zhúzhalka ж003:The Match

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Украина - Франц


MATCH Ukraine v France


Photo Victor Corwic TEXT guardian.co.uk - «Euro 2012: Ukraine v France – as it happened» dailymail.co.uk - «EURO 2012: Ukraine v France - all the action live from Donetsk as it happened» DESIGN Denis Kucevalov, Roman Uhimchuk, Vyacheslav Sokolov, Victor Corwic

ФОТО Виктор Корвик ТЕКСТ «Украина - Франция - 0:2. Текстовая трансляция» - sport.bigmir.net «Онлайн. сб. Украины - сб. Франции» - terrikon.com ДИЗАЙН Денис Куцевалов, Роман Юхимчук, Вячеслав Соколов, Виктор Корвик




8 18:08 Сборная Украины имеет исторический шанс - в случае победы над Францией «желтосиние» выйдут в четвертьфинал Евро-2012. Однако давно всем известно, что в Донецке сборная играет не совсем удачно. Ничья или поражение все равно оставляют шансы на продолжение борьбы

18:09 Вокруг стадиона «Донбасс Арена» только сине-желтые

18:10 Трибуны заполняются по-немногу

18:21 Появление игроков сборной встретили бурными апплодисментами

18:25 «Україна, Вперед!», - разносится над стадионом

18:54 Да... Никогда такой Донбасс Арены мир еще не видел. Вся желто-синяя. Вся

18:54 Тимощук и Ярмоленко веселятся от души в подтрибунном помещении. Это знак

18:55 Шева довлен реакцией трибун

18:57 Крупно показывают Блохина. Гимн Владимирович не поет. Думает думу

18:58 Гроза, между тем, над Донбасс Ареной лупит вовсю, грозя сорвать трансляцию и вообще

19:00 Все готово. Вы готовы???

19:01 Поехали!!!!!!!

19:01 1-й тайм начался

2 мин: Попрессинговали защиту французов, чуть было не заставили ошибиться Льориса

3 мин: За три минуты все промокли насквозь

4 мин: Насри опасно выводит Менеза вперед! Молочина Пятов, вовремя вышел и выбил!

19:05 Вот это номер! Мачт остановлен, судья отправляет команды в раздевалку до лучших времен

19:08 Когда настанут эти времена, Бог знает, в самом прямом смысле слова

19:09 На лице судьи в тоннеле - только растерянность, и ничего больше

19:11 Над Донбасс Ареной - невозможно эффектные молнии, одна за одной. Да.... Такого поворота не ожидал никто

19:12 Газон со страшной скоростью покрывается лужами

19:14 Шевченко ходит в тоннеле, элегантно обернувшись простыней

19:17 Тимощук и Рибери дружески обсуждают некоторые аспекты

19:20 Блохин, судя по его реакции, считает, что все это - пустяки, и матч прервали зря. Впрочем, по реакции Блохина никогда ничего не угадаешь

19:30 Ну, дождь-то стихю А что дальше?

19:31 И раньше 20 часов матч не начнется - только что объявили. До 20 и прощаемся

20:01 Ну что? Возвращаются футболисты, и возвращаемся мы

20:01 Тимощуку, кстати, все нипочем


5.14pm: The photo above shows the level of rain coming down in Donetsk. Stay tuned to our gallery for more photos of the lightning (rather than lightening - thank you all) storm. The players and match officials are standing in the tunnel with puzzled looks on their faces. The problem, as I would see it, is that the rain is still teeming down and teh puddles are multiplying on the playing surface. How quickly they can clear those, if and when the rain stops, remains to be seen because the pitch certainly wouldn’t appear to be playable as it is. Nobody wants to see footballers being struck by lightning of course, but isn’t football in heavy rain great?» states Ryan Dunne. «It makes everything brooding and dramatic, like the finale of a Batman film, plus you’ve got the whole wet t-shirt thing for girls (and guys!) who are into that kind of thing!» You mean the camera operators, don’t you?

5.08pm: The Donbass Arena is almost empty as most of the crowd hide, not so much from the rain I imagine, but from the threat of the ground being hit by lightning. There are puddles building on the pitch so, if and when the game gets restarted, that’s likely to cause havoc. Anyone has never been on summer holidays in Ireland or Scotland - this is what it’s like. «So, is it Ukraine or France that have angered God?» asks Peter Harmer. «My money’s on the French.»

4 min: The players are being taken off because of the lightning storm above the stadium. What an odd start. The subs have stayed put, those hardy souls. It really is an incredible storm. The oppressive heat broke just before kick off - during the national anthems in fact - and has been replaced by rain, rain, more rain, thunder and so many flashes of fork lightning that it may as well be a nightclub.

2 min: France are knocking about unpressurised at the back before Mexes hits an awful back pass to Lloris who just about prevents it from going for a corner but he’s under real pressure and just about gets it away. «Can we include Harry Kewell’s double knot in the list of great player ponytails?» asks Hugh Collins. «It’s great in the way that world war one is called «the great war.» So horrifying it scarred an entire generation.»

Peeep!!!!: ...3, 2, 1 and we’re underway. France kick off playing from right-to-left. There’s been a big thunderclap and now it is pouring down in Donetsk.

4.58pm: We’ve had the anthems and that just means one thing ... a quick ad break, some deafening music, that ridiculous countdown and then we’ll be ready to go. Who are the people in Uefa who think additions like the countdown to kick off and the playing of Seven Nation Army for three minutes after each goal are a good idea? Seriously, who? I want names.

4.56pm: «Do you reckon Voronin and Andy Carroll used the same grooming salon while in Liverpool?» asks Jamie Fitzpatrick. It’s a cracking question. Maybe they used the same dog groomers? Who was the last great ponytailed player?

4.54pm: The players emerge to a «barrage of noise», according to ITV. Unfortunately the incredible crowd noise is, as usual, drowned out by Uefa’s cranked-up Europop nonsense whose only redeeming factor is that they have an amplifier that seems to go up to 11.

4.53pm: Throughout the game you can monitor all the best images from the Donbass Arena via the gallery linked above or right here.

4.51pm: «To be fair to ITV, on RTE it is all about Ireland,» writes Peter Corway. «Brady & Dunphy were about to go toe-to-toe over Trap. Brady doesn’t like anyone in the media who has an opinion on it (overlooking the fact the he works in the media and has an opinion on it himself).»

4.46pm: Prediction time: Ukraine 1-2 France. Of course if you are watching on ITV you would barely know this game is taking place because it’s all about England, innit?

4.41pm: Here’s a good stat courtesy of the good folks at Opta: France are without a win in eight consecutive tournament games taking into account European Championships and World Cups. Their last tournament victory was on 5 July 2006 thanks to Zinedine Zidane’s penalty against Portugal.

4.33pm: It’s hot in Donetsk, damn hot. It’s hard to know whether that will suit one team more than the other, but you would expect France to dominate possession so that could mean some tired Ukrainian legs as they chase after the ball. I’m hoping to see a biit more from Andriy Yarmolenko tonight. There were high hopes for Ukraine’s No11 going into the tournament and, while he looked good in patches against Sweden, he didn’t really deliver on any sort of sustained level.


20:02 Пошла игра

5 мин: Мяч отдали Украине, теперь он у Льориса... Ну, будем надеяться, все как-то наладится

6 мин: Бензема бьет с угла штрафной - Пятов мяч берет

7 мин: Воронин дал мяч на ход Шеве, у того мяч довольно легко отобрал Дебюши

8 мин: Хаериди героически отобрал мяч у Бензема, но потом увлекся и отдал пас в аут

9 мин: Опасно атакует Франция! Насри дает пас Бензема, тот подрабатывает и... Нет, Гсев отбивает мяч

10 мин: Угловой в исполнении Насри. Дальний удар Дебюши - Пятов берет

12 мин: Хачериди не пустил к нашим воротам Насри... Жмут французы не подетски

13 мин: Эх! Какой прострел Гусева в центр штрафной! Замкнуть было некому...

15 мин: Совместными усилиями наша защита справилась с прорывом Рибери и Насри. Какие серьезные парни в передней линии Франции!

17 мин: Менез забивает! Нет, офсайд... Пронесло. А шикарный получился пас у Рибери!

21 мин: Не получается пока у Украины впереди ничего. Пас Селина на Ярмоленко через все поле не смог бы достать даже Шакил ОНил. Опять молнии над Донбасс Ареной...

23 мин: Прострельная передача Шевы на Воронина в центр штрафной находит Мексеса. Великолепная поддержка трибун на «Донбасс Арене»

25 мин: А неплохо раскатала Украина Францию вдоль линии штрафной! И Ярмоленко пробил - и совсем рядом со штангой!

26 мин: Пустили французов в штрафную! И как пустили! Менез бил зряче и сильно - мяч проетел над перекладиной

28 мин: Издали Бензема пробивает - не очень сильно, но поле-то влажное... Пятов спокойно берет

29 мин: Посылали вперед Воронина - в подкате чуть не выбил мяч у Льориса

29 мин: И моментище у французов!!!!! Неточный пас Тимощука привел к атаке три в два, и Насри бил из смертельной позиции. Как среагировал Пятов - уму непостижимо!

32 мин: Показательная атака украинцев. Пять человек передавали мяч друг другу, не решаясь ни на что - и в итоге, Воронин отдал противнику

33 мин: От угла штрафной бьет Коноплянка - ну очень неточно

34 мин: Шева!!!! Какой пас от Селина получил, и какая была позиция! Угол островат был, конечно, но ведь один на один вышел! Но пробил прямо в Льориса...

36 мин: Бензема пока никак не может оббежать Хачериди. Слишком большой

37 мин: Назаренко так подал мяч с углового, что возник пожар во вратарской французов. Но мяч выбит

38 мин: Еще один угловой... Плохо


4 min: We’ve restarted with a drop ball. Ribery knocks it back to Pyatov in the Ukraine goal and he boots it upfield. It’s like we never left.

5.59pm: Here come the players ... we are going to get a game. France are first out to boos. Ukraine are next, obviously. Not all the spectators have made it back though.

5.57pm: Here, courtesy of my colleague James Dart, is the ultimate waterlogged pitch.

5.55pm: «Hello OBO,» says Olthwaite Eric. «If play resumes early enough after the rain I think France should look at declaring on 3-0 or 4-0 to give them chance to get a few cheap wickets as Ukraine try to chase that total.»

5.51pm: Such has been the response I am going to propose that on a quiet day after the European Championships are finished the Guardian run a live blog devoted entirely to ponytailed footballers. We’ll call it ponytail Tuesday and it will become an annual event where everyone will take the day off work and get drunk while dressed as their favourite ponytailed footballer. The five-year plan will be to be bigger than St Patrick’s Day.

5.43pm: It looks like this game is going to restart at 6pm (BST) so 17 minutes from now.

Honourable mentions also go to Manu Petit.

Jim Holloway represents the Seaman vote with: «Ponytail: Seaman!»

and Jwillogh: «it always seemed like he spent more time being talked about as a potential great and then withholding his greatness than actually being great...»

Ryan Dunne: «Perhaps Andy Carroll is just trying to pattern his style (not just) of play after Baggio?»

Ben Osmond: «Last great ponytailed player – Roberto Baggio – Italian Genius!!

Justin Kavanagh: «The last great ponytailed player was the Divine Ponytail himself, Roberto Baggio. But the last great nickname that I heard was the Bovine Ponytail for Andy Carroll. Speaking of haircuts, this hard rain won’t suit the French coiffurture tonight at all.»

5.36pm: Ponytails ... It’s basically a head-t-head between David Seaman and Roberto Baggio. Batting for Baggio are ...

5.29pm: Plenty are asking what the weather in Kiev is like. It’s starting to rain there now too, apparently, but I guess there’s a difference between a bit of rain and electrical storm rain. It was 90 degrees for most of the day in Donetsk and the weather with a clap of thunder during the French national anthem which scrambled television pictures momentarily and knocked out La Marseillaise which was booming over the stadium PA.

5.25pm: There will not be a restart until 18:00 (BST) at the earliestbut they are at least attempting to get the game restarted today. We will attempt to fill the time by talking about pony-tailed footballers.

5.23pm: Chris Kempshall writes: «As someone who greatly enjoyed watching the, frankly daft, conditions in the Turkey - Switzerland match in Euro 2008 I can’t help but hope the match does get to go ahead shortly. Should be a laugh if nothing else.»


13 min: Smart football from Ukraine down the right as Nazarenko finds Gusev on the overlap. His cross from the byline is headed clear by Mexes. «Wasn’t it just a few days ago that the Spanish were complaining about the pitch being too dry?» asks Scott Russell. «Somehow these footballers remind me of Goldilocks and the three bears. ‘My pitch is too dry!’ ‘My pitch is too wet!’ Oh, dear.»

8 min: France are looking really dangerous as they attack. Nasri finds Benzema in the area but the Real Madrid man can’t find the space to get an effort on goal. Instead he wins a corner which is cleared as far as Debuchy who shoots from distance but it’s easily saved. There’s a slightly strange atmosphere in the ground. Fans are still making their way back to their seats.

6.04pm: It’s like the Beatles are in town anytime the ball goes near Shevchenko up front. Voronin finds his strike partner with a low pass and the crowd squeal like a bunch of teenagers. Alas, Shevchenko is dispossessed. The Beatles are still a relevant reference, right?




39 мин: Диара после углового имел шанс - удар не получился. Спасает Пятов! Опять спасает! Насри точненько подал на Мексеса, тот бил головой - Андрей отбил на угловой

40 мин: Желтая карточка. сб. Франции. Менез

41 мин: Воронин лихорадочно делает пас в никуда

43 мин: Назаренко ворит вещи! Отдавал на Пятова мимо стоящего рядом француза, который не перехватил только чудом

44 мин: Селин разряжает ситуацию после прострела Бензема

20:45 Как, однако, дали по ногам Селину в центре поля!

45 1-й тайм завершился

20:50 48 000 зрителей присутствуют на матче

24 20:59 2-й тайм начался

47 мин: Французы подали угловой, Хачериди вынес мяч. После этого на подхвате хорошо сыграли трехцветные, пошла подача в штрафную, наши вынесли

49 мин: Момент Шевы! Царь пробивает с линии штрафной после паса Назаренко чуть выше крестовины!

50 мин: А вот и удар Тимощука. У наших вышла хорошая контраатака, в которой Девич отдал поперечную передачу, а Тимоха зарядил свой пушкой. Не попал...

51 мин: Шеву остановили в штрафной, судья молчит

53 мин: Гол. Обрезка в центре поля, Рибери подхватывает мяч и за ним не успевает Тимощук. Следует перевод через центр на правый фланг и Менез пробивает в ближний угол

55 мин: Желтая карточка. сб. Украины. Селин

57 мин: Гол. Ошибка центральных защитников. Хачериди убежал вперед и подскользнулся. В этот момент последовала передача на Кабайе, а того не успел накрыть Гусев. Кабайе легко переигрывает Пятова

60 мин: Замена. сб. Украины. Назаренко ушел, Милевский вышел

62 мин: Ярмоленко неудачно отдает пас назад, французы проводят контратаку и Бензема пробивает по воротам. Пятов на месте

65 мин: Долго издевались французы над нашей защитой. В конце концов пробил Менез в штангу

67 мин: Девич отдает в центр на Ярмоленко. Тот пробивает мимо

68 мин: Замена. сб. Франции. Кабайе ушел, М`Вила вышел

68 мин: Замена. сб. Украины. Ярмоленко ушел, Алиев вышел

70 мин: Девич промчался из центрального круга к штрафной, но пробил неудачно

73 мин: Рибери пробивает штрафной немного выше ворот

74 мин: Замена. сб. Франции. Менез ушел, Мартен вышел

76 мин: Замена. сб. Франции. Бензема ушел, Жиру вышел

79 мин: Желтая карточка. сб. Франции. Дебюши

81 мин: Желтая карточка. сб. Франции. Мексес

82 мин: Алиев пробил коряво. Милевский в своем стиле заработал штрафной

86 мин: Желтая карточка. сб. Украины. Тимощук

87 мин: Пятов вытаскивает удар со штрафного из девятки

88 мин: Девич отдает на Коноплянку, тот входит в штрафную и пробивает. Мяч срезается и уходит за поле

21:46 2-й тайм завершился


36 min: It would seem that France don’t like dealing with long balls. Clichy hesitates and Yarmolenko wins a corner. The delivery is poor from Nazarenko but Benzema’s attempt to clear is even worse. Mexes mops up the loose ball.

34 min: Great chance for Ukraine as Shevchenko spins away from Rami and nods a long ball into his own path. He hits a half-volley from a tight angle which is beaten away by Lloris. Forget the Beatles, it was more like One Direction were in town as that chance unfolded. Is that a more culturally relevant reference for you?

31 min: Ribery wants a corner after skipping past Gusev. he should get one too, but nobody sees the ball come off Ukraine’s No9 and a goal kick is awarded. «When Manchester United featured the famously only-left-footed Arnold Muhren, some of us in the Stretford End would sing ‘Pass it to the Dutchman on the lefthand side’», hoots Adam Roberts.

28 min: It should be 1-0 to France. Ukraine make a total miss of dealing with a hoof upfield. Tymoshchuk attempts to knock the ball to Khacheridi but gets way to much on it. Ribery scampers onto the loose ball and cuts it back from the left. It evades his intended target Benzema but lands at the feet of the unmarked Menez arriving on the right hand side of the area. He elects to shoot first time but scuffs his effort and it’s straight at Pyatov who saves with his legs.

25 min: Terrible play from Nazarenko who dawdles so long in possession he could be an Ireland player. Nasri nips in, takes it off his toe and cuts the ball back to Menez who drags the ball clear of his marker but curls his effort over the bar. He probably should have hit the target. Benzema then tries his luck from distance but his shot lacks power.

23 min: The first real effort on goal from the home side as Shevchhenko picks out Nazarenko. he mis-controls slightly before spraying the ball wide to Yarmolenko, who cuts inside, does the obligatory shimmy, and then draws his shot wide of Llloris’s left hand post.

22 min: Shevchenko, accompanied by high-pitched shrieks, tries to pick out Voronin in the centre but the ball is swept away by Rami. «Let’s hope Shevchenkomania doesn’t lead to him thinking he’s bigger than Lenin,» says Justin Kavanagh.

22 min: A knock-on effect of the rain is that England v Sweden will now start 15 minutes later than scheduled at 8pm BST. «If Shevchenko is still a relevant cultural reference, I dare say you can get away with the Beatles,» writes Graham Parker.

18 min: The pitch is in amazing condition considering all that’s gone on. Ukraine have a period of passing that doesn’t really go anywhere but shows that most of the puddles have vanished. Meanwhile, Stuart Bloomfield writes: «Whilst watching England v France with my friend French Jeff, he was shouting at the screen «Pass to Debuchy on the left hand side». Is this the most accidental Musical Youth inspired football rant ever?»

16 min: France have a goal disallowed as Nasri threads a pass to Menez who slots under Pyatov but the flag is correctly raised. He was several yards offside.

14 min: Nazarenko is lucky to escape a yellow card for a strong arm across Dubuchy’s neck. That kind of thing is allowed if you’re the host nation. I’m ignoring the typo emails. Speed + constantly checking Ukrainian spellings = unfortunate mistakes.


GOAL! Ukraine 0-2 FRANCE (Cabaye 55) Oh dear. Karim Benzema drops deep to pick up a ball from Ribery. He spins his marker and spots the advancing Cabaye at the edge of the area. Benzema finds the Newcastle man with a crisp pass. Cabaye holds off the challenge and slots under Pyatov.

GOAL! Ukraine 0-1 FRANCE (Menez 52) Those two chances gave Ukraine the will to attack in numbers for the first real time in the game and it proves to be their downfall. France launch a swift and incisive counter through Ribery on the left. He finds Benzema who moves the ball on to Jeremy Menez on the right. Menez cuts inside Selin and hits a left footed shot low into Pyatov’s left hand corner. Lovely finish to a great counter attack. The morale of the story kids: don’t bother attacking.

50 min: What an effort from Shevchenko. There was little on as Ukraine counterattacked so Shevchenko let fly from the corner of the area and it’s not very far away from the top corner. Tymoshchuk tries to replicate it moments later but doesn’t come quite as close but both efforts have lifted the crowd.

47 min: There’s a bit more urgency to France in this half as Menez is played in on the left of the area and brings a save from Pyatov with his legs. I think they sense this game is there for the taking.

46 min: France are straight onto the attack and Ribery7 wins a corner on the right which is then headed clear by Khacheridi who is called into action again moments later to tackle Menez. No real sign in a variation in Ukraine’s tactic to soak of pressure and try and hit on the counter.

Peep!: Ukraine get the second half underway. Andriy Voronin has departed, sadly. Marko Devic is on in his place.



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