Pollock, who was deployed twice to Iraq and could not make ends meet after his honorable discharge from the Air Force in 2008. “When Pollock didn’t know where to turn, he looked for help from the Wounded Warrior Project, one of the most recognized names in veterans charities. “Instead of helping him, the nonprofit turned him to other smaller outfits.” This is a typical example of the Wounded Warrior Project helping veterans. It is to be noted that there are 17 officers in the Wounded Warrior Project. The salaries range from $319,692 (the executive director) to $63,000. The officers and their salaries can be found on the computer.

These questionable organizations who use children or animals and especially veterans to dupe the public must be closely scrutinized to protect the public and the honor of the true charitable organizations. I beg the true veteran organizations such as the American Legion, VFW, DAV, Korean War Vets, Vietnam Vets and the other mentioned organizations, along with the Veterans Administration to please get involved in exposing the corrupt charitable organizations. Also I hope our legislators take a close look at our present charitable laws and purge them of any loopholes.

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CHARITIES from page 6



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The 9/11 Heroes Run unites communities internationally with the goal to never forget the sacrifices of the heroes of Sept. 11 and in the wars since veteran, first responder, civilian, and military. Join us to raise awareness and honor the fallen. the south Florida run as a “unity” run, encouraging runners to recognize the meaning behind the event. The primary goal of the 9/11 Heroes Run is to bring the community together to remember the sacrifice of all our heroes in uniform: military, police, firefighters and EMT’s. Proceeds from this event to benefit Operation 300 named for SOC Aaron Vaughn and Justin’s Wings named for Lance Cpl. Justin Wilson. For more information on these foundations, please visit or Thanks to the generous help of Comcast NBC Universal, JWT, West, One Team One Fight, for acting as national presenting sponsors for the Travis Manion Foundation. Local sponsors for the 9/11 Heroes Run to date are Island Party Rentals, Your Voice News & Views, Back In Action Chiropractic and Yoga, Spotlight Entertainment, Chick-fil-A Stuart and Chick-fil-A Treasure Coast Square mall, Sailfish Splash Water Park, Leighton Systems, Krieger Physical Therapy, Indian River Shutter Co, Inc., In The Shade, Starbuck’s Cove Road, JC Penney Portrait Studios Treasure Coast Square mall and Nathan Ritchey with Real Estate of Florida. Additional sponsors are welcome to participate. A short video for the 9/11 Heroes Run can be viewed at the following link: com/user/TMFoundation. Before his final deployment, 1st Lt. Travis Manion, USMC, visited Rescue One in New York City — famous for losing almost all their men on 9/11 — and returned home passionate about why he was fighting in Iraq. He was committed to ensuring no one ever forgets the service of so many men and women who protect us every day. At its heart, the 9/11 Heroes Run is inspired by Travis’ personal commitment to the

See 9/11 page 9


9/11 from page 8

Mitch Kloorfain/chief photographer For just a $1 contribution benefitting the upcoming 9/11 Heroes Run, Jillian Bisciotta, 9, takes a spin for prizes in front of volunteer Michael Fronsoe during Spirit Night at Chik-fil-A in Stuart. The second annual 5k run benefits Operation 300, named for local soldier Aaron Vaughn, and Justin Wings, named for local soldier Justin Wilson, will take place Saturday morning Sept. 7 at Jensen Beach.

3rd Annual Austin Erlanger Memorial Scholarship Fund

heroes of that day. The 9/11 Heroes Run has always been about honoring the fallen — from members of the military to fire, police, and first responders who give their lives in service to our country. But the annual 5K can also be part of the healing process, bringing together those who have lost a loved one and giving them a tangible way of remembering and honoring their service and sacrifice. Created in 2007 after the combat death of 1st Lt. Travis Manion, USMC, in Fallujah, Iraq, the Travis Manion Foundation is committed to honoring the fallen by challenging the living. Our goal is to ensure the love of country and spirit of service exemplified by this generation of Fallen Heroes lives on. Learn more at www.

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CLUES ACROSS 1. Feminist Lucretia 5. Lacrimal gland fluid 9. Airborne (abbr.) 12. Double-reed instrument 13. De Mille (dancer) 15. Burn plant: ____ vera 16. Represent by drawing 17. Roy Harold Scherer 19. Point that is one point N of due E 20. Causing vexation 21. Belonging to a thing 24. Leg joint 25. Suffragette Anthony 27. Form a sum 28. Point midway between E and SE 31. Convert a hide into leather 32. Radical derived from butane 34. Priest’s liturgical vestment 35. Goat and camel hair fabric 36. Sticky 38. Talk 39. Committed information rate 40. Strong twisted cotton thread 42. 331/3 rpms 43. Honey (abbr.) 44. Founding Father Franklin 45. Frees from pain or worry 47. Tennis player Bjorn 48. Not inclined to speak 49. Shoulder blade 53. Express pleasure 56. One week before Easter 60. Attired 62. Chew the fat 63. Weighing device 64. Captain __, British pirate

65. Tropical American cuckoo 66. Any place of bliss or delight 67. Remain as is CLUES DOWN 1. “Rounders” actress Gretchen 2. Off-Broadway theater award 3. Grave 4. Court game 5. Pitch 6. Sense of self-esteem 7. Mandela’s party 8. Lights again 9. Likewise 10. Film set microphone pole 11. “Housewives’” Leakes 14. A torn off strip 15. Promotions 18. A. Godfrey’s instrument 22. Bill in a restaurant


23. Cozy 24. Knocking out 25. Polio vaccine developer 26. Numeral system 28. Former gold coin worth $10 29. Swats 30. Flows back or recedes 31. Rotation speed indicator 33. Respect beliefs of others 37. Original matter 41. Cologne 44. Small round soft mass 46. Kisses noisily 47. Large passenger vehicle 49. Prevents harm to creatures 50. Songwriter Sammy 51. Jai __, sport 52. Payment (abbr.) 54. Settled onto 55. Incline from vertical 57. Father 58. Brew 59. Strong desire 61. Insecticide


Obama has worked toward a 2014 exit of American forces from Afghanistan, but has left open the possibility of remaining longer. “Last time, we didn’t work with the Afghan national army,” Angulo said. “This time we worked closely with them.” Moreira and Angulo offered tips to the community about the returning guard members. Both said little displays of support and gratitude for their service mean a lot. Both also said that it’s helpful when friends, co-workers, neighbors and others are willing to listen, but not pushy about talking to guard members about their deployments. “The one thing I can tell you not to do is ask if we shot anybody,” Moreira said. “Believe it not, that question came up a lot after the last deployment.”

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Both said that there are many differences in Afghanistan since 2005. Some things, however, are the same. The weather, for instance. “It was cold when we got there,” Angulo said. “It was snowing. Then it was bitter cold. Then it got hot. Really hot.” Operation Enduring Freedom – Afghanistan is America’s longest military engagement, depending on how historical engagements are measured. Some military historians hold that Vietnam was longer, noting the presence of U.S. military personnel in Vietnam going back to the 1950s. However, most count the Vietnam War from when Congress passed the Tonkin Gulf Resolution in 1964 to the withdrawal of ground troops in 1973. OEF – Afghanistan started in October 2001, shortly after the massive terrorist attacks on Sept. 11 that year. The Florida National Guard reports that more than 17,000 members have deployed in support of federal mobilizations over the last 12 years. Moreira said Afghan society seems weary of the war. “I think they’re ready to start their own lives and move on,” he said. The United States has progressively pulled back from combat operations and shifted to training Afghan forces. President Barack



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