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I am sure many of you, like me, have heard people comment that women are strong. One phrase I have heard used to describe me is “ super woman ” . I used to feel somewhat proud of that label, but now I think differently. The strength of a woman is amazing. The pain we endure as we bring another human into the world, is indescribable.


After we bring the cute bundle of joy into the world, we forget the pain and some of us look forward to doing it again The fight we have in us to protect our loved ones, parents, and children from injustice, makes us women unstoppable The unconditional love we demonstrate when those we love hurt us, or make bad choices, is unexplainable The ability we have to pray through the toughest challenges, and to stand in a faith that says God is in control and He will handle this, is phenomenal!

The power a woman displays when she decides to leave a toxic relationship, even if it means leaving the support system, she has become dependent upon, is priceless This strength to love through, pray through, and fight through is divine It comes from God God empowers both men and women to live life abundantly and to overcome challenges, but let me tell you, the way He infuses women with strength to remain standing after the storms of life have come through like a violent wave, is an example of the special place women have in the heart of God

I know I am a woman after God’s own heart. I truly believe God has gifted me with emotional strength. I have an ability to maintain a calm demeanor in the face of adversity. I am a woman of integrity and I keep my word I believe God orders my steps so I seek his council I know who I am in Christ and I know the power of God

There are many stories of strong women in the Bible John 4:9-30 (KJV) gives us insight into a conversation between Jesus and a woman at the well This woman believed that the Messiah was coming She was expecting to see the Messiah

Her posture of expectancy allowed her to discern that Jesus was telling the truth when he told her that He was the Messiah The book of Ruth describes the strength of a widow who remained loyal to her mother-in-law, Naomi, to the extent of declining an opportunity to go back to her own family Her devotion, care, and concern for the well-being of Naomi impressed a very wealthy man, Boaz, who had been observing her (Ruth 2:11-14 KJV) Ruth was a woman after God’s own heart. He rewarded her commitment to Naomi by bringing her into a marriage with Boaz. This great woman, Ruth, became the great grandmother of David (Ruth 4:17 KJV).

Have you ever wondered how you made it through a struggle? Have others asked you how you are able to handle so much, or how you were able to stay calm in a trying situation? You may or may not be aware that you have been exhibiting great strength of which others marvel

I want to be clear about strength It is not the ability to resist shedding tears so others will not mistake pain for weakness that makes a person strong. She is a strong woman when she can stand in the face of the oppressor and say “ no more! get back!” “I have the power of my father, God, to trample over you, mount up on the wings of an eagle and soar I cannot be held down for long My help comes from the Lord and there is nothing that can stop me from breaking through ” That is the strength of a woman after God’s own heart

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