What Kind of Wakes Are You Leaving?
Quarterly Publication Issue 2 2014
A Publication of Kristi Overton Johnson Ministries
Never Defeated: The Story of Sara Ann
In His Wakes is On The Road! • Piercing the Hear of Captives
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Opened Doors Recently, God has opened incredible doors for Kristi Overton Johnson Ministries to go into the prison system through speaking engagements and through our magazine, Victorious Living. God is moving in the hearts of the inmates, and mine! I see it in their eyes when I am ministering God’s Truth within the facilities, and I hear it in their voices as I read their letters. When the Lord opened the door for Victorious Living to go into the prison systems, I never considered for a moment the responses that would flow forth. I have been blessed to receive so many amazing letters from incarcerated men and women. Many are searching for hope and are asking specific questions in regards to their faith. Others write to share their God-stories and testify to the freedom and healing they have found in their relationship with Jesus Christ. Finally, others share the impact of specific articles on their lives. I am blessed by each one! One gentleman was so encouraged by the magazine that he sent a beautiful thank you letter and a sheet of stamps. (see picture above) I almost cried as I knew he had truly given something very valuable to him in order for our ministry to reach others. Just last week, I placed those stamps on ten envelopes and stuck them in the mail to other inmates! Thank you, Christopher! As the territory of the magazine continues to expand, I humbly ask you to join me in prayer that Victorious Living would continue to offer hope, encouragement, strength, and healing to the hearts of many… both incarcerated and ‘free.’ This magazine provides an incredible avenue for all people to share the hope and freedom they have in Christ Jesus. Their stories will encourage others to discover that same freedom. As the magazine goes forth, letters are flowing in testifying to its impact. Personally, I’d love to sit down and respond to each letter individually. To me, each letter represents a life. Yet, try as I might, I’ve quickly realized that I simply cannot respond to everyone’s request. At first the ‘letter situation’, was causing me great stress as I don’t like to be behind in my work, nor do I like to disappoint people. But one day I came to the conclusion that the onslaught of letters did not catch God by surprise. He didn’t wake up one morning and look down from Heaven and say, “Oh no! Look at all those letters! I never saw those coming Kristi’s way!
How in the world will she handle them?” No! He knew every person who would be moved to respond to Victorious Living. He knew every cry of their heart. And He knows what each one needs. In the depths of my heart, I am confident that God has an answer! He opened the door for our magazine to go into 43 prisons in Florida with a single phone call, and He will provide the resources needed to carry out the vision He has placed on my heart. (Read more on page 18). Already, in the last week, God has answered my prayer for someone to head up the prison correspondence division of Kristi Overton Johnson Ministries. He is so good! One of our story contributors, Linda Cubbedge, has stepped up to the plate and committed to minister to the hearts of incarcerated men and women through a letter outreach. She will also assist me in mailing the monthly teaching/ devotional letters God has put on my heart to write. In May, our first devotional letter was mailed out. Like this magazine, I believe many lives will be encouraged and established in the Truth of God’s Word. I’m so thankful for the way God is using Victorious Living. I know this magazine carries forth the Word of God that has the power to set all people free… whether behind prison doors, at home with families, at work, and even in ministry. I am so thankful to be a part of this wonderful outreach. Thank you to our financial supporters, prayer partners, and of course, our contributors. Your stories spur many on in the faith! I pray the stories contained in these pages remind you in a powerful way that God loves you and that He is so ever real in our everyday lives! There is nothing too big or too small for God. With Christ, we can all experience Victorious Living! Thank you for your prayers and support,
Publisher/Editor Kristi Overton Johnson Assistant Editor Charlene Hannah Contributors George Beasley Barbara Collins Karen Dougherty Kevin Durham Gary Fuss Bonnie Hagemann Stephanie Hoffman Kristi Overton Johnson Allison Markwich Carey Morford Dr. James Peoples Janice Teague Joan Tyson Julie Vaughn Rachel Williams Creative Director/Graphic Design Whispering Dog Design, Inc. Amy Zackowski • Advertising Victorious Living PO Box 968 • Keystone Hts, FL 32656 352.478.2098 • fax 888.837.9153 Victorious Living is a free quarterly publication distributed to KOJ Ministries and In His Wakes donors, at various distribution locations, and within the Florida Prison System. ©2014, all rights reserved by Victorious Living. Contents may not be reproduced in any form without the written consent of the publisher. The publisher reserves the right to refuse any submission and accepts no responsibility for submitted materials. All submitted materials subject to editing.
Victorious Living’s
The mission of Victorious Living is to provide hope for the heart and help for life through the inspirational stories of people just like you. We commit to provide REAL STORIES by REAL PEOPLE so you can experience REAL HOPE!
Victorious Living’s
Do you have a story of victory? Share it with us! Your life story can change the life of another. Submissions should be a maximum 800 words and are subject to editing. For more information about submission requirements and how to submit your story, see page 7. If your business or organization would like to partner with Victorious Living financially, please contact us. Your support will touch the lives of many. 5
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A Life Found One of the hardest things to understand is how a Christian can fall so deep into sin, so far away from God and His will for their life. During my visit to a federal prison last August, my incarcerated friend, Bill Doyle, helped me understand. As he shared his story, I realized the humbling truth that we are all, always, only one choice away from heading down a path of darkness and destruction. I’ve learned much through my conversations with Bill. Things such as how incredibly important it is to stay close to God, actively seek His heart, and guard my own. I’ve learned how helpful it is to share our struggles with other believers who (with God’s help) can help us overcome our weaknesses. I’ve also learned about the incredible loneliness, guilt, shame, and despair that prisoners experience on a daily basis. Below are excerpts from my conversations with Bill. I pray they encourage your heart, strengthen your faith, and challenge your footsteps. KOJ: Tell me about your life prior to your arrest. Bill: By the world’s standards, I guess you could say I had it all... prestige in my career, money, and big boy toys such as boats, cars, and motorcycles! I was blessed to travel the world, get paid to do something I loved, and was surrounded by the most amazing people ever. Most importantly, I had a belief in Jesus Christ and was active in sharing my faith. KOJ: So, what happened? How did someone who “had it all,” including Jesus, fall? Bill: Good question. During that time in my life, although I was a believer, I wasn’t actively seeking after God. In the end, I strayed from Him and His ways, right into Satan’s grip. Rather than seeking after God’s will for my life, and finding my worth and purpose in Him, I sought after the things of this world. And you know what, the more things and status I got, the lonelier I became. It was like there was this big void in my heart, a constant ache. Instead of turning to God to fill that void and ease that pain, I turned to other things ... things which ultimately led to my destruction and hurt others. KOJ: How did your feet start down such a dangerous path? Bill: At first, my journey down this road started slowly. It wasn’t like I jumped up one morning and said, “Hey, I think I’ll do this ...” No. It started with small choices ... allowing my heart, mind, eyes, and ears to go where they shouldn’t. Then, my feet followed.
by Kristi Overton Johnson
KOJ: Tell me about the day of your arrest. Bill: It was the worst day of my life. I was alone, so very alone. Many things - bad things - entered my mind. I even thought about ending my life. Fortunately, some friends promptly followed the Holy Spirit’s nudging and sent me encouraging letters filled with scriptures that penetrated my heart and brought me back to the truth ... that God could forgive me and restore my life. The truth that He still had a plan for me even though I had made such a grave mistake brought me such hope. How thankful I am for those people who chose to forgive me and continue to love me. Their letters and visits are a constant answer to prayer. KOJ: How have you been able to deal with the guilt of what you did? Have you truly been able to forgive yourself? Bill: You ask if I feel guilt? I can’t describe how much guilt I feel. Not only did I hurt people directly, but also indirectly through my actions. I let so many people down who were depending on me. There were so many victims of my selfishness. The pain of that is on my mind every waking moment. Trust me; Satan doesn’t let a moment go by when he doesn’t remind me of my failures! I don’t know if it will ever go away. I just have to keep reminding myself that God has forgiven me. I keep asking Him to help me forgive myself. KOJ: What’s the secret to moving forward in prison? Bill: Focusing on the future. The past cannot be changed, no matter how much I desire to change it. Dwelling on what I did and wallowing in guilt is not healthy. I have to move on, one step at a time. I can only do this by staying in God’s Word, relying on His strength, and constantly renewing my mind with His truth. The mind is so easily attacked in prison. The days are long with little activity… if I’m not constantly on guard, my mind can very easily go down a very depressing, hopeless trail. KOJ: This is great advice for all of us to take! You mentioned that the letters and visits of people helped you overcome really dark times. Bill: A visit, and/or a letter, changes everything! Life here is so mundane. I’m so very thankful for those who have stood by me. Their visits, letters, and willingness to take my phone calls have given me the strength to move on and to look forward to tomorrow. When you come to prison, you quickly realize who are your real friends. I’m so thankful for those who have stood by and forgiven me.
KOJ: When I visited you last August, my life was forever changed. From our conversations, it seems yours has been, too. Your visit witnessed to my spirit. It refueled my tank and encouraged me to persevere through my trials by helping me to see beyond my circumstances and reminded me to lean on Christ. I now have a whole new outlook! Seven years ago, my sin led me right off a cliff. I have felt like I have been falling for years. But after your visit, that fall has slowed. Receiving Victorious Living has brought much joy to me, too (which is rare being in Federal Prison). The writings inspire and encourage my heart. You talk about your magazine being a tool to reach the lost and hurting. Well, that’s me! That’s just about anyone behind prison doors. KOJ: What would you say to someone who is secretly struggling with sin? Bill: There were so many times I knew what I was doing was wrong, but I just couldn’t bring myself to share it with any of my Christian friends. When you become selfish, build a wall around yourself, and refuse to express your feelings and struggles to people who could help… this (prison) is what can happen. I know without a doubt, if I would have shared with friends then, I would not be here now. I encourage anyone struggling with sin to first go to God, then, go to a trusted friend. Don’t be afraid, prideful, or ashamed. It’s your only hope. Satan wants you to feel like you can’t tell a soul and that everyone will reject you. He wants you to isolate yourself so that you fall, and fall hard! He is a liar, don’t believe him! Confessing your sin and having it exposed to God’s light is where freedom begins. Don’t ever think sin can’t overtake you. If one’s heart isn’t guarded and protected by the Truth of God’s Word, a fall can happen. I am a prime example. Go to the Lord; let Him give you the strength to overcome. In His arms, you won’t find condemnation; rather, you will find healing for your soul. KOJ: How has prison changed you? Bill: Being in here, in the last 7 plus years, I’ve learned to be more thankful for the small things. I miss so many simple things - cooking for myself, going to a store, seeing a doctor of my choice, wearing shoes and clothing that doesn’t match the person next to me, lying on a soft bed, and even using nice toilet paper! I’ll never take them for granted again.
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Bill driving on the Pro Wake Board Tour in the early 2000’s.
Table of Contents Issue 2 2014
Kristi visits Bill at a Federal Correctional Facility, August 2013. Most importantly, I’ve realized the importance of my relationship with Christ. I didn’t appreciate Him or His power when I was “free.” I am so thankful that God loved me enough to stop me in my tracks. I truly believe that God saw my life and said, “Enough! This has to stop!” He allowed my arrest and brought me to a place where I was humbled, a place where I realized my sin, and was able to repent of it. Prison is a terrible place, but at least it isn’t Hell! During this time, I’ve learned what it means to lean on Christ. The friends He has placed in my life and His love are truly all I have. God is an awesome God. I’m so thankful He saved my life and didn’t allow my life story to end as: “A Life lived… a Life Lost.” Rather, He brought me to a place where I found Him. My story will now read: “A Life Found!” I’m overwhelmed by His goodness, forgiveness, and how He would choose to love me and give me a second chance. KOJ: Anything else you’d like to say to our readers? BIll: As I look back over my life, I have so many regrets. But over the last 10 months, since our first visit, I have found much joy in seeing how God has taken my situation and used it for good. While visiting, God opened your eyes to those in prison and led you to bring His love to the incarcerated. Wow! The thought of it brings tears to my eyes. Kristi, when you visited, we spoke about the fact that you and I really don’t know one another, other than our common bonds of water sports and of course, our faith. Yet, you visited me. You visited someone you really didn’t know, a convicted felon nonetheless. I know God gave you the strength to walk through those doors. I could see His strength just by the look in your eyes, and by the tone of your voice. Your mind was going a million miles per hour the whole time you were here. God was making sure you took it all in. And you did. I’m so excited about your future prison ministry. I know that God put us together in that visiting room. He did it because He has blessed you with a gift. That gift is for you to spread His love to inmates - to inmates who have far less support and love than I do. There are inmates all over the nation who never get mail, never receive a visitor, or any support from home. If given the chance to call someone, many don’t have a soul to call. They truly have no one. Can you imagine? It’s exciting to know that God will use this ministry to bring hope into those hopeless lives. I’m humbled and blessed to be a part! V
6 A Life Found Kristi Overton Johnson
8 Pray. Love. Wake. Allison Markwich
9 Trust as you wait James Peoples
10 Our Desire Kevin Durham
12 Never Defeated: The Story of Sara Ann Barbara Collins
13 No Longer Running on Empty Gary Fuss
14 Finding Freedom Julie Vaughn
15 Get Tangled up in God Kristi Overton Johnson
18 Ministry News | KOJ Ministries
19 Ministry News | Champion’s Heart
20 Ministry News | In His Wakes
22 Connected to the Power Source Karen Dougherty
23 How to Become a Spiritual Zombie Carey Morford
24 Champion’s Heart Award | Larry Teague
24 A Champion’s Transition by Janice Teague
25 You Look Just Like Them Bonnie Hagemann
26 Black Creek George Beasley
27 Still Branches Rachel Williams
28 Stepping Up to the Plate Stephanie Hoffman
29 Look Who’s in the Boat Joan Tyson
30 What Kind of Wakes Are You Leaving? Kristi Overton Johnson
Has God faithfully led you to victory? Share your story and help others find hope and encouragement.
Please note: • Submissions are not guaranteed to be included in magazine. • Submission is acknowledgement of your granting KOJM and Victorious Living Publications rights to produce submission in magazine and other ministry publications. • Photos submitted must have photographer’s and photographed subjects’ consent of reproduction. • Photographer’s name must be included. Hard copies of photographs will not be returned. Kristi Overton Johnson is the founder of KOJ Ministries and • Victorious Living does not pay for submissions. In His Wakes. Kristi currently resides in Florida with her husband, • Submissions should be a maximum of 800 words and are Tim, and three children. subject to editing. • Mail submissions to: Victorious Living Publications, PO Box 968, Keystone Heights, FL 32656; or submit online at • Victorious Living is a free quarterly publication distributed to KOJ Ministries and In His Wakes donors, at various distribution locations, and within the prison system. 7
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Pray. Love. Wake. by Allison Markwich
There we were, my husband and I, standing inside the front entrance of the hunting and fishing store with sweaty palms and nervous smiles plastered on our faces. It was a cold Midwest morning and the misty sunrise glistened through the frosted glass. The beams of sunlight softened the hand carved wooden mantle while a crackling fire was burning in the belly of the fireplace. Strangers traded polite smiles and nods while rocking in rocking chairs near the glowing hearth. The case workers greeted us inside the door and reassured us that they should be arriving at any moment. I could hear the case workers shuffling paperwork and talking to one another, maybe they were even talking to me, but it was just noise in the distance. The only sounds I could hear were the very real deliberations inside my head. “Ok, don’t cry. Whatever you do, don’t cry,” I repeated several times. “Is this really happening?” I asked myself. “Or, is it all a dream? Am I really about to meet my children for the first time?” Tears welled up in my eyes as I took a deep breath attempting to regain my composure. I reapplied the vanilla and brown sugar lotion I kept in my purse because I had read in one of the many adoption books that it was a nonthreatening aroma. “Oh no,” I thought “What if the girls don’t like the smell of vanilla or brown sugar? Will they still like me? Is it too late to wipe it off?” As I got ready to wipe off the possibly threatening lotion, I heard the sound of the automatic doors opening and caught a glimpse of three, small, very familiar faces walking towards me. The girls were more beautiful than I could have imagined. I had only seen one photograph of them, but I had studied that picture endlessly for months. I wanted to bathe in this moment. Soak up every ounce of time, down to the second, and use it to wash the precious feet of our Savior. It was indeed a victorious moment for God and for our family. God had lit a burning desire inside my husband and me to have children. But after
years of infertility and failed infant adoptions, we finally cried out to Him, asking Him to take the desire away, far away from our hearts. The disappointments were just too much for us to handle. Ironically, God didn’t take the desire from our hearts, nor did He lessen it. Instead, He caused it to grow stronger, deeper, and more passionate. I’d never felt so vulnerable in all my life. Yet as we moved forward with Him, trusting Him, we witnessed the faithfulness of God. He never left our side as He had miraculously brought His plan to fruition, a plan far greater than our own, and a plan that included not one, but three children, all of whom were way past the toddler stage. As we moved forward in prayer, we were in awe of the fact that not only were we about to have our prayers answered, but these precious sisters who lived halfway across the country were about to have their prayers answered, too. Our girls were in foster care for over two years. Prior to that, the people whom they once knew as their parents had let them down in the most devastating ways. They had been desperately praying for a mommy and daddy to love them forever. Now, here we were, face to face, all five of our prayers being fulfilled in that very moment. My husband and I silently thanked God for the blessing of the wait, a wait we once thought of as a curse. There was such beauty in all of our pain that had made us a family. This past March, we celebrated our first anniversary as a family. It’s been an amazing year filled with trials and triumphs. Sometimes we are that beautiful Hallmark family that a passerby stops to dote over. While other times we more resemble that not-so-beautiful ‘kith and kin’ that causes people to nearly gasp out loud, “Oh my goodness! Who are these crazy people, and why is their 8 year-old throwing tenacious temper tantrums in the middle of the street?!” It may not be the offspring we had envisioned, but it greatly surpasses the family my husband and I had dreamed of having. Without a doubt, we know that God has purposely and uniquely weaved us together for His glory. V
As new parents, we wanted to find an avenue for the girls to build confidence and trust, and to have fun. We found it all on the water! These are some of our favorite pictures from our first summer together.
Allison and Jody Markwich enjoy the simple country life in Alachua, Fl with their three daughters. Allison is an Intensive Care Pediatric Nurse. Jody is a local Firefighter/Paramedic. They were born and raised in Gainesville, Fl and have been happily married for 5 years.
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Trust As You Wait by Dr. James Peoples At this very moment God is constructively, creatively, and compassionately working through things in your life. Invisibly and invincibly, the hand of God is at work! The Bible says in Romans 8:18 (ESV), “For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worth comparing with the glory that is to be revealed to us.” I hope that thrills your soul today. Most of us know that with our heads, but sometimes we have a hard time seeing it with our eyes. So we end up wanting to rush God. Let me encourage you today: don’t rush Providence--don’t push Providence. That’s a challenge for all of us, myself included, because we want to help God get it done. Charles Swindoll says, “The reason we don’t have peace as much as we could? We think we know how God should answer our prayers.” We each want things done our own way and in our own timing. And that’s normally when we get disappointed and discouraged. When I’m discouraged, I’m not trusting and believing God for His timing and His perfect will. The great UCLA basketball coach, John Wooden, wrote a book several years ago called, Be Quick, Don’t Hurry. He was talking about basketball of course, saying
be quick, but don’t rush--because that’s when mistakes happen. That truly is good advice for each of us today regarding life in general. For you see, with God time means nothing, but timing with God is everything! Today, you may find yourself struggling, wondering when your struggles will ever end. But with God, your suffering is only temporary and your future is filled with eternal hope. Trust God’s timing and the masterful hand of Providence in your life. Your struggles today cannot compare to the glorious promise that is yours in Christ Jesus. Here are a few promises from God to help you as you trust God while you wait. • Psalm 18:30 (NLT): God’s way is perfect. All the Lord’s promises prove true. He is a shield for all who look to Him for protection. • Lamentations 3:25 (ESV): The Lord is good to those who wait for Him, to the soul who seeks Him. • Psalm 130:5 (NCV): I wait for the Lord to help me, and I trust His word. • 1 Peter 5:10 (NLT): In His kindness God called you to share in His eternal glory by means of Christ Jesus. So after you have suffered a little while, He
will restore, support, and strengthen you, and He will place you on a firm foundation. • Psalm 37:7-8 (NIV): Be still before the Lord and wait patiently for Him; do not fret when people succeed in their ways, when they carry out their wicked schemes. Refrain from anger and turn from wrath; do not fret—it leads only to evil. • Galatians 6:9 (NIV): Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up. • 1 Corinthians 15:58 (NIV): Therefore, my dear brothers and sisters, stand firm. Let nothing move you. Always give yourselves fully to the work of the Lord, because you know that your labor in the Lord is not in vain. • Isaiah 40:31 (NKJV): But those who wait on the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles, they shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint. V
For the last 19 years, Dr. James Peoples has served as the Senior Pastor of Trinity Baptist in Keystone Heights, FL. Pastor James and his wife, Jeannie, have been blessed with two beautiful children, Emily and Dana. 9
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Our Desire
nothing like your thoughts,” says the Lord. And my ways are far beyond anything you could imagine. For just as the heavens are higher than the earth, so my ways are higher than your ways and my thoughts higher than your thoughts.” Isaiah 55:8-9 (NLT)
Do you ever struggle with believing that God is good, or that He is going to answer your prayers? Emily and I cried out to God so many times asking God for a miracle. We searched the Bible and found verses about God doing miracles in the area of having children. “Come on God. You did this for Abraham and Sarah, and they were old! We know You can do it for us. We’re young and healthy!” But, no… nothing. Our prayers went unanswered in the way we desired. Months, then years went by. Hope turned three and still, there was no miracle from God.
“Why, God? Everyone else around us was getting pregnant. Why not us?” we cried. On the outside we were happy for these people, but on the inside we ached. Each birth announcement was a constant reminder that we couldn’t have more children. It just wasn’t fair! Have these thoughts ever clouded your mind? Have you ever felt like you lacked something
around you seemed to be getting all they asked for? Maybe it’s that you’re jobless, or that your marriage is not going so well, or that you’re not married. Perhaps you’ve cried out for more children, finances, or better health. But you haven’t seen those prayers answered. The problem with this kind of outlook or inward reflection is that it causes us to focus on ourselves and leads to ‘me’ prayers. “God, why aren’t you doing this for ‘me’?” Or, “why are you letting this happen to ‘me’?” Have you ever thought that maybe God has a better plan? A different plan? A plan that is actually about God and His plan to save the world? Have you realized the truth that God can take a difficult situation and use it to transform our lives and the lives of others? He can use our trials for His grand, more glorious purpose. Here’s how this happened for us. We wrestled with giving our desire for more children to God. Somewhere along the way, however, we began praying and trusting God’s purpose and plan for our family. “God, we trust You fully with our family. Our desire is to have more children naturally, but our deepest desire is to rest in Your Son, Jesus Christ, and to be content in Him alone. Whatever Your answer, we are grateful for our family of three.” We began to study what the Bible had to say about adoption and we discovered the beautiful picture portrayed of God adopting us into His family. How amazing that the God of this universe calls us His children, and we can call Him our Heavenly Father. Over time, our hearts were softened and we both felt led to adopt. Amazingly, within a matter of weeks of starting the adoption process, we found out that a friend of a friend was pregnant
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photo credit: Carrie Walker
“My thoughts are
My wife, Emily, and I never dreamed we would adopt. It wasn’t our plan. We had always dreamed of having biological children; but, after three years of trying to get pregnant on our own, we were told by specialists that our dream would never be. As you can imagine, this news was shattering, especially to my wife. I mean, one of the most amazing things that women are gifted for and do so amazingly is give birth to children. Now, let me stop here. If you’re single, not a parent, or if you’re a guy, you’re probably thinking, “Okay, I’m done. I’m not reading any more of this story… it’s boring… and totally unrelated to me!” Or, something along those lines. Just stay with me, man! This article is so much more than giving birth and adopting children, it’s a story of how God is at work in our lives, even when it seems as if He is far away, totally oblivious to our cries. If you keep reading, you’ll discover that no matter what your situation may be, and no matter how long you’ve been waiting for an answer, God is listening and He is faithful. At first, Emily and I decided to proceed with invitro fertilization (a fancy term for getting pregnant with the help of doctors). We were given less than a 10% chance that the procedures would work. After two years, however, we were pregnant and gave birth to a beautiful little girl. Hope, now four years old, is an amazing ball of joy. Although we had a beautiful daughter, our hearts still longed for more children. But after two more attempts of in-vitro, we decided it was too risky and heart breaking to continue. Emily and I tried desperately to keep our faith strong in the Lord. But to be honest, it was difficult. Our dream of having more kids just seemed so far away. And, for us, adoption was not an option. At least, that’s what we thought.
by Kevin Durham
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in Nebraska and was considering adoption. At the time, she was seven months pregnant and broken over her decision to keep her son. After speaking on the phone a couple of times, the mother told us that she wanted us to adopt her son. We could not believe how quickly the adoption was coming together. In just months, we were going to have a baby boy! And, we were going to be able to be at his birth and pick out his name. Wow! Emily and I celebrated together and praised God. “His name is going to be Noah James,” I said. She thought for a second, and agreed. ‘Noah’ was chosen because it is a type and shadow of Jesus. The name means ‘rest’ or ‘peace’. Likewise, Jesus is referred to in the Bible as the ‘Peace Child’ and the ‘Prince of Peace’. The name, ‘Noah’ would be a constant reminder of our salvation in Jesus Christ and how through our trust in Him, our every need would be met. At the hospital, just days before Noah was born, the birth mom asked Emily and I what we were planning to name him. When we told her, she started crying. In broken words, she told us, “That is what I was going to name him.”
Then, she asked why we had chosen that name. All of a sudden, I knew that God was giving me an opportunity to tell her about the peace and rest I have in Jesus Christ. I shared with her that just like she had given up her son for us, God had given up His son for her. By placing her faith and trust in Him, she too could know Him and the peace of everlasting life in Heaven. We also had the opportunity to meet Noah’s biological father the night before we left Nebraska. He had recently gotten out of prison. At a local Pizza Hut, we watched this man hold his son. Looking down at Noah, he asked me what we had decided to name him. “Noah James,” I answered. Tears began to pour down this man’s face. He looked up at me and shared that God had answered his only prayer, that his son would have part of his name. Turns out, James is his middle name, too. “Why did you name him this?” He asked. Again, God was giving to me an opportunity to share His peace and rest. As I looked at my son, I realized His plan for our lives was so much bigger than us having children of ‘our own’. It wasn’t even about us having children; rather, it was about these
two parents hearing the gospel of Jesus Christ through the sacrifice of giving up their child. Wow! God provided us a son, and in doing so He reminded us of His Son that He has given to us. The peace He brings into our life is enough. I pray you will find His peace in your life as you rest in Him. V When not on the water, Kevin and his wife, Emily, who is an X-Games Gold Medalist and World Champion Wake boarder, spend their time ministering through their passions of water sports and film production. Kevin is the founder and president of This IZ My Story, a multi-media ministry reaching people with the gospel of Jesus Christ through the documented stories of professional athletes. Kevin is also a co-producer of The Purpose Film. Kevin and Emily are currently partnering with In His Wakes traveling around the country hosting “A Day to Remember” events as well as hosting worship services on the Pro Wakeboard Tour through the ministry, Wake Church.
photo credit: Carrie Walker
To view or download The Purpose Film go to http://vimeo. com/82632613 or scan this QR code with your smart phone.
(above) Kevin and Emily minister to A Day To Remember participant after her decision to receive Christ. (left) Passing down their love for wakeboarding to one of the loves of their lives. 11
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Never Defeated:
The Story of Sara Ann
by Barbara Collins
“No, despite all these things, overwhelming victory is ours through Christ, who loved us.” Romans 8:37 NLT
Sara Ann has had more than her share of hurt. A divorcee with four small children to raise, a second husband that came down with muscular dystrophy and the greatest loss imaginable - a child senselessly murdered. Sarah Ann and her husband, Michael weren’t able to come to church every week. The weather had to be just right as Michael’s frail body could not weather the cold, wind, or rain. When they came, however, they were filled with joy. They were strong and united as a family. Michael had adopted all of the children and loved them as his own. Since this family lived only three houses down from my parents, I often had the opportunity to observe Michael and his son, Axel, working in the yard. Axel, a tall, dark, and handsome young man was the oldest of the four children, and the only boy among three sisters. I always enjoyed watching Axel working under the direction of his father, who by this time was confined to a wheelchair. Little did any of us know how quickly this young man’s life would be taken from him. It was the end of Axel’s sophomore year at Clemson University, during final exam week. Axel was just about to join two of his roommates who were studying upstairs, when his third roommate came in with a female co-worker. She had recently broken up with her boyfriend and was excited about attending a party with friends on campus that evening and having some fun. She was completely unaware that she had been followed to the apartment by her exboyfriend. Axel stayed downstairs and visited for a while, and then went upstairs to study. A few minutes later he heard a struggle coming from
his roommate’s room downstairs. Upon entering the room, he found the girl’s ex-boyfriend attacking Axel’s roommate. He had entered through the sliding glass door. Axel helped wrestle the boy to the floor and then asked him to leave. The girl followed him outside to talk. A few minutes later, the girl returned to the apartment to retrieve her keys. Apparently, she took longer than her ex-boyfriend thought necessary. He returned to the apartment, this time armed with a hunting knife (ironically, given to him by the girl’s father). He proceeded to kick open the door and charge towards Axel’s roommate. Axel stepped in to block the assault, shoving the angry boy back out of the door. As Axel turned to go back into the house, the boy swiped his back and arm with the knife. Completely stunned, Axel turned to face him, only to be stabbed in the heart. As Axel fell to the ground, the ex-boyfriend fled the scene. Axel bled to death in his roommate’s arms. He was 21 years old. The death of this wonderful, innocent, young man shocked our community. As you can imagine, his family was devastated. I wish I could say that this family emerged from the clutches of grief quickly and unaffected, but they didn’t. The pain was at times, just too much to bear. One sister married on the rebound; her marriage failed. One turned down a free ride to a major university and transferred between four different schools. One rejected an opportunity to fulfill her dream of becoming a model since it would require her to leave the state. Michael’s health deteriorated; he died 5 years later. The sadness and worry was overwhelming. All the while, Sara Ann exhausted herself trying to meet everyone’s needs. Billy Graham once said, “Grief grips us suddenly, but lets us go slowly.” Responding to grief is a process, no matter who you are. The difference in going through grief as a Christian, however, is that you have God to lean on. You have His strength to carry you through. You have the promise that He will never leave you nor forsake you. You also find comfort as you realize that He understands your pain. (Hebrews 4:15) Sara Ann’s relationship with God, through her faith in His Son, Jesus Christ (a Son also lost to murder), gave her peace in the midst of her pain. It gave her strength to persevere on the hardest of days. It lifted her above the self-destructing poison of anger, bitterness, and unforgiveness. It also enabled her to find healing for her heart.
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“This hope is a strong and trustworthy anchor for our souls.” Hebrews 6:19 NLT
And, as her heart healed, she was able to shift her focus from her pain, to the pain of others… including the mother of the boy who had killed her son. The two have been in communication ever since Sara Ann reached out to the mother to encourage her broken heart. Sara Ann continues to send her flowers every year to show compassion for the fact that this woman, too, lost her own son that fateful night as he was sentenced to 29 years for his crime. Not only did God bring strength and healing, but he also restored Sara Ann’s life. She is now happily married to her high school sweetheart. Her girls have also overcome their own private battles and found their way. With God’s help, they are flourishing personally and professionally. We can’t really understand why God allows us to experience such pain, but we will know someday. “Now we see things imperfectly, like puzzling reflections in a mirror, but then we will see everything with perfect clarity. All that I know now is partial and incomplete, but then I will know everything completely, just as God now knows me completely.” (I Corinthians 13:12 NLT) In the meantime, we can be sure that God will not allow our pain to be in vain. As our eyes stay focused on Him, rather than our circumstances,
our faith will deepen, our knowledge of Him will increase, and we will suddenly find ourselves in a position to help others as we can now identify with their pain as no one else can. Sara Ann refused to forfeit her hope in Christ. As a result, she emerged victorious on the other side of her trial. You can too! Remember, Satan can never defeat a person who refuses to let go of their hope in Jesus Christ. “This hope is a strong and trustworthy anchor for our souls.” Hebrews 6:19 NLT Note: Since imprisoned, the young man who murdered Axel has come to know Christ as His personal Lord and Savior. He has received his Associates Degree in ministry while incarcerated and now spends his time saving lives in the name of Jesus Christ. V
Barbara Collins lives in Anderson, SC with her husband, Dean. She has a BA & Masters Degree from Clemson University in Elementary Education and is a published author. Visit her website
No Longer Running on Empty It was a beautiful, sunny, Central Florida day. On that particular Sunday afternoon, Joseph, my pastor friend from Tanzania who was visiting me, and I decided to visit the ocean after a busy week of ministry. Great memories were logged as we enjoyed the Flagler and Ormond Beach areas. On the way home, we stopped for gas. On the other side of the gas pumps, a man was helping a young couple obtain gasoline in their older car. I overheard the young man saying they were trying to get to his grandmother’s house in Ocala. As I was replacing my gas cap, the young lady started their ignition to depart. Suddenly, I felt compelled to offer prayer for them. Since her window was down, I was able to easily extend this offer to which she replied with a smile, “Please!” I asked Joseph to go to the other side of the car, where her husband was. I asked them if they had received the Lord Jesus as their personal Savior. The man immediately stated, “I want to be born again!” WOW! Was this ever an evangelist’s dream! As I began to pray, the Holy Spirit gave me His words as
I led them through the sinner’s prayer and confession found in Romans 10:9-10: “If you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.” (NLT) The four of us held hands across the front seat of their car as they prayed this prayer. Then, Pastor Joseph prayed a sealing prayer and blessing over them. The man had tears flowing down his cheeks. As Pastor Joseph and I made our way back home, we rejoiced along with the heavenly angels. I couldn’t help but think how often I have worried about what I would say when the Holy Spirit prompted me to speak to someone or offer prayer. Through this young couple, the Lord reminded me that when those promptings come, He has already been at work preparing hearts to receive those words. All we have to do is be willing to obey and He will take care of the rest. Because of the Lord’s promptings, and my willing to obey, this young couple left that station with a full spiritual tank! No longer will they have to drive
by Gary Fuss
on empty, they have been filled with the Living Water of God’s Word. Hallelujah! V Gary Fuss is a graduate of Grove City College and Pittsburgh Theological Seminary. He currently resides in Keystone Heights, FL where he both founded and leads Ephesians 4 Prayer Fellowship and Saturday Night Wonders. 13
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Finding Freedom
I’ve been so blessed by this publication! Thank you for your heart for prisoners. I have read Victorious Living from cover to cover. As I picked it up to read it once again, I thought to myself, “I think I’ll write and share what God has done in my life.” In March 2012, I came to prison for my first and hopefully only time. Before my sentence, I was a prostitute for close to 15 years. As I was homeless, I slept in tents, abandoned houses, and people’s couches… really anywhere I could find a place to put my head. My life, however, didn’t start out like this. Growing up, I was very active in the church and attended many youth functions. I was even baptized. Statistics would have predicted I would be a stayat-home mom in a middle class family. Statistics don’t offer guarantees. Somewhere along the line, things changed for me. My dad died when I was a baby, leaving my mother to raise me alone. Over the years, anger began to grow in her heart. Eventually, my mom left the church, and became abusive and bitter. As a child, I suffered. Occasionally, I would have the opportunity to return to my family’s church. I so enjoyed the time I got to spend with them. But those brief joyful moments were always interrupted with the return home to my reality. Eventually, I started rebelling against my mother out of my own hopelessness and turned to drugs for comfort. I can’t begin to tell you specifically when things shifted from disobedience and rebellion to full blown drug addiction. But needless to say, it did. I spiraled out of control, deeper and deeper into despair, until finally in 2009, I cried out to God for help. Help came. I was arrested and put on probation, and started making progress. I began counseling and was placed in an in-patient drug rehab. Things were looking up. Or so I thought. It wasn’t long before I experienced a trial. Because I didn’t have a true foundation built on a relationship
with Christ, I relapsed. I left the drug rehab program, and went back to using and prostituting. In doing so, I violated my probation, and a warrant was placed for my arrest. I hid from the law for a few months. During that time, however, something changed inside of me. I became so sick and tired of living that life… of feeling so lost and hopeless. Despair overwhelmed me as I felt like my life would never be any different. Then, on January 2, 2012, two angels disguised in police uniforms came to my rescue as they arrested me for my warrant. I was so relieved.
“…I will be your God throughout your lifetime until your hair is white with age. I made you, and I will care for you. I will carry you along and save you.” Isaiah 46:4 (NLT)
Fortunately for me, the judge on my case saw right through my promises to ‘get it together ‘and she sentenced me to 48 months in a Florida State Prison. Within a few weeks of entering prison, I got hold of a Bible and began reading it. For the first time, I felt a ‘tingle’ deep inside of my belly. It felt like hope. Could God help me overcome and live a different life? Could He help me break free from drugs and prostitution? Could I actually live a life of purpose, filled with joy? As I sat on my bed, with a Bible in hand and tears running down my cheeks, I desperately wanted to be free from the pain of my past life and decisions; but how? The continuous cycle of my life just seemed too powerful. How could things ever be different? As doubt filled my heart, I said to myself, “Who am I kidding? I am just going to get out and start using again. Why should I even bother?” I closed the Bible and plopped it down on my bed. I bowed my head and began to pray. I needed a sign. I needed God Himself to tell me if it was worth it for me to continue on with Him. I needed hope that
by Julie Vaughn
this time I would get better and stay better. “Lord…” I began to pray. But before I could even get past His name and ask for my sign, I heard, “Isaiah 46:4” loud and clear in my mind. Nothing like this had ever happened to me before so I almost ignored it completely and kept on praying. But some kind of curiosity came over me. So, I grabbed my Bible, all the while thinking to myself how disappointed I was going to be if this verse didn’t apply to me. I was also secretly wondering if there were even 46 chapters in the book of Isaiah! (I didn’t know my Bible very well then.) As my eyes fell on Isaiah 46:4, my heart began to pound within my chest. It was as if this verse had been written just for me. “…I will be your God throughout your lifetimeuntil your hair is white with age. I made you, and I will care for you. I will carry you along and save you.” (NLT) At that moment, relief, joy, and excitement flooded my soul! Without a doubt, I knew that God had spoken to my heart, promising me through His Word that He would be with me throughout my life. He would help me overcome and set my feet in a place of freedom. No more drugs! No more prostitution! No more homelessness! I didn’t need any of those things any longer… my God would care for me and carry me along. He would save me from the former things that had ruled over me. Praise God! I went to the chapel, rededicated my life to Him, and began pursuing Him with a fierceness I had never known. As I have, He has been so faithful to reveal Himself more and more. He has also been faithful to send Christian women who have mentored me in my faith and who will be a support upon my release in 2014. I’ve also been reconciled with my family. Because of Christ, I am so excited for the future. The power of Jesus has invaded my life and set me free. I will never be the same. How thankful I am for prison for it was behind these locked doors that I found true freedom. V
Julie Vaughn currently resides in a work release camp, she will be released soon and is excited about helping others discover the freedom she has found in Christ.
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Get Tangled Up In God
by Kristi Overton Johnson
“But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint” (Isaiah 40:31 KJV). For years I have heard this verse, studied it, meditated on it, and even shared it as a source of encouragement to others. From my previous studies, I knew that I needed to wait on God so that my strength would be renewed. But until recently, when I learned the original Hebrew meaning of these words, I really didn’t understand what waiting and being renewed really meant. The word wait is from the Hebrew word qavah which actually has two meanings. The figurative meaning of the word can be summarized to mean “to wait with a sense of anticipation for God to move on your behalf.” This is the translation I’ve always heard associated with this verse. The literal translation, however, means “to bind together like a cord or rope.” It was this definition that got me pretty excited. As a water skier, I’ve spent a lot of time around ropes and I’ve seen firsthand how powerful a bunch of strands of thread twisted together can become! As I meditated on Isaiah 40:31 with this literal definition in mind, I gained new revelation about how I can live my life in the strength of God and be filled with His power. For someone who has often battled weariness and exhaustion, I was quite excited to learn the secret to strength and power and I’d like to share it with you! The key to releasing the strength of the Lord in our lives, so that we can face life’s storms in strength and power and soar high above them like an eagle (as opposed to just wearily getting by), is intertwining ourselves with God ... weaving every part of our lives (the big and small) into Him. As we do, He will wrap Himself around us (our minds, bodies, families, ministries, marriages, businesses) and make us so strong that nothing (or no one) will be able to break us! When we weave ourselves in Christ we become one with Him. Just like a rope grows stronger with each strand, our weak selves will suddenly become strong when we intertwine ourselves in the Lord! Why? Because our strength will be renewed. Renewed in the Hebrew language (the original language of the Old Testament) means “to pass through, to pass over, to change, to exchange.” When we intertwine ourselves in the Lord, He makes a great exchange! He takes our weaknesses, and gives us His power. He takes our exhaustion, and gives us His strength. His strength literally passes through us and over us. How? Because as believers, we have the Spirit of the Holy God living on the
inside of us. It’s just waiting to be released! The cool thing about His strength and power is that it never gives out! Isaiah 40:28 (NLT) says, “Have you never heard? Have you never understood? The Lord is the everlasting God, the Creator of all the earth. He never grows weak or weary.” So, how do we intertwine ourselves with God and tap into His strength? It’s through an intimate relationship with Him. And how do we develop an intimate relationship with the Creator of this world?
An intimate relationship with God is developed and strengthened over time as we.... • Focus our mind’s attention and heart’s affection on the Lord. When our minds are focused on Christ, His Word, and His character, the worries of this world will fade away. • Read His Word, meditate on it, and allow it to go deep in our hearts so that it can renew our minds. Remember renew means to exchange. In Isaiah 40:31, we are exchanging God’s strength for our weaknesses. In Romans 12:2, we are exchanging our thoughts for His, the lies of the world/enemy for the His Truth, and finally, our own doubtful, anxious thoughts for God’s promises. As we think in line with God’s Word, we will gain new hope and this hope will give us strength! • Spend time in prayer worshipping God, praising Him, speaking scripture back to Him, and sharing our heart with Him. As we do, His Spirit will begin to move over us and through us, energizing us! • Fellowship with other believers. God designed us to be people of relationship so that we can encourage and spur one another on! We gain strength as we assemble together with other believers. • Share our faith with the lost and focus on serving others in Jesus’ name. When we become other’s minded, God releases His strength to serve in His name. I am always amazed at the energy God releases within me to minister to others. No matter how tired I am, or how
sick and weak I may feel, when I turn my focus to someone in need, when I encourage another heart, God’s power literally surges within me. I have incredible strength, clarity of mind, and powerful, life-changing words that are straight from the throne of God. • Trust God with the details of our lives rather than trying to make things happen. If there’s one thing I’ve learned, it’s that human effort trying to bring about God’s will is exhausting! Waiting (intertwining ourselves with God) and trusting Him to move on our behalf and to make a way where there seems to be no way is crucial! It’s the only way we can maintain our strength and peace. “You (God) will keep in perfect peace those whose minds are steadfast, because they trust in You.” (Isaiah 26:3 NIV, parenthesis mine) In light of the above, are you ready for some strength and power? Are you ready to rise up and face life with newfound hope and energy? Then, it’s time to get tangled up in God! V
A cord of three strands is not quickly broken. Ecclesiastes 4:12 (NIV)
Kristi Overton Johnson is the founder of KOJ Ministries and In His Wakes. Kristi currently resides in Florida with her husband, Tim, and three children. 15
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Piercing The Heart of Captives In 2003, God led me to start the ministries of In His Wakes, an international outreach that helps people discover victory, hope, and purpose in Jesus Christ through the avenue of water sports. It was during one of our IHW events that I met a man that would eventually alter my life’s direction. His name is Bill Doyle. I first met Bill in 2003. At the time, he was a professional driver on the Pro Wakeboard Tour, and team manager for one of the top wakeboard manufacturers in the world. On occasion, Bill, a professed Christian, would join our ministry team at events we sponsored, sharing his faith in Christ to water sports enthusiasts. Bill seemed like a nice enough guy. It was obvious he loved water sports, people, and from the limited time I was around him, he also seemed to sincerely love the Lord. In 2006, however, I received shocking news that caused me to question all that I knew about Bill. When I learned that Bill had been arrested and later sentenced to 180 months in prison, my heart sank. Of course, I was deeply saddened by what Bill had done and the effect it had on many, but I was also saddened that a fellow Christian brother had fallen in such a hard way. For years I wondered about Bill, and admittedly, even judged and questioned his motives. Was he in the middle of his sin while being a part of our events? Had he sought out our ministry and used its public platform as a means to carry out his sin? Had Bill truly been a believer? If so, how could he have done such a thing? If not, how could I have misjudged his character? In the spring of 2013, with the delivery of a thick envelope, my questions began to be answered, and my life set sail on a course I would have least expected. As I opened the package and skimmed the contents, my heart leapt as I realized the letter was from none other than Bill. I slowed my pace and took a seat, taking in every word. “Dear Kristi, It’s been a long while since we have spoken. Last time I saw you, I think it was the 2005 National Championships in Bakersfield, California. I feel sure you are aware my life has changed…” I continued to read the handwritten letter in which Bill cautiously, and humbly, confessed his sin and asked for my forgiveness for any harm he had caused our ministry. And as if he had read my mind, he answered my long held questions about his faith and his actions during our time of ministering together. They were words my heart desperately needed to hear as Bill assured me that at no time whatsoever had he used the platform afforded to him through our ministry or his position
in the sport in any negative way. I whispered a prayer of thanksgiving. “Yes! Of course, I forgive you Bill,” I whispered, as if he could hear me from his prison cell. How could I not? If God Almighty could forgive Bill’s sins, (and mine), who was I to refuse? I immediately wrote to Bill and assured him that he was indeed forgiven. A few letters and months Making The Cut tract cover and spread featuring Bill’s testimony from 2006. later, I found myself sitting This April, Kristi Overton Johnson Ministries and In His Wakes partnered on three beside Bill in a visiting room occasions to bring the gospel of Jesus Christ to residents of the Union Juvenile at a federal prison facility. It Residential Facility and Lancaster Correctional Institution. God moved powerfully was there that I asked Bill among the inmates as Nate and Kristi reminded them of God’s grace and love. many of the hard questions that had been weighing on my heart. And through streams of tears, he • KOJM partnered with In His Wakes and This IZ answered (see page 6). I suddenly realized, but by My Story to host outreach event at Lancaster the grace of God, this could have been me. Facility including pro-athlete testimonies and When I left that prison facility, my life was showing of The Purpose Film. forever changed. I realized, for the first time, the • Monthly Bible teachings by Kristi mailed directly incredible need incarcerated people have for love, to inmates. encouragement, hope, and forgiveness. I realized • Continued expansion of Victorious Living. how desperately they need a reason to live and to As we move forward, I am overwhelmed with even look forward to tomorrow… that reason is excitement and anticipation as I know that what Jesus. God has called us to do, He will bring to fruition, Years ago, when I first met Bill, I thought my life’s as we wait and trust in Him. As you can imagine, calling was to minister solely to the water sports a vision this size will take numerous volunteers, community through a sport I loved and had excelled. consistent financial support, hard work, and Little did I know God would use my relationship supernatural favor from the Lord. It will also take with Bill and my experiences on the water as an the prayer support of many. avenue for me to discover a new calling… piercing Can we count on you for your support? Will you the hearts of captives with God’s love and truth. help us pierce the hearts of captives in every prison Already in the last 10 months, God has swung in America with God’s love and truth? We need you. wide prison gates across Florida and given Kristi Here are a few ways you can help: Overton Johnson Ministry (KOJM) the vision to • Sponsor a prison in your state: $380 sends pierce the hearts of captives in every prison in a case of approx. 200 copies of VL each quarter America! As we have embarked on this mission, we into a prison where each magazine is circulated have seen tens of thousands of souls encouraged amongst inmates. and equipped with God’s love and truth. • Sponsor an inmate to receive monthly Here’s a quick update: devotionals/Bible studies written by Kristi and • Victorious Living distributed quarterly in 42 based on God’s Word: $25.00 Florida prisons since November 2013. • General financial support of VL to continue free distribution in local communities. • Kristi speaking and singing monthly in Florida We appreciate donations of any amount. prisons. • Share your story of hope. • Kristi platform speaker at Bill Glass Prison Thank you in advance for seeking how the Lord Ministries’ “Champions for Life.” would have you be involved and, most of all, thank • Inmate correspondence and prayer ministry you for your prayers. Together we can help many initiated. Director Prison Correspondence behind locked doors find freedom and life. V appointed.
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Champion’s Heart Transitions Over the past several years, Champion’s Heart has been working diligently and faithfully to build a place of hope for people in our community. In 2009, the Lord gave Kristi specific instructions to purchase our current facility and prepare it to be used in a mighty way. Throughout these years, the Lord has secured incredible permanent partnerships with organizations like Right Path and Clay Behavioral who are serving our community in much needed ways. They are growing so quickly due to the high demand for their services (especially with the recent developments in our schools) that they need more space to better serve our community. To help solve their ‘space’ issue and need for privacy due to the nature of their services, they will soon be acquiring all of the space within our facilities with the exception of the chapel. After much prayer, Kristi and I both feel the Lord saying to us that the vision He laid on her heart years ago is being fulfilled through these organizations. It is with this confidence and through the agreement of our BOD (Board of Directors), that we step down and let the organizations that God has brought to Champion’s Heart serve in the most impacting way possible for the good of our community. We celebrate His blessings on us and this community! I would like to thank everyone for their help throughout the many years Champion’s Heart has been in operation. It has been a joy and privilege to serve
with you for the hope of our community. I will miss you; but, I am truly excited about what God is doing on our properties. Before I leave, I would like to take a moment and give a big thank you to many! Thank you to our Champion’s Heart partners for co-hosting events, and for being a part of our ministry outreaches. It has been amazing to watch God expand the territory of this ministry through you. Thank you to our many excellent volunteers. You have put tremendous thought, effort, and hard work into Champion’s Heart. The issues we addressed were challenging and complex, and the diverse perspectives you shared have contributed to bringing help and hope to this community. I also want to thank our clients! It was our teamwork that made Champion’s Heart productive and that helped many people find spiritual, physical, and emotional wholeness. I am so proud of how far all of my clients have come and I am excited for what the future has to offer each of you! May God continue to grow in all of your lives as you continue to move forward with Him! I am excited about what the future holds for the properties of Champion’s Heart. God has brought many wonderful partnerships to Keystone as a result of this facility, and I know He will continue to use them to touch many lives in our community in a much needed way. V
NOTE FROM KRISTI REGARDING CHAMPION’S HEART LIFE CENTER: As the Champion’s Heart facilities move forward under the leadership of the various organizations who are leasing from us, Donna and I will be released to move forward in the plan God has for us individually. Donna will be serving full-time within the organization of Right Path and personally ministering to people with special needs children, especially in the area of autism. Personally, I will now have the time to focus more intently on expanding the other outreaches of Kristi Overton Johnson Ministries, including this magazine, Victorious Living, my speaking and writing ministry, and our quickly expanding prison outreach. In His Wakes will continue as it has been for the past year under the leadership of our new President, Nate Miller who resides Hannah Kristi with Jason and Donna in Oregon. I will continue to serve on the BOD of IHW and assist Nate as needed. God is powerfully moving in all of these ministries and I am more confident than ever that we are all moving forward in God’s perfect plan. As we close this season of ministering through Champion’s Heart Life Resource Center, I want to thank you for your prayer support. I’d also like to thank our Director, Donna Hannah for serving so faithfully. Donna, you have inspired many people to step into victory! Thank you also to Renee’ Harp, Angie Sapp, Ron Lilly, Sunshine Hunt, Minta Bennet, our many on-site partners, and our faithful Board members who have all played a vital role in the success of Champion’s Heart. God’s vision could not have been carried out in such a powerful way without your help. I appreciate each and every one of you more than you know.
PO Box 968 • Keystone Heights, FL 32656
Kristi Overton Johnson Ministries seeks to love people to the Life-Giver, Jesus Christ, through its various publications, speaking / teaching / singing ministry, and prison and orphan outreaches. We equip minds and encourage hearts with the Living Water of God’s Word. Scan the QR code to Like Kristi Overton Johnson Ministries FaceBook page and receive daily inspirational devotions.
• Financial sponsors for prisoners to receive copies of Victorious Living, personal correspondence, and our new monthly teaching letter. • People who will help distribute magazines to prisons. • General financial support • Distribution of Victorious Living in your town. • Your personal story of God’s faithfulness for publication. • Financial support to help meet the daily needs of Indian orphans. We partner with Favour the Helpless Mission. (http://www. • Financial support for our yearly mission trip to Russia to minister to the hearts of orphanage workers and children. • Opportunities for Kristi to share the Word of God and vision of ministry. • Prayer warriors interceding on our behalf! 19
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Making Adjustments
In His Wakes has kicked off its 12th year of ministering through our passion of water sports. Already, we’ve seen many come to know the Lord through the sport we love! Preparing for this year, however, was quite a challenge. Man! Was it ever a crazy, unpredictable winter! Even now as I started this article I had to stop and answer an e-mail from the leader of a group we will minister to in North Carolina. Because of the number of snow days that have been taken, the school has been extended into the week we have scheduled the Greenville events. Winter is still rearranging my plans! Where we live in Oregon, snow is a welcomed event by most people. Those who don’t care for the challenges that come with the white winter wonderland have long since moved back to Southern California. This year was a weather roller coaster! Snow… no snow… snow… no snow. It was a constant cycle of unpredictable weather. It was during one of the snow periods, as I jogged along the river trail in my Gore-Tex® shoes with ice spikes, that a thought occurred to me. These cycles of weather are just like the cycles of life. We have moments of calm, followed by raging storms. In life and weather, how we handle and adjust to the conditions makes all the difference
The Lord God is a refuge from the storm… Isaiah 25:4
in the world. Weathering storms is often a challenge. It can certainly take its toll. However, moving forward in the tough stuff is possible, it just takes a little adjustments. Just as I strap on my Gore-Tex® shoes, put studs on my car tires, and layer my clothes, there are adjustments we can make that will help us navigate through life’s challenges. Yes, we may still feel the effects, but they are much more manageable. Isaiah 25:4 says, “The Lord God is a refuge from the storm…” That verse goes on to tell us that God is like a wall of protection against the elements. The rain and snow may get us a little wet but with the Lord as our wall of protection, ultimately, the storm will pass, and we will be safe.
Psalms 28:7 says it all: “The Lord is my strength and my shield; my heart trusts in Him, and I am helped.” These are some of the promises I keep in the forefront of my mind, especially as we head out on the road for the start of the In His Wakes tour. It seems that every year as we prepare to launch our tour, we are bombarded by a deluge of storms. They range in forms from relationship trials, physical attacks, financial woes, and yes, even the weather can put up a real road block as we are a water sports ministry. Over and over again Satan attempts to derail what God has called us to do. However, as we set our face like flint to move forward in the confidence of the Lord, knowing He has equipped us to deal with these conditions, we will prevail. The new 2014 calendar is jammed packed full of “A Day to Remember” events and other exciting opportunities to minister and follow up with our participant groups off the water, as well as visit individuals who can’t come to our event. For example, in April, members of our team made three visits to Florida prisons, bringing water sport athletes and the gospel to inmates unable to attend an In His Wakes event. God is moving both on and off the water! After one event, we witnessed over fifty inmates from various gangs surrender their lives together to Christ!
This winter’s weather had Nate struggling to figure out which skis to pack for the 2014 D2R Season! 20
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Nate and Ivy were blessed to be joined in Florida by two members of the Dream Team… their son, Jacob (above) and daughter Kayla (left) joined the IHW volunteers to kick off the season in Melrose, FL.
We are excited and blessed to see so many exciting details fall into place as the busiest season in the history of IHW takes shape. To meet the increased demands for our events, we are launching a second team led by Kevin and Emily Durham of This Iz My Story. They will navigate our second RV, loaded with equipment and pulling one of our Nautiques across the country, stopping along the way to minister through worship services at professional Wake Board events. Wow! God is good! Thank you to all who have made the past seasons and future ones possible through your partnerships of prayer, finances, and service. It is through your obedience to God’s call in these areas that many lives have been changed and many others will come to know the Lord. Check out our calendar on page 31 and consider joining us at an event near you! You can also view the calendar and make financial donations at V
PO Box 968 • Keystone Heights, FL 32656
In His Wakes introduces people to the life-changing power of Jesus Christ through water sports.
IHW needs people who will: • share IHW with others • sponsor D2R Participants • support our ministry through monthly donations • become a prayer warrior and intercede for our safety, provision, and for hearts to receive the message of Christ
Z’up Boards (above) - a new addition to the equipment used at our Day To Remember events - are a huge hit! D2R participants from Sec ret Harbor (left) giggle while watch ing their friends tube through the drizziling rain at a recent event.
Participants an d volunteers w ere blessed w Florida weath ith great er during mos t of our kickof Want to minist f events! er with us at an A Day To Re event? Check member out our calend ar on page 31 our website at or go to www.inhiswak to lear support us fin n more, ancially, and re gister to volu Don’t forget nteer. to follow us on FaceBook!
• Second team, led by Kevin and Emily Durham launched in May. • Expanded territories into prisons as we’re taking pro water sports athletes behind locked doors. • 50 inmates came to know Christ in one prison event! • In April, we witnessed over 150 people give their life to Christ! • 60 national events scheduled for 2014. • Special youth outreach events in Florida, Georgia, and Wyoming bringing exciting exhibitions and powerful testimonies together lake-side. • Conducting church services at lakes, professional and amateur water ski/wake board tournaments, campgrounds, on floating barges, and even youth prisons! • Praise God for His protection and provision! • Praise God for our hosts and volunteers without whom we would be dead in the water! 21
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Connected to the Power Source…
by Karen Dougherty In life, we all have a course to run. As a faithfilled water skier, I like to imagine God as a ski boat, One who offers exhilarating power to all who will follow Him. I can just see Him right now, sitting patiently in the waters of our lives, engine cranked, ready to pull any of us who will come to Him. God is our life’s Power Source. We (man) are like the skier who is suited up with water skis on our feet. Without a Power I will go in the Source, we are dead in the water! Also, like the strength of the skier, we must have a solid foundation on which we stand or we will not be able to withstand Lord. And, make the extreme pressure that comes against us as mention of Your we run life’s course. Just like equipment with a defective core, we will break and fall. A life built Righteousness, on the foundation of faith in Jesus Christ will of Yours only! never break! Man has a natural core-defect that separates Psalm 71:16 us from our Power Source… it is called sin. It’s a defect in our heart caused by the fall of man in the Garden of Eden. Sin automatically puts space between us and the Power Source; it prevents us from being connected. Thankfully, God made a way through His Son, Jesus, for this separation to be mended. It’s like He threw out an unbreakable rope and handle in our direction saying, “Here, grab ahold of this!” Complete with an invitation to “Follow Me!” Jesus is this rope and handle. Jesus is ‘The Way’ God provided for us to be reconnected with Him, our Power Source. His death on the cross paid the penalty for our sin, closed the gap of separation, and enabled our core to be made strong so that
we can run the race of life victoriously. With Christ, we can be rebuilt from the inside out and made right in God’s eyes. Faith believes that this Power Source has the ability to pull us out of the water, out of our sin, to a standing position where we can experience victory. Faith is where we say, “Hit it! God, I’m willing and ready to follow You. I’m putting my trust in Your Son and what He did for me on the cross.” Faith is where we come to the realization that we can’t connect ourselves to the Power Source through our own actions. It’s where we realize we can’t earn a ski ride, nor can we pull ourselves out of the water on our own merit. Faith is trusting in the rope alone for our connection to the Power Source. The Holy Spirit is the muscle of God. Every time we see power in action and round a buoy, or an obstacle, that we should not have been able to get around, we can be sure the Holy Spirit has been on the scene. It’s exhilarating power in action! The Holy Spirit is the catalyst, the One that provokes significant life change. The Holy Spirit is also the One who can coach us to victory as He guides us around each obstacle, giving us the strength and wisdom to do what we cannot do on our own. Finally, Heaven is likened unto the thrill and beauty of finishing the course while witnessing a breathtaking sunrise or sunset on the horizon. Heaven is standing on top of the podium after a race well run, receiving our reward of eternal life, hearing the words, “Well done, good and faithful servant!” Are you ready to rise up out of the water? Are you ready to experience the run of a lifetime? If so, grab hold of the Rope: Jesus. Give God a hearty, “Hit it!” and trust His Spirit to lead you. And, when you make a mistake, don’t worry, God as your boat will always come back to pick you up. All He desires is a willing heart to learn from your mistakes and go again. As you do, you will feel the power of a life worth living! V
Karen Dougherty is a long time supporter of In His Wakes Ministries. Karen is CEO of Discount Inboard Marine, LLC, an internationally known distributor of inboard ski boat engine and drive train parts specializing in adding power to lives through premium products and through the glorious gospel of Jesus Christ. 22
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Become a Spiritual Zombie My husband and I don’t watch horror movies, but not too long ago we rented a movie about zombies. For those of you unaware of the current cultural hype about zombies… zombies are fictional, mindless, undead former humans who now feast on living humans. Sometimes, I wonder if we Christians are becoming spiritual zombies. We aren’t really dead, but we aren’t really alive either. Our spirits have quit feasting on the grace, peace, and love of Jesus Christ and begun to feast on human accolades, check lists, and our own good deeds. We’ve even begun to feast on others! It’s terrifying! Since Zombies are quite popular, I thought it may be fun to share 5 proven ways to become a spiritual zombie. Here’s your (slightly tongue-in-cheek) guide:
Make sure you have so much to do and on your mind, that you have no time to stop, slow down, think, pray, and listen. Be sure to say “yes” to everything, because you are awesome, and you can do it all! Somehow you’ll find the time and energy to cook a meal for that family who just had a baby, make sure your own family eats, make costumes for the Easter musical, sing a solo, help everyone with their homework, work full-time, use your membership at the gym, keep in touch with all of your friends and family, volunteer at the food pantry, and have shiny floors and spotless bathrooms. Remember, never, ever “Be still and know…”
Focus on Perfection
Sit down one day and write an awesome daily regimen that will keep you on the right track. Remember, the more truly committed you are to Jesus the earlier you will get up every morning (even on mornings when you have been up all night with a sick child).
Don’t forget to spend no less than an hour joyfully worshipping Jesus without nodding off and drooling on your prayer journal. Then, all day, every day, faithfully serve your family, friends, and co-workers without ever expecting anything from them or ever feeling an ounce of bitterness. At least weekly, serve the poor or orphaned or widowed no matter how sick and tired you are. Your new regimen should include going to church 3-4 times a week, giving sacrificially, and most importantly… no sinning allowed! This includes gossiping, bad attitudes, responding out of anger, and mishandling food. If, by some chance, you do sin or don’t complete the above tasks perfectly, make sure you take note of every single time you messed up, let someone down, or had a bad attitude. Never let yourself forget your mistakes, and most of all, never let yourself feel God’s grace, peace, or forgiveness. Hold yourself to ridiculous standards that are higher than even what Jesus would expect of you.
Distance Yourself from Community Make sure no one really ever knows you. Never talk about anything personal or significant in your life. Stick with talking about weather, sports, pop culture, or anything that was on the news. This will ensure you don’t have anyone you can trust in your most stressful, vulnerable moments. No one to hold you accountable. No one to really help you become the person Jesus intended you to be.
don’t have to share with anyone. Or, that you were oozing anger when your two-year-old screamed “no” in your face. Maybe it was that you didn’t spend as much time on that report at work; or, perhaps it could be that you are spending all of your spare time looking at porn. Whatever it is that makes you feel ashamed, make sure you never speak it out loud to anyone. Ever. And if someone asks you about it or anything like it… quickly change the subject, turn the conversation around on them, gossip about someone else who has that problem, or flat out lie. Whatever you do, don’t tell the truth about your struggles.
Don’t try anything new God never changes, so why should you? New ideas, new people, and new experiences change you. That’s dangerous. So, under no circumstances, should you ever read that book by that author you’ve never heard of (even though you’ve now had three people tell you it was life-changing). You shouldn’t go to a foreign country, especially a third world country. You might find yourself afraid (and fear is not of God), or you might get sick, or it just might change how you think and live. You are a faithful, church-going, even tithing Christian… what could you possibly need to change? V
If you find yourself in a situation that makes you feel ashamed, make sure you don’t admit it to anyone. It could be something as small as hiding in the pantry to eat Oreos so you
Carey Morford is a Media Specialist and President of Seeds of Grace, Inc. Visit their site at She is married to her very best friend Isaac Morford, and they have two daughters, Layla and Rigby, and two sons, Gary and Gavin .
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CHAMPION’S HEART AWARD From the time I was a young child, I was labeled a champion in the water ski world. As the awards mounted, however, my father was quick to remind me that being a champion is much more than simply bringing home a trophy. It’s about character. After years of competing, and meeting many who the world would call a champion, I have to say, I agree with my dad. Lots of people can bring home awards, excel in their field, and obtain wealth or worldly possession, but few know how to live daily with unwavering character, persevering faith, and contagious passion. To me, those are the qualities of a true champion. Throughout my life, I’ve found champions in all sorts of places… from prison cells to church pews, ski boats to football fields, office cubicles to school desks, and from stay-at-home moms to world travelers. Champions aren’t simply performers with perfect records, they are people who persevere in faith, and who look past their own comfort and circumstances to serve others. In this issue, I’d like to recognize a true champion ... my dear friend, brother in Christ, and fellow water skier, Larry Teague. Decades ago when I met Larry, I knew I was in the presence of a champion. Never before had I witnessed someone with such a servant’s heart. Whether it was judging a water ski event, training skiers, making repairs at his church, or serving on various committees, Larry served others with his whole heart, as to the Lord and not unto men. Thank you Larry, for touching the lives of many and setting an example of dedication and faithfulness. You are loved, especially by your wife, Janice, who through tears, shared her desire to recognize you as the champion that you are!
A Champion’s Transition by Janice Teague
As I sit on my porch, I see my husband, Larry, sitting in the boat with his friend, Ron, waiting for others to come to the lake for a ski ride. For 50 years, this has been Larry’s routine. An avid water skier and former ski champion, Larry has spent decades practicing, driving, and coaching others to victory. As I watch him in the boat, my heart can’t help but ache as I know that Larry won’t be taking a ski ride today. Nor will he be taking one tomorrow, or the next day. After two back surgeries, three shoulder surgeries, a hip replacement, and the onset of Parkinson’s disease, Larry, at the age of 82, has been forced to take a seat amongst his friends and simply ride. He’s also had to let go of many of his other activities as well. As one who has always been active and able to overcome any set back, this transition has been tough. Serving others is Larry’s joy, whether it’s on land or on the water. He has faithfully served our community and church family with his hands and business knowledge. Our former pastor estimated Larry saved our church close to $500,000 as he led various building projects. He’s also helped many in the water ski community through judging, inventing skis, driving, and coaching. I can’t say that I’ve shared the same passion for water sports. Years ago, Larry thought he could teach me to be a boat driver. Unfortunately, speed scares me. No matter how hard I tried, I just couldn’t force myself to get the boat up to the required speed before backing down. I also didn’t keep the boat very straight down the course. Turns 24
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out, slalom skiers are a bit funny about the boat hitting the buoys! It wasn’t long before Larry let me off the hook and found himself another driver. Thank goodness! (I wasn’t a big fan of getting up every morning at 6 AM to go ski anyway.) Even though I didn’t water ski with Larry, we did do many activities together such as scalloping and snow skiing. We’ve experienced a very full and active life together. As we find ourselves slowing down, we’ve come to realize how truly blessed we are to have one another. For years, without even knowing it, we took one another for granted. We just got so busy
that we forgot to tend to each other’s needs, and to communicate those needs. With the Lord’s help, we’ve refocused our attention on each other, and I’m happy to report that our marriage is stronger than ever. I encourage younger couples to guard their marriage. Don’t let busyness and activities cause you to take one another for granted. Life’s too short! I love you, Larry, and I’m thankful for you. I praise our Heavenly Father for the life He has given to us. You are a good and faithful servant who has truly touched many lives, including my own! V
Janice and Larry have been married for 29 years. They attend the United Methodist Church of Keystone Heights. They have a quiver full of children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren.
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You Look JUST LIKE Them Sometimes I sense God’s disapproval of my actions at the most inopportune times. I run a consulting firm and coach high level, successful leaders in large, global, and mostly publicly-traded companies. Developing leaders is my life’s work, my destiny, and a true joy even though it’s often hard. I know without a doubt that I am on the path God desires, and if I am obedient to His guidance, it is going to be a truly amazing life adventure. Being obedient, however, is a daily choice and often requires me to lay down things I just don’t want to lay down. When I was in my early 20’s, God began to speak to my heart about giving up alcohol. Now, I’m going to be honest, I like alcohol. So giving it up didn’t come easy. In fact, I took a few arguments before God about the subject. “You know, God, the Jews drink alcohol,” I argued. “Even Timothy was advised to drink some wine for his stomach issues, and Your Son turned water into wine at the wedding.” I didn’t hear an audible voice or anything, but I knew in my heart that God was not going for my arguments. Nor was He about to give in and change His mind. For me to fulfill what He wanted me to do, I needed to stop drinking. For reasons I still can’t completely put my finger on, the Lord wanted me to lay down alcohol for good. How do I know? It’s hard to explain, but I just know. I can feel it in the depths of my spirit when I’m in disobedience. It’s like I have an internal red and green light flashing in my heart and mind (and at times a ‘proceed with caution yellow’). I can sense, because my heart is open to His, when He is dealing with me on an issue. All of sudden, it’s like my peace vanishes and my insides start twisting and turning as I try to reason away why I should or shouldn’t do what I am hearing. The subject of drinking, for me, was an obvious red light. So, I said, “Yes” to God. And, for 5 years I didn’t have one drop of alcohol. One day, however, I began
to develop an irrational fear of flying. It started just before 9/11 and grew exponentially after that date. For my work, I usually fly every other week across the nation, and even fly internationally, to visit my clients. So a fear of flying is potentially career-ending. I tried various methods to get through the flights, but I was a mess. I prayed, sang, and even tried anti-anxiety medication. Still, I was afraid. As the flight attendant walked by with a tray of alcohol during one of my fear attacks, I decided that surely God wouldn’t mind if I had a drink to help me fly. And so, for the next few years, I began, again, to have a life that involved alcohol even though I knew I didn’t have a green light from God to pick it up again. I simply ignored the dull internal pain in my gut and ordered my favorite wine anyway. On the positive side, even though I knew I was in disobedience, I did not stop going to God. I had learned early in my faith walk that when I sin, I should run to God and not away from Him. And as I did, He kept telling me that I needed to stop drinking. One evening while I was at a meeting in Denver, Colorado, I spent the evening with colleagues sitting around a table, drinking wine, and sharing stories. As far as I know, I was the only believer in the room. I remember sitting at the south end of the table and leaning back slightly in my chair when I heard the very distinct voice of the Lord in my spirit saying, “You look just like them.” My heart sank. I knew exactly what God was saying to me. As His child, I was not set apart from the world in any way. I looked exactly the same. I drank like them. I told the same stories and participated in the same little gossip sessions. As a believer, I wasn’t any different. I realized that my lifestyle had none of the ingredients that would want to make someone be a follower of Jesus. Why would they want to be Christian if my life wasn’t any better or even any different than the life they already experienced?
by Bonnie Hagemann
The conversation between God and me began to intensify until finally I decided to obey. I didn’t want to miss my destiny over alcohol. Following God in the workplace constantly tests my faith. I have to say “yes” to Him over and over again, and am often required to look different than my peers in my words and actions. As one who often fights people-pleasing, it’s hard not to worry about what others think of me. My coworkers don’t always understand my choices, and sometimes even pressure me to have a drink, or engage in a slightly (and sometimes blatantly) unethical business practices. But I can’t. God doesn’t want me to look just like them; rather, He wants me to look just like Him. God may not deal with you about alcohol, but He will surely, at some point, deal with you about something. Your issue may be workplace drama, dealing harshly with others, selfishness, recklessness, bitterness, faithlessness, lying, pornography, eating, smoking, substance dependencies, or any number of individual weaknesses. It isn’t easy being different than the world but being the same is even worse. Those who are willing to set themselves apart – to follow hard after God – will be the ones who operate in His favor and walk intimately with Him. They will also be the ones that shine like a light in this dark world. V
Bonnie Hagemann is a member of the Board of Directors for Champion’s Heart Life Centers. Bonnie is the CEO of Executive Development Associates, a 28-year-old internationally known boutique consulting firm that specializes in executive development, executive coaching, and high potential development. To date, Bonnie has 11 published works. 25
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Black Creek: Always an adventure The day was hot, hotter than I had ever remembered. The lake, being shallow, was like a warm bath tub. It seemed impossible for my friends and me to escape the summer heat. We headed to Bella Coola in search of cooler water. Bella Coola was the name of the road that led to a place where several creeks flowed into the lake. Black Creek was our destination. There, the water was cool, black, and deep. At the base of the bridge overlooking the creek, there was just enough room to park our car in the tall grass. The bridge’s silver guard rail was flattened by the many teens who had dared to stand on the rail and leap into the dark, cool waters before us. Their names were carved into the thick painted surface. By now, ours were too. Anyone brave enough to swim in these waters with the snakes and alligators had earned that honor. Prior to jumping, it was customary to throw a large rock into the water in order to announce our arrival to all the critters. Then, the first swimmer was chosen on a dare... “You go first.” “No, you!” Back and forth we’d argue until someone would work up the nerve to jump in. Anxiously we’d wait for that person to rise to the surface and swim to shore. Once we saw that they had made it out alive with all their limbs intact, we figured it was clear, and off we’d go. One by one, we’d jump into the creek, forgetting about all the darkness, deep waters, and dangers. It was quite an adventure!
Look towards the Light and swim! Follow after Christ with all your heart and never give up. Never lose hope. And when you rise to the surface, jump for joy. Give Him praise. Then, get ready for another swim. With God, it’s always an adventure. One of our favorite swimming games was “under water tag.” The water was so dark we couldn’t see a thing, even if we were only a foot or two under water. The name of the game pretty much spells out the rules: in order to tag your opponent, you had to be under water. I’ll never forget how dark, quiet, and lonely it felt under the water. My strategy was always to shoot straight for the bottom, grab hold of a log or something that was sticking up from the bottom, and wait for someone to swim by so I could tag them. As I sat in the dark water, I would often wonder if anything was near me. Every now and then something would tickle my leg or my back. Immediately, I would swim to the top of the water, run to the shore, climb to the top of the bridge, and scream to the top of my lungs, “Snake! Alligator!” Everyone would frantically clear out of the water. Then, we’d wait for a critter to surface. Of course, after a few minutes, we’d just jump right back in again, sometimes laughing so hard we would lose our breath. One thing about Black Creek, it brought out the best in you. You had to be brave and courageous (or
by George Beasley
maybe just plain stupid) to swim where snakes and alligators were known to live and where the water was dark and deep. As I think about swimming in Black Creek, isn’t it a little bit like life? Do we not often feel as though we are surrounded by ‘snakes and alligators’? You know, people and things we perceive are out to get us. Do we not live daily in the unknown of what’s next? Or, become a bit anxious over what may pop up beside us? Do we not sometimes feel like we are groping around in the darkness? Yes, life can sometimes feel a bit like a swim in Black Creek. There may be dark times, but if you are holding onto Christ following the Light of His Truth, I’ve got good news… you will victoriously rise to the surface. You will make your way safely to shore… stronger, better, and wiser. You may even find yourself screaming with excitement, “I made it! I made it! I made it!” as you tell others of the ‘Black Creek’ you conquered. And as you share your story, you unknowingly encourage others to keep swimming, too. Have you found yourself in a ‘Black Creek’? Do you feel like you are surrounded in darkness? Do you feel alone and unsure of what is coming next? If so, I’d like to encourage you that there is always hope and Hope’s name is Jesus Christ. Don’t be overcome by the darkness… let the light of Christ shine into your ‘Black Creek’ and show you the way to go. Whatever you do, don’t let Satan keep you under that deep dark water. It will kill you, and that’s exactly what he wants! He wants you overcome and overwhelmed with loneliness and despair. Look towards the Light and swim! Follow after Christ with all your heart and never give up. Never lose hope. And when you rise to the surface, jump for joy. Give Him praise. Then, get ready for another swim. With God, it’s always an adventure. V
George Beasley was a part of the In His Wakes team from 20052006, serving as the director of the “A Day to Remember” Tour. During his journey with In His Wakes, George began a journey of healing and freedom from his own story that had been suppressed and hidden since his childhood. George is the author of “The Invisible Soul.” He is married to his sweetheart, Lisa.
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Still Branches
I don’t know about you, but I hate being still. I love to be busy doing something, and often feel guilty if I’m not. Crazy as it may sound, I have difficulty relaxing, especially at home. You see, I am a preacher’s wife, full-time homemaker, homeschooling mother of four - and when at home I can always find something to do. My favorite way to relax is to be outside, enjoying God’s creation. As a firstborn daughter, I’ve always had a keen sense of responsibility and desire for efficiency, both of which can be wonderful assets in life as well as possible hindrances to waiting on the Lord and submitting to authority. God has taught me much over the years concerning being still, trusting the authority He’s placed over me, waiting on Him, and abiding in Christ. I still have much to learn, but Psalm 46 and John 15 have been so instrumental in my life. “Be still and know that I am God. I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth! The Lord of hosts is with us; the God of Jacob is our fortress.” Ps. 46:10-11(ESV) What an encouraging thought… the God of the universe has promised to be with us and to exalt Himself without my having to make that happen! Then Jesus tells us in John 15:4-5, “Abide in me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit by itself, unless it abides in the vine, neither can you, unless you abide in Me. I am the Vine; you are the branches. Whoever abides in Me and I in him, he it is that bears much fruit, for apart from Me you can do nothing.” (ESV) From these verses we can infer that God produces His fruit in His time through branches that stay plugged into the Source! As a busy wife and mom, it is easy to make excuses for constant motion and lack of time with the Lord. And most friends and family are quick to excuse us too during this ‘season’ in our lives. But please don’t fall victim to that temptation! The need to abide in Him is vital at every season of life… no matter how you feel or who tries to let you off the hook. Be alert, stay vigilant, and keep first things first!
by Rachel Williams Another pastor’s wife encouraged me, when my kids were young, to keep my morning quiet time in prayer and Bible reading, regardless of when the kids arose from sleep. She said, “Rachel, you just keep reading and teach them to quietly sit with you, color, or read.” This seems so simple but is so profound. It teaches them the importance of daily discipline in prayer and Scripture… it shows our children who our Source is and how important God and His Word are to our lives; and hopefully as they mature, they will follow this example! Our eldest son already has and it is so wonderful to see his discipline to read his Bible daily, talk about what he’s learning and encourage his sisters to do the same. No matter what your ‘season’ or situation, you cannot afford to just keep trying to bear fruit on your own! Take time daily to be still and know He is GOD, recognize how dependent we are on Him for all of life, and enjoy the refreshing encouragement of Immanuel – God with us. If we saw a branch from an apple tree lying on the ground, none of us would assume it could bear any apples. So why is it that we so often feel we can do life well on our own, without receiving the nutrients we need from the Source – Jesus Christ? Our Hope, Strength, and Grace for the daily grind is found in being still and abiding in Jesus, our fortress Who is with us! V Rachel Williams was born and raised in Dothan, AL. God has blessed her richly with family and friends all over the world! She has been married to her best friend, Brad, for 13 years, all of which they have served together in youth and church ministry. They have four children and currently reside in Florida.
“Abide in me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit by itself, unless it abides in the vine, neither can you, unless you abide in Me. I am the Vine; you are the branches. Whoever abides in Me and I in him, he it is that bears much fruit, for apart from Me you can do nothing.” John 15:4-5 (ESV) 27
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Stepping Up to the Plate by Stephanie Hoffman
As a child, I hated P.E. with a passion. When I stepped onto the court or field, a dreadful fear of failing would hover over me like a black cloud. Kickball was the worst. Before I could even get up to the plate, I had convinced myself that I would miss the ball and look ridiculous. And, I would. Oh, the power of negative thinking! It can hold you back from your dreams, your goals, and even, your life. After each game, people would laugh and poke fun. And, of course, they would avoid picking me for the next game. My experiences on the school yard haunted me for years. In every endeavor, I always feared I would fail in the sight of man, look less than, and ultimately be rejected and ridiculed. Because of this fear, my life became like a prison. The opinions of man became so important that I was afraid to do anything. In the past year, I have been seeing a trauma counselor for events that took place in my childhood, events that added to these feeling of rejection and failure. It was during these sessions that I began to understand the power of my thoughts. As my trauma counselor took me back mentally to that P.E. field, he began to ask me some questions. “Stephanie, when you stepped up to that kickball plate, what thoughts were flowing through your mind? What thoughts hindered you from stepping up to the plate with confidence and proceeding to kick the ball?” “I guess my first thought was that I didn’t understand the game of kickball. I didn’t understand how to play,” I replied. “Perfect,” he said. “Let’s do an exercise. I want you to say the phrase, ‘I don’t understand’ over and over again. Then, we are going to pick up the speed and say those words as fast as you can.”
I looked at him a bit puzzled, but decided to give it a try. “I don’t understand, I don’t understand, I don’t understand…” Faster and faster I repeated those words until “I don’t understand” became “I don’t have a stamp, and I love Pakistan!” We stopped and laughed. “You see,” he said, “that phrase that caused so much fear was nothing more than a few words strung together. They have no real power. It’s the emotions attached to them, emotions like fear and shame that affect us. They are what make words hurt so much, or feel so good.” “Stephanie, you spent so much time focusing on the words ‘I don’t understand’ and the emotions they evoked, that you were already defeated before you even stepped up to the plate. The truth is, you weren’t missing the ability play kickball, and you weren’t a failure. You were just simply missing the knowledge of how to play.” I couldn’t help but wonder how many other words and thoughts I had allowed to dictate my destiny. With God’s help, and my counselor’s help, I’ve slowly been able to unravel wrong thinking and defeating words. As a result, I’ve been able to step back up to the plate of life with newfound confidence! V
Stephanie Hoffman grew up in the Lake Area Region. She is currently studying graphic design at Santa Fe College. She dreams of missionary work and helping people to overcome hardships.
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Look Who’s In The Boat by Joan Tyson
I love the ocean and water. Unfortunately, I am more of a spectator than a participant when it comes to water sports. Jesus loved water too. He even chose fishermen as His friends and followers, promising that He would make them fishers of men. They spent much time on the shorelines of the surrounding seas and traveling to and fro by boat. On one occasion, after the miracle of Jesus feeding 5000 men (plus thousands of women and children not even mentioned), Jesus asked His disciples to get into the boat and directed them to go to the other side of the sea. After sending the multitudes away, Jesus then went up to the mountain by Himself to pray. (Matthew 14:22-23) If you’ve ever been on the Sea of Galilee, you know that a storm can rise up at any moment. This is exactly what happened as the disciples made their way in the darkness of the night. Can you imagine how afraid they must have been when a storm suddenly arose, violently tossing their small vessel? And then, can you imagine the horror on the disciples’ faces when they saw what looked to be a ghost walking towards them? Here’s the account found in Matthew 14:24-26 (NLT): Meanwhile, the disciples were in trouble far away from land, for a strong wind had risen, and they were fighting heavy waves. About three o’clock in the morning Jesus came toward them, walking on the water. When the disciples saw him walking on the water, they were terrified. In their fear, they cried out, “It’s a ghost!” I have been privileged to go to Israel twice. The first time I was there, the tour guide put me in a boat and took me out to the middle of the sea. I closed my eyes to picture the above scene and asked the question, “Jesus, why did You walk on the water?” Immediately, He replied, “It was the fastest way I could get to the ones I loved.” I loved His response. I also loved Jesus’ response when He saw the disciples, “Don’t be afraid,” He said. “Take courage. I am here!”
“Don’t be afraid,” He said. “Take courage. I am here!”
Then Peter called to him, “Lord, if it’s really you, tell me to come to you, walking on the water.” “Yes, come,” Jesus said. So Peter went over the side of the boat and walked on the water toward Jesus. But when he saw the strong wind and the waves, he was terrified and began to sink. “Save me, Lord!” he shouted. Jesus immediately reached out and grabbed him. “You have so little faith,” Jesus said. “Why did you doubt me?” When they climbed back into the boat, the wind stopped. Then the disciples worshiped him. “You really are the Son of God!” they exclaimed. (Matthew 14:27-32 NLT) I am privileged to speak to ladies’ groups and conferences. When I came to Virginia Beach, I was invited to speak to some ladies in a Greek Orthodox Church, at a home meeting. They also invited me to come to their church on Sunday. So, I did. Although the service was out of the ordinary for me, one thing was evident: I learned that I can worship God anywhere, anytime regardless of the denomination or who is preaching! That morning, the priest preached from the above passage. He asked this question: “Which was the greater miracle, Peter walking on the water, or Jesus reaching down to save Peter when he was sinking and then walking together with him back to the boat?”
Both are truly miracles. But to think that Jesus would rush out to help the ones He loved, even when their faith was small, is amazing. As I think of Jesus grabbing Peter’s hand and walking with him back to boat, I cannot help but smile. I love the fact that as they climbed into the boat together the wind ceased. (Verse 32) I imagine that the One who calmed the storm also calmed Peter’s heart as he realized that everything would be all right as long as Jesus was there in the boat with him. Are you in the middle of a storm? Do you feel as though the waves are overtaking you and that there is no hope? Do you feel you will never get to your destination? As you look out over life’s waves, remember these words: “Be of good cheer! It is Jesus! Do NOT be afraid!” You are not alone in your storm. My prayer is that you will know and believe the depth of God’s love for you, expressed through the life and death of His Son. Jesus is right there, walking towards you, extending His hand. As you grab hold and accept His invitation to walk together with Him, you will suddenly find peace in the midst of your storm and in the depths of your heart. I love how the story ends. Then the disciples worshiped him. “You really are the Son of God!” they exclaimed. (Verse 33) Whatever storm you are experiencing, know that Jesus is going through it with you. He is One who will never leave you or forsake you. And, He will never let you sink. Over and over again, Jesus will take you by the hand and walk with you back into the “boat” and stay with you forever. Then, your only response will be to worship Him and exclaim, “You really are the Son of God! V Joan (Joanie) Tyson currently lives in Virginia. Joan loves to sing and worship as well as share the Word of God every Monday on the beach. She has two adult children: Miriam and Josh. 29
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What Kind of Wakes Are You Leaving?
One day as I was sitting on the dock having some much needed quiet time, I noticed waves making their way across the lake. During my time on the dock, I hadn’t seen or heard a boat, but these waves were evidence that someone or something (a boat or perhaps a really large alligator!) had been out and about that morning. As I watched the waves make their way towards where I was sitting, I began to notice the morning sky. There before my eyes were amazing streaks… streaks left by planes that were well on their way to their destinations by now. I began to think about the impact things have on their environment, an impact that remains long after the thing is gone. I thought about people and the fact that they, like the boat and the plane, inevitably leave evidence of their presence as well. This realization led me to ask myself the question, “What kind of wake am I leaving?” When I leave a place, what remains? Am I leaving a wake of kindness, love, mercy, peace, and joy? Or am I leaving a wake of confusion, chaos, strife, and anger? Are people blessed by my presence or are they glad to see me go? Do they open the door and say “Come on in!” or do they run and hide? These are important questions for believers to ask themselves. Christians are called to be a light to people; they are called to be peacemakers; they are called to show forth unconditional love; and they are called to shine like a star in a dark world that needs hope (Phil 2:15). Our wakes are to look different. When we leave a place, people should say, “There is something different about that person and I want what they have in my life.” I encourage you today to ask God to examine your wakes… ask Him to expose any heart issues or thought patterns that have led to words or actions that may have left wakes of destruction or chaos. As He reveals these things to you, ask Him how to move forward in a new way so that your wakes bring forth peace and healing into the lives of others. As our wakes are transformed, the world will be transformed as well! V
by Kristi Overton Johnson
Kristi Overton Johnson is the founder of KOJ Ministries and In His Wakes. Kristi currently resides in Florida with her husband, Tim, and three children.
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2014 In His Wakes Tour Schedule April
12 14-15 16 19, 21, 23 24-26 28
Melrose, FL Camp Blanding, FL Prison Outreach Melrose, FL Orlando, FL Melrose, FL
1 2-3 16–17 18 22-25 28-29,31
Orlando, FL Auburndale, FL Acworth, GA Carrollton, GA Callaway Gardens, GA Hiawassi, GA
1 2 3 4 7–14 17 19-20,22 23 25 27 30
Hiawassi, GA Florence, AL Lake Hartwell, SC Nashville, TN Lake Kristi, NC Huntsville, AL Smith Lake, AL Conway, AR Enid, OK Ames, IA Elkhorn, WI
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1-2 Elkhorn, WI 7 Sheridan, WY 9-10 Polson, MT 17 Nacogdoches, TX 19 Ft. Worth, TX 21 Houston, TX 24-27 Waco,TX 25-26 Big Lake, OR 29 Orlando, CA 30 Johnson City, TN 31 Porterville, CA
August 1 4-5 7 11 13th 15–16 18 24 29,31
Porterville, CA Sheridan, CA Lincoln, CA Point Norris, NJ Vienna, MD Grand Rapids, MI Clarksville, MI Bend, OR Camas, WA
September / October events TBA…
stay tuned & check often for updates to the tour schedule! 31
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