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Fall 2012
That Passes Understanding
Dis-Ease of the Heart
Seeking God A Change Of Seasons
Breaking The Budget Barrier • In His Wakes Update • Champion’s Heart News
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The Joshua Accounts is a biography, interwoven with Scriptural exposition highlighting signs, wonders and miracles. The author, Gary Fuss, is a graduate of Grove City College, PA, and Pittsburgh Theological Seminary and is a resident of the Lake Area Region. Thirty years of experience in evangelism and pastoring took place in Pennsylvania, Ohio, West Virginia, Tennessee, and Florida. This includes the United Methodist Church, Southern Baptist, Church of God, Charismatic, and street ministry to the homeless. The writer’s passion is for winning souls, making disciples, and exalting the Lord Jesus Christ. He currently leads interdenominational weekly “fire” prayer meetings called Ephesians 4. May the believers’ fruits be clearly manifested, Holy Spirit giftings be in full activation, daily Holy Communion be celebrated, and “Jesus” journaling abound.
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On A Quest! Is it just me or are our lives moving at an incredible pace? It seems that no matter how hard I try, I can’t quite catch up, much less get ahead of life’s demands. Even now, I sit here in total disbelief that it is already time for another issue of Victorious Living! If this is your first exposure to our quarterly magazine, WELCOME! I pray the stories within these pages encourage your heart and spur you on in your life journey. If you are returning to Victorious Living, I want to personally thank you for your support. Your prayers, financial partnership, and testimonies of how God is using Victorious Living to strengthen your faith spur us on! This issue is particularly dear to my heart, as it deals with a subject that I have struggled with for many years. It’s the subject of maintaining peace, joy, and rest in the midst of this crazy thing called life! I don’t know about you, but as a wife and mother of three and as a woman who deals with chronic illnesses, as well as leads a multi-faceted ministry, I often get overwhelmed, anxious, and just plain exhausted. It’s all I can do to get through some days, much less get through them filled with joy and peace! And rest? What is that? As I’ve studied the life of Jesus, I can’t help but notice the drastic difference between his life and mine. Jesus knew His purpose in life. He also knew that His time to fulfill this purpose was short. But even with this knowledge, He was never in a hurry. He always had time for people… little children, His friends, followers, even people the world found annoying and unworthy of time. Furthermore, He had time for God and for Himself. What I find incredibly fascinating is how much Jesus enjoyed life, even though He knew what was to come… the cross. Nothing and no one ever robbed
Jesus of His joy and peace. He walked purposefully and patiently, enjoying every step.
Publisher/Editor Kristi Overton Johnson
Like Jesus, I know my purpose in life. He has made that quite clear. But in the midst of carrying out my purpose, I haven’t always had time for people, much less myself. And to be completely transparent, I haven’t always had time for God either, even in the midst of ministry. Amazing isn’t it, that I could get so busy “doing” for God that I could miss Him and the precious people He has put in my path? No, my heart doesn’t always burst with joy, my mind doesn’t always flow with peace, and my soul usually fights the notion of rest.
Assistant Editor Melinda Rodgers
Unfortunately, I don’t think I’m alone. In my life journey, I’ve met many Christians who suffer with this same disease… or should I say, DIS-EASE of the heart. It’s ironic that the very things that Jesus came to give us, so that we can enjoy life are the very things we forfeit on a daily basis. What are these things? Joy, peace, and rest. Over the past few years, I’ve been on a purposeful quest to take back these precious gifts that I have so freely given away. I’ve also sought to learn how to maintain joy, peace, and rest on a daily basis, regardless of what is going on around me. I’m realizing that people (and their expectations), circumstances, finances, and my health do not have to affect my emotions, which ultimately affects my level of joy, peace, and rest. By trusting in the Lord and resting on His promises, I can enjoy every day, no matter what it brings. I can’t say that I’ve mastered the art of maintaining a restful spirit, but I can say with the help of the Lord and some amazing people, I am getting a little closer every day. These articles have been a great reminder of how important rediscovering these gifts are to my personal victory. I pray they will encourage your heart and equip you for the battle as well! God bless,
Publication Advisors Sandy Burdick Maureen Lendzion Contributors Minta Bennett Amanda Combass Karen Dougherty Bonnie Hagemann Donna Hannah Stephanie Hoffman Maureen Lendzion Kristi Overton Johnson Carter McCain Ivy Miller Nate Miller Carey Morford Rob Morford Melinda Rodgers Amber Sapp Angie Sapp Barbara Chism Sullivan Margaret Turner Creative Director/Graphic Design Amy Zackowski • Advertising Victorious Living 205 Magnolia Ave. • Keystone Hts, FL 32656 352.478.2098 • fax 888.837.9153 Victorious Living is published quarterly in Keystone Heights, Florida. ©2012, all rights reserved by Victorious Living. Contents may not be reproduced in any form without the written consent of the publisher. The publisher reserves the right to refuse advertising. The publisher accepts no responsibility for advertsiting errors beyond the cost of the advertisement itself. The publisher accepts no responsibility for submitted materials. All submitted materials subject to editing.
Victorious Living’s
The mission of Victorious Living is to provide hope for the heart and help for life through the inspirational stories of people just like you. We commit to provide REAL STORIES by REAL PEOPLE so you can experience REAL HOPE!
Victorious Living’s “My purpose is to give them a rich and satisfying life.” John 10:10 (NLT)
Do you have a story of victory? Share it with us! Your life story can change the life of another. Submissions should be a maximum 400 to 600 words and are subject to editing. To send your article submissions, go to and visit the Victorious Living Magazine page.
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of the Heart By Kristi Overton Johnson
e s a e S
“Rest!” I cannot tell you how irritated I get when I hear this word. For years, people have been telling me, “Kristi, you need to rest, you need to slow down.” Even during my prayer times, I sense God inviting me to “rest in Him.” In my heart of hearts, I know I need to rest — mentally, physically, and spiritually — but for the life of me, I haven’t been able to figure out how. I’ve even studied “rest” from a Biblical perspective, but I have trouble transferring this knowledge to life. Recently, due to some unpleasant surgeries, I found myself in a situation where I had to slow down and rest physically. For a type A person, I gave physical rest my best shot. But during my “rest” attempts, I realized that physical rest isn’t necessarily what the Great Physician has ordered. Prior to my surgeries, I had booked a trip to the West Coast, so that my son could attend a two-week acting camp. Many people questioned the wisdom of taking such a long trip so close to my surgeries, but as a mom, I knew this was something I needed to do. I also knew that it would be an opportunity to get the physical rest my body needed, as I would have absolutely nothing to do in Los Angeles, except chill out at the apartment while my son was at camp. The funny thing is that even in a small apartment, even with no responsibilities, even with no interruptions, I had found it very difficult to rest. Don’t get me wrong, I laid low, I chilled out on the couch, I sat by the pool, I took slow walks, I even took naps. But as I was lying around, my mind was still hard at work creating things for me to do from the couch. After a couple of days, I came to the conclusion that I have a disease… an “I can’t rest” disease. As I jokingly confessed this to a friend, I realized that I truly do have a disease; it is called DIS-EASE. I have “dis”-ease in my heart and in my mind. Although I was lying around physically, I still had not found that place of rest mentally and emotionally. During my first day in California, I decided to take a walk while I listened to some music and prayed. As I prayed, I felt the Lord saying, “I brought you out here to be alone with Me, so that I could teach you to rest.” Crazy isn’t it? God had to bring me all the way across the country, away from my husband, other children, home, friends, and ministry, to teach me to rest. Maybe next year He can take me to Hawaii, (just kidding). I wish that I could say I mastered the art of rest, but I didn’t. I do feel I was a good student, however. During my siesta, I learned a few things about myself. First of all, I realized how hard it is for me to give myself permission to rest. Even when I headed to the couch to rest my body, I found that I always made sure that
my mind had something to do like read my Bible, work on a project, answer an email, or return a phone call. I also realized that even in my time of physical rest, I still placed myself under some “law” that I needed to be doing something constructive (and spiritual). To be embarrassingly honest, I have always viewed people who do nothing as being lazy. Something has to be wrong with someone who chooses to sit and do nothing when they could be productive, right? As I Christian, I think I even subconsciously view “vegging out” as a sin. Surely we are called to constantly improve ourselves or “do” spiritual things like read our Bible, watch Christian television, or pray. But throughout the week, I realized that even in the midst of sitting still physically and filling my mind with good things, I still wasn’t rested; I wasn’t refreshed. I hadn’t found that place of rest God invites me to enter into in Hebrews 4. Why? I hadn’t found myself in Christ. Yes, I was spending time with Him in His Word and in prayer, but I still hadn’t let go of my agenda, I still had not accepted His call to “Be still and know that I am God” (Psalm 46:10). A couple of days into my trip, God revealed something else to me. After dropping my son off at camp, I made my way to a local bakery. As I walked up to the bakery door, a handsome, young African-American man greeted me. He had squeezed himself and his belongings between two newspaper stands. From this tight position, he smiled brightly, as he greeted those who passed him by. After indulging myself, I made my way back to my car. Once again, I encountered the man by the newspaper stands. Amazingly, he was just as full of joy as he was an hour before. I stopped and we spoke briefly. Based on his countenance, I asked him if he was a believer. That question sparked something within him that he couldn’t contain, as he unashamedly began to talk about his Lord right there on the curb with an excitement and passion that is rare. This man radiated Christ. For days, I thought about this man. I don’t know his story, I don’t even know if he was homeless. Maybe he was an actor just chillin’ out between the newspaper stands, I don’t know. The point of this story isn’t to make judgments on his life; it is to reveal something that I learned about myself through my encounter with him. continued on page 7
Kristi Overton Johnson is the founder of Champion’s Heart and In His Wakes, divisions of KOJ Ministries. Kristi currently resides in the Lake Area Region with her husband, Tim, and three children.
Table of Contents
After meeting him, I kept asking myself the following questions: Why in the world was he just sitting down between two newspaper stands? Why wasn’t he “doing” something? It bugged me! He had so much potential. He had good looks, he was smart, well spoken, young, strong, and charismatic… I didn’t get it. As I reflected on this man during my prayer time the next day, a revelation hit me like a ton of bricks. In the midst of this man’s “doing nothing” (as I would describe it), he possessed the very things that I had been trying to attain in my “acts of service” for the Lord. “Where’s MY joy? Where’s MY peace?” are questions I continually asked God. “How can this man who seemingly has so little, be so full of joy and peace; when I, who as the world would say, have so much, feel overwhelmed, exhausted, and never quite enough? We both know you Lord, as our Savior. What’s up?” God, in His grace, showed me that the answer lies in my willingness to cast my cares on Him. Joy and peace could be found only when I became willing to rest at His feet. Kind of sounds like the Mary and Martha scenario from Luke 10:38-42, huh? Upon studying the word “rest,” I found two interesting facts. First of all, “rest” in Greek, is a verb, it is an action we consciously choose to do. Secondly, “rest” can be defined as a decision to “take my ease.” Who’s ease? God’s ease. “Give me Your ease, Lord, so that I can move away from my DIS-EASE of not being able to find rest!” That’s the prayer of my heart. What does it mean to take His ease? I believe it’s coming to a place where we, as another definition says, are “absent of our own efforts,” both mental and physical. It’s coming to a place where we cast our cares (our worries, fears, troubles, agendas) on Him, where we truly put our life in His hands, rather than trying to control it with our own. How do we do this? It starts with realizing this vital truth: God loves us simply because we are His children. When we realize God’s love for us isn’t dependent on what we “do” or what we “become,” a burden is lifted and we are able to find rest. The Bible says before the foundation of the world was laid, He knew us and He loved us (Ephesians 1:4). Isn’t it amazing that God loved us before we ever did one thing in this world? It isn’t our perfect attendance at church, reading our Bible every day of the year, or abstaining from watching anything other than Christian television that makes God love us. He can’t love us any more or any less than He already does. It isn’t our actions that put a smile on God’s face; it is our faith, our trust in Him (Hebrews 11:6). When we understand His love and trust it, we find rest. I believe that this man had found such rest. He knew God’s love and trusted His provision and in that place; he found joy, peace, and purpose. It was there that he was able to reflect the glory of God from between two newspapers stands on the corner of a bakery shop. What greater thing can we “do” than that? v
Fall 2012
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In His Wakes continues to raise up champions across the globe as one of the central ministries of Champion’s Heart! read more on page 204
Dis-ease of the Heart Kristi Overton Johnson
Super Whatever Carey Morford
Peace That Passes Understanding
Stephanie Hoffman
This Is The Day That The Lord Has Made!
Barbara Chism Sullivan
Hey Sourpuss! Rob Morford
Open The Gift! Kristi Overton Johnson
All Things Minta Bennett
In Daddy’s Lap Amanda Combass
Seeking His Face Carter McCain
A Change Of Seasons Melinda Rodgers
Worth Fighting For Margaret Turner
Ministry News
The Name Above All Names Nate Miller
More Than Enough Karen Dougherty
The Most Important Thing Bonnie Hagemann
A Bright Star In A Dark World Champion’s Heart Award Jacob Jefferson
Because of The Anointing
Angie Sapp
Are You A Fish Out Of Water? Ivy Miller
We Need To Budget? Amber Sapp
Aydin’s Joy Donna Hannah
Are You Enjoying The Ride? Kristi Overton Johnson
No Bumps, Miss Kristi! Kristi Overton Johnson
He Has Overcome Maureen Lendzion 7
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Super Whatever Have we made work (cleaning our home, finishing that last project at work, appearing like we are the indispensable person in our workplace, running the kids from here to there, or even singing in the choir or serving the poor) our idol? Have we "carved it in" our lives and then bowed down to worship it? Do we think it will save us?
My amazing sister-in-law, who travels the world, told me that we Americans are the only people on the planet that work non-stop. Some countries take two-plus-hour lunches in the middle of the workday and some countries take a nap in the middle of their day. I hear that there are a few companies (read Google) in the US that offer benefits like this, but as a whole… we are a non-stop-working people. It is a trait in which many of us take great pride, and it may very well be the thing that has kept our country going. I'm in no way trying to make a political or nationalistic statement, but I wonder if this very ethic that keeps our country moving, isn't the thing that will kill us in the end. We all know that in our culture hard work is valued. We know this because we feel the pressure. We feel the pressure to keep up with everything and everyone. We think our homes should be clean, dinner should be healthy, every one of our family’s needs must be well-attended, and we should be working 8-10 hours at a good paying job that makes us feel fulfilled and joyous. We think that if we just work harder, longer, smarter; then we'll be able to accomplish all of this. As a follower of Jesus though, I know that the best way to live includes rest. I'm not a machine. I'm a human, made in the image of God who rested after creating the heavens and the earth. I follow the One True God who said: “Don’t make idols for yourselves; don’t set up an image or a sacred pillar for yourselves, and don’t place a carved stone in your land that you can bow down to in worship. I am God, your God. Keep my Sabbaths; treat my Sanctuary with reverence. I am God. If you live by my decrees and obediently keep my commandments, I will send the rains in their seasons, the ground will yield its crops and the trees of the field their
by Carey Morford fruit. You will thresh until the grape harvest and the grape harvest will continue until planting time; you’ll have more than enough to eat and will live safe and secure in your land.” (Leviticus 26) Have we made work (cleaning our home, finishing that last project at work, appearing like we are the indispensable person in our workplace, running the kids from here to there, or even singing in the choir or serving the poor) our idol? Have we “carved it in” our lives and then bowed down to worship it? Do we think it will save us? Isn’t it interesting that in our cultural context, the commandment immediately following the one about idols is about the Sabbath? The Sabbath- a time to rest, a time to remember we were created, a time to remember we are not God, but created in the image of Him. Rob Bell, the author of Velvet Elvis, wrote an excellent chapter about rest and soul care. He explains that we often think of the Sabbath as a day of the week, but it is really about how we live. Before he describes living in the Sabbath, he talks about idols:
"I meet so many people who have super-whatever rattling around in their head. They have this person they are convinced they are supposed to be, and their super-whatever is killing them. They have this image they picked up over the years of how they are supposed to look and act and work and play and talk, and it's like a voice that never stops shouting in their ear. And the only way to not be killed by it is to shoot first. Yes, that is what I meant to write. You have to kill your super-whatever. And you have to do it right now. Because your super-whatever will rob you of today and tomorrow and the next day until you take it out back and end its life.” It can be a little scary to kill our super-whatever, to knock down our idols; but read the verses again. If we live His way, we will “have more than enough to eat and we will live safe and secure in our land.” v
Carey Morford is the Media Specialist at Keystone Elementary and President of Seeds of Grace, Inc. Visit their site at She is married to her very best friend Isaac Morford, and they have two daughters, Layla and Rigby.
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by Stephanie Hoffman
That Passes Understanding
LOST: peace • joy • rest We asked our readers to share the things that cause them to lose their joy, peace, and rest. Here are a few of the responses we received:
I did not know what this meant until I was alone in my room one day. I was watching a popular Christian program when the host spoke words that greatly impacted my life. He said, “There is someone listening to the program that has a lot of fear in their heart. God is releasing you from these chains right now. In Jesus’ name, Amen.” After his prayer, I made some tea and sat on the porch. All of a sudden, a wave of overwhelming peace came over me. It was like a warmth. I felt as though God Himself was wrapping His arms around me. Suddenly, I had the urge to do something for my parents, so I got up and mowed the lawn. While mowing, I felt a text come through the phone in my pocket. I ignored it and continued to praise God while mowing the grass. I decided that whoever it was, they could wait. I was enjoying my time with God. After mowing the grass, I went inside to cool down. I remembered the text and took my phone out to read it. It was a text from someone from my past, someone who would normally cause me to go into great panic. But instead of panicking and becoming fearful, I unexpectedly tossed my phone aside. For the first time in my life, I didn’t feel afraid. In fact, I ended up having a great time with my family (who were excited I had cut the grass)! As a young child, I went through some tough situations. As I’ve grown into a woman, I haven’t been able to grow out of the fears that were birthed in my heart as a child. They often paralyze me, causing me to panic and often make irrational decisions. Fear has held me captive for so long. It’s like I am its prisoner. Because I’ve lived under fear’s control for most of my life, I’ve never really known any other way. Until that day when that man prayed for my freedom! For the first time in my life I experienced peace that passes all understanding, peace promised to me in Philippians 4:6-8. I finally felt what it was like to be free. It was an incredible moment.
I realize now that I don’t have to live in fear. It’s not where God wants me to live. Isaiah 43:1-4 instructs me to lay aside my fears: “Don't be afraid, I've redeemed you. I've called your name. You're mine. When you're in over your head, I'll be there with you. When you're in rough waters, you will not go down. When you're between a rock and a hard place, it won't be a dead end— Because I am God, your personal God, The Holy of Israel, your Savior. I paid a huge price for you: all of Egypt, with rich Cush and Seba thrown in! That's how much you mean to me! That's how much I love you! I'd sell off the whole world to get you back, trade the creation just for you.” I realize now that because I am a child of God, I don’t have to live under fear’s control. I’ve been redeemed from it! Through His Son, Jesus, God paid the price for my freedom… freedom from sin and from fear. I’m so thankful my eyes were opened to a new way of living. Through my experience, I realize that God has my back and that He cares about me. He even cares about my emotions. I also learned the importance of keeping my thoughts on Him. As I kept worshiping God, I was given peace. And as I chose to keep my eyes on Him rather than focus on what could cause me fear (the text and person behind the text), I remained in that place of peace. What a wonderful place to be! v
Stephanie Hoffman grew up in the Lake Area Region, and is studying journalism at Santa Fe College. She dreams of missionary work and helping people to overcome hardships.
Kenny from Texas: Fear causes me to lose my joy and peace.
Anonymous from Florida: I lose my joy, peace, and sense of rest when I do not spend time with God. I need to get up early and read my Bible. I need to spend time hearing what God wants to say to me. To keep my peace and joy through the day, I praise Him. I look for what He is doing around me. This is not done legalistically, but with joy. I constantly humble myself before God and ask Him to show me where I lack humility. Without this there is no joy, peace, or sense of rest.
K.C. from Florida: I lose my joy, peace, and sense of rest when I start to worry about outcomes and results. My mind then becomes focused on what could go wrong or what others might think. As a result, I lose all hope in what could have been.
Margaret from North Carolina: I have two teenage boys. I often lose my joy and peace because of my anxious thoughts about their life. I want so much for them to love God and to choose what's right over what’s wrong. I want them to do well in school and sports. I pray about these things daily and lay them down before the Lord, only to pick them right back up again! It is a daily struggle for me to put my son’s lives in God’s hands.
Milissa from Caliornia: There is a marked difference in my overall attitude when I do not meet with God regularly. I begin to doubt and lose confidence in His plan for my life. The longer I allow time to pass without intimacy with Him, the more unsettled and discontentment creeps in.
It is God’s desire that I be free from all anxiety and distressing care.” 1 Corinthians 7:32
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by Barbara Chism Sullivan
“Don’t you know how bad things are?” people often ask. Yes, I do. I don’t deny that terrible things are happening every day. But regardless of what I see with my natural eyes or hear with my natural ears, I know God is good and I know He loves me. That makes all the difference in the world. I don’t need things to be perfect to have a smile on my face and joy in my heart. Why? Well, because there is a difference between joy and happiness. Happiness is dependent on circumstances and what goes on around me. Joy is in my spirit. Joy is a gift from God that I chose to receive. It is a gift available to any believer who will embrace it and walk in it. I was not born with joy. It is not a part of my personality. Living in joy was a choice I made when I accepted Jesus as my Savior. When I made this decision in 1973, I remember asking the Lord to let me make a difference in this world. I wanted people to look at my life and see a real Jesus. I wanted them to experience His love through me. I knew that as a Christian I needed to live a life that shined for Him, a life that looked different than the world’s. Otherwise, why would the world be drawn to Him? Upon my asking, the Lord gave me His love for those around me. He also gave me His joy to be a witness through every circumstance of life. The really cool part is that as I’ve been willing, Jesus has touched many lives. He has done all the work. I just flow with Him. In 1973, I didn’t know all the problems I would face, but the Lord did. His love and His joy have enabled me to have victory over incredible circumstances, circumstances meant to destroy me. In 2004, I was diagnosed with breast cancer. I went through surgery as well as chemotherapy and radiation treatments. Now that wouldn’t make anyone happy, would it? Of course not, it didn’t make me happy either.
But even in the midst of some dark days, I still had joy because I still had God. I knew He was by my side and I knew He would never fail me. This fact alone
Circumstances will come and go, but the joy of the Lord is forever. May you experience this same peace and joy as you experience a life with Him.
gave me joy. This joy encouraged my heart and carried me through. The Lord’s joy also gave me strength to face each day with purpose and hope. Not only was my faith in God’s character, a source of joy, but God’s Word brought joy as well. I clung to His Word. I chose to believe it over my circumstances and feelings. Psalms 118:17 was a verse that particularly spoke to my heart, “I shall not die, but live and testify to the Glory of the Lord forever.” I shared this verse with many people during my treatments. In fact, I backed up the blood draw room one day because I was sharing it with other patients. When I apologized to the doctor, he told me to back it up anytime because people needed to hear what I had to share. He knew they needed hope and joy. Later in 2007, I was diagnosed with cancer in my jaw. As I prayed before the surgery, the Lord gave me Habakkuk 3:17-19, “Although the fig tree shall not blossom… and there shall be no herd in the stalls, yet will I rejoice in the Lord, I will joy in the God of my salvation.”
The jaw surgery made my breast cancer experience seem like a headache. I found myself on a feeding tube, hooked up to IV’s, and in a nursing home for rehabilitation for two months. One day I was in my room feeling down and the Lord said, “I gave you my joy and there are people here who need it.” That was enough to get me up and moving! I made the decision to go down the hall and visit other patients. Psalms 118:24 became our theme verse, “This is the day the Lord has made, [we] will rejoice and be glad in it.” What a difference this decision made for myself and for those around me! As I took my eyes off my circumstances and put them on God and others, my joy returned in full measure. As it swelled within me, it spilled out on others and strengthened them in their journey as well. It also caused them to see Jesus at work in me. Wasn’t this the very thing I had asked God for years before? A life that pointed people to Him? A life of love? A life that made a difference? I have no idea what the future holds. I really don’t need to know. All I need to know is that my Lord is faithful and He is right here with me every step of the way. And when my steps on earth finally come to an end, I know my God will be waiting for me with arms open wide. Circumstances will come and go, but the joy of the Lord is forever. May you experience this same peace and joy as you experience a life with Him. v
The joy of the Lord is my strength! Nehemiah 8:10
Barbara Sullivan has lived in Keystone Heights, FL., for over 40 years. She is a retired school teacher who now spends her time volunteering at Community Church and other ministries, including Champion's Heart.
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Hey Sourpuss! by Rob Morford Just one look at television and it’s easy to become overwhelmed by the news. Elections, wars, unemployment rates, gas prices, injustices, among other negative things, make the headlines every day. Negativity is all around us and this negativity is infecting the church. I am hearing as much grumbling and complaining coming out of the mouths of Christians as I do non-Christians. It ought naught be so! An “ain’t it awful” attitude has infected the church and sourpuss Christians are everywhere! The world is in the “pursuit of happiness” and as the author of Ecclesiastes wrote, they find “life is vanity and vexation of spirit.” Many people bring this same pursuit of happiness into Christianity and end up with the same disappointing result. The confusion comes from the interchange of two words: happiness and joy. They are not the same. Happiness is the world’s counterfeit for joy. Happiness is an outward feeling of pleasure or the contentment of doing well or getting what you wanted. Happiness is totally driven by circumstances and so can be associated with good luck or good fortune. It is a feeling, which makes it flesh-driven rather than spirit-driven. The world gives happiness, and the world can take it away. Joy, on the other hand, is not the world’s and it cannot be taken away. God supernaturally places joy on the inside of every believer, and it flows outwardly. D.L. Moody wrote, “Happiness is caused by things that happen around me, and circumstances will mar it; but joy flows on through trouble; joy flows on through the dark; joy flows in the night, as well as in the day; joy flows through persecution and opposition. The Lord gives His people perpetual joy when they walk in obedience to Him.” Last year I had the privilege of going on a mission’s trip to Haiti and witnessing this perpetual joy. When I got off the plane, I was shocked to witness the poverty and devastation surrounding these people’s lives. I witnessed the same when I visited the jungles of Guyana and built churches for people who lived in stick houses with no electricity or running water.
Circumstances and good fortune had skipped over these countries. Yet in every church and every orphanage I visited (where Jesus had truly been accepted), I witnessed a joy and a peace that was greater than anything I’ve ever seen here in America. Their joy had a voice and it came out in praise and worship. If there are people who should have a right to grumble and complain, it was these people. How sad that in a land with so much, we have such little joy. C.S. Lewis once wrote, “I sometimes wonder whether all pleasures are substitutes for joy.” In America, the pleasures of life and the offerings of the world have become a substitute for joy. We depend on things, people, and circumstances to make us feel good and happy. When things don’t go our way, we complain, we worry, and we grow frustrated. In doing these things, we miss the one thing that will give us victory in life… joy. God has given us the gift of joy to help us overcome the trials of life. That is why we are told over and over again in the Bible to rejoice. From a prison cell, Paul wrote to the Philippians and commanded them to “Rejoice in the Lord always.” Paul knew that joy was the doorway to victory. The ability to make it through any circumstance is on the inside of every Christian. Nothing we experience in life ever catches God by surprise. God’s joy and His peace can see us through anything. We can find joy in the midst of our messes! Helen Keller once said, “You will find joy in overcoming obstacles.” But we must choose joy. We must choose peace. How? By choosing to trust God. There comes a time in every believer’s life where we must decide whether or not we are going to trust God. We must decide whether or not we believe our life is truly in His hands. If we trust Him, then we can live in perpetual joy. Philippians 4:4-7 says, “The Lord is at hand. Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God, and the peace of God which surpasses all understanding will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.” As we take Paul’s advice and trust that the Lord is at hand, we will experience joy. And when we experience joy, we will experience victory. And most importantly our sourpuss lives will be transformed into an incredible witness to this lost and dying world. v Rob Morford is pastor of Community Church of Keystone Heights. He and his wife, Dotty have three children and two grandchildren.
LOST: peace • joy • rest We asked our readers to share the things that cause them to lose their joy, peace, and rest. Here are a few of the responses we received: Paul from Tennessee: My busy life always makes me feel like I've missed completing a task. I don’t get the rest I need because my mind isn’t at ease.
Barbara from Texas: When I focus on the problems, and not the Problem Solver.
Doug from Indiana: Worry about our leaders, country, fuel prices, changing government, current events, and notso-nice-to-me people at work.
Kevin from Arkansas: I lose my joy and peace when I take my eyes off Jesus… when my heart and mind is not focused on Him, what He's done for me, and what He calls me to do. Significant trials in life whether death, loss of job, drop in income, family relationships, etc. can cause my vision to get fuzzy. Eventually, when I'm at my wit's end and can't see any other option, I'm reminded to leave those struggles at the Cross. At the other extreme, seasons of good tidings can also cause my vision to get fuzzy. It's easy to take things for granted and forget I need God. The fall is soon to come when the heart and mind think that way.
Kandace from Florida: Unfortunately I allow other people to steal my joy, which can lead to unrest and lack of peace. People can be so disheartening - even those we call friends. It's hard when people disappoint you with their words or actions. For me it takes spending quiet time with God to find that peace and joy again. He reminds me that we are all a work in progress and we all have flaws. Praying for them (and myself!) brings peace in knowing that God can restore all things.
Anonymous: People who don’t plan ahead and expect me to jump through hoops to clean up their mistakes.
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Open The Gift! by Kristi Overton Johnson I enjoy getting gifts. I also enjoy giving them. I love watching someone’s face light up when they open a package and receive something needed or perhaps unexpected. I imagine God loves to give gifts, too. I bet His heart grows warm when His children accept His gifts and enjoy them on a daily basis. Don’t you get excited when you see someone enjoying a gift you have given them? I believe God is no different. Did you know that joy is a gift from God? It’s a supernatural gift. Joy isn’t something we can drum up on our own accord. “God gives wisdom, knowledge, and joy to those who please Him” (Eccl 2:26). The Bible tells us that we please God through our faith (Heb 11:6), so if we have faith in Him, we can have joy! So why is it that so many Christians seem to be missing this incredible gift? If joy is ours for the taking, why do so many of us have hearts of anxiety, fear, doubt, or shame? Why are so many of us running around like chickens with our heads cut off (sorry, I’m a southern girl) looking confused, tired,
and exhausted? Could it be that we have failed to open this gift, or perhaps substituted something in its place? Lately I’ve spent time studying the gift of joy. I’m on a quest to discover it, live in it, and ultimately share it with others. Here’s what I’ve learned so far: “You make me to be blessed and make me exceedingly glad with the joy of Your presence!” (Psalms 21:6). Joy is a natural by-product of a right relationship with the Lord. When we spend time in the presence of God through prayer, worship, and meditating on His Word, joy will naturally bubble up within us and overflow into the lives of others. Just like an orange tree naturally produces oranges, Christians should naturally produce joy. Joy is a fruit of the Spirit. As God’s Spirit is allowed to rule and reign in our lives, joy and other great gifts are produced. “The Holy Spirit produces this kind of fruit in our lives: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control” (Gal. 5:22-23). As we get rooted in God’s Word and walk in obedience to it, our lives will bear much fruit (John 10). I’ve come to realize that my level of joy is in direct proportion to the amount of God’s Word I have stored in my heart. “The commands of the Lord are right,
Shout with joy to the Lord, all the earth! Worship the Lord with gladness. Come before Him, singing with joy! Psalms 100:1-2
bringing joy to the heart!” (Psalms 19:8). The more time I spend in the Word, meditating on it and walking in its truths, the more joy I have. When we get away from the Word and the will of God, we lose our joy. Take David for example; because of his sin with Bathsheba, he had lost his joy. We can see from Psalms 51 that he desperately wanted it back. “Purify me from my sins, and I will be clean. Wash me, and I will be whiter than snow. Oh give me back my joy again!” David knew the only way back to joy was to get back in the will of God. These verses opened my eyes to some incredible truths. If I’m failing to produce joy (and the other gifts in my life), then something is wrong. Perhaps I’m not securely rooted in Christ. Perhaps I’m moving forth in my own reasoning’s and efforts, rather than trusting the Lord. Perhaps I’m allowing the things of the world to replace the truth of the Word. Ouch! Joy is a free gift, but I’m learning that we have to make some choices if we want to live in it. First of all, we have to choose God. We have to choose to walk in His ways and in obedience to His Holy Word. And when we stray, like David, we must repent; we must ask God for forgiveness and return to Him. We must also make a choice to rejoice! Our words have incredible power. “A man hath joy by the answer of His mouth” (Proverbs 15:23). How do we answer the situations of life? Do we speak negative words? Do we complain? Do we tell the whole world about all the terrible things that are going on? Ouch, again! continued on page 13
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In Psalms 9:1-2, David says: “I will praise you, Lord, with all my heart; I will tell of all the marvelous things You have done. I will be filled with joy because of you. I will sing praises to your name, O Most High.” David made a choice to praise God and tell of His marvelous works regardless of all the incredible circumstances surrounding him. Because of his choice, he was filled with joy rather than despair. Right now you may be saying, “But Kristi, you don’t know all the things that are going on in my life! There’s no way you can expect me to have joy!” David lived in a cave, hiding from large armies seeking to take his life. His own son tried to kill him. His spouse mocked him. He lost a child. He killed a man and committed adultery. David had numerous reasons to wallow in pity and shame. But nevertheless, he chose joy. And because he chose joy, he was able to rise up and move forward time and time again. We can all find something to praise God for. If nothing else, we can praise Him for saving us! “I am overwhelmed with joy in the Lord my God! For He has dressed me with the clothing of salvation…” (Isaiah 61:10). Our circumstances don’t dictate our level of joy! We do. God has already given it to us, it’s up to us to have it, or not. I pray we choose joy. Lord knows we need it. As believers, joy is our key to victory. It is what will help us through this incredible journey called life! It’s our strength (Nehemiah 8:10). I know it’s tempting to worry. I know it’s easy to get down. Every day we are presented with opportunities to just plain freak out! Every day, things and people come at us, seemingly knocking our feet right out from underneath us. But life’s surprises don’t have to rule over us. As we praise God in spite of our circumstances, we will be strengthened for the journey, able to stand, and able to tread upon the heights (Habakkuk 3:17-19)! The key to our victory is found in Philippians 4:4-8. If we choose to rejoice instead of worrying and complaining, if we chose to go to God in prayer with an attitude of thanksgiving, we will experience incredible peace. And where there’s peace, there’s power to move forward! “For ye shall go out with joy, and be led forth with peace…” (Isaiah 55:12). If you’re like me, you may not always FEEL like praising God. You may not always feel like following Him. But it’s time we set our feelings aside. Our victory depends on it! As we make the choice to rejoice, something inside us will change! Our mourning will be turned into joyful dancing (Psalms 30:11). I’m ready to dance, aren’t you? “Shout with joy to the Lord, all the earth! Worship the Lord with gladness. Come before Him, singing with joy” (Psalms 100:1-2). Joy is an inward emotion so powerful that it expresses itself outwardly through our words, songs, instruments, and yes, even dancing. Even the earth shouts for joy (Psalms 96:12). When we are filled with joy, others will take note because they will hear our notes of praise (Nehemiah 12:43, Psalms 100)! So how about that gift of joy? Have you received it? Are you living in it every day of your life? Or does life have you by the reigns? It’s time to open up God’s precious gift and put it to use! As we do, our lives will never be the same. It truly is the gift that will keep on giving… for generations to come. v
DON’T GIVE GOD’S GIFT OF JOY AWAY! John 10:10 says that Satan comes to steal, kill, and destroy the abundant life Christ died to give us. More than anything, Satan wants to steal your joy and your peace! He knows joy is your strength and peace is your power. He knows these gifts are what will keep you moving forward in life. He knows they are your witness to the world for Christ. The awesome thing is Satan has no right to your gifts. God’s gifts are yours to keep. He gave them to you for your victory here on earth. The only way Satan can take your joy and peace is if you give them away. So what are the things that Satan uses to rob us of our peace? What are the things we encounter in life that tend to steal our joy? Here’s a small list: • Fear, guilt, shame, pride and other emotions • Expectations that we place on ourselves • Expectations that others place on us • Commitments and “busyness” • Conflict between others and ourselves • Conflict between people around us • People’s comments and actions • Being over-extended financially • Trying circumstances It’s time for us to get alert and realize the traps Satan sets before us. It’s also time to realize our own tendency to overextend ourselves and put ourselves into situations that tend to steal our joy. As we become alert and make changes to our lives, victory will be ours.
“Stay alert! Watch out for your great enemy, the devil. He prowls around like a roaring lion, looking for someone to devour.” (I Peter 5:8)
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All Things by Minta Bennett
“Oh no, not this again!” That’s all I could say as I was being hoisted into the ambulance. My beloved husband stood over me, assuring me that I was all right and that everything would be okay. When I asked what had happened, I was told that I had a seizure. Tears streamed down my face as the ambulance rushed me to the hospital. Once again, the smells of the hospital, the polite hurriedness of the hospital staff, and an overwhelming feeling of sorrow, embarrassment, humiliation, and fear were all scenes so familiar to me. As time passed, my memory started to come back to me. After what seemed an eternity, my family finally came into the room. My son and daughter looked so sad. I could tell that my daughter had been crying. My husband, Jason, came in behind them. He had a strength about him, a confidence that reassured me that everything was going to be all right. In my heart I kept asking God, “Why?” Hadn’t I been through enough? Where was my protection? Why now, when I was finally feeling like my old self again? Three years ago, I almost died. I became deathly ill with a “condition” most doctors had never heard of. The treatment took away my hair and my strength. Most days I was Minta is married and the mother of so weak and sick that I could two teenagers. Her barely get out of bed. My passion is helping family traveled this journey people walk in victory with me. They were with me through mentoring when I was throwing up so and tutoring. violently that I could not even 14
raise my head. For nine months I was in this condition. It was a daily battle just to survive. It has taken me years to recover from the effects of that “condition” and treatment, and now this! I felt forsaken. I was angry that I had trusted the Lord. I was angry that I thought I was better, only to be right back in the hospital again. Sometimes I feel as though every time I rise up and take a step forward, I get knocked back down again.
Believe it or not, I am truly grateful for all that has happened to me for through my trials, I have come to know God in an incredible way. I’ve realized that whether or not I can see or feel God, He is with me… Always!
In the days that followed, I had many doctor appointments and all kinds of tests. With every appointment, I grew increasingly hurt over the feeling that God was nowhere to be found. On one particular afternoon, I had to go through an EEG (Electroencephalography). I was so frustrated and angry about having to go through this neurological test. As my anger grew, so did the weight on my chest. I felt like I was carrying a hundred pound weight around with me. I knew deep down in my heart that I had to let the anger go. I could not continue feeling this way. As the electrodes were being placed on my head, I started to pray (even though nothing in me wanted to). I began to remind myself that God had created me and that He knew I would be going through
these trials. I began to find comfort that none of this was taking Him by surprise. During the entire test, I thanked God. I repented for being so angry with Him. I also began to praise Him for anything I could think of. When the test was over and I got up from the table, the weight was gone. All of the feelings of anger, bitterness, and confusion were gone. My spirit was renewed! God had lifted every burden from my heart. I suddenly knew that I would be all right and that the Lord was indeed right there with me. My attitude has changed so much since the day of my seizure. Believe it or not, I am truly grateful for all that has happened to me for through my trials, I have come to know God in an incredible way. I’ve realized that whether or not I can see or feel God, He is with me… Always! Recently while I was reading my Bible, I felt God leading me to Romans 8:28: “And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him, who have been called according to His purpose.” I had read these words so many times before. “Really God, THIS is what you want me to read?” I questioned. He spoke to my heart, “Read it again.” As I did, I stopped at these two words… “ALL THINGS.” It was like a switch had been turned on. I suddenly realized that all the things of the last three years… all the pain, all the sickness, all the experiences… were being worked together for good in my life. Even this! These things were perfecting me and making me more like Him. These things had purpose. A peace ran over me like never before. Since that day, my prayer has been for God to make all things, whatever they are, to work together for my good, but most importantly, to work together for His glory. I know that if I let Him, He can use my trials to make me into a better person and equip me for all He has for me to do. In the meantime, I’ll continue to thank Him for every day and everything. v
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In Daddy’s Lap
by Amanda Combass
A verse was brought up during church one Sunday that stuck in my head for weeks to follow. It comes from Deuteronomy 33:12 and says, "Let the beloved of the Lord rest secure in Him, for He shields him all day long, and the one the Lord loves rests between His shoulders." Rest is not something that is easy for most people, and most certainly not easy for me. I like to have goals and to constantly strive to accomplish that next thing on my list. Too often I feel useless and insufficient when I do not have something to work on. For example, my training in the Air Force is on hold until January due to my missing class start dates because of an unexpected surgery. Do I still go to work every day? Of course. But is there anything for me to do? Not really. Rather than appreciating the time to get caught up on college classes and required tests for the military, I have been driving myself crazy! I keep giving myself a hard time for not being in training, something I can’t even control. Why is this? Why is there such an issue when it comes to rest? I don't just mean physically either, I mean in our relationships with Jesus. Why do we, why do I, struggle so much with the concept of resting secure in Him? For me, I think it is that I feel I have something to prove, that I have to validate myself. I lose sight of the truth that I have nothing to prove! Jesus took me when I was at my worst, looked past all the dirt in my life, and chose me to be His beloved. He wants me to stop fighting and to allow Him to be my validation. Not an easy task, or an overnight one either. Oh what a beautiful picture… that God wants us to rest securely between His shoulders and allow Him to be our shield. That's where I want to be. All this working and running around trying to show that I'm strong enough or good enough is getting me nowhere. It’s time to climb up in my Daddy's lap and rest between His shoulders. Will you join me? v
Amanda is a resident of Keystone Heights, FL. She is currently serving in the Air Force. You can follow Amanda on her blog at