The Voice, Spring 2014

Page 1

Volume No. 25 | Issue 1


Voices for Children

in this issue:




CASA Chas Moriarty Recieves STARS Award

Infants & Toddlers Program Reaches Milestone

International Delegation Visits VFC

Message from the Chair of the Board Dear Friends,

VFC Board members Dick Pfister, Gina Ellis, Chair Rochelle Bold, Ann Parode Dynes, Jill Skrezyna, and Haeyoung Kong Tang at the University of San Diego’s Kaleidoscope Awards.

Our Mission

Voices for Children transforms the lives of abused children in San Diego County by providing them with volunteer Court Appointed Special Advocates (CASAs). Our Vision

Voices for Children believes that every child deserves a safe and permanent home and, to that end, will provide a CASA to every child in the foster care system who needs one, monitor every court file in the system, and advocate to improve the lives of San Diego County’s foster children.


As our fiscal year comes to an end, we are thrilled to report that we have nearly reached our $1 million challenge goal and with that we will have successfully doubled our budget over the past five years, from $2.7 million in 2009-10 to over $5 million in 2014. As a result, we have doubled the number of CASAs recruited and trained and the number of local foster children receiving the advocacy of a CASA volunteer. We are grateful to you and to every individual, foundation, corporation, and government official who has stepped forward with the generous support that has made this tremendous growth possible. I am also very proud to report that Voices for Children won the prestigious 2014 Kaleidoscope Award from the University of San Diego. This award, made after a rigorous review by the nonprofit management experts at USD, recognizes the work of VFC’s Board of Directors in transforming the agency into one of exemplary management, fiscal discipline, and strong fundraising acumen. We are well on our way to serving over 2,000 foster children with CASAs this fiscal year—20% more than we were able to serve last year. In addition, by June 30, 2014, our staff and volunteers will have reviewed the case file of every child in foster care—allowing us to identify children in urgent need of an advocate. In May we have Wine Women & Shoes and Makua’s Vintage Hollywood, and in June we will gather for our annual Celebrating Achievement event to honor our children graduating from high school and their CASA volunteers. For many of the graduates, this milestone would not have been possible had their CASA not been at their side to ensure their school credits followed them with every one of their many school transfers. It has been my honor to serve as Chair for these past two years. The best part of my job has been to express gratitude to the many, many generous members of our community who have made our success possible. So, on behalf of the Board of Directors, thank you for bringing hope to so many children.

Rochelle Bold, Esq. Chair, Board of Directors FY2012-13 and FY2013-14



would provide




$1 Million Challenge Nearly Met!

We are proud to report that we are within striking distance of the biggest fundraising challenge ever put before Voices for Children. An anonymous donor, who is passionate about the cause of foster children and wants to see more of them have CASAs of their own, issued a challenge to VFC on July 1, 2013. If we could raise $1,000,000 from brand-new donors or increased giFTS above the highest previous donations of existing donors, the benefactor would match each and every gift DOLLARFOR-DOLLAR, RESULTING IN $2 MILLION FOR VFC. As of April 15, we have secured $840,000 in qualifying matching funds, with just $160,000 still to raise! We don’t want to leave a single Challenge dollar “on the table,” so we are appealing to San Diegans to step forward and make gifts of any size—help us reach our goal! To make a gift, call (858) 598-2243 or go online to


CASA Receives County Child Abuse Prevention Award Voices for Children congratulates CASA volunteer and former elementary school Principal John ‘Chas’ Moriarty, who received the STARS Award from the County of San Diego Commission on Children, Youth, and Families, Child Abuse Prevention (CAPCC). At a ceremony in March, Chas was recognized for being a Shining STAR who has brightened children’s lives through his CASA service; former foster youth Antwone Fisher (subject of a film directed by Denzel Washington) served as the event’s keynote speaker. Chas, along with the five other awardees, represent the CAPCC’s vision – that healthy, safe, thriving communities prevent child abuse. Chas Moriarty, a CASA volunteer with VFC since 2010 and profiled in our 2011-2012 annual report, has so far advocated on behalf of four foster youth. In that time, his hard work and dedication has helped to reunify two of them with their biological parents, and he continues to advocate for the best interests of the other two. Chas’ successes demonstrate that trust builds productive relationships with both the children’s families and the professionals working on their case. For the VFC annual report, Chas noted, “Getting to know the children’s families, understanding their struggles, and being part of their support system helps me to provide valuable information to the judge.” Thank you for your incredible service Chas! CASA volunteer Chas Moriarty with Laura Elwood, his VFC Advocacy Supervisor.



Infants and Toddlers Program:

Serving Those Who Most Need a Voice Three years ago, Voices for Children launched the Infants and Toddlers Program (ITP), established to address the needs of young children in foster care in San Diego County. The youngest and most vulnerable of our foster youth, children ages 0-5 are the fastest-growing segment in the dependency system. Approximately 1,150 infants and toddlers in our region are currently in foster care as a result of parental abuse, neglect, or abandonment.


The goals of ITP are clear: to provide CASA volunteers to these young children so they can gain greater access to needed developmental services and intervention programs, reduce the possibility of re-entering foster care, and ensure permanency by either reunifying them with their own families or working to find new “forever families” in adoptive homes. Today, we have 136 CASA volunteers who have ITP as their focus. They received special training from Voices for Children, with topics such as creating productive relationships with biological parents and their attorneys; addressing the challenges that little ones face in foster care; and identifying needed intervention resources and developmental services to address the varying physical, psychological, and developmental needs of infants and toddlers. After being matched with their case child, ITP CASAs visit the children in their various environments, including their foster home, preschool, or daycare, and observe visits between the case child and his or her parents in order to provide firsthand information to the judge about the nature of the child-parent relationship. ITP CASAs have consistent communication with professionals working on their cases, and include this information in the reports they provide to Juvenile Court judges. To track the effectiveness of ITP, the CASAs filed monthly reports for the

past two years, and the findings have been extremely valuable. Highlights of the study included data showing that, on average, CASAs facilitated sibling visits 10.53 times in a six-month period— further proof that CASAs are often the only means for siblings to see each other on a regular basis. In addition, 56% of children assigned a CASA had the need for a specific early intervention service identified only after a CASA was appointed to their case. Furthermore, 57% of children assigned a CASA had at least one early intervention service initiated while a CASA was assigned to their case. Data also showed that when there was the possibility of reunification with biological parents, CASAs rated parents more favorably as the case progressed towards reunification. There was a clear correlation between the CASA’s involvement in the child’s life and the child’s wellbeing: the amount of time a CASA spent on a case significantly increased a child’s overall wellbeing.

toddlers, and the outcomes have thus far resulted in 85 case closures, including 57 reunifications, 15 adoptions, and nine relative guardianships, where the children have been placed with family members. Begun as a pilot program, ITP is now fully integrated into our CASA Program, and has earned a reputation statewide and on a national level. An overview of ITP was a highlight of the 2013 National CASA Conference, and many partner organizations across the state have developed programs modeled after ITP. An initiative as large and far-reaching as this one could never have occurred without the generous support of many. We are grateful to each of the donors listed below, who are helping the youngest victims of child abuse in San Diego County. Many infants and toddlers are still on our matching list, waiting for a CASA. These children need someone to advocate for a safe, healthy, nurturing home environment with their biological parents— or, if reunification isn’t possible, with an adoptive family. CASAs can help ensure that they receive greater access to early intervention and developmental services. If you know someone who can dedicate 10-15 hours a month to CASA service, please encourage them to volunteer.

Since ITP’s inception in spring 2011, VFC has provided the caring advocacy of a CASA volunteer to 216 infants and







in foster care in our region

CASAs facilitated in six months

with a VFC CASA since 2011

the Infants and Toddlers Program has been funded by the following since 2011 (In descending order of gift amounts): Leichtag Foundation • Rose Foundation • Rivers of Hope Foundation • Samuel & Katherine French Fund • Rancho Santa Fe Foundation • In-N-Out Burger Foundation • San Diego County Bar Foundation • C.J. & Dot Stafford Memorial Trust • Charles and Ruth Billingsley Foundation • Pacific Life Foundation • Barney & Barney Foundation • Impact Giving • Bank of America Charitable Foundation • Ernest Laks Trust • HD Supply • Helmstetter Family Foundation • Lawyers Club of San Diego Fund for Justice • The Country Friends, Inc. • Wells Fargo Home Mortgage • The Samuel I. & John Henry Fox Foundation • Arthur and Jeanette Pratt Memorial Fund • The Law Office of Amanda S. Abbott, APC. VOICES FOR CHILDREN


President’s Circle RECEPTION In April, our President’s Circle donors gathered in La Jolla at the lovely oceanview home of VFC Board member Jill Skrezyna and her husband Alex Sun, CEO of Mitchell International. Guest speakers were The Honorable Carol Isackson, one of our juvenile court dependency judges, and her daughter, Amy Isackson, a CASA volunteer. Both women spoke powerfully and movingly of their experiences with foster children in the County’s child welfare system, and of the ways that CASAs truly make a life-changing difference in the trajectories of these childhoods. Photos, l-r: Ray Ellis, VFC Board member Dick Pfister and Kristi Pfister; Genta Luddy, Koki Reasons, and VFC Board Chair Rochelle Bold; The Honorable Carol Isackson; VFC Board member Jill Skrezyna, Fred Luddy, and Alex Sun

ANNUAL JUDGES’ LUNCHEON On February 3, our $1,000+ donors attended a luncheon at the University Club. We were honored to hear from Presiding Judge, The Honorable Carolyn Caietti, and District 3 County Supervisor Dave Roberts, who each spoke about the foster care system from their own distinct perspectives. In attendance were many of the County’s juvenile dependency court judges, who work so hard on behalf of the foster care system.

The Honorable Susan Huguenor, Charlotte Huguenor, and Teri Appelson, VFC Chief Program Officer; VFC Board Chair Rochelle Bold with Senior Vice President and General Manager of Cox Communications California and incoming VFC Board Chair David Bialis; The Honorable Carolyn M. Caietti, Presiding Judge, San Diego Superior Court, Juvenile Division, County Supervisor Dave Roberts, 3rd District, and VFC President/CEO Sharon Lawrence, Esq.

VFC ANNUAL GOLF TOURNAMENT The 2014 Golf Tournament was record-setting for VFC, with gross income of $194,950. Playing at the beautiful Del Mar Country Club, golfers enjoyed a perfect early spring day. We are grateful to Co-Chairs Connie and Dr. Richard Unger, and to their stellar Golf Committee who helped make the event such a success.




Dale Yahnke; VFC Board member Katie Sullivan with Golf Tourament co-chair Connie Unger; Holly Bruce, Kaitlin Drolson, Matthew Haneline, and David Bruce; Ed Capozzoli and Golf Tourament co-chair Richard Unger



Upcoming Events VIntage Hollywood

Makua, Friends of Voices for Children Saturday, May 18, 2014 Makua, a dedicated fundraising auxiliary of Voices for Children, is rolling out the red carpet at the Marine Room for its 61st annual dinner-dance! Vintage Hollywood, benefiting Voices for Children, features cuisine by award-winning Excecutive Chef Bernard Guillas and a beautiful ocean view. It promises to be an evening to remember!


YPG, Young Professionals Group Saturday, June 28, 2014 YPG Chair Alex Scoma and Vice-Chair Katherine Miles Johnston invite you to join them and other young professionals for a special evening to benefit the CASA Program at Voices for Children. The cocktail reception will be held at the exclusive University Club atop Symphony Towers in downtown San Diego, and will include a silent auction and a presentation from a former foster youth who will explain what it is like to grow up in foster care. Tickets include a hosted bar and hors d’oeuvres ($125 for YPG members, $150 for non-members). Register online at


Saturday, September 13, 2014

Event Co-Chairs Jennifer Greenfield and Haeyoung Kong Tang

Mark your calendars for the 12th annual Starry Starry Night! Co-chairs Jennifer and Dr. Richard Greenfield and Haeyoung Kong Tang invite you to join them for a gala night under the stars, with a “south of France” flair. This year, the event takes place at the San Diego Polo Club in Rancho Santa Fe. Enjoy gourmet cuisine, great music, and a chance to meet and mingle with others who are committed to helping San Diego’s foster children have better lives. This event always sells out, so we encourage early reservations. Up until July 1, 2014, sponsors, underwriters, and Honorary Committee members can make their contributions and guarantee their place at the party. After July 1, other tables and tickets will go on sale. For more information, call (858) 598-2222 or go online to



International Human Rights Delegation Visits VFC

In April, Voices for Children hosted a group of human rights leaders from South and Central Asia, visiting San Diego through the U.S. Department of State International Visitor Leadership Program. The 11 delegates were at VFC to discuss human rights issues, learn about the CASA Program, and explore best practices in fundraising, volunteer recruitment, and training. While at the VFC offices in Kearny Mesa, the delegates—from India, Nepal, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Bangladesh, and Sri Lanka—met with CEO Sharon Lawrence, Senior Program Manager Cailin Freeman, and Vice President of Marketing and Communications Jennifer Morrissey. The group’s visit was organized by the San Diego Diplomacy Council. Photos: Eleven international human rights leaders—pictured with VFC CEO Sharon Lawrence, Esq. and Senior Program Manager Cailin Freeman—met with Voices for Children staff members to learn about the CASA Program and foster care in the United States.

Voices for Children Street Banners: Coming to Your Neighborhood! Last fall, Voices for Children launched a street banner program to raise awareness of our organization and our need for CASA volunteers. The 100 banners have been making their way around San Diego, first placed in Mission Valley during the holiday shopping season, then to Point Loma, Mission Hills, and City Heights. The banners are currently on view in La Jolla, will move to Hillcrest in June, then to other neighborhoods around the county. To date, the banners have had more than 11 million “impressions” or have been seen at least that many times by local residents and visitors. Designed by Tracy Meiners of StudioTM with photographs by John Trice, the banners recently received two awards from the San Diego Ad Club, including the “People’s Choice” award for best outdoor campaign. We would like to expand the street banner program to other areas of the county and are seeking sponsors, whose generosity could be recognized on the banners themselves. For information about sponsoring the VFC banner program, please contact Jennifer Morrissey at or call (858) 598-2213.


Grants: An Important Source of Support Voices for Children could not operate without the support of our many loyal donors, including generous foundations, corporations, and government agencies. A special thanks to the County of San Diego and the Hon. Dave Roberts, Supervisor 3rd District, for a $22,500 grant to help us purchase a more comprehensive, user-friendly database called CASA Manager, which will help us to better serve the thousands of foster children in the region. Thanks also to the San Diego County Employees’ Charitable Organization for donating much-needed iPads to be used in the various courthouses. The Livingston Family Foundation recently awarded a $30,000 grant for the Learning to Succeed program, which will enable select foster children to receive educational support and college prep. Additionally, the In-N-Out Burger Foundation has generously granted $20,000 for our Infants and Toddlers Program, allowing us to better serve vulnerable young foster children. We are also very grateful for recent grants from Bank of America Foundation, Charles and Ruth Billingsley Foundation, Day for Change, Hay Foundation, San Diego County Bar Foundation, Sahm Family Foundation, and Samuel and Katherine French Fund.

Many thanks to these founding members of

Join The Advocates Circle! Our new planned giving program—The Advocates Circle— recognizes and honors individuals who have designated gifts to

The Advocates Circle: Gertrude Anderson Trust Anonymous Kathryn F. Ashworth, Esq. and The Honorable Thomas Ashworth III Cynthia Balistocky

Voices for Children in their estate plans. A charitable bequest in

Rochelle and Bill Bold

your will or living trust is a simple yet effective way to provide a

Rita Cutri

Greg Byrum

legacy gift that will support VFC and our CASA Program into the

Daiber Family Living Trust

future. To join The Advocates Circle, simply inform us that VFC

The Estate of Abel De Brito, Jr.

Janeen and Joseph D’Angelo

is included in your estate plans; no documentation is necessary.

Ann Parode Dynes and Dr. Robert C. Dynes

Members receive invitations to exclusive events and updates

Ray and Gina Ellis

from the President/CEO, and are recognized as individuals dedicated to helping future generations of foster children in San Diego County. The Chair of The Advocates Circle is Kathryn

Phillip M. Eisenberg Charitable Trust John and Anne Farrell Ray J. Kahler Trust Nancy Kaye Truman C. Kuehn Trust Ernest Laks Trust

Ashworth, Esq., the co-founder of Voices for Children. For

Sharon Lawrence and Darin Boles

more information, please contact Juli Larsen, Vice President of

Joan D. MacMillin Family Trust

Phillip Mackler Trust

Philanthropy at (858) 598-2292 or

Lauree and Monte Sahba

All inquiries will be held in confidence.

Mary Lou Washatka Trust

Jill Skrezyna and Alex Sun Charles E. White and Amy Gibbs




We are grateful to the following major donors who have made gifts or pledges of $2,500 or more between January 1, 2013 and March 31, 2014. If you see any inaccuracies, please contact Eric Pitarresi at


Gina and Raymond Ellis

Cambra and Randy Finch

U.S. Bank


Farrell Family Foundation


Connie and Dr. Richard Unger

Maria and Michael Herman

Helene and George Gould

United Way of San Diego County


Livingston Family Foundation Patsy and David Marino

Hervey Family Non-endowment Fund

Joan Waitt

Price Family Charitable Fund

Nicole and Todd Mikles $100,000+

Nikki St. Germain Memorial Golf Tournament

Anonymous Leichtag Foundation Lily Lai Foundation Genta and Fred Luddy Makua, Friends of Voices for Children Haeyoung Kong Tang

In-N-Out Burger Foundation

Walter J. and Betty C. Zable Foundation

Drs. Paul and Stacy Jacobs

Fernanda and Ralph Whitworth

Yolanda and Jimmy Janacek

Lise Wilson and Steven Strauss

The Parker Foundation

Bonnie and Steve Kane

Rancho Santa Fe Foundation

Julianne Larsen and Jim Forbes


Carole Sachs

Las Patronas

Laura and Alonso Amaya

San Diego County Board of Supervisors

Sharon Lawrence and Darin Boles

Anderson Direct Marketing

Ellen Marks

Kathryn F. Ashworth, Esq. and The Honorable Thomas Ashworth III

Katie and Dr. Daniel Sullivan Brent Woods and Laurie Mitchell, M.D.

Dr. Magda Marquet and Dr. Francoise Ferre

Diane and David Zeiger

Massey Charitable Trust

John Baldwin

Morrison & Foerster Foundation

Asia and Marc Barmazel


Nordstrom Inc.

Boys and Girls Foundation

Anonymous (2)

Jennifer and Tim O’Connell

Greg Byrum

Association of Legal Administrators San Diego

Matthew Osborne

Carmela Caldera

Pacific Life Foundation

Debra and Edward Capozzoli

Party City of San Diego

Susan and Alex Casdin

Kristi and Dick Pfister

The Country Friends, Inc

Jori Potiker

Gigi and Ed Cramer

Prada USA Corp.

Cubic Corporation


Adrienne Day Ph.D.

Terry and Timothy Riley

Tracey DeBello

Lauree and Monte Sahba

Delphi Private Advisors

Sahm Family Foundation

Sara and Dr. Larry Dodge

Samuel & Katherine French Fund

Audrey Geisel/Dr. Seuss Foundation

Combined Resources International

San Diego County Bar Foundation

Karin and Gary Eastham


Covington & Burling LLP

Chandra and Roi Ewell

Jocelyn Bauer

Becca and Jason Craig

The Seth Sprague Educational & Charitable Foundation

Stephanie Bergsma and Dwight Hare

Karen and John Creelman

Rochelle and William Bold

Day for Change

Annette and Daniel Bradbury

Nancy and David Doyle

Patricia and Marc Brutten

Ann and Dr. Robert C. Dynes

Dowling & Yahnke, Inc.

Sue K. Edwards

Charles E. White and Amy Gibbs

$75,000+ Century Club of San Diego Cox Communications Mitch and Alyce Lynn Qualcomm Foundation The Rose Foundation

Bank of America Charitable Foundation


David Bialis

Julie and Noah Bretz


Holly McGrath Bruce and David Bruce

Holly and Claire Ellison

Burns Family Foundation

Galinson Family Foundation at Jewish Community Foundation

Sally and Jeff Busby

Judicial Council of California

Charles and Ruth Billingsley Foundation

Qualcomm Incorporated


C.J. & Dot Stafford Memorial Trust

Shrontz Family Foundation Jill Skrezyna and Alex Sun Kathliene and Jon Sundt Tecate Industries, Inc. The Patriots Initiative at the Rancho Santa Fe Foundation

Jonni and Steve Bailey

Farmers Insurance Olivia and Dr. Peter C. Farrell Caroline and Anthony Farwell Jake Figi First American Title Insurance First Foundation Advisors


Debby and Wain Fishburn

Susan and Mark Mulzet

Memorial Fund

Barbara Meserve and Ken Pickle

Julie Frimmer

Lynn and Fred Muto

Kris and Everett Barry

Dr. Margaret and Paul Meyer

G.A.G. Charitable Corporation

Kim Oliver-Fink and Jeff Fink

Beacon Pointe Advisors

Andrea and Gregory Moser

Cynthia and Christopher Garrett

Allison and Kevin O’Malley

Ginger and David Boss

Mark and Jamie Mullen

Good Source Solutions

Sarah and Julian Parra

Diana and John Brand

Barbara and John Noyes

Goodrich Foundation

Kimberly and James Peterson

Kathryn and Dr. Daniel Brown

Carolyn Nydahl

Jennifer and Richard Greenfield, M.D.

PGA Tour, Inc.

California Bank & Trust

Ocean Bluffs Mobilehome Estates

Joanna and Kevin Harris

Koki and Richard Reasons

Vicky Carlson and Steve Cologne

Jeff O’Connor

The Hay Foundation

ResMed Foundation

Pamela Clifford


HD Supply

Kalpana and James Rhodes

Carolyn Beall Colwell

Maryanne and Irwin Pfister

Dorothy and John Helm

Gina and Gregory Rippel

Valerie and Harry Cooper

Gigie and Larry Price

Helmstetter Family Foundation

Rosemary and Michael Risser

Lisa and Michael Corbosiero

Jennifer and Sam Rasmussen

Victoria and Frank Hobbs/ The Inspiration Charitable Trust

Penny Robbins Ryan and Mike Ryan/ Integrated Marketing Systems

Carrie Craven

Jeannie and Arthur Rivkin

Cresa San Diego, LP

Dr. Gene Rumsey and Mary Rumsey*

Dave B. Jackson

Rita Ryu and Matthew McCormick

De Falco Family Foundation, Inc.

Debby and Hal Jacobs

Dorian and William Sailer

The Samuel I. & John Henry Fox Foundation

Juliette M. Condon Fund of the Jewish Community Foundation

Anamaria and Dr. Luis Sanchez

Kappa Alpha Theta Fraternity - Eta Iota Chapter

St. Germaine Children’s Charity

Linda and Richard L. Kintz, Esq. Kiwanis Club of La Jolla Sandra and Monte Koch

Schievelbein Family Foundation Trust

Linda Starkman Karen and Michael Stone Linda and Ray Thomas

Jeri and Dr. Bill Koltun

The TJX Foundation / The TJX Companies

Kroha/Casner Family Foundation

Rhonda and Mark Turvey

Kyocera International

Union Bank

Jill and Cheston Larson

Valentino Fashion Group

Nancy and John Lawton

Viejas Tribal Government

Life Technologies

Paula and Allan Wasserman

Sarah and Kurt Livermore

Wells Fargo Advisors, LLC

Doug Manchester

Robin and Kevin Werner

Diane M. Martin

Paula and Kenneth Whalen

Marcia and Michael Martin

Sheryl and Harvey White

Leila and Chris Maulik

Amy and Jim Wood

Jennifer McIlvaine and Matt Landa

Delta Chi Sigma Int’l - Psi Chapter Mary and Hudson Drake Anne and John Farrell Lisette and Michael Farrell Mindy and Nathan Fletcher FOCUS-Friends of Children United Society


Susan and Steven Mollenkopf

Lisa and Raul Albanez

Money/Arenz Foundation, Inc.

Arthur and Jeanette Pratt

Susan and Edward Sanderson Adriana and Brian Scott Sempra Energy Spiegel Burn Foundation Karen and Mark Spring

Angela and Koji Fukumura

Kirk Strawn

Stephanie and Jeffrey Galinson

Sycuan Band Of The Kumeyaay Nation

Gambucci Design, Inc. H.J. Heinz Company Foundation HUB International Insurance Services IRA Resources, Inc. Kate and Dick Kelley James and Andrea Kidrick Kelly and Mark Kjos Todd LaRocca James Lauer Jr. Courtney Levy Devon and William Logan

Marjaneh and Dan Miller

San Diego Firefighters Local 145

Systems Waterproofing Supply Sandra Timmons and Richard Sandstrom TriLink BioTechnologies Inc. UPS Foundation, Inc. Staci and Andy Vanderwiel Paula and Rick West Nancy and John Wilks Cissy and Scott Wolfe Julie and Dale Yahnke Lany and Alex Zikakis

Leslye and Scott Lyons M2 Fund of Silicon Valley Community Foundation

Denotes gift made through the San Diego Foundation. *Deceased Voices for Children’s programs and services for foster children are made possible, in part, thanks to major institutional support from the Leichtag Foundation, Qualcomm Foundation, Price Family Charitable Fund, and a broad range of generous individuals, companies, and foundations. CREDITS: Newsletter design: Tracy Meiners, Studio TM • Photography: John Trice: Cover, pages 4, 8, 12; Tim Hardy: Pages 6, 7, 8 VOICES FOR CHILDREN


2851 Meadow Lark Drive San Diego, CA 92123


Return Service Requested

Foster children with CASAs are more likely to be adopted, pass their school courses, and receive the services they need sooner. It just takes 10-15 hours a month to help transform a foster child’s life. No experience is necessary; Voices for Children will provide all the training you need! Learn more by attending one of our volunteer information sessions. Register today at or call (858) 598-2230. + Saturday, May 17 10:00-11:30 a.m. + Monday, June 2 12:00-1:30 p.m. + Tuesday, June 10

6:00-7:30 p.m.

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