sugar art NEWS
The official newsletter Volume 30 | Number 3 May | June 2014
Cover Photo - Jody Kincaid
/ victoriancakedecoratingsociety
State Commitee of Management President Adrien Trevillian
Secretary Cheryl East
Treasurer Jacquie Pascoe
Membership Secretary Adrien Trevillian
Editor Nancy Casuscelli
National Liason
Cheryl East
National Constitution
Adrien Trevillian
Nantional Judging
Jan Murphy
Australian Sugarcraft Representative Lorell Benier State Web Site Manager Nancy Casuscelli
REPORTS, ARTICLES AND PHOTOS FOR THE NEXT SUGAR ART NEWS ARE DUE BY 15th June 2014 (JULY/AUGUST) FORWARD ALL ARTICLES AND PHOTOS TO Disclaimer The Victorian Cake Decorating Society Inc. in no way endorses any products, services or techniques mentioned in this newsletter. The issues raised in this newsletter are not the opinion of the Society or the Editor but are from multiple sources. All contributions are made in good faith by various sources. Material may not be reproduced without prior approval and some notes may be copyright.
Our Victorian Branches Casey
Old Cheese Factory 34 Homestead Rd, Berwick Lyn - 03 9705 7837
St Judes Parish Community Centre 49 George St, Scoresby Erin - 0423 587 390
Watsonia Library 4 Ibbotson St, Watsonia Irene - 0417 124 391
Town & Country
Mulgrave Community Centre 355 Wellington Rd, Mulgrave Travelling Branch - venues to be advised Adel - 0412 062 576
Cairnlea Community Centre 80 Carmody Centre Cheryl - 0431 058 526
Diary of Events 2014 May
Northern T&C Eastern Western
June July
10th | Stella Abrahams 18th | Goes to Kyral Castle 24th | Barbara James presents Silhouette Cutting Technology and Royal Icing Stencilling 10th | Spring Flowers - Grace of Cakes
T&C Casey
15th | Air Brushing
Western Eastern T&C
19th | Bride and Groom Workshop
21st | Figurines
26th | AGM, blind bake testing, demo TBA 20th | Cakeriffic
Casey Eastern T&C
16th | Annual Chocolate Demonstration Day 23rd | Back to Basics = Ganache, Cover etc
Northern Western T&C
6th | AGM - Guest Demo Rhonda Morris 6th | Cakes for Guys 14th | AGM and Magnolias
Casey T&C Western
18th | Moth Orchid 12th | Making Moulds, Buy, Sell, Swap Day ($5) 11th | Wedding Cakes - Mary Ulisse Borg
Casey T&C Western
29th | Christmas Break Up 16th | Christmas Sweeties 8th | Jungle Theme
17th | Dad’s Day - Hawaiin Shirt
Welcome to our new Members Eastern: T&C: Western:
Anita Burch Dimi Patsavouras, Raelene Kelly Larissa Muir
Message from the President Adrien Trevallian VCDS President
Here we are at the end of another financial year, so its Membership renewal time – for most that is! Per the 2013 AGM, if you get your renewal in before 31 July, its $25. After 31 July is $30, so a bonus for those who get in early! Please ensure you return your renewal forms to the Membership Secretary though, otherwise your renewal cannot and will not be recognised. This time of year also brings us into the start of Branches having their AGMs also, and need to elect new Committees to keep on bringing those sooooo enjoyable workshops to you. If you work it out just right as a Committee, you can keep most of the work to a manageable, even easy level for everyone, and also not need to eat into your time otherwise which is so invaluable and insufficient for us all. Whether you work or not, it can be a really engaging and enlightening experience and broaden your skills and expertise for many other adventures! SO give it a go, its “only” a year. On the weekend of 18-20 July, we will be again enjoying Cakeriffic again, and we are already on the lookout for volunteers. T&C and Eastern Branches have come forward to manage volunteers for Saturday (Eastern) and Sunday (T&C), so please approach these Branches for these days if you are available and keen. Unless one of the other Branches is interested to take on the Friday, State Committee will be more than glad to hear from anyone available for a half day or whole day on the Friday, please let myself and/or Cheryl know. Further details and more of them will beavailable shortly. Show starts 9.30am each day till 4.30 Fri-Sat and 3.30 Sunday, so we’d be greateful for a morning and an afternoon shift of about 4 hours. AND we will definitely and absolutely be on the lookout for new and fresh items to display! So if you have an item, please let Cheryl or myself know about these too! IF you want to go, website says tickets can be bought now… That enough for this newsletter, hear from you soon! May your Art be Sugar Art -
Branch Reports Western
"Western Branch were honoured to have the amazing Kay from Little Miss Marzipan feature her new workshop ‘Eric The Bunny” in March. This cheeky, lil chap had members and non members alike rushing for tickets and being added to a waitlist. Most participants purchased the kit that included a high baked mud cake and modelling chocolate from Little Miss Marzipan. A workshop that had so many learning outcomes for cake decorators across all levels. We also saw the brief resignation of our dear Secretary Cheryl...she can’t stay away! Loves the branch too much... besides we would not accept it :) April we had planned to have a workshop on silver leaf application, however we had to cancel due to Cheryl sustaining an injury. We wish her well and a speedy recovery. Grace from Grace of Cakes will be with us again! I cannot tell you how excited we are to have her back!!! Grace was at the Western Branch in March 2013 with Pink Polly and her workshop this year is another that will not disappoint. Grace will head the hands-on workshop on the Sweet Pea flower and 5 petal blossom on the 10th May. Keep a look out for tickets to go on sale soon. This lady knows her stuff and is generous with her knowledge! I am so pleased to say we have been getting a number of teens joining us. It is so refreshing to see the new blood coming into our workshops and hearing how they have decided this to be their chosen career when leaving school or to continue on to become Pastry Chefs. I would encourage all our members to join us ‘Westside’. We have a great time within a fun and supportive atmosphere. I hope to see more of you there!
Branch Reports Casey
inda l e B Eastern
Just a short note this newsletter to advise that our next workshop is to be held on the 21st of June and will be on figurines further details to come. We all wish Lyn Rattle a speedy recovery after her knee operation and hope she is home soon. Lyn also wanted to let anyone interested that she has numerous sugar craft books for sale, please contact Lyn if you are interested.
We have certainly had a great start to the year! Special thanks to Kay from Little Miss Marzipan for starting off our year in fabulous style - our February workshop attendees all came away with a wonderful 'Betty the Bathing Beauty' cake, and thanks to those members who have sent us in photos of their completed work. In March we had a flower theme, and the beautiful Peony Rose was taught to us by Landy from Choice Cakes. Special thanks also to Landy for a wonderful class - from real beginners through to advanced sugar artists, we all learned lots of new techniques and came away with the ability to make the flower, and some new ideas for presenting it on a cake. April has seen us at Eastern try something a little different. In keeping with our planned chocolate theme, we held an evening class at The Mixing Bowl. It turned out to be a very popular change from our traditional Saturday afternoon workshop. Anne certainly is a very generous and knowledgeable instructor, and again everyone came away with lots of tips and tricks. The chocolate hot cross buns, ginger fluff multi-layer cake and truffle samples had with a cuppa were a real test for those of us who suffer for our art!! Coming up in May we will be presenting the long awaited, and much anticipated Silhouette cutting technology, together with another special guest, to be confirmed. Check out our website closer to the date. The workshop for June is still being confirmed, but I am very proud to announce that Sugarnanna will be doing a demonstration for us at our AGM on July 26. Please feel free to contact Eastern Committee on with any comments or queries, and just a reminder that we are still looking for volunteers to represent VCDS at Cakeriffic on Saturday, July 19. If you may be able to help for a day or a half day, please let us know.
Branch Reports Town & Country rien
Fortunately, no heads rolled at all at our last workshop – Heads Up! But we sure all went away with such an assortment of characters, as the demonstrator, it was a joy to share some ideas, but even greater to go around all the tables and see the little individuals at every table. See our picture elsewhere in the newsletter. No-one had to struggle with the heat that weekend thank goodness. The Eventbrite invite is out, don’t miss KRYAL CASTLE trip on Sunday 18 May. Not only will you enjoy the great company of a bus full of Sugar Artists all the way there and back, but an interstate guest and Master herself, Pam Lane from South Australia. See our ad elsewhere in newsletter for even more details, but if you have any inkling at all to try your stuff at the Royal Melbourne or other local show, don’t miss this workshop as a portion of the day is about helping you out with hints and tips for better success. Looking forward to seeing you!
Branch Reports Northern Irene
I hope you all had a very Happy Easter and are getting over the Chocolate overload. We had some very successful events at both Watsonia & Thomastown Libraries leading up to Easter with a lot of interest in future workshops. On Saturday 10 May we have Stella Abrahams coming along to show us the very exciting and stunning effect that can be achieves with Veil Paste. This will be a demonstration only and Stella will answer all your questions on how to use “Veil Paste” to make that perfect Lace that you have always wanted. Stella will also be bringing her Shop along so that you will have the opportunity to purchase some “veil Paste” and moulds at the best prices. Places will be limited so please phone (0417 124 391) or email to confirm your place
Member Profile Jody Kincaid Caked'licious Gormandale VIC
Which Branch do you belong to? is eastern/casey and I am very very new - not a year yet
When did you start cake decorating? I started 16 months ago and taught cupcake decorating for 9 months
What got you interested in cake decorating? wanted an interest - that simple - always had a creative side to me but was busy paying for a mortgage and rasining a family - well both are complete now. My interest grew fast - and I found my footing as a potentail re-employment and own business - and I ran with it
What do you love most about cake decorating? I LOVE the end result, the designing, the creativity - the look on the recipients/customers face. Now that can’t even be described?
What do you love least about cake decorating? the stress, and the stress and the stress of - is it right, the humidity, will the customer be happy, running out of time?
Who is your cake idol and why? Sorry but I actually don’t have one - not that I don’t admire others work and sit in aawww at seeing amazing work come across my computer screen - but I don’t follow a soul, have an idol, or aspire to be like..... anyone
If you could give fellow decorators one tip what would it be? GO FOR IT (yelling with glee) Try it, experiment, try, laugh at yourself and have an understanding family :)
If you would like to take more cake classes, what would they be? I definatly need flowers and flower work, oh and piping being self taught has its limits and lack of motivation at tiems - so being booked into a class would address motivation and skill base - and help connect with others :)
Jody Kincaid Caked'licious Gormandale VIC
Eastern Workshop Betty The Bathing Beauty & Peony Rose
Volunteers Needed
THE PREMIER VICTORIAN CAKE DECORATING EXHIBITION Cakeriffic is Victoria’s premier exhibition showcasing techniques, experts and stunning examples of the artistry and craftsmanship of cake decorating. It’s lots of fun and there’s sure to be something for EVERYONE... AND WE NEED YOU!! If you would like to volunteer your time wether it be a full day, half a day or even an hour! Please contact adrien: Further details:
Membership Renewal Time!
Its that time of year again when Membership renewals are due, in order to ensure you don’t miss out on all the fun for the end of 2014! Renewals not received by 15 August will not automatically receive the September-October newsletter, your last will be July-August. It is vital that the details on the renewal form are either sent in on the form itself or posted/emailed back to the Membership Secretary. Without this, we cannot be sure your details in the Membership Register are correct and you may miss out on important new and updates, not to mention your newsletter! An email copy of the renewal form will be sent to all current email addresses in the register, so that any internet renewals may be returned also via email. Those for whom we do not have emails, a papercopy will be included in your print newsletter. Please note that payments received without the renewal form in some format sent to Membership Secretary, will not be recognised. Renewal details must accompany all renewals. •
Email address
Telephone contact No (landline or mobile or both)
If you have any query about your Membership at all, please do not hesitate to email me You may also pay in cash to your Branch if they are agreeable, but please ensure you have your renewal form for them and do date it.
Receipts for renewals are only to be issued from the Membership Secretary. Branches please do not issue receipts for Membership Payments received by you. Branch contacts continue to receive Membership Register updates on 15th of each month.
Direct Deposit details are: Bendigo Bank – Victorian Cake Decorating Society BSB 633 000 Account: 107 274 524 Ref No – your name Per AGM 2013 Renewal prices are: Ordinary Member - $25 by 31 July 2014 or $30 before 31 Dec 2014 Associate (Under 15) Member - $15 by 31 July 2014 or $20 before 31Dec 2014 Congratulations to: Jan Murphy – who as our Life Member, doesn’t need to renew ever again! Lorell Benier, Adel Tijo, Nancy Casuscelli, Justine Spalding, Jennifer Baker, Imogen Thorn, Cheryl East, Michele Wagner and Darren Walters, all of whom volunteered at CakeExpo2013 and so State Committee have paid their renewals. I will be in touch with each of you to confirm all details are still ‘on spec’ tho! Looking forward to hearing from everyone with their renewals!
ADVERTISING RATES FOR 2014-2015 All Ads can be vertical or horizontal email: Victorian Cake Decorating Society Inc
1/4 PAGE $30
FULL PAGE $100 A5 Size
* Prices are annually July 2014 - June 2015
Nancy Casuscelli
Account for “Sugar Art News” July 2013 to June 2014 – payable 31 July 2013
| Advertising | Renewal Advertising
| 1/4 page $30 | Half page $50 | Full page $100
Cheque / Money order enclosed – make payable to Victorian Cake Decorating Society with copy of this account attached and forwarded to: Jacquie Pascoe | 45 The Highway, Mount Waverley Vic 3149 Direct Debit – quote reference [Surname] MagAd13, and advise Jacqueline Pascoe, via email of date of Direct Debit. BSB 633108, Account: 107274524 If you have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact me. Nancy Casuscelli Editor
If you would like to become one of our advertisers please email to receive our affordable ad rates!
Fundraiser You can purchase one of these cute VCDS mugs for just $10 All proceeds to the state branch Order via your Branch or directly with Adrien. We have 20 only available. Be Quick!!
Front Cover Opportunity If you would like to be featured and have one of your gorgeous creations grace our covers please send submissions to the Editor: along with a small Members Profile and good clear - 2-3 professional photos of your best cakes!