THIRTY ONE: Issue 19

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- Edna Els S O G AT H E R , G O R W A N D F E A S T


- Chenell Jansen NOT FORGOTTEN

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- Diana Biggs F E AT U R E S T O R Y:


- Amy Texeira S E E I N G T H E B I G S E T U P


- Chantel Havemann H O P E I N T H E D A R K ( PA R T 2 ) W E A R & E AT


Photography: Sovrin Photography

- Sarah-Jane Grieve


© This publication is produced by Victory Media for me2 Mentoring Jeffreys Bay. All articles are written by members of Victory Church unless otherwise stated. This magazine is not for sale. For further information on any of the articles, do not hesitate to email us at // Issue 19 - May 2022 // Cover Photography: Sovrin Photography

p ow e r n o t e from Edna


Dear friend, We’ve been sharing incredible stories of the

It’s at these times that I remind myself that He

goodness of God through 31:magazine for many

is the Immutable God, Unchanging over time,

years now.

existing outside of time, yet ever-present, never leaving us (physically) or forsaking (emotionally

A resounding “Thank you!” to Anne Galloway

abandoning) us!

and the media team for partnering with this vision by capturing the visual essence of testimonies of

There is power in the process:

transformed lives so brilliantly!

I’ve learnt over the years that pain with purpose produces good fruit in my life (four children later!),

We LOVE a good story, especially when good

whilst pain without purpose becomes debilitating

triumphs over evil! And that is the testimony of

and skews my image of a loving, kind, gracious

our lives!


In the Hebrew text, the root word, which we

Let’s not become discouraged when the painful

translate as ‘testimony’, means to ‘repeat’, ‘return’

transformation process causes us to lose focus,

or ‘do again’. Fast forward hundreds of years to the

become fearful of the future, and “what if God

book of Revelation, and we’re told ‘the testimony

doesn’t come through scenarios” becomes our

of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy’. (Revelation

rehearsed script and, ultimately, our reality.

19:10) The literal meaning of ‘testimony’ is God do it again! If He did it for you, He can do it for me!

Be encouraged that the final chapters of your story haven’t been written, but the script for the

I don’t know about you, but I could do with several

last paragraph states:

miracles and divine interventions right now... Yes, we know that God can do any miracle at

“And they overcame him because of the blood

any time, but sometimes, His timing is different to

of the Lamb and because of the word of their

ours and the way He does it doesn’t quite fit our

testimony, and they did not love their life even


when faced with death.” Revelation 12:11

I wonder if we’ve become so conditioned by

He loves you and has your well-being in mind!

our instant ‘ happy ever after’ culture that pain,

In Him, we win!

process and discomfort seem strange and may even equate to a heartless Father God?







2-4 September Jeffreys Bay South Africa Online or in-person





Photography: Sovrin Photography



there was a tension between the present and

GOD THROUGH EVERY DREAM and every season,

the future. A tension and friction between my

but specifically, God’s faithfulness towards the

immediate desires and yielding to His voice. The

journey of ‘The Reveal Co.’.

waiting season continued until 2020 when I finally felt the prompting to revisit the call which God

The heart of Reveal is to gather together, to feast

has placed in my heart in 2017.

on delicious food and company, and to grow in our understanding of God and one another as

I finally felt the GO in the spirit and started

our stories are unveiled.

journaling, dreaming, and planning – figuring out what Reveal would look like and ultimately,

Where did it start?

what ‘Reveal’ is. I leaned into the Word of God,

At the beginning of 2017 the ‘dream’ started

seeking His presence, and waiting for Him

with a desire to help communities flourish.

to reveal His assignment to me. In this time

To be able to empower people to live to

although my surroundings didn’t look like I was

their fullest in all areas of life.

able to rise and build, as COVID-19 was a reality

To live according to the blueprint of the

we all had to face, I kept on pursuing this dream,

Kingdom and establishing a Kingdom

pushing beyond the natural eye and the physical


reality of isolation.

• •


A culture beyond fads and trends - a culture that sustains, empowers, and brings

A key part of this journey was surrender. I think

life to His people.

2020 was a difficult year for a lot of us in many

A culture that honours, a culture that

different ways. 2020 for me was filled with a

celebrates diversity and supports the

sense of purposelessness and hopelessness. I

uniqueness of individuality.

had to lay down my own ideas and come to a

A culture that comes alongside the

place of being content with my current situation,

unfortunate and equips others to live a full

even if Reveal never happens or if my ideas

life filled with the presence of God.

never become a reality. I had to surrender my

A culture of thankfulness and a constant

heart, my desires and find fulfilment in Him, His

awareness of the fresh wind of His Spirit.

plans and His desires.

Even though I had the dream of Reveal in 2017,

In early 2021, Pastor Louis Els shared our church

it wasn’t yet a reality. I desperately wanted to

family’s vision for the year, Rise and Build. Those

step into the call of pursuing Reveal full time, but

words resonated deep in my spirit, leaving in

Photography: Holistic Photography



Photography: Sovrin Photography

my heart nothing but excitement as this was an answer to prayer. Dreaming turned into doing, it was time to build. Hard to explain but suddenly things started to move around me whether it was a undeniable seismic shift in my heart, radical doors opening with an international company, or establishing partnerships with others – I could feel Reveal being built from blueprint to bricks. So I set out a few goals, and although I didn’t achieve all of them, by His grace and strength The Reveal Co. officially launched on the 4th of September 2021 by hosting our first event. I invited a couple of beautiful young women to come and celebrate the first gathering where we shared stories, food and had some creative fun on canvases. Shortly after we had our second event in November. I celebrate these two events and achieving some of the goals I set out, but I’m convinced more than ever that Reveal is more than me, more than an event, more than a career - it’s a culture. In closing, I would like to encourage you with this - obedience and patience is your friend. The process can often be discouraging. But know that the pressing and crushing is not for nothing. Just wait and see, the fruit will be sweet. God is a good God, and He is faithful. He never runs from His word. He is constant and ever-present. Seek Him before any dream and any promise, for it says in His word: “But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.” Matthew 6:33. _ Chenell and her husband Marno are part of the thriving young adult community at Victory Church, Jeffreys Bay. She serves as a worship and connect group leader and provides creative input to the media team.



me, besides being a wife and a mother? I have capacity for more and need more in my life. What could I do for and in His Kingdom that is weighty and meaningful? How could I serve Him and use the talents He has given me? But what? My husband, Bonnen, also encouraged me to find my “next thing” to enjoy and do. If you want to make him nervous tell him, “Diana has nothing meaningful to do!” He also knows that I am best when I have my personal goals and missions. I now look back with a smile. I remember telling God that I just didn’t want to study anything further I LOOK FORWARD TO 2022 WITH GREAT EXCITEMENT

but, “Father, please still show me what to do…”

and expectation because I know God is always at work in and through me. And most importantly that I

I went to a Ladies Church Conference in 2019. I am

know I hear His voice!

an extrovert of note, so I decided that it was better to go alone so I could hear His voice for me with NO

In 2019, as my fourth son started finishing his high


school career and I saw my twenty three years of schooling-days coming to a quick end, I knew

As the final day of the conference started, I

there was a change coming for me, whether I liked

disappointedly settled in my seat in the auditorium.

it or not!

I had heard nothing from Him yet, for my next season!

I was blessed by being available to my sons for so many years and had learnt not to commit to

Then, suddenly, it felt like a media download as the

any fixed job or career but to just be there for our

Holy Spirit showed me and I wrote down as I heard.

busy farming family. This blessing also comes with

I heard nothing of Lisa Bevere’s session but just

challenges! When our children finish their schooling,

His revelation for me. My next steps! And also just

us stay-at-home moms have to pick up on our

enough for me for the next step, not the whole story

careers and interests, and I had had a long break

but enough to know there is a future and purpose

from mine!

for me still. My next season!

I started asking God to show me my next step.

So gently, clearly and accurately He started

What did He want me to do? Where did I need to

showing me piece by piece, as the days went by,

get involved? What would add to my worth for the

what I needed to do and how I was going to do

next season of my life? What else would energize

the next season of mine. It was scary but doors


opened effortlessly. Needless to say, studying was

So as I saw His goodness, guidance, provision and

absolutely necessary but I loved it!

how He had gone ahead of me and made a way where there was no plan or way, I was filled with

My Neuro Life Coaching business started and I love

deep gratitude and humility. By remembering my

it. I am now internationally accredited and have a

DONE list for 2021, it reminded me again of how

growing practice. I am super energized and love

praise and gratitude is what He desires from us. To

every moment of it as I bring hope, change and

be present in the moment with God and the Holy

unlock clients’ futures, their hopes and dreams.

Spirit and the rest He will add in His time. His plan for

Helping them also to grow to their full Godly

us is to grow us, give us hope and a future.

potential He has created them for. We can sometimes move over what He does for us I was on a flight home in October 2021 and decided

so quickly that we forget what He has done for us

to use my time wisely by making my TO DO list for

and just keep drawing up the TO DO list and goals.

the rest of 2021. I was practicing what I preach! I

We forget to sit in gratitude and bring praise to Him.

needed to write down all I still want to do, achieve and finish for the year. I settled in and had just

So I want to encourage each and everyone to

started with my list when I felt a check in my spirit

know, that you are born for a purpose and that God

and heard the Holy Spirit say to me: “Rather do a

has a need and purpose for you. Ask Him, He will

DONE list.” But for me as a Life Coach, one of the

direct you at the right times. You are never too old

things I do is to concentrating on a client’s future,

or too young to fill that space, place and purpose! _

future planning and bringing them to a healthy mental place to achieve that. And here the Holy Spirit wanted me to do a DONE list - full of past happenings! Why? As I pondered this, the Spirit showed me that in the DONE list of 2021, I would see the things I had done and achieved and then I would see in that how He had cared and loved me. How He had gone ahead of me in the extreme, intensely sad times and the many happy times there had been for me personally too. I had had an extremely intense and full 2021 with many challenges and highlights. Deaths of loved ones, personal growth, being stretched, changes, moves, challenges in financial planning, hospitalizations etc.


Diana and her husband Bonnen farm in the Tsitsikamma region in the Eastern Cape. They are part of the congregation at Victory Church, Jeffreys Bay and serve as mentoring leaders.


feature story

Amy teixeiraPorrescas


Photography: Lourika De Klerk


I want to testify of one of those events: The story of our son, Koa and how God got us to our knees as we witnessed a miracle.


for Silvino and I: we lost six more family members

wakes up in the middle of the night praying and

including my own mother and had a number of

interceding for whatever God asks of me. I always

unfortunate events happen along the way.

knew there would be “a lot” that comes with that but I wanted to be intimate with God in such a

I want to testify of one of those events: The story of

way that I would have a testimony of being on my

our son, Koa and how God got us to our knees as

knees praying, knowing only God could change the

we witnessed a miracle.

outcome of the situation. We found out that we were pregnant in December My name is Amy Teixeira-Porrescas. I’ve been a

2020 shortly after my mother in-law passed away.

part of Victory Church in Jeffrey’s Bay for the past

It was definitely not an easy time to find out that

ten years. I did Victory Gap Year in 2012 and I have

you’re expecting but we held onto the joy and

been actively involved in church life ever since. At

hope that this little boy would bring us in the storm. I

the beginning of 2017 I got married to the man of

had an easy pregnancy and on Tuesday 20 July at

my dreams and love of my life, Silvino.

9:15am I gave birth to a beautiful baby boy named Koa Mateo. Koa meaning “Brave warrior”, and

I’d like to consider my life to be somewhat ordinary,

Mateo meaning “God’s gift”. When we named him,

but that all changed at the end of 2020. It started

we had no idea how prophetic those two names

with the sudden, tragic passing of my mother-in-

would be.

law; 2021 itself was a very heart breaking year


P h o t o g r a p h y : Th e K n o x ’s


That night we let our friends and family know that they needed to pray for our boy. Something was terribly wrong and we needed a miracle.


Photography: Nina Claasen Visual Storytelling

Before Koa was born we decided we wanted him to

Eventually it was determined that a complication

be born to the song “Great are You Lord” - having

with common wet-lung and Pneumonia in the top

the lyrics, “It’s Your breath in our LUNGS so we pour

left side of the lung had caused a massive build-up

out our praise....”.

of pressure in the lungs and heart and his little body was struggling to cope.

After my C-Section I was wheeled off to my room with my baby boy in my arms, Shortly after arriving

Koa was born on a Tuesday and that Friday was my

there, my husband noticed Koa was getting a bit

last day in hospital. At 16:30 when Silvino was saying

blue - obviously indicating a lack of oxygen. When

goodbye after visiting Koa, one of the machines

he pointed it out to the nurses Koa was rushed to

started beeping. It was his oxygen saturation which

NICU and immediately put on oxygen.

dropped to dangerously low levels. Suddenly what started out with one nurse became a small room

We were told not to be concerned since wet lung is

filled with four nurses. He heard in their tone that

a very common problem in C-Section babies which

it was very serious. They called for the doctor and

could be the cause of him going blue. So I slept

then told Silvino to leave. On my way in to the

most the day on the 20th not being too worried, and

ward he met me in the passage and told me that

knowing he was in a safe place.

something was happening but we needed to go. The doctor and an equipment technician then

The next morning was the first time I could visit

walked briskly past us straight into Koa’s room. A

my little boy. He was lying in his own room with a

small room, six medical staff and our baby. We

nurse on duty. But I wasn’t quite ready to see what

cried. We went home empty handed.

I saw. My one day old child was lying there, full of tubes with a brace around his head. It was rather traumatic to see my little boy like that. As a new mom there is a longing in your heart to love and hold your baby but unfortunately I could only look, we weren’t even allowed to touch him. I got to visit my boy every few hours while I was recovering in hospital but the desire to hold him made my heart ache - it’s a deep pain only a parent could understand. It didn’t take long for the doctors to realize it was a bit more serious than just a common wet-lung so they started doing X- rays

That night we let our friends and family know that

and other tests on him, but unfortunately they had

they needed to pray for our boy. Something was

no idea what was happening.

terribly wrong and we needed a miracle. That


The strength we felt and the peace we had was supernatural. There was no doubt we could feel the prayers from our friends and family giving us hope and strength, lifting us up during the hardest part of our lives.


Photography: Holistic Photography


whole night Silvino and I stayed up praying and

gift (Mateo – God’s gift) and then take it away. One

interceding for our Koa, praying that God would let

night, when our boy was just five days old I found

us keep him.

myself praying, “Lord, please can we keep him?” and in reading the word and pleading with God I

The immense amount of pressure that built up within

felt a peace come over me and I felt God say we

Koa’s lungs led to a collapsed right lung and air

could keep him. This gave me so much courage.

“leaking” into the chest cavity. This needed to be drained in order to relieve the pressure and so that

With all the trauma his little body went through,

the lung could inflate as required. He was put on

Koa’s kidneys and liver struggled to cope. He

oxygen, then a ventilator and then an oscillator in

developed Oedema (fluid retention and swelling).

order to help his lungs cope.

Our first sight of this (having visited him two days prior) left us as parents very traumatised. At his

The next day we went to visit not knowing what had

worst, he weighed 6,6kgs (at that stage he should

happened the previous night. He was on a new

have been 3,2kgs), three weeks in and he was still

machine - Nitric Oxide. They use this machine no

in critical condition.

more than once or twice a year if they’re lucky. It was at this point during a prayer time that Silvino The nurses told us, “It was touch and go, if we didn’t

suddenly had the word “Cavalo” drop into his spirit.

put him on that machine he would not have made

This means “Horse” in Portuguese. We felt the Lord

it”. That night we almost lost our boy. They worked

saying we will see an accelerated demonstration

on him for six hours straight and by God’s grace he

of His healing power. This was one of the words

pulled through.

we held onto and to the surprise of the nurses and doctors, this is what we saw.

There was no doubt that God had heard the prayer of our hearts and all the prayers of our friends and

Every day we would visit our boy and pray with

family. God had saved our little boy. Our brave

him. We would read scripture over him and sing

warrior had made it through his first battle and won!

songs over him - especially his birth song: “It’s Your breath in our lungs, so we pour out our praise...”.

But it was not over, he was still in critical condition

The strength we felt and the peace we had was

and had a long way to go. By now we had a long

supernatural. There was no doubt we could feel the

list of friends and family praying for healing. We

prayers from our friends and family giving us hope

started sending a daily report to everyone on how

and strength, lifting us up during the hardest part of

he was doing. He had hundreds of people praying

our lives.

for him all across the world. We were praying again one night and prayed “God


Every day and night became a non-stop prayer

we pray Your angels will surround Koa and sing

session for our boy. As parents, our hearts longed

songs of deliverance”. Something felt significant

to hold him but we knew God wouldn’t give us a

about “songs of deliverance”. To be honest we

P h o t o g r a p h y : S e e n b y a b i24

Through all of this I have learnt so much, about myself and about God. He has given us a community of God loving people who are ready to pray with us and for us.


Photography: Holistic Photography

didn’t know why but we repeated those words

Spirit for our son. Phone calls, messages, words of

again a number of times. We then felt led to search

encouragement were all added to our courage.

for where exactly in the Bible it refers to “Jehovah Rapha” (The Lord heals). We did a quick check on

We all go through tough seasons and the whole

Google and it said Exodus 15 (Google had it wrong

world seems to become quite small as our focus

by the way). We turned there and guess what the

becomes narrowed to our tough situation. But

title of the chapter was??? “A Song of Deliverance”.

we need to learn to fight with the word of God

It was at that point we knew Koa would make it out

and to never fight alone. Through all of this I have

of this.

learnt so much, about myself and about God. He has given us a community of God loving people

At our next visit we asked the nurse how long she

who are ready to pray with us and for us. I’ve

thought Koa would still be in NICU and she said

also experienced the kind of peace Paul talks

probably another 2-3 weeks. We felt a bit confused

about in Philippians - a peace which surpasses

because we really felt God had said that there was

all understanding. I can’t explain it but I know I’ve

an acceleration coming, but it didn’t take long for

experienced it. I’ve learned that our faith is always

God to stay loyal to His word.

in God, never in our desired outcome. We have faith in who He is and trust in His character, and we trust

Within a week of Silvino receiving the word “horse”,

that He is with us in the storm, despite the storm.

we witnessed a miracle - our boy had recovered so quickly that they could take him off all the

“The Lord says, “I will rescue those who love me.

machines and pipes. After waiting for three weeks

I will protect those who trust in my name. When

since his birth, we finally got to hold our little warrior

they call on me, I will answer; I will be with them in

for the first time.

trouble. I will rescue and honor them. I will reward them with a long life and give them my salvation.” -

Towards the end of his stay in NICU, a couple of

Psalms 91:14-16 NLT

nurses and a doctor told us that they honestly didn’t think he was going to make it out of this, yet the day

Today Koa, our bold warrior, is six months old and

before he turned one month old, we got to take our

growing to be a handsome, strong, active, and

baby boy home - happy, healthy, and the biggest

joyful little boy. He constantly brings so much

blessing any parent could ask for.

pleasure to us as parents. We couldn’t be more grateful to our God for letting us keep our child.

Koa’s time in NICU lasted four weeks. During this

We have all witnessed a miracle, and the victory

time we had our moments of weakness, doubt,

belongs to Jesus! _

anger, frustration, joy, laughter, and tears but GOD was revealing Himself. We had hundreds of people - friends, family, strangers from around the world - praying with and for us, warring in the

Amy is a talented wedding photographer. Her and her husband Silvino are part of the congregation at Victory Church, Jeffreys Bay and serve as Connect Group leaders.









Photography: Hugatree Photography

After qualifying and having worked for four years with her I was feeling ambitious and wanted to move back to Pretoria as this was the place to be if you were a young and upcoming stylist. I successfully did this for the next four years, there were many great opportunities and I completely threw myself into all of them whole heartedly. Then, just after my twenty fifth birthday I met Jesus. This changed things significantly! Because it was the first time I was ever more passionate about something other than hairdressing. So much so that I resigned and wanted to go into full time ministry because I was already involved in the church and it was taking up a lot of my time. My plan was to just do some hairdressing on the side and ministry most of the time. But I soon realized these were my own ambitions and ministry was not necessarily what God had called me for. YOU KNOW HOW PEOPLE ALWAYS SAY THINGS

Just because everyone else said it, didn’t mean that

happen for a reason? Well, I’ve had a few of

God had said it.

those happen in my life and at the time I could not understand why, but now I have a different

I joined a new salon and during the next eight years


I met my husband, got married, had our first son, Max and belonged to a great local church. Life was

When I finished school my parents moved and

good, the salon team felt like family and those great

because I was unsure of my plans I had to move

relationships continue to this day. But, we worked

with them and I was not thrilled about that!

long hours and after Max was born we knew that

I had a passion for hair and make-up and while

we wanted to be somewhere quieter, at the ocean

trying to figure out how I’d pursue this I found out

where we could have a better family life. I always

that one of South Africa’s most talented, creative

wanted to live in a small place where we could find

stylists was living in our suburb and I could do


my apprenticeship with her. She instilled a lot of skills in me and a deep passion for training. We

While on maternity leave with Max a client offered

were always training for something, a show or

her house to us in St. Francis Bay to have a little

competition, or just to be the best at what we did.

holiday; so we went not knowing what to expect as

I learnt what it meant to really work hard and to

we had never been there before.

have fun doing it. I absolutely devoured all the knowledge she passed on to me.

We had a lovely time and really liked the quaint


little village and how everyone just lived on the

last week’s income to cover extra expenses with

water, doing all sorts of water sports, which I thought


was idyllic. Thanks to Jesus Leo, our beautiful baby boy, was I flew back home with Max and my hubby drove

born and all went well.

back with a friend. He phoned me on his way home and said that I should pack, we were moving to St.

In the next few weeks so much happened. Family

Francis Bay. I thought he was actually joking. But

came to help, we had a wonderful time with Leo,

when he got home we discussed it and decided we

but in the back of our minds we kept wondering

had to do it then or never. Three days later we both

how we would survive.

gave two months’ notice, and by 1 May 2015, we moved to St. Francis Bay.

The St. Francis Bay mommies group has a beautiful tradition where they each take a turn to cook a

Initially my husband worked from home designing a

meal for the family that has a newborn. This was

product that we believed would cover our income

such a special gesture. Just to make it easy for

for the foreseeable future. I was so burnt out that I

mom to settle in. Every night another mom would

stayed home with Max. After three or four months

arrive with a lovely home cooked meal. Little did

I started feeling very lonely so I rented a chair in a

they know how much that blessed us at the time.

little salon for three days a week to see how it would

What they intended to just make it easy for the new

go. Word spread quickly and before I knew it I had

mom actually was a big need for us.

a full schedule. When Leo was about two weeks old our nanny was When Max was about nine months old I found out

offered a great opportunity, so we had to say good

that I was pregnant with Leo. I was thrilled because

bye to her. Then a week later, on my birthday we

I’d always prayed for my children to be best friends.

were told that we’d have to move as the house we

All was going to plan.

were renting had been sold.

But then...

I was overwhelmed. So many uncertainties…

Just a few months before Leo was born the contract my hubby had “AS SECURITY” fell apart which

The lady I had rented the chair from had wanted

meant there wasn’t any secure income. Now I was

money during my maternity leave which was

working much more to help cover our expenses.

impossible, so I also had nowhere to work at that time.

I still remember I was fully booked up until one week prior to Leo’s arrival date. Knowing I had to

This was most definitely the most desperate time in

work every last minute I could to make enough to

our lives as a couple.

help carry us for a while. But at thirty eight weeks


my water broke…We didn’t say it aloud, but we

We thought we had made a mistake by moving

realised that we were in trouble, we needed that

here and that we hadn’t even waited to hear from



God if it was His will or not. And that everything was

hardware lab where he does what he is absolutely

going wrong because we hadn’t heard from God.

passionate about. He designs and manufactures products for companies all over.

But while all this was going on we were seeking God’s Face.

God has blessed me with a beautiful salon. I have a team of eight sweet ladies who have been working

He showed us so many things in the time to come.

with me for between four and six years. I call them

We grew so close as a couple and so much deeper

my “Dream team”, young local girls with a passion

in our relationship with God that we gained such a

for hair! We trained them up in the salon and they

confidence that no matter what decisions we make

have already completed three years at a Private

whether they are wrong or right, there is nothing that

hairdressing college and two are now working as

God can’t use for His Kingdom and His Glory.

Junior stylists on the floor. For me this is heaven on earth to be able to help someone get set up for life.

We knew that even though we found ourselves in a very difficult situation, what looked like an unknown

I love what I do, and I love that I get to spend every

and unsure future; we were sure that God knew the

day with people, our work is super rewarding!

plans He has for us, plans to prosper us and not to harm us. Plans of hope and a future.

To me all this is a miracle, it can only be God, That word He whispered in my ear at a young age

I remember as we sat and talked one day and we

before I was sure what it meant. That word has now

said to each other, if they come and take all our

come to fulfilment. Jer.29:11: For I know the plans

stuff now. Our cars, our furniture, whatever they can

I have for you, says the Lord . Plans to prosper you

we will be okay because God has got us and we

and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and

have each other.

a future. This was my life verse before I really knew

We said that we could start all over if we had to.

Jesus. I put it on the wall of Max’s baby nursery

We had a deep sense of peace. I think that was a

thinking it was special, but never really understood

significant moment in our marriage. We just felt so

the fullness of what it meant.

secure and covered knowing we have each other and God and that that is more than enough.

One day just after we had opened the salon and

No one ever came for our things. We continued

things were turning around, God showed me my life

to seek God’s face and grew daily. I always refer


back to that special time we had because of the deep intimacy with God. Trust me it’s not a time

First He showed me what it means to say “from Glory

anyone would wish for again. But somehow all I

to Glory”: He showed me how after each valley you

mostly remember is the special moments of Jesus

go through you reach a mountain top again. So this

revealing Himself to us.

view is from mountain top to mountain top. But then He said only when you are on the mountain top you

We have now lived in St. Francis Bay for close to

can see all the ups and downs you came through,

seven years. My hubby has set up an electronic

how He carried us through them all from Glory to


Glory, or mountain top to mountain top.

for Christ’s sake, I delight in weaknesses, in insults, in hardships, in persecutions, in difficulties. For when I

Then finally I saw at this particular mountain top.

am weak, then I am strong. 2 Corinthians 12:9,10 NIV

THE BIG SET UP. So never think that you are so far off that God can’t


use you in a mighty way! I’m telling you my friend God can make anything work for the good for those who love him, Rom 8:28 I trust somehow this will bless you! Just by knowing

Every step I had taken in life, God used as

that you are fearfully and wonderfully made to be

preparation for where I am now, I’ve been trained


up and built up to walk exactly in the future that He


has planned for me. Not trying to do something that is not for me like going into ministry but doing what


He has given me a talent for and using it to the best

Chantel. _

of my ability to bless and show Jesus’ love to others. This has been the greatest joy for me to know that I’m exactly where He planned for me to be, even though I thought we had made a selfish decision moving to St. Francis. I am far from perfect, I make loads of mistakes, I will probably still make a couple of poor decisions in the future; but to know how much God loves me, that He planned out every detail of my life and that all my passions and desires were given by Him. To know I can live for Him in my own workplace and platform that He has created for me. This brings me the greatest confidence, it takes all the pressure off me, knowing I’m living out my purpose. But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ’s power may rest on me. That is why,


Chantel runs her own thriving Hair Salon in St Franics Bay. Her and her husband Ig are part of the congregation at Victory Church, Jeffreys Bay and serve as Mentoring and Connect Group leaders.


( part 2 )

HOPE IN THE DARK Sarah-Jane Grieve Photography: Mia Swart




with nothing.) I am always very honest with God,

my story? You’ll find Part one in Issue 18. I so wish I

as He has told us that… “we can come boldly to

could rewind to the season before the “spicy part”

the throne of grace for help in times of trouble” -

and make changes and find healing before this all

Hebrews 4:16. So that’s what I often do, and at this

happened. But I am also just immensely grateful for

time specifically, I remember saying to God - “If this

God’s pure restoration in my life. I really have lived

church doesn’t work, please don’t call my number

the scripture in full color that says… “And we know

again, I just don’t have the energy to make another

that in all things God works for the good of those

move, take another risk, or handle another failure!”

who love Him, who have been called according to His purpose” Romans 8:28…And here start the

But God is of course always gracious and knows

tears! It’s been eighteen months since I’ve really sat

what we can handle, and I believe, also has the

and reflected¬ on a significant event that has and

best sense of humour! I still believe that in His

forever will change me. In many ways, for the good,

sense of humour, He kind of tricked us to get back

but it’s been one of the hardest and deepest lessons

to Springs, to start HopeHill church! We had NO

I’ve had to endure.

IDEA that this was His plan, until, out of complete brokenness, it kind of just happened to us!

MOVING BACK HOME In 2013 - Chloe was eleven, Paige nine and Eden

But, the beautiful thing about God, is that His perfect

one - Barrett felt a call back to our hometown, it

plan ALWAYS includes our personal restoration, and

took me a little longer to hear God’s voice, as the

this is exactly what HopeHill Church has been for

mountains and the sea of Cape Town seemed

many people, but also, for us! Our church began

to speak a little louder in my ears! My father had

to flourish, growing with beautiful people, from very

struggled with cancer for ten years and his health

different walks of life! God said to me prophetically

was deteriorating. Barrett is the most incredibly

- “HopeHill will be a place where people can

loyal and caring man and felt the need for us to

come who would never normally feel comfortable

leave Cape Town and go back to Springs to help

in church” and this of course matches with Jesus’

my parents in the ministry. So, we did that and then

great commission, so it continually resonates so

spent three years on staff at their church. We have

strongly in our hearts!

such a passion for the people of Springs, especially when we recognized a huge lack of hope in our


town and so, in 2016, we planted our second

In March 2020, Barrett’s mom passed away from

church, called HopeHill!

cancer, it was the ‘year from hell’ for most of us. It was our oldest daughter’s matric year too, which

To be honest, I wasn’t ready for a church plant, I had

brought incredible stress and loss to her and then

personally been through a tough time, my heart was

my dad’s health began to deteriorate dramatically

heavy, my faith was low, and my confidence totally

and by the middle of the year, it was evident that

shattered. After coming back from Cape Town, we

his passing would be soon.

were in trouble financially and in other ways too. (We’d invested everything into that church and left


Something started to break in me, I’ve never really



struggled with anxiety, but all the way through 2020,

joker, adventurous, fun-creating mom and wife

anxiety was building. In August, I lost my appetite,

and that all went away to what felt like - NOTHING!

I just couldn’t eat anymore (and if you know me,

I was advised by many specialists to go onto

you’ll know that I looove yummy food). I started

anti-depressants. I was told that I had two choices:

experiencing consistent, strange symptoms.

to go onto medication OR take the very long and patient road to healing, which includes long term

My sister and I moved in with my parents on

counselling. After asking many people who had

Monday the 21st and my dad passed away on the

been on anti-depressants and talking it through with

24th of September. When I write that sentence, it

my counsellor - I eventually decided that, because

seems so cold and factual. It was anything but that,

I am blessed with a loving and supportive husband,

it was filled with trauma, but I was trying to keep it

children, family and church - I would take the long

together for my parents, while being so ill myself.

road to healing. I must just say that I know many

The day after my dad died, I was admitted to

Christian people who are on anti-depressants and

hospital for six days. I had an unexplained infection

I have so much more understanding towards them.

(COVID negative) and I “CRACKED” completely!

If I had any less support and time to heal, there’s

The only way that I can explain it, is that it felt like

no doubt that that medication would have needed

an OFF SWITCH. I stopped “wife-ing, mothering,

to be my journey. If you desire to go off your meds,

pastoring”, etc. For at least a month, I couldn’t

please do so carefully and with medical advice.

watch TV, or be in front of any form of a screen or device. I stared out of the window for most of the

Wow! I don’t even really know how to translate the

day and had no desire to eat at all. I ate for the

depth of difficulty a long road to healing looks like

purpose of medicine! I lost my voice and the ability

in words. I can relate to David when he uses words

to sing and I became extremely anxious about dying.

like… Despair, Save me oh God, Deliver me! The burden on my family has been the most difficult for

Now if you know me, you might be surprised. I’m

me to navigate, to watch them having to find a new

that woman who never gives up, who has tenacity,

way to relate to their wife and mom in this time.

endurance, etc. I’ve always been the type of person who can roll with it, find a solution and quite


easily be fluid in almost any given situation. I’ve

The only way I know to live life is through strategy. If

NEVER struggled with depression or anxiety and

there’s a vision, then I create a strategy for us to get

often struggled even to understand it in others. I

there! It’s always been my biggest motivator. I call

have since realized that the strongest of us have

myself a solutionist. So, I needed a strategy to find

the biggest breakdowns!

the win! I’ve never in my life become so disciplined in reading the Bible, prayer and consistent worship.

I started weekly Christian, pastoral counselling to

I started with a daily, non-negotiable, “in my closet”

try to make sense of it all. There were so many dark

moment, where I’d do time scheduled moments.

days, that I felt scared of my thoughts. I separated

I couldn’t even read the Bible, so I downloaded

myself from everyone and became completely

scriptures in themes to listen to (Peace, Comfort,

isolated from the world. I have always been the

Hope, Faith), then I’d worship and do the daily


homework the counsellor had given me.

when I couldn’t believe in myself, daughters who

SIDE NOTE: I just love that my counsellor is a born-

consistently and unconditionally love their mom - I

again Christian woman and she just directed me in

have such crazy love for you, my “beautifuls”! A

all the right Jesus-ways! Because of these sessions

church family who is so incredible at volunteering

I realized that I had been ignoring some issues

and doing what is needed for Jesus’ church and a

of the heart that needed healing and attention,

God who knows my thoughts and brokenness and

as well as taking on too much in life generally. I

still believes in me! He reminded me the other day,

had carried burdens that weren’t mine to carry

that He did not require of me to lead His people

and put pressure on myself that was unnecessary.

out of a perfect place, but rather out of a place

People with tenacity tend to push the boundaries

of being “broken” and “messy”, BUT- healed! One

and stretch themselves to the absolute limit, which

of the things the accuser kept saying to me was…

eventually leads to breakdowns.

“You’ve lost your voice; you are no longer good enough to preach or to lead people or even to be a

The thing about healing is - patience. I’m not very

good enough example to your children”. And for a

patient and I always want to reach the vision with

season, I began to believe that. Until one day, in a

the quickest strategy available! Work smart, rather

beautiful worship moment with God, He showed me

than hard! So, a year and a half later, I can truly

that I had removed myself from the seat that He had

tell you that some trials are just not going to be

prepared for me at HIS TABLE! He told me… you are

won in a sprint, some are a cross country jog and

chosen, not forsaken - you are who I say you are!

some are an endurance marathon! Hebrew 6:12

And I immediately sat right back on MY SEAT, that

(NLT) says “Then you will not become spiritually

MY GOD had prepared for only me!

dull and indifferent. Instead, you will follow the example of those who are going to inherit God’s

I’m now laughing again, this was the final stretch

promises because of their FAITH and ENDURANCE

for me, JOY has returned to my heart and my lips-

(or patience).”

and I now lead in our family and our church with a deep settledness and understanding of God’s grace

So, I’d love to tell you that after doing my “closet

and just how incredibly loved I am. I am forever

moments” for seven days, there was a miraculous

changed and forever grateful.

cloud that lifted, and I could see the light, and everything was perfect again. But unfortunately,

So, broken and messy, but healed Sarah-Jane is

this has been a very long endurance race for me.

telling you today…

One that I have not yet fully overcome, but I am on

“It’s okay not to be okay - just don’t give up”

the winning straight! And now here come the tears,

“This is not your forever”

the relief that God is on my side, He is my victory,

“Hope has a name - His name is Jesus”

He has won the battle on my behalf and the victory

“When you are broken, you are most loved”

is mine! It is no longer I who live, but Christ who

“Your future is bright!” _

lives in me. I am so grateful for a husband who tirelessly has never given up on me, he believed in me


Sarah-Jane and her husband are senior pastors at Hope Hill Church, South Africa. They have 3 beautiful daughters.




T H E Q U I LT E D J A C K E T The winter 2022 season is officially upon us, and you may be finding yourself in need of a new coat. If this is the case, and you’re looking for something relaxed, versatile and yet stylish, let us introduce the quilted jacket. The style has already become a new-season favourite – and thanks to its timeless silhouette, it is unlikely to go out of style any time soon.

A new take on a classic puffer jacket, quilted jackets are a little more refined – less bulky but equally as cosy. They come in a lot of varieties too; there’s not just one look with this jacket style. You can choose from diagonal quilting or diamond quilting, military-style or patterned; cropped, long, oversized or fitted. They’re the right mix of chic and cosy — the perfect combination for cold weather, if you ask me and definitely have what it takes to become a classic.

Photography: Pinterest



HERBY GREEN SALAD DRESSING This bright green herb salad dressing takes an ordinary garden salad to the next level. It’s packed with flavour, natural colour and vitamins. If you’re a salad lover, you will LOVE this green herb salad dressing.


1 bunch of spring onions

1 tsp minced garlic

1 cup of parsley (or basil)

3 tsp mixed dry herbs

½ cup of white/apple cider vinegar

3 whole eggs

1 tsp Salt

2 egg yolks

4 tsp sugar / honey

500ml of vegetable oil

1 tsp dijon mustard




Blend everything togther except the oil


While blender is running add your oil slowly.


once all combined you can bottle it and keep in the fridge


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