VL - Issue 13 September 2014

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Quarterly Publication Issue 3 2014

A Publication of Kristi Overton Johnson Ministries


The Death Grip

God Blessed My Broken Road Dealing With


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In His Wakes Finishing Strong! • Prison Outreach Expanding 9/3/14 3:22 PM

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The Lion of the Tribe of Judah is Roaring!

Every Saturday at 7 p.m. Champion’s Heart

205 Magnolia Avenue • Keystone Heights, FL 32656 Each week features a unique guest worship and word minister! Check our website to see a listing of upcoming leaders.

352.361.7652 www.ephesians-4-prayer-fellowship.com Get a FREE copy of The Joshua Accounts!

We Moved!

Please note, the administration offices of Kristi Overton Johnson Ministries, including our Victorious Living Publication and Prison Correspondence Outreach, as well as the offices of In His Wakes Water Sports Outreach have relocated to central Florida. All future written correspondence and mailing of donations should be directed to the following addresses:

KOJ Ministries PO Box 120951 Clermont, FL 34712-0951

352-478-2098 1-888-837-9153 (fax)

707 NW 13th Street • 352.372.8551 • Fax 352.338.1965


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Pierce the Heart of Captives with God’s Love! There are hundreds of thousands of individuals in the prison system who desperately need to know about God’s love, forgiveness, and hope for a future! No, we may not be able to reach them all, but we can reach some.

And reaching some begins with reaching ONE!

Will you partner with us and bring the Good News of Jesus Christ to men and women within the prison system through our Victorious Living Publication?

Here’s how you can change a life! ♥ Sponsor a prison 400 sends a case of approximately 200 copies of VL each quarter for one year into a prison.


♥ Sponsor An Inmate

50 sends a quarterly copy of VL to an inmate, plus a monthly devotional written by Kristi Overton Johnson. It also helps cover a year of mailing personal responses from our Prison Correspondence Team.


♥ Share your story

Your story has power! Let others know how God’s redemptive power and love has transformed your life!

♥ Subscribe! And Give A Gift Of Victory!

Receive your own personal copy of VL for $20. For each additional $10, we will send an inmate his or her own copy of VL, addressed personally to them. This has a two-fold blessing… not only will they receive encouragement from the stories of hope and restoration, but the simple act of receiving mail will provide a powerful reminder that somebody cares.

To change a life TODAY, visit kojministries.org or call 352-478-2098 for more information. 4

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Get In The Game! In the mid 1990’s, when I felt the Lord leading me to step out in faith and follow Him, I had no idea where He’d take me. For decades I had been a ‘sideline Christian’ (you know, a person who believes in the saving grace of Jesus Christ, but who isn’t truly in the ‘game’ with Him.) I was doing my own thing, reaching my own goals, only bringing God into my life at church, mealtime, and during a crisis. I believed in Him for my salvation, but He most certainly was not my Lord. For the first 20 years of my ‘Christian’ life, I was totally unaware of God’s love for me and how He longed for a daily relationship with me. I was oblivious to the fact that He was eager to reveal His heart to me, give me the desires of my own heart, and take me on an adventure where I’d see His faithful love in action. A series of medical trials brought me to a crossroads where surrender came. It was either continue in my own strength or fall into the arms of God. Weary of the former, I chose God and my life has never been the same. Little by little, as I’ve allowed, God has healed every hurt, redeemed every loss, and filled my heart with peace, joy, contentment, wisdom, health, and strength. He has also taken my talents, passions, and the platform of water sports, and set into motion a plan that has allowed me to use the things I love in creative and powerful ways to touch the world with His love. As I look back over the past thirteen years, I am amazed at God’s grace, patience, and provision. To think, if I hadn’t accepted Jesus’ invitation to “Come, follow Me,” I would have missed it all! And, I would have never discovered life… real life! Something money, trophies, education, material items, traveling, or people could never give. I’m forever grateful to God for the life He has given to me and for allowing me to be a part of what He is doing in this world. I’m also grateful for the people He has brought into my life who have helped me move forward in His plan. It has surely been an adventure, and a team effort! For years I was so afraid to follow God, sure He would take everything precious away from me the moment I surrendered to Him. Boy was that a lie straight from the pit of hell! Not only did God not rip everything precious away, but He gave to me more than I could have ever dreamed of or imagined. He also brought meaning and purpose into every area of my life. For example, He took my passion for water sports and the platform of being a professional athlete and birthed an incredible water sports outreach called, In His Wakes. Doing so, God moved my water ski career past mere personal

Publisher/Editor Kristi Overton Johnson Assistant Editor Charlene Hannah jung trophies and accolades and transformed it into a tool that brings purpose, hope, and victory into the lives of thousands of people. (See In His Wakes’ update on page 20.) God took my love for children and provided an opportunity to adopt, as well as, return to the Russian orphanage that was once my children’s home and minister to the women and children currently living there. He took my desire to encourage people and opened the door for me to enter into prisons to share the Good News of Jesus Christ. He took my passion for talking (just ask my husband about my gift of gab), and provided international platforms to speak life and hope into the hearts of people. Finally, God took my love for writing about God’s goodness and brought about publications, including this wonderful magazine, Victorious Living! (See page 18 for updates) Speaking of Victorious Living, welcome! If this is your first issue, I pray that these heartfelt, true stories will encourage your heart and open your eyes to the love of God and the abundant life He has to offer you, wherever you are and no matter what you have experienced in life! If you are already a part of our Victorious Living family, thanks for visiting us again. As we move into our third year of publication, I ask that you continually pray for this outreach to powerfully demonstrate the love of God and the life available in Him. Please also pray about being a contributor to our magazine. We need stories of God’s faithfulness as well as financial contributions. Together we can touch many lives for Christ! Before I close, I want to encourage you, (if you haven’t already), to rise up and ‘get in the game’ with God. If you sense Him drawing you out of your comfort zone into the realm of the unknown, GO! Don’t allow your own desires, emotions, questions — whatever — to keep you sidelined. Don’t worry about what you may have to give up and ultimately miss out on all that God has planned for you and the world through you. All you’ve ever needed, all you’ve ever been searching for is only one step away. So, what are you waiting for? Get in the game!

Contributors George Beasley Tina Brown Sandy Burdick Linda Cubbedge Bonnie Hagemann Kyle Halfacre Kristi Overton Johnson Maureen Lendzion Paul McKean Nate Miller Carey Morford Rob Morford Danny Morris Kelli Munn Dr. James Peoples Clyde Pfieffer Joan Tyson Brad Williams Creative Director/Graphic Design Whispering Dog Design, Inc. Amy Zackowski •  amy@whisperingdog.com Advertising victoriousliving@kojministries.org Victorious Living PO Box 120987 • Clermont, FL 34712-0987 352.478.2098 •  fax 888.837.9153 Victorious Living is a free quarterly publication distributed to KOJ Ministries partners, at various distribution locations, and within the Florida Prison System. ©2014, all rights reserved by Victorious Living. Contents may not be reproduced in any form without the written consent of the publisher. The publisher reserves the right to refuse any submission and accepts no responsibility for submitted materials. All submitted materials subject to editing.

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The mission of Victorious Living is to provide hope for the heart and help for life through the inspirational stories of people just like you. We commit to provide REAL STORIES by REAL PEOPLE so you can experience REAL HOPE and a REAL LIFE!

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Do you have a story of victory? Share it with us! Your life story can change the life of another. Submissions should be a maximum 800 words and are subject to editing. For more information about submission requirements and how to submit your story, see page 7. If your business or organization would like to partner with Victorious Living financially, please contact us. Your support will touch the lives of many.

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Get Real! Fear Not! by Kristi Overton Johnson — an excerpt from her monthly inmate devotional letter Fear Not! These were the words I heard recently as I was listening to a message from a Chinese Christian evangelist named Brother Yun. A man who was in and out of Chinese prisons for over a decade. A man who was tortured, starved, abandoned, ridiculed, mocked, and rejected for his faith. This is the man that preached from my computer screen, the one who boldly proclaimed two powerful words that the Lord had given him to give to His people… FEAR NOT! I don’t know about you, but fear is real in my heart. It can rise up in a moment’s notice without my even knowing it is there! To ‘fear not’ is my heart’s desire. More than anything I want to live out of the realm of fear and in the realm of faith. I want to face life with courage and perseverance totally trusting the Lord. As I shared this desire with God, I realized there were numerous fears that I had tucked away in my heart. So, I decided to get real with God and tell Him what ails me. “Lord, I don’t want to be afraid,” I said. “But I am. And here are some of the things I am afraid of…” One by one I began to list my fears. Fears regarding the upcoming school year with my kids, my kids’ future and the temptations they are facing in these teenage and pre-teen years. Fears regarding our move, building a ministry team in our new location, relationship and financial concerns, and fears over nagging health issues. In my ‘heart of hearts,’ I know that God will see me through all these situations. I know He will provide: He always has. But for some reason, the ‘thought’ of these things is still there. Try as I might to be in faith, these little ‘fear critters’ have somehow embedded themselves in my heart and mind. “What if?” and “How?” questions have found their way inside my soul. Every now and then they peek their little heads up and expose themselves. What if my situation never changes? What am I going to do? How will this work out? What do I do now? Who will help me? Whether you are in prison or in the ‘free’ world, these are thoughts that can take hold of our very being. They are thoughts that can paralyze us and cause us to go into deep despair. They can also push our buttons and send us into ‘panic mode.’ You know — that place where we take things in our own hands as we desperately try to fix our problems. As a recovering perfectionist, I can easily begin to come down on myself and feel guilty for even having these fears as I know, as a believer, I

shouldn’t be afraid. But as I think about how many times the Lord came to His people and told them to “fear not,” I realize that God knows that fear is a natural reaction we have as humans. He knows it is the first thing that will rise up in our hearts when we face uncertain, new, and scary situations. In the Bible, I don’t see God reprimanding His people for being afraid. Rather, He lovingly reminds them, “Fear not, My child, for I am here. I see you and hear the cries of your heart. Fear not, for I will fight for you. I will make a way. I will do all that I have promised. Fear not! I will provide for your every need and work ALL of your situations out for your good. I will give you the strength to keep going for I am your shield and your rear guard. I’ve got your back! Fear not, My child, for there are more for you than against you. I am on your side!” On and on I could go quoting promises from the Bible — God’s answer to our fear. The truth is — fear will rise up. And that’s okay. But it’s not okay to stay there. It’s not okay to let fear take root and cause us to take our eyes off the One who can help us overcome every situation we face. It’s not okay to focus on the problems when we have The Answer in us and fighting for us. So, what are we to do? Here is what helps me. As soon as fear starts to rise up, I try to expose it. How? I ‘get real’ with God. I tell Him what I feel. I list my cares and concerns before Him. Sometimes I shout them to the Heavens. Sometimes I pour them out through tears. Other times, I write them down. It doesn’t matter how, it only matters that I give them to God and present them before Him. Then, I get in the Word. I remind myself of His promises, ones like I mentioned above. Sometimes once is enough and the matter is settled in my heart. Other times I have to say them over and over again, out loud so every part of me hears it! I do whatever it takes to keep the promises of God close to my heart and mind lest I forget the truth and settle back in fear. As I do these things, the weight of fear falls from my heart. I become free of its nasty hold and able to move forward. More than anything, Satan wants us afraid. He wants our eyes on our problems and off the One who is The Answer. Don’t fall in his trap. When you sense fearful thoughts rising up, capture them and put them in the hands of God: The One who will see you through. Last spring, I was ministering to a young man. For so long he has struggled with fear… fear of man, fear of not being good enough, fear of missing out. His whole life he has fought to find himself in this

world, longed to feel accepted and loved, and never quite felt good enough. I know these fears as I’ve experienced them myself. As I prayed with him, reminding him of God’s love and plan for his life, these words began to flow from my lips. When I returned home, I wrote down what had risen up in my heart. I’d like to share it with you. Without a doubt, I believe this message wasn’t just for this young man, but for us all — sons and daughters of the Father. It reads: “Oh, my child! I will put you in a place of honor. I will make your name great. You will not have to strive to make things happen. Trust Me. Let go of fear and pride. As you rest in Me and surrender your fears, hurts, and life to Me, you will be amazed. You will find peace, purpose, hope, and worth… the very things you have been searching for your whole life. Satan has convinced you of lies and you have listened to and agreed with him. It’s time to start listening to Me. It’s time to get in My Word and learn who you are in Me. Satan has caused you to question who I am and who you are in Me. That has brought you to a place of conflict and confusion. I will make you victorious as you set your eyes and heart on Me. I will open up the floodgates of Heaven right where you are. Know, My child, that you are precious in My sight. You are My treasured possession. One who I found worthy: worthy enough for Me to give up My life. Don’t accept the lies — they will lead you down a path of destruction. Know Truth, it will set you free. I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life. Find your worth and acceptance in Me. Open your heart, eyes, and ears to Me. Open your mouth, and I will fill you up. No longer will you be empty, frustrated, or in despair. You will be free and full of joy and peace, complete and content. Don’t worry about tomorrow. I have a plan for your life. Fruition of that plan starts the day you accept Me as Your Lord, not just your Savior. Surrender to Me, My child. Give Me all of you, even your fears. I will always give you all of Me. Be not be afraid. Be not dismayed by the looks of people. Be not afraid of man. Don’t worry about what people think or could do to you. Live for Me. I am the One who will fulfill your every desire and give you more than you could ever hope for or imagine. I am the One who will never fail you, forsake you, or abandon you. I am the Giver of life and the Giver of all good things. Why do you not seek Me? Good things are in store for you. Lay aside your plans; don’t worry

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Table of Contents Issue 3 2014

6 Get Real! Fear Not! Kristi Overton Johnson

8 The Old Rope Swing George Beasley

9 Just One Carey Morford

10 A Simple Act With A Huge Impact Linda Cubbedge

about how ‘it’ will happen or when. Right now, My child, take the time to get close to Me. Seek Me for yourself. I have to be your God — not just someone you’ve heard about. Not just your momma’s God, your daddy’s God, your grandma’s God, or your pastor’s God… I have to be your God. As I become your God, you will have a solid foundation on which you can stand. I will make your paths straight. I will move you forward. I will fight your battles. I will give you the victory. Keep your eyes on Me and your heart turned to and tuned into Me. You will be amazed. I have a place for you and I will put you there.” Do those words speak to you? They sure speak to me. If we could grasp the incredible truth of who God is and how much He loves and cares for us, our lives would be forever changed. There would be hope in every situation and for every tomorrow. We’d be able to let go of fear and step into faith every time. My friend, I don’t know what you are facing today. I don’t know what fears are hidden in your heart or swirling around in your mind. But I do know that if you have put your faith and trust in Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, there is nothing to fear. God has your back and He will make a way. Guaranteed! Let go of fear and step into His peace. It’s such a better place to be. And you can have it, right now, no matter where you are or what you are facing. How? Philippians 4:6-8 (NIV) tells us: Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things. The above verse is the answer to fear. Go to God. Get real. Take all your concerns and lay them before Him. It’s what He desires. Thank Him for who He is, what He has done, and what He will do in your life. Then, think on what is true. Get in God’s Word and let His promises penetrate deep within you. They will guard your heart and mind. From what? From fear. God’s Word, His truth, will keep you from falling into and remaining in fear. It will prevent you from becoming a prisoner to its deathly hold. So what are you waiting for? Get real! Fear not! V

11 Faithful To The End Brad Wiilliams

12 Can I Get A Witness? Joan Tyson

13 In The Blink Of An Eye Sandy Burdick

14 Hand Of Grace Kyle Alfacre

15 Bountiful Harvest Rob Morford

16 Change Of Course Kristi Overton Johnson

18 KOJ Ministry News

20 In His Wakes Update | Nate Miller

21 In His Wakes Testimony | Tina Brown

22 Dealing With Drama Paul McKean

23 Key To Victory Dr. James Peoples

24 Champion’s Heart Award | Clyde Pfeiffer and Danny Morris

24 An Unexpected Friend Clyde Pfeiffer

25 God Blessed My Broken Road Danny Morris

25 We Love You, Larry! KOJ Ministries

26 Giving Honor And Being Honorable Bonnie Hagemann

27 Honoring Authority Bonnie Hagemann

28 An Unexpected Blessing Kelli Munn

29 Stuck Like Glue Maureen Lendzion

30 Relax The Death Grip Kristi Overton Johnson

Has God faithfully led you to victory? Share your story and help others find hope and encouragement.

Please note: • Submissions are not guaranteed to be included in magazine. • Submission is acknowledgement of your granting KOJM and Victorious Living Publications rights to produce submission in magazine and other ministry publications. • Photos submitted must have photographer’s and photographed subjects’ consent of reproduction. • Photographer’s name must be included. Hard copies of photographs will not be returned. • Victorious Living does not pay for submissions. • Submissions should be a maximum of 800 words and are Kristi Overton Johnson is the founder of KOJ Ministries and subject to editing. In His Wakes. Kristi currently resides in Florida with her husband, • Mail submissions to: Victorious Living, PO Box 120951 Clermont, FL Tim, and their three children. 34712-0951; or submit online at kojministries.org. • Victorious Living is a free quarterly publication distributed to KOJ Ministries partners, at various distribution locations, and within the prison system. www.kojministries.org 7

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The Old Rope Swing George Beasley

Remember not the former things, nor consider the things of old. Behold, I am doing a new thing, now it springs forth, do you not perceive it? I will make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert. Isaiah 43:18-19 (RSV)

George Beasley was a part of the In His Wakes team from 20052006, serving as the director of the “A Day to Remember” Tour. During his journey with In His Wakes, George began a journey of healing and freedom from his own story that had been suppressed and hidden since his childhood. George is the author of “The Invisible Soul.” He is married to his sweetheart, Lisa.

Sitting on my porch, looking at the two fifty-foot magnolias in front of our house, I am taken back to when my daughters were little girls and the many times we played together in our yard. As I close my eyes, I can easily picture Sara and Laura running through the summer grass chasing one another. Squeals of delight echo through my mind. There they are in my mind’s eye, climbing the big trees in our yard, challenging one another to go higher and higher. “Daddy, daddy, look at me!” they call out. “Daddy, come climb the tree with us,” they beg. There I am, climbing the tree, going a bit higher than they are allowed to go. Their eyes look up at me in wonder, their mouths growing wide with smiles. Next, they run to the rope swing, a swing I built for my precious girls. Higher and higher they go, tossing their heads back, hair streaming through the wind. Oh, those were wonderful times. For a moment, I long to go back there, to experience it all over again. My mind starts to think about all those perfect times, and then it begins to ponder all the things that could have been different. As I look at the old rope swing swaying in the wind, I realize those days are long gone. The girls are grown with families of their own. What was will never be again. There’s no going back. There’s no making changes. There’s no reliving the good times. There’s no fixing the wrong. All I have now are memories… memories of my childhood, family, career, and past ministries. Memories of all the people I have met and all the experiences of my life, the good and the bad. Some memories are hard to shake. For me, a crushed dream in 2006, a dream I was sure God had led me to fulfill, changed me for

all eternity. I am a different person because of what happened. It is my forever ‘empty swing.’ A place I’d like to go back to and redo. A time in my life when what could of happened didn’t, and what should not have happened did. I leave it at that. It’s a memory now, but one that comes to me often. Yet as I think back to that “empty swing,” I can see God’s hand of grace, strength, and provision so evident in my life. I can see how He took something that could have been so devastating and turned it for my good. I can see the beauty He brought out of that painful, dark situation. Things like healing of past hurts, renewed relationships, a stronger marriage, and a deeper knowledge of my Lord. These are the things I celebrate and praise God for. How easily I could have remained stuck in that memory, that painful place, forever. How easily I could have grown bitter at God, angry at people, and depressed. But by the grace of God and my willingness to keep my eyes on Him and to dive deeper in His Word, my heart was healed. I was able to move out of that place. I was able to move forward to victory when victory seemed so far away. Now, I look back at the memory with peace in my heart knowing that although I won’t ever understand it, I am nonetheless better for it. We’ve all been through times like this, we all have ‘empty swings’ that sway in the wind reminding us of what was and what could have been. It’s okay to revisit those memories, in fact, it’s good to go back at times. Just be careful, if we aren’t careful, we can end up sitting on life’s ‘porch swing’ far too long, going nowhere fast. There is a life to be lived now, lives all around us that need touching, and many ‘rope swings’ to be created. So let’s get moving. V

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There’s a story about a man walking along a beach filled with starfish. One at a time, he picks one up and throws it back. A stranger comes along and tells him he’s foolish, wasting his time. He can never save them all! The man picks up one more, throws it in, and says, “I saved that one!” Admittedly, it’s a bit of a hokey story, and if you are a long time church goer, you’ve only heard it a million times. However, it is true, isn’t it? I’ve heard all kinds of statistics lately. • One in four women will suffer some form of depression in her lifetime. • Less than 3% of children who age out of foster care attend college. • Children that live below the poverty line are 1.3 times more likely to have developmental delays or learning disabilities than those who don’t live in poverty. • Porn sites get more visits than Netflix, Amazon, and Twitter combined. It’s all a bit staggering, isn’t it? It’s difficult to think about how my one life or your one life could really make a difference. But, then, there is Luke 15 with it’s trilogy. The first story about just one lost sheep, and the second about just one lost coin, and the third about just one lost son. Jesus tells all three of these stories, one right after the other, because the Pharisees and religious scholars growled, “He takes in sinners and eats meals with them, treating them like old friends.” Wouldn’t it be marvelous, Christians, if the people of our day accused of us such egregious behavior? Instead, we have busied ourselves with culture wars and gone to bed with politicians who we thought could protect our precious

moral majority. We look around and we see the great amounts of money and time and effort that have been volunteered by the masses, and we can all see that we are even more broken than we were a decade ago, a year ago, or even yesterday. You see, we have left the economy of our Savior and trusted that bigger is better… that more is better. When really, our mega-churches and our programs, they aren’t anything if they forget about the one. The statistics may be as true as they are overwhelming, but so is God’s Word. In Luke 6:37-38, Jesus’ words don’t take the narrative form. They are quite brutal, teaching us, “Don’t pick on people, jump on their failures, criticize their faults- unless of course you want the same treatment. Don’t condemn those who are down; ‘that’ hardness can boomerang. Be easy on people; you’ll find life a lot easier. Give away your life; you’ll find life given back, but not merely given back- given back with bonus and blessing. Giving, not getting, is the way. Generosity begets generosity.” What if instead of rallying the troops for or against issues, we found one person who was tangled up in that issue and we loved them? Please understand, I’m not saying that the issues don’t matter and that big programs with big money can’t help. What I’m saying, is that if it’s just big programs working at big issues and there’s not also the one person sitting at a table eating a meal with someone all his friends would be ashamed to sit with — then something is wrong. That’s not the picture Jesus gave us in Scripture. Jesus focused on the one. The one was important to Him, worth His time. And because He gave to the one, someone’s life was always changed. We are called to do the same. V


by Carey Morford

Carey Morford is a Media Specialist and President of Seeds of Grace, Inc. Visit their site at Seedsofgrace-highridge.blogspot.com. She is married to her very best friend Isaac Morford, and they have two daughters, Layla and Rigby, and two sons, Zaiden and Gavin. www.kojministries.org 9

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A Simple Act with a Huge Impact

by Linda Cubbedge

“Linda,” I suddenly thought, “write these young men! Find out where they are and write to them for goodness sakes!” How in the world did I never see this before? How had I not even thought of this simple act?”


t some time in our lives, we all go through the pit of life: a time where we feel like we’ve hit rock bottom. Praise God for Deuteronomy 33:27 that says, “The Eternal God is your refuge and underneath are His Everlasting Arms.” (NKJV) Isn’t it awesome that no matter how low you feel, you are still in His arms, never out of His reach? The Prison Correspondence Outreach of Kristi Overton Johnson Ministries is simply an extension of our Heavenly Father’s arms. Through words reminding people of the love and promises of God, our team is able to reach out to incarcerated men and women who have lost hope and feel forgotten so that we can spur them on to victory in Christ Jesus. We also receive letters from inmates bragging about God and His amazing love for them. One by one they testify to His faithfulness to help them through each day, and share their desire to be used by Him even while behind prison walls. They also share how Victorious Living is helping them grow in their faith. God began to draw me to this prison correspondence ministry as I read Kristi’s “From the Publisher” article in the winter issue of Victorious Living (Issue 4 2013, pg 5). In that issue, Kristi described how God had recently revealed an “aha!” moment to her. What’s an “aha!” moment? Kristi described it this way, “You know, that moment in your life where something suddenly became so clear that you couldn’t help but wonder, ‘How in the world did I never see this before?’” She wrote about her visit to a friend who was in a Florida Federal Prison. I was interested in the article because I have two nephews who have been in prison for the past 12 years. I pray for them every day. As I read her article, I had my own “aha” moment. “Linda,” I suddenly thought, “write these young men! Find out where they are and write to them for goodness sakes!” How in the world did I never see this before? How had I not even thought of this simple act? It’s such an easy thing to do! Without much effort, I found out they were both in Florida prisons and was able to get their addresses. It was getting close to Christmas, so I sent them both Christmas cards and a letter in which I apologized for not writing them sooner. I let them know that I had been praying for them daily and mentioned my desire to stay in touch. As I mailed their cards, I wasn’t sure if I would receive a response. Nonetheless, I prayed my

card would encourage them in some way. Within a week they had written back to me! As I held their letters in my hand, I had the most unusual response. Although I was excited to open and read their letters, I just couldn’t. I simply held their letters close to my heart and cried and cried and cried. Why was this melting my heart so? Finally, I opened their letters and read the words of my nephews. Both told me how much they appreciated my writing to and praying for them. As promised, I wrote back. Each time, they quickly responded, always thanking me for writing and sending them pictures and catching them up on our family’s lives. Each time, I cried my eyes out! I kept wondering, why is my heart so tender? Why is it so impacted by these letters? During lunch with Kristi this past March, I shared with her how her article had prompted me to write my nephews. Through tears, I shared some of the words written by my nephews. She just smiled and began to tell me about all the similar letters that had been pouring into the ministry as inmates had been receiving Victorious Living. We were both so amazed how a simple letter and a simple magazine could impact a heart so. Then, she shared how she had been praying for the Lord to assemble a ministry team who would regularly correspond with these men and women as the volume of mail was more than one person could undertake. Unknown to me, the Holy Spirit had been preparing me for months, giving me a passion and desire to be a part of this outreach. At the end of our lunch, Kristi asked a simple question, “Linda, will you pray about being a part of our ministry team? Perhaps in the area of the prison outreach? Your heart really seems to be tender in this area.” As you can tell by my writing this article, I accepted the position. How could I not? I had been praying for the Lord to use me in a powerful way. Now, He was giving me an opportunity to touch the lives of many. Isn’t He something? I am always so amazed at the ways of the Lord. He tenders our hearts, fills us with His love, and gives us His desire to fulfill His will. Then, He lays opportunities at our feet to touch lives for His kingdom. All we have to do is accept them. With the Lord’s guidance, I began building a team of faithful people who have committed to pray for and correspond to inmates on a regular basis. This is a ministry we do not take lightly. Our goal? To encourage every person who writes to us, to help them grow in their faith, and to give them a voice to share both their trials and their victories. We also desire to help them

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realize their worth and how God can use them right where they are, no matter what their past. This ministry is so much bigger than what we can imagine! Recently as I was praying for the inmates in the Florida prisons, I suddenly began to pray for the wardens of each one, then for the guards, the chaplains, and every employee who works within the prison system. It was as if the Lord was reminding me of the incredible potential this magazine and the correspondence outreach has to touch every aspect of our prison system. It has the power to give the King of Glory access to these institutions at every level! God also reminded me not to limit Him, but to pray and ask Him to release His Presence in the most unlikely places I could ever think of so that He can save, deliver, change, restore, and transform many lives behind prison walls.

The mission of KOJ Ministries’ Prison Outreach is “To Pierce the Heart of Captives in Every Prison in America.” With the Lord by our side, I believe it is possible. How? Through the power of words! His words, flowing through the heart of His people in this magazine, speaking engagements, and through handwritten letters. If you have a family member or a friend who has a loved one behind prison bars, I encourage you to take a moment and write to them. Pray for them, their family, and others as the Lord leads you. Your words backed by God’s love can give hope and lift the heart of someone who desperately needs to know someone cares about them. You’ll be surprised at the incredible impact this simple act can have on a life, even your own!V

If you are interested in becoming a financial partner of KOJM to help us encourage hearts within the prison system, or if you desire to become a part of our local Prison Correspondence Team, visit kojministries.org or call 352-478-2098.

Linda Cubbedge resides in Graham, FL. She works at Cubbedge-Wiggins Ins. Agency and attends First Baptist Church Starke where she leads the Women’s Ministry. She is also a guest speaker at women’s events. She has 4 children, 9 grandchildren, and 1 great-grandson. Linda serves as director of the Prison Correspondence Outreach for KOJM.

Faithful To The End Fear. It’s ugly, it’s debilitating, and it’s paralyzing. As horrible as it is, many people buy into the lies that fear peddles. Fear is present because trust is lacking. Trust is lacking because we have a fundamental disbelief in the faithfulness of God. Now, we may not doubt the faithfulness of God in theory, but practically we deny it every time we indulge fear because we are operating under the assumption that God’s sovereign grace and mercy will somehow fail us. To be fair, God’s faithful care and love doesn’t mean that we will get everything we desire and think we deserve. God’s faithfulness doesn’t imply that God gives a perpetual yes to every request made. The rich truth and beauty of God’s faithfulness is simple: through all the valleys of pain, darkness, and even death, we will never be alone. It means that when His people are broken, crushed, pressed, and dismayed, that we aren’t ultimately defeated because God is a fortress for us. The psalmist in Psalm 46 stated it this way, “God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble.” (NKJV) If we are observant, we can see that the psalmist fully anticipates times of trouble. So the measure of God’s faithfulness is not in avoiding trouble, rather, it is seen in how He carries us through the troubles that come our way.

by Brad Williams

The psalmist goes on to describe the earth giving way, the mountains being moved, and desolations on the earth. Again, the take away is, life is tough and it will be filled with battles and trials that are far beyond our strength to manage. The clear refrain of this Psalm is, however, “The God of Jacob is our fortress.” A fortress is a place of strength and refuge. It is a place where protection is granted, and provision is given. In essence, God is the strong tower for His people. He gives us rest when we are weary, and He gives us protection when are attacked. Nations will rage, heartaches will happen, and hardship will be experienced, but because we have a God who is faithful, those things do not have to be endured in our own strength. Paul reminded the people of God in Philippians 4:19, “And my God will supply every need of yours according to His riches in glory in Christ Jesus.” (NASB) In essence, Paul was saying, though we struggle and hurt, the faithfulness of God will see us through every hardship and storm. There is no greater picture of God’s faithfulness than the cross of Jesus Christ. Jesus became a refuge for His people as He took our sin and gave us His righteousness. That God has applied the blood of Jesus to the account of His people and taken our sinfulness and cast it off forever is a testimony to a faithful God that promised to be our God and we His people. Jesus died for His people to live, and in so doing, He imparted to us a life that will never abandon us. That, my friend, is a faithfulness that you won’t find anywhere else, no matter how hard you look V

Brad Williams graduated from Reformed Theological Seminary and is the pastor of Keystone Heights Presbyterian Church in Keystone Heights, FL. He is the husband of Rachel and father of 4 children.

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Photo credit: Valerie Fay

Can I GEt A Witness? The ‘SONshine Girls’ Bible study meets on ‘my’ beach every summer. The vision behind this study is simple: women meet together on the beach to sing and praise Jesus, study God’s Word, share their hearts with one another, and pray. Our group has met every Monday morning for the last eleven years. Many lives have been touched and changed. The ladies bring their Bibles, beach chairs, plenty of water and snacks, and most importantly — their children, who play in the sand and water while their moms learn about Jesus. What a wonderful thing for these kids to see! All creation praises Him — even the dolphins that come to welcome us — as do we! Many miracles have taken place on the king-size blanket spread on the sand before us. Often times, perfect strangers will stumble upon our group, stop, ask for prayer, and even join us as my dear friend, Valerie, and I co-teach. At our final meeting last year, I was sharing from John 4 (NKJV), the interaction of Jesus and the Samaritan woman. Here’s the story: Jesus had left Galilee and come to Samaria. Tired and weary from the journey, He came to rest upon a well. While there, a Samaritan woman came to draw water. Jesus said to her, “Give Me a drink.” (v: 7) The woman, puzzled, reminds Jesus that He is a Jew and that Jews don’t have any dealings with Samaritans, especially this Samaritan woman of ill repute! Men didn’t even speak to women in that culture, much less in public!

Not only does Jesus speak, but He offers her the greatest gift ever…Living Water: Life! Something so powerful it would bubble up inside her and change her very being. She would never thirst or hunger again! Confused, and believing only what she could see in the natural, the woman reminded Jesus that He was in no position to give her any water. Jacob’s well, the one on which He was leaning, was deep and He didn’t even have a bucket! How could He give her anything? Jesus answered, “Whoever drinks of this water will thirst again, but whoever drinks of the water that I shall give will never thirst. But the water that I shall give him will become in him a fountain of water springing up into everlasting life.” (v: 13) At that point, the woman is ‘hooked.’ “Sir, give me this water, that I may not thirst, nor come here to draw.” (v: 15) Could it be that she was a bit tired of life as she knew it? Before He gives her the ‘Water,’ Jesus poignantly says, “Go, call your husband, and come here.” (v: 16) The woman replies, “I have no husband.” (v: 17) Notice what Jesus does not do: He doesn’t call her a liar. He doesn’t condemn her or leave her. He simply says, “You have well said, ‘I have no husband,’ for you have had five husbands and the one whom you now have is not your husband; in that you spoke truly.” (v: 17-18) At that revelation, the woman changed the subject. She got ‘religious.’

by Joan Tyson

“Sir, I perceive that You are a prophet. Our fathers worshiped on this mountain and you Jews say that in Jerusalem is the place where one ought to worship.” (v: 19) Jesus tells her, “But the hour is coming, and now is when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth; for the Father is seeking such to worship Him.” (v: 21-23) Suddenly, the woman understands in the spirit what she did not yet know in the natural: “I know that Messiah is coming (who is called Christ). When He comes, He will tell us all things.” (v: 25) For the first time in scripture, Jesus tells a woman, and not just any woman, but a Samaritan woman with a past, “I who speak to you am He.” (v: 26) Jesus is telling this woman to look no further. The One she has been waiting for is standing right before her very eyes. What does the woman do? First, she leaves her water pot. Then, she goes into the city and says to the men, “Come, see a Man who told me all the things that I ever did. Could this be the Christ?” (v: 29) The result of her witness was that many of the Samaritans, men whom she had dared to speak to, believed in Him because of her word. The Samaritans, interested in knowing more, invited Jesus to stay. And at His words, many more believed that He was the Christ, the Savior of the world. How amazing that because of the witness of this one woman, many others came to believe! Her

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Photo credit: Valerie Fay

passion, her testimony caused others to want what she had! “I want what SHE had! I want what YOU have!” a male voice suddenly declared. The voice came from a young man sitting in his beach chair. You’re probably wondering how HE got in the midst of our women’s group? One of our ladies had brought her sister-in-law and her husband who were visiting from Ohio to our study. It was the very first time in eleven years that a man was in our midst! On that day, Henry gave his heart to the Lord, right there on our blanket! As he declared that Christ was His Savior, we all surrounded him, and his sweet wife, with prayer. After prayer, I lovingly pointed out to Henry, “God has been drawing you to Himself. In fact, He brought you all the way from Ohio to a woman’s Bible study to sit on the

beach, hear His word, so that you would have the opportunity to accept Him as Lord and Savior.” The young man, with tears streaming down his face, replied, “Yep.” It was all he could say. Through the witness of this Samaritan woman, and through our witness on the beach, this man came to know Christ. It was a beautiful day! In Acts 1:8, Jesus tells His disciples that when the “Holy Spirit comes upon you… YOU SHALL BE MY WITNESSES.” Witnessing rarely happens in church. It happens in our everyday lives as we share His love and share what He has done in our lives to those who will listen. What about you? What about me? Has Jesus changed our lives so completely that we simply must tell it? Will we be the witness He has called us to be at home, at work, on the beach, in our

schools, at the grocery store, in the hospital, etc? Will we share His love until the world in which He has strategically placed us knows that He truly is the Christ — the Savior of the world? Can I get a witness? Better still, can He get a witness? V

Joan (Joanie) Tyson currently lives in Virginia Beach, VA. She is a member of Redeemer Church in Chesapeake. Joan loves to sing and worship as well as share the Word of God every Monday on the beach. She has two adult children: Miriam and Josh.

In The Blink Of An Eye by Sandy Burdick

In the blink of an eye… That’s how Jesus told us He would come back to earth to take the faithful back to Heaven with Him. Recently, I’ve been thinking of not only how quickly that will happen, but also how quickly any one event in our lives can change everything around us. In watching the movie, The Impossible, the story of survivors of the terrible tsunami that ravaged Thailand in 2004, I was struck by how dramatically our lives can change in an instant. In this true story, an American couple took their three young sons to this beautiful tropical paradise for their Christmas holiday. The opening scene shows this family, along with dozens of others, frolicking and laughing in the lush tropical pool at a high-end resort. Day-to-day problems were left behind as they played and enjoyed their lives and family without a care in the world. Suddenly, without warning, a massive tsunami inundated the area with overwhelming destructive power. The family was overtaken by the oncoming super-wave that ripped them from one another. Each family member, now alone and frantic, struggled for hours to survive the massive flooding, wind, and terror. There was no one to help them; there was no

way to help each other. In this case, miraculously, each family member survived and was eventually reunited. As many as 280,000 people lost their lives that day. As I think about how quickly the tsunami changed so many lives, I am reminded of my friend whose life was also impacted by sudden tragedy. Her daughter, a beautiful, talented, Christian girl was a bright college student with a lifetime of hopes, dreams, and ambitions ahead of her. The family had just returned home from visiting her and were preparing for an upcoming family holiday when the family would be together again. Everyone was settled in for the night after a busy day when the knock came at the door. Their precious daughter had been killed in an automobile accident. In both cases, until the split second tragedy struck, everything was normal. Yet, in the blink of an eye, lives were changed forever and a new ‘normal’ needed to be constructed. Both cases teach, with crystal clarity, the importance of valuing, loving, and serving while we can. In fact, we must live every single moment of our lives as though it was our last. Though maybe not as dramatic, each of us will experience blink-of-an-eye events in our own lives.

Whether that moment comes when Jesus returns, by way of incredible events, or whether it comes by our own inevitable death… it will happen. In that blinkof-an-eye, there will no longer be time to consider what we have done or will do with our lives. There will no longer be time to help or forgive or an opportunity to say one more prayer or do a little more for someone. This challenges me to be ever so mindful of the present. To live life to its fullest, without regrets; and to love people and my Lord with my whole heart, strength, and mind. No, we can’t know the day or the hour our ‘blink-of-an-eye’ moments will occur, but we can take comfort in the fact that nothing ever takes God by surprise. He knows our yesterdays, today, and tomorrows and He holds them all in His hands. V

Sandy Burdick spent most of her career in marketing, publishing, and advertising before retiring to the Jacksonville area. Since selling her agency, she and her husband, Les, are enjoying their children, grandchildren, and volunteer work.

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Hand Of Grace by Kyle Halfacre

I became a Christian at a young age. Attending church, going on youth trips, and participating in church activities was a normal part of my life. When I graduated from high school and went into the ‘real world’ where I no longer was told I had to go to church, things changed. I still went, but not as often as I had been. As I drifted away from church, I also drifted away from God. I got caught up in the wrong crowd and started drinking, smoking, and doing drugs. To help sustain my drug habit, I turned to selling drugs and doing whatever it took to get money to buy more: even if that meant stealing. With all ‘that’ came consequences: jail, probation, and distance from family and friend. My life was headed nowhere. One day there came a turning point. However, at the time I didn’t realize it. After drinking all day, I decided to visit a friend. On the way there, my car veered off the road. I attempted to correct it, but evidently I turned the wheel too sharply and the car began to flip. Since I was not wearing my seat belt, I was partially ejected from the car. After flipping several times, the car came to rest on the portion of my upper body that was exposed outside the car. Within moments, the car caught on fire. Fortunately, there was a man with a fire extinguisher a few cars back and he came to my rescue. All of this took place around 2:00 pm. Miraculously, I was out of the hospital the next morning with only a few staples in my head. Everything about this accident states that I should be dead. But God had other plans. Growing up in church, I knew that I was not to put God to the test. However, the next day I asked Him to show me why He had kept me alive. I did the only thing I knew to do. I closed my eyes, opened my Bible, and pointed to a verse. My finger landed on Proverbs 20:1, “Wine is a mocker and beer a brawler; whoever is led astray by them is not wise.”(NIV) I now understand why we don’t put God to the test! Although I didn’t get a clear answer as to God’s plan, I knew without a doubt that the Lord had spared my life. I started going back to church, but

my heart was not in it. I cleaned up my act for a few months; but, because I was still surrounded by the same people who were influencing my life before the accident, it wasn’t long before I was doing the same destructive things again. Then there was another accident — also under the influence of alcohol. Since I failed to wear my seat belt, I found myself, once again, being thrown through the windshield. After the first accident, I was charged with a DUI and received probation. This time, I was charged with a DUI with a Violation of Probation charge added. Prior to this accident, my fiancé and I had been planning our wedding. We decided to move forward with the marriage, but I spent the first three months of our married life in jail. Did I change my ways? Not for long. I stopped drinking for a few years, but soon had a relapse that lasted for almost a year. My wife and I split up; she just couldn’t watch me ruin my life. One morning after a bad night of drinking, she approached me and told me that she was pregnant. At that moment, something inside of me snapped. I knew my life had to change; too many lives depended on it. I stopped drinking and have not touched alcohol since. My son is now nine. A few years ago my wife and I decided that as a family, we needed to get back in church. So, we started attending a Sunday school class and getting involved elsewhere within the church. Since our class was in need of a teacher, my wife suggested that I do it. I informed her that I was not a teacher and I didn’t like standing in front of people in a formal setting. That was the end of that conversation! We started attending another church, and again became heavily involved. I began to hear God’s whisper calling me to serve Him; but, since I wasn’t used to hearing His voice, I ignored it. Soon, this new class also needed a Sunday school teacher. While leaving church one Sunday, a class member stopped me in the parking lot and asked if I would take on the role. Without hesitation, I said that I would do it. As he walked away, I looked at my wife and asked, “What just happened?”

She answered, “You just became our new Sunday School teacher!” God’s whisper continually grew louder and louder. After six months of teaching, I sensed God calling me to surrender more of myself to Him so that He could use me in a greater way. But who was I to be used by God? One Sunday, I couldn’t ignore the call any longer as God hit me with three messages that made it crystal clear that it was time for me to step out in faith and trust Him. First of all, the Sunday school lesson I was teaching was about God using ‘ordinary’ people to do His work. Secondly, the sermon by our pastor was a message about how God chooses to speak to people. Then, after the sermon, the youth pastor approached me and asked me to speak to the youth. Based on all that had happened that day, there was no way that I could turn that invitation down. I told him to tell me when, and I would do it. Since that time, I have fully surrendered to God’s call of ministry on my life. I am currently enrolled at Liberty University and have already completed my first year in Biblical and Theological Studies. Little by little, I am starting to see God’s plan for my life unfold and am beginning to understand why His hand of grace protected my life over a decade ago when I was so far from Him. I don’t know the whole plan yet, but already I have seen Him use my life in amazing ways to touch others. V Born and raised in Gainesville, FL, Kyle Halfacre now lives in Lake Butler, FL with his wife and two children. Kyle, a student of Liberty University, enjoys teaching Sunday school and preaching to the youth whenever possible at FBC Starke.

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f Bountiful Harvest


by Rob Morford

During creation, God put numerous universal laws into motion. One such example is the law of gravity which allows us to walk on this planet without floating off into space. Scientists, however, have discovered other laws, like the law of thrust and lift, that have the ability to overcome the law of gravity and allow planes to fly. These other laws do not suspend or stop the law of gravity, but they can overcome it and break its grounding power. There is another law that God put into motion at the beginning of time, it is called the law of sowing and reaping. Do not be deceived, God is not mocked; for whatever a man sows, that he will also reap. Gal. 6:7 (NKJV) Often we associate this law with our giving: as we sow financially into God’s kingdom, we inevitably reap a harvest. But there is another application to this principle that has to do with overcoming our past choices.

As we go through life, we often make many mistakes. If you are like me, you’d like to grab a huge eraser and start wiping them all out! But it isn’t that simple.

The Bible tells us that God forgives all our sin, this is true. He even forgets them and removes them from us as far as the east is to the west. (See Psalms 103). But, although God’s love chooses to forgive our sin, it doesn’t necessarily erase the consequences of them. So what are we to do? Are we doomed to a sentence of consequences for the rest of our lives? No way! God has made us more than the sum of our past mistakes. He’s given us this law of sowing and reaping to overcome those mistakes. How? It begins by planting a new harvest of good seeds in our lives by making godly choices. We may not be able to change the past, but we can change our future through our current actions. Next, we must start watering those seeds with the Living Water of God’s Word. As we get in the Word and apply it to our lives, our lives will naturally begin to produce good, bountiful fruit that can overcome and surpass the bad fruit that was previously planted. (See Galatians 5:22-23). The Holy Spirit combines our faith with the Word to supernaturally grow a good crop. It is like watching the planting of a cornfield. Without a doubt, every field has weeds. But if the farmer plants good seed, and waters and cares for that field, one day the corn will overtake the weeds. And when we look out over that field, all we’ll see are the tall, proud, beautiful corn stalks. Do you have some weeds that need overcoming?

Begin to sow good, godly seed. As you do, you will reap a renewed life and bountiful harvest. And when people look at your life, they will no longer see the negative of the past, but the beauty of the present. V

Our God is so much bigger than our wildest dreams.

Rob Morford is pastor of Community Church of Keystone Heights. He and his wife, Dotty, have three children and four grandchildren.

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CHANGE OF COURSE by Kristi Overton Johnson

One of the hardest things to do in life is to change course. It often seems easier to keep moving forward in our current state than make the changes necessary to go in a different direction. As we consider the money and time we have invested, or imagine the potential aftermath of our new choice, we can become overwhelmed with fear, guilt, worry, and even pride. ‘What if’ scenarios can cloud our vision and cause us to keep pressing forward even though we know in our heart of hearts that we shouldn’t take another step in that same direction. Recently, I read an awesome account in II Chronicles 25:6-10 that dealt with this exact situation. It is the story of Amaziah, the King of Judah who was setting out to war against the Edomites. To make a short story even shorter, Amaziah strengthened his army by hiring 100,000 mercenaries from Israel, paying them 100 talents of silver (equivalent to approximately 3¾ tons of silver) for their military expertise. As he was setting out to war, a man of God warned Amaziah that if he moved forward with these men from Israel he would surely be defeated as the Lord was not with Israel. Even if they went and fought with all the courage they could muster, they would still be overthrown before their enemy. Amaziah asked the man of God, “But what about the 100 talents I paid for these Israelite troops?” The man of God replied, “The Lord can give you much more than that.” With that promise, Amaziah dismissed the troops and sent them home. Stop for a moment and think about this scenario. I don’t know about you, but there are several things that would have made it a bit difficult for me to be so quick to obey. First of all, these men I was being asked to ‘cut loose’ were trained men of war who would

strengthen my army of 300,000 and better my chances of winning this war. Am I to believe that I would have a better chance at winning with fewer men, men who aren’t nearly as skilled as those I have hired and am being asked to let go? Secondly, I’d be a bit concerned about the money! In today’s economy, 100 talents of silver are worth millions of dollars. This was money already invested in this war project. Who would just walk away from millions and not count the cost or try to recoup some of the investment? But you know what the biggest hang-up would have been for me? It would have been the people. What in the world are people going to think? Without a doubt, all those men I was sending home, men fired up and ready for battle, would be a bit perturbed with my decision. Not to mention all my friends and advisors who would think I had lost my mind! What if they all turned on me? So, how was Amaziah able to make such a quick decision? How was he able to walk away from it all and obey God without even a look back? Easy: He trusted the promise, “The Lord can give you much more than that.” That statement alone pretty much settled it for the king. Would it have settled it for you? I’ve already admitted it would have been a tough pill to swallow. But if we want victory, we have to be willing to make those tough decisions. We have to be willing to let go, cut loose, and move forward in a different direction when the Lord instructs us to do so. Over the past couple of years, the Lord has led me to change my course. He’s asked me to let go of some things, rearrange some things, hand over some things, and walk away from others. It wasn’t easy. And at first, I fought it with all I had within me. I counted the cost, worried about the reactions and judgments of people, and reasoned and argued

about why I should continue on in my current state. Surely, I was tempted to think, if I just keep pressing forward in faith with courageous perseverance I’ll find victory! But I knew in the depths of my heart it just wasn’t so. And in the end (not quite as quick as Amaziah), I obeyed. I trusted God to redeem all that had been invested and would potentially be lost… the time, money, relationships, and reputation. And He did. As I moved out in this new direction directed by the Lord, God blessed each step. He brought health to my body and mind, strengthened my marriage and relationship with my kids, blessed me with joy and peace, and opened up a floodgate of opportunities for our ministries and personal lives. To God be the glory. These steps haven’t been easy. Like Amaziah, they’ve taken courage and trust. But in the end, victory has come. My friend, I don’t know what God is leading you to do. I don’t know what changes He is putting on your heart. But take it from me, and from Amaziah, let go of whatever you are holding on to and move out with God. Don’t worry about all you have invested. God can give you more than that. Don’t worry about the reaction of people and their judgments. You can’t control their thoughts or their actions. The men who Amaziah cut lose were furious and acted out of their anger, but that didn’t affect Amaziah’s victory! It only affected theirs. Quit worrying about what others will think or do, God can handle it all! Your only responsibility is obedience; God will take care of the rest. And when you obey, your victory will come! Guaranteed! V Kristi Overton Johnson is the founder of KOJ Ministries and In His Wakes. Kristi currently resides in Florida with her husband, Tim, and their three children.

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Always Faithful In this section of the magazine, we give testimony of God’s faithfulness to each division of KOJ Ministries, as well as In His Wakes. It’s amazing to look back at past updates and see how faithfully God met the needs we had laid before Him. Why I ever doubt Him, I’ll never know! Since the last issue, there have been exciting transitions and opportunities. Here’s a quick update on the KOJ Ministry divisions.

KOJM GENERAL UPDATE In June, the Lord led our family and ministry to Central Florida. Without delay, He provided a bookkeeper and accountant for KOJM and In His Wakes who has a heart for the Lord and incredible administrative experience. We have also purchased a new database system that will enable both ministries to better communicate and minister to our donors. Please pray for us as we make this much needed transition! We also ask that you visit our websites (kojministries.org and inhiswakes.com) to update you personal data and become our partner! See page 3 for KOJM’s new contact information.

Thank You Keystone Heights In 1994, my husband and I found ourselves moving to the small, quaint town of Keystone Heights, FL as a newly-wed couple. We were both entering post-grad studies at the University of Florida College of Law and we needed to be close to water so that I could continue my training as a pro water skier. So, we chose Keystone Heights for its beautiful lakes and tranquil environment. God, however, had more in store for us in Keystone than just lake water! It was in this place that we found His Living Water and both surrendered our lives to the Lord. Thank you to our many Lake Area friends who have played an important role in our faith journey. Thank you also to our church families at both Trinity Baptist Church and Community Church. You both provided a loving environment where our family was able to grow in our knowledge of the Lord. We appreciate your faithful support of our family and the ministries God placed on my heart while we were planted in your congregations. Words cannot express how grateful Tim and I are for the love and support of those who partnered with us on our journey and who stepped out in faith with us. We will miss you and we love you! As we have now moved to Central Florida, please know you are never far from our hearts. In our absence, we are trusting God to continue the ministries He led us to begin during our twenty-year stay in Keystone. V

The Lord led Linda Cubbedge to KOJM as the director of our Prison Correspondence Outreach. Under the Lord’s leading, Linda has assembled a faithful team of corresponders who God is using to declare freedom for the captives through a personal writing ministry! Linda also organizes the mailing of my monthly devotional teaching to inmates. We are still in need of corresponders! Pray for God to send the laborers, the harvest is ripe! See Linda’s story on page 10.

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PRISON OUTREACH On May 31, I had the incredible opportunity to partner with Bill Glass’ “Champion’s For Life” in Tallahassee, FL. As a platform speaker, I was blessed to speak to approx. 1000 inmates in 3 facilities. During this area outreach, over 700 inmates gave their lives to Christ! While in Tallahassee, I had the opportunity to meet with the heads of the Florida Department of Corrections who have extended their hand of partnership for future events.

VICTORIOUS LIVING MAGAZINE This issue kicks off the third year of publishing VL! God has taken what was to be a small local resource magazine and expanded its territory across the nation and into the Florida prison system! Daily we receive testimony of the incredible impact VL is having on the hearts and minds of incarcerated men and women. We are currently seeking grant and foundation support, as well as individual financial sponsors to help us meet the increasing demand for VL. Our goal is for VL to pierce the heart of captives with God’s love and truth in every prison in America! With God’s help and your support, this is possible!


Although the administrative offices of KOJM have moved to Central Florida, the local ministries of Champion’s Heart in Keystone Heights are stronger than ever! The vision of CHLC has always been to bring ‘help and hope’ to the Lake Area Region by providing space for much needed services/resources to our residents. And that it does! To find out more about the services offered, please contact the following partners: • Right Path Behavioral: 352-478-8395 • Zumba: Beverly Littles, 352-284-8147 • Mary Kay: Pam Reese, 352-235-6783 • Saturday Night Wonders: Gary Fuss, 352-361-7652 • Kid’s “SonShine” Bible Club: Dennis Barnhardt, 352-494-2945 • Celebrate Recovery: Walt Snider, 352-358-3048 If you are interested in bringing your organization or event to our beautiful chapel, contact our office at 352-478-2098.

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NEW BOOK RELEASE, TITLED“HIT IT!” I am so excited about the upcoming fall release of my new book entitled, “Hit it!” Through my 30-year competitive water ski career, I learned the valuable lesson of perseverance and the reward of saying “hit it!” to the boat after every fall. This book is a candid story of my personal ups and downs as an athlete, wife, mother, and ministry leader and the incredible faithful grace of my Lord.

INT’L ORPHANAGE OUTREACH We have received praise reports from Russia that the medical transport van donated in January is running smoothly and providing daily transportation to sick children to area doctors. The lives of orphans in India are also being touched for Christ through your support. In May, I met with Johnpaul, minister/director of “Favour the Helpless” during his visit to Keystone Heights. Johnpaul gave wonderful reports of how KOJM’s monthly support to the orphanage is providing daily nourishment and basic supplies to the orphan children in India. V

Thursday, May 22, 2014

Dear Sister Kristi, May I approach your goodself with my heartfelt greetings in His Everlasting Highness. The children in the home felt very much excited as their needs were met… rice bags, cooking gas, cooking oil, eggs, milk, detergents, soaps, shampoo, haircuts, hospitals/medicines, chicken, vegetables, fruits, provisions, electricity bill, and other miscellaneous expenses were met. Their bread is sufficient through your goodself every month and they praise the mighty Lord as their lives are filled with the amazing grace of the Lord. By God’s grace we are going forward in our ministry as you became source behind us with the series of your encouragements in His work over here. We have been on our kneels and urging the Lord for all of your goodself, family, and ministry as your generous efforts are being extended unto His work over here. Yours in His Service of Reaching the Lost, Bro.Johnpaul Favour the Helpless Mission, India

~ Reader Testimony ~

Dear KOJ Ministries, Wow! We serve an awesome God in and through our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ! Not only has God blessed my life in many, many ways but your magazine has truly been another blessing from God Almighty. I’ve been reading Victorious Living since last year and every time I get encouragement and rejuvenated. Your most recent Victorious Living contained two articles that struck a deep chord within my heart. Kevin Durham’s article “Our Desire” was a blessing and a true testimony of God’s faithfulness. When we surrender ‘ourselves’ over to God’s care He is faithful and just. Just as Mr. Durham’s family experienced a two-fold blessing – a beautiful baby boy and to see God’s work in another person’s life through them – I too have seen God begin to work in my relationship with my dad.The other article that struck a deep chord inside me was Barbara Collins’ “Never Defeated: The Story of Sara Ann.” This story even at this moment strikes me deep within and even brings tears to my eyes. Sara Ann lost her son to a senseless murder and tears well up because of the pain I know she and her family have gone through. You see, in 2000 at the age of 17, I took the life of another young man and almost took 3 others over a gang feud. The pain I caused to my own family devastated me. My first ten years in prison I went down many very dark roads that led to drugs, fighting, and sexual immorality. I was lost. By all outward appearances it seemed I had it together but deep within I was wounded and dying – guilt, rejection, bitterness, anger and hate were killing me. In 2010, October 24, I gave my life to Jesus Christ and wow have I been blown away since then! God is so faithful and even when we don’t know our needs, He does. About 8 months after I got saved I received a letter letting me know that two of the individuals I almost killed forgave me. As I read that letter I bawled like a baby and praised God. God in His faithfulness knew my need to see His grace and He poured it out through the ones I hurt. I needed to hear that word ‘forgive’ because it helped heal one of the wounds that set me on that old dark path. God has also continually blessed me and He is molding me into the man He would have me be. My relationship with my dad is also growing. For the first time in my life my dad told me 6 months ago that he is proud of what he sees Christ doing in my life. My dad is seeing God mold me and shape me and it is a testimony to my dad that Christ is our HOPE. Yours Truly,

PO Box 120987 Clermont, FL 34712-0987 352-478-2098 www.kojministries.org


Kristi Overton Johnson Ministries seeks to love people to the Life-Giver, Jesus Christ, through its various publications, speaking, teaching, singing ministry, prison and orphan outreaches. KOJM equips minds and encourage hearts with the Living Water of God’s Word. Scan the QR code to Like Kristi Overton Johnson Ministries FaceBook page and receive inspirational devotions.


• Financial sponsors for inmates to receive copies of Victorious Living, personal correspondence, and our monthly devotional. • People who will help distribute magazines. • Your personal story of God’s faithfulness for publication. • Opportunities for Kristi to share the Word of God and vision of this ministry. Visit our website to bring Kristi to your area. www.kojministries.org/ book-kristi • Prayer warriors interceding on our behalf! • Financial support to help meet the daily needs of Indian and Russian orphans. We partner with an orphanage in Glazov, Russia and with Favour the Helpless Mission in India. (http://www. favourthehelpless.org.in)

David www.kojministries.org 19

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Let Go Of My Baby? “Let go and let God!” You’ve probably heard these words before. It’s a familiar saying in the Christian world. Even I’ve declared it on multiple occasions as it always seems like the right thing to say. What better advice could one give? These past several months, however, I’ve gotten a taste of what these words really mean as I’ve had to swallow my own advice. One thing I’ve learned, ‘letting go’ isn’t an easy task! For the first time since I became the director of In His Wakes, I sensed the Lord asking me to ‘let go’ and allow someone other than myself to conduct 10 of our “A Day to Remember” events without my presence! Now, that may not seem like such a big deal to most; however, after having complete control of every one of our 450+ events over the past 8 years, it was a big deal to ME! Not that I think I’m so special, or that no one could possibly take my place, it’s just that when you’ve planned, organized, and conducted so many events for so many years, it sort of becomes a part of who you are. In the extreme sense, it becomes your child. Now, the Lord was asking me to hand over my child to someone else to rear! Someone I completely trusted of course, but still, it’s MY child! Or, is it? If I really think about it, this ‘child’ has never really been mine. Kristi Overton Johnson founded In His Wakes in 2003. It was something the Lord birthed in her heart. And over the years, it has been something she too has had to learn to let go of, piece by piece. In 2013, Kristi felt the Lord telling her to let go of her ‘child,’ step down as president, and completely entrust what the Lord had birthed in her to me. Talk about giving up your child! Although I have been the director of In His Wakes since 2007, it wasn’t until 2013 that I

had the responsibility of making major decisions for the ministry on all levels. And now, only a year later, God was asking me to ‘let go’ of a portion of what I had just received. As difficult as obedience was for both Kristi and I, we rested in the fact that this ministry has never really been either of ours; rather, it has always been and will always be the Lord’s. And when He says it’s time to move, you move. In Kristi’s case, she had to move from a less active daily role with In His Wakes, so that she could focus on other ministries the Lord had birthed in her heart. In my case, I had to move from being ‘in control’ of every event and turn over a portion of the In His Wakes events to a second team. For years, I’ve known that a second team was needed. Yet the timing just never seemed right. When I met Kevin and Emily Durham, however, I knew without a doubt, that they were the ones. And in God’s perfect timing, He made it known to them and then provided all we needed in the way of motorhomes, boats, and equipment for a second team to be launched. Yet, even being completely at peace with God’s choice, and knowing the time was right, ‘letting go’ was a hard thing to be totally prepared for! The 2014 “A Day to Remember” Tour will go down in my history book as a season of learning to completely trust that the Lord knows what He is doing with His ministry! To trust that He can use other people in unique ways. And to discover peace even in the midst of being ‘out of control’ as I accepted the truth that it’s okay if things aren’t always done exactly how I’d do them. It was a good lesson. And as I trusted God and released things back to Him, He was able to use Kevin and Emily, and their precious children, in powerful ways to reach many people. After each event, I received so

many incredible reports from various volunteers and host celebrating how the Lord worked through this amazing family. This never could have happened if I had refused to ‘let go, and let God!’ Likewise, my wife, Ivy, and I could have never experienced the ministry opportunities we experienced had I refused to trust the Lord. For people like myself who like to think we can do so much on our own, it’s tough to loosen that grip on things we value so dearly. Yet, as we do, we find that God is faithful. He provides all we need and through His perfect power brings about even greater results than we could have accomplished in our own strength. Praise God for His unfailing grace, faithfulness, and patience towards us as we have taken steps that have allowed Him the freedom to fulfill His will for this ministry. This season I have seen firsthand how much God wants to accomplish through In His Wakes. And I believe He is just getting started! We’ve had more events take place than ever before with the addition of our second team. We’ve expanded into new geographical locations and our offthe-water ministry has exploded. Partnerships with other outreaches has expanded as well. Most importantly, we’ve seen an unprecedented response to the Gospel message as hundreds have made the decision to ‘get off the dock’ with God as their Power Source! Thank you for your continued prayers for God’s timing, wisdom, and direction in all the above areas. Your prayer and financial partnership is such a blessing and encouragement as we move out of the 2014 season and begin preparations for next year. We are excited and filled with great anticipation of what He has in store! V

20 www.kojministries.org

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New Perspectives

by Tina Brown, NC

with a in a Christian home I have been raised d and ge ura co en ily who has wonderful Church fam e has lov d’s Go t ou . Knowing ab loved me my entire life ping kee , life of e stl hustle and bu been easy. But with the be can y da ery ev ng in my heart the Lord’s Word burni

difficult. I was site of In His Wakes, When I arrived at the Lord the at wh or ct what to expe nervous and unsure of ickly qu m tea try nis , but the mi was calling me to do me d ide gu d an s retched arm took me in with outst the ed nc rie pe ex I , ke with the children rs, tee along. As the team spo lun vo ff, sta hope I saw in the l through the joy and tifu try au nis be mi ny the ma of so se purpo t on the lives of ou ur po rit spi d an e is beyond ed God’s lov their transformation and children. I watch sports. To be a part of ter wa of , I smiled, use kes the Wa gh His children throu lunteered at In . During the week I vo ed nc rned in rie pe lea I ex . er ing ev lm ve he anything I ha ce were so overw gra d an ty jes ma d’s cause Go uish our fears laughed, and cried be us and when we relinq of ch ea for se rpo pu d has a d serves others. this experience that Go art that loves Him an he a is for s ask d Go victory. All rspective. God to Him, we will have God’s love in a new pe see to me ed ow all rience d powerful things My In His Wakes expe to move, amazing an Him ow all we if d r lives an d courageous. wants to move in ou s a plan. Be strong an ha d Go t tha ow kn ful and for others and will happen. Be thank u and I can be a light yo t tha so l sou ur yo certain life the fire in Ask the Lord to start kes, we may arrive at first day at In His Wa my to r ched arms ila ret Sim tst er. ou oth for one an ays there with His alw is d Go t bu r fea d V tainty an we have to do is ask. situations with uncer ere we need to go, all wh us ide gu nly tai cer and He will

PO Box 120987 • Clermont, FL 34712-0987 Nate Miller • 352-745-0283 www.inhiswakes.com


In His Wakes introduces people to the life-changing power of Jesus Christ through water sports.


• We have an ‘06 Malibu I Ride for sale. 340 hours $19,900. Call Nate at 352-745-0283 if you’re interested. • Open doors to reach more groups. • Funding for the remainder of this season and to do even more events next year through monthly donations • Continued prayer for safety during events and as we travel. • Sponsorship for children participating in our D2R events. $100 per child.


• Many people have given their lives to Christ. • Although there have been some challenges with the motor homes, both are currently running well. We have made it to every event! • Incredible hosts and volunteers who have made these events happen. • The Lord continues to give us supernatural energy to keep going. • More and more people are catching the vision of how the Lord uses IHW to impact lives and reach people with the gospel.

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Dealing With

DRAMA by Paul McKean

“Now to Him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to His power that is at work within us, to Him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, forever and ever! Amen.” Ephesians 3:20 (NIV) Born in 1941, Paul S. McKean made a early commitment to a life-long ministry of Christian service. Paul and his wife, Jeannie, served with Campus Crusade for Christ for 43 years. The last 30+ years, they served in international ministry, in particular Asia. Retired (yet still serving), Paul resides with his wife of 52 years in Unicoi, TN. His education includes a BA and MA in Philosophy.

It has been a rather difficult several months filled with drama, drama, and more drama! My wife and I sold our home in Florida (where we had only just unpacked boxes from a previous move), and found ourselves moving to a new home 4 states away. In the midst of our transition, we retired from a ministry we had served for 43 years, and found ourselves in the emergency room twice. The wonder of it all is that our hearts are still full of joy and thanksgiving. How is that possible? It isn’t because we have our ‘happy face on,’ but because our God is faithful. I’m not one who comes by joy easily, nor do I have a natural positive disposition. The fact is that God has been working on this factor in my life through decades of developing my trust in His faithfulness. God called me into ministry when I was 17. That call was formalized at my ordination at the age of 26 in September 1967 when I took a vow to serve Him until my life’s end; no turning back. My friend and mentor, Dr. Richard Harvey, demonstrated what it meant to follow the Lord wholeheartedly. Through the years, I’ve encountered challenge after challenge, providing me incredible opportunities to see God make a way where there should have been no way! Years ago, the Lord gave me Joshua 14:6-15 as the biblical setting for His faithfulness and trustworthiness. Please take a few minutes and read this passage. These scriptures have been my anchor through every season of life. They have given me a firm foundation on which to stand upon when the path became unsteady and circumstances warred against me. Without this anchor, I surely would have been tossed about by life’s drama! As you read the passage, realize that Caleb was claiming a forty-five year old promise that God had made to him and Joshua through Moses regarding land they would one day inherit. Not only that, but during their waiting period, they struggled through incredible hardships, the same hardships that those who blatantly disobeyed God encountered, even though they were faithful to obey and follow Him

wholeheartedly. Life doesn’t always seem fair, does it? Like Caleb, Jeannie, my wife of 52 years, and I have been buffeted by many challenges in our life journey. Yet God has never failed, even when circumstances seemed to be stacked against us. I’d like to share a recent account of God’s faithfulness in our lives. It was a typical day and I had gone out to run some errands. Upon arriving home, however, I began to feel very ill. Confused, I sat on the steps outside the house — for how long, I do not know. When Jeannie arrived home, she began to ask me all sorts of questions, “When had I gotten home? How long had I been sitting on the steps?” None of my answers made any sense. With the Lord’s help, Jeannie got me into the house where, based on my health history, she concluded I was having a stroke. She called 911 and the medics came. Unable to confirm what was wrong, they transported me to the hospital. (Praise the Lord, for we didn’t even know where the hospital was located!) Here is where God’s faithfulness is so evident on the scene. Just a few days prior, Jeannie and I had located a family physician in the area. The doctor we ‘happened’ to choose ended up being a part of the medical group who responded to our need at the hospital. How awesome that God knew our need and provided for it even before it arose! After many tests, I was diagnosed with a high fever caused by a serious sinus infection. The high fever contributed to my confusion. After 4 days of treatment I was released. Praise God. If there is one thing I have learned in my many years of walking with the Lord and serving Him wholeheartedly, it is that God is in charge. He can deal with all the drama of our lives. There is nothing too big for Him, or too small for that matter. And, He never fails. Take comfort in the fact that there is nothing you are going through that can catch God by surprise. Rest in that truth and trust His faithfulness to see you through. V

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Key to Victory by Dr. James Peoples

Have you ever known someone who has lost their hope? It’s a terrible thing because it impacts the way a person thinks, acts, and lives. Such was the case with the Bible hero Gideon. Yes, that’s right, hero! Before Gideon became one of God’s champions, he was completely without hope. When the angel of the Lord appeared to him and called him a “mighty man of valor,” Gideon replied, “Why have all these bad things happened to us? Where is the God who delivered our fathers from Egypt? He has forsaken us and given us to our enemies.” Judges 6:12-13 If Gideon ever had faith, he had lost it. He no longer believed in God’s ability to save him or his people. He was hopeless. But God looked beyond Gideon’s weaknesses and hopelessness to see a champion. And that’s how God sees you, too. He sees all your potential, and all that you can be and do when your faith is placed in Him! Don’t listen to the enemy when he tells you that you are defeated. Start believing again and trust in the God who can do the impossible. You are more than a conqueror in Christ Jesus. Put your hope and trust in Him. Your God is able! The Bible says in Ephesians 3:20 that God is “…able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think...” (NKJV) Gideon did go on to obey and God greatly used him. The key is in Judges 6:34, “But the Spirit of the Lord clothed Gideon...” (ESV)

Dr. Howard Hendricks, who recently passed away, was a wonderful professor at the Dallas Theological Seminary. He used to mention a little prayer that he said every day and the prayer happens to be based on Judges 6:34, Gideon’s life-changing experience with God. The prayer goes like this: “Lord, here I am. I want to be your suit For the last 20 of clothes. Take me and use me and just walk around in years, Dr. James me today.” Peoples has served as the Senior Pastor Now that’s a simple little prayer, but it is also a of Trinity Baptist in powerful one! The only way that you and I are able to Keystone Heights, contend at all is because God is with us. Gideon learned FL. Pastor James this lesson firsthand. On his own he was fearful and and his wife, powerless, hiding deep down in a winepress to avoid Jeannie, have been blessed with two the Midianites. He was beaten down and weak, but that beautiful children, didn’t stop God. You see, God chooses and uses people Emily and Dana. who understand their own inadequacies, and who embrace His sufficiency. The Spirit of the Lord covered Gideon and the battle was won! It reminds me of Paul, in 2 Corinthians 12:8-10, who said concerning a weakness he had, “I pleaded with the Lord three times that it might depart from me. And He said to me, ‘My grace is sufficient for you, for My strength is made perfect in weakness.’ Therefore most gladly I will rather boast in my infirmities, that the power of Christ may rest upon me. Therefore I take pleasure in infirmities, in reproaches, in needs, in persecutions, in distresses, for Christ’s sake. For when I am weak, then I am strong.” (NKJV) If you feel inadequate to do the will of God, you are not alone. Jesus said it Himself when He spoke these words from John 15:5 “…Apart from Me you can do nothing.” (NLT) Our story doesn’t end with our weakness. It begins with the overwhelming sufficiency that is ours in Christ Jesus. He is your key to victory in every battle you will ever face! V

Subscribe or give a gift subscription today! Suggested donation: $20 Subscribe online at kojministries.org, click “subscribe”; call 352-478-2098 or fax in the form on the back cover. Office hours: Tues. - Thurs. 10-3

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An Unexpected Friend by Clyde Pfeiffer

The Champion’s Heart Award Presented to Clyde Pfeiffer and Danny Morris One day, with little notice, I invited my dear friend and fellow KOJM board member, Clyde Pfeiffer to come to dinner at my home. He accepted my invitation but asked if he could bring his friend who was accompanying him. I told him that would be fine and a few moments later, my husband and I were sitting at our dining table with Clyde and his friend, Danny. While quiet, I could see that Danny was a kind man. It was obvious that both he and Clyde had a deep mutual respect for one another. Within moments of our conversation, I began to ask Danny his opinion regarding some of the prison ministry ideas our BOD were considering. From his mouth flowed such wisdom and unique perspective as he explained why some of the ideas were sound and why others needed to be reconsidered. I later learned that Danny had spent much time in and out of prisons. Those experiences had given him a perspective that Clyde and I lacked. I listened intently and thanked Danny for his input. I was so blessed by this man and encouraged by his life story as well as the unique relationship of these two men, so I asked them both to share the story of their friendship. In every issue of Victorious Living, we present “The Champion’s Heart” award to individuals who possess the character and heart of a champion. In this issue, I’d like to present Clyde Pfeiffer and Danny Morris with this award. These men are great examples of people who moved out of their comfort zones to live out loud the love God requires of us: A love that is gentle, kind, and patient. A love that provides for those in need and encourages others. A love that doesn’t judge but looks beyond one’s past to help others move towards a brighter future. The world can use more ‘Clyde and Danny’ relationships!


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One day as I drove behind some commercial property that I own, I observed objects that made it appear that someone was living behind the building located on the premises. My first thought? Quickly rid the property of any homeless people and all that comes with that scenario. Over the coming days, I passed by the property searching for anyone who may be trespassing, to no avail. The day came when I took over the business where the property was located. A previous owner told me about Danny, the homeless man who lived behind the building. He explained that Danny seemed to be a good person and almost certainly had only a few months to live as his health was quickly deteriorating. I later learned that the owner had spoken words of truth and love to Danny which had led him to stop abusing his body and ultimately lay down behaviors that had led him to such a miserable life. I was blessed and challenged by the heart of this business man and decided to let Danny stay. With the change in ownership, I was now on the premises more often and began to have regular encounters with Danny myself. It didn’t take long for me to realize that the previous owner’s assessment of Danny was correct. I enjoyed very much talking with him. During our interactions, I would often hear Danny use the phrase, “Thank the Lord” as part of his conversation. One day I told Danny I was glad he mentioned ‘The Lord’ because I was looking for someone who would be interested in studying the Bible with me. He accepted my invitation and we set a time to meet weekly at the place where he lived behind my business. I could sense that Danny really valued all that he was learning from our time together. He never missed a meeting.

Although Danny was growing in his knowledge of the Lord, his health was deteriorating rapidly. When his doctor told him to contact hospice my heart sunk. The emotions I experienced came as a startling shock to me as I hadn’t realized until then how deep a bond I had developed with Danny. He was more than someone I was mentoring; he had become my friend and confidant. His thirst to understand God and His Word challenged me to grow in my own relationship with the Lord. We prayed together for a miracle over his body. A few weeks later, we began to see our prayers being answered as God not only began to heal his liver, but also miraculously provide for other surgeries Danny had previously been denied. Through Danny, a man the world would say has so little, God has given me so much. He has proven His faithful love towards His children and reminded me of His provision for our every need, even those the world say are impossible to meet. I’ve experienced firsthand the power of love and how reaching out to someone in need can change lives (even my own). I’ve grown in my faith as Danny’s hunger for Truth has encouraged me to know the Lord in a deeper way. I’ve also been challenged by Danny’s burning desire for everyone to know the love and saving grace of his Heavenly Father, the same saving grace and forgiveness he has come to know. Greater still, the Lord gave me a trusted friend and confidant. How blessed I am to call Danny Morris my friend. V

Clyde Pfeiffer is a longtime business owner of The Trophy Shop in Gainesville, FL. He is also active in his church, Grace United Methodist Church at Ft. Clarke. Clyde also serves as an active member on KOJM Board of Directors.


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God Blessed My Broken Road

My father and grandfather were pastors. I, on the other hand, chose to rebel and follow people down a path of destruction. Because of this choice, my life quickly became one of alcohol, drugs, homelessness, and prison. In the end, I had 21 convicted felonies and over 100 other charges where I was labeled a ‘menace to society.’ To put it mildly, I had no concern for anyone but myself. It was all about my survival. Many times I purposely broke the law just so I could get arrested. That may sound odd, but for me, jail was safer than living on the streets. It was also a welcomed break from being without food or shelter. I know all too well what it is like to clean maggots off of spoiled food from the dumpster to keep from collapsing physically. For decades, my life was a cycle of living on the streets and in prison. Not much of a life. And it sure as heck wasn’t living. But for several decades, it was all I knew. Upon being released from my most recent jail sentence where I had spent 5 years behind bars, I went back to a location where I had lived before my arrest… an area behind a local dry cleaners in the downtown area of Gainesville, FL. The owner of the business was nice enough to let me stay there. He even began to reach out to me and share spiritual truths that inspired me to stop drinking. He had such compassion for me as he could see that my health was deteriorating to a point of life and death. Cirrhosis and infection of the liver were causing great amounts of fluid to accumulate in my body.

Every couple of weeks I had to have this fluid drained to keep my liver from shutting down. I was becoming so weak and frail. As my body was going through these changes, the ownership of the business changed as well, and the property owner took over the dry cleaning business. I wondered what would happen to me under the new ownership, but the new owner proved to be just as kind as the previous owner. He soon asked me if I wanted to study the Bible with him and we began meeting weekly. Those meetings were life changing. As each week passed, our trust in one another grew, as did my faith in God. My liver, however, was getting worse. One day after removing 20 liters of fluid from my body, the doctor somberly declared, “Call Hospice.” I knew for sure that without a miracle, I was at the end of my 52 year-old life. Praise God, a miracle came! The Lord answered my prayers and began to restore my liver. Since the doctor declared me Hospice-bound, I have never had to have another ounce of fluid drained from my body. It has been over a year now! The disappearance of fluid was just the first of many miracles. Since placing my trust in the Lord, God has continually provided for my mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual needs. Although I still have some physical challenges, I know without a doubt that I am being made whole. My liver is in better shape than my doctors could have ever imagined. I have qualified for additional surgeries and procedures to extend my life that were not available to me before I placed my life in God’s hands. Relationships with family are being restored and I now have new relationships that bring me much joy. God has even blessed me with an income, a place to live, a car to drive, and I even have a driver’s license for the first time since I was 20 years old!

by Danny Morris

Not only have my physical and emotional needs been met, but my mind is clear and I feel so alive! God has continually provided everything I have needed at the exact time I have needed it. Someone recently told me that it was as if God was putting my blessings in the bank, reserving them for the day I put my life in His hands. Of this I am not sure, but I do know that since my life has been placed in God’s hands, my life has changed. Trusting God by faith was the best decision I could have ever made… for this life and the one to come. How thankful I am for the prayers of my devoted parents. During their life, they never ceased to pray for me, their son, to know God as my personal Savior. Their prayers have been answered. I’m also thankful for the kindness of strangers who reached out to me and helped guide me to this path of blessings in Christ Jesus. Because of Christ, I now have hope, peace, provision, wholeness, and joy. I’m finally experiencing the abundant life Christ intended for me. And it’s this life that I intend to hold on to. For years my life was headed down one broken road after another, but as the lyrics in the song, “Broken Road,” (Rascal Flatts, Feels Like Today, 2004, Big Machine Records) this road led me right to where I needed to be: in the arms of God. I don’t know how many days I have left on this earth, but I do know this: I will live each day for Jesus and help others find Him in the midst of their broken road. V

Danny Morris spent decades rotating between prison and homelessness. He now enjoys a new life in Jesus with a deep desire to help hurting people and for them to know the powerful love of God.

We Love You, Larry!

In the May issue of Victorious Living, we honored Larry Teague as the recipient of the Champion’s Heart Award for his incredible servant’s heart. On August 4, our friend went home to be with the Lord. Larry, we will surely miss you but look forward to the day when we meet again on those heavenly shores. Thank you for your friendship and for all the contributions you made to the water sports community and to the Lake Area region. See you soon our dear friend and brother in Christ. V


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Giving Honor And Being Honorable by Bonnie Hagemann

I have a business colleague (Ken) who lives on the East coast. Ken has two daughters who are both in college. Throughout our business relationship, I’ve often stayed in their home where I’ve been able to witness the close and respectful relationship as well as the mutual love and affection each member of the family has for one another. Since I also have a daughter, Ken and I have often discussed some of our shared parenting hopes and dreams for the young women we are raising. Recently, Ken told me that one of his daughters was dating a boy that he and his wife did not approve as he didn’t possess the same spiritual beliefs or personal values that Ken’s family holds. One day, Ken asked his daughter to sit with him at the kitchen table. In a very calm and loving manner, he told her how he felt. He didn’t demand or pressure her to quit dating the young man, he simply explained his (and his wife’s) feelings and the reasons behind them. His daughter listened intently and then asked some clarifying questions. She explained that she had thought she could help this young man change but now she understood that she wasn’t seeing things clearly. She appreciated her father and mother’s advice and simply replied, “Now, let me do my part.” Then, she stood up, walked to the phone, called her boyfriend, and ended the relationship. I was so touched by this story that I thought about it for days. What incredible honor this young lady showed her parents through her choice to consider their feelings, trust their love for her, and end the unhealthy relationship. Likewise, her father and mother showed incredible honor to her, by caring for her enough to share truth in a loving way, and then allowing her to make her own choice. This reminded me of my relationship with my Heavenly Father and the many opportunities I have to bring honor to Him through my daily choices. I love God. More than anything I want His will for my life. Therefore, I seek His advice. Each morning as I run, I take to Him every business deal, employee need, customer care, as well as every family and personal matter. As I talk with God, I lay out the issue and listen. God is always faithful to direct my path through Scripture or through the inward witness of the Holy Spirit. continued on page 27

Honoring Authority by Bonnie Hagemann

As an Executive Coach for Fortune 500 companies, I’ve seen the importance of giving honor to those in authority over us in our business relationships. I just wrote about giving honor to God though our obedience to His will. At work, we don’t usually use the word ‘obedience.’ Instead we talk about following instructions, getting results, delivering upon objectives, etc. Employees show honor to their companies and their leaders by getting the work done that they are asked to do, by doing that work with excellence, and by following up and doing each and every job to the highest level possible. This does not mean that employees should be robots. They can and should voice their opinions even when they disagree with their leaders. Those ideas, opinions, and even disagreements, when presented in a positive and credible manner, are likely to help the leader to either change direction, add to the current direction or hone his/her point of view in the opposite direction. Either way, the exchange is usually valuable. On the other hand, disagreeing with a leader to the point that an employee becomes disruptive or argumentative is not appropriate. It does not honor the position of the leader. You may be thinking, “What if the leader isn’t honorable?” Well, I understand that pain, but it’s important to honor the position of the leader as long as what he/she is asking or doing is legal, moral, and ethical. If the leader is corrupt, the employee can quietly approach the leader and point out the issues or take the issue to the Human Resource department or other authorities who are in a position to take action. Going to the leader’s peer is not a good solution, because the peer has no authority over this person. Going to his/her boss is a good solution, because the boss can do something about the corrupt behavior. In rare instances where external officials such as FBI or police are needed, this should still be done as quietly and as quickly as possible to provide minimal disruption to the business and fellow employees who all depend on the success for the organization for their livelihood. If the leader is not corrupt, but the employee cannot make him/herself follow a leader then that employee should leave gracefully and professionally and not say one negative word once the relationship has ended. It is not about honoring that difficult leader, it is about being an honorable person, one that others can respect. Laying down our own wishes and preferred direction and picking up the wishes and direction of others honors people, whether it is our parents, our employers, teachers, prison guards, or our Heavenly Father. It is an incredible gift that each one of us can give, and it doesn’t cost a dime! V

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Thinking about Ken’s story, I realize that like his daughter, when I receive the advice of my Father and hear His heart, I too have a choice to make. Either I can follow my Father’s guidance or I can choose my own path. I can honor Him, or I can be stubborn and prideful and do things my own way. He will not force me to do anything His way. Over and over again I see phrases in the Bible where God begins a sentence that says “if you…,” and then He ends it with, “then I will…” Just like Ken’s daughter had to do her part by acting on her father’s word, I too have a responsibility to act based on the authority of my Father’s Word — that act is called obedience. How it must please God when I, His daughter, come to Him, listen to His heart, and then choose to obey on my own free will. Of all the things I can ‘do’ for God, the greatest thing I could ever ‘give’ Him is honor through my trust and obedience. It’s His greatest desire. The amazing thing is that as I bring honor to God, He then honors me by pouring out His blessings upon my life. Can you imagine? The Creator of this Universe desires to honor you and me? Incredible, but true. Every time you and I make the choice to willingly obey God, He honors us by pouring out His incredible blessings upon our lives, blessings that will chase us down and overtake us! I want to experience God’s blessings, but more so, I want a close relationship with my Heavenly Father. I want to honor Him through my obedience. No amount of good works can replace the honor I give God by choosing to lay down my will to pick up His. And no will of my own is worth taking the honor away from the One it is due. V

~ Reader Testimony ~

Dear Kristi and KOJ Ministries, As an inmate, at Wakulla Correctional Institution in Crawfordville, FL, I have been very blessed by your magazine Victorious Living. I read every issue cover to cover and even keep them in my footlocker rather than disposing of them when I’m finished. I’ve read each issue multiple times. Recently, you came to Wakulla Correctional Institution with the Bill Glass volunteers. The second I saw you on the outside basketball court with the basketball performer, I recognized you. I was telling everyone around me (other Christian brothers), “Hey, that’s Mrs. Johnson who has that magazine I get from the chapel.” I was so stoked! I wanted to run over to you and thank you so much for reaching out to inmates around Florida, but I knew that I couldn’t as we are forbidden from approaching female volunteers. It was awesome to hear your story and your walk with Christ being a learning experience while you were still competing in the waterskiing world. I wanted to write your ministry right away to thank you for coming to Wakulla and for blessing us with your magazine; but, I had to wait on stamps. Your coming to the prison was the best thing to happen to a lot of us. What Satan planned for evil in our lives (which led us ultimately here), our Heavenly Father planned for our good. Had I not come to prison, I’d still be lost to eternal salvation. I and other brothers here at Wakulla Correctional Institution are in Christ and the Father’s glorious grace because we are in fact here in prison. To us, it was ‘Daddy’ taking switches to our backsides to not only correct our bad behavior but to get our attention and also show us how much He truly loves us. It can be very difficult being a Christian in prison. It can be a hard road witnessing, but some can in fact be reached. Your Victorious Living magazine does in fact make a great witnessing tool to the lost. I would like to sign up for your monthly teaching/devotional mailing as I hope it will also help me reach out to other inmates here. I am in the Wakulla Correctional Institution’s Veteran’s Dorm with about 80 military vets in one housing wing. We also have a Veteran’s Service Group here which meets about once a month with 120 total members. We are proof that many military men and women around the country come back from our country’s various wars and conflicts with issues. Some of these men here will never go home — ever — except when they either pass on to God’s glorious salvation through our Lord Christ Jesus or on to eternal damnation. I pray all will come to give their lives to the Lord. Being from the Jacksonville area, and your ministry being from Keystone Heights was what first caught my eye, but once I got reading Victorious Living, I quickly passed it around to men to pick one up at the chapel for themselves. It has quickly become a favorite among a lot of men here at Wakulla. I have a child that I’d like to come to one of your future In His Wakes youth waterskiing camps. Please continue to include your camp information so she can attend. I believe it will be perfect for her. Well thanks again for coming to Wakulla Correctional Institution with your testimony. I pray, my sister in Christ, that you will return again soon. God Bless You KOJ!, William

Bonnie Hagemann is a member of the Board of Directors for KOJ Ministries. Bonnie is the CEO of Executive Development Associates, a 29-year-old internationally known boutique consulting firm that specializes in executive development, executive coaching, and high potential development. To date, Bonnie has 11 published works.

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An Unexpected Blessing When stepping out to foster, the Mueller’s had one goal: to meet the needs of hurting children. Yet their stepping out opened the door for God to prove His faithfulness to bless and provide for them: His own children.

Most fathers start with infants and work their way to the empty nest years. Three am feedings mercifully evolve to T-ball games and birthday parties before transcending to the tumultuous teenage years; but not for Scott Mueller. His unconventional journey of parenthood began with a plunge into parenting energetic 8- and 9-year-old boys. Such is the life of a young man who falls in love with a single mom! After becoming married in 2005, Monica and Scott focused on raising the boys, all the while enjoying their lives together. Occasionally, the discussion of adding more kids to their family arose. Since Monica was unable to have more children, fostering and adopting were their only options. But ‘talk’ was as far as those plans went for many years. They were completely satisfied with their lives as a small family; so much so, that they just couldn’t imagine stepping into such an unpredictable journey where life as they knew it would certainly end. In 2011, a new teaching position for Monica brought the Mueller’s to Florida. ‘Talks’ and prayers about adding to the family continued, but neither Scott nor Monica sensed a strong direction either way from the Lord. This would soon change; however, as Monica’s new job exposed her to the vast needs of local foster kids through the lives of some of the middle-schoolers she taught, mentored, and came to love. Seeing the incredible needs of the children created urgency in Monica’s heart to do something. Lives were hanging in the balance as she and Scott continued to ‘talk.’ Every day they waited, children in their community were going without basic needs as well as the most important things anyone can have… love and family. As Monica’s passion grew, so did Scott’s. He couldn’t deny how important fostering was to his wife. That in itself made it important to him. One by one, Scott began to lay aside his hesitations. As he did, God began to open his heart and align it with his wife’s. In early 2013, they stepped out in faith and began to take the classes required to become foster parents. No sooner had they begun the classes that they learned about the soon-to-open Cellon-Thomas Campus of the Florida Baptist Children’s Homes in Gainesville. After hearing about the new home, a unique campus established with the specific vision to provide a loving environment where brothers and sisters in foster care could be placed together, God opened the Mueller’s heart to foster siblings. But open hearts don’t always equate to ample wallets, at least not immediately. Fostering at the FBCH campus would require the couple to accept up

by Kelli Munn

to five children at a time. Even with state assistance and housing provided, Scott didn’t see how their personal finances would be able to accommodate that type of commitment, especially with Monica having to take a more flexible, lower-paying job in order to be home more with the kids. Despite their reservations, however, the Mueller’s decided to trust the Lord. Without a doubt, they knew He had planted the seed of fostering in their hearts. They knew He had ordered their steps in His perfect timing. So, they stepped out in faith and joyfully accepted the assignment. As they stepped forward, God opened the doors needed to carry out His vision. On December 7, 2013, they moved into one of two brand new single-family homes on the FBCH campus. Two weeks later, they welcomed their first sibling group of foster children, 2-year-old twin girls and their 4-year-old brother. Since December they have fostered seven children comprising of three sibling groups. Since stepping out, God has provided for this family’s every need. From donated yard work, to Christmas toys and decorations, to food and several months worth of paper towels dropped on their doorstep — right when they needed them. They haven’t wanted for a thing. It’s been a wild and wonderful few months: chaotic at times but abounding in love and blessings. The biggest blessing came when two of their foster children asked Jesus into their hearts. When stepping out to foster, the Mueller’s had one goal: to meet the needs of hurting children. Yet their stepping out opened the door for God to prove His faithfulness to bless and provide for them: His own children. NOTE: The Mueller’s are part of a new FBCH foster care model known as Foster Family Homes. Married couples of any age with two or fewer children living in the home — with a heart for fostering — are encouraged to apply by contacting the Gainesville office of the Florida Baptist Children’s Homes at (386) 418-0147 or children@fbchomes.org. Also see their ad on page 2 of this issue. V

Kelli Munn is owner of Kelli Munn PRM, a PR and marketing company in North Florida. She serves on the board of the Friends of Children of North Central Florida, a 501(c)(3) that raises financial support for the Florida Baptist Children’s Homes campus in Gainesville.

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Stuck Like Glue by Maureen Lendzion

Back when I was a child, if you wanted something fixed you pulled out the trusty Elmer’s™ glue, squeezed a sizeable amount to each side of a broken item, put the pieces together, and hoped for the best. Most times it worked; now and then it didn’t. Sometime later a new product came along. Super Glue™! Oh, it was amazing. According to the advertisement, just a drop to each broken piece would create a bond so unbreakable you’d think your broken treasure had been made new. We loved that glue. But new products bring with them a learning curve. We learned this incredible glue really did create a lasting bond. And if that bond happened to include your fingers, so be it. We accidentally glued our fingers to each other, our fingertips to broken cup handles, our shirt fronts to damaged baby dolls, and sometimes even the tabletop where we performed our gluing procedures to the item awaiting repair. One friend even glued her grandson’s eye closed after mistaking the glue tube for his eye medication. What we needed next was a solvent--something to undo the effect of the glue. And that, too, came along in time. Recently, I’ve been struggling with an issue--a problem that just won’t let loose. It is weighing me down, distracting me, and keeping me up at night. It seems super-glued to my very being. As a Christian, I know there is a solvent for this super-gluey situation: His name is God. Not only can God break the hold this issue has on me, but His Word says He is willing to carry the burden for me!

And, He’ll do that simply because He loves me: “Humble yourselves, therefore, under God’s mighty hand, that He may lift you up in due time. Cast all your anxiety on Him because He cares for you.” 1 Peter 5:6-7 (NIV) But here’s the thing: I can’t just turn my care over to Him part-way, allowing it to cling to me in certain areas. After all, God certainly doesn’t need my help to carry a problem. If I want the care removed totally from my being, then I have to be willing to totally give it to Him. If I can’t trust God to completely bear my burden, then my faith is definitely not where it should be. My pastor explained it this way: “God has told us we are not to worry, that we are to cast cares on Him. To continue to worry and fret is disrespectful to God. In fact, it’s downright sinful!” Psalm 55:22 provides the perfect solvent for super-glued difficulties:

Cast your cares on the Lord and He will sustain you; He will never let the righteous fall. (NIV) This Psalm promises an easy solution… give your cares to God and He will enable you overcome it victoriously. But for some reason, we humans tend to admire people who can go it alone, deal with their own issues, and tough it out. That mindset, though, is a pitfall. As we hold onto things, we

prevent God’s hands from being able to go to work on our behalf. We also weigh ourselves down with things we weren’t meant to carry. How freeing it is to become unglued from anxious thoughts. How freeing it is to totally trust the Lord and know that He will make a way. I need to always remember that a burden’s bond is not unbreakable. The Bible says so. I must take advantage of the super glue solvent God provides, prayer and His Word, and take this problem that has stuck to me ‘like glue’ and do with it exactly what God has asked me to do: move it from my shoulders to His. V Maureen Lendzion is enjoying self-employment as a special projects writer. She and her husband Dennis have been married 39 years and live in Orange Park, Florida.

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The Death Grip Recently, I was teaching a teenage girl to water ski at one of our In His Wakes events. Like many of our participants, this young lady had never been in the water before and was terrified by the idea of getting out of the boat in the middle of this huge lake. Over and over again she responded to my persistent invitations, “No thank you, Ma’am.” After about thirty minutes of reminding this participant that she would be perfectly safe in her life vest and encouraging her with the truth that she didn’t need to know how to swim to ski, she started to consider the idea of getting out of the boat. Finally, with the promise that I would be right by her side and able to give her a helping hand if needed, she agreed to give water skiing a try. I knew with her athletic build, she would be successful her very first attempt. All she needed to do was lay her fear aside and get out of the boat. If she did, victory would soon be hers! With much reluctance, she sat on the side of the boat as I put on her skis. She didn’t even crack a smile when I asked her if she felt like Cinderella as I put the ‘slippers’ on her feet. After a few more minutes of encouragement and promises of safety, she finally slipped off the side of the boat and into the water. Well, almost into the water. Before her knees had even touched the water, she panicked, twisted her body around, and grabbed the side of the boat with both arms. No matter what I said, she refused to let go of the boat. She was adamant about maintaining


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by Kristi Overton Johnson

control. As I watched this girl desperately hold on to the side of the boat, I realized the irony of the situation. The very thing she thought she needed to save her life was the very thing keeping her from victory. As she clung to the side of the boat, she wasn’t able to move forward. To put it mildly, she was stuck. Furthermore, the very thing she clung to with all of her might was the very thing depleting every ounce of her energy. How much easier and enjoyable this experience would have been if she had released her grip and allowed me to float her to where she needed to be. By trying to maintain control (and do things her way), she was exhausting herself and the people around her. Have you ever felt stuck in life? Have you ever felt exhausted by your efforts? Have you ever fought so hard to maintain control but failed to see results? I know I have. Could it be that like this young lady we are holding onto something or even someone who may be holding us back? Could it be that you and I are just too afraid of the unknown or too stubborn to ‘let go’ and trust the One who is able to bring us to victory? Consider your current state for a moment and I’ll consider mine. If we are completely honest with ourselves, can we not find some area in our lives where we are dangling from the side of the boat, hanging on with all of our might, trying to manipulate situations or perhaps even people? Can we not find ourselves clawing our way back to a place of comfort that we just aren’t willing to move away from?

Perhaps we are desperately clinging to a relationship, career, idea, money, location, or desire. Maybe our hearts and minds have secured a death grip on comfortable emotions such as anger, unforgiveness, bitterness, jealousy, or revenge. Or, perhaps fear, guilt, pride, and shame. These things, people, and emotions often seem right at the time, and justifiable; but in the end, they are the very things that cause us to be ‘stuck’ in life. They are also the things that rob us of our joy, peace, and even our time, energy, and resources. In reality, these are the very things that keep us from moving forward to that place of victory God has prepared for us. Like the young girl at our event, it’s time to let go and simply trust the One who is able to do abundantly more than we can ever hope for or imagine. It’s time to trust His heart towards us and His plan for us. As we let go and let God have His way in our lives, victory is right around the corner! “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” Jeremiah 29:11(NIV) V


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