Quarterly Publication Issue 4 2014
A Publication of Kristi Overton Johnson Ministries
Doin’ Time For Jesus
Can You Follow The Leader? Where My
Brother Once STOOD VL_NOV14R12.INDD 1
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PIERCE THE HEART OF CAPTIVES WITH GOD’S LOVE! There are hundreds of thousands of individuals in the prison system who desperately need to know about God’s power, love, and grace. With your help and God’s Truth, Victorious Living can set the captives free!
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PRISON And You Visited Me.
Matthew 25:36
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Boundaries protect, provide order, and show what is expected. Homes, prisons, businesses, churches, schools, relationships, finances… nothing can operate successfully without boundaries. The very heart of healthy boundaries is to create an atmosphere of victory. Recently, a friend and I were praying. My friend prayed something to the effect of, “Lord, help us to dream big. May we see no boundaries. May we move forward with no limits knowing that all things are possible with You.” As I thought about her words, I realized that not all boundaries are profitable. I’ve often heard people refer to their boundaries: I can’t. I don’t have enough money. I can’t. I’ve never done that before. I can’t. My past is too tainted. I can’t. I don’t have an education. I can’t. I’m a girl. I can’t. I don’t have time. I can’t. So and so won’t approve. I can’t. Others have tried and they didn’t succeed. I could go on and on listing people’s excuses as to why the visions in their heart can’t be accomplished. I’ve also witnessed other people erect boundaries in the form of “you can’ts.” Along with their “you can’t” they provide various reasons why someone’s dream will never be a reality. Here’s the thing: the boundaries of “I can’t” and “you can’t” aren’t really boundaries at all. Rather they are illusions created by man and even Satan to kill, steal, and destroy your God-given dreams. With God, there are no boundaries of what can be accomplished. If you stay close to Him, love and seek Him with your whole heart, and follow His lead, He will give you success in every area and every season of your life. (Joshua 1:7-9) Guaranteed. You really can do all things through Christ who gives you strength. (Philippians 4:13) You can also overcome; because greater is He that is in you than he that is in the world! (I John 4:4) Truthfully, the only thing that can hold you back in life is you… not your circumstances, past, education, gender, race, size, experience, or anything else you can imagine. Every time you agree with the perceived boundaries that you or others have erected in your mind, you give them the power to hold you back. You build fortresses that bind and suffocate your dreams. There is no limit to God’s power, knowledge, and presence. There is also no limit to His love. This was proven over 2000 years ago when He gave His One and Only Son for you and me. As Romans 8:32 says, “Since He did not spare even His own Son but gave Him up for us all, won’t He also give us everything else?” The moment you realize that God, the very One who created this universe and holds it in the palms of His hands, is on your side, you will realize that there really are no boundaries. Christ in you equals power, provision, protection, and victory.
Someone may be sitting in prison thinking, “Yeah right. Let me see God get me out of this boundary.” I can’t for one minute say that I’ve been where you are, but I can say this with all confidence: the walls of a prison are no hindrance to your God-given destiny. Someone may be waiting in a doctor’s office thinking a similar thing: “This boundary of sickness can’t be conquered.” Again, nothing is too hard for God. He can bring beautiful dreams out of our darkest nightmares. In my life, I’ve encountered boundaries that people said would be too hard to overcome. I’ve had dreams and desires that were far past my abilities, my finances, and my experience. I’ve heard the “you can’ts” and “it will never happen.” But amidst all of these things, I am more than a conqueror in Christ Jesus! (Romans 8:37) This magazine you are holding in your hand is a boundary breaker. When my heart began to stir with a dream for this magazine, there was no money to back it up, no articles stacked up on my desk, and no experience in magazine publication. But hey… God wasn’t looking for me to have the money, the articles, or the experience. He was just looking for a willing heart to dream big with Him. And as I focused on Him, instead of the boundaries, victory came… or should I say, Victorious Living came! Two of my children are also living examples of our victory over boundaries. As we waited for our international adoption to go through, we faced political boundaries that, in the natural, erected a wall between us and our children. But through our faith in God’s ability to do anything, the walls came down. These are just two examples. Since my commitment to trust the Lord and lean not on my understanding, I have seen the miracle working power of Christ in every area of my life. I know, without a doubt, that there is nothing too hard for Him. When you read these stories, I pray that you will begin to see past your boundaries. All things are possible in Christ Jesus. He is a redeemer and a restorer of life. He can take what the world would say is nothing and transform it into something beautiful. As my friend prayed, I now pray: “Lord, may we see past boundaries and look towards You. Help us to block out the voices that tell us our dreams are impossible; and help us to step out in faith. Help us to dream big and to stay close so You can bring all the desires of our heart to fruition.” Dream, my friend. Dream big, God-sized dreams. Then, with God’s help, step out and step over whatever boundary sets itself against you. With God’s help, you can advance against any troop: with our God, you can scale any wall. (Psalms 18:29)
Publisher/Editor Kristi Overton Johnson Assistant Editor Charlene Hannah Jung Contributors George Beasley Sandy Burdick Linda Cubbedge Amanda Cumbass Bonnie Hagemann Donna Hannah Kristi Overton Johnson Maureen Lendzion Paul McKean Nate Miller Carey Morford Rob Morford Robert Odom Al and Sharon Paquette Spencer Shultz Creative Director/Graphic Design Whispering Dog Design, Inc. Amy Zackowski Partnership Support Photography Cover: Dave Dillman Champion’s Heart Award photo: Christy Prowant Photography Victorious Living PO Box 120951 Clermont, FL 34712-0951 352.478.2098 • fax 888.837.9153 Victorious Living is a free quarterly publication distributed to KOJ Ministries partners, at various distribution locations, and within the Florida Prison System. ©2014, all rights reserved by Victorious Living. Contents may not be reproduced in any form without the written consent of the publisher. The publisher reserves the right to refuse any submission and accepts no responsibility for submitted materials. All submitted materials subject to editing. Unless otherwise indicated, all Scripture quotations are taken from the Holy Bible, New Living Translation, copyright ©1996, 2004, 2007, 2013 by Tyndale House Foundation. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers, Inc., Carol Stream, Illinois 60188. All rights reserved.
Victorious Living
The purpose of Victorious Living is to declare freedom for the captive through true testimonials of God’s grace, love, and power in the lives of everyday people. A captive is anyone enslaved to their circumstances, relationships, thought patterns, habits, or emotions. A captive can be incarcerated or living in a free society. They can be of any age, gender, race, and socio-economic background. 5
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An Invitation To Be A Part!
With your support, many of these dreams can become a reality in 2015!
Have you ever found yourself in a place you never dreamed you’d be? That would pretty much describe what I am experiencing. You’ll soon see what I’m talking about… For thirty years my life basically consisted of one thing –– water skiing. It was my life. Everything I did revolved around my career as a professional athlete. But in 2003, after decades of playing tug-of-war with powerful ski boats, my body began to wave a white flag of surrender. With my physical pain increasing, it was obvious my time on the water competing had come to an end. During this same time, I felt the Lord leading me to step out on the water with Him and use the platform He had given me to touch the lives of others. With His help, I launched In His Wakes, a non-profit water sports outreach. For over a decade, I have faithfully served the Lord through this ministry. Five years ago, however, my heart began to stir with a new vision as I sensed God leading me to begin another non-profit ministry called, Kristi Overton Johnson Ministries. KOJM evangelizes, equips, and encourages hearts through my passions of writing, singing, and teaching the Word of God. Out of KOJM came this magazine, Victorious Living. With no vision for the magazine other than to inspire people with the truth that God is alive and powerfully active in the lives of His people today, I began to write. As I wrote, God began working behind the scenes, opening doors for Victorious Living to reach an audience I would have never considered –– prisoners. Not long after, He sent me to prison!
Here’s how it happened… In the spring of 2013, a lady who lived in Missouri received a copy of Victorious Living. After reading it, she forwarded it to her friend, Bill Doyle, who was in prison. Bill, a professional wakeboard driver, had been very involved in the water sports industry prior to his arrest. She thought he would enjoy this publication published by a water skier. Upon receiving the magazine, Bill was moved to write me a letter. I wrote him back and in August of that same year, I found myself walking through security at the Miami Federal Prison to visit him. Never in my wildest dreams could I, or Bill, have imagined how that visit would redirect my life’s course. God was setting me up! After I left the Federal Prison and navigated my way north on the Florida Turnpike, tears began to stream down my face. Although I had left Bill physically at the facility, he had in many ways come home with me, as had the faces of dozens of other men and their families who I had encountered. It was overwhelming. I literally wept in the car for over an hour. What was happening? I now know that the Spirit of God was breaking my heart with the very things that break His. He was showing me the incredible need of people to be encouraged; as well as to know His love, forgiveness, and grace. At that point, I had no plan to enter into prison ministry. I just kept writing the magazine and praying: “Lord, I want to bring hope to the hopeless. Use me however and wherever.”
Over the course of the next several months, God began to answer that cry of my heart as He supernaturally placed Victorious Living in the hands of people who have great influence in the prison system. One by one, various people within the Correctional Department as well as national prison ministries began to reach out to me, offering their hand of fellowship and partnership, inviting me to be a part of what God was doing in the prison system. Next thing I knew, Victorious Living was in 40 Florida Prisons, a KOJM Prison Correspondence Team was launched, and I found myself standing in front of hundreds of inmates sharing the hope and love of Christ. It was not a place I sought
to be, or had ever imagined I would be, but the very moment I heard those gates lock behind me, it was a place I knew I was supposed to be. This may sound strange, but I felt at home. Since my first visit with Bill, God has continually opened one door after another making it ever so clear that prison ministry is part of His will for my life. He’s placed incredible people in my path, many former prisoners themselves, who have decades of knowledge in the area of prison ministry and who have experienced life behind prison walls. I sense the Lord saying, “Learn from them.” My new friends are living witnesses of the redemptive and transformative power of Christ. People often ask me, do you really think people can change? Yes, I know they can! In Christ and through Christ, people can live a victorious life! Since visiting Bill, God has filled my heart with a love for inmates that can only be of Him. He’s opening doors; and He’s giving me dreams and desires to proclaim freedom to the captives in unique and powerful ways. Without a doubt, God is in this; and He’s invited me to join Him on this amazing journey. This former pro water skier, now mother of three, and always a southern girl can only say one thing about all this, “Who would have ever thunk it?” Certainly not Bill or me. We are both excited to know that a legacy is being created far beyond the legacies we have left in our sports.
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Here are the dreams that are stirring in my heart: • Victorious Living in every prison in America. • A large Prison Correspondence Team faithfully writing to men and women, renewing their minds with the Word of God. • Incarcerated men and women discipled in the Word through live webcasts and written devotionals. • Inmates drawn to the prison yard, lured by the roar of the sound of the Ski Nautique’s engine. I see myself standing in the boat with a 360 degree viewpoint, using the boat’s sound system to proclaim freedom to the captives. • I see one million souls coming to Christ! As you can tell, I don’t dream small. Why should I? My God is a big God. Nothing is too hard for Him. With all my heart, I believe the Lord has put these dreams inside of me; and I believe He will give birth to them. How? Through the willing hearts of people like you and me. If there is one thing I’ve learned it is that God isn’t looking for great people to do great things… He is simply looking for willing people. And through willing people, God does great things. To Him be all the praise and glory, forever. It is going to be amazing to watch God unfold His plans as He brings together people across the nation and world to accomplish His will. Perhaps you are one of these people God has in mind. Would you pray about the possibility?
Be a part of what God is doing through Victorious Living. I’m inviting you to join me on this journey. Matthew 25:36 says, “When I was in prison, you visited me.” For inmates around the world, this is the cry of their heart… for you and me to visit them. You may not have had the opportunity to physically go into a prison; but you know what? Right now, you can visit incarcerated men and women through your gift of Victorious Living. Your financial support of this magazine will expand its territory into every prison in the United States. The product is ready. You are holding it right now. We just need your help to get it into the hands and hearts of inmates. With your help, these dreams will become a reality. Sincerely,
Kristi Overton Johnson
A New Legacy for Bill by Bill Doyle So much has taken place since your first visit to see me a little over a year ago. Wow! I just cannot comprehend how many people in need have been helped through your prison ministry in such a short time. God is so good! Every time I read anything that pertains to the KOJM prison outreach, I just sit in amazement and say to myself, “I was a part of that!” That said, I want to share something with you. One of the biggest impacts to my mental health as a result of my arrest is the fact that I will basically have no legacy in the sport of wakeboarding. No legacy as it pertains to the sport I loved and was such a big part of until the day I was arrested. Having every bit of good I ever did be immediately forgotten and tainted… well, that has been painful to say the least. But guess what? Let me tell you!!! God has brought me peace. Just knowing that God is using my mistakes to set your life’s course on this path of prison ministry means that I now have a bigger, more meaningful legacy that will continue long after I have departed from this world. That in itself makes ALL of this pain worthwhile! Seeing how God took my situation and used it for something so good takes away my anxieties and disappointments and gives me joy! Isn’t God great? Thank you again, Kristi, for your recent visit. I look forward to the next time where we can celebrate again all that God has done.
Table of Contents Issue 4 2014
6 Be A Part! Kristi Overton Johnson
8 Where My Brother Once Stood George Beasley
9 Attached Carey Morford
10 Be a Light Spencer Shultz
11 Welcome Home! Sandy Burdick
12 Restless for More Amanda Cumbass
13 God 1.0 - The One Thing That Will Never Change Maureen Lendzion
14 Come Away With Me Kristi Overton Johnson
15 From Death to Life Paul McKean
16 Doin’ Time for Jesus Al and Sharon Paquette
18 KOJ Ministry News
19 From Our Readers
20 In His Wakes Update Nate Miller
21 Why We Care Testimony DIM
22 Rescue Me! Linda Cubbedge
23 A Lesson To Be Learned Kristi Overton Johnson
24 Champion’s Heart Award - Rob Morford
25 Love…Respect…Unity…Power Rob Morford
26 Can You Follow the Leader? Bonnie Hagemann
28 Singing a New Song! Donna Hannah
30 One Big Mess! Kristi Overton Johnson
Share Your Story!
Do you have a story of victory? Share it with our readers! Your story has the power to transform lives and bring much needed hope. Here are the guidelines: Please note: • Submissions are not guaranteed to be included in magazine. • Submission is acknowledgement of your granting KOJM and Victorious Living Publications rights to produce submission in magazine and other ministry publications. • Photos submitted must have photographer’s and each photographed subjects’ consent of reproduction. • Photographer’s name must be included. Hard copies of photographs will not be returned. • Victorious Living does not pay for submissions. • Submissions should be a maximum of 800 words and are subject to editing. • Mail submissions to: Victorious Living, PO Box 120951 Clermont, FL 34712-0951; or submit online at • Victorious Living is a free quarterly publication distributed to KOJ Ministries partners, at various distribution locations, and within the prison system. 7
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Where My
Brother Once STOOD by George Beasley
And the king said, “Turn aside and stand here.” So he turned aside and stood still. 2 Samuel 18:30 (ESV) My brother, Chris, died at the young age of 37. It’s been twelve years since he passed away. He ran as far as he could and as long as he could but his pain and suffering always followed. It never left him. Finally, it took his life. As children, Chris and I loved to hang out together at the pier on Lake Waccamaw, a natural fresh water lake outside of Wilmington, NC. We had many memories on this pier, sitting there in the night hours with a dim light in the back ground, just enough to light up our faces. The sound of the water was so calming. Our conversations were always light, never too deep. Although our home life would come up every now and then, we mostly just talked about the future. Chris talked about his hopes and dreams, and I talked about mine. Recently, my wife, Lisa, and I visited the pier. As I stood there, I couldn’t help but think of Chris and recall the dreams that were born on that pier. I stood right where he stood and looked out over the water and listened as if to hear his voice. There was nothing but silence. I miss Chris. But the memories we shared together live on.
As Lisa and I sat on the pier reminiscing, I carved our initials in the wood to leave a permanent reminder of our time there. There are hundreds of names carved on this pier. It’s a testament to all who have once stood there also. They include the names of children, like Chris and I, who had formerly lived at the Boys and Girls Home of NC located at Lake Waccamaw, as well as residents of the community and vacationers who had come to the lake. Many dreams were born on this pier; the carvings tell me so. As I walked to the end of that pier that day, and stood where my brother once stood, I was reminded of the brevity of life as well as the unexpected journeys our lives can take. My journey, although rough and tough at times, became so ever full of hope and adventure. Chris’s journey, however, ended in pain and despair and death. Why the difference? How could two brothers with the same painful beginning in life have such different endings? My only answer is this: Christ. Through my relationship with Jesus Christ, I was able to unload my past and pain, and in its place gain a hope and a future. My brother, on the other hand, held ever so tightly to his pain, and in the end, it destroyed him. I loved Chris; I still
do. I know God loved Chris, too. Without a doubt, I know He longed for Chris to achieve his dreams and most importantly, receive and experience the love, grace, and hope of God. It is His desire for us all. Jeremiah 29:11 promises that God has a plan for our lives –– a plan of a hope and a future. God places dreams and desires in our hearts for our future. But sometimes along life’s way, these hopes and dreams get lost –– we get lost. They get buried in our circumstances and eventually forgotten. My friend, it’s time to rediscover those hopes and dreams. Close your eyes and walk out here on this ‘pier’ for a moment where my brother and I once stood. Tell me, what were the dreams and desires that once filled your heart and mind? Where are they now? Are they fulfilled? Or, have the circumstances of life caused them to drift away? It’s not too late, you know. No, there may not be a way to go back and change the tides of the past, but there is always a way to move forward, no matter where you are. God, the Dream Giver and Dream Fulfiller can make a way. He just asks you to stand still and allow Him access to your heart. One by one, give God your disappointments, failures, and pain. As you let Him in, He can then go to work resurrecting your life, your hopes, and your dreams. As we stand together on this pier where my brother once stood, realize there is hope. There is a way. So go ahead, carve your initials in deep; make a permanent marker of all that stirs within your soul. And then, with God, move forward one step at a time. V
George and his wife, Lisa, are Certified Marriage Mentors in NC. They work with couples to prepare, repair, and maintain marriages according to God’s Word. George is the author of “The Invisible Soul.”
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by Carey Morford
Recently, my husband, Isaac, and I fostered and then adopted our two sons. As we’ve read about adoption and attachment, I’m struck by the many parallels between adoption and salvation. When an adoption takes place, both parties (the parents and the child) are agreeing to be joined together as a family. There is a legal proceeding that makes it official, but there must also be a relational change. The two parties must bond together. This is called attachment. It takes a great deal of consistent, difficult work; but the attachment, not the legal agreement, is where the miracle happens. I’ve been a part of a few conversations lately that bounced around a question like this: “If God loves everyone no matter what, then why do we have to do something like pray a prayer or even believe to receive that love?” Here’s my explanation. In adoption, two things are required for an attachment to take place… love and acceptance. The parent’s responsibility is to offer genuine love in a safe environment, but sometimes even when a parent does everything they know to do, a strong attachment may never form because the child is unwilling and/or unable to accept that love. It is the same in our relationship with God. He’s the parent, always offering love, always offering a safe environment; but for us to really attach to Him, we have to actually trust Him. That’s easier for some than others. It also looks differently. Maybe it’s a prayer, maybe we would call it believing, or maybe, it’s just this moment when we almost subconsciously say, “Okay, You win, I’ll let You love me.” We’ve made a legal agreement. Some pastors and theologians would tell you that nothing can change that legal agreement, others would tell you that we can choose, by our actions or words, to get out of that agreement. I’m not sure that discussion even matters; because the real miracle doesn’t happen in the legal agreement, but in the relationship that begins in that moment. Not all adoptions go smoothly. Children who have been through trauma, whether because of abuse or neglect or just horrible circumstances that make a parent unavailable, have a difficult time learning to trust and form relationships even once they are provided with a safe, healthy environment. Sometimes they have temper tantrums and fight and resist every loving attempt of a parent, or sometimes they latch on to any person who walks through the door, giving hugs and kisses to perfect strangers. Sometimes they act out as an attempt
to get a parent to send them away like every other adult in their life, or sometimes they work with every bit of energy to earn approval. Not all salvations go smoothly either. People who have been through trauma, and that’s all of us, have a difficult time learning to trust and form relationships even once they are provided with the knowledge that a loving God wants to rescue them and provide a healthy, joyful life. Sometimes we throw temper tantrums and fight and resist every loving attempt of our Savior, or sometimes we latch on to anything that feels like happiness. Sometimes people act out because they assume God is going to condemn and hate them like everyone else, and sometimes people strive with all they have to earn God’s love and approval. None of this is necessary. We’ve made the legal agreement, and all that is left is that we bond. The key to being able to trust and bond is letting go of our fears. When we’ve been hurt, we’ve often put up walls to protect our broken heart; but to have a healthy, trusting relationship we must let those walls come down. We tend to think of taking those walls down as hard work, and maybe in some ways it is. But, mostly, it’s just brave work. It’s not that the work is going to be exhausting; it’s that it exhausts us to think about doing the work. So, the key is, to quit thinking, to quit worrying, to quit wishing for an easier way, and to just let go and trust. Jesus says, “Are you tired? Worn out? Burned out on religion? Come to Me. Get away with Me and you’ll recover your life. I’ll show you how to take a real rest. Walk with Me and work with Me—watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. I won’t lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you. Keep company with Me and you’ll learn to live freely and lightly.” Maybe today, you need to make the legal agreement: that incredible moment where you legally become a child of God through faith in Christ. That moment should be cherished forever. If you’ve already entered that “legal agreement,” I challenge you to think about how attached you really are to Jesus. How strong is your relationship or bond? Do you know, without question, no matter what happens, that you are loved? When people look at your life, do they know who you belong to? No matter where you are on this journey, I challenge you to trust God a little bit more; because it’s in the trusting that the miracle happens. V
Carey Morford is a Media Specialist and President of Seeds of Grace, Inc. Visit their site at Seedsofgrace-highridge.blogspot. com. She is married to her very best friend Isaac Morford, and they have two daughters, Layla and Rigby, and two sons, Zaiden and Gavin. 9
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Be a Light by Spencer Shultz
“And how will anyone As my first semester of college edged closer, I had a lot on my mind. Was I going to enjoy living on my own? Would it be weird waking up on Saturday morning and not be able to enjoy breakfast with my family? How hard were my classes going to be? Would I have time to do anything fun? One question I never considered, however, was whether or not I was going to join a fraternity. I had heard all about fraternity life; and as a Christian, I was pretty certain that being involved with something where men lusted after women and abused alcohol to the point where one couldn’t even stand probably wasn’t something I should be involved with. Furthermore, that lifestyle just wasn’t for me. Sure the intramural sports, homecoming activities, and meeting tons of new people would be awesome, but I wasn’t interested in the other stuff that went along with Greek life. As He often does, God had other plans. He started by introducing me to several older guys on campus who were using the Greek system to reach out to people and show them God’s love. I began to notice that these guys were a lot like me. They played sports, were active, and hung out with their friends on the weekend. So, in the spring of 2010, after praying long and hard during the fall semester, I rushed the fraternity I felt God wanted me to join. Sure enough, I received a bid and signed it. I was in. Over the course of the next five years, I developed strong relationships with many of my frat brothers, relationships that continue today. While at times I certainly took some heat for not participating in the ‘normal’ fraternity activities and going along with the crowd, I was nonetheless respected by the guys. Many
go and tell them without being sent? …“How beautiful are the feet of messengers who bring good news!” Romans 10:15
even came to the Bible study God had led me to hold at the frat house. At first, the idea of leading this study terrified me! But God gave me the strength to stand up in front of the guys and share the message of God’s love. To me, wherever you are, being a Christian is about being a light. It’s about showing the love of God and the grace of God in all places… even a fraternity. The world is a dark place and you and I are called to be God’s light, to show people His love. As we do, God can flip on a switch and completely transform someone’s life. He is just looking for a vessel to make himself or herself available so God can shine through. Maybe for you, your fraternity house is your workplace. Maybe it’s your neighbor’s or even your relative’s home. Or perhaps, it’s a local restaurant or hangout. While it’s certainly easy to just overlook these places and turn a blind eye, God calls us to go and serve. He calls us to go and tell. He calls us to go and love. If we don’t, who will? As Christians, our goal shouldn’t be to just stay in our pews or surround ourselves with people who believe and act just like we do. We must move out of our comfort zones. Staying there does nothing to reach the lost. So, how about it? Where would God have you go? I challenge you to ask Him. Spend time in prayer and ask Him to open your eyes to the dark places in your world. Then, follow His direction, go where He leads, and shine! V
Spencer Schultz is a 23 year-old recent college graduate from Kansas City, Missouri. In his free time, he enjoys water-skiing and spending time with his friends and family.
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Welcome Home! by Sandy Burdick
Have you ever taken some turns in life that you wish you could straighten out? Ones that have taken you so far away from where you dreamed of being? Ones that seem impossible to return from? Well, I’ve got good news. There is no road you’ve traveled that has taken you too far from God. As a good, loving Father, He is always waiting with open arms to welcome you home. In fact, God dedicated a whole story in the Bible to this exact thing! It’s called the Parable of the Prodigal Son (or Parable of the Lost Son). It is found in Luke 15:11-32. In this story, a rebellious, impulsive younger son of a rich man believes that his life would be better if he could just do whatever he wanted. He demands his inheritance before his father dies so he can live his life the way he wants. He does not want to be under his father’s rules and feels he can make his way better, and enjoy life more, on his own. Although it broke his heart, the father reluctantly gave his son the freedom to choose the life he wanted. Predictably, the younger son enjoyed his life for awhile but squandered his entire fortune on wild living. About the same time his money ran out, a great famine hit the land. The young man found himself not only destitute, but starving to death in a pig-sty. He wasn’t in this state long before he came to his senses and realized the foolishness of his actions. He concluded he would be better off as a servant in his father’s home than living the life he was living. Humbly, he devised a plan to go back home. He set out walking home, starving, in his tattered clothes, rehearsing his repentant story in his head, hoping for even a small measure of forgiveness from his father.
Do you hear the words, “Welcome home, My child?” It’s time to see it, and believe it! This can be YOUR story!
While he was still a long way from home, the father spotted him on the road. (Many feel the father had been watching for him for a long time.) He was filled with compassion for his son and ran down the road to embrace him. Did you catch that? The father ran! The son could not believe what was happening. He apologized to his father for his sins and declared his unworthiness to even be called his son. Rather than criticize the son, the father showed compassion and love. He embraced and kissed his son, and called out to his servants to bring the best robe, a ring for his finger, and sandals for his feet. Then, he instructed them to prepare a great feast to celebrate the return of the son who had been lost but who was now home. The true beauty of this story, as told by Jesus, is the unconditional love of God the Father, and His incredible willingness to forgive His children of all their transgressions. Close your eyes. Can you see this beautiful picture unfold? Now, put yourself in the son’s position. Can you envision yourself running towards your Heavenly Father? Do you see His arms opening wide? Can you feel His embrace and His warm welcoming kiss after being away for so long, doing who knows what? Now, extend your hand. Do you see Him putting His ring on your finger and His robe of righteousness on your back? Do you hear the words, “Welcome home, My child?” It’s time to see it, and believe it! This can be YOUR story! This can be YOUR homecoming. Like in this story, God is waiting for His strayed ones to come back home. More than anything, He wants His children to take that first step back to Him. It isn’t hard. Just do what the Lost Son did –– say you are genuinely sorry and that you want to be his Son or Daughter again. He will welcome you home. And as Your Father, He will show you the path to take to recreate your life in the way He intended all along, no matter what your circumstances. A quick side note to this story. Notice that when the rebellious son returned home, the father never once asked where his son had been or what he had done. The father’s only concern was the true repentant heart of his child. That was enough for him. This son of his, who had been dead, was now alive. It was time to party! Through this parable, Jesus is reminding us that God isn’t One to dwell on our past mistakes. Once we have repented of our sins, they are forever forgiven and forever forgotten. God doesn’t see our heart from days past, He sees our heart as it is TODAY. Not everyone in life, however, will share God’s unconditional love and forgiveness. Take the son’s brother for example. Unlike his father, the older, righteous son wasn’t too keen on his brother’s return. In fact, he was downright angry and began to sulk saying to his father, “You never gave me even one young goat for a feast with my friends! Yet you give him, a son who squandered your money on prostitutes, a celebration with a fattened calf?” This young man couldn’t get past the idea that his sinful brother should receive anything from his father, much less more than him. If believers aren’t careful, this same attitude can emerge. We can become self-righteous in our good deeds, church attendance, and good moral record and judge those who have come from far away. This is not the Father’s way. Jesus told us there is rejoicing in heaven when one soul is saved. (Luke 15:10). May we as believers never forget to rejoice with the Lord. Regardless of whether people around you share the grace of the Father, extend forgiveness, and welcome you home, don’t let that keep you from running home and staying there. Receive with joy God’s precious words, “Welcome home!” V
Sandy Burdick has had a lengthy career in marketing, advertising, and public speaking. She has worked with a variety of Fortune 100 companies, international ministries, and as a consultant to businesses of all sizes. Along with Maureen Lendzion, Sandy has created a lifestyle blog from a Christian perspective. www. 11
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Restless for More by Amanda Cumbass
Five years ago I boarded a plane bound for San Antonio, Texas, leaving my small Florida town behind to begin life in the military. It was then that I began an adventure that I will never regret, one in which I have learned more about myself, others, and Jesus. During this adventure, one that has taken me to Texas, California, Washington, and Arizona, I’ve learned to become comfortable in my own skin. I’ve learned how to bounce back from failure and how to be resilient despite trying circumstances. I’ve also learned that there is more to life than achieving success. I love my job and have enjoyed the last few years learning and growing and also figuring out how faith looks in my daily life. And yet, I am restless, restless for something more. Have you ever felt like you are missing something? Felt that there is something more in life that you are being prepared for? Have you ever felt a stirring in your soul? A stirring that often makes absolutely no sense, but that just will not go away? That is the restlessness I feel. It is an emotion that has set me on a quest to discover the reason behind this feeling.
“What if you could get past your fears and insecurities and spend the rest of your life running your guts out after His purposes for you?” from Jeannie Allen’s book, Restless As I have been struggling and wrestling and crying out to Jesus for answers, I came across an article in Relevant magazine that identified with my emotions. I was so intrigued that I quickly ordered the author’s book entitled Restless hoping to connect with someone who had experienced what I was feeling. As I started reading, I quickly realized the main reason I’ve been restless is that I have gotten really caught up in work life. I’ve become so focused on climbing the ladder as well as doing and striving to be the best I can be. That’s not necessarily a
Amanda is originally from Keystone Heights, FL. She is currently residing in Arizona while serving in the Air Force. You can follow Amanda at
bad thing, but somewhere in the process I had lost intimacy with Jesus and had quit being intentional in my actions and relationships. That’s where restlessness had been birthed. In the midst of my strivings I had ignored what I needed most… intimacy with Christ. What I am feeling is a desire for more of Jesus, and more of His will and direction in my life. I am restless to take all that He has given me and use it for His kingdom, rather than this earthly one. I am restless for freedom. To be able to just step out and use what He’s blessed me with without fear of failure or fear of disappointing people! In this book, author Jennie Allen says, “What if you could get past your fears and insecurities and spend the rest of your life running your guts out after His purposes for you?” That is what I am restless for. Restless to know Him deeper than just a casual relationship. Restless to trust Him to hold my fears, doubts, anger, concerns, and frustrations. Restless to trust that He loves me endlessly. Restless to be able to love and see others as He does. Restless to carry out His kingdom. Restless to go deeper. Restless for more. V
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God 1.0…
The One Thing That Will Never Change by Maureen Lendzion
Ugh! My frustration level has neared an all-time high. I am weeks into trying to set up a blog site and get it running. If I hear one more thirty-something say, “Oh, it’s soooo easy — it only takes just a few minutes. You just (blah, blah, blah)...,” I’m going to glare into their non-cataract-clouded eyes with all the venom I can muster. But at that point they’ll probably be in full-blown techno-talk mode and, unfortunately, I don’t know how to techno-glare. I’ve found the one thing you can count on when it comes to technology is that there is nothing you can count on when it comes to technology. It’s a moving target — changing constantly. Think you know what you’re doing? Wait until tomorrow. That 1.0 version of software you just spent months learning will soon be pleading with you to download its latest 2.0 update. And while it may be asking you nicely now, it’ll soon grow more firm. “Ignore my update requests, you fool,” it will seem to say, “and I’ll make sure your favorite program never again works on your device!” With all that said, the blog is finally up and running. My writing partner, Sandy Burdick, and I have it loaded and configured. It’s not quite yet ready for prime time, but soon will be. Thank goodness those same thirtysomethings who sometimes drive me crazy are more than willing to share their expertise. This recent annoyance led me to realize something: Unlike technology, God is never changing. There will never be a newer and better version — a God 2.0, if you will. He has always been and will eternally be a 1.0. He is the same yesterday, today, and forever. He is solidly God and we can count on His love, His character, His provision, and His promises forever. His Word is also absolute and unchanging. But, you may ask, what about the variety of biblical translations available? Aren’t they updates from God’s original 1.0 message? Here’s my answer: the many biblical versions found today simply allow us to understand God’s Word in the language that works best for us as individuals. The facts contained within them are rock-solidly consistent. They don’t change God’s core message. New biblical
translations do not revise God’s marching orders for living a life on earth that leads to an everlasting life in heaven. God’s and His Word’s unchanging nature is critically important. In our change-in-a-heartbeat world managed by imperfect, impatient, distractible people it is vital to know God is the constant we can rely on. He won’t change His mind and He won’t make a mistake — ever! His Word is true — always! Isn’t that an amazingly refreshing relief? God is a sure refuge from our fast-moving, ever-changing, technology-overloaded, communication-heavy world. He is the one thing we can trust and build our lives firmly upon. The prophet Isaiah says: Do you not know? Have you not heard? The LORD is the everlasting God, the Creator of the ends of the earth. He will not grow tired or weary, and His understanding no one can fathom. Isaiah 40:28 (NIV) Just think — you and I have an everlasting God with an unchangeable nature Who promises to always be there for us. So, when frustrations arise and I can’t figure out how to use all the techno-gadgets in my car, I’ll remember that God is always a 1.0 God. When I can’t get my new computer up and running as quickly as I’d like, I’ll rest assured that God’s Word is up, running, and timeless. When the latest release of a smart phone throws me into techno-irritation, I’ll take comfort in knowing that God’s original smart release — His Word — remains soothingly unchanged. All the updates humanity throws my way may ruffle my feathers from time to time, but they can’t sway God, His Word, or my trust in Him. After all, I have God’s concrete promise that He’s a 1.0 — the one thing in this life (and the next) that will never change!V Maureen Lendzion is enjoying selfemployment as a writer. Her career has included journalism, public relations, and public speaking along with special project and grant writing. With Sandy Burdick, Maureen has recently created a blog with a Christian perspective. 13
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Come Away With Me by Kristi Overton Johnson
With our move to Central Florida, one of my top priorities has been to assemble a ministry team to love people to Christ through our publication and prison outreaches. It’s a legitimate concern as the vision on my heart is huge and there is no way it can be carried out alone. But the more I have plotted and planned, and sought and searched, the more uneasy I have become in my spirit. I don’t have peace to move forward with my plans. Instead, I sense the Lord saying, “Just wait on Me; and in the meantime, come away with Me.” “Come away with Me.” These are the words I hear in my heart and mind as I go about my day. It is an invitation from God to cease my worry and activity, to lay aside my to-do list, and simply come into His presence. As I’ve struggled with actually accepting His invitation, the Lord has patiently and gently reminded me of the importance of finding this place of intimacy with Him. Recently, He used the testimony of a minister to get this message through my thick skull. This minister shared about a time when he traveled to Africa to join a large ministry in Mozambique. Although eager to go deep into the bush with the gospel, and qualified to minister, the head of the ministry wouldn’t let this man go out with the team. Instead, he was given orders to spend time with the Lord walking on a nearby beach. As instructed, he took a walk, praying with each step, and then returned the next day eager to minister. Once again, however, he was given the task of walking the beach with God, but this time for a whole month! In his testimony, he shared how difficult this exercise was for him as a person who is always ready to “giddy-up-and-go!” for the Lord. He had flown all the way to Africa to help people and experience the Lord working through Him in amazing ways. Yet, here he was, walking the beach? As I listened to his story, I felt the Lord saying to me that I was entering a season of walking the beach with Him. For days I thought about walking the beach. To be quite honest, I wasn’t too excited about it. I’m a “giddy-up-and-go” person myself.
There’s too much to do! The thought of a season of walking the beach didn’t interest me at all. What was the Lord asking of me? Did I literally walk a beach and do nothing? Surely not. Since I had no idea what walking the beach looked like to God, I began to pray about it. As I prayed, this question rose up in my heart, “How do you feel when you are on the beach.” That was an easy question. I began to answer it in my journal: “Lord, when I am on the beach, I am in total awe of Your majesty and the beauty of Your creation. I feel so free, so totally free on the beach! I’m so alive. And, so in touch with You. With each step, I find myself deeper and deeper in Your presence. On the beach, it’s only You and me, God. I have no worries, no fears, nothing… just pure peace. On the beach, I am captivated by Your love, speechless by all that I see. I am energized and become like a child splashing in the waves, digging in the sand, and floating weightless in the water. On the beach, I never doubt Your love, power, majesty, goodness, or Your love for me.” As I became transparent with God, it became clear what He is asking me to do. Walking the beach and coming away with Him wasn’t about dropping everything and doing nothing. It wasn’t even about going to an actual beach. Rather, it was an open invitation to enter into a place of rest and freedom; an invitation to become child-like… totally excited about Him and totally free in Him; an invitation to become completely enthralled by His beauty and overwhelmed by His love. Finally, and most refreshing to me, it was an invitation to come to a place where I’m not
focused on doing anything but only being who God has made me to be. In that place, God will hit me like a tsunami with His wave of glory and sweep me away to exactly where He wants me to be. In that place, God will place answers on my heart and give me the wisdom and discernment to move forward. In that place, He will assemble the team He desires to carry out the visions He has placed on my heart. In that place, He will shower me with His love, fill me with His peace, and energize me with His strength. On the beach, that’s where it’s at! Everything I need, everything I could desire, everything I could ever hope for is waiting for me on the beach. And, it’s waiting for you, too. Let’s accept God’s invitation to come away with Him. V
Kristi Overton Johnson is the founder of KOJ Ministries and In His Wakes. Kristi currently resides in Florida with her husband, Tim, and their three children.
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This time of the year is so beautiful in Tennessee. The leaves are falling and turning brilliant colors, and the mornings are refreshingly crisp. Fall has arrived. For me, witnessing these changes is exhilarating; they remind me of the seasons of life. The early seasons of life begin with hope and excitement. As kids, we run and play. Life is fun! There isn’t a care in the world. We get our education, set out on our own, and chase after our dreams. We find our forever soul mate and form a family. Then, new arrivals come on the scene –– children and pets. Careers are launched. It’s an exciting time of getting your act together and hitting your stride. Then, you enter another season and life gets hard. The constant cycle of working, raising children and providing for their needs, paying bills, fixing things, and focusing on your relationship with your spouse can become exhausting. But you keep working hard and it pays off. You get promoted, and life settles down. After awhile, however, the cycle catches back up to you and the smooth road once again gets rough. Parts of our life begin to break down on your job and in relationships. You may wonder: is it worth it? The next season approaches faster than you would have ever imagined. Your AARP greeting comes in the mail announcing that you have officially entered the final season of life: old age. You don’t feel old, in fact, you still feel like the kid from a half a century ago. But you pass by the mirror, and find an older version of yourself staring back. This is a season of reflection and a realization that you are not able to do some of the things you once did. Marathons and triathlons give way to 5K walks and strolls. You enjoy your life successes, but most of those are now in the musings and rear-view mirrors of life. Your body changes. Your blood pressure and heart scans point to the obvious –– lifestyle changes are in order. It’s time to adjust your diet and exercise more. You keep pressing on, making changes, refusing to cave into those aching knees or broken down hips and shoulders. You’re aiming for 85, or better yet, 100!
These portrayals may not completely reflect your life seasons, but I’m sure you can find some similarities. Right now, I’m in this final season and lately, I’ve had plenty of reminders! I recently went to the 50th Class Reunion of my college graduating class. Wow! Talk about an eye opener! Although I recognized some of my classmates, I really had no idea who many of them were. I’m sure they didn’t recognize me either. It became quite obvious as I looked at my classmates that I’m in the last season of life. And if seeing all those people wasn’t enough to remind me of my impending departure from this life, I then learned of the passing of a dear friend who was my age. All of this really made me really think about my next season –– eternity. In the book of Psalms, David provides a picture of life and God’s involvement in it. “Every day of my life was recorded in Your book. Every moment was laid out before a single day had passed.” Psalm 139:16 (NIV) From this passage, we see that God has numbered every day of our lives. No matter who you are: there is a time to live and a time to die. With that realization in mind, I ask myself: How will I live out my days? What type of legacy will I leave? What will the next season of eternity be like? Here’s my answer: I want to live whatever days I have left on this earth in the presence and power of God, loving Him, and loving His people. I want to use my gifts and talents for His purposes so that I leave a legacy that lasts beyond me. Leaving a legacy of money and material items isn’t my primary goal; rather, I want to leave Christ in the hearts of many. And in regards to eternity? For me and other believers, that final season will be awesome! There wil be no more tears, confusion, pain, failure, struggles, sickness, disappointment, or heartache. I welcome it! Does all this talk about eternity seem too dark and grim? Does the thought of death scare you? It doesn’t have to. The reality is that no matter who we are, our season of life will end. Therefore, it is important that we secure the answers to these questions now, regardless of what season we may be in.
Take a moment and reflect on the following: How will you live out your days? Will they be for your glory and man’s applause, or will they be for God’s purposes? What type of legacy will you leave? Will the things you do remain, or will they simply rot with time? Finally, where will you spend eternity? Where will you go from here? Will you pass from death to death? Or, will you pass from death to life? Our final breath on earth isn’t the end; it is the beginning –– of something. What will it be: Eternal separation from God or eternal life with Him? Those who have accepted Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior and His offer of new life have the assurance of eternal life. “He who has the Son (Jesus) has the life; he who does not have the Son of God does not have the life. These things I have written to you who believe in the name of the Son of God (Jesus) in order that you may know that you have eternal life.” 1 John 5:12 -13 (NASB) Do you have eternal life? If so, rejoice! There is nothing to fear. As you wait to enter that final season, live purposefully and passionately for Christ. If you are not sure about where you’ll spend your eternal season, make sure today! The Bible says, “If you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved.” Romans 10:9 If this is your desire, with a sincere heart pray: “Father God, I know that I am a sinner. I know I need a Savior. In faith, I come to You through Jesus’ sacrifice for my sin on the cross and receive forgiveness. His death paid the price for my sin and His resurrection conquered death. Because of my faith in Your Son, I now have the assurance of eternal life with You. In Jesus’ mighty Name, Amen” V
Born in 1941, Paul S. McKean made a early commitment to a life-long ministry of Christian service. Paul and his wife, Jeannie, served with Campus Crusade for Christ for 43 years. The last 30+ years, they served in international ministry, in particular Asia. Retired (yet still serving), Paul resides with his wife of 52 years in Unicoi, TN. His education includes a BA and MA in Philosophy. He is a consultant to KOJM. 15
11/20/14 9:02 AM
Doin’ Time For Jesus by Al and Sharon Paquette
Sharon: Twenty-nine years ago, my life drastically changed when my husband, Al, had a true Damascus Road experience. Literally overnight, the biker I had married 11 years prior was no longer the man I knew. I was used to the guy who was stoned 24 hours-a-day and who drank until he passed out every night. Not this straight man who wept and actually started to care about me and our two young ones. For years I had witnessed Al struggling to quit excessive partying. Yet, in the end, he would always break his promises to me. It was a constant burden to me. I really don't know why I stayed with him; we were crazy in love from the beginning is my only answer. I prayed in desperation countless times, and I was on the verge of giving up when this transformation occurred. We had started going to church, but Al didn’t seem to be hearing the message. As soon as he would come home, he would head straight to the garage to do his normal activities –– get drunk and get high. One Sunday evening while in the garage, however, Al had an encounter that changed our lives forever.
photos courtesy of Dave Dillman
Al: Our neighbor, Jerry, had come over to the garage to talk to me. It was the first time someone had actually described hell. Outwardly, there didn’t seem to be an immediate change. I did not get down on my knees. In fact, I just smoked another joint. I’m sure Jerry went back home thinking I hadn’t heard a thing. But something had happened that night. God had used Jerry’s words to pierce my hard heart in ways I could have never imagined. I woke up the next morning with a real physical pain in my chest. I actually thought I was having a heart attack. As I look back, I am certain it was God ripping Satan right out of my chest. At that moment, my desire to get high and drunk was forever gone. Completely.
Sharon: That night Al woke up with a horrible pain in his chest. He left for work and came home a new man. He told me he was never getting high again. I could see in his eyes that this was a promise he was going to keep. It was the miracle that I had longed for.
Al: It took me two days to figure out what had happened. I was
raised in a Catholic family, I had gone to nine years of Catholic school, and I had known about God and Jesus. But those were just somewhat warm, fuzzy stories. They had never really applied to my life. At that point, I was 31 years old. I had been a criminal most of my life, totally addicted to drugs, alcohol, and pornography. Overnight, however, something had happened. No longer was I angry, nor did I have a desire to get high, drink, or hurt people. Even cuss words had disappeared from my vocabulary. The strangest things were happening to me. Not only were my normal desires gone, but I even found myself smiling on the way home from work. This was my first authentic smile in years. It actually made my jaws hurt! To say those around me were a bit taken aback by my behavior would be an understatement. When I refused my coworker’s invitation to join him in the rafters to smoke a joint, (something we had done daily at work for ten years), he just kept asking, “What is wrong with you?” I didn’t know.
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Sharon: When
I came home from bowling, I knew something was up. The house didn’t smell like pot, and Al wasn’t drunk. When I saw him reading the Bible, I thought for sure he was tripping on drugs! He assured me he wasn’t. (I made him follow my finger with his eyes just to make sure.) When I saw him reading the Bible, all I could ask was, “What is wrong with you?” With a smile he answered, “I don’t know.”
AL: That night was so beautiful. I had a peace about me that I could have never achieved with any drug. The next morning as I was riding my bike to work, I heard the audible voice of God saying, “I’m going to carry your burden of needing to get high.” At that moment I knew I had had an encounter with the Lord. He had changed my life, miraculously taking away my desires so I could be used by Him in a powerful way.
photos courtesy of R.O.O.T. Prison Ministry
Sharon: We never looked back from that day
on. We started fervently seeking God’s will in our lives. Al met with our pastor, John Christiansen, every Wednesday morning. He listened and grew. 1 Peter 4:10 became our passion: “God has given each of you a gift from His great variety of spiritual gifts. Use them well to serve one another.”
Sharon was just as shocked. That evening she had gone bowling. As usual, I had taken the kids to McDonald’s to get some food. When we got home, however, something incredible happened. I found myself actually playing with my kids, and, enjoying it! Once I put them to bed, I went out into the garage for some pot. But when I looked at all the marijuana, I just didn’t feel like rolling a joint. I went to the refrigerator to grab a beer, but I didn’t feel like drinking either. I had no idea what was wrong with me. For sixteen years, every minute I existed, every minute I breathed, I was smoking, drinking, and doing drugs. There must be a reason. Could it have to do with God? Sharon and I had been attending a Ray Stedman Authentic Christian Bible class. I took out the class book. I had never read it before. I never read any books that didn’t have pictures in them. I quickly noticed Bible references, so I began to look them up.
AL: When I read 1 Peter 4:10 and understood
that I am to use whatever gifts I have to help others so I can faithfully administer God’s grace in various forms, I knew this verse was for me. At first, however, I had to accept that God could love me –– a screw-up who had destroyed everything in his path. I had to be one of the worst husbands in the world, and most definitely, the worst role model of a father. Yet as I read the Word, I realized that He indeed did love me, forgave me of all my sins, and desired to use me for His glory. Many tears were shed by this grown man. God had changed my life. I knew He was real, and I knew He loved me right where I was. I told God that night that I would go anywhere He wanted me to go, and talk to anyone that He wanted me to talk to.
Sharon: Al worked full-time and we devoted
every spare moment and any extra money we had to go into prisons and use our gifts to serve others. My mother who lived next door to us was a great help with our children. One night during Al’s quiet time the Lord spoke to him and told him to go to school. After much discussion, Al stepped out in faith. He started by getting his GED and then his Bachelor of Arts. Then he went to seminary and graduated with a BA in religion. He was ordained in 1997. This process took 15 years! In 2000, the Lord led Al to quit his job as a frontend mechanic and go full-time into ministering to inmates and bikers. He obeyed and formed Al Paquette Ministries. Ever since answering his call to serve others, we’ve been riding our motorcycles across the country sharing the love and power of Christ. We’ve also joined other national prison ministries such as Kairos, R.O.O.T. Motorcycle and Prison Ministry, Inmate Encounter, and Bill Glass Champions for Life. One day while in prison, we watched as the inmates drooled over our bikes. They looked over every detail, really appreciating seeing a bike upclose. For many inmates, it had been years since they had seen one. Al went home and started building a prison-themed motorcycle called, Doin’ Time. Eight months later, Al was riding this motorcycle into prisons across the country. To date, he has ridden it into over 120 prisons.
I built Doin’ Time for the inmates. As I built that bike, I prayed earnestly for the Lord to use it to touch many lives for His Kingdom. When I speak to the inmates, I tell them that I prayed over that bike just like God prayed for them when they were being created. The correction officers also enjoy Doin’ Time. That bike has given much joy to many and is an incredible tool for connecting with people in order to share the Gospel.
God is so good. He answered my prayers, and more! Through our life story, I pray that you will realize that no matter what your current situation may be, no matter what you are going through, or have gone through, Jesus is the answer. Grasp the truth that He sees your heart, knows your desires, hears your cries, and loves you more than anything. Then, keep believing for your miracle. The transformation may not happen as fast as Al’s, but it will come. And God’s miracle, just like Doin’ Time, will be specially designed, just for you. V
Sharon & Al have been together since 1973. In 1985, Al was called out of the fast paced biker lifestyle. Al was freed from his addictions over night. They both went through a healing process that brought them to the start of an exciting journey. Since 1986 they have served in many different ministries and have helped coordinate motorcycles to go into prisons all over Florida. They know the healing power of Jesus Christ first hand and they want to share this information with everyone they meet. 17
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KOJM: 2014 Year In Review As I look back over 2014, I am truly amazed. In many ways, it would seem to some that I have taken steps backwards. I have moved from an incredible facility to a new location in Central Florida where I am working out of my home as I did a decade ago. Over the past 4 months, I’ve once again become responsible for the majority of administrative activities for both KOJM and In His Wakes including paying bills, answering the phone, database entry, picking up the mail, and making bank deposits. Yet, as I’ve been faithful to do what needs to be done, an amazing thing has happened. God has been at work opening doors and bringing about supernatural connections that have made 2014 the most fruitful year ever since KOJM’s inception five years ago. For years as a ministry leader, I tried desperately to bring about the visions in my heart. Even upon my recent move to Central Florida, I immediately thought, “I’ve got to go do something … build a team, get the magazine out to this new community, meet pastors, etc...” Those thoughts came to an abrupt end during my prayer walk a couple of months back as I heard these words: “Kristi, I have freed you from the yokes of your past. If you aren’t careful, you are going to run right back out and hitch yourself up again.” One thought of that yoke from years past and I knew without a doubt –– I did not want to go back there again. I like my newfound health, sanity, and relationships. My family likes it, too! With those words ringing in my mind, I made a commitment to wait on the Lord, to draw close to Him, and to be faithful to whatever and whoever He placed in my path. As you’ll see from the following praise reports, it’s been a good combo. I praise the Lord and I thank our supporters who have made all of the following possible in 2014!
• VL is currently funded by individuals like YOU who desire to see men and women experience a victorious life.
Prison Ministry
• Upon joining KOJM in 2014 as Prison Correspondence Director, Linda Cubbedge formed a team that meets weekly to write to and pray for inmates. Policies and procedures have been developed for this correspondence outreach. • In 2014, KOJM corresponded with 200 inmates on a consistent basis. Each inmate received personal letters from our Prison Correspondence Team, monthly devotionals from Kristi Overton Johnson, and personal copies of VL. The number of inmates on our correspondence list is growing daily. • In 2014, Kristi Overton Johnson spoke to inmates in 11 Florida facilities. • In December, Kristi will once again join Bill Glass’ Behind the Walls Ministry as a platform speaker in Jacksonville, FL prison facilities. She will also join Murf the Surf in Orlando facilities.
International Orphanage Outreach
• In 2014, KOJM donated $6,000 to Favour the Helpless. This money was used to buy essential supplies for orphaned children in India. • Kristi visited Glazov, Russia where she presented toys, gifts, medical supplies, and a medical transport van to the local orphanage.
Champion’s Heart Life Center
Located in Keystone Heights, CHLC served hundreds of local residents in 2014 through its resource center before closing in May. Currently, the center provides space to various local organizations who offer physical, spiritual, and mental health services.
“We Care” Sponsor Page
Beginning next issue, we will launch a We Care Partner Page that will recognize businesses and individuals who are supporting the Victorious Living prison outreach. In the course of the next year, you will notice VL moving away from individual business listings with a few sponsor exceptions. There is room for your name on this list! To become a partner, email
Address Correction
In the last issue (Issue 3, 2014), there was an address error. Below is the correct address information: All Inmate Correspondence: Victorious Living Prison Outreach PO Box 968 Keystone Heights, Fl 32656 Donations or General Correspondence: KOJM/Victorious Living PO Box 120951 Clermont, Fl 34712-0951
Victorious Living Magazine
• 64,000 total copies were distributed in 2014. • Of this amount, 36,000 copies were mailed directly to 40 Florida prisons. Additional copies entered the prison system through partnering prison ministries who are using VL as a resource to reach inmates for Christ. • Unlike the general public, copies of VL within the prison system have a continuous readership. Magazines are shared and read multiple times among the prison population; thereby increasing the potential impact of each magazine.
Orphans from India send a warm thank you to KOJM’s supporters for helping provide their basic needs.
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FROM OUR READERS Words From Heaven
Dear Faithful Sister, (member of Prison Correspondence Team) I received your letter on September 23. I was in my room reading the most recent publication of Victorious Living when the mail was given out. I was grateful and thankful to God when I saw who the letter was from. After reading your letter, I was touched and brought to tears of spiritual joy. My roommate and another prisoner were sitting on his bed playing chess. They saw me wiping the tears from my face and got concerned as they thought something was wrong. When I shared your letter with them, they too started nearly the same. My roommate said: “Man, it’s been more times than I can count! Only God knows how many times they have spoken the right Scriptures to me and many more of us prisoners right when we needed it, comforting us in Christ. You need to sit and write this Godsent sister back and thank God for speaking to her heart about you.” He just kept going on and on about how right and true your words were. I just let the tears of joy flow freely. The three of us joined hands and prayed. Sister, the power of the Holy Spirit was so strong: not only in our room, but in the entire dorm. I didn’t know it at first, but the majority of the prisoners were looking at this television show called, “The Voice.” I was told that when we started praying, another prisoner got up and turned the volume down. Some prisoners outside my room door and other prisoners fell silent. I didn’t know what to make of it. But, I gave thanks and praises to God. Once again, thank you for your spiritual uplifting and encouraging letter. Only the Holy Spirit could have led you to write so truthfully and beautifully for His sake. You and your family are lifted daily in my prayers. I will write more as God opens the door for me in my next letter. God loves you, and so do I, in Christ Jesus’ name. God is an on-time God. He may not come when we want Him to; but He will always be there right on time. We just need to wait on Him. Amen
A Prayer For Our Team!
Dear Friends at Victorious Living, I picked up a Victorious Living magazine at the Union Correctional Institution Chaplains’ library a few days ago. Although not the first time, it was the first time I have read it with enthusiasm. Like George Beasley, the author of The Old Rope Swing (Issue 3 2014), I also have a memory of failure from 58 years ago. This failure began haunting me many months back. It consumed many hours. Satan was pulling me away from the Jesus that had saved me many years ago. But like George said, “There’s no fixing the wrong.” The Holy Spirit hauled me out of the dump and drug me to Isaiah 43:18-19 and said, “But forget all that Ken — it is nothing compared to what I am going to do. For I am about to do something new. See, I have already begun! Do you not see it?” He began by leading me to the chapel library and to the magazine rack. Then, he made my eyes focus on the fork in the road on your cover. Next, He gave me the desire to bring Victorious Living back to my room. The rest is history, a lesson learned. Thank you, Jesus, for the friends at Victorious Living. Lord, continue to fill their hearts with the unconditional love of God. I pray that you grow the prison correspondence team and allow their families to understand and support them for this great mission. Redeemed from the past at the cross, Inmate Kenny
PO Box 120951 Clermont, FL 34712-0951 352-478-2098
Kristi Overton Johnson Ministries seeks to love people to the Life-Giver, Jesus Christ, through its various publications, speaking, teaching, singing ministry, prison and orphan outreaches. KOJM equips minds and encourage hearts with the Living Water of God’s Word. Scan the QR code to Like Kristi Overton Johnson Ministries FaceBook page and receive inspirational devotions.
YOU CAN HELP BY: • Becoming a monthly financial supporter of KOJM so we can evangelize the Gospel, encourage hearts, and equip minds with God’s Word. • Sponsoring a prison or inmate to receive Victorious Living. • Distributing Victorious Living in your area. • Sharing your story of God’s faithfulness in Victorious Living. • Inviting Kristi or Linda to speak at your church or group. • Praying for us!
Inmate Daniel
A very special THANK YOU to the ladies who faithfully serve on our Prison Correspondence Team. Please continually lift these ladies up in prayer as they encourage the hearts of many with the Love and Truth of God. 19
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Just Be Willing In His Wakes is a separate non-profit. If you desire to make a donation to IHW, please go online at or send donations to the address below. PO Box 120987 • Clermont, FL 34712-0987 Nate Miller • 352-745-0283
In His Wakes introduces people to the life-changing power of Jesus Christ through water sports.
YOU CAN HELP BY: • Purchasing Bibles, dog tags, medals, and other resources to be used in our 2015 “A Day to Remember” program. • Becoming a monthly supporter. We need 100 people to commit to $50 a month. • Sponsoring a child to attend an event. ($100 per child) • Helping us purchase a replacement motorhome for our second travel team. • Helping us sell our boat! We have a Malibu ’06 I Ride for sale.
IHW 2014 YEAR IN REVIEW: • IHW held 51 “A Day to Remember” on-water events in 20 states, plus unique outreach events . • Over 1000 at-risk youth and adults heard the gospel and experienced a day of victory on the water. • Hundreds gave their life to Christ, making the commitment to “Get off the Dock” and follow Him! • IHW launched a second team to help conduct our D2R Tour!
photos by Ly
nn Novako
Children from Edgewood Ranch visit USA Water Ski Hall of Fame prior to learning to ski themselves!
partnering with other ministries to hold youth outreach events. Two of these events took place the first weekend of November in Bend, OR and Sacramento, CA. I’ve been the director of In His Wakes for 8 years now. I’ve seen a lot of amazing things, but the Sacramento event topped them all. For over a year, I’ve dreamed of a large outreach event. During the planning process, however, circumstances would always arise preventing the event from occurring as I’d envisioned. Several months ago, however, an opportunity arose to try again. After prayer, I stepped out in faith and joined like-minded ministries who had a similar vision to reach youth with the Gospel through sports. As the event approached, multiple last minute obstacles arose that threatened the outcome of the event. We stayed the course, however, and continued to pray. The Lord heard our prayers and showed us once again that He has everything under control. I should know by now that God is not surprised by the unexpected; after all, these are His events. We are simply the hands and feet He uses to carry out what He has already put into place. Prior to the event, we had absolutely no idea how many people would attend. We prepared the best we knew how in regards to planning our schedule as well as providing adequate seating. What I wasn’t prepared for was the response that occurred at the end of the event. We opened the event with praise and worship and then showed exciting videos from our 2014 “A Day to Remember” events, as well as The Purpose Film. Pro wakeboarder, Kirby Liesmann, brought the event to a powerful close with his personal faith testimony.
I heard a message on Gideon recently that reminded me of exactly how I felt as I was planning for the In His Wakes 2014 Tour. In Judges 6:11-16, the Lord instructs Gideon to go and deliver Israel from their oppressors, a calling way over his ability by human standards. Gideon basically responded, “God, I am too small and too young. How can I possible pull this off?” To which the Lord responded, ”I have sent you, go in My power and strength.” Facing a season of over 50 “A Day to Remember” events, organizing other unique outreach events, coordinating a second traveling team’s schedule, and all the logistics involved with a multi-faceted ministry caused me to feel a bit unqualified to pull off what the Lord had set before me to accomplish. “Are you sure you got the right guy, Lord?” I wondered. Although my situation was very minor in comparison to what Gideon was facing, I still felt inadequate. I knew that only through God’s power and strength could I lead In His Wakes. Now, many months later, I look back and celebrate the victory of completing all that the Lord had put on our hearts to do. Amazingly, everything I had envisioned during the preseason happened… and more! With God’s help, and the help of hundreds of volunteers and faithful partners, lives were forever changed. Even though our on-water ministry season has ended for 2014, our ministry team hasn’t gone into hibernation. There isn’t an off-season anymore. Since our last “A Day to Remember” event at USA Water Ski Headquarters on September 26, we have been busy holding follow-up events with some of our participants, as well as
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Why We Support Victorious Living…
A Day to Remember’ participant from Teen Challenge shares how the program changed his life at a recent outreach event in Oregon. As we began to sing the closing song, “Break Every Chain,” we offered an opportunity for those who would like prayer to come forward. You could sense the overwhelming presence of the Holy Spirit moving through the room. It quickly became evident that a seven member prayer team was a drastic underestimation on my part. The Lord had bigger things in mind! Soon, each prayer team member had a line of individuals seeking prayer for salvation, physical and emotional healing, as well as healing of broken relationships. For 30 minutes we prayed for one hurting person after another. It was such an incredible way to finish out the 2014 season! Although we spent a lot of time driving, and spent little time sleeping, we left the event energized by what the Lord had done and excited about what He is going to do in the near future. I’m telling you, we could have started the 2015 season right then!
by Discount Inboard Marine, LLC
As I begin prayerfully scheduling the 2015 Tour, I am humbled. Like Gideon, I don’t feel equipped to do this job, yet the Lord has invited me to partner with Him in such a powerful way. I encourage you, whatever you sense the Lord asking you to do, accept His invitation. Lay aside your fear and doubt and just be willing. Trust me, you’ll be amazed at what the Lord will do in your midst! V
Faith is stored in our hearts, in our mouths, and in our hands as we obediently give The Word of Life to a lost and dying generation. At Discount Inboard Marine, LLC, we support Victorious Living because we know that it is here that The Word of Life and Love is being given! And hearts are being made new. This magazine is making endless ripples of impact; we are blessed to be a part of what God is doing! Nothing compares to the promises of God! May you be blessed as you read the words of testimony which prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that God is at work in lives and hearts and mouths everywhere, every day, for His Glory! Thank you KOJ Ministries for the light you shine and the wake you make! It is our pride and joy to assist you in adding power to lives, through the glorious Gospel of Jesus Christ. ~Karen Dougherty Discount Inboard Marine, LLC 21
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Rescue Me! Sometimes life can be downright overwhelming. It often feels like you are running your race with the Lord, seeking His face, praying, reading His awesome Word, and yet still, it is as if you are all alone. No one seems near to really feel your pain. This is how I felt a few months ago. In February, my precious 86-year-old mother came down with pneumonia. Her little 99 pound body put up quite a fight, but just couldn’t win the battle. On Monday, March 3rd, 2014, Mother entered her Heavenly Home –– another precious Saint finishing her race –– receiving that glorious body Paul describes in 2 Corinthians 5. I am so happy for my mother, but at that same time, I’m heartbroken. My mom was my hero. She was so strong in her faith, such a prayer warrior. Just like my husband, Steve. As I thought back to the grief I experienced when I lost Steve a few years ago, I began to think, “Okay, I’ve been here before and I made it through. This shouldn’t be so hard.” Goodness, was I wrong! I began to have feelings towards God that I had never experienced. My mind began to entertain thoughts like, “God has abandoned me. He has my husband, and now, my mother, too. The two strongest people in my life are no longer here with me. I’m all alone.” I knew better than to believe that God would ever forsake or abandon me; yet, thoughts like these continued to surface. I began to pray: “Why, God? Why am I feeling like this? I know there is no truth in what I am thinking. It is indeed a lie. But the pain and the realness of my loss is overwhelming. My heart is breaking. Please dear Lord, help me overcome these feelings of being alone… of being abandoned.” One evening while watching a Christian Network, a lady named Wendy Alec began reading from her book, Visions From Heaven. As I listened to her words, I knew I had to read this book. Thank goodness for smart phones. I placed my order right there from my couch! When the book arrived a few days later, I felt an urgency to begin reading. Only my Heavenly Father knew the anguish of my soul. Only He understood what I was going through. Only He knew what would ‘rescue me’ from this attack of the enemy. I wasn’t even through the introduction before my heart was touched. She wrote, “…if you have recently been through a season of severe adversity and testing and found yourself at the sheer rock face, facing some of the fiercest trials and testing of your life head on, I believe with all my heart that it is no coincidence you are reading these pages, but that the Father Himself loves you so intensely, that He has done everything He can to put this book into your hands.” Now for me, this was a God moment. You know, those moments when the Creator of Heaven
and Earth takes the time to orchestrate a divine rescue for one of His children. In this case, that child was me! I kept reading: “Maybe you or those you love have experienced a crippling bereavement… (She lists several devastating experiences.) And yet you have loved the Father, the Lord Jesus, and His Holy Spirit with all your heart and soul. You have served Him these past years to the very best of your ability. (Here comes the powerful statement of my own mindset)… And so, secretly, your heart has been breaking with bewilderment and abandonment.” Her words were filled with powerful truth and fresh revelation. I wasn’t even through the introduction and already I felt an inward release of deep assurance that this fierce trial would soon be over. Wendy Alec went on to say: “In our greatest seasons of adversity, Satan tries to imprint his own character onto our Father’s faultless, flawless one. And in the searing heat of our battle, this sometimes outworks itself in his accusations to our souls to accuse our own omniscient Father in our minds and our hearts.” That was me! I had accused my Heavenly Father of being something He wasn’t –– an abandoner. I had attributed character to my Lord that was the character of another –– Satan. “Our Heavenly Father is The Faithful One, The Kindest and most tender One of all. The very Balm of Gilead Himself, who reaches out His arms toward you today. Tenderly entreating you out of abandonment. And bids you…Come…” Her anointed words penetrated my heart and rescued me from this anguish of my soul. After reading it, I was not only totally free from every feeling of abandonment; but my love for the Lord was greater than ever. He became more real to me than anyone or anything in this life. As the director of the KOJM Prison Correspondence Outreach, I can’t help but praise God for how He is similarly using Victorious Living magazine to rescue others. Just as He used Wendy Alec’s book to touch my anguished soul, He is using the stories within this magazine to bring freedom to the hearts of men and women who are not only incarcerated physically, but who are overwhelmed by loneliness and despair. Every day our ministry team receives powerful testimonies from inmates who share how the anointed words of Victorious Living pierced their hearts. Here’s an example: I just read a story from your magazine called, “Get Real! Fear Not!” (Issue 3, 2014). It touched my heart. I instantly prayed to God. This story changed my life! I had many fears, but I gave them to God and I was filled with peace and love. I want you to know that your
words are touching the hearts of prisoners and they are accepting Jesus. Your brother in Christ, Floyd (inmate). We also receive testimonies of how Kristi’s monthly devotional letter and the individual letters from our Prison Correspondence Team release the soothing balm of God’s Spirit to minister hope and healing to discouraged souls. Over and over again we hear, “It is as if the Lord Himself is speaking to us.” He is –– right through the heart and words of our precious writers. Thank you to those of you who support KOJM’s Prison Ministry Outreach. Because of YOU, thousands upon thousands are being touched with the precious love and Truth of God. Before I close, I want to encourage you –– whoever you are. I do not know the grieves of your heart, I do not know the pain of your situation, but God does. And He has led me to tell somebody –– perhaps you –– that you are NOT abandoned. You are not alone. You are not forgotten. God sees you. He hears you. He loves you. Psalm 34:17-19 says, “The LORD hears His people when they call to Him for help. He rescues them from all their troubles. The LORD is close to the brokenhearted; He rescues those whose spirits are crushed. The righteous person faces many troubles, but the LORD comes to the rescue each time.” Is your heart broken? Call to Him. Is your spirit crushed? Tell Him how you feel. Be honest, totally honest. He will never scold you or shun you. No! The One and Only Victorious Redeemer longs to deliver you, to heal you, and to set you free from all the lies and powers of the enemy. So go ahead. Call out, and give God permission to rescue you today. V Three gene rations of p recious lad and her mo ies: Linda (r ther and da ight) ughter.
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A_Lesson_To_Be_Learned by Kristi Overton Johnson Homework. For years, I’ve had nightmares where I am back in college desperately searching for a missing project that I somehow overlooked. I’ve even dreamed that I have missed entire classes that were needed to graduate, classes I should have had in high school. I’m telling you, those dreams freak me out! What a relief it always is to wake up and realize school is really over. Or is it? As a mom of three kids, I’m here to tell you school isn’t over. Especially with two 7th graders who experience learning challenges and don’t absolutely love school work. Don’t get me wrong, I love teaching, and I love helping my kids understand what they are studying. But, I don’t love the constant nagging that flows from my mouth, the begging of them to pay attention, the frantic searching for missing homework, and the attitude I sometimes receive from the ones I’m trying to help. It can make me feel like I am losing my mind, not to mention my Christian testimony! Recently as we studied for an upcoming Bible test, I found a perfect teaching moment to talk about godly attitudes and the art of honoring one’s parents. How convenient for me that the lesson was on the qualities of the wise and foolish child. Man, I was into it! With targeting eyes and a lifted voice, I taught about the actions of a foolish child; highlighting, of course, disobedience, talking back, procrastination, poor friend choices, laziness, among other things. I shared the rewards of obedience pointing out the promises of a long life where things will go well for them. Then, I taught, according to Proverbs, the effect disobedient actions have on parents. Things like shame, broken hearts, frustration, death, and grief. Did you know that in the Old Testament children could actually be killed for disobeying their parents? Boy, that added some fuel to my fiery message! Finally, I reminded them, as the lesson taught, that parents are human and make mistakes and need to be shown grace.
I really thought it was a great lesson until I woke up the next morning and got a little spankin’ from God. As I lay in bed, He showed me how I took His precious Word and had pridefully used it like a sword to tear my children apart, to judge them, and hurl insults and condemnation towards them. It was a disgusting and shameful sight. Then, He gave me a snapshot of myself praying out loud, in the presence of my kids, for the Lord to help them be obedient, to love one another, and to become the men and women of God they are destined to become. UGH!! That, too, was an ugly picture. What’s a Christian mom to do but repent? I asked the Lord to forgive me and then I asked for the forgiveness from each of my children. Without a doubt, God showed me that my ‘preaching’ at home is an area where I really need to work, as are my correction techniques. To quote one of the verses from their homework lesson (the one I should have been focused on): Fathers (and I assume mothers) do not provoke your children to anger by the way you treat them. Rather, bring them up with the discipline and instruction that comes from the Lord. Ephesians 6:4 Are my children right in the way they act at times? No. They need correction. But I’m not always right either. My discipline and correction aren’t always from the Lord. Not even close. More times than not, they flow out of frustration and irritation. Oh, I start out good, but with every roll of the eye, slam
of the door, and disrespectful word, my inners begin to boil and then, I explode. And, as we might say in the south, “It ain’t no explosion of I Corinthians’ 13 love!” Love that is patient, kind, and gentle. Love that is never proud or rude, never irritable, and never keeps a record of wrong. Parenting the right way is the hardest thing in the world. Becoming a world champion water skier was way easier than the daily rearing of three kids. But with a humble heart and the Lord’s help, it can be done. And, it can be done right. As parents, let’s determine not to discipline out of anger and frustration, but out of the instruction that comes from the Lord, instruction that flows from the spirit of God within us. Let’s refuse to cause our children to feel condemned or less than and instead, build them up with the Word. The Word has the power to change even the most rebellious of hearts. And when it comes to prayer? Let’s pray over our children, not at them. It’s time to get on our knees in our prayer closets and pray, pray, pray until we see the change we desire. If we are not careful, our well meaning intentions can take the powerful, treasured Word of God and the beautiful act of prayer… two things that are meant to bring life, encouragement, and freedom… and turn them into something to be hated, rejected, and detested. Now, that’s a lesson to be learned. V
Find Weekly Encouragement HERE! 23
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CHAMPION’S HEART AWARD The Champion’s Heart Award Presented to Rob Morford Oftentimes when we envision a champion, our mind brings forth the image of an athlete. Of course, an athlete can easily fit the dictionary definition of being the victor, the prize winner, or the title holder. To me, however, a champion is much more than someone who brings home wa trophy. A champion is one who leaves a legacy in this world… a legacy of integrity, perseverance, humility, generosity, excellence, and love. Champions are heroes who we can aspire to be like for all the right reasons. In each issue of Victorious Living, it is my privilege to honor individuals who exhibit the heart of a champion. Why? To let people know that their heart, passion, and efforts haven’t gone unnoticed. This small, written acknowledgement and the Champion’s Heart coin serve as permanent reminders that that person’s life is making a difference in this world, and that they are appreciated. In this issue, the Champion’s Heart Award is presented to Rob Morford. Rob, or Pastor Rob, as many call him, is a true champion for God. For nearly a decade, our family was under the leadership of Pastor Rob when we attended Community Church in Keystone Heights, Florida. During that time, our family grew in our knowledge of the Lord, and we grew in our love for God and His people. Ever since I was a young child, I have had the privilege of being taught by wonderful pastors. But never before meeting Pastor Rob have I met a man with such passion to know God and to make Him known in such applicable ways. From the first time Tim and I heard him speak, it was as if we had known him all of our lives. His openness to share his struggles and live out his walk with God in front of his congregation made us love him, and the Lord, even more. Only a true champion can be so transparent in hopes of helping others find victory in Christ.
Pastor Rob brought the Word of God to life in our lives. It was so obvious how much he treasured the Word and also how much he respected the Holy Spirit. Time and time again, we’d watch Pastor Rob lay aside his plans to follow the leading of the Holy Spirit –– whether that meant turning the microphone over to someone else he felt God was going to use, changing the order of the service, or stopping in the middle of his sermon to pray about something God was putting on his heart. More than words, we received a lesson on humility and servant hood. From the moment Tim and I stepped into Community Church, Pastor Rob embraced our family and our ministries. He supported each outreach in every way possible from personally supporting the ministries financially to volunteering at our events. He served on our board and faithfully shared our ministries with his congregation. In a world where even ministries can
become protective of their turf, Pastor Rob simply opened his heart and his resources, and he gave. Thank you, Pastor Rob, for your friendship and partnership. Thank you for your life: a true example of faith, hope, and love. Well done, good and faithful servant. You are a true champion for God! V
We Have Moved! Send All Inmate Correspondence To:
Victorious Living Prison Outreach PO Box 968 • Keystone Heights, FL 32656 Donations or General Correspondence Should Be Mailed To:
KOJM / Victorious Living PO Box 120951 • Clermont, FL 34712-0951 24
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Love… Respect… Unity… Power
by Rob Morford
The basic building block of society is the family unit. Before the church or work or governments, God created the family. It was to be a teaching tool of how we are to interact with one another and ultimately, interact with God. God wanted children to get their first glimpse of Him through their moms and dads. He wanted kids to see how the law (dad), and grace (mom), could work together as equals to build a home (which is a picture of heaven on earth). With every generation, however, this picture has become more and more distorted as it has moved away from God’s original design. What has happened? The family structure has been attacked. The simple truth is that Satan hates God, and he hates all that God has created –– especially the family. From the very beginning he has presented opportunities for division by tempting various members of the family unit to resist authority. Think about it –– neither Adam or Eve submitted to the authority of God. Both partook of the fruit. Their son, Cain, didn’t submit, either. Rather than obeying the Lord and letting go of his hatred towards his brother, Cain followed his flesh; a foolish act which led to death, destruction, and division. Satan used man’s freewill to cause him to disobey God. This ultimately brought the sin nature upon all mankind. The sin nature is birthed in disobedience or rebellion to authority. The flesh hates authority. It hates being told what to do or being told it can’t have something. Have you ever noticed one of the first words a baby learns is “no”? From an early age, a battle emerges within the family unit as various members resist submission and fight for authority. God ordained authority to bring order, success, and believe it or not, freedom to the home and to the hearts of each member of the family. God is the author of authority and all authority comes from Him. (Romans 13:1) Satan has perverted authority and caused it to become something that is rebelled against. As a pastor, if I told you how many women ask me to omit the words “wives obey your husbands”
in their marriage vows, you would be shocked. Although I agree not to use the word obey, I do explain that I will use the word submit. Contrary to popular belief, submission isn’t a bad word. It’s a good word. In the Greek, it means to “put oneself under.” It is the woman’s choice to come under the leadership of her husband for the betterment of her family. Submission isn’t about the wife becoming a doormat for the husband to walk over. It isn’t a license for Him to rule over her and his home however he chooses. God tells the man he is to lead his wife from a foundation of love. “Husbands, love your wives, even as Christ also loved the church, and gave Himself for it.” Ephesians 5:25 (KJV) A man’s leadership is based upon his love for his wife, not a prideful desire to be in charge. So how did Christ love the church? He laid his life down for it! He was patient, kind, gentle, and He gave His all for the ones He loved. I’ve learned that as I give to my wife the love that she needs (not necessarily deserves), she begins to follow my leadership. When love is absent and obedience is demanded, slavery is formed. Slaves can be made to obey, but they cannot be made to submit. Submission is a choice and it is an attitude. Slavery is not a choice and the attitude is hidden until it rebels. On the other hand, God tells wives to submit to and respect their husbands. See Ephesians 5:22-25. He won’t always deserve it, but nonetheless, he needs it. And in a healthy relationship, the more respect he gets, the more love he will pour out upon his wife and children.
So how does this interchange of authority and unity play out in the home? Submission is based upon respect. Respect flows from a sense of being loved. And when love and respect work together, unity is formed. And where there is unity, there is power! A unified family becomes a force to be reckoned with and no weapon forged against it can prosper. Authority and submission within the home opens the floodgates of God’s blessings to the family. Homes are destroyed over misconceptions of authority and submission. Furthermore, salvations of souls are impacted. Think about it. A child’s first glimpse of God is their parents. If a child does not see authority and submission working together in their home, how will they ever get Born Again? If they’ve never witnessed or experienced the blessing of authority and submission, how will they ever submit to the King of Kings and Lord of Lords? The home is the training ground for the children of God. It’s where they witness the order and power of God that they will then take with them into their own home, work place, and church. Right now you may be saying, “Easier said than done! You don’t know who I live with or what they’ve done to me!” You’re right, I don’t. And it is true that God puts authority in the hands of imperfect people who don’t always handle it properly. That is why God asks us to pray for all of those in authority. See I Timothy 2:1-4. It takes faith to submit. And it takes love to lead. But with God’s help — love, respect, unity, and power can flow and overtake your home! V
Rob Morford is pastor of Community Church of Keystone Heights. He and his wife, Dotty have three children and four grandchildren. 25
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A good leader realizes they are never above learning. A good
Can You Follow the Leader? By Bonnie Hagemann
Bonnie Hagemann is a member of the Board of Directors for KOJ Ministries. Bonnie is the CEO of Executive Development Associates, a 29-year-old internationally known boutique consulting firm that specializes in executive development, executive coaching, and high potential development. To date, Bonnie has 11 published works.
In my experience as an executive coach, I’ve discovered there are many people who want to be in positions of authority; few, however, understand that leading people isn’t about ruling over others, nor is it about getting your way. Regardless of one’s position in life, every person has to be willing, at some point, to lay down their own plans and follow the plans of others. If not, they will not be successful. Every position in life has a higher authority, and an unwillingness to yield to it will cause a multitude of problems whether in a political, religious, or social organization. Consider a large publicly-traded company. The high potential employee dreams of being a vice president. The vice president dreams of making it to the ‘Suite Seats.’ The C-Suite dreams of being the CEO. But once there, the CEO quickly learns that instead of one boss, he now has 12 – the board of directors. And the BOD? Well, they have shareholders –– thousands of everyday people who have a vote in what the company does and who runs it.
In a small business, not even the owner has the last say. They have to answer to investors and/or the bank. They should listen to their employees who witness firsthand every level of the daily operations. Regardless of whether this happens or not, if the owner doesn’t listen to their customers, there won’t be a business for very long. Think about the government. No one has sole authority. Even the president has to answer to ‘the people,’ the United Nations, the allied countries, and the press. Whether in government, large organizations, or small businesses, as well as in the military or prison system, and even within the church, if you follow the chain of command you will always find that every person has to answer to someone. With this in mind, learning to follow is just as much of a part of leading as leading itself. There is no real king of the mountain, except God. We are all interconnected. Many will lead, but all will follow. Do you follow well? There are many barriers to being a good leader. These barriers usually fall into one of three categories: fear, pride, or a lack of listening skills. Leaders are often afraid the person with another strategy will lead the team down the wrong path. Or, they fear yielding to another person’s idea will cause that person to appear more powerful or credible.
leader is coachable and ready to gain both knowledge and skill from others, regardless of who that person is. Leaders, who act out of fear, rarely realize it. Fear is at the root, but who sees the root? We usually see more surface-level behaviors such as political gameplaying, triangulation, and blatant positioning. These are ‘fight’ behaviors. In the extreme, fear can trigger ‘flight’ behaviors. In these instances, the leader threatens to leave, quit, or sue rather than rationally working through a decision-making process. Behaviors driven by fear are destructive. Even worse, the behavior is bound to be repeated throughout a bumpy and potentially painful career for the leader and those in his or her path. Pride is another barrier to effective leadership. Pride can cause a person in authority to feel that he or she is the smartest person in the room. They reason any direction other than their own lacks crucial information, thorough analysis, or basic intelligence. These leaders often come across as bullies. They berate others and project nonverbal signals of frustration, anger, and annoyance towards anyone daring to challenge his or her ideas. While not all pride leads to bullying, it does always prevent a person from humbling himself to yield and move in a different direction. Finally, a lack of listening skills can cause even the most influential contribution to a decision to be overlooked. When people aren’t listening, I mean truly listening holistically with one’s mind and understanding; they won’t really hear what is being said. It’s almost as if people have an internal conversation going on in their heads, “Do I agree with what is being said or not? If not, then I’m not listening.” As soon as they encounter something contrary to their opinion, they build a wall and the message falls on deaf ears. Listening to and hearing another’s opinion is the only way to make effective leadership decisions. In my work, I’ve seen fear, pride, and an inability to listen rip organizations apart, causing extreme financial and interpersonal damage. It doesn’t have to be that way. Admittedly, the drives to fight and win are behaviors that can cause an organization to be successful; but those same behaviors can become stumbling blocks. Different behaviors are required for different times and phases of growth. For all of those who are impacted by your leadership, learning to follow is just as important as learning to lead. How about a little test to see if you can follow the leader?
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Here’s a quick self-examination:
Do you continually focus on your position versus the interests of others? A good leader allows others to challenge his or her position without feeling personally threatened or insulted. Do you cling to your vision at all costs? Remember, two visions equals division and anything divided cannot stand. (Mark 3:25) A good leader considers the strategies and visions of others and accepts the fact that there ultimately has to be someone or some mechanism (such as a vote) that makes the final decision. Then, they yield to it. Do you listen to others? I mean, do you truly listen to another person’s point of view? Have you ever taken the time to argue for the opposite side in order to test the idea and see if it is actually better than the one you have put forth? A good listener doesn’t listen to agree or disagree, but to understand.
Do you follow others with a good attitude, or do you grumble and complain? A negative attitude is detrimental to the success of the team or organization. It’s fine to debate a decision or a direction to a point, but when the final decision has been made, it’s time to get on board and act as if it were your decision all along. Are you open to learn? A good leader realizes they are never above learning. A good leader is coachable and ready to gain both knowledge and skill from others, regardless of who that person is. Are you willing to go above and beyond the call of duty? Once a decision is made, even if that decision isn’t yours, it’s time to go to work. It’s the hard-working, getit-done, arrive-early, stay-late, can-do person who leads effectively. They are the one who will be called on again and again. A good work ethic causes you to shine when others become dull from poor attitude, positioning, and arguing.
Did you score well? Remember, nobody is perfect. Everyone has areas where he or she can improve. Being willing to acknowledge your weaknesses and work on them will bring you to new levels of success. For a more accurate evaluation, consider asking a trusted friend or co-worker to answer these questions with you. Often we view ourselves differently than we actually are. (And remember, don’t shoot the messenger!) Taking the time to improve your following skills is important because learning to follow others will cause others to follow you. V
Regardless of one’s position in life, every person has to be willing, at some point, to lay down their own plans and follow the plans of others.
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11/20/14 9:02 AM
Singing a New Song! “Glory in His holy name; Let the hearts of those rejoice who seek the Lord!” 1 Chronicles 16:10 (NKJV)
by Donna Hannah
Just recently I was talking with a fellow Christian about church and the parts we like the most. I was telling her that I wish we didn’t have to sing so long. When I get to church, I just want to sit down and hear the sermon; I want to hear what God would have to say to me. My friend looked at me, and with love said, “Worship time is how we prepare our hearts to hear God’s message.” What a good friend! I spent some time praying about my lack of enjoying worship time. I really didn’t like feeling this way. I wanted to be a part of it, and I wanted my heart to be prepared to hear from God. I asked God to change my heart. The following Sunday I was in church singing along in worship. In the past, I would quietly sing the words on the screen, anxiously waiting for this time of church to be over. The songs just didn’t have any meaning to me. This Sunday, however, was different. As I began to sing, I actually felt the words as I sang them. They became a part of me and became a praise offering to God. Suddenly, I felt this desire to sing as loudly as I could. More than anything, I wanted to give God praise for His love and His many blessings to me. 1 Chronicles 16:10, “Glory in His holy name; Let the hearts of those rejoice who seek the Lord!”(NKJV) My heart was rejoicing, giving glory to His Holy name. You know at the end of a chick-flick where the guy is singing outside of the girl’s window, and even though he doesn’t sound all that great, the girl has a big smile on her face as she realizes how much she is loved? I imagine that’s how God feels as I am singing from the depths of my heart, letting Him
know how much I truly love Him and appreciate His blessings. I bet there’s a big smile on His face, too. 1 Chronicles 16:34, “Oh, give thanks to the Lord, For He is good! For His mercy endures forever.” (NKJV) That Sunday, I began to realize the purpose behind worship. It isn’t about certain music styles, or about sounding great, or about the people singing on stage; it is an act of worship, a time to praise and give thanks, and a time to prepare our hearts to receive His truth. I finally got it. 1 Chronicles 16:23-25a, “Sing to the Lord, all the earth; Proclaim the good news of His Salvation from day to day. Declare His glory among the nations, His wonders among all people. For the Lord is great and greatly to be praised…”(NKJV) Now when I am at church, I enjoy praise and worship time. I understand it; and I‘m singing a new song! I may not be the one with my hands raised the whole time, (I am a big girl and my arms get tired), but I can assure you that my heart is overflowing with love and joy. V
Donna is the office manager at a mental health service provider. She is an advocate for Autism Awareness. Her husband currently serves in the military. They have 2 sons.
11/20/14 9:02 AM
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11/20/14 9:02 AM
by Kristi Overton Johnson
Ever look at a situation and think: Boy, this sure didn’t turn out like I’d planned? Happens to me all the time. Just recently, I was going about my morning make-up routine. In preparation of slapping on some much needed cover-up, I pumped some face cream in my hand and began to apply it to my face. The more I tried to get the cream to absorb in my skin, the more it refused. It was like I was rubbing sticky glue over my dry face. “What in the world?” I thought. As I examined the bottle, I quickly realized that what appeared to be my face cream was in fact my face wash (something meant to be applied onto a wet face). Since the bottles are nearly identical in size and color, I had inadvertently picked up the wrong one and pumped away. No wonder the cream felt so thick and gross. As I stared in the mirror shaking my head, I sensed a life lesson rising up in my spirit. Here it is: often in life we come face to face with situations, people, and opportunities that appear to be something they aren’t. In some cases, what evolves is better than you had hoped for. Other times, however, the ultimate result is just one big sticky mess. With face wash glued to my skin, I realized that in situations where things don’t go as planned, you just have to take a deep breath, laugh at yourself, wash your face, and start over. It’s the only choice. I mean… really… what other choices are there? Am I going to keep the soap on my face? Am I going to get mad at myself or blame the bottle? Am I going to back away from ever applying cream again, afraid of
making the same mistake? No. That would be ridiculous. I’ll simply wash my face and mark the bottle so I don’t make the same mistake again! Live and learn as they say. Right now you are probably wondering how in the world my brain goes in these directions. I don’t know; it just does. God has a way of taking every day things like face wash and dog poop to teach me lessons. But if you think about, it is a pretty great lesson that we can all ‘apply.’ (Sorry, I just couldn’t resist.) In life, not everything will go as planned. Sometimes we make mistakes and make a mess. When that happens we have one choice: learn from it! ‘Mark the bottle’ and move on. Refuse to get angry at yourself or blame others and just keep going. We are human, we make mistakes. In cases where others make the mess in your life –– well, you just have to be willing to do the same thing –– learn from the situation and then, move on. How? First of all, you have to be willing to forgive those who have hurt you. More than anything, Satan wants you staring in a mirror, focused on the mess, filled to the brim with blame, fear, bitterness, anger, and offense. Refuse! All this will do is keep you from moving forward to your destiny. Secondly, you have to be willing to move on. I know it’s hard. Trust me, I’ve been there. But with God’s grace, you can rise up out of the stickiest, most painful situations and emerge wiser and stronger than ever. Give your hurts to God: He will heal your heart. Give your questions to God: He will teach your heart. Humble yourself and He will lift you up, clean you up, and move you forward. V
11/20/14 9:02 AM
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