Social Media Plan // victoria schmidt

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Victoria Schmidt

summer campaign - "do it for you"

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Post // The only person who call tell you your lim-

Post // The best thing to eat before a workout?

its is you, and even then you don’t have to listen.

Why // This summer campaign is used to inspire

Maybe nothing at all. Read more at https://goo. gl/2r0OTG

people to join the activities that WWS has to offer. By using bright, inviting photos and clear, compelling verbiage, the post can have a different meaning to each audience member.

Why // Sharing industry related articles that are

Post // Shout out time! Give one to a coach, staff

Why // By encouraging all audiences to interact

member, athlete, friend or anyone else who inspires you!

applicable to everyone - not only wheelchair athletes, will increase followers and provide useful information to our audience.

with the post will increase viewership. This also allows WWS to engage by comment back.

Facebook What // Facebook is a social networking service launched in February 2004. As of

2017, there are over 1.79 billion worldwide users which is a 16 percent increase year over year. Mobile usage grew at an even faster pace with monthly active users hit 1.51 billion, up 21% from a year before. Seniors continue to be the fastest growing demographic among social media users with 35% actively using Facebook. It is fairly evenly used between a variety of demographics including different educational and economic backgrounds and geographical placements.

how // Focus on strong visuals that will grab people’s attention. Keep text simple

and catchy, yet colloquial and conversational, not going over 100 words. Tag people and pages when prevalent. Encourage people to comment on and share posts. Like similar organizations’ or community businesses’ pages. Post should be limited to 1-2 posts a day. 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. on Thursdays and Fridays are optimal posting times for this platform, so the most important posts of the week should be shared then.

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summer campaign - "do it for you"

Post // Oh buoy, we can't wait.”Join us for our

Post // “The only true disability in life is a bad

Why // Increase awareness of sailing program

Why // By repeating the summer campaign twice

next day on the water, August 12.

through a short, visual story. Videos are generally the most effective content on social media because they are easy and fun to watch, and they are often shared, increasing our audience.

attitude.” - @Patrick Leeper

weekly, WWS creates a recognizable brand identity that people will correlate with inspiration. This is used as recruitment for members as well as volunteers.

Facebook // page 2

summer - do mation on howcampaign to get involved.

it for you

Date Why // // Alike the “Do it for you” campaign, the Post // and recognizable style of this video consistent series // will allow people to identify the brand. By Why keeping each video short, more people will watch Media // it from beginning to end. Each video is intended to drive viewers to the website and find information on how to get involved.

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Share a video Post // Checkout the link in bio for more infor-

Post // Our Mission: Help those with mobility impairments discover independence by providing outdoor recreational experiences and competitive athletic opportunities.

Why // WWS’ ability to provide students with adaptive equipment is a strong recruitment tool. We highlight this with both the mission statement and an interview with a track and sailing participant.

Post//// Tag us in your photos for a chance to be Why // By encouraging all audiences to interact Date featured on #wheelchairathletewednesdays! with the post will increase viewership. This also alPost // lows WWS to engage by comment back. Why // Media //

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What // Instagram is a social networking app made for sharing photos and videos

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instagram from a smartphone. Since its launch in 2010, more than 700 million people actively use this platform each month and among American teens, Instagram is actually considered the single most important social network. Users are also able to post “stories” - short video clips or photos that only stay up for 24 hours.

how // Post high quality photos and videos that are visually interesting and com-

pelling. Use similar filters and crop sizes on photos to create a cohesive and identifiable image on Instagram. Use minimal text, if any at all. Tag any applicable people or organizations in the photo and include hashtags that relate to your message. Engage with followers by liking their photos and commenting in a professional but genuine way on their posts. Generally, the best times to post on Instagram are lunch time (11am-1pm) and evenings (7-9pm), Monday through Friday. Weekends can be hit-ormiss depending on the audience.

Post // Wise words from our program director.

Post // “Champions aren’t made in gyms. Cham-

Why // This gives our audience the opportunity

Why // This video talks about the SailAbility

Post your question below and we will answer it during our next Q&A!

to engage with questions and our staff the chance to share their wisdom, increasing the program’s reputability.

pions are made from something they have deep inside them-a desire, a dream, a vision.” - @ Muhammad Ali Program and why it is valuable - for both wheelchair-bound individuals and their friends and family. By showing a volunteer, it also encourages other people to volunteer.

Instagram // page 3

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