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It was the end of a hot day. The air was still warm and filled with dust particles that made another spectacular Transvaal sunset. I was taking a stroll along the dirt road that led to the Youth With A Mission base in Hammanskraal. It was during a short YWAM camp in December 1977. As I thought about the months ahead, I felt a surge of excitement. My four-year degree was about to end, and I planned to join the YWAM program shortly after graduation. As I pondered my future, I clearly heard the Lord say, “Marian, I have a man for you”. Had I known what lay ahead, I probably would not have responded by saying, “Lord, please wait awhile. I want to see if there’s life after ‘varsity!”
Now, we all know that to the Lord, a day can be a thousand years and vice versa, but I certainly did not have that in mind when I asked Him to wait “awhile”! That was the start of a 14-year journey that finally resulted in His promise being fulfilled. Fourteen long and often difficult years of navigating the challenges of prolonged singleness. So many weddings and baby showers to attend, but never my own.
The greatest challenge was to discern if I’d really heard God or if it was my own heart playing tricks on me. As the years went by and relationships didn’t seem to fit my expectations, this challenge increased. Friends and family did their best to encourage me (and hook me up with possible dates), but I knew this had to be entirely Father’s decision. I was encouraged to make a list of characteristics I’d like in a husband. Was that because God needed my input? Surely not! I reasoned that my Father knew my heart and future better than I did, so I was happy to leave all the details to Him. And I’m so glad I did!
I was 36 when I met Andre. I’d been a Christian for 17 years. He walked into our home group on a Wednesday night, three days after he’d given his life to the Lord. He had an 8-year-old daughter from a previous marriage, and I learned he was five years younger than me. Nothing about this new, very good-looking young man indicated he was God’s choice for me.
The following year we attended the same Bible school and hiking group. I often considered Andre, a great catch for some young Christian lady. From the start, he showed a genuine love for the Lord. I watched him serve others; he always seemed to put others first. Apparently, he started eyeing me halfway through Bible school. When I asked if he’d like to join my friends and I on a trip to the game reserve, he jumped at it. Not long after that, he said he’d like a relationship with me. I responded with, “What are your intentions?” I was 37 and didn’t have time to waste! His reply was, “Marriage”. (Afterwards, he confessed he’d not really thought that far!) We were married four months later!
Now, 32 years later, I look back and see Father’s wise, loving plan for my life. I’m so glad I left the decision up to Him. Marriage, founded on God’s presence, molds you into someone you never thought you could be, both the good and positively horrifying! But marriage is designed for our sanctification and not our eternal happiness. I’m so grateful He never leads us into something that doesn’t have His full provision of abundant grace.
Ps. When God said, “I’ve got a man for you”, He didn’t tell me that He would also give me two little “men”. I had the miraculous privilege of bringing sons into the world when I was 38 and 41. This really is a testimony of God’s promise MANifesting in my life!