Footwear magazine august

Page 1

Issue No: 5


A-h-K-W-\ A-h-k‑m-\‑n-¸‑n-¡-W‑w C´ - y‑ ³ k-¼Z - v‑ h‑yh - Ø - b - n‑ Â \‑nÀ-®m‑ b - I -

]-¦p‑ h - l - n‑ ¡ - m‑ ³ I-gn‑ b - p‑ ¶ - H-cp‑ h‑yh - k - m‑ b - a - m‑ W - v‑ ]‑mZ- c- £ - m‑ h‑yh - k - m‑ b - w‑ . 120 t‑Im‑ S- n‑ b - n‑ t- e ‑ s - d‑ P-\k - w‑ J‑yb - p‑ Å - C-´y‑ b - n‑  h³-hn‑ ] - W - n‑ b - m‑ W - v‑ D-ÅX - v.‑ ]-W¡ - m‑ c - \ - p‑ w‑ ]‑mh - s - ¸ ‑ «- h - \ - p‑ w‑ F-¶ t‑hÀ-Xn‑ c - n‑ h‑nà - m‑ s - X ‑ ]‑mZ- c - £ - I - Ä D-]t- b ‑ m‑ K - n‑ ¡ - p‑ ¶ - h - c - m‑ W - v‑ P-\k - a - q‑ l - w‑ . A-Xn‑ \ - v‑ `‑mj - s - b ‑ m‑ ,‑ {‑]t- Z‑ i - s - a ‑ m‑ ,‑ k‑wk‑I v- m‑ c - s - a ‑ m‑ H-¶p‑ w‑ X-SÊ - a - à - . C-Xv‑ ]‑mZ- c - £ - b - p‑ s - S‑ a‑m{- X ‑ w‑ {‑]t- X ‑ y‑ I - X - b - m‑ W - v.‑ B-[p‑ \ - n‑ I - b‑pK - ¯ - n‑  A-kp‑ J - ¯ - n‑ \ - p‑ t‑]m‑ e‑pw‑ {‑]t- X ‑ y‑ I - ]‑mZ- c - £ - I - Ä [-cn‑ t- ¡ ‑ ï - A-hØ - b‑pï - .v‑ I‑mÂ-]m‑ Z- § - Ä i‑pN - n‑ b - m‑ b - p‑ w‑ k‑pc - £ - n‑ X - a- m‑ b‑pw‑ s‑Im‑ ï - p‑ \-St- ¡ ‑ ï - X - n‑ s - â ‑ {‑]m‑ [ - m‑ \ - y‑ w‑ C-Xn‑  h‑yà - a- m‑ W - .v‑ ]‑mZ- c - £ - m‑ \‑nÀ-½m‑ W - h‑nX - c - W - t‑aJ - e-If - n‑  \‑nc - h - [ - n‑ e - £ - w‑ B-fp‑ I - Ä s‑Xm‑ g- n‑  s‑N¿‑p¶ - p‑ ï - .v‑ F-¶m‑  A-hÀ A-`n‑ a - p‑ J - o‑ I - c - n‑ ¡ - p‑ ¶ {‑]i - \ -v‑ § - Ä F-s´ ‑ m‑ s - ¡ ‑ F-¶d- n‑ b - p‑ h - m‑ t- \ ‑ m‑ A-h ]-cn‑ l - c - n‑ ¡ - p‑ h - m‑ t- \ ‑ m‑ {‑ia- w‑ \-S¡ - p‑ ¶ - n‑ à - . t‑I{- µ ‑ þ- k - w‑ Ø‑m\ - kÀ-¡m‑ d - p‑ I - Ä C‑u t‑aJ - e - b - p‑ s - S‑ D-¶a - \ - ¯‑n\ - m‑ b - n‑ H-¶p‑ w‑ s‑N¿ - p‑ ¶ - n‑ à - F-¶X - v‑ t‑JZ- I - c- a- m‑ W - .v‑ ]‑mZ- c- £ - m‑ h‑yh - k - m‑ b - h - p‑ a- m‑ b - n‑ _-Ôs- ¸ ‑ «- v‑ C‑u hÀ-js - ¯ ‑ _-Pä - n‑  s‑Nd - n‑ s - b ‑ m‑ c - p‑ B-iz‑ m‑ k - \-S]-Sn‑ {‑]J - y‑ m‑ ] - n‑ ¨ - s - X ‑ m‑ g- n‑ ¨ - v‑ C‑u t‑aJ - e - b - p‑ s - S‑ h-fÀ¨-¡v‑ D-XI - p‑ ¶ - H-cp‑ \-S] - S- n‑ b - p‑ w‑ kÀ-¡m‑ d - p‑ I - f - p‑ s - S‑ `‑mK - ¯ - p‑ \‑n¶ - p‑ w‑ D-ïm‑ b - n‑ «- n‑ à - . t‑Ic - f - kÀ-¡m‑ À C‑u A-Sp‑ ¯ - I - m‑ e - ¯ - m‑ b - n‑ {‑]J - y‑ m‑ ] - n‑ ¨ - ]-²X - n‑ I - f‑ns - e ‑ m‑ ¶ - n‑ e - p‑ w‑ ]‑mZ- c - £ - m‑ h‑yh - k - m‑ b - s - ¯ ‑ DÄ-s¸ ‑ S‑p¯ - n‑ b - n‑ «- n‑ à - F-¶X - v‑ {‑]X - n‑ t- j ‑ [ - m‑ À-la - m‑ W - v.‑ X‑pS- ¡ - ¡ - m‑ c - m‑ b - b‑ph - k - w‑ c - w‑ `- I - s - c ‑ t‑{] ‑ m‑ Õ - m‑ l‑n¸ - n‑ ¡ - m‑ ³ h‑yh - k - m‑ b - h-Ip‑ ¸ - n‑ s - â ‑ t‑aÂ-t\ ‑ m‑ «- ¯‑n X‑pS- ¡ - a - n‑ «- C³-Iy‑ p‑ t- _ ‑ j - ³ s‑kâ-dp‑ I - f‑n ]‑mZ- c - £ - m‑ h‑yh - k - m‑ b - s - ¯ ‑ DÄ-s¸ ‑ S- p‑ ¯ - m‑ ³ X-¿m‑ d - m‑ b - n‑ «- n‑ à - . a-äv‑ h‑yh - k - m‑ b - § - Ä‑, {‑]t- X ‑ y‑ I - n‑ ¨ - v‑ I‑rj - n‑ ,‑ a-Õy‑ k‑wk - I v-‑ c - W - w‑ ,‑ C-eI - tv-‑ {‑ S‑ m‑ W - n‑ I - k v-‑ ,v‑ s‑SI - s v-‑ s ‑ Ì ‑ Â-kv‑ A-S¡ - w‑ \‑nc - h - [ - n‑ t‑aJ - e - I - Ä C‑u ]-²X - n‑ b - n‑  C-Sw‑ ] - n‑ S- n‑ s - ¨ ‑ ¦ - n‑ e - p‑ w‑ kÀ-¡m‑ À ]‑mZ- c-£m‑ h‑yh - k - m‑ b - s - ¯ ‑ X-gb - p‑ I - b - m‑ W - p‑ ï - m‑ b - X - v.‑ F-´p‑ s - I ‑ m‑ ï - m‑ W - v‑ C-§s - \ ‑ k‑w`- h - n‑ ¨ - s - X ‑ ¶ - v‑ ]-cn‑ -

t‑im‑ [ - n‑ ¨ - v‑ C-¡m‑ c - y‑ ¯ - n‑  D-Nn‑ X - a - m‑ b - \-S] - S- n‑ I - Ä s‑sI ‑ s - ¡ ‑ m‑ t- Å ‑ ï - X - m‑ W - v.‑ A-Xp‑ t- ] ‑ m‑ s - e ‑ h‑nj - ³ 2030 F-¶ t‑]c - n‑  a-sä‑ m‑ c - p‑ {‑]J - y‑ m‑ ] - \ - h - p‑ w‑ h-¶p‑ I - g- n‑ ª p‑ . 2030 h-sc ‑ b‑pÅ - t‑Ic - f - ¯ - n‑ s - â ‑ k-a{- K ‑ h - f - À-¨ e-£y‑ a - n‑ S- p‑ ¶ ]-²X - n‑ b - m‑ W - n‑ X - v.‑ C-Xn‑ e - p‑ w‑ ]‑mZ- c - £ - m‑ h‑yh - k - m‑ b - s‑¯ DÄ-s¸ ‑ S- p‑ ¯ - n‑ b - n‑ «- n‑ à - . t‑Ic - f - kÀ-¡m‑ d - n‑ s - â ‑ C‑u h‑yh - k - m‑ b - t- ¯ ‑ m‑ S- p‑ Å - A-hK - W - \ - b - p‑ s - S‑ X‑pSÀ-¨b - m‑ b - n‑ «- p‑ a - m‑ {- X ‑ s - a ‑ C-Xn‑ s - \ ‑ I‑mW - m‑ ³ I-gn‑ b - p‑ I-bp‑ Å - q‑ . t‑Ic - f - k-¼Z- v‑ h‑yh - Ø - ¡ - v‑ ]‑mZ- c - £ - m‑ h‑yh - k - m‑ b - t‑aJ - e - A-Xn‑ t- â ‑ X - m‑ b - k‑w`- m‑ h - \ - I - Ä \Â-In‑ h - c - p‑ ¶ - p‑ ï - v.‑ s‑Xm‑ g- n‑ Â-cw‑ K - ¯ - p‑ w‑ A-hc - p‑ t- S‑ X‑mb - k‑w`- m‑ h - \ - b - p‑ ï - v.‑ {‑]t- X ‑ y‑ I - n‑ ¨ - p‑ w‑ k‑{v- X ‑ o‑ s‑Xm‑ g‑ne - m‑ f - n‑ I - f - p‑ s - S‑ I‑mc - y‑ ¯ - n‑ Â. A-hc - p‑ s - S‑ D-¶a - \ - w‑ e-£y‑ w‑ h - ¨ - p‑ s - I ‑ m‑ ï - v‑ ]‑mZ- c - £ - m‑ h‑yh - k - m‑ b - t- a‑ J - e \‑nc - h - [ - n‑ t- ] ‑ À-¡v‑ {‑]X - y‑ £ - a - m‑ b - p‑ w‑ ]-tc ‑ m‑ £ - a - m‑ b - p‑ w‑ s‑Xm‑ g- n‑ Â-e`- y‑ a - m‑ ¡ - p‑ ¶ - p‑ ï - v.‑ F-¶m‑  t‑I{- µ ‑ þ- k - w‑ Ø‑m\ - kÀ-¡m‑ d - p‑ I - Ä C‑u h‑yh - k - m‑ b - s - ¯ ‑ ]‑qÀ®-am‑ b - p‑ w‑ X-gb - p‑ ¶ - I‑mg- N v-‑ b - m‑ W - v‑ I‑mW - p‑ ¶ - X - v.‑ ]‑mc - Z- £ - m‑ h‑yh - k - m‑ b - t‑aJ - e - b - p‑ s - S‑ C-¶p‑ I‑mW - p‑ ¶ - h-fÀ-¨ h‑yà - n‑ A - [ - n‑ j - vT ‑ n‑ X - a- m‑ W - v‑ F-¶p‑ I‑mt- W ‑ ï - X - p‑ ï - v.‑ kÀ-¡m‑ d - p‑ I - f - p‑ s - S‑ H-cp‑ X-c¯ - n‑ e‑pÅ - t‑{] ‑ m‑ Õ - m‑ l - h - \ - h - p‑ w‑ A-hÀ-¡v‑ e-`n‑ ¨ - n‑ c- p‑ ¶ - n‑ à - . F-¶m‑  \‑nI - p‑ X - n‑ b - p‑ s - S‑ I‑mc - y‑ ¯ - n‑  I‑n«- m‑ \ - p‑ Å - X - v‑ ]‑nS- n‑ ¨ - p‑ h‑m§ - p‑ ¶ - {‑]h - W - X - b - m‑ W - v‑ kÀ-¡m‑ d- p‑ I - Ä I‑mW - n‑ ¨ - n‑ «- p‑ Å - X - v.‑ C-t¸ ‑ m‑ Ä I‑mW - n‑ ¨ - p‑ s‑Im‑ ï - n‑ c - n‑ ¡‑p¶ - X - p‑ w‑ C-Xp‑ X-s¶ ‑ b - m‑ W - v.‑ H‑mt- c ‑ m‑ L-«¯ - n‑ e‑pw‑ C‑u h‑yh - k - m‑ b - s - ¯ ‑ ]‑nd - t- I ‑ m‑ «- S- p‑ ¸ - n‑ ¡ - p‑ ¶ {‑]h - W - X - I‑mW - m‑ h - p‑ ¶ - X - m‑ W - v.‑ ]‑mZ- c - £ - m‑ h‑yh - k‑mb - h - p‑ w‑ A-\p‑ _ - Ô - h‑yh - k - m‑ b - § - f - p‑ w‑ C-¶v‑ A`‑na - p‑ J - o‑ I - c - n‑ ¡ - p‑ ¶ - {‑]b - m‑ k - § - f - p‑ w‑ {‑]i - \ v-‑ § - f - p‑ w‑ F-s´ ‑ m‑ s - ¡ ‑ s - b ‑ ¶ - p‑ ]-cn‑ t- i ‑ m‑ [ - n‑ ¨ - v‑ B-hi - y‑ a - m‑ b \-S] - S- n‑ I - Ä s‑sI ‑ s - ¡ ‑ m‑ Å - m‑ ³ t‑I{- µ ‑ þ- k - w‑ Ø - m‑ \ kÀ-¡m‑ d - p‑ I - Ä X-¿m‑ d - m‑ t- I ‑ ï - X - m‑ W - v.‑ k‑v-t‑\-l-]‑qÀ-h‑w

s‑I. h‑n-P-b-c‑m-P³ a‑m-t‑\-P‑n‑w-K‑v F-U‑n-äÀ


Chekkummas Arcade, Rahiman Bazar, Kolathara, Calicut- 6736 55. Email: Phone: Ph: (Off) 0495 2422255, 08136955155, 09847002133 K.Vijayarajan

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August, 2014

DÂ-¸‑m-Z-\ s‑N-e-h‑v I‑p-¯-s‑\ I‑q-S‑n C.^-k d-lv-am³

t‑I -X‑c-fn-b-¯‑nÂ‑nÂ{‑]G--hÀ-ä¯-h‑p‑w‑n-¡a‑n‑p-I-¶-¨-h-bc‑o‑n-s‑e‑m-¶‑m-W‑v ]‑m-Z-c-£‑m h‑y-h-k‑m-b‑w. Z-i‑m_‑v-Z-§Ä-¡‑v a‑p-¼‑p X-s‑¶ t‑I-c-f-¯‑n-s‑â s‑]-c‑p-a t‑Z-i‑o-b‑, c‑m-P‑y‑m-´-c X-e-¯‑n F-¯‑n-¡‑p-¶-X‑n C‑u h‑y-h-k‑m-b‑w he‑n-b ]-¦‑p-h-l‑n-¨‑n-«‑p-ï‑v. 700 t‑I‑m-S‑nt‑b‑m-f‑w c‑p-]-b‑p-s‑S h‑n-ä‑p-h-c-h‑v t‑\-S‑p-¶ ]‑m-Z-c-£‑m h‑y-h-k‑m-b‑w 15‑,000-¯‑n-t‑e-s‑d t‑]À-¡‑v s‑X‑m-g‑n-e‑p‑w \Â-I‑p-¶‑p. d-_À l-h‑m-b‑v s‑N-c‑p-¸‑n \‑n-¶‑v ]‑n.-h‑n.-k‑n-b‑n-t‑e-¡‑p‑w t‑]‑m-f‑n b‑q-d‑n-¯‑o\‑n-t‑e-¡‑p‑w Ì-t‑¡‑m-W‑n-t‑e-¡‑p‑w h-fÀ-¶‑p ]‑m-Z-c-£‑m h‑y-h-k‑m-b‑w. C-\‑n t‑h-ï-X‑v ]‑p-X‑n-b k‑m-t‑¦-X‑n-I h‑n-Z‑y-I-f‑p‑w ]‑p-X‑n-b h‑n-]-W‑n-b‑p-a‑m-W‑v. D-b-c-§-f‑n-t‑e-¡‑v I‑p-X‑n-¡‑p-t‑¼‑m-g‑p‑w h‑n-e-§‑p-X-S‑n-b‑m-b‑n a‑m-d‑p-¶ N‑n-e I‑m-c‑y§-f‑p-ï‑v. k-¦‑oÀ-®-a‑m-b \‑n-I‑p-X‑n L-S\‑, a-e-b‑m-f‑n-I-f‑p-s‑S ]-X‑n-h‑v h‑y-h-k‑m-b h‑n-c‑p-²-X‑, h‑n-]-W-\ X-{‑´-¯‑n-s‑â A]-c‑y‑m-]‑v-X-X‑, A-k‑w-k‑v-I‑r-X h-k‑v-X‑p-¡f‑p-s‑S h‑n-e Ø‑n-c-X-b‑n-Ã‑m-b‑v-a X‑p-S-§‑nb-h-s‑b‑m-s‑¡ C‑u h‑y-h-k‑m-b-¯‑n-s‑â I‑p-X‑n-¸‑n-\‑v I‑q-¨‑p-h‑n-e-§‑n-S‑p-¶‑p. DÂ-¸m‑ Z- \ - s - ¨ ‑ e - h - n‑ e - p‑ ï - m‑ b - h-en‑ b - hÀ-²\-bm‑ W - v‑ ]‑mZ- c - £ - m‑ \‑nÀ-½m‑ W - t‑aJ - e - t‑\c‑nS- p‑ ¶ - h-en‑ b - {‑]X - n‑ k - Ô - n‑ . C-Xn‑ \ - v‑ ]-e I‑mc- W - § - f - p‑ ï - .v‑ A-Xn‑ s- e ‑ m‑ ¶ - v‑ I‑p¯ - s- \ ‑ I‑q«‑nb - s‑sh ‑ Z- y‑ p‑ X - n‑ \‑nc- ¡ - m‑ W - .v‑ a‑p¼ - v‑ b‑qW - n‑ ä- n‑ \ - v‑ 4.20 c‑q] - b - m‑ W - v‑ s‑Ne - h - p‑ h-¶n‑ c - p‑ ¶ - s - X ‑ ¦ - n‑  Advertisement Enquiry

C-t¸ ‑ m‑ g- X - v‑ F-«v‑ c‑q] - h-sc ‑ b - m‑ I - p‑ ¶‑pï - .v‑ C-Xv‑ FÃ‑m h‑yh - k - m‑ b t‑aJ - e - I - s - f ‑ b - p‑ w‑ {‑]X - n‑ I - q‑ e - a - m‑ b - n‑ _‑m[ - n‑ ¨ - n‑ «- p‑ ï - .v‑ U‑o-k h‑ne hÀ-[\ - b‑mW - v‑ s‑Ne - h - v‑ hÀ-²n‑ ¸ - n‑ ¡ - p‑ ¶ a-sä‑ m‑ c - p‑ L-SI - w‑ . A-kw‑ k - I -v‑ r‑ X - h-kX -v‑ p‑ ¡ - f‑ps - S‑ b - p‑ w‑ s‑Ne - h - v‑ hÀ-²n‑ ¨ - n‑ «- p‑ ï - .v‑ F-¶m‑  h‑n] - W - n‑ b - n‑  I-Sp‑ ¯ a-Õc - w‑ t‑\c - n‑ S- p‑ ¶ - X‑n\ - m‑  DÂ-¸¶ - ¯ - n‑ s - â ‑ h‑ne - I‑q«- m‑ \ - p‑ a - m‑ I‑nà - . ]‑mZ- c - £ - m‑ \‑nÀ-½m‑ X - m‑ ¡ - f - p‑ s - S‑ e‑m`-£a - X - s - b ‑ _‑m[ - n‑ ¡ - p‑ ¶ - L-SI - § - f - m‑ W - v‑ C-hs - b ‑ m‑ s - ¡ ‑ . F-Ãm‑ t‑aJ - e - I - f - n‑ e - p‑ w‑ {‑]I - S- a - m‑ b - n‑ c - n‑ ¡‑p¶ k‑m¼ - ¯ - n‑ I - a‑mµ - y‑ w‑ C‑u t‑aJ - e-sb ‑ b - p‑ w‑ _‑m[ - n‑ ¨ - n‑ «- p‑ ï - .v‑ XÂ-^e - a - m‑ b - n‑ h‑nÂ-¸\ - G-sd ‑ I‑pd - ª p‑ . D-]t- `‑ m‑ à - m‑ ¡ - s‑f B-IÀ-jn‑ ¡ - m‑ ³ h‑ne - I - p‑ d- ¨ - v‑ h‑nÂ-¡m‑ ³ \‑nÀ-_Ô - n‑ X - c - m‑ b - n‑ c - n‑ ¡ - p‑ I - b - m‑ W - v‑ s‑Nc - p‑ ¸ - v‑ \‑nÀ-½m‑ X - m‑ ¡ - Ä. I‑qS- n‑ b - \‑nI - p‑ X - n‑ b - p‑ w‑ C‑u c‑wK - ¯ - p‑ Å - h - s - c ‑ s‑Rc - p‑ ¡ - p‑ ¶ - p‑ ï - .v‑ C‑u t‑aJ-eb - p‑ s - S‑ h-fÀ-¨b - ¡ -v‑ m‑ b - n‑ kÀ-¡m‑ c - n‑ s - â ‑ `‑mK - ¯ - p‑ \‑n¶ - p‑ Å - I‑qS- p‑ X -  \-S] - S- n‑ I - Ä D-ï ‑ m-tI ‑ ï - n‑ b - n‑ c - n‑ ¡ - p‑ ¶ - p‑ . C-Xv‑ Ø‑m] - \ - § - f‑ps - S‑ \‑ne - \ - n‑ Â-¸n‑ s - \ ‑ _‑m[ - n‑ ¡ - p‑ w‑ .

Mob: 08136955155, 09995427638, 09446068180



Zn tIcf ^q«vshbÀ amKkn³

abqÀ sd-Iv-kn³ t{i-Wn-bn-se thÀ-]n-cn-bm-¯ _Ôw

Suresh K. Poddar


b - q‑ À b‑qW - n‑ t- I ‑ m‑ t- «‑ À-kv‑ e‑na - n‑ ä - U - n‑ s‑â s‑Nb - À-am‑ \ - p‑ w‑ a‑mt- \ ‑ P - n‑ w‑ K - v‑ Ub-dI - S-v‑ d- p‑ a- m‑ b - a‑nÌ - À k‑pt- c‑ j - v‑ s‑I. ]‑p±- m‑ À I‑r{- X ‑ n‑ a- X‑pI -  h‑yh - k - m‑ b - t‑aJ-eb - n‑  h‑yà - a - m‑ b - I‑mg- N -v‑ ¸ - m‑ S- p‑ Å t‑em‑ I - {- ] ‑ i - k - X -v‑ \ - m‑ b - h‑yà - n‑ b - m‑ W - .v‑ A-t±‑ l - ¯ - n‑ s - â ‑ k‑wc - w‑ `- I - X - z‑ s‑s\ ‑ ]‑pW - y‑ a - m‑ W - v‑ a-bq‑ c - n‑ s - \ ‑ C-´y‑ b - n‑ s - e ‑ G-äh - p‑ w‑ h-en‑ b - I‑r{- X ‑ n‑ a- X‑pI -  h‑yh - k‑mb - i - m‑ e - b - m‑ ¡ - n‑ a‑mä- n‑ b - X - p‑ w‑ ,‑ h-St- ¡ ‑ A-ta ‑ c - n‑ ¡ - b - n‑ s - e ‑ h‑ml - \ - \‑nÀ-½m‑ W t‑aJ - e - b - n‑ t- e ‑ ¡ - v‑ X‑pI -  I-bä - n‑ A-b¡‑p¶ - G-I C-´y‑ ³ I‑r{- X ‑ n‑ a- X‑pI -  h‑yh - k - m‑ b - n‑ B-¡n‑ ¯ - o‑ À-¯X - p‑ w‑ . d‑ne - o‑ k - v‑ t‑]¸ - À {‑Sm‑ ³-k^ -v‑ À t‑Im‑ «‑nw‑ K - v‑ k‑mt- ¦ ‑ X - n‑ I - h - n‑ Z- y‑ D-]t- b ‑ m‑ K - n‑ ¨ - p‑ Å ]‑n.h‑n.k‑n. h‑n\ - n‑ Â‑, I‑r{- X ‑ n‑ a - X‑pI -  F-¶n‑ h - b - p‑ s - S‑ C-´y‑ b - n‑ s - e ‑ G-äh - p‑ w‑ h-en‑ b - \‑nÀ-½m‑ W - h‑yh - k - m‑ b - i - m‑ e - b - m‑ W‑v a-bq‑ À b‑qW - n‑ t- I ‑ m‑ t- «‑ À-kv‑ e‑na- n‑ ä- U - .v‑ I-gn‑ ª c-ïp‑ Z-im‑ _ - Z-v‑ § - f - n‑ e - q‑ s - S‑ b‑pÅ a-bq‑ c - n‑ s - â ‑ h-fÀ-¨ B-sc ‑ b - p‑ w‑ A-¼c - ¸ - n‑ ¡ - p‑ ¶ - X - m‑ W - .v‑ a‑mk - ¯ - n‑  0.25 Z-ie - £ - w‑ a‑oä- À \‑nÀ-½m‑ W - ¯ - n‑  B-cw‑ `- n‑ ¨ - v‑ I-em‑ ] - c - a - m‑ b - C-äm‑ e - n‑ b - ³ t‑Im‑ «- n‑ w‑ K - n‑ s - e ‑ B-dp‑ L-«§ - Ä ]‑qÀ¯‑nb - m‑ ¡ - n‑ C-¶v‑ 3.2 Z-ie - £ - w‑ a‑oä - d‑mW - v‑ a-bq‑ c - n‑ s - â ‑ \‑nÀ-½m‑ W - {- ] ‑ m‑ ] - X -v‑ n‑ .

The Kerala Footwear Magazine

a-bq‑ c- n‑ s- â ‑ DÂ-¸¶ - § - Ä {‑][ - m‑ \ - a- m‑ b - p‑ w‑ h‑ml - \ - \‑nÀ-½m‑ W - w‑ ,‑ s‑Nc - p‑ ¸ - v‑ \‑nÀ-½m‑ W‑w,‑ X‑pI -  DÂ-¸¶ - § - Ä‑, h-kX -v‑ p‑ \‑nÀ-½m‑ W - w‑ F-¶o‑ t‑aJ - e - I - f - n‑ e - m‑ W - .v‑ K‑pW - t- a‑ · - b - p‑ Å - \‑qX - \ - U‑ns- s‑ k ‑ \‑pI - f - n‑ t- e ‑ ¡ - p‑ Å - I-ïp‑ ] - n‑ S- p‑ ¯ - a - m‑ W - v‑ I-gn‑ ª Z-im‑ _ - Z-v‑ § - f - n‑  a-bq‑ c - n‑ s - \ ‑ h-fÀ-¯n‑ h-ep‑ X - m‑ ¡ - n‑ b - X - .v‑ k‑pt- c ‑ j - v‑ s‑I.]‑p±- m‑ d - n‑ s - â ‑ b - p‑ w‑ I-gn‑ h - p‑ ä - R&D S‑oa‑ns - â ‑ b - p‑ w‑ t‑\X - r‑ X - z‑ ¯ - n‑ e - p‑ Å a-bq‑ À h‑nI - k - n‑ ¸ - n‑ s - ¨ ‑ S- p‑ ¯ - X - v‑ hÀ-®m‑ `- a - m‑ b DÂ-¸¶ - § - f - m‑ W - .v‑ ]-¯v‑ hÀ-j§ - Ä¡‑p a‑p¼ - v‑ a-bq‑ À C-´y‑ b - n‑  ]-cn‑ N - b-s¸ ‑ S- p‑ ¯ - n‑ b - "t‑dm‑ a - ' F-¶ A-¸À (2.2 F‑w.F‑w. I-\a - p‑ Å s‑aS- b - m‑ ¯ k‑m³-U A-¸À‑) C-´y‑ ¡ - I - ¯ - p‑ w‑ ]‑pd- ¯ - p‑ w‑ h³-tX ‑ m‑ X - n‑  A‑wK - o‑ I - c- n‑ ¡ - s‑¸«- p‑ . s‑Nc - n‑ ¸ - v‑ \‑nÀ-½m‑ X - m‑ ¡ - Ä C‑u A-¸d - p‑ w‑ s‑se ‑ \ - n‑ w‑ K - p‑ w‑ e‑mä - I - k -v‑ v‑ ]-i t‑NÀ-¯v‑ H-«n‑ ¨ - v‑ s‑sh ‑ h - n‑ [ - y‑ a- m‑ À-¶ s‑Nc- n‑ ¸‑pI - Ä h‑n] - W - n‑ b - n‑ s - e ‑ ¯ - n‑ ¨ - p‑ . C-¯c- w‑ \‑nÀ-½m‑ W - w‑ k-ab - w‑ ]‑mg- m‑ ¡ - p‑ ¶ - X - m‑ b - n‑ I-sï ‑ ¯ - n‑ b - a-bq‑ À 2005þ e‑ma- n‑ t- \ ‑ ä- v‑ s‑Nb - X -v‑ A-¸d - p‑ I - Ä C-d¡ - n‑ \‑nÀ-½m‑ X‑m¡ - s - f ‑ k-t´ ‑ m‑ j - n‑ ¸ - n‑ ¨ - p‑ . e‑ma - n‑ t- \ ‑ ä- U‑v A-¸À h³ X-cw‑ K - w‑ X-s¶ ‑ s‑Nc - n‑ ¸‑v \‑nÀ-½m‑ W - t- a ‑ J - e - b - n‑  D-ïm‑ ¡ - n‑ . F-¶n‑ c - p‑ ¶ - m‑ e - p‑ w‑ C‑u DÂ-¸¶ - ¯ - n‑ \ - v‑ August



Zn tIcf ^q«vshbÀ amKkn³

N‑ne - ]-cn‑ a - n‑ X - n‑ I - Ä D-ïm‑ b - n‑ c - p‑ ¶ - p‑ . e‑mä - I‑k -v v‑ D-]t- b ‑ m‑ K - n‑ ¨ - v‑ A-¸d - p‑ w‑ s‑se ‑ \ - n‑ w‑ K - p‑ w‑ H-«n‑ ¡ - p‑ t- ¼ ‑ m‑ Ä A-Xn‑ s - â ‑ H-«n‑ t- ¨ ‑ À-¶n‑ c- n‑ ¡ - p‑ h‑m\ - p‑ Å - I-gn‑ h - v‑ A-[n‑ I - w‑ \‑oï - p‑ \ - n‑ Â-¡p‑ ¶‑nà - F-¶d - n‑ ª t- ¸ ‑ m‑ Ä‑, a-bq‑ À D-¶X - \‑ne - h - m‑ c - a - p‑ Å - ]‑n.b‑p. ]-iI - Ä t‑NÀ-¯v‑ C-h H-«n‑ ¨ - v‑ C-´y‑ ³ h‑n] - W - n‑ s - b ‑ h‑oï - p‑ w‑ D-bÀ-¯p‑ I - a‑m{- X ‑ a - à - ,‑ b‑qt- d‑ m‑ ¸ - ,‑v s‑Im‑ d- n‑ b - ,‑ X‑mb - h -v‑ m‑ ³ F-¶o‑ c‑mP - y‑ § - f - n‑ t- e ‑ ¡ - v‑ I-bä‑pa - X - n‑ s‑N¿ - p‑ I - b - p‑ w‑ s‑Nb - X -v‑ p‑ . F-¶m‑ Â‑, C-¯c - w‑ A-¸d - p‑ I - f - p‑ s - S‑ X‑ms - g‑ H-«n‑ ¨ - p‑ t‑NÀ-¯ s‑eX - d - p‑ I - Ä A-¸d - n‑ s - â ‑ `‑mc - w‑ I‑pd - ¨ - v‑ I‑mW - n‑ ¡ - p‑ I - b - p‑ w‑ ,‑ I‑od - n‑ t- ¸ ‑ m‑ I - m‑ X - n‑ c‑n¡ - p‑ I - p‑ w‑ ,‑ Z‑oÀ-LI - m‑ e - k‑w`- c - W - t- i ‑ j - n‑ D-ïm‑ ¡ - p‑ I - b - p‑ w‑ s‑Nb - X -v‑ t- ¸ ‑ m‑ Ä a-bq‑ À D-¶X - K‑pW - \ - n‑ e - h - m‑ c - a - p‑ Å - DÂ-¸¶ - § - f‑mb - kzoUv,‑v S-¼Ä v‑ U - v‑ F-¶n‑ h - s‑Nc - n‑ ¸ - v‑ \‑nÀ-½m‑ W - ¯ - n‑ \ - m‑ b - n‑ h‑nI - k - n‑ ¸ - n‑ s - ¨ ‑ S- p‑ ¯ - p‑ .

h‑ml - \ - \‑nÀ-½m‑ W - t- a ‑ J - e ]‑n.h‑n.k‑n. h‑n\ - n‑ e - n‑ s - â ‑ s‑sh ‑ h - n‑ [ - y‑ a‑mÀ-¶ H-cp‑ t‑{i ‑ W - n‑ X-s¶ ‑ a-bq‑ À h‑ml-\ \‑nÀ-½m‑ W - t- a‑ J - e - ¡ - m‑ b - n‑ H-cp‑ ¡ - n‑ s - h ‑ ¨‑n«- p‑ ï - .v‑ H-cp‑ I‑md - n‑ s - â ‑ G-äh - p‑ w‑ h-en‑ b B-IÀ-jW - w‑ A-Xn‑ s - â ‑ k‑pJ - {- ] ‑ Z- h - p‑ w‑ k‑pµ - c - h - p‑ a - m‑ b - k‑oä - p‑ I - Ä X-s¶ ‑ b - m‑ W - .v‑ I‑r{- X ‑ n‑ a- s‑eX - d- p‑ I - Ä I‑md- n‑ s - â ‑ t‑Um‑ d- n‑ e - p‑ w‑ ,‑ Ì‑nb - d- n‑ w‑ K - v‑ h‑oe - n‑ e - p‑ w‑ ,‑ K‑nb - À _‑q«- n‑ e - p‑ w‑ t‑\m‑ `‑v I-hd - m‑ b - p‑ w‑ ,‑ d‑q^ - v‑ s‑se ‑ \ - n‑ w‑ K - m‑ b - p‑ w‑ a-äp‑ w‑ D-]t- b ‑ m‑ K - n‑ ¡ - p‑ ¶ - p‑ . C-Xp‑ t- ] ‑ m‑ s- e ‑ _-k,‑v t‑em‑ d‑n,‑ {‑S¡ - v‑ X‑pS- § - n‑ F-Ãm‑ h‑ml - \ - § - f - n‑ e - p‑ w‑ I‑r{- X ‑ n‑ a- X‑pI - e - p‑ I - Ä (s‑dI - k -v‑ n‑ \ - p‑ I - Ä‑) D-]t‑bm‑ K - n‑ ¡ - p‑ ¶ - p‑ . C-Xn‑ s - â ‑ C-em‑ k - X -v‑ n‑ I - X k‑pJ - {- ] ‑ Z- a - m‑ W - .v‑ I‑r{- X ‑ n‑ a - X‑pI - e - p‑ I - Ä-¡v‑

The Kerala Footwear Magazine

X-Wp‑ ¸ - ,‑v N‑qS- ,‑v s‑hÅ - w‑ ,‑ BÂ-¡t- l ‑ m‑ Ä‑, I-d F-¶n‑ h - s - b ‑ s‑Nd - p‑ ¡ - m‑ \ - p‑ Å - I-gn‑ h - p‑ ï‑.v C-cp‑ N - {- I ‑ h‑ml - \ - § - Ä-¡p‑ Å - h‑nh - n‑ [ k‑oä - v‑ I-hd - p‑ I - f - p‑ w‑ a-bq‑ À H-cp‑ ¡ - p‑ ¶ - p‑ ï - .v‑

s‑Nc - n‑ ¸ - v‑ \‑nÀ-½m‑ W - t- a‑ J - e I‑r{- X ‑ n‑ a- X‑pI - Â h³-tX ‑ m‑ X - n‑ Â s‑Nc- n‑ ¸‑v \‑nÀ-½m‑ W - ¯ - n‑ \ - v‑ D-]t- b ‑ m‑ K - n‑ ¡ - p‑ ¶ - X - n‑ s- â ‑ I‑mc - W - w‑ C-Xn‑ s - â ‑ s‑sh ‑ h - n‑ [ - y‑ h - p‑ w‑ C‑uS- p‑ a‑mW - .v‑ s‑Nc - n‑ ¸ - v‑ \‑nÀ-½m‑ W - ¯ - n‑ \ - v‑ t‑hï - n‑ a‑m{- X ‑ w‑ k‑pµ - c - a - m‑ b - ]‑n.h‑n.k‑n. h‑n\ - o‑ e - p‑ I - f‑ps - S‑ H-cp‑ t‑iJ - c - w‑ X-s¶ ‑ a-bq‑ c - n‑ \ - p‑ ï - .v‑ j‑qk - p‑ I - Ä‑, _‑q«- p‑ I - Ä‑, k‑t-v ] ‑ m‑ À-Sk -v‑ v‑ j‑qk‑pI - Ä‑, I‑p«- n‑ I - f - p‑ s - S‑ j‑qk - p‑ I - Ä‑, s‑Nc - n‑ ¸ - p‑ IÄ‑, k‑{-v X ‑ o‑ I - f - p‑ s - S‑ ]‑mZ- c- £ - I - Ä F-¶n‑ h X-¿m‑ d- m‑ ¡ - p‑ ¶ - X - n‑ \ - m‑ b - n‑ h‑nh - n‑ [ - \‑nd- ¯ - n‑ e - p‑ w‑ `‑wK - n‑ b - n‑ e - p‑ w‑ k‑pJ - {- ] ‑ Z- h - p‑ w‑ G-sd ‑ ¡ - m‑ e - w‑ \‑ne - \ - n‑ Â-¡p‑ ¶ - X - p‑ a- m‑ b - t‑aÂ-¯c - w‑ s‑dI - -v‑ k‑n\ - p‑ I - Ä a-bq‑ À \‑nÀ-½n‑ ¨ - p‑ s - I ‑ m‑ ï - n‑ c - n‑ ¡ - p‑ ¶‑p. X‑pI - e - n‑ t- \ ‑ m‑ S- v‑ k‑mZ- r‑ i - y‑ w‑ h-c¯ - ¡ - h - ®-am‑ W - v‑ C-hb - p‑ s - S‑ \‑nÀ-½m‑ W - w‑ . D-¶X \‑ne - h - m‑ c - w‑ ]‑pe - À-¯p‑ ¶ - t- X ‑ m‑ s - S‑ m‑ ¸ - w‑ s‑eX-dn‑ s - â ‑ a‑rZ- p‑ e - X - t- b ‑ m‑ s - S‑ h‑yX - y‑ k - X -v‑ U‑ns‑sk ‑ \ - p‑ I - f - n‑ e - p‑ w‑ s‑sÌ ‑ e - n‑ e - p‑ a - m‑ W - v‑ a-bq‑ À C-h X-¿m‑ d - m‑ ¡ - p‑ ¶ - X - .v‑

\‑nÀ-½m‑ W - c‑oX - n‑ ]‑mZ- c - £ - I - Ä {‑]I - r‑ X - n‑ Z- ¯ - a- m‑ b - X‑pI-en‑ e - p‑ w‑ d-ºd- n‑ e - p‑ w‑ A-Xp‑ t- ] ‑ m‑ s - e ‑ ¯ - s - ¶ ‑ I‑r{- X ‑ n‑ a - ]-Zm‑ À-°§ - f - n‑ e - p‑ w‑ H-cp‑ t- ] ‑ m‑ s - e ‑ \‑nÀ-½n‑ ¨ - p‑ h - c - p‑ ¶ - p‑ . X‑pI - Â G-sd‑ D-]t- b ‑ m‑ K‑n¡ - p‑ ¶ - X - v‑ j‑qk - p‑ I - f - p‑ s - S‑ b - p‑ w‑ h‑ne - I - q‑ S- n‑ b s‑Nc - n‑ ¸ - p‑ I - f - p‑ s - S‑ b - p‑ w‑ \‑nÀ-½m‑ W - ¯ - n‑ \ - m‑ W - .v‑ C-¯c - w‑ s‑Nc - n‑ ¸ - p‑ I - Ä h‑ne - I - q‑ S- n‑ b - X - p‑ w‑ s‑e-




Zn tIcf ^q«vshbÀ amKkn³

XÀ t‑¢m‑ ¯ - v‑ t‑]m‑ s - e ‑ h‑nh - n‑ [ - hÀ-®§ - f - n‑  e-`n‑ ¡ - m‑ ¯ - X - p‑ a - m‑ W - .v‑ I‑r{- X ‑ n‑ a X‑pI - e - p‑ I - Ä ]‑n.b‑p,‑ ]‑n.h‑n.k‑n,‑ s‑ka - n‑ ]‑n.b‑p. F-¶n‑ § - s - \ ‑ h‑yX - y‑ k - X -v‑ K‑pW - ¯ - n‑  e-`y‑ a - m‑ W - .v‑ ]‑n.h‑n.k‑n.b‑pw‑ s‑ka - n‑ ]‑n.b‑p.h‑pa - m‑ W - v‑ C-´y‑ b - n‑  [‑mc - m‑ f - a - m‑ b - n‑ s‑Nc - n‑ ¸ - v‑ \‑nÀ-½m‑ X - m‑ ¡ - Ä s‑Nc - n‑ ¸ - p‑ I - Ä‑, j‑qk - p‑ I - Ä a‑pX - e - m‑ b - h \‑nÀ-½n‑ ¡ - m‑ ³ D-]t- b ‑ m‑ K - n‑ ¡ - p‑ ¶ - X - .v‑ C‑u DÂ-¸m‑ Z- \ - c - o‑ X - n‑ b - n‑  s‑aS- ª X - p‑ w‑ A-Ãm‑ ¯ - X - p‑ a - m‑ b - A-¸À‑, s‑se ‑ \ - n‑ w‑ K - ,‑v C³-tk ‑ m‑ Ä a‑pX - e - m‑ b - h - DÄ-s¸ ‑ S- p‑ ¶ - p‑ . a-bq‑ À s‑Nc- n‑ ¸ - v‑ \‑nÀ-½m‑ W - t‑aJ - e - ¡ - v‑ ]-cn‑ N - b - s - ¸ ‑ S- p‑ ¯ - n‑ b - X - v‑ ]‑n.h‑n.k‑n.b‑ne‑pw‑ s‑ka - n‑ ]‑n.b‑p.h‑ne - p‑ w‑ \‑nÀ-½n‑ ¨ - A-Xn‑ i - b - n‑ ¸ - n‑ ¡ - p‑ ¶ - h³ DÂ-¸¶ - t- i ‑ J-ca - m‑ W - .v‑ A-¸À‑, C³-tk ‑ m‑ Ä‑, s‑se ‑ \ - n‑ w‑ K - ,‑v amän _‑m¡ - n‑ w‑ K - v‑ A-¸À‑, amän C³-tk ‑ m‑ Ä‑, \‑nä - U - v‑ s‑se ‑ \ - n‑ w‑ K - v‑ F-¶n‑ h - I‑qS- m‑ s - X ‑ {‑]i - k - X -v‑ a - m‑ b - kzoUv,‑v {‑Sm‑ ³-k^ -v‑ À t‑^m‑ b - n‑ Â‑, S‑n¸ - n‑ w‑ K - ,‑v k‑{-v I ‑ m‑ ¸ - n‑ w‑ K - ,‑v Sp tSm¬ a‑pX - e - m‑ b - h - b - m‑ W - v‑ A-h. C-hb - p‑ s - S‑ K‑pW - ¯ - n‑ e - p‑ w‑ ,‑ K‑mw‑ `- o‑ c - y‑ ¯ - n‑ e - p‑ w‑ ,‑ hÀ-®¯ - n‑ e - p‑ w‑ ,‑ \‑ne - \ - n‑ ¸‑ne - p‑ w‑ D-]t- `‑ m‑ à - m‑ ¡ - Ä X‑r] - X -v‑ c - m‑ W - .v‑ C-h [‑mc - m‑ f - a - m‑ b - n‑ D-]t- b ‑ m‑ K - n‑ ¡ - p‑ ¶ s‑Nc - n‑ ¸ - v‑ \‑nÀ-½m‑ W - i - m‑ e - I - f - m‑ W - v‑ h‑n.s‑I.k‑n,‑ ]‑mc - K - ¬‑, {‑]o‑ a - n‑ b - À‑, e‑qW - m‑ À‑, d‑ne - m‑ I - t-v‑ k ‑ m‑ ,‑ B-Ij -v‑ ³‑, e‑n_ - À-«n‑ F-¶n‑ h - .

s‑eX - À t‑¢m‑ ¯ - n‑ s- â ‑ {‑]t- X ‑ y‑ I - X -

s‑eX - À t‑¢m‑ ¯ - v‑ \‑nÀ-½n‑ ¡ - p‑ ¶ - X - v‑ X‑pW - n‑ D-]t- b ‑ m‑ K - n‑ ¨ - m‑ W - .v‑ X‑pW - n‑ b - n‑  h‑yX - y‑ k - X -v‑ \‑nd - ¯ - n‑ e - p‑ w‑ c‑q] - ¯ - n‑ e - p‑ w‑ D-Å B-hc - W - § - Ä \Â-In‑ \‑nÀ-½n‑ ¡‑p¶ - X - m‑ W - v‑ s‑eX - À t‑¢m‑ ¯‑.v C-hb - ¡ -v‑ v‑ `‑wK - n‑ b - p‑ w‑ \‑ne - \ - n‑ Â-¸p‑ w‑ D-ïm‑ I - p‑ w‑ . s‑\b - s -v‑ X ‑ S- p‑ ¯ X‑pW - n‑ ¯-c§ - Ä-¡v‑ _-eh - p‑ w‑ ,‑ `‑mc - ¡ - p‑ d - h - p‑ w‑ D-ïm‑ I - p‑ ¶-Xn‑ \ - m‑  j‑qk - ,‑v s‑Nc - n‑ ¸‑v F-¶n‑ h - b - p‑ s - S‑ A-¸À D-ïm‑ ¡ - p‑ t- ¼ ‑ m‑ Ä I‑qS- p‑ X -  N‑mc- p‑ X - e-`n‑ ¡ - p‑ ¶ - p‑ . b‑qt- d‑ m‑ ¸‑,‑v s‑Im‑ d - n‑ b - ,‑ X‑mb - h -v‑ m‑ ³ F-¶n‑ h - n‑ S- § - f - n‑ s - e ‑ e-`y‑ a‑mb - s‑\b - s -v‑ X ‑ S- p‑ ¡ - m‑ ¯ X‑pW - n‑ ¯ - c - § - Ä D-]t- b ‑ m‑ K‑n¨ - v‑ a-bq‑ À t‑aÂ-¯c - w‑ A-¸d- p‑ I - Ä \‑nÀ-½n‑ ¡ - p‑ ¶ - p‑ . F-¶m‑  s‑\b - s -v‑ X ‑ S- p‑ ¯ X‑pW - n‑ ¯ - c - § - Ä D-]t- b ‑ m‑ K‑n¨ - m‑ W - v‑ C³-tk ‑ m‑ Ä D¸-¶§ - Ä k‑m[ - m‑ c - W \‑nÀ-½n‑ ¡ - p‑ ¶ - X - .v‑ s‑se ‑ \ - n‑ w‑ K‑v DÂ-¸¶ - § - Ä \‑nÀ-½n‑ ¡‑p¶ - X - v‑ s‑aS- s - ª ‑ S- p‑ ¯ X‑p-W‑n-¯-c-§-f‑n-e‑m-W‑v. PÀ-½\ - n‑ ,‑ P-¸m‑ ³ F-¶n‑ h - n‑ S-§f - n‑ Â-\n‑ ¶ - p‑ w‑ C-d¡ - p‑ a - X - n‑ s‑Nb - X -v‑ b-{´ ‑ § - Ä D-]t- b ‑ m‑ K - n‑ ¨ - v‑ a-bq‑ À X-s¶ ‑ X‑pW - n‑ ¯ - c - § - Ä s‑aS- s - ª ‑ S- p‑ ¡ - p‑ ¶ - p‑ ï - .v‑

`‑mh - n‑ X-ea- p‑ d- ¡ - p‑ Å - ]-cn‑ Ø - n‑ X - n‑ k‑ul - m‑ À-± DÂ-¸¶ - § - Ä

b‑qt- d ‑ m‑ ] - y‑ ³ c‑mP - y‑ § - f - n‑ s - e ‑ ]‑pX - n‑ b - \‑nb - a - þ- \ - n‑ b - {- ´ ‑ W - § - Ä I‑mc - W - w‑ ¹‑mÌ - n‑ I - v‑ DÂ-¸¶ - § - f - p‑ s - S‑ D-]t- b ‑ m‑ K - h - p‑ w‑ \‑nÀ-½m‑ W - h - p‑ w‑ I‑pd - ª p‑ s - I ‑ m‑ ï - n‑ c‑n¡ - p‑ ¶ - p‑ . A-Xp‑ s - I ‑ m‑ ï - v‑ a-bq‑ c - n‑ s - â ‑ R&D S‑ow‑ {‑]I - r‑ X - n‑ k‑ul - m‑ À-± DÂ-¸¶ - §Ä D-]t- b ‑ m‑ K - n‑ ¨ - v‑ \‑nÀ-½n‑ ¡ - p‑ ¶ - ]-Zm‑ À-°§ - f - m‑ W - v‑ j‑q \‑nÀ-½m‑ X - m‑ ¡ - Ä-¡v‑ \Â-Ip‑ ¶ - X - .v‑ C-¯c - w‑ DÂ-¸¶ - § - f - n‑  ^-Xt- e ‑ ä- n‑ s - â ‑ A‑wi - w‑ 1000 ]‑n.]‑n.F½‑ne - p‑ w‑ I‑pd - h - m‑ W - .v‑ `‑mh - n‑ X-ea - p‑ d - ¡ - v‑ t‑Zm‑ j - w‑ s‑N¿ - m‑ ¯ X-c¯ - n‑ e - m‑ W - v‑ R&D S‑ow‑ F-Ãm‑ DÂ-¸¶ - § - f - p‑ w‑ h‑n] - W - n‑ b - n‑  C-d¡ - m‑ ³ {‑ia- n‑ ¡ - p‑ ¶ - X - .v‑ \‑nÀ-½m‑ W {‑]{- I ‑ n‑ b - b - n‑  A-´c- o‑ £ - a-en‑ \ - o‑ I - c- W - w‑ t- ] ‑ m‑ e - p‑ w‑ D-ïm‑ I - m‑ X - n‑ c- n‑ ¡ - m‑ ³ s‑hÅ - w‑ A-Sn‑ Ø - m‑ \ - a - m‑ ¡ - n‑ b - p‑ Å - e‑mI - z‑ À k‑mt- ¦ ‑ X - n‑ I - h‑nZ- y‑ b - m‑ W - v‑ D-]t- b ‑ m‑ K - n‑ ¡ - p‑ ¶ - X‑.v X-·q‑ e - w‑ X‑pI - e - n‑ s - â ‑ K‑pW - w‑ \Â-Ip‑ ¶ - t‑aÂ-¯c - w‑ DÂ-¸¶ - § - f - m‑ W - v‑ a-bq‑ c - n‑ Â-\n‑ ¶ - v‑ ]‑pd - ¯ - n‑ d - § - p‑ ¶ - X - .v‑

The Kerala Footwear Magazine



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Benito PU Footwear, VP III/475, Puthukkode Jn, Puthukkode P.O., Via Ramanattukara Malappuram Dt., Kerala - India 67 3633, Tel : 0483 2830388, 9947408203, 8606159994 Mail :,



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s‑N-c‑p-¸‑p-I-f‑p-s‑S t‑e‑m-I-¯‑v ^‑m-j-s‑â a‑m-d‑p-¶ I‑m-g‑v-N-IÄ b‑ph - X - z‑ ¯ - n‑ s - â ‑ I‑mg- N -v‑ ¸ - m‑ S- p‑ I - Ä F-Ãm‑ t‑aJ - e - I - f - n‑ e‑pw‑ a‑md - p‑ I - b - m‑ W - .v‑ s‑Nc - p‑ ¸ - p‑ I - f - p‑ s - S‑ t‑em‑ I - ¯ - v‑ ^‑mj-sâ ‑ t‑he - n‑ t- b ‑ ä - a - m‑ s - W ‑ ¶ - v‑ ]-db - p‑ ¶ - X - m‑ I - p‑ w‑ i-cn‑ . h-k{-v‑ X ‑ § - f - n‑ s - e ‑ t‑]m‑ Ä-¡m‑ t- U ‑ m‑ S- k -v‑ p‑ w‑ ,‑ k‑{-v S‑ m‑ ¸ - k -v‑ p‑ w‑ ,‑ s‑N¡ - k -v‑ p‑ w‑ ,‑ s‑Nc - p‑ ¸ - p‑ I - f - n‑ s - e ‑ U‑ns - s ‑ k ‑ \ - m‑ b - n‑ a‑md- m‑ ³ A-[n‑ I - I - m‑ e - w‑ t‑hï - n‑ h - ¶ - n‑ Ã - . G-sX ‑ m‑ c - m‑ f - n‑ s - â ‑ b - p‑ w‑ {‑]t- X ‑ y‑ I - n‑ ¨ - p‑ w‑ b‑ph - X - z‑ ¯ - n‑ s- â ‑ ^‑mj - ³ k-¦e - ] -v‑ s- ¯ ‑ X‑r] - X -v‑ n‑ s- ¸ ‑ S- p‑ ¯ - m‑ ³ k‑m[ - n‑ ¡ - p‑ ¶ - X - m‑ W - v‑ C-t¸ ‑ m‑ g- s- ¯ ‑ s‑Nc - n‑ ¸ - p‑ I - f - p‑ s - S‑ U‑ns - s ‑ k ‑ \ - p‑ w‑ \‑nd - h - p‑ w‑ D-]t- b ‑ m‑ K - n‑ ¡‑p¶ - s‑aä - o‑ c - n‑ b - e - p‑ w‑ a-äp‑ w‑ ....

s‑aX - n‑ b - S- n‑ s‑Nc - p‑ ¸ - p‑ I - Ä

a-g¯ - p‑ Å - n‑ t‑]m‑ s - e ‑ b - p‑ Å s‑Nc - p‑ ¸ - p‑ I - f - m‑ W - v‑ s‑Pà - n‑ ^‑f -v m‑ ä - .v‑ C-Xp‑ \‑nÀ-½n‑ ¡ - p‑ ¶ - X - v‑ d-ºd - n‑ e - m‑ W - .v‑ F-¦n‑ e‑pw‑ C-Xp‑ I‑me - n‑  [-cn‑ ¡ - p‑ t- ¼ ‑ m‑ g- p‑ w‑ I‑mW - p‑ t- ¼ ‑ m‑ g- p‑ w‑ s‑Pà - n‑ b - m‑ s - W ‑ ¶ - t‑Xm‑ ¶ -  D-fh - m‑ I - p‑ w‑ F-¶X - m‑ W - v‑ C‑u s‑Nc - p‑ ¸ - n‑ s - â ‑ {‑]t- X ‑ y‑ I - X - . d-ºÀ I‑qS- m‑ s - X ‑ ¹‑mÌ‑nI - ,‑v s‑eX - À F-¶n‑ h - D-]t- b ‑ m‑ K - n‑ ¨ - p‑ w‑ s‑Pà - n‑ ^‑f -v m‑ ä- v‑ s‑Nc - p‑ ¸ - p‑ I - Ä \‑nÀ-½n‑ ¨ - p‑ h - c - p‑ ¶ - p‑ ï - .v‑ d-ºÀ D-]t- b ‑ m‑ K‑n¨ - v‑ \‑nÀ-½n‑ ¨ - s‑Pà - n‑ ^‑f -v m‑ ä - v‑ s‑Nc - p‑ ¸ - p‑ I - Ä-¡m‑ W - v‑ B-hi - y‑ ¡ - m‑ À G-sd ‑ b - p‑ Å - X - .v‑ F-¶m‑  D-¸q‑ ä - n‑ b - p‑ w‑ h‑nc - e - p‑ I - f - p‑ w‑ a‑p«- p‑ ¶ - X-c¯ - n‑ e - p‑ Å - U‑ns - s ‑ k ‑ ³ s‑Nc‑p¸ - p‑ I - t- f ‑ m‑ S- m‑ W - v‑ b‑ph - X - z‑ ¯ - n‑ \ - v‑ {‑]n‑ b - w‑ . C-Xn‑ s - â ‑ {‑]t- X ‑ y‑ I - X - F-¶p‑ ]-db - p‑ ¶ - X - v‑ G-Xp‑ X-c¯ - n‑ e - p‑ Å h-k{-v‑ X ‑ ¯ - n‑ s - \ ‑ m‑ ¸ - h - p‑ w‑ s‑Pà - n‑ ^‑f -v m‑ ä - v‑ s‑Nc - p‑ ¸ - p‑ I - Ä C-W§ - p‑ w‑ F-¶p‑ Å - X - m‑ W - .v‑

t‑Im‑ e - m‑ ] - p‑ c - n‑ s‑Nc - p‑ ¸ - p‑ I - Ä

]-gb - I - m‑ e - s‑aX - n‑ b - S- n‑ b - p‑ s - S‑ c‑q] - ¯ - n‑ e - p‑ Å - s‑Nc - p‑ ¸ - p‑ IÄ C-¡m‑ e - ¯ - v‑ b‑ph - m‑ ¡ - f - p‑ s - S‑ C-Sb - n‑ Â G-sd‑ l‑nä‑mW - .v‑ ]‑mZ- w‑ D-d¸ - n‑ ¡ - m‑ ³ s‑aX - n‑ b - S- n‑ b - p‑ s - S‑ a‑mÌ - À-]o‑ k - v‑ s‑am‑ «- v‑ I‑qS- m‑ s - X ‑ ]‑mZ- ¯ - n‑ \ - p‑ a‑pI - f - n‑ Â-¡q‑ S- n‑ b - p‑ w‑ h‑md- p‑ ï‑v F-¶X - m‑ W - v‑ s‑aX - n‑ b - S- n‑ s‑Nc - p‑ ¸ - n‑ s - â ‑ {‑]t- X ‑ y‑ I - X - . H-cp‑ \‑nd- ¯ - n‑ e - p‑ Å - X - p‑ w‑ ]-eX - c - w‑ \‑nd- § - Ä I-eÀ-¶X‑pa- m‑ b - s‑aX - n‑ b - S- n‑ I - Ä C-¶v‑ h‑n] - W - n‑ b - n‑ Â e-`y‑ a- m‑ W - .v‑ ]-e \‑nd - § - f - n‑ e - p‑ Å - s‑aX - n‑ b - S- n‑ s‑Nc - p‑ ¸ - p‑ I - t- f ‑ m‑ S- m‑ W - v‑ ]‑pX - p‑ X - e - a - p‑ d - ¡ - v‑ G-sd ‑ X‑me - ] -v‑ c - y‑ w‑ .

s‑PÃ - n‑ ^‑f -v m‑ ä - v‑

The Kerala Footwear Magazine

t‑Im‑ e - m‑ ] - p‑ c - n‑ s‑Nc - p‑ ¸ - p‑ I - Ä-¡v‑ F-¡m‑ e - h - p‑ w‑ h³ U‑na‑mâ‑mW - p‑ Å - X - .v‑ P-\a - \ - Ê - n‑ Â C-Sw‑ t- \ ‑ S- n‑ b - t‑Im‑ e - m‑ ]‑pc - n‑ s‑Nc - p‑ ¸ - p‑ I - Ä 250 c‑q] - a‑pX - Â h‑n] - W - n‑ b - n‑ Â e-`y‑ a- m‑ W - .v‑ h‑nh - n‑ [ - \‑nd- § - t- f ‑ m‑ S- p‑ I - q‑ S- n‑ b - ]-c¼ - c - m‑ K - X D-¯t- c ‑ ´ - y‑ ³ t‑Im‑ e - m‑ ] - p‑ c - n‑ s‑Nc - p‑ ¸ - p‑ I - Ä-¡v‑ F-¡m‑ e-hp‑ w‑ B-hi - y‑ ¡ - m‑ À G-sd ‑ b - m‑ W - .v‑ I‑pd- ª h‑ne - b - n‑ Â e-`n‑ ¡ - p‑ ¶ - t‑Im‑ e - m‑ ] - p‑ c - n‑ s‑Nc - p‑ ¸ - p‑ IÄ ^‑mj - \ - n‑ e - p‑ w‑ G-sd ‑ a‑p¶ - n‑ e - m‑ W - .v‑ P‑pX - n‑ j‑qk - ,‑v t‑am‑ {- P ‑ n‑ j‑qk - v‑ X‑pS- § - n‑ b - {‑]i - k - X -v‑ C-\§ - Ä t‑Im‑ e‑m] - p‑ c - n‑ b - n‑ Â e-`y‑ a - m‑ W - .v‑ [-cn‑ ¡ - p‑ ¶ - h-k{-v‑ X ‑ ¯ - n‑ s - â ‑ \‑nd- ¯ - n‑ \ - \ - p‑ k - c - n‑ ¨ - m‑ W - v‑ D-]t- `‑ m‑ à - m‑ ¡ - Ä t‑Im‑ e - m‑ ] - p‑ August



Zn tIcf ^q«vshbÀ amKkn³

c‑n s‑Nc - p‑ ¸ - p‑ I - Ä X‑nc - s - ª ‑ S- p‑ ¡ - p‑ ¶ - X - .v‑ t‑am‑ t- U ‑ ¬ h-k{-v‑ X ‑ § - Ä-s¡ ‑ m‑ ¸ - w‑ t‑Im‑ e - m‑ ] - p‑ c - n‑ s‑Nc - p‑ ¸ - p‑ I - Ä [-cn‑ ¡ - m‑ d - p‑ s - ï ‑ ¦ - n‑ e - p‑ w‑ I‑pÀ-¯s - ¡ ‑ m‑ ¸ - a - m‑ W - v‑ I‑qS- p‑ X-em‑ b - p‑ w‑ t‑Im‑ e - m‑ ] - p‑ c - n‑ s‑Nc - p‑ ¸ - p‑ I - Ä A-Wn‑ ª p‑ I‑mW - m‑ d- p‑ Å - X - .v‑ C-Xn‑ \ - m‑ W - v‑ I‑qS- p‑ X - Â C-W§ - p‑ ¶ - X - v‑ F-¶X - m‑ b - n‑ c - n‑ ¡ - m‑ w‑ I‑mc - W - w‑ .

^vfn¸v ^‑t-v f ‑ m‑ ¸ - v‑

B-tL ‑ m‑ j - t- h ‑ f - I - f - n‑ Â k‑pµ - c - n‑ a- m‑ s - c ‑ X‑mc - a- m‑ ¡ - p‑ ¶ ]‑mZ- c - £ - I - f - m‑ W - v‑ k‑qN - n‑ a - p‑ \ - t- ] ‑ m‑ e - n‑ c - n‑ ¡ - p‑ ¶ l‑oe‑pÅ - ]‑o] - t-v‑ S‑ m‑ s‑Nc - p‑ ¸ - p‑ I - Ä. t‑\c - s - ¯ ‑ C-¯c - w‑ j‑qk - p‑ I - s - f ‑ ]‑mZ- § - f - n‑ Â-\n‑ ¶ - p‑ w‑ a‑mä- n‑ \ - n‑ À-¯p‑ I - b - m‑ b‑nc - p‑ ¶ - p‑ . \-S¡ - p‑ t- ¼ ‑ m‑ Ä _‑me - ³-kv‑ I‑n«- n‑ Ã - F-¶ `-ba - m‑ b - n‑ c - p‑ ¶ - p‑ I‑mc - W - w‑ . I‑me - w‑ a‑md - n‑ b - t- X ‑ m‑ s - S‑ C-¯c - w‑ ]‑mZ- c - £ - I - t- f ‑ m‑ S- p‑ Å `-bh - p‑ w‑ a‑md - n‑ . k‑pµ-cn‑ a - m‑ À-¡v‑ B-ßh - n‑ i - z‑ m‑ k - t- ¯ ‑ m‑ s - S‑ [-cn‑ ¡ - m‑ ³ ]-äp‑ ¶ - H-cn‑ \ - a - m‑ b - n‑ a‑md - n‑ b - n‑ c - n‑ ¡ - p‑ I - b - m‑ W - v‑ ]‑o] - t-v‑ S‑ m‑ s‑Nc - p‑ ¸ - p‑ I - Ä. C-t¸ ‑ m‑ Ä \-S¸ - n‑ Â a‑m{- X ‑ a - Ã - ,‑ P‑oh - n‑ X - ¯‑nÂ-¯s - ¶ ‑ _‑me - ³-kv‑ \-jS-v‑ a - m‑ h - n‑ s - Ã ‑ ¶ - D-d¨ h‑ni - z‑ m‑ k - ¯ - n‑ e - m‑ W - v‑ k‑pµ - c - n‑ a- m‑ À. A-hÀ A-{X ‑ I - ï - v‑ C-jS-v‑ s - ¸ ‑ «- p‑ t- ] ‑ m‑ b - n‑ c - n‑ ¡ - p‑ ¶ - p‑ ]‑o] - t-v‑ S‑ m‑ j‑qk - p‑ I - s - f ‑ . t‑am‑ t- U ‑ ¬ h-k{-v‑ X ‑ § - Ä-s¡ ‑ m‑ ¸ - a- m‑ W - v‑ ]‑o] - t-v‑ S‑ m‑ ]‑mZ- c-£I - Ä [-cn‑ ¡ - p‑ ¶ - X - .v‑ h‑yX - y‑ k - X -v‑ \‑nd - § - f - n‑ Â C-h e-`y‑ a- m‑ I - p‑ ¶ - X - n‑ \ - m‑ Â h-k{-v‑ X ‑ § - Ä-¡v‑ t‑bm‑ P - n‑ ¨ \‑nd- § - f - n‑ Â X‑nc - s - ª ‑ S- p‑ ¡ - p‑ h - m‑ ³ k‑m[ - n‑ ¡ - p‑ s - a ‑ ¶ {‑]t- X ‑ y‑ I - X - b - p‑ w‑ D-ï.v‑ I-dp‑ ¸ - n‑ t- \ ‑ m‑ S- p‑ w‑ ^‑f -v q‑ d- k - â‑v \‑nd- §-tf ‑ m‑ S- p‑ a - m‑ W - v‑ I‑qS- p‑ X - Â C-jS-v‑ w‑ I‑mW - n‑ ¡ - p‑ ¶ - X - .v‑

a‑nk - v‑ a‑m¨ - U -v‑ v‑ ]‑mZ- c - £ - I - Ä h-Ån‑ s - ¨ ‑ c - p‑ ¸ - n‑ \ - v‑ \‑yq‑ P-\t- d ‑ j - ³ \Â-In‑ b - t‑]c - m‑ W‑v ^‑f -v o‑ ^‑t-v f ‑ m‑ ¸ - .v‑ d-ºd - n‑ e - p‑ w‑ ¹‑mÌ - n‑ ¡ - n‑ e - p‑ a - m‑ W - v‑ ^vfn¸v ^‑t-v f ‑ m‑ ¸ - v‑ s‑Nc - p‑ ¸ - p‑ I - Ä \‑nÀ-½n‑ ¨ - p‑ h - c - p‑ ¶ - X‑.v s‑Nc - p‑ ¸ - n‑ s - â ‑ h‑md - n‑ s - e ‑ U‑ns - s ‑ k ‑ \ - m‑ W - v‑ ^vfn¸v ^‑t-v f ‑ m‑ ¸ - n‑ s - \ ‑ t‑hd - n‑ «- p‑ \ - n‑ À-¯p‑ ¶ - X - .v‑ ]‑q¡ - f - p‑ w‑ I‑mÀ«‑q¬ I-Ym‑ ] - m‑ {- X ‑ § - f - p‑ w‑ ,‑ a‑rK - § - f - p‑ w‑ ,‑ k‑s -v s ‑ a‑ e - n‑ I - f - p‑ w‑ F-¶p‑ t- h ‑ ï - I‑p«- n‑ I - s - f ‑ a‑pX -  a‑pX - n‑ À-¶h - s - c ‑ h-sc ‑ B-IÀ-jn‑ ¡ - p‑ ¶ - X - c - ¯ - n‑ e - p‑ Å - \‑nÀ-½n‑ X - n‑ b - m‑ W - v‑ CX‑ns - â ‑ {‑]t- X ‑ y‑ I - X - . ]‑pX - p‑ X - e - a - p‑ d - G-sd ‑ C-jS-v‑ s - ¸ ‑ S‑p¶ - X - v‑ B‑w{- K ‑ n‑ t‑_À-Uk -v‑ n‑ s - â ‑ U‑ns - s ‑ k ‑ \ - n‑ e - p‑ Å ^‑f -v o‑ ^‑t-v f ‑ m‑ ¸ - v‑ s‑Nc - p‑ ¸ - p‑ I - f - m‑ W - .v‑

]‑o] - t-v‑ S‑ m‑ ]‑mZ- c - £ - I - Ä

H‑mt- c‑ m‑ I‑me - n‑ e - p‑ w‑ h‑yX - y‑ k - X -v‑ \‑nd- § - f - n‑ e - p‑ Å - s‑Nc- p‑ ¸ - p‑ IÄ [-cn‑ ¡ - p‑ ¶ - X - v‑ C-¶v‑ b‑ph - X - z‑ ¯ - n‑ s- â ‑ ^‑mj - \ - m‑ b - n‑ a‑md - n‑ b - n‑ c - n‑ ¡ - p‑ ¶ - p‑ . s‑Nc - p‑ ¸ - p‑ I - Ä c-ïn‑ \ - p‑ w‑ H-tc ‑ \‑nd - s‑a¶ - ]‑mc - ¼ - c - y‑ k-¦e - ] -v‑ w‑ ]‑mt- S‑ a‑mä- n‑ a- d- n‑ ¡ - p‑ ¶ - X - m‑ W‑v C-¶s - ¯ ‑ c‑oX - n‑ . C-¯c - w‑ ]‑mZ- c - £ - I - s - f ‑ a‑nk - v‑ a‑m¨ - U -v‑ v‑ j‑qk - p‑ I - Ä F-¶m‑ W - v‑ ]-db - p‑ ¶ - X - .v‑ C-¯c - w‑ ]‑mZ- c - £ - I - f - m‑ W - v‑ C-¶s - ¯ ‑ X‑mc - w‑ F-¶À-°w‑ .

The Kerala Footwear Magazine




Zn tIcf ^q«vshbÀ amKkn³

a‑m-d‑p-¶ t‑e‑m-I-¯‑v a‑m-ä-§Ä DÄ-s‑¡‑m-ï‑v

h‑n.s‑I.k‑n. {‑K‑q-¸‑v C-´y‑ b - n‑ s- e‑ H-¶m‑ w‑ \ - n‑ c- ]‑mZ- c- £ - m‑ \‑nÀ-½m‑ X - m‑ ¡ - f- m‑ b h‑n.s‑I.k‑n. {‑Kq‑ ¸ - n‑ s- â ‑ s‑Nb - À-am‑ ³‑, a‑p³ \‑nb - a- k - `- m‑ k‑ma‑mP- n‑ I - ³‑, c‑mj - {-v‑ S‑ o‑ b - k‑ma- q‑ l - n‑ I - k‑mw‑ k - I -v‑ m‑ c- n‑ I - c‑wK - s- ¯ ‑ \‑nd- k - m‑ ¶ - n‑ ² - y‑ w‑ ,‑ X‑nI - ª - a-\p‑ j - y‑ k - t-v‑ \ ‑ l - n‑ ,‑ t‑]m‑ c- m‑ f- n‑ F-¶o‑ h‑nt- i ‑ j - W - § - Ä-¡p‑ S- a- b - m‑ b - {‑io‑ . h‑n.s‑I.k‑n. a-½Z- t-v‑ I ‑ m‑ b-bp‑ a- m‑ b - n‑ t‑Ic- f- ^‑pS- s-v‑ h ‑ b - À a‑mK - k - n‑ ³ {‑]X - n‑ \ - n‑ [ - n‑ H. F‑w. c‑ma- N - {- µ ‑ ³ \-S¯ - n‑ b - A-`n‑ a- p‑ J - w‑ .

? C-´y‑ b - n‑  {‑]t- X ‑ y‑ I - n‑ ¨ - t‑Ic - f - ¯ - n‑  ]‑mZ- c - £ - m‑ h‑yh - k - m‑ b - ¯ - n‑ s - â ‑ C-¶s - ¯ ‑ A-hØ F-´m‑ W - .v‑ l A-kw‑ k - I -v‑ r‑ X - h-kX -v‑ p‑ ¡ - f - p‑ s - S‑ I‑mc- y‑ ¯ - n‑  C-d¡ - p‑ a-Xn‑ b - n‑ e - q‑ s - S‑ b - m‑ W - v‑ C-Xv‑ ]-cn‑ l - c - n‑ ¡ - p‑ ¶ - X - .v‑ {‑]t- X ‑ y‑ l C-´y‑ b - n‑  ]‑mZ- c - £ - m‑ h‑yh - k - m‑ b - ¯ - n‑ s - â ‑ h-fÀI‑n¨ - p‑ w‑ ]‑n.b‑p. s‑aä - o‑ c - n‑ b - e - n‑ s - â ‑ I‑mc - y‑ ¯ - n‑ Â. C-hn‑ ¨ I‑pd - h - p‑ X-s¶ ‑ b - m‑ W - v‑ a‑pJ - y‑ {- ] ‑ i - \ -v‑ w‑ . t‑Ic - f - ¯ - n‑ s‑S A-kw‑ k - I -v‑ r‑ X - h-kX -v‑ p‑ ¡ - Ä \‑nÀ-½n‑ ¡ - p‑ h - m‑ ³ e‑pw‑ C‑u h‑yh - k - m‑ b - w‑ t‑am‑ i - a - m‑ b - n‑ c - p‑ ¶ - p‑ . F-¶m‑  (h‑yh - k - m‑ b - n‑ I - m‑ S- n‑ Ø - m‑ \ - ¯ - n‑ Â‑) X‑pS- § - n‑ b - n‑ «- n‑ à - . C-t¸ ‑ m‑ Ä 30 hÀ-j¯ - n‑ t- e ‑ s - d‑ b - m‑ b - n‑ t‑\c - n‑ b - ]‑pt- c ‑ m‑ k-ao‑ ] - `- m‑ h - n‑ b - n‑  h-¶p‑ I - q‑ S- m‑ b - I -v‑ b - n‑ à - . K-Xn‑ I‑mW - p‑ ¶ - p‑ ï - .v‑ t‑Ic - f - ¯ - n‑  1984 H‑ms - S‑ ]‑mZ- c-£m‑ h‑yh - k - m‑ b - ¯ - n‑ \ - p‑ X‑pS- ¡ - w‑ I‑pd - n‑ ¨ - p‑ . A-Xn‑ - ? ]‑mZ- c - £ - m‑ h‑yh - k - m‑ b - ¯ - n‑ s - â ‑ h-fÀ-¨¡ - p‑ w‑ h‑ym‑ ] - \‑p t‑ij - a- p‑ Å - ]‑pt- c ‑ m‑ K - X - n‑ b - m‑ W - v‑ C-hn‑ s - S‑ b - p‑ Å - X - .v‑ \-¯n‑ \ - p‑ w‑ F-s´ ‑ m‑ s - ¡ ‑ s‑N¿ - m‑ ³ I-gn‑ b - p‑ w‑ t‑\c - s - ¯ ‑ h-fs - c ‑ ]‑nd- I - n‑ e - m‑ b - n‑ c - p‑ s - ¶ ‑ ¦ - n‑  C-t¸ ‑ m‑ Ä h-fÀ-¨b - p‑ s - S‑ ]‑mX - b - n‑ e - m‑ s - W ‑ ¶ - p‑ ]-db - m‑ w‑ . t‑Ic - f - - l k‑m[ - m‑ c- W - ¡ - m‑ À-¡v‑ B-hi - y‑ a- m‑ b - ]‑mZ- c- £ - I - f - m‑ W - v‑ ¯‑n ]‑mZ- c - £ - m‑ h‑yh - k - m‑ b - w‑ {‑i² - n‑ ¡ - s - ¸ ‑ S- p‑ ¶ - X - v‑ C-hn‑ s - S‑ \‑nÀ-½n‑ ¨ - p‑ h-cp‑ ¶ - X - .v‑ C-Xv‑ h‑n] - W - n‑ a-Õt‑Im‑ g- n‑ t- ¡ ‑ m‑ S- v‑ P‑nà - b - n‑ s - e ‑ ^-td ‑ m‑ ¡ - v‑ t‑aJ - e - b - n‑ e - m‑ c-¯n‑ e - [ - n‑ j - T v‑ n‑ X - h - p‑ a - m‑ W - .v‑ ]‑pX - n‑ b - D-e] -v‑ ¶ - § - Ä W‑.v C-t¸ ‑ m‑ Ä ]-©m‑ b - ¯ - p‑ I - Ä t‑I{- µ ‑ o‑ I - c - n‑ ¨ - v‑ s‑NC-à F-¶p‑ X-s¶ ‑ ]-db - m‑ w‑ . ]‑pX - n‑ b - h - ¡ - v‑ k‑t-v I ‑ m‑ ¸ - v‑ d‑pI - n‑ S- ]‑mZ- c - £ - m‑ h‑yh - k - m‑ b - § - Ä {‑]h - À-¯n‑ ¨ - p‑ D-ï.v‑ F-¶m‑  A-¯c - w‑ I‑mg- N -v‑ ¸ - m‑ t- S‑ m‑ S- p‑ I - q‑ S- n‑ Bh-cp‑ ¶ - p‑ ï - .v‑ C-\n‑ b - p‑ w‑ G-sd ‑ h-fÀ-¨ {‑]m‑ ] - n‑ t- ¡ ‑ ï c‑pw‑ a‑pt- ¶ ‑ m‑ «- p‑ h-cp‑ ¶ - n‑ à - . ^‑m³-kn‑ ]‑mZ- c - £ - I - Ät‑aJ - e - b - m‑ W - n‑ X - .v‑ ¡‑v C-hn‑ s - S‑ h³ k‑m[ - y‑ X - b - m‑ W - p‑ Å - X - .v‑ A-¯c - w‑ D-e] -v‑ ¶ - § - Ä h‑n] - W - n‑ b - n‑ s - e ‑ ¯ - W - w‑ . A-Xp‑ t- ] ‑ m‑ s - e ‑ ? ]‑mZ- c - £ - m‑ h‑yh - k - m‑ b - h - p‑ a- m‑ b - n‑ _-Ôs - ¸ ‑ «- v‑ A-kw‑ X-s¶ ‑ s‑sl ‑ ¢‑mk - v‑ e-XÀ D-e] -v‑ ¶ - § - Ä-¡p‑ w‑ ]‑mZ- k‑I -v r‑ X - h-kX -v‑ p‑ ¡ - f - p‑ s - S‑ e-`y‑ X - F-§s - \ ‑ ]-cn‑ l - c-£I - Ä-¡p‑ w‑ (j‑qk - v‑ A-S¡ - w‑ )‑ C-hn‑ s - S‑ k‑m[ - y‑ X - c‑n¡ - p‑ ¶ - p‑ . {‑]t- X ‑ y‑ I - n‑ ¨ - p‑ w‑ e-XÀ‑, k‑n´ - ä - n‑ I - v‑ s‑aä - o‑ b‑pï - .v‑ F-¶m‑  A-¯c - w‑ D-e] -v‑ ¶ - § - Ä H-¶p‑ w‑ c‑nb - e - n‑ s - â ‑ I‑mc - y‑ ¯ - n‑  C-hn‑ s - S‑ h-¶n‑ «- n‑ à - .

The Kerala Footwear Magazine



Zn tIcf ^q«vshbÀ amKkn³


C-´y‑ ³ h‑n] - W - n‑ b - n‑  h³-km‑ [ - y‑ X - b - p‑ Å - ^‑m³-kn‑ C-hn‑ s - S‑ {‑][ - m‑ \ - a- m‑ b - p‑ w‑ B-hi - y‑ a- p‑ Å - X - v‑ k‑n´ - ä- n‑ I - v‑ ]‑mZ- c- £ - I - Ä \‑nÀ-½n‑ ¡ - p‑ h - m‑ ³ {‑i² - ] - X - n‑ ¸ - n‑ ¡ - p‑ ¶ - X - v‑ s‑eX - À X-s¶ ‑ b - m‑ W - .v‑ \-ÃX - m‑ W - .v‑ A-Xn‑ s - â ‑ a‑mÀ-¡ä- n‑ w‑ K - v‑ {‑]t- b ‑ m‑ P - \ - s - ¸ ‑ S- p‑ ¯-Ww‑ . C-´y‑ b - n‑ s- e ‑ a-äp‑ k‑wØ - m‑ \ - § - Ä a‑mÀ-¡ä- v‑ ? e-£z‑ d - n‑ ]‑mZ- c - £ - I - f - p‑ s - S‑ \‑nÀ-½m‑ W - ¯ - n‑ t- e ‑ ¡ - v‑ \-¶m‑ b - n‑ {‑i² - n‑ ¡ - p‑ ¶ - p‑ ï - .v‑ a-\p‑ j - y‑ m‑ h - i - y‑ § - Ä-¡\ - p‑ h‑n.s‑I.k‑nb - p‑ s - S‑ I-S¶ - p‑ h - c - h - v‑ {‑]X - o‑ £ - n‑ ¡ - m‑ t- a ‑ m‑ k-cn‑ ¨ - p‑ Å - ]‑mZ- c- £ - I - Ä \‑nÀ-½n‑ ¡ - p‑ h - m‑ ³ C-\n‑ b - p‑ w‑ k‑m[ - n‑ ¨ - n‑ «- n‑ à - . C-´y‑ b - n‑  \‑n¶ - p‑ w‑ h³-tX ‑ m‑ X - n‑  l X‑oÀ-¨b - m‑ b - p‑ w‑ . e-£z‑ d - n‑ ]‑mZ- c - £ - I - Ä-¡v‑ C-hn‑ s - S‑ ]‑mZ- c - £ - I - Ä I-bä- p‑ a- X - n‑ s‑N¿ - p‑ ¶ - p‑ ï - .v‑ F-¶m‑  h³ k‑m[ - y‑ X - b - p‑ ï - .v‑ F-¶m‑  ]‑mZ- c - £ - I - Ä I‑qH‑mt- c ‑ m‑ c‑mP - y‑ ¯ - n‑ s - â ‑ b - p‑ w‑ I‑me - m‑ h - Ø - ¡ - p‑ w‑ ,‑ P-\§ - S‑pX - e - m‑ b - n‑ s‑Ne - h - m‑ I - p‑ ¶ - X - v‑ k‑m[ - m‑ c - W - ¡ - m‑ À-¡p‑ f‑ps - S‑ B-hi - y‑ ¯ - n‑ \ - p‑ w‑ A-\p‑ t- b ‑ m‑ P - y‑ a - m‑ b - h - I-bä- p‑ t‑hï - n‑ b - p‑ Å - X - m‑ W - .v‑ G-Xv‑ ]‑mZ- c - £ - m‑ D-e] -v‑ ¶ - h - p‑ w‑ a-Xn‑ s‑N¿ - m‑ ³ \-ap‑ ¡ - v‑ k‑m[ - n‑ ¡ - p‑ ¶ - n‑ à - . I‑pd - ª I‑pd- ª t‑d© - n‑  h‑nÂ-¡m‑ ³ I-gn‑ b - W - w‑ . A-Xn‑ \ - v‑ s‑{] ‑ m‑ U - £ - ³ t‑Im‑ Ì - v‑ {‑]t- b ‑ m‑ P - \ - s- ¸ ‑ S- p‑ ¯ - n‑ D-bÀ-¶ a‑mÀ-¡ä - n‑ w‑ K - v‑ t‑aJ - e - A-Xn‑ h - n‑ i - m‑ e - a - m‑ b - n‑ c - n‑ ¡ - W - w‑ . I‑zm‑ f - n‑ ä- n‑ b - p‑ Å - D-e] -v‑ ¶ - § - Ä \‑nÀ-½n‑ ¨ - v‑ I-bä- p‑ a - X - n‑ H-cp‑ ]-cn‑ [ - n‑ h - s - c ‑ ]-ck - y‑ § - f - n‑ e - q‑ s - S‑ a‑mä- w‑ h-cp‑ ¯ - p‑ hÀ-²n‑ ¸ - n‑ ¡ - m‑ h - p‑ ¶ - X - m‑ W - .v‑ h‑m³ I-gn‑ b - p‑ w‑ . h‑n.s‑I.k‑n. C‑u t‑aJ - e - b - n‑ t- e ‑ ¡ - v‑ I-S¶ - p‑ h - c - m‑ \ - p‑ Å X-¿m‑ s - d ‑ S- p‑ ¸ - n‑ e - m‑ W - .v‑ e-Xd - n‑ e - p‑ w‑ ? e-£z‑ d - n‑ j‑q,‑ N-¸Â c‑wK - t- ¯ ‑ ¡ - v‑ C-´y‑ ³ ]‑mZ- c - ]‑n.b‑ph - n‑ e - p‑ w‑ h‑ne - I‑qS- n‑ b - ]‑mZ- c - £ - I - Ä \‑nÀ-½n‑ £‑m h‑yh - k - m‑ b - w‑ C-\n‑ b - p‑ w‑ I-S¶ - p‑ h-cm‑ ¯ - s - X ‑ ¨‑v h‑n] - W - n‑ b - n‑ s - e ‑ ¯ - n‑ ¡ - m‑ \ - p‑ Å - X-¿m‑ s - d‑ S- p‑ ¸ - n‑ e - m‑ W - v‑ ´‑ps - I ‑ m‑ ï - m‑ W - ?v‑ R-§Ä.


\-½p‑ s - S‑ I‑me - m‑ h - Ø - ¡ - v‑ A-\p‑ t- b ‑ m‑ P - y‑ a - m‑ b - ]‑mZ- c - - ? s‑se ‑ ^ - v‑ s‑sÌ ‑  {‑_m‑ ³-Uv‑ ]‑mZ- c- £ - I - Ä h‑n.s‑I.k‑n. £-If - m‑ W - v‑ C-hn‑ s - S‑ \‑nÀ-½n‑ ¨ - p‑ h-cp‑ ¶ - X - .v‑ A-hb - n‑  ]‑pd - ¯ - n‑ d - ¡ - p‑ ¶ - p‑ t- ï ‑ m‑ X-s¶ ‑ t‑km‑ f - n‑ \ - v‑ ]‑n.b‑p. D-]t- b ‑ m‑ K‑n¡ - p‑ ¶ - p‑ ï - .v‑ F-¶m‑  A-¸d- n‑ \ - v‑ l Xo‑ À-¨b - m‑ b - p‑ w‑ D-ï.v‑ a‑md- p‑ ¶ - t‑em‑ I - ¯ - v‑ ]‑n.b‑p. s‑dI - k -v‑ n‑ \ - m‑ W - v‑ D-]t- b ‑ m‑ a‑mä- w‑ DÄ-s¡ ‑ m‑ ï - v‑ {‑]h - À-¯n‑ ¡ - p‑ h - m‑ ³ K‑n¡ - p‑ ¶ - X - .v‑ a-äp‑ Å - h - \-½p‑ s - S‑ R-§Ä-¡v‑ I-gn‑ b - p‑ w‑ . h‑nt- Z‑ i - I-¼I‑me - m‑ h - Ø - ¡ - v‑ t‑bm‑ P - y‑ a - à - . \‑nb - p‑ a - m‑ b - s‑sS‑ A - ¸ - v‑ D-ï.v‑ A-Xp‑ a - m‑ A-Xp‑ s - I ‑ m‑ ï - p‑ X-s¶ ‑ a-bq‑ À b‑n _-Ôs - ¸ ‑ «- NÀ-¨I - Ä B-cw‑ `- n‑ ¨ - p‑ t‑]m‑ e - p‑ Å - I-¼\ - n‑ I - f - p‑ s - S‑ I-gn‑ ª p‑ . k-ao‑ ] - `‑mh - n‑ b - n‑  I‑zm‑ f - n‑ ä - n‑ I‑qS- n‑ b - s‑dI - -v‑ X-s¶ ‑ C-Xv‑ {‑]m‑ h - À-¯n‑ I - a - m‑ k‑n\ - m‑ W - v‑ R-§Ä ¡‑ph - m‑ ³ k‑m[ - n‑ ¡ - p‑ s - a ‑ ¶ D-]-t‑b‑m-K‑n-¨‑p-h-c‑pI‑mc - y‑ ¯ - n‑  R-§Ä-¡v‑ ¶-X.v‑ I‑qS- m‑ s - X ‑ D-d¸ - p‑ ï - .v‑ k‑n´ - ä - n‑ I - v‑ s‑eX - d‑pw‑ D-]t- b ‑ m‑ K - n‑ ¡ - p‑ ¶‑pï - .v‑ s‑eX - d - n‑ \ - m‑ ? k‑t-v ] ‑ m‑ À-Sk -v‑ v‑ ]‑mZ- c - s‑W¦ - n‑  H-cp‑ ] - m‑ S- v‑ £-IÄ-¡v‑ C-hn‑ s - S‑ h‑n{‑]i - \ -v‑ § - Ä D-ï.v‑ ]-Wn‑ b - p‑ ï - t- à ‑ m‑ . F-´p‑ h‑ne - h - À-²\ - h - p‑ X-s¶ ‑ s‑Im‑ ï - m‑ W - v‑ h‑n.s‑I.k‑n. {‑][ - m‑ \ - w‑ . e-XÀ I-«v‑ C‑u c‑wK - t- ¯ ‑ ¡ - v‑ I-S¶ - p‑ s‑N¿ - m‑ ³ ]-äm‑ ¯ - Ah-cm‑ ¯ - X - .v‑ h-Øb - p‑ w‑ D-ï.v‑ s‑sk ‑ k‑ns - â ‑ {‑]i - \ -v‑ § - Ä l k‑t-v ] ‑ m‑ À-Sk -v‑ v‑ s‑Ft‑hs - d ‑ b - p‑ w‑ . k‑wk - I -v‑ ä‑w h‑n] - W - n‑ b - n‑ e - n‑ d - ¡ - m‑ ³ c-W¯ - n‑ e - p‑ w‑ A-Xn‑ t- â ‑ R-§Ä-¡v‑ X‑me - ] -v‑ c - y‑ a- p‑ ï - .v‑ X‑mb - {‑]i - \ -v‑ § - Ä D-ï.v‑ A-Xn‑ s - â ‑ a‑ps - ¶ ‑ m‑ c - p‑ ¡ - ¯ - n‑ -

e-£‑z-d‑n ]‑m-Z-c-£-IÄ-¡‑v C-h‑n-s‑S h³ k‑m-[‑y-X-b‑p-ï‑v. F-¶‑m ]‑m-Z-c-£IÄ I‑q-S‑p-X-e‑m-b‑n s‑N-e-h‑m-I‑p-¶-X‑v k‑m-[‑m-c-W-¡‑mÀ-¡‑p t‑h-ï‑n-b‑p-Å-X‑m-W‑v. G-X‑v ]‑m-Z-c-£‑m D-e‑v-]-¶-h‑p‑w I‑p-d-ª t‑d-©‑n h‑nÂ-¡‑m³ I-g‑n-b-W‑w. AX‑n-\‑v a‑mÀ-¡-ä‑n‑w-K‑v t‑a-J-e A-X‑n-h‑n-i‑m-e-a‑m-b‑n-c‑n-¡-W‑w. H-c‑p ]-c‑n-[‑n-h-s‑c ]-c-k‑y§-f‑n-e‑q-s‑S a‑m-ä‑w h-c‑p-¯‑p-h‑m³ I-g‑n-b‑p‑w. The Kerala Footwear Magazine




Zn tIcf ^q«vshbÀ amKkn³

e‑mW - v‑ R-§Ä C-t¸ ‑ m‑ Ä D-ÅX - .v‑ h‑n.s‑I.k‑n¡ - v‑ c‑p¶ - p‑ I-¼\ - n‑ b - p‑ s - S‑ t‑]c - .v‑ R-§Ä I-¼\ - n‑ B-cw‑ C-Xp‑ t- ] ‑ m‑ e - p‑ Å - {‑_m‑ ³-Up‑ I - Ä D-ï.v‑ h‑nt- Z‑ i - c‑mP - y‑ `‑n¡ - p‑ ¶ - X - n‑ \ - p‑ a‑p¼ - v‑ B-ep‑ h - b - n‑  {‑io‑ . k‑ps - s ‑ _ ‑ À §-fn‑ e - m‑ W - v‑ a‑mÀ-¡ä- p‑ Å - X - .v‑ b‑qt- d‑ m‑ ¸ - n‑  C-Xn‑ \ - p‑ Å l‑mP - n‑ b - p‑ s - S‑ d‑nt- {‑ ] ‑ m‑ k - Ê - n‑ w‑ K - v‑ b‑qW - n‑ ä- v‑ {‑]h - À-¯n‑ ¨ - p‑ k‑m[ - y‑ X - b - p‑ ï - .v‑ A-hn‑ s - S‑ X-Wp‑ ¸ - v‑ I‑me - m‑ h - Ø - b - m‑ h-cp‑ ¶ - p‑ ï - m‑ b - n‑ c - p‑ ¶ - p‑ . F-¶m‑  A-Xv‑ I‑mc - y‑ a - m‑ b - n‑ b-Xn‑ \ - m‑  j‑q s‑Fä- w‑ k - n‑ \ - v‑ k‑m[ - y‑ X - G-sd‑ b - m‑ W - .v‑ h-fÀ-¶n‑ à - . H‑mt- c ‑ m‑ c‑mP - y‑ ¯ - n‑ t- e ‑ b - p‑ w‑ I‑me - m‑ h - Ø - ¡ - \ - p‑ t- b ‑ m‑ P - y‑ - t‑Ic - f - ¯ - n‑  ]‑n.h‑n.k‑n. {‑]N - m‑ c - ¯ - n‑  h-¶X - v‑ a‑mb - h - \‑nÀ-½n‑ ¨ - v‑ h‑n] - W - n‑ I-sï ‑ ¯ - p‑ I - b - m‑ W - v‑ t‑hR-§f - p‑ s - S‑ t‑dU - n‑ b - â‑v b‑qW - n‑ ä - v‑ {‑]h - À-¯n‑ ¨ - p‑ X‑pS- ï-X.v‑ C-¡m‑ c- y‑ ¯ - n‑  s‑sN ‑ \ - G-sd‑ h‑nP - b - n‑ ¨ - n‑ «- p‑ ï - .v‑ §‑nb - t- X ‑ m‑ s - S‑ b - m‑ W - .v‑ X‑pS- À-¶v‑ 180 t‑es - d‑ ]‑mZ- c - £ - m‑ h‑yh - k - m‑ b - Ø - m‑ ] - \ - § - Ä \‑ne - h - n‑  h-¶p‑ . R-§Ä ? s‑aj - n‑ \ - d- n‑ b - p‑ s - S‑ I‑mc - y‑ ¯ - n‑  C-´y‑ C-d¡ - p‑ a- X - n‑ s - b ‑ ]‑mZ- c - £ - m‑ h‑yh - k - m‑ b - s - ¯ ‑ h-fÀ-¯m‑ \ - p‑ Å - IT‑n\ B-{i ‑ b - n‑ ¡ - p‑ I - b - m‑ W - s - à ‑ m‑ . X-t±‑ i - o‑ b - a - m‑ b - n‑ \‑nÀ-½n‑ ]-cn‑ {- i ‑ a- a- m‑ W - v‑ \-S¯ - n‑ b - X - .v‑ k‑z´ - w‑ I-¼\ - n‑ b - n‑ e - q‑ s - S‑ ¨‑pI - q‑ s - S‑ . b-Ãm‑ s - X ‑ s‑Nd- p‑ I - n‑ S- ]‑mZ- c - £ - m‑ h‑yh - k - m‑ b - n‑ I - f - p‑ s - S‑ A-tk ‑ m‑ k - n‑ t- b ‑ j - ³ a‑pt- J ‑ \ - ]‑mZ- c - £ - m‑ h‑yh - k - m‑ l C-´y‑ b - n‑  ]‑mZ- c - £ - m‑ h‑yh - k - m‑ b - ¯ - n‑ \ - m‑ h - i - y‑ b-s¯ ‑ ]‑pj - S-v‑ n‑ s - ¸ ‑ S- p‑ ¯ - m‑ \ - p‑ Å - {‑ia- a- m‑ W - v‑ R-§Ä a‑mb - _-lp‑ `- q‑ c - n‑ ] - £ - w‑ s‑aj - n‑ \ - d- n‑ I - f - p‑ w‑ X‑mb - h -v‑ m‑ ³‑, \-S¯ - n‑ b - X - .v‑ s‑sN ‑ \ - ,‑ C-äe - n‑ ,‑ P-¸m‑ ³ X‑pS- § - n‑ b - c‑mP - y‑ § - f - n‑  \‑n¶ - p‑ w‑ C-d¡ - p‑ a- X - n‑ s‑N¿ - p‑ I - b - m‑ W - .v‑ X-t±‑ i - o‑ b - a- m‑ b - n‑ ? G-sX ‑ m‑ s - ¡ ‑ X-c¯ - n‑ e - p‑ Å {‑]h - À-¯\ - § - f - m‑ W - v‑ h-en‑ b - s‑aj - n‑ \ - d- n‑ I - s - f ‑ m‑ ¶ - p‑ w‑ c‑q] - I - e - ] -v‑ \ - s‑N¿ - s - ¸ ‑ \-S¯ - n‑ b - X - .v‑ «‑n«- n‑ à - . s‑Nd - n‑ b - t‑Xm‑ X - n‑  C-´y‑ C-¡m‑ c - y‑ ¯ - n‑  h‑nI - k - n‑ ¨ - n‑ «- p‑ ï - .v‑ C‑u C³-Uk - {-v‑ S‑ n‑ C-´y‑ b - n‑  l s‑]m‑ X - p‑ k-aq‑ l - ¯ - n‑ \ - n‑ S- b - n‑  \‑nc - h - [ - n‑ {‑]h - À-¯C-\n‑ b - p‑ w‑ t‑hï - {- X ‑ i-àn‑ {‑]m‑ ] - n‑ ¨ - n‑ «- n‑ à - F-¶p‑ \-§Ä R-§Ä \-S¯ - n‑ b - n‑ «- p‑ ï - .v‑ k‑{-v X ‑ o‑ I - Ä-¡v‑ ]-db - p‑ ¶ - X - m‑ I - p‑ w‑ i-cn‑ . C-hn‑ s - S‑ \-ap‑ ¡ - v‑ t‑am‑ Ä-Uv‑ a‑m\ - y‑ a - m‑ b t‑hX - \ - h - p‑ w‑ ]-cn‑ i - o‑ e - \ - h - p‑ w‑ \Â-In‑ I‑qS- p‑ X - e - m‑ b - n‑ B-hi - y‑ a - p‑ ï - .v‑ F-¶m‑  A-Xp‑ w‑ hA-hs - c ‑ k‑z´ - w‑ I‑me - n‑  \‑nÂ-¡m‑ \ - p‑ Å - t‑ij - n‑ f-sc ‑ I‑pd - ª t‑Xm‑ X - n‑ e - m‑ W - v‑ C-hn‑ s - S‑ \‑nÀ-½n‑ ¨ - p‑ R-§Ä ]‑mZ- c - £ - m‑ h‑yh - k - m‑ b - ¯ - n‑ e - q‑ s - S‑ D-ïm‑ h-cp‑ ¶ - X - .v‑ C‑u c‑wK - t- ¯ ‑ ¡ - p‑ w‑ h‑yh - k - m‑ b - n‑ I - Ä ¡‑n s‑Im‑ S- p‑ ¯ - n‑ «- p‑ ï - .v‑ C-Xv‑ s‑]m‑ X - p‑ k - a - q‑ l - ¯ - n‑  {‑i² - ]-Xn‑ ¸ - n‑ t- ¡ ‑ ï - X - p‑ ï - .v‑ F-Ãm‑ h - c - p‑ w‑ ]‑mZ- c - £ - m‑ I‑mc - y‑ a - m‑ b - N-e\ - w‑ k‑rj - S-v‑ n‑ ¨ - n‑ «- p‑ ï - .v‑ h‑yh - k - m‑ b - ¯ - n‑  a‑m{- X ‑ w‑ H-Xp‑ § - p‑ I - b - m‑ W - .v‑ s‑aj - n‑ \-dn‑ b - p‑ s - S‑ c‑q] - I - e - ] -v‑ \ - h‑n.s‑I.k‑nb - p‑ s - S‑ A-Pï - - ? kÀ-¡m‑ À X-e¯ - n‑  ]‑mZ- c - £ - m‑ h‑yh - k - m‑ b - ¯ - n‑ \ - v‑ b‑n C-t¸ ‑ m‑ Ä C-Ã. A-¯c - s - a ‑ m‑ c - p‑ {‑]h - À-¯\ - w‑ t‑hï - {- X ‑ ]-cn‑ K - W - \ - e-`n‑ ¡ - p‑ ¶ - n‑ à - F-¶ ]-cm‑ X - n‑ R-§Ä D-t±‑ i - n‑ ¨ - n‑ «- n‑ à - . b‑pï - s - à ‑ m‑ . ? h‑n.s‑I.k‑n. D-e] -v‑ ¶ - § - Ä I-bä - p‑ a - X - n‑ e-£y‑ a - n‑ «- m‑ - l kÀ-¡m‑ À t‑hï c‑oX - n‑ b - n‑  ]-cn‑ K - W - n‑ ¡ - p‑ ¶ - n‑ à W-sà ‑ m‑ \‑nÀ-½n‑ ¡ - p‑ ¶ - X - .v‑ G-sX ‑ m‑ s - ¡ ‑ c‑mP - y‑ § - f - n‑ F-¶ I‑mc- y‑ w‑ i-cn‑ b - m‑ W - .v‑ F-¶m‑  t‑I{- µ ‑ kÀ-¡m‑ À t‑e¡ - m‑ W - v‑ I-bä - p‑ a - X - n‑ b - p‑ Å - X - .v‑ s‑Nd - n‑ b - a‑mä - § - Ä C‑u t‑aJ - e - b - n‑  h-cp‑ ¯ - n‑ b - n‑ «‑pï - .v‑ I-gn‑ ª _-Pä - n‑  A-Xn‑ s - â ‑ s‑Nd - n‑ s - b ‑ m‑ c - p‑ l a-te ‑ j - y‑ ,‑ k‑nw‑ K - ] - q‑ À‑, k‑u¯ - m‑ {- ^ ‑ n‑ ¡ - ,‑ KÄ-^v‑ c‑m{‑]X - n‑ ^ - e - \ - a - p‑ ï - .v‑ ]‑mZ- c - £ - m‑ h‑yh - k - m‑ b - c‑wK - ¯ - v‑ P‑y§ - f - n‑ s - e ‑ à - m‑ b - n‑ S- ¯ - p‑ w‑ h‑n.s‑I.k‑n. ]‑mZ- c - £ - I - Ä {‑]h - À-¯n‑ ¡ - p‑ ¶ - h - c - p‑ s - S‑ \‑nc - ´ - c - C-Ss - ] ‑ S- e - p‑ I - I-bä - p‑ a - X - n‑ s‑N¿ - p‑ ¶ - p‑ ï - .v‑ f‑pw‑ k-½À-±w‑ s‑Im‑ ï - p‑ a - m‑ W - v‑ C-¯c - s - a ‑ m‑ c - p‑ a‑mä - w‑ D-ïm‑ b - X - .v‑ F-¶m‑  t‑Ic - f - kÀ-¡m‑ À t‑hï - {- X ‑ ? F-Ãm‑ t‑aJ - e - I - f - n‑ e - p‑ w‑ s‑sN ‑ \ - s - b ‑ a-dn‑ I-S¡ - m‑ ³ ]-cn‑ K - W - \ - C‑u h‑yh - k - m‑ b - ¯ - n‑ \ - p‑ \Â-In‑ b - n‑ «- n‑ à - . \-ap‑ ¡ - v‑ k‑m[ - n‑ ¡ - n‑ s - à ‑ . ]‑mZ- c - £ - m‑ h‑yh - k - m‑ b - ¯ - n‑ s - â ‑ C-¶p‑ I‑mW - p‑ ¶ h-fÀ-¨ h‑yà - n‑ I - f - p‑ s - S‑ i-àn‑ {‑]t- b ‑ m‑ P - \ - s - ¸ ‑ S- p‑ l X‑oÀ-¨b - m‑ b - p‑ w‑ k‑m[ - n‑ ¡ - p‑ w‑ . s‑sN ‑ \ - s - b ‑ ¡ - m‑ f - p‑ w‑ a-Õ¯‑n D-ïm‑ ¡ - n‑ s - b ‑ S- p‑ ¯ - n‑ «- p‑ Å - X - m‑ W - .v‑ c-£a - X - \-ap‑ ¡ - p‑ ï - .v‑ F-¶m‑  A-hs - c ‑ t- ¸ ‑ m‑ s - e ‑ \‑mw‑ X-¿m‑ d - m‑ I - p‑ ¶ - n‑ à - F-¶X - m‑ W - v‑ \-½p‑ s - S‑ ]‑nd - - ? \‑nI - p‑ X - n‑ L - S- \ - b - n‑ s - e ‑ {‑]i - \ -v‑ § - Ä ]-cn‑ l - c - n‑ ¡ - s - ¸ ‑ t‑Im‑ «- S- n‑ ¡ - p‑ Å - {‑][ - m‑ \ - I‑mc - W - w‑ . S‑ms - X ‑ \‑oï - p‑ t‑]m‑ h - p‑ I - b - m‑ W - s - à ‑ m‑ . ? h‑n.s‑I.k‑nb - p‑ s - S‑ B-cw‑ `- w‑ F-§s - \ ‑ b - m‑ b - n‑ c - p‑ ¶ - p‑ .

l \‑nI - p‑ X - n‑ L-S\ - b - n‑ s - e ‑ {‑]i - \ -v‑ § - Ä F-{X ‑ b - p‑ w‑ t‑hK - w‑

]-cn‑ l - c - n‑ t- ¡ ‑ ï - X - p‑ ï - .v‑ C-Xv‑ t‑I{- µ ‑ þ- k - w‑ Ø - m‑ \ X‑pS- § - p‑ ¶ - X - n‑ \ - p‑ a‑p¼ - v‑ R-§f - p‑ t- S‑ X - v‑ kÀ-¡m‑ d - p‑ I - Ä {‑i² - ]-Xn‑ ¸ - n‑ t- ¡ ‑ ï - H-cp‑ h‑nj - b - h‑pU - C -v‑ ³-Uk - {-v‑ S‑ n‑ b - m‑ b - n‑ c - p‑ ¶ - p‑ . A-Xn‑  \‑n¶ - p‑ w‑ a‑ma‑mW - .v‑ t‑Ic - f - s - a ‑ m‑ g- n‑ ¨ - p‑ Å - N‑ne - k‑wØ - m‑ \ - § - f - n‑  d‑nb - m‑ W - v‑ ]‑mZ- c - £ - m‑ h‑yh - k - m‑ b - ¯ - n‑ t- e ‑ ¡ - v‑ h-cp‑ ]‑mZ- c - £ - I - Ä-¡v‑ \‑nI - p‑ X - n‑ b - n‑ à - . C-hn‑ s - S‑ A-©p‑ i - ¶-X.v‑ d-ºd - [ - n‑ j - T v‑ n‑ X - h‑yh - k - m‑ b - ¯ - n‑ e - m‑ b - n‑ c - p‑ ¶ - p‑ X-am‑ \ - a - m‑ W - v‑ \‑nI - p‑ X - n‑ . C-Xn‑ \ - p‑ a‑mä - w‑ h-cW - w‑ . X‑pS- ¡ - w‑ . R-§Ä B-dp‑ t‑]À I‑qS- n‑ t‑NÀ-¶p‑ Å H-cp‑ k‑wc - w‑ `- a- m‑ b - n‑ c - p‑ ¶ - p‑ A-X.v‑ t‑dU - n‑ b - â‑v F-¶m‑ b - n‑ - ? F-^.v‑ U‑n.U‑n.s‑F. I‑m¼ - k - n‑ s - â ‑ {‑]h - À-¯\ - w‑

l h‑n.s‑I.k‑n.

The Kerala Footwear Magazine




Zn tIcf ^q«vshbÀ amKkn³

X‑pS- § - n‑ b - n‑ S- ¯ - p‑ X-s¶ ‑ b - m‑ W - s - à ‑ m‑ . X‑pS- À {‑]h - À¯-\w‑ a-µo‑ `- h - n‑ ¡ - m‑ \ - p‑ Å - I‑mc - W - w‑ . l t‑Im‑ g - n‑ t- ¡ ‑ m‑ S- v‑

R‑m³ F-¡m‑ e - h - p‑ w‑ P-\] - £ - ¯ - p‑ \‑nÂ-¡p‑ ¶ B-fm‑ b - X - n‑ \ - m‑ Â K‑pW - t- a ‑ · - b - p‑ Å D-e] -v‑ ¶ - § - Ä s‑Im‑ S- p‑ ¡ - p‑ I - F-¶p‑ Å - X - v‑ F-sâ ‑ D-¯c - h - m‑ Z- n‑ X - z‑ a - m‑ W‑.v h‑n.s‑I.k‑nb - p‑ s - S‑ h-fÀ-¨b - p‑ s - S‑ N‑me - I - i - à - n‑ s‑]m‑ X - p‑ k - a - q‑ l - a - m‑ W - .v‑

B-cw‑ `- n‑ ¡ - m‑ \ - n‑ c - n‑ ¡ - p‑ ¶ F^‑.v U‑n.U‑n.s‑F. (FDDI)I‑m¼ - k - n‑ \ - p‑ Å - Ø-ew‑ Gs‑äS- p‑ ¡ - p‑ ¶ - t‑Pm‑ e - n‑ C-\n‑ b - p‑ w‑ \-S¶ - n‑ «- n‑ à - . t‑Ic - f kÀ-¡m‑ À Ø-ew‑ I-sï ‑ ¯ - n‑ \Â-IW - w‑ . C-Xp‑ a- m‑ b - n‑ ? h‑n.s‑I.k‑nb - p‑ s - S‑ h‑nä - p‑ h - c - h - v‑ hÀ-jm‑ h - À-jw‑ hÀ-²n‑ _-Ôs - ¸ ‑ «- H-cp‑ t‑Ik - v‑ t‑Im‑ S- X - n‑ b - n‑  \-S¡ - p‑ ¶ - p‑ ¨‑p h-cn‑ I - b - m‑ W - t- à ‑ m‑ . ï‑.v h-be - m‑ b - X - n‑ \ - m‑ e - m‑ W - v‑ t‑IÊ - v‑ s‑Im‑ S- p‑ ¯ - X - p‑ w‑ Ø-es - a ‑ S- p‑ ¸ - v‑ X-SÊ - s - ¸ ‑ «- X - p‑ w‑ . l h‑n.s‑I.k‑n¡ - v‑ 73 b‑qW - n‑ ä- p‑ I - f - n‑  D-e] -v‑ m‑ Z- \ - w‑ \-S¡ - p‑ ¶‑pï - .v‑ H‑mt- c ‑ m‑ P‑oh - n‑ ¡ - m‑ c - s - â ‑ b - p‑ w‑ IT‑n\ - m‑ ² - z‑ m‑ \ - a - m‑ ? C‑u s‑Xm‑ g- n‑  t‑aJ - e - b - n‑ t- e ‑ ¡ - v‑ a-eb - m‑ f - n‑ I - Ä t‑hW‑v h‑n.s‑I.k‑nb - p‑ s - S‑ h-fÀ-¨¡ - m‑ [ - m‑ c- w‑ . h‑n.s‑I.k‑nb - p‑ ï-{X ‑ I-S¶ - p‑ h - c - m‑ ¯ - X - n‑ s - â ‑ I‑mc - W - w‑ . s‑S h‑nä- p‑ h - c- h - v‑ B-bn‑ c- w‑ t- I ‑ m‑ S- n‑ I-hn‑ ª - p‑ . X‑pS- À-¶p‑ w‑ hÀ-²\ - h - n‑ s - â ‑ ]‑mX - b - n‑  X-s¶ ‑ b - m‑ W - v‑ h‑n.s‑I.k‑n. l a-eb - m‑ f - n‑ I - Ä s‑]m‑ X - p‑ s - h ‑ a-Sn‑ b - ³-am‑ c - m‑ W - .v‑ D-¯t- c ‑ F-¶m‑  h‑n] - W - n‑ b - n‑  C-t¸ ‑ m‑ Ä s‑Nd - n‑ b - a‑mµ - y‑ w‑ ´‑y³ s‑Xm‑ g- n‑ e - m‑ f - n‑ I - s - f ‑ B-{i ‑ b - n‑ ¨ - m‑ W - v‑ t‑Ic - f - ¯ - n‑ D-ï.v‑ ]-gb - c‑oX - n‑ b - n‑  h‑n] - W - n‑ k-Po‑ h - a - à - . s‑]m‑ s‑e s‑Xm‑ g- n‑  t‑aJ - e - C-¶v‑ a‑pt- ¶ ‑ m‑ «- p‑ t‑]m‑ I - p‑ ¶ - X‑pk - a - q‑ l - ¯ - n‑ s - â ‑ s‑sI ‑ ¿ - n‑  ]-Ww‑ b-tY ‑ j - S-v‑ w‑ X‑.v ]‑mZ- c - £ - m‑ t‑aJ - e - b - p‑ w‑ C-Xn‑  h‑yX - y‑ k - X -v‑ a - à - . h-cp‑ ¶ - n‑ à - . s‑Xm‑ g- n‑  t‑aJ - e - b - n‑ s - e ‑ k‑X -v w‑ `- \ - a - m‑ W - v‑ A-hÀ t‑Pm‑ e - n‑ s‑N¿ - p‑ w‑ . A-hÀ H‑mh - À-ss ‑ S‑ w‑ F-Sp‑ ¯ - p‑ I‑mc - W - w‑ . a‑mµ - y‑ w‑ k-ao‑ ] - `- m‑ h - n‑ b - n‑  A-hk - m‑ \ - n‑ t‑]m‑ e - p‑ w‑ t‑Pm‑ e - n‑ s‑Nb - X -v‑ v‑ ]-Ww‑ k-¼m‑ Z- n‑ ¡ - p‑ w‑ . a-eb - m‑ ¡‑ps - a ‑ ¶ - m‑ W - v‑ k‑m¼ - ¯ - n‑ I - h‑nZ- K - ² -v‑ À A-`n‑ {- ] ‑ m‑ b - f‑nI - Ä C-t¸ ‑ m‑ Ä C‑u c‑wK - t- ¯ ‑ ¡ - v‑ I-S¶ - p‑ h - c- p‑ ¶ - p‑ ï - .v‑ s‑¸S- p‑ ¶ - X - .v‑ k‑{-v X ‑ o‑ I - Ä {‑]t- X ‑ y‑ I - n‑ ¨ - p‑ w‑ . I‑pS- p‑ w‑ _ - {- i ‑ o‑ a‑pt- J ‑ \ - b - p‑ w‑ _‑m¦ - p‑ I - Ä h-gn‑ b - p‑ w‑ N‑ne - Ø‑m] - \ - § - f - p‑ s - S‑ t‑\- ? 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I‑mW - m‑ \ - p‑ w‑ ]T‑n¡ - m‑ D-¶a - \ - ¯ - n‑ \ - m‑ b - n‑ F-´p‑ s - N ‑ ¿ - p‑ ¶ - p‑ . \‑pa - m‑ b - n‑ c - p‑ ¶ - p‑ R-§Ä-t] ‑ m‑ b - X - .v‑ X‑pS- ¡ - ¯ - n‑ s - e ‑ X‑nc - n‑ ¨ - S- n‑ R-§Ä A-Xn‑ P - o‑ h - n‑ ¨ - p‑ . C-t¸ ‑ m‑ Ä B-cp‑ h - l ]‑mZ - c - £ - m‑ t‑aJ - e - b - n‑ s - e ‑ s‑am‑ ¯ - ¡ - ¨ - h - S- ¡ - m‑ c - p‑ w‑ ¶‑me - p‑ w‑ R-§f - p‑ s- S‑ b‑qW - n‑ ä- p‑ k-µÀ-in‑ ¡ - p‑ ¶ - X - n‑ t- \ ‑ m‑ ,‑ N‑nà - d - h‑nX - c - W - ¡ - m‑ c - p‑ w‑ C-¶v‑ l‑m¸ - n‑ b - m‑ W - .v‑ I‑mc - B-ib - h‑n\ - n‑ a - b - w‑ \-S¯ - p‑ ¶ - X - n‑ t- \ ‑ m‑ b‑ms - X ‑ m‑ c - p‑ W‑w H‑mÀ-UÀ s‑Nb - X -v‑ D-e] -v‑ ¶ - § - Ä a-Wn‑ ¡ - q‑ d - p‑ X-SÊ - h - p‑ w‑ C-Ã. F-Ãm‑ h - n‑ [ - k-lm‑ b - k-lI - c - W - IÄ-¡I - w‑ A-hÀ-¡v‑ e-`n‑ ¡ - p‑ ¶ - p‑ F-¶p‑ Å - X - m‑ W - v‑ §-fp‑ w‑ I-¼\ - n‑ b - n‑  \‑n¶ - p‑ w‑ e-`n‑ ¡ - p‑ I - b - p‑ w‑ s‑N¿ - p‑ w‑ . H-cp‑ I‑mc - W - w‑ . t‑\c - s - ¯ ‑ D-¯t- c ‑ ´ - y‑ b - n‑  \‑n¶ - p‑ w‑ H‑mÀ-UÀ s‑Nb - X -v‑ D-e] -v‑ ¶ - § - Ä F-¯W - a - m‑ b - n‑ c - p‑ - ? h‑n.s‑I.k‑nb - p‑ s - S‑ {‑]h - À-¯\ - § - f - n‑  I‑pS- p‑ w‑ _ - m‑ w‑ K - ¶‑p. A-hb - m‑ I - s - «‑ H‑u«- H -v‑ m‑ ^ - v‑ ^‑mj - \ - p‑ a- m‑ b - n‑ c - n‑ ¡ - p‑ w‑ . §-fp‑ s - S‑ k-lm‑ b - k - l - I - c - W - § - Ä. C-t¸ ‑ m‑ Ä {‑^j - v‑ B-bn‑ ¯ - s - ¶ ‑ e-`n‑ ¡ - p‑ ¶ - p‑ . ^‑mI - -v‑ l h‑n.s‑I.k‑n. {‑Kq‑ ¸ - n‑ s - â ‑ {‑]h - À-¯\ - § - f - n‑  I‑pS- p‑ w‑ S-dn‑ I - f - n‑  \‑n¶ - p‑ w‑ t‑\c - n‑ «- v‑ h‑n] - W - n‑ b - n‑ t- e ‑ ¡ - .v‑ ]-gb - _‑mw‑ K - § - f - p‑ s - S‑ b - p‑ w‑ P‑oh - \ - ¡ - m‑ c- p‑ s - S‑ b - p‑ w‑ F-Ãm‑ h - n‑ [ I‑me - ¯ - n‑  \‑n¶ - p‑ w‑ h‑yX - y‑ k - X -v‑ a- m‑ b - A-\p‑ `- h - a- m‑ W - v‑ k-lm‑ b - k-lI - c - W - § - f - p‑ w‑ b-tY ‑ j - S-v‑ w‑ e-`n‑ ¡ - p‑ ¶ - p‑ A-hÀ-¡p‑ Å - X - .v‑ A-Xp‑ s - I ‑ m‑ ï - p‑ X - s - ¶ ‑ s‑{] ‑ m‑ U - £ - ³ ï‑.v F-sâ ‑ `‑mc - y‑ ^‑m¯ - n‑ a - m‑ _ - n‑ . c-ïp‑ a-¡f - m‑ W - v‑ hÀ-²n‑ ¨ - p‑ . h‑ne - ] -v‑ \ - hÀ-²n‑ ¨ - p‑ . A-tX ‑ m‑ s - S‑ m‑ ¸ - w‑ aR-§Ä-¡p‑ f - f - X - .v‑ . a‑p¯ - a- I - ³ d-km‑ J - v‑ F‑w._‑n.F. Õ-ch - p‑ w‑ I‑qS- n‑ . ]-gb - I - m‑ e - ¯ - v‑ C-¶s - ¯ ‑ t- ¸ ‑ m‑ s - e ‑ _‑nc - p‑ Z- [ - m‑ c - n‑ b - m‑ W - .v‑ c-ïm‑ a - s - ¯ ‑ a-I³ \‑uj - m‑ Z- v‑ a-Õc - w‑ D-ïm‑ b - n‑ c - p‑ ¶ - n‑ à - . t‑]m‑ f - n‑ a - À F‑w.s‑SI - v‑ _‑nc - p‑ Z- [ - m‑ c - n‑ b - m‑ W - .v‑ C-cp‑ h - c - p‑ w‑ h‑n.s‑I.k‑n. {‑Kq‑ ¸ - n‑ s - â ‑ h-fÀ-¨b - ¡ -v‑ v‑ IT‑n\ - m‑ ² - z‑ m‑ \ - w‑ ? h‑n.s‑I.k‑n. h‑ne - I - p‑ d- ¨ - v‑ ]‑mZ- c - £ - I - Ä h‑nÂ-¡p‑ ¶ - p‑ s‑N¿ - p‑ ¶ - p‑ . A-sX ‑ m‑ s - S‑ m‑ ¸ - w‑ ]‑mZ- c - £ - m‑ h‑yh - k - m‑ b - F-¶ B-t£ ‑ ] - w‑ \‑ne - \ - n‑ Â-¡p‑ ¶ - p‑ ï - .v‑ s‑Nd - p‑ I - n‑ S- ¯‑ns - â ‑ h-fÀ-¨¡ - v‑ D-XI - p‑ ¶ - X-c¯ - n‑ e - p‑ Å - {‑]h - À¡‑ms - c ‑ C-Xv‑ _‑p² - n‑ a - p‑ «- n‑ ¡ - p‑ ¶ - p‑ F-¶ ]-cm‑ X - n‑ b - p‑ w‑ ¯-\§ - f - p‑ w‑ A-hÀ \-S¯ - n‑ h-cp‑ ¶ - p‑ ï - .v‑ I‑pS- p‑ w‑ _ - m‑ w‑ D-ï.v‑ K-§t- f ‑ m‑ s - S‑ m‑ ¸ - w‑ s‑{] ‑ m‑ ^ - j - W - Â-kv‑ A-S¡ - a - p‑ Å H-cp‑ S‑ow‑ h‑n.s‑I.k‑n.b‑ps - S‑ {‑]h - À-¯\ - § - f - n‑  l C-¯c - w‑ ]-cm‑ X - n‑ I - f - n‑  H-cp‑ I-g¼ - p‑ a- n‑ à - . D-]t- `‑ m‑ à - m‑ k-Po‑ h - a - m‑ W - .v‑ A-ht- c ‑ m‑ s - S‑ m‑ ¸ - w‑ 150 H‑mf - w‑ s‑jb - À ¡Ä-¡v‑ a-\Ê - n‑ \ - n‑ W - § - n‑ b - ]‑mZ- c- £ - I - Ä I‑zm‑ f - n‑ ä- n‑ ¡ - v‑ t‑lm‑ Ä-tU ‑ g- k -v‑ p‑ w‑ h‑n.s‑I.k‑nb - p‑ s - S‑ {‑]h - À-¯\ - ¯ - n‑ {‑]m‑ [ - m‑ \ - y‑ w‑ s‑Im‑ S- p‑ ¯ - p‑ s - I ‑ m‑ ï - v‑ I‑pd - ª h‑ne - ¡ - v‑ \‑v N‑p¡ - m‑ ³ ]‑nS- n‑ ¡ - p‑ ¶ - p‑ . e-`y‑ a - m‑ ¡ - p‑ ¶ - X - v‑ s‑Xä - m‑ b - n‑ F-\n‑ ¡ - p‑ t‑Xm‑ ¶ - p‑ ¶ - n‑ à - .

The Kerala Footwear Magazine



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It’s our great pleasure to inform you that The Kerala Footwear Magazine through its four months journey succeeded to make well establish in footwear industry. In Kerala footwear industry we are one and only media which conveys messages at its best. As we are sending our product all over India at free of cost we are getting good response and feedback. In accordance with 2 days Footwear Expo Kerala 2014 we are also planning to publish special supplementary Magazines and Newspaper. If you are looking for a good exposure in Kerala footwear industry we can ensure that The Kerala footwear Magazine is the right media. Kindly consider us in your new advertisement campaign Advertisement Manager Calicut Media (Kerala Footwear Magazine)

The Kerala Footwear Magazine



Zn tIcf ^q«vshbÀ amKkn³


Why Mayur Uniquoters Mr.Suresh K. Poddar, Chairman and Managing Director is widely

recognised for his path braking and visionary contribution made to the synthetic leather industry. His excellent entrepreneurial skills have made Mayur, the largest manufacturer of synthetic leather in India and the only manufacturer from India supplying to North American Automotive giants. Mayur Uniquoters Limited is the largest manufacturer of artificial leather / PVC vinyl, using the ‘Release Paper Transfer Coating Technology’ in India. Mayur has come a long way in the past two decades from a meager production of 0.25 million linear meters per month, to an astonishing 3.2 million linear meters per month capacity, through its 6 state of the art Italian coating lines. Some of the key applications where Mayur products are used for are Automotive, Furnishing, Footwear, Leather goods and Garment industries.

Suresh K. Poddar Chairman & MD

Mayur, always believed in innovation and developed some of the finest products over a period of two decades. Under the leadership of Mr. Suresh K. Poddar and the excellent R&D team, it has developed path breaking products. A decade ago Mayur has first introduced Sandal upper in India, using Non Woven, by name ‘Roma’ with a thickness of 2.2mm, which was well accepted by the footwear industry, both domestic and overseas market. Around the same, manufacturers were also buying upper and lining and these were laminated by using “latex’ adhesive. This process was cumbersome and time consuming. Sensing the market need, Mayur has developed laminated products in 2005 through lamination process. The product was a huge hit and it has considerably reduced the processing time at footwear manufacturer end. However, the product had some limitations. Since two substances were laminated by using latex, the bonding strength was poor, had limited shelf life and most importantly it did not have the required tear strength. Again, Mayur has introduced online laminated products by using PU adhesive and high quality Non Woven fabrics, which was imported from Europe, Korea and Taiwan. This has eliminated the some of the problems of offline laminated products. These products offered excellent tear strength, reduced upper weight, zero de-lamination issues and considerably increased the shelf life. Mayur also has developed some of the high quality products, such as, suede, tumbled etc. for footwear application.

Automotive: Mayur offers an excellent range of PVC Vinyl for the automotive industry. While beautiful seat upholstery is one of the most important parts of the experience that an automotive can offer, artificial leather is used in various other parts including door trims, steering wheel covers, gear boot and knob covers, roof lining, sun visors and hoods. Applicability of artificial leather in cars, buses, trucks, agricultural vehicles etc. values it a great product for automotive industry. Its high elasticity makes it The Kerala Footwear Magazine




Zn tIcf ^q«vshbÀ amKkn³ extremely comfortable, and resistance to hot and cold temperatures, water, alcohol and stains, make it very durable and easy to maintain. Mayur also offers great options for seat covers for the two wheeler industry.

Footwear: Artificial Leather is widely used in the footwear industry because of the fantastic variety and high durability. Mayur produces a beautiful collection of specialized PVC Vinyl for the footwear industry. The wide variety of colours, textures and highly durable products find application in formal Shoes, Boots, Sport Shoes, Children’s shoes, Sandals, Slippers as well as women footwear. Products are enhanced by special touch and feel to replicate leather. In this segment Mayur offers the customer products with style, design and real leather like feel thus making it extremely affordable yet have the high quality.

Product line: Footwear is manufactured in both Natural (Leather & Rubber) and Synthetic. Leather is widely used in Shoes, and High end Sandals. It’s expensive and doesn’t offer range and durability unlike Synthetic Leather (Leather Cloth). Artificial leather is available in different qualities, such as, PU, PVC, Semi PU etc. PVC and Semi PU products are widely used in India by the Footwear manufacturers for Slippers, Sandals, Sports Shoes, Formal Shoes etc. The product range includes, Upper, Lining, Socking (insole) etc, which are made in Non Woven, Woven & Knitted fabrics. Mayur offers excellent product range for footwear applications, VIZ. Uppers, Socking, lining etc, with different qualities. Mayur offer products in PVC and Semi PU qualities. These are, Laminated Uppers, Semi PU uppers, Mattie backing Uppers, Non Woven backing Uppers, Mattie Insole (Socking), Knitted and Mattie Lining etc. Mayur also offers some of the popular finishes, Viz. Suede, Transfer foil, Tipping, Scrapping, Two tones etc. These products are highly appreciated by the customers for its quality, finish, feel, durability, aesthetic look etc. These products are widely used by some of

The Kerala Footwear Magazine

major manufacturers of Footwear, such as, VKC, Paragon, Lunar, Relaxo, Action, Liberty etc.

Role and Importance of Fabric: As the name suggest Leather Cloth is produced by using a Fabric as backer. The coating is done on the fabric with various designs, colours and finishes. These are aesthetically beautiful and have a high durability. The Non Woven fabric has inherent properties, such as high tear strength, less weight and non-fraying, hence it is excellent for Upper application in Shoes, Sandal and Slippers. Mayur offers high quality uppers in Non Woven which is sourced from Europe, Korea & Taiwan. The Socking / Insole products are generally produced using woven fabrics, which is locally available. Lining products are produced using mainly knitted fabrics as it is used for supporting / standing purpose and some of these fabrics are produced in house (by Mayur) using the state of the art Knitting machines which are imported from Germany and Japan.

Environmentally friendly generation products:


Recent regulations in the European countries have changed the landscape of PVC leather with complete elimination of standard flexibilizing plasticizers as potential carcinogens. Mayur R&D has developed products for shoe industry for Indian market as well as export market by eliminating such materials and replacing them with proven non carcinogenic materials with the same physical properties but environmentally safe to use. The products in this category are certifiable to below 1000 ppm of Phthalate content. In house R&D also has focused in the elimination of all heavy metals in the product for the future that can translate in to very safe products for use. Today Mayur is helping the environment by water based lacquer technology to reduce emissions of volatile organic compounds (VOC) by replacing the current solvent borne lacquering systems while getting better performing products with leather feel and touch.




Zn tIcf ^q«vshbÀ amKkn³

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Zn tIcf ^q«vshbÀ amKkn³

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The Kerala Footwear Magazine



Zn tIcf ^q«vshbÀ amKkn³


H‑mÄ t‑I-c-f ^‑q-S‑v-s‑h-bÀ U‑o-t‑e-g‑v-k‑v A-t‑k‑m-k‑n-t‑b-j³ k‑w-Ø‑m-\ I¬-s‑h³-j³ a-{‑´‑n F.]‑n.A-\‑nÂ-I‑p-a‑mÀ D-Z‑v-L‑m-S-\‑w s‑N-¿p¶p

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F.]‑n.A-\n‑ Â-Ip‑ a - m‑ À D-ZL -v‑ m‑ S- \ - w‑ s‑Nb - X -v‑ p‑ . C-¶v‑ H-gn‑ ¨ - p‑ I - q‑ S- m‑ ³ ]-äm‑ ¯ H-¶m‑ W - v‑ ]‑mZ- c - £ - I - s - f ‑ ¶ - p‑ w‑ k-aq‑ l - ¯ - n‑  F-Ãm‑ h - c - p‑ w‑ ]‑mZ- c - £ - I - Ä D-]t- b ‑ m‑ K - n‑ ¡ - p‑ ¶ - p‑ s - ï ‑ ¶ - p‑ w‑ a-{´ ‑ n‑ ]-dª p‑ . ]‑mZ- c - £ - m‑ t‑aJ - e - b - n‑ s - e ‑ {‑]i - \ -v‑ § - Ä ]-cn‑ l - c - n‑ ¡ - m‑ ³ kÀ¡‑mc - n‑ s - â ‑ `‑mK - ¯ - p‑ \ - n‑ ¶ - p‑ w‑ F-s´ ‑ ¦ - n‑ e - p‑ w‑ e-`n‑ t- ¡ ‑ ï - X - p‑ s - ï ‑ ¦ - n‑  A-Xp‑ s‑N¿ - p‑ s - a ‑ ¶ - p‑ w‑ a-{´ ‑ n‑ D-ZL -v‑ m‑ S- \ - {- ] ‑ k - w‑ K - ¯ - n‑  ]-dª p‑ . k‑ma - q‑ l - n‑ I - P‑oh - n‑ X - ¯ - n‑  I‑q«- m‑ b - a -v‑ B-hi - y‑ a - m‑ W - .v‑ ]-ck - ] -v‑ c - w‑ _-Ôs - ¸ ‑ «- p‑ s - I ‑ m‑ ï - v‑ {‑]i - \ -v‑ § - Ä ]-cn‑ l - c- n‑ ¡ - m‑ ³ I-gn‑ b - p‑ w‑ . k‑ul - r‑ Z- _-Ô§ - Ä D‑u«- n‑ b - p‑ d- ¸ - n‑ ¡ - p‑ h - m‑ ³ C-Xp‑ t- ] ‑ m‑ e - p‑ Å - ]-cn‑ ] - m‑ S- n‑ b - n‑ e - q‑ s - S‑ k‑m[ - n‑ ¡ - p‑ w‑ . k-aq‑ l - ¯ - n‑  k‑wL - S- \ - b - n‑ à - m‑ ¯ - G-sX ‑ ¦ - n‑ e - p‑ w‑ h‑n`- m‑ K-§Ä D-ïm‑ I - m‑ \ - p‑ Å - k‑m² - y‑ X - C-sà ‑ ¶ - p‑ w‑ A-t±‑ l - w‑ ]-dª p‑ . kÀ-¡m‑ À H-«\ - h - [ - n‑ t‑£a - {- ] ‑ h - À-¯\ - § - Ä \-S¯ - p‑ ¶ - p‑ ï - .v‑ h‑nI - k - \ - {‑]h - À-¯\ - § - Ä-¡v‑ t‑hK - X - h-cp‑ ¯ - p‑ h - m‑ \ - p‑ Å - {‑ia- a- m‑ W - v‑ \-S¯ - p‑ ¶ - X - .v‑ t‑£a- s - ] ‑ ³-j\ - p‑ I - Ä D-ï.v‑ _‑n.]‑n.FÂ. h‑n`- m‑ K - ¡ - m‑ À¡‑v t‑hs - d ‑ X-s¶ ‑ b - p‑ ï - .v‑ P-\§ - Ä B-{K ‑ l - n‑ ¡ - p‑ ¶ - X - v‑ kÀ-¡m‑ À s‑Nb - X -v‑ p‑ s - I ‑ m‑ S- p‑ ¡ - p‑ I - b - m‑ W - .v‑ C-Xn‑ s - \ ‑ m‑ s - ¡ ‑ kÀ-¡m‑ c - n‑ \ - v‑ h-cp‑ a - m‑ \‑w t‑hW - w‑ . kÀ-¡m‑ À h‑nh - n‑ [ - \‑nI - p‑ X - n‑ I - f - n‑ e - q‑ s - S‑ b - m‑ W - v‑ h-cp‑ a - m‑ \ - w‑ I-sï ‑ ¯ - p‑ ¶ - X - .v‑ \‑nI - p‑ X - n‑ ]-Ww‑ s‑Im‑ ï - p‑ a‑m{- X ‑ t- a ‑ h‑nI - k - \ - w‑ k‑m² - y‑ a- m‑ I - p‑ h - m‑ ³ I-gn‑ b - p‑ I - b - p‑ Å - q‑ . C-¶v‑ h-cp‑ a- m‑ \ - ¯ - n‑ s - â ‑ A-´c - w‑ I‑qS- p‑ X - e - m‑ W - .v‑ h‑nI - k - \ - {‑]h - À-¯\ - § - Ä-¡p‑ w‑ t‑£a - {- ] ‑ h - À-¯\ - §Ä-¡p‑ w‑ s‑ht- Æ ‑ s - d‑ ]-Ww‑ I-sï ‑ t- ¯ ‑ ï - A-hØ - b - m‑ W - p‑ Å - X - .v‑ P-\§ - s - f ‑ D-]{- Z‑ h - n‑ ¨ - v‑ \‑nI - p‑ X - n‑ I‑q«- p‑ I - F-¶X - v‑ kÀ-¡m‑ À \-ba - à - . kÀ-¡m‑ À A-Xn‑ \ - v‑ X-¿m‑ d - m‑ b - n‑ «- p‑ a - n‑ à - þ- a-{´ ‑ n‑ h‑yà - a - m‑ ¡ - n‑ . k‑wL - S- \ - b - p‑ s - S‑ k‑wØ - m‑ \ - {‑]k - n‑ U - â‑v F.F.A-en‑ A-²y‑ £-\m‑ b - n‑ c - p‑ ¶ - p‑ . t‑Ic - f - h‑ym‑ ] - m‑ c - n‑ h‑yh - k - m‑ b - n‑ G-tI ‑ m‑ ] - \ - k-an‑ X‑n k‑wØ - m‑ \ - {‑]k - n‑ U - â‑v S‑n.\-kd- p‑ ±- o‑ ³ a‑pJ - y‑ m‑ X - n‑ Y - n‑ b - m‑ b - n‑ c - p‑ ¶ - p‑ . h‑n.s‑I.k‑n. {‑Kq‑ ¸ - v‑ U-bd - I - S-v‑ À h‑n.\‑uj - m‑ Z- ,‑v F‑w.s‑am‑ b - X -v‑ o‑ ³‑, ]‑n.ii‑n[ - c - ³‑, ]‑n.S‑n.a‑qk - ,‑ S‑n.s‑I.l-k³‑, s‑I.t‑kX - p‑ a - m‑ [ - h - ³ X‑pS- § - n‑ b-hÀ {‑]k - w‑ K - n‑ ¨ - p‑ . The Kerala Footwear Magazine



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h-k‑w-c‑w-`-I-s‑c t‑{‑]‑m-Õ‑m-l‑n-¸‑n-¡‑p-¶-X‑n-\‑m-b‑n t‑I-c-f kÀ-¡‑mÀ h‑y-h-k‑m-b h-I‑p-¸‑v s‑F.S‑n. t‑a-J-e-b‑n X‑p-S-¡-a‑n-« C³-I‑y‑p-t‑_-j³ s‑kâ-d‑p-IÄ a-ä‑p t‑a-J-e-I-f‑n-t‑e-¡‑p-I‑q-S‑n h‑y‑m]‑n-¸‑n-¡‑p-¶‑p. I‑r-j‑n‑, a-Õ‑y k‑w-k‑v-I-c-W‑w‑, C-e-I‑v-t‑{‑S‑m-W‑n-I‑v-k‑v, s‑S-I‑v-s‑s‑Ì Bâ‑v l‑m³U‑v-e‑q‑w‑, a‑o-U‑n-b X‑p-S-§‑n-b t‑a-J-e-I-f‑n-e‑m-W‑v C³-I‑y‑p-t‑_-j³ t‑I-{‑µ-§Ä B-c‑w-`‑n-¡‑p-¶X‑v. C-X‑n-s‑â `‑m-K-a‑m-b‑n h‑n-h‑n-[ P‑n-Ã-I-f‑n h‑n-h‑n-[ ]-²-X‑n-IÄ \-S-¸‑n h-c‑n-I-b‑m-W‑v. t‑I‑m-g‑n-t‑¡‑m-S‑v P‑n-Ã-b‑n \‑m-f‑n-t‑I-c h‑n-I-k-\ t‑_‑mÀ-U‑p-a‑m-b‑n t‑NÀ-¶‑v \‑m-f‑n-t‑I-c k‑w-k‑vI-c-W t‑I-{‑µ-h‑p‑w X‑p-SÀ-¶‑v a‑q-e‑y hÀ-²‑n-X t‑I-{‑µ-h‑p‑w B-c‑w-`‑n-¡‑p‑w. s‑I‑m-¨‑n-b‑n ^‑nj-d‑o-k‑v kÀ-Æ-I-e‑m-i‑m-e-b‑p-a‑m-b‑n t‑NÀ-¶‑v a-s‑s‑d³ C³-I‑y‑p-t‑_-j³ s‑kâÀ B-c‑w-`‑n¡‑p-h‑m-\‑p-Å ]-²-X‑n-IÄ X-¿‑m-d‑m-b‑n-¡-g‑n-ª‑p. s‑I.F-k‑v.s‑F.U‑n.k‑n. (h‑y-h-k‑m-b h‑n-I-k-\ t‑I‑mÀ-¸-t‑d-j³‑)b‑m-W‑v ]-²-X‑n X-¿‑m-d‑m-¡‑nb‑n-c‑n-¡‑p-¶-X‑v. I‑q-S‑m-s‑X A-¦-a‑m-e‑n s‑S-I‑v-t‑\‑mk‑n-ä‑n‑, t‑NÀ-¯-e s‑a-K‑m-^‑p-U‑v ]‑mÀ-¡‑v F-¶‑nh‑n-S-§-f‑n-e‑p‑w C³-I‑y‑p-t‑_-j³ s‑kâ-d‑p-IÄ B-c‑w-`‑n-¡‑p-h‑m³ t‑]‑m-I‑p-¶‑p. 30 h-b-Ê‑n X‑m-s‑g {‑]‑m-b-a‑p-Å b‑p-hX‑o b‑p-h‑m-¡Ä-¡‑v ]‑p-¯³ B-i-b-§-f‑p-a‑m-b‑n k‑w-Ø‑m-\ h‑y-h-k‑m-b h‑n-I-k-\ t‑I‑mÀ-¸t‑d-j-s‑\ k-a‑o-]‑n-¡‑m-h‑p-¶-X‑m-W‑v. A-hÀ-¡‑v ]‑p-X‑n-b k‑w-c‑w-`‑w B-c‑w-`‑n-¡‑m-\‑m-h-i‑y-a‑m-b



F-Ã‑m-h‑n-[ k‑u-I-c‑y-§-f‑p‑w H-c‑p-¡‑n-s‑¡‑m-S‑p¡‑p-I-b‑m-W‑v C³-I‑y‑p-t‑_-j³ s‑kâ-d‑p-IÄ s‑N-¿‑p-¶-X‑v. k‑m-¼-¯‑n-I k-l‑m-b-h‑p‑w C-h‑ns‑S \‑n-¶‑v e-`‑y-a‑m-I‑p‑w. ]-c-a‑m-h-[‑n 25 e-£‑w c‑q-] h-s‑c-b‑m-W‑v C-h‑n-s‑S-\‑n-¶‑p‑w k‑m-¼-¯‑n-I k-l‑m-b‑w A-\‑p-h-Z‑n-¡‑p-I. b‑p-h-k‑w-c‑w-`-I-c‑p-s‑S B-i-b-§Ä-¡‑v {‑]‑m-hÀ-¯‑n-I-a‑m-¡‑m³ h‑n-Z-K‑v-[-c‑p-s‑S D-]-t‑Zi \‑nÀ-t‑±-i-§-f‑p‑w a‑mÀ-¡-ä‑n‑w-K‑v A-S-¡-a‑p-Å k-l‑m-b-§-f‑p‑w C-h‑n-s‑S e-`‑y-a‑m-W‑v. b‑p-h-k‑wc‑w-`-I-s‑c t‑{‑]‑m-Õ‑m-l‑n-¸‑n-¡‑p-I-b‑m-W‑v C³I‑y‑p-t‑_-j³ s‑kâ-d‑p-I-f‑p-s‑S B-X‑y-´‑n-I e-£‑y‑w. {‑K‑m-a‑o-W t‑a-J-e-b‑n-s‑e I‑p-S‑p‑w-_{‑i‑o t‑]‑m-e‑p-Å k‑w-c‑w-`-§-f‑p-s‑S D-X‑v-]-¶ h‑n-]-W-\‑w G-s‑ä-S‑p-¡‑p-h‑m³ k‑m-[‑n-¡‑p-s‑a-¶ {‑]-X‑o-£-b‑p‑w s‑I.F-k‑v.s‑F.U‑n.k‑n.¡‑p-ï‑v. I‑q-S‑m-s‑X I-b-ä‑p-a-X‑n e-£‑y-a‑n-«‑v \‑m-f‑n-t‑I-c‑w‑, k‑p-K-Ô-h‑y-R‑v-P-\‑w‑, k‑w-k‑v-I-c‑n-¨ a-Õ‑y-§Ä A-S-¡-a‑p-Å a‑q-e‑y-hÀ-²‑n-X D-e‑v-]-¶-§-f‑p-s‑S A-´‑m-c‑m-j‑v-{‑S h‑n-]-W‑n s‑I.F-k‑v.s‑F.U‑n.k‑n. e-£‑y-a‑n-S‑p-¶‑p-ï‑v. t‑I-c-f-¯‑n-s‑â C-¶-s‑¯ A-h-Ø-b‑n h-e‑n-b h‑y-h-k‑m-b-§Ä B-c‑w-`‑n-¡‑p-¶-X‑n-\‑v H-t‑«-s‑d X-S-Ê-§Ä D-ï‑v. ]-c‑n-Ø‑n-X‑n-¡‑v t‑I‑m«‑w X-«‑m-s‑X I‑p-d-ª Ø-e-¯‑v I‑q-S‑p-X h‑yh-k‑m-b-§Ä B-c‑w-`‑n-¡‑p-h‑m³ k‑m-[‑n-¡‑p-t‑a‑m F-¶ N‑n-´-b‑p‑w h‑y-h-k‑m-b h-I‑p-¸‑n-\‑p-ï‑v. ] T-\‑w I-g‑n-ª‑v ]‑p-d-¯‑n-d-§‑p-¶ b‑p-h-X‑o-b‑p-h‑m-

The Kerala Footwear Magazine



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¡Ä-¡‑v A-hÀ c‑q-]-s‑¸-S‑p-¯‑n-b B-i-b-§Ä-¡‑v t‑b‑m-P‑n-¨ k‑w-c‑w-`-§Ä B-c‑w-`‑n-¡‑p-h‑m-\‑p‑w s‑X‑m-g‑n-e-h-k-c-§Ä k‑r-j‑v-S‑n-¨‑v h‑n-P-b‑w s‑s‑I-h-c‑n¡‑p-h‑m-\‑p‑w k‑m-[‑n-¡‑p‑w F-¶ I‑m-g‑v-N-¸‑m-t‑S‑m-s‑S-b‑m-W‑v C³-I‑y‑p-t‑_-j³ s‑kâ-d‑p-IÄ-¡‑v kÀ-¡‑mÀ X‑p-S-¡-a‑n-«-X‑v. b‑p-h-k‑w-c‑w-`-IÀ-¡‑m-b‑n I-f-a-t‑È-c‑n-b‑n B-c‑w-`‑n-¨ k‑v-ä‑mÀ-«‑v A-]‑v h‑n-t‑Ã-P‑v s‑F.S‑n‑, s‑S-e‑n-t‑I‑m‑w t‑a-J-e-b‑n h³ h‑n-P-b-a‑m-b‑n-c‑p-¶‑p. C-X‑ns‑â N‑p-h-S‑p-]‑n-S‑n-¨‑m-W‑v C-t‑X a‑m-X‑r-I a-ä‑p t‑a-J-e-I-f‑n-t‑e-¡‑p‑w h‑y‑m-]‑n¸‑n-¡‑m³ h‑y-h-k‑m-b h‑n-I-k-\ t‑I‑mÀ-¸-t‑d-j³ ]-²-X‑n X-¿‑m-d‑m-¡‑n-bX‑v. k‑w-c‑w-`-I-s‑c k-l‑m-b‑n-¡‑m-\‑m-b‑n X‑n-c‑p-h-\-´-]‑p-c-s‑¯ h‑y-h-k‑m-b h‑n-I-k-\ t‑I‑mÀ-¸-t‑d-j³ B-Ø‑m-\-¯‑v {‑]-t‑X‑y-I k‑u-I-c‑y‑w GÀ-s‑¸S‑p-¯‑n-b‑n-«‑p-ï‑v. k‑w-c‑w-`-I-s‑c k-l‑m-b‑n-¡‑m³ {‑]-a‑p-J h‑yh-k‑m-b k‑w-L-S-\-I-f‑m-b k‑n.s‑F.s‑F‑, s‑s‑S t‑I-c-f F-¶‑n-h-b‑n-s‑e h‑n-Z-K‑v-[-c‑p-s‑S k-l‑m-bh‑p‑w e-`‑y-a‑m-I‑p‑w. I‑q-S‑m-s‑X k‑w-c‑w-`-IÀ-¡‑v k‑wc‑w-`‑w X‑p-S-§‑m-\‑p-Å k‑m-¼-¯‑n-I k-l‑m-b‑w \Â-I‑p-¶-t‑X‑m-s‑S‑m-¸‑w Ì‑mÀ-«‑v A-]‑v k-t‑¸‑mÀ-«‑v ^-ï‑p‑w s‑I.F-k‑v.s‑F.U‑n.k‑n. e-`‑y-a‑m-¡‑p‑w. CX‑n-\‑m-b‑n 10 t‑I‑m-S‑n c‑q-] s‑I.F-k‑v.s‑F.U‑n.k‑n. \‑o-¡‑n-h-¨‑n-«‑p-ï‑v. X‑p-S-¡-¡‑m-c‑m-b b‑p-h-k‑w-c‑w-`-I-s‑c t‑I-c-f kÀ-¡‑m-c‑n-s‑â F-aÀ-P‑n-§‑v t‑I-c-ft‑{‑]‑m-Õ‑m-l‑n-¸‑n-¡‑p-h‑m³ h‑y-h-k‑m-b h‑nb‑p-s‑S c-ï‑m‑w h‑mÀ-j‑n-I‑w s‑I‑m-¨‑n-b‑n \-S-¡‑pI-k-\ t‑I‑mÀ-¸-t‑d-j³ c‑q-]‑o-I-c‑n-¨ C³t‑¼‑mÄ b‑p-h k‑w-c‑w-`-I k-t‑½-f-\‑w (s‑b-k‑v) I‑y‑p-t‑_-j³ s‑kâ-c‑p-I-f‑n ]‑m-Z-c-£‑m S‑m-eâ‑v l-ï‑m-b‑n a‑m-ä‑m-\‑p‑w h‑y-h-k‑m-b h-I‑ph‑y-h-k‑m-b-¯‑n-\‑v C-S‑w-I‑n-«‑n-b‑n-Ã. t‑I-c-f¸‑v B-t‑e‑m-N‑n-¨‑p-h-c‑p-¶‑p-ï‑v. I‑r-j‑n‑, h‑n-t‑\‑m¯‑n {‑]-X‑y-£-a‑m-b‑p‑w ]-t‑c‑m-£-a‑m-b‑p‑w Z-k-©‑m-c‑w‑, B-t‑c‑m-K‑y-]-c‑n-]‑m-e-\‑w‑, C-e-I‑v\‑n-c-h-[‑n t‑]À-¡‑v s‑X‑m-g‑n \Â-I‑p-¶ t‑{‑S‑m-W‑n-I‑v-k‑v, s‑F.S‑n‑, a‑o-U‑n-b‑, \‑nÀ-½‑m-W‑w t‑a-J-e-b‑m-W‑v ]‑m-Z-c-£‑m h‑y-h-k‑m-b t‑aX‑p-S-§‑n-b-t‑a-J-e-I-f‑n-s‑e h‑n-Z-K‑v-[-c‑p-a‑m-b‑n b‑p-hJ-e. t‑I-c-f-¯‑n \‑nÀ-½‑n-¡‑p-¶ ]‑m-Z-ck‑w-c‑w-`-IÀ-¡‑v k‑w-h-Z‑n-¡‑m-\‑p-Å A-h-k-c-h‑p‑w £-IÄ G-s‑d-b‑p‑w I-b-ä‑p-a-X‑n e-£‑y-a‑n-«‑v C-h‑n-s‑S H-c‑p-¡‑p‑w. Ì‑mÀ-«‑v A-]‑v h‑n-t‑Ã-P‑n-s‑â \‑nÀ-½‑n-¡‑p-¶-h-b‑m-W‑v. c‑m-P‑y-¯‑n-\‑v h‑nt‑I-c-f a‑m-X‑r-I c‑m-P‑y-s‑a‑m-«‑m-s‑I h‑y‑m-]‑n-¸‑n-¡‑m³ t‑Z-i-\‑m-W‑y‑w t‑\-S‑n-¯-c‑p-¶-X‑n ]‑m-Zt‑I-{‑µ kÀ-¡‑mÀ B-t‑e‑m-N‑n-¡‑p-¶‑p-ï‑v. C-X‑nc-£‑m h‑y-h-k‑m-b‑w A-X‑n-t‑â-X‑m-b ]-¦‑v \‑m-b‑n t‑I-{‑µ kÀ-¡‑mÀ 10‑,000 t‑I‑m-S‑n c‑q-] h-l‑n-¡‑p-¶‑p-ï‑v. 100 t‑I‑m-S‑n c‑q-] s‑N-e\‑o-¡‑n-h-¨‑n-«‑p-ï‑v. C-X‑n-s‑â h‑n-l‑n-X-h‑p‑w t‑I-ch-g‑n-¨‑v t‑I-{‑µ kÀ-¡‑mÀ t‑I‑m-g‑n-t‑¡‑m-S‑v f-¯‑n-\‑p I‑n-«‑p-h‑m-\‑p-Å k‑m-²‑y-X-b‑p-ï‑v. Ø‑m-]‑n-¡‑m³ t‑]‑m-I‑p-¶ ]‑m-Z-c-£‑m U‑ns‑s‑k-\‑n‑w-K‑v s‑kâÀ ]‑m-Z-c-£‑m h‑y-h-k‑mb-¯‑n-s‑â I‑p-X‑n-¸‑n-\‑v k-l‑m-b-I-c-a‑m-h‑p‑w. b‑p-h-k‑w-c‑w-`-I-s‑c C‑u c‑w-K-¯‑v t‑{‑]‑mÕ‑m-l‑n-¸‑n-¡‑p-I-b‑m-s‑W-¦‑n ]‑m-Z-c-£‑m \‑nÀ-½‑m-W-t‑a-J-e-b‑p‑w‑, A-\‑p-_-Ô t‑aJ-e-I-f‑p‑w \‑n-c-h-[‑n s‑X‑m-g‑n-e-h-k-c-§Ä k‑r-j‑v-S‑n-¡‑p‑w. A-S‑p-¯ L-«-¯‑n-s‑e-¦‑ne‑p‑w ]‑m-Z-c-£‑m h‑y-h-k‑m-b-s‑¯ C³-I‑y‑pt‑_-j³ t‑I-{‑µ-§-f‑n DÄ-s‑¸-S‑p-¯‑m³ h‑y-h-k‑m-b h-I‑p-¸‑v {‑i-²‑n-t‑¡-ï-X‑m-W‑v.

C³-I‑y‑p-t‑_-j³ t‑I-{‑µ-§Ä ]‑m-Z-c-£‑m h‑y-h-k‑m-b-s‑¯ a-d-¶‑p

The Kerala Footwear Magazine




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VKC the Instigator, in the revolutionary world An interview conducted by Kerala Footwear Magazine Representative O.M.Ramachandran with Mr.VKC Mammed Koya. He is the chairman of VKC Group, leading footwear industry in India, ex-MLA, the gigantic figure in political, social and cultural field. ? What is the status of footwear industry in India especially in Kerala? l The important problem of footwear industry in India is the production of foot wears is lesser than other countries. It was very poor in Kerala. But there is a little development during the last 30 years. It is started in 1984 onwards. Now it is increasing day by day though it was very poor once. Footwear industry is firstly noted at Feroke in Calicut but now the small scale industries are concentrating even the different parts of every Panchayath in Calicut. It has more scope to develop. ? Relating to the foot wear industry, how do you solve the availability of raw materials especially with leather and synthetic materials? l It is solving by exporting materials from different countries, mainly PU material. Here in India, we have not yet started to manufacture raw materials. Hope it may start recently. ? What can we do to increase and develop footwear industry? l Here we manufacture foot wears only for ordinary people, based on competition. There is no new type of products. So there is chance for newcomers. Indian market

The Kerala Footwear Magazine

demands for fancy chappals and high class leather sandals including shoes. But no new business is ready to start new factory as to satisfy the demands. Manufacturers must take necessary steps to manufacture fancy chappals to utilize market and to satisfy the human needs. There is foot wear export but still we could not export goods to satisfy their demand based upon weather conditions. All can try to increase export high quality foot wears using low cost production. ? Why Indian footwear industry is not producing luxury shoe and chappals still? l We produce chappals only suitable for our weather conditions. In which we use PU for Sole and PU Rexine for Uppers. Other materials are not suitable for Indian climate. So we use quality rexines of Mayur and synthetic leathers. Leather is not only costly but also very difficult to cut. So, synthetic leather is the main material in chappal production. ? Can we expect the entry of VKC in the field of luxury footwear production? l Surely, there is a big scope for luxury foot wears. Everybody can use advertisements so as to promote their sales in low range. VKC is preparing to produce high class foot wears in leather and PU.




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? Does VKC market life style Brand foot wears? l Yes, there is. We adopt changes in this revolutionary world. We have tie-up with foreign companies. Hope we can start production of life style Brand foot wears in future. ? Sports shoes are available in Indian Market. Why VKC is not entering to this field? l We are interested to produce sports item foot wears. VKC has similar brands like sports foot wears. Our aim is to manufacture shoes to sell in European countries in accordance with their style and climate. China has succeeded in this field. ?

India is still depending upon imports for machineries? Why can`t we manufacture machineries

here? l India is still importing footwear machineries from China, Taiwan, Italy and Japan. India is not yet designed big machineries suitable for footwear industries. There are small machineries here. Machine manufacturing industries in India are not skillful to design heavy machines suitable for large scale industries. We need a lot of moulds. But still we are not sufficient to manufacture all types of moulds. VKC did not plan to manufacture machineries. It is not in our Agenda. But we welcome other industrialists to this field. ? Do VKC exports products? l Yes, VKC exports foot wears to Malaysia, Singapore, South Africa and gulf countries. ? Can we overcome China in all the fields? l Why not? We are more competitive than Chinese. The reason for our failure is that we are not trying to achieve the goal. ? Could you please explain the beginning of VKC? l First we started saw mill. Then we shifted to manufacture foot wears based on rubber. It was a joint firm named Radiant consisting of 6 persons. PVC became popular in Kerala when our Radiant Unit begun to work; though a reprocessing unit working in Aluva under the control of Sri. Subair Haji. Then 180 footwear companies followed. We tried to boost all other small scale footwear units by organizing an association.

The Kerala Footwear Magazine




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Kerala are seems to lazy. Most of the Kerala industries are mainly depending upon North Indian workers, including footwear sector. They are ready to work any time and to take over time. Malayali ladies are coming forward to work in footwear sectors under the guidelines of Kudumbasree, Banks etc, to enhance their standard of life.

? Briefly describe the activities of VKC? l We made a lot of revolutionary works in public society such as giving training and suitable wages to lady workers. It strengthened their status in society. ? Why Govt. is not giving training to this field? l Kerala Govt. is not giving sufficient consideration to this field. But Central Govt. had made a little change in footwear sector by the continuing pressure of footwear association workers. Kerala Govt. is not yet given any help to this field. Kerala footwear industries secured its strength only by the work of its workers.

? There is a complaint that why does VKC sell footwears at low rate?

? Why are our governments not solving the problems in tax structure?

? Are you growing day by day?

l There is no matter in complaint. According to me, it is not a fault to supply high quality products at low rate to consumers. I am always with public. Public is the kinetic energy of VKC.

Yes, VKC has 73 units. The growth of VKC is the hard work of each and every labour. Now our sales income exceeded 1000 crore. Market is not active nowadays. People do not have much money to buy goods due to lack of works.

l Central and State Govt. must take severe steps to solve the problem. There is no tax for footwear industries in some other states. But Kerala levy 5% on foot wears. ? Is there any progress of FDDI? l The land acquisition work is not yet completed to start FDDI in Calicut. Kerala Govt. has to give land for it. There is a case going on about the acquisition of agricultural land for FDDI in court. ? Why Keralates are not coming for footwear works? l Compared with other state peoples in


Do VKC have any help from family members?

l Yes, the main support we get from our family members. My wife Fathimabi: we have two sons. Rasaque, MBA holder is the eldest and Noushad, polymer M.Tech holder is the second. Both are working for the progress of our Group. Now we have 150 share holders to hold the steering wheel of VKC.

The growth of VKC is the hard work of each and every labour. Now our sales income exceeded 1000 crore. Market is not active nowadays. People do not have much money to buy goods due to lack of works.

The Kerala Footwear Magazine




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s‑s‑d-k‑n‑w-K‑v t‑I-c-f 2014 CâÀ-\‑m-j-W C³U-kv-{Snb F-Iv-kn-_nj³ 2014 November 25- 26

s‑sd ‑ - k‑h‑ynh-w‑ K- k- v‑ t‑m‑Ib- c- f- F-2014Ik-v‑ F-n‑ _- ¶n‑ j- t‑]³c- n‑ Â2014A-´\-m‑hc- w‑m‑ _-j- {-v‑ ÀS‑ 25‑,26 Xob-Xn‑ I - f - n‑  t‑Im‑ g- n‑ t- ¡ ‑ m‑ S- v‑ k‑z] - \ -v‑ \-Kc - n‑ b - n‑  ‑ m‑ S- v‑ P‑nà - m‑ I - ½ - ä - n‑ s‑h¨ - p‑ \-S¯ - p‑ h - m³ KSSIA t‑Im‑ g- n‑ t- ¡ Xoc‑pa- m‑ \ - n‑ ¨ - h‑nh - c - w‑ k-t´ ‑ m‑ j - t- ¯ ‑ m‑ s - S‑ A-dn‑ b - n‑ ¡ - p‑ ¶ - p‑ . F-Ik -v‑ t-v‑ ] ‑ m‑ b - p‑ s - S‑ h‑nP - b - ¯ - n‑ \ - m‑ b - n‑ I-½ä- n‑ c‑q] - o‑ I - c - n¨p. 21þ8þ2014 \‑v k‑qc - y‑ m‑ K‑me - I - k -v‑ n‑ b - n‑  s‑h¨ - p‑ t‑NÀ-¶ h‑yh-km‑ b - n‑ I - f - p‑ s - S‑ t‑bm‑ K - w‑ h‑n.s‑I.k‑n a-½Z- t-v‑ I ‑ m‑ b - (a‑p³ F‑w.FÂ.F‑) D-ZL -v‑ m‑ S- \ - w‑ s‑Nb - X -v‑ p‑ . t‑bm‑ K - ¯ - n‑  F‑w.F. A-_Z-v‑ p‑ d - l - n‑ a - m‑ ³ ({‑]k - n‑ U - - X - w‑ ]-dª p‑ .‑ h‑n.\‑uj - m‑ Z- v‑ (k‑n^ - n‑ ï‑,‑v KSSIA)‑ k‑zm‑ K A-Jn‑ t- e ‑ ´ - y‑ m- s‑sh ‑ k - v‑ {‑]k - n‑ U - ï - )‑v A-²y‑ £ - X - h-ln‑ ‑ w‑ c - m‑ P - ,‑v ¨‑p. s‑I.t‑bm‑ t- K ‑ j - ,‑ v‑ (s‑k{- I ‑ «- d - n‑ , KSSIA) {‑io‑ . t‑{] F³-.k‑n.A-_Z-v‑ p‑ f - f - t- ¡ ‑ m‑ b - , k‑p{- _ ‑ Ò-Wy‑ ³ ]-Sn‑ ¡ - Â‑, F-hn‑ .k‑p\ - n‑ Â-\m‑ Y - ,‑v ]‑ns - I ‑ .\‑mc - m‑ b - W - ³‑, s‑I.S‑n. t‑Xm‑ a - k‑,‑v C-]n‑ .^‑nt- d ‑ m‑ k - ,‑v ]‑n] - n‑ .a‑pk - ½ - n‑ Â‑, a‑pl - ½ - Z- v‑ c-Pb - ,‑v h‑n.d-^o‑ J - ,‑v a-eb - n‑  K‑wK - m‑ [ - c - ³‑, A-cp‑ ¬-Ip‑ a- m‑ À‑, d-jo‑ Z- v‑ a‑mt- \ ‑ P - À U‑ns - F ‑ k - n‑ ,‑ h‑nP - b - ³. s‑I.- s‑I,‑ I‑rj - W -v‑ I - p‑ a- m‑ À‑, j-lc - n‑ b - m‑ À‑, s‑I.]‑n.F.l‑mj - n‑ w‑ F-¶n‑ h - À k‑wk - m‑ c - n‑ ¨ - p‑ . ]‑n.F‑w.F.K-^q‑ À \-µn‑ ]-dª p‑ . s‑Nb - À-am‑ \ - m‑ b - n‑ F‑w.J‑me - n‑ Z- .v‑ s‑sh ‑ k - v‑ s‑Nb - À-am‑ ³-am‑ c‑mb - n‑ {‑io‑ . F‑w. s‑am‑ b - X -v‑ o‑ ³‑, {‑io‑ . F³.k‑n A-_Z-v‑ p‑ f - f - t‑¡m-b,‑ {‑io‑ . F‑w.F.A-_Z-v‑ p‑ d- l - n‑ a- m‑ ³‑, {‑io‑ . ]‑n.F‑w.F.K^‑qÀ‑, {‑io‑ . h‑n. A-_Z-v‑ p‑ Ä d-km‑ ¡ - ,‑v P-\d-  I¬-ho‑ \ - À {‑io‑ .h‑n.\‑uj - m‑ Z- ,v‑ I¬-ho‑ \ - À-am‑ c - m‑ b - n‑ ,‑ {‑io‑ .t‑bm‑ t- K ‑ j - .v‑ s‑I {‑io‑ .t‑{] ‑ w‑ c- m‑ P - ,‑v {‑io‑ .P‑mj - n‑ Z- v‑ h‑n.s‑I,‑ {‑io‑ .k-t´ ‑ m‑ j - .v‑ s‑I.s‑I,‑ {‑io‑ ._‑m_ - p‑ F‑w.P‑n,‑ N‑o^ - v‑ t‑Im‑ H‑mÀ-Un‑ t- \ ‑ ä - d - m‑ b - n‑ {‑io‑ . k‑pt- c ‑ j - I -v‑ p‑ a - m‑ À (P-\d -  a‑mt- \ ‑ P - À U‑n s‑F k‑n)‑ ,‑ t‑Im‑

H‑mÀ-Un‑ t- \ ‑ ä - d - m‑ b - n‑ {‑io‑ . k‑p{- _ ‑ Ò - W‑y³ ]-Sn‑ ¡ - Â‑, {‑Sj-dd - m‑ b - n‑ . {‑io‑ . F-hn‑ .k‑p\ - n‑  \‑mY - v‑ F-¶n‑ h - s - c ‑ s‑Xc - s‑ªS- p‑ ¯ - p‑ KSSIA t‑Im ‑ g- n‑ t- ¡ ‑ m‑ S- v‑ P‑nà - m‑ - I-½ä- n‑ b - p‑ s- S‑ t‑\X - r‑ X - z‑ ¯ - n‑  a‑p³ hÀ-j§ - f - n‑  \-S¶ - h‑ym- h-km‑ b - n‑ I - s‑ka - n‑ \ - m‑ d - p‑ I-fp‑ w‑ ,‑ A-´À-tZ‑ i - o‑ b - X-e¯ - n‑ e - p‑ f - f - {‑]Z- À-i\ - § - f - p‑ w‑ t‑Im‑ g- n‑ t- ¡ ‑ m‑ S- v‑ ]‑mZ- c - £ - m‑ \‑nÀ-½m‑ W - ¯ - ¯ - n‑ s - â ‑ t‑I{- µ ‑ a- m‑ ¡‑n a‑mä - p‑ ¶ - X - n‑  h-en‑ b - ]-¦m‑ W - v‑ h-ln‑ ¨ - X - .v‑ _‑n 2 _‑n,‑ F-Ik -v‑ n‑ _ - n‑ j - \ - p‑ I - Ä X‑pS- § - n‑ b - h - \‑nc - h - [ - n‑ k‑wc - w‑ `- I - s - c ‑ ]‑mZ- c- £ - m‑ \‑nÀ-½m‑ W - t‑aJ - e - b - n‑ t- e ‑ ¡ - v‑ B-IÀ-jn-¡p‑ ¶ - X - n‑ t‑e¡ - p‑ w‑ ,‑ \‑ne - h - n‑ e - p‑ f - f - h‑yh - k - m‑ b - § - s - f ‑ s‑sh ‑ h - n‑ ² - y‑ h - ¡-cn‑ ¡ - p‑ ¶ - X - n‑ e - p‑ w‑ ,‑ h-en‑ b - k‑w`- m‑ h - \ - b - m‑ W - v‑ \Â-In‑ b - X - .v‑ KSSIA t‑Im ‑ g- n‑ t- ¡ ‑ m‑ S- v‑ P‑nà - m‑ I - ½ - ä- n‑ b - p‑ s - S‑ t‑\X - r‑ X - z‑ ¯ - n‑  \-S¶ - C-¯c - w‑ ]-²X - n‑ I - Ä 100 i-Xa - m\¯n-e[ - n‑ I - w‑ h-fÀ-¨b - m‑ W - v‑ ^‑q«- s -v‑ h ‑ b - À h‑yh - k - m‑ b - ¯ - n‑ \ - v‑ D-ïm‑ b - X - .v‑ t‑Im‑ g- n‑ t- ¡ ‑ m‑ S- v‑ B-Øm‑ \ - a - m‑ b - n‑ {‑]h - À-¯n‑ ¡ - p‑ ¶ - 100  A-[n‑ I - w‑ ^‑q«- s v‑ h ‑ b - À \‑nÀ-½m‑ W - Ø‑m] - \ - § - f - n‑  \‑n¶ - m‑ b‑n hÀ-jw‑ G-It- Z‑ i - w‑ 300 t‑Im‑ S- n‑ t- b ‑ m‑ f - w‑ h‑nä- p‑ h - c - h - p‑ ï - .‑v C-¯c - w‑ a‑nI - ¨ - t‑\«- § - Ä a-äp‑ h‑yh - k - m‑ b - § - f - n‑ t- e ‑ ¡ - p‑ w‑ s‑Im‑ ï - p‑ h-cn‑ I - F-¶ e-£y‑ t- ¯ ‑ m‑ s - S‑ b - m‑ W - v‑ s‑sd‑ k - n‑ w‑ K - v‑ t‑Ic - f - 2014 F-¶ t‑]c - n‑  A-´m‑ c - m‑ j - {-v‑ S‑ h‑yh - k - m‑ b F-Ik -v‑ n‑ _ - n‑ j - ³ 2014 \-hw‑ _ - À 25‑,26 X‑nb - X - n‑ I - f - n‑  t‑Im‑ g- n‑ t- ¡ ‑ m‑ S- v‑ k‑z] - \ -v‑ \-Kc - n‑ b - n‑  s‑h¨ - p‑ \-S¯ - p‑ ¶ - X - n‑ \ - v‑ t‑Im‑ g- n‑ t- ¡ ‑ m‑ S- v‑ P‑nà - m‑ - I-½ä - n‑ X‑oc - p‑ a - m‑ \ - n‑ ¨ - X - .v‑ h‑n-i‑z-k‑v-X-t‑b‑m-s‑S t‑b‑m-t‑K-j‑v.s‑I s‑k-{‑I-«-d‑n KSSIA

Rising Kerala 2014 Organising Committee Meeting at Calicut

The Kerala Footwear Magazine




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Feet and Footwear in the Indian Tradition "I can identify the sound of your feet, for it is through them that life is moving in my direction" - Traditional Indian folk saying in India into the 20th century. Hindus traditionally view leatherworking as unclean because it involves the hides of dead animals, which are considered ritually polluting. Consequently, those who work with hides, the chamars, are among the lowest social orders. Conversely, tanned leather is considered a "dry" and therefore clean material, which may be used by even the highest castes. Mochis, the shoemakers, have higher status, although they too remain among the lowest castes.

I am mostly busy making sandals these days. I have already made about fifteen pairs. When you need new ones, please send me the measurements. And when you do so, mark the places where the strap is to be fixed, that is on the outside of the big toe and the little one. - Mahatma Gandhi, in a 1913 letter to Jan Christian Smuts, State Attorney, later Premier, of South Africa

L ike potters, weavers and metal-smiths, shoemak-

ers form an integral part of the community structure of many Indian villages. Whether women making footwear for their families or professional craftsmen, shoemakers are born and trained within the village to supply local populations. Climate, ethnic diversity and historical events have moulded Indian footwear traditions. Toe shapes, finishing details and decorative treatments evolved locally, resulting in the wealth of footwear types used

The Kerala Footwear Magazine

In jail [Gandhi] had prepared for me a pair of sandals which he presented to me when he was set free. I have worn these sandals for many a summer since then, even though I feel that I am not worthy to stand in the shoes of so great a man. Jan Christian Smuts (1870 -1950), Premier of South Africa, as quoted in Mahatma, by D.G. Tendulkar, 1951 India's great national leader Mahatma Gandhi (18691948) used the traditional leather sandal, the chappal, as a symbol of Indian self-sufficiency. He wove the cotton cloth, which he wore as a dhoti and made the leather sandals he wore on his feet.



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In making cloth and footwear, Gandhi demonstrated a profound understanding of the value of humble crafts, which sustained village life for countless generations. By undertaking shoemaking, which was carried out by some of the lowest castes of labourers, and by dealing with a material, which was ritually polluting, Gandhi set an example of egalitarianism and self-sufficiency which he hoped would influence all of Indian society.


Sandals are the archetypal footwear worn outdoors throughout much of the Indian subcontinent to protect the sole of the foot. Men, women and children of all classes living in rural and urban setBackless shoes with green stripes. tings wear chapVegetable fibre, pigment Newar pals, which consist of little more than a foot-shaped piece of leather with a toe strap or toe ring and a strap across the instep. Traditional chappals are made of leather, and are sometimes held together with leather thongs instead of cotton thread. Kolhapur, a city in Maharashtra State, has been famous for its leather sandals since the 14th century. Today Kolhapuri-style sandals are made all over India, and the name is used to identify a type of construction with ear-like projections of the sole to which the instep strap is attached.

Kolhapuri Chappal Kolhapur is a city in southern Maharashtra well The Kerala Footwear Magazine


known for jaggari, sugar industry, engineering industry, Mahalaxmi temple and spicy Misal. It was a princely progressive state ruled by heirs of Chhatrapati Shivaji. This state has encouraged classical music, film industry, wrestling. For tourists besides Kolhapuri buffalo leather chapother attractions pals with toe rings, fine braiding Kolhapuri chappal, a on ankle straps, and typical side-flaps. footwear is also an atLeather, gold, metallic thread, traction which is also vinyl, textile, pigment 20th century a popular product for export.Considering the popularity and increasing export potential, the Shivaji University of Kolhapur has applied for patent to protect intellectual property rights. Kolhapuri chappal is being used by rural rustic politicians, wrestlers, etc as status symbol. It is very robust and hence popular in farmers. Its look is masculine. Designs of chappals attract youngsters. Now a days chappals are accepted by ladies as designer decorative product. Particular quality of chappal makes a peculiar sound–kar... Kolhapuri buffalo leather chappals with toe rings, k a r . . . k a r fine braiding on ankle straps, and typical side-flaps. while walk20th century ing to attract others. This sound repels animals while walking in forests. A particular type of seeds are kept in the two layers of sole to make sound. These seeds are of ‘vinchu’tree. The leather used for chappals gives cooling effect to foot The chappal is named as Kolhapuri as is mainly marketed in Kolhapur. The Raja of Kolhapur encouraged its production and its use. But it is a product of nearby towns of Maharashtra and Karnataka border areas such as Athani, Nippani, Miraj, Jamkhindi, Kapshi,etc. In these towns every household contributes in the process of chappal production, such as cutting the leather, dipping it in water for soaking, stitching the August


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‘patta’ (strap) or ‘veni’(braid). Men do cutting, women do stitching and children do weaving the ‘veni’. Different parts of the animal skin are used for different purposes,such as tail skin for thread, head skin for ‘patta’, skin of goat for ‘veni’, since these leathers are thin. To remove wrinkles on leather,oil is applied. Chappal should be waterproof. The entire family produces nearly 35 to 45 chappals per week. Before 1940, the footwear manufactured were of a thicker variety and suitable for rough terrain. Then one of the families of Athani crafted an ingenious designthinner, lightweight, flexible, with supportive side flaps, and beautiful upper decorated with intricate weaves, braids and knots. The buffalo and bullock leather used is bag-tanned locally. Supply is always short and lot of problems in quality were faced. It has to be soaked in water, and then hammered to smoothen it out, making chappal in this condition and then dried out for sale. A fairly good quality of bag-tanned leather of area of 15 sq. ft. weighing 8 kgs, animal tails, tanned and shredded, are used for stitching. The entire process takes about 35 days which is quite long. The manufacturing techniques are very traditional and conventional. The sides are cut when the leather is semi wet. The top sole patterns are prepared and they are stitched along with heel after attaching them temporarily using a unique ‘mud’ taken from nearby river. A piece of canvas is also placed in between to increase the stiffness of the sole. A ‘patta’pattern is pre fabricated in various designs and attached to the top sole. The sizes of ‘angatha’ (toe) and sole have crude group-grading techniques. Moreover once these chappals dry out, they shrink resulting in smaller sizes and fit.

Construction Method in steps

1. A pattern is traced on buffalo hide and the sole is cut out. The pattern is reversed to cut the opposite of the pair. 2. An insole is cut from cowhide or goatskin using a pattern and additional pieces of leather are glued to the insole Tracing the shoe pattern on either side. These are on to buffalo hide trimmed with a rapi to form the kan (ears) to The Kerala Footwear Magazine


which the instep strap will be attached. 3. The insole and sole are glued together and hammered with a metal mallet to smooth the leather. 4. The heel is traced out on buffalo hide with a Insole pattern shows typical pointed tool, then cut and side extensions to which the instep strap will be attached pasted to the sole assembly. The heel may have single or double layers. 5. The heel, sole and insole are stitched together at the edges using fine strips of leather. 6. The upper, consisting of a toe ring, main strap to cross the instep, and narrower midand side-straps is prepared. Stitching together the sole The toe-ring is formed of and insole with a leather strip skived (shaved) cowhide, folded and stitched with fine leather strips. Using a pattern, the instep strap is traced onto cowhide, cut out and decorated with leather strip. 7. The mid and side straps are made of goatskin strips braided together by pulling one then the other alternately through tiny slits made in the opSkiving the roe-ring before folding posite strip. the stitching 8. The upper components are stitched together with a needle (aari). The edges are trimmed with a knife. 9. Slits are cut in the insole for the toe-ring. One end of the prepared ring strap is inserted into one slit and drawn through the other, then tucked into the first slit. It is then stitched to the insole at the point where the ends overlap. 10. Similar slits are cut in the insole for the mid- and side-straps. These braids are drawn through the slits and are After making slits on the insole, then knotted, which se- the various straps are assembled August



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cures them. 11. The ends of the instep strap are inserted between layers of the kan flaps and stitched in place with leather strips. Blending of traditional and improved technologies along with social intervention has reaped some benefits. Quality of leather used as raw material improved, along with reduced processing and increased productivity. Vegetable tanning is a slow process. The improved method reduced from 35 days to 15 days and the yield is 40 % higher. Standardization of manufacturing method resulted in better quality production. Aluminum and plastic lasts with toe differentiation were specifically developed for these kinds of footwear. Also templates for sole, insole, half sole, instep bar, toe ring strap, etc used as a guide for making were designed and made available.

Sandals with open areas at both sides of upper and metal buckle and leather strap fastening. Leather, metal, thread, pigment Punjab, 20th century

Footwear of the Northwest Frontier Many footwear types are worn in the remote high mountain valleys, which mark the western extension of the Himalayas. Rough terrain and harsh climate make transportation and communication between communities difficult, resulting in highly specialized and regionally distinct footwear.

The use of CAD-CAM TECHNOLOGY for innovative and customer centric designs. Sophisticated but simple tools were used. Nearly 1200 families are trained and the life style of nearly 6000 artisans is changed. Export to Japan, France, Bangladesh, Israel, Germany, Italy, U.S. and increased.

Sandals: Punjab and the Northwest There are two types of sandals. One is made with straps, which cross over the instep, affording protection to the top of the foot; the other has a more open cut. Both are made in a variety of materials and qualities to meet the needs of a broad market.

Sandals with crossed straps in front and back straps with buckles. Embellished with gold and textile embroidery. Leather, metal, gold, thread Punjab, 19th century

Heavy leather sandal with stacked sole and embossed design. The woollen pompoms are characteristic of the region. Leather, suede, silk, wool, cotton, paper, silk thread, metallic thread Punjab, circa 1900

Open-toed leather kwati sandal with gold salma sitara embroidery on upper and insole. Leather, metal, metallic thread, cotton thread Punjab, 20th century

The Kerala Footwear Magazine

Sometimes identified with Afghan royalty, this boot, worn in the Chamba region, contrasts a sturdy, stacked leather sole with a delicate fan-shaped forepart and cut-work designs in natural and coloured leather. Ceremonial leather boot with gold thread embroidery over coloured underlay. Leather, textile, metallic thread Gilgit, 19th century

Black and brown leather boots with fine embroidery in floral motif. Leather, rope, thread, metallic thread Gilgit, 19th century

Stilt sandals from Pakistan's Swat Valley are decorated with carved designs similar to those used on furniture and architectural details of the region. The leather thong is worn around the heel to hold the sandal in place. Stilt sandal from Swat Valley Pakistan. Wood, leather

Crossed multi-strapped sandal with buckle and lace-up fitted leather sock. The sandal guards the soles against the rough terrain, while the sock offers additional protection and warmth. Leather, metal Chamba, Himachal Pradesh, circa 1895




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Preparing lambchua grass for making kapulas, shoes made by Ladakh women in September and October.

Pula (the socks worn with kapula in cold weather) with crocheted wool upper. Jute, wool

Tibetan grass sandal with goat fur sole.

outstretched and draws four supplemental loops of equal length through the first loop. She uses her foot as an anchor and her leg as a gauge to control the tension required for interlacing. 2. Using a second lambchua cord, the maker begins Forming the basic loop. a simple oneover, one-under interlace, starting at the base loop closest to her waist. This forms the heel of the shoe. 3. The toe is shaped during interlacing to taper to a point. As the shoe takes form, three or four pairs of loops are formed along the sides to make up the quarter and counter of the shoe. 4. A separate vamp, called a nokh, is prepared Urang Dolma prepares for interlacing the lambchua cord using her foot as an anchor. using another loop of lambchua held by the maker's foot. These strands are interlaced

Goat fur, grass, wool Late 20th century

Vegetable Fibre shoemaking in Leh Grass grows in abundance in the foothills and high mountain valleys of the Himalayas. The straw from these grasses is used to make simple inexpensive shoes that insulate the foot from snow and mud. Shoes made from vegetable fibre are probably among India's most ancient and basic footwear styles. Construction Method 1. A loop is tied at one end of the plied lambchua cord. The maker sits on the ground with legs The Kerala Footwear Magazine

Urang Dolma begins to form the heel of the shoe.



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Dyed chara grass is woven through the lambchua cord to form the vamp.

with dyed and natural charas grass. Approximately thirtyfive centimetres of the lambchua cord loop is left exposed, and when the nokh is approximately twenty-five centimetres long, the end is sewn to the inside toe section. 5. he four origiShoemakers wearing kapula. nal loops forming the 'warp' for the sole are divided and attached with a needle to the supplemental side loops to form the quarter and counter. 6. Long floats of plied charas grass are used to join the vamp and sides with the help of a needle. These floats form the upper. 7. In some cases a strip of cotton cloth is attached at the counter to provide additional support for the heel.

Indo-Tibetan Boots

The Aryans, Kushans, Mongols, Afghans and Persians— all invaders from the North—have inspired boot patterns in northern India. Indo-Tibetan boots have a distinctive separately-shaped Jhaalaam wool boots worn by ministers. Wool, felt, velvet, silk, textile stacked sole comTibet, 19th cen-tury The Kerala Footwear Magazine


bined with an upper to which a wool cloth shaft is sewn. The toe shape, colour, embellishment and quality of materials of Indo-Tibetan boots often indicate rank and regional affiliation Making Women's Sombha Boots In May 1999 Mr. Sajan Moktan travelled to Gangtok in Sikkim and

Rhelzom boots, worn by lamas, noblemen and gurus in Tibet. Textile, rope, gold thread Tibet, 1990s

Kalimpong on a research field trip for the Bata Shoe Museum. He documented the process of making various boots, which are generally produced on special order from August to September onwards. His research included Woman wearing sombha boots. recording the use of lasts and paper patterns. Lasts and patterns used in traditional Indo-Tibetan bootmaking have been handed down from generation to generation. Leather, which is acquired from the market, was traditionally yak hide, but today is mainly buffalo. The manufacturing process was demonstrated by Mr. Pemba Bhutia and his employees in Kalimpong.

Construction Method

1. The required midsole pattern is identified and the midsole is cut out with a knife (rapi) from a very thick jute cloth (bora) or buffalo Attaching the tirpa to the midsole. August



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hide (ko). 2. The midsole is bound on all sides with a narrow strip of cloth or plastic (tirpa). The strip is

The leather sole, midsole and inner layer are sewn together.

The various components of the sombha boot.

glued to the edges of the midsole with flour paste. 3. The midsole is placed on a rough-cut buffalo hide and a sole of corresponding size is cut out. The leather sole generally consists of two layers of leather. 4. The leather sole, the midsole and an inner layer of bora (three inches wider than the midsole) are then sewn together

with a crooked needle using coarse white sing thread. 5. The extra material of the inner layer of bora sticking out is embroidered with coloured sing in raised stitches, which forms a shell structure above the sole about an inch in The upper is stitched to the shell structure height. with sing thr-ead. 6. A thin cotton cloth lining is glued to the inner surface of the shell with wheat flour paste. Excess fabric is cut away and edges of the shell embellished with embroidery. 7. The vamp, quarter and shaft parts are cut from thick hand-woven nambhu wool cloth using a pattern. 8. The vamp (ghonam) is embroidered with colThe Kerala Footwear Magazine

oured wool and metallic tequi thread. Floral motifs called mhedo are favoured. 9. The vamp, quarter and shaft are assembled using a sewing machine. 10. The lower edges of the finished product are turned in and then stitched to the edges of the shell structure with sing. 11. The shaft is left open at the back for easy wear and removal. The boot is secured to the wearer's leg with a hand-woven garter called a humd

Juttis and Mojaris from North and Central India

Jutti is an Urdu word for a shoe with a closed upper attached to a sole. The word mojari generally refers to the same footwear type, sometimes Women's leather dress mojaris, or khussas, with gold thread embroidery on purple velveteen made of softer insole. Leather, velveteen, gold thread, thread materials, but Mid-20th cen-tury with a more pronounced upturned toe. Juttis can be made of heavy leather for rugged wear or of the most beautifully embroidered fine leather and textiles for special occasions. These examples represent the regional differences within North and Central India.

Jutti Making in Jodhpur

In Spring of 1999 the Bata Shoe Museum's research team led by Arun Dutta travelled to Jodhpur in Rajisthan, which, along with the cities of Jaipur, Udaipur and Jaisalmer, are the traditional seats of some of India's famed maharajas. Jodhpur is the second largest city in Rajasthan, founded in the 15th century by Rao Jodha, a leading chief of the Rajput clan called the Rathores. The museum's field researchers visited a small family-owned jutti-making business in this renowned city, where they documented working methods and recorded the workers' descriptions of the many steps involved in the making juttis.

Construction Method

1. The pattern for the upper and often a lining is traced on dyed camel skin and cut out with a large rounded knife called a rapi. 2. The embroiderer makes a hole in the upper with a pointed hook or router called an aari, and the August


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yarn is drawn through the hole with a blunt needle. Juttis from the Punjab are made of heavy buffalo and If used, cow leather, and are worn by farmers and herders. Chain 3. stitch embroidery worked with a hook or aari is typical the upper linof the region. ing is sewn to Jutti embellished with chain-stitch embroid-ery. the top line edge on a sewing machine with the two right faces together. The seam allowance is trimmed and turned to the inside. Alternately, a narrow leather binding is sewn to the top line edge. 4. The sole is Punjabi juttis Textile, leather, thread cut from 20th century buffalo hide using a pattern. The leather is between 1.8 and 2.0 millimetres thick. Two or three layers are glued together and pounded with a distinctive shape of tauranwari juttis mallet to make the The is perfectly suited to the Sindh environment. While walking in the hilly sand, leather smooth. cushion the wearer's toes, while 5. A heel of one or pompoms the thin backs make it easy to flick out two layers of buf- trapped sand. jutti falo hide is cut out Tauranwari Leather, wool, textile, cotton thread and glued to the 20th century sole.

Juttis from Gujarat are decorated with interlaced leather strips, leather underlay and colourful embroidery characteristic of the region. Tufted wool, pompoms, and eyelets with mirror insets are also typical. Gujarati jutti Leather, cotton 1970


This style of jutti with the keyholeshaped sole is called a kannali, likely from its origin in, or association with, Lucknow in Uttar Pradesh. This shape facilitates minor adjustments when made to measure, and provides greater flexibility for walking. Names vary according to region and embellishment, including kannali, mookishan and patiala. Jutti with gold salma sitara embroidery Leather, metal, gold thread

This style of jutti with the keyholeshaped sole is called a kannali, likely from its origin in, or association with, Lucknow in Uttar Pradesh. This shape facilitates minor adjustments when made to measure, and provides greater flexibility for walking. Names vary according to region and embellishment, including kannali, mookishan and patiala. Juttis with gold salma sitara embroidery Velvet, leather, kid, gold thread, thread, metal

Women's leather dress mojari with gold thread embroidery on purple velveteen insole. Leather, velveteen, silver and gold thread Mid-20th cen-tury


This style of gold-embroidered mojari, called the khussa, originated in the Mughal courts, but is now worn for special occasions, particularly weddings. The salma sitara embroidery is traditionally of gold thread, but today lurex thread is often used. Wedding mojari Leather, gold thread, cotton Second half of the 20th century

Women's leather dress mojari with insole embroidered with silver thread over paper scroll shapes. Leather, velvet, twine, paper, silver and metallic thread 20th cen-tury

6. An insole is cut out from thick leather with a knife using the sole pattern. It is glued to the sole/heel construction and painted red. Then the sole, heel and insole are nailed together. 7. The sole Women's leather dress mojaris, or khussas, with gold embroidery on purple velveteen insoles. construc- thread Leather, velveteen, gold thread, thread tion is Mid-20th century stitched along the edges with twisted coarse white cotton thread. This forms a distinctive pattern on the sole of the shoe. 8. The prepared upper is turned in and stitched to the sole with the same cotton thread. 9. The back of the upper is stitched together and reinforced on the inside with a strip of leather. The Kerala Footwear Magazine



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10. A last is inserted and left for a few days until the vamp attains the desired shape. 11. Extra leather is trimmed off the bottom and any protruding cotton threads are hammered flat. Finishing is done by hand.

Splendour of the Royal Courts of India

Highly decorated mojari for court wear with metallic thread embroidery, cut glass and pearls. Leather, velvet, textile, metallic thread, gold leaf, sequins, pearls, cut glass. 19th century

Mojari for court wear embellished with sequins, silver foil, and glass beads. 19th century P93.67

by Sir Thomas Roe (1581-1644) English ambassador The King of Kolhapuri received presents consisting of a pair of sandals inlaid with precious stones and shalvar trousers which were as bright as the sun. - Merutunga (fl.1.1304), Prabandhacintamani Nizam Sikander Jah of Hyderabad with his ministers in a garden. Courtesy of Simon Ray Indian?and?Islamic?Works of?Art, London

On his feet a pair of buskins embroidered with pearls, the toes sharp and turning up. - Description of the Emperor Jehangir (1605-1627)

Mojari worn by the Nizam of Hyderabad. Fully embroidered with gold thread zardozi embroidery, throat embellished with rubies, diamonds and emeralds set in gold. Leather, silk velvet, silver braid, gold thread, ruby, diamond, emerald, enameled beads Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh, 1790-1820

The Kerala Footwear Magazine

Female temple dancer's mojari embellished with gold zardosi embroidery and jade and garnet beads. The silver bells would sound as the dancer moved her feet. Leather, textile, velvet, gold thread, gold wire, brass, jade, garnet, thread 1840-1870

The Mughals arrived from Central Asia in the 16th century, and dominated India until the collapse of their dynasty in the 18th century. During this period Indian civilization attained levels of style and luxury never previously witnessed in the world. Jewel-encrusted golden shoes complemented dazzling gold-enriched silks to create sumptuous displays of power, wealth and taste. These glamorous shoes were used for ceremony and display and were frequently used for ritual rather than utilitarian functions. The image of Mughal culture continues to evoke India in the popular imagination and contrasts sharply with Gandhi's message of simplicity and self-reliance. (Courtesy: Bata Shoe Museum, Torento) August


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h³ h‑n-I-k-\‑w e-£‑y-a‑n-«‑v h‑n-j³-þ 2030

- n‑ s - â ‑ k-ak - X -v‑ t‑aJ - e - I - f - n‑ e - p‑ w‑ h³ h‑nI - k - \ - w‑ e-£y‑ a - n‑ «- v‑ t‑Ic - f t‑I-c-kÀ-f¯ ¡m‑ À c‑q] - w‑ \Â-In‑ b - h‑nj - ³-þ 2030 \‑v A‑wK - o‑ I - m‑ c - a - m‑ b - n‑ . ]-²X - n‑ b - p‑ s - S‑


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a-\-k‑n-s‑â a-d‑n-a‑m-b-§Ä HEALTH

Dr. S. Santhakumar

The Kerala Footwear Magazine

k‑p-J-h‑nZX- p‑ x‑ w‑ J- . \‑k-nX- ½y‑ P- n‑ {- oi‑‑ h- a- n‑ X-m‑ W - v‑ a-\p‑ j - y‑ P - o‑ ¯ - n‑ Â ]-eX - -

c-¯n‑ e - p‑ Å {‑]i - \ -v‑ § - s - f ‑ \‑mw‑ A-Xn‑ P - o‑ h - n‑ t- ¡ ‑ ï - X - m‑ b - n‑ h - c - p‑ w‑ . CX‑v P‑oh - n‑ X - m‑ h - k - m‑ \ - w‑ h-sc ‑ b - p‑ Å X‑pS- À {‑]{- I ‑ n‑ b - b - m‑ W - .v‑ F-¶m‑ Â B-[p‑ \ - n‑ I - a-\p‑ j - y‑ s - â ‑ a-t\ ‑ m‑ `- m‑ h‑w X-s¶ ‑ a‑md - n‑ b - n‑ «- p‑ ï - .v‑ s‑Nd - n‑ b {‑]i - \ -v‑ § - Ä-¡p‑ a‑p¶ - n‑ Â t‑]m‑ e - p‑ w‑ ]-Xd- p‑ ¶ - I‑mg- N -v‑ \-ap‑ ¡ - v‑ I‑mW - m‑ w‑ . N-¦p‑ d - ¸ - n‑ Ã - m‑ ¯ P‑oh - n‑ X - a - m‑ W - v‑ H‑mt‑cm‑ c - p‑ ¯ - c - p‑ w‑ \-bn‑ ¡ - p‑ ¶ - X - .v‑ C-¡m‑ c‑y¯ - n‑ Â k‑{-v X ‑ o‑ ]‑pc - p‑ j - h‑yX - y‑ m‑ k-an‑ Ã - . a-\p‑ j - y‑ P‑oh - n‑ X - h - p‑ a- m‑ b - n‑ _-Ôs- ¸ ‑ «- v‑ s‑Nd- p‑ X - p‑ w‑ h-ep‑ X - p‑ a- m‑ b - {‑]i - \ -v‑ § - f - p‑ s‑S t‑]c- n‑ Â P‑oh - n‑ X - w‑ A-hk - m‑ \ - n‑ ¸ - n‑ ¡‑p¶ - {‑]h - W - k-aq‑ l - ¯ - n‑ Â C-¶v‑ G-dn‑ b - n‑ «- p‑ ï - .v‑ P‑oh - n‑ X - ¯ - n‑ Â F-Ãm‑ w‑ I-gn‑ ª p‑ F-¶v‑ A-¯c - ¡ - m‑ À k‑zb‑w h‑ni - z‑ k - n‑ ¡ - p‑ ¶ - p‑ . A-tX ‑ m‑ s - S‑ IS‑p¯ - X‑oc- p‑ a- m‑ \ - § - Ä F-Sp‑ ¡ - p‑ h - m‑ ³ A-hÀ X-¿m‑ d- m‑ I - p‑ ¶ - p‑ . P‑oh - ³ \-j-v‑ S-s¸ ‑ «- m‑ Â A-Xv‑ H-cn‑ ¡ - e - p‑ w‑ X‑nc - n‑ ¨ - p‑ I‑n«- p‑ I - b - n‑ s - Ã ‑ ¶ - X‑nc - n‑ ¨ - d - n‑ h - v‑ C-Ãm‑ ¯-hc - Ã - A-hÀ. A-hc - p‑ s - S‑ {‑]b - m‑ -

k-§f - n‑  \‑n¶ - p‑ w‑ {‑]i - \ -v‑ § - f - n‑  \‑n¶ - p‑ w‑ t‑am‑ N - \ - w‑ t‑\S- p‑ I - s - b ‑ ¶ - H-ä e-£y‑ w‑ a‑m{- X ‑ t- a ‑ b - p‑ Å - q‑ . \‑nX - y‑ P - o‑ h - n‑ X - ¯ - n‑  a‑pd - n‑ t- h ‑ ä - m‑ Â; k‑z] - \ -v‑ § - Ä X-IÀ-¶m‑  B-{K ‑ l‑n¨ - X - v‑ e-`n‑ ¨ - n‑ s - à ‑ ¦ - n‑ Â; _‑nk - n‑ \ - Ê‑n I-Sw‑ h - ¶ - v‑ ]-cm‑ P - b - s - ¸ ‑ «- m‑ Â; I‑pS- p‑ w‑ _ - _-Ô§ - f - n‑  h‑nÅ -  h‑oW - m‑ Â; P‑oh - n‑ X - w‑ A-hk - m‑ \ - n‑ ¸ - n‑ ¡‑pI - s - b ‑ ¶ - H-äh - g- n‑ X‑nc - s - ª ‑ S- p‑ ¡‑p¶ - h - c - m‑ W - v‑ A-[n‑ I - h - p‑ w‑ . B-[p‑ \‑nI - k-aq‑ l - ¯ - n‑  C‑u {‑]h - W - X hÀ-²n‑ ¨ - p‑ h - c - n‑ I - b - m‑ W - .v‑ a-lm‑ ß - m‑ ¡Ä ]-dª X - p‑ t- ] ‑ m‑ s - e ‑ "k‑zb - w‑ k‑rj - S-v‑ n‑ ¡ - m‑ ³ k‑m[ - n‑ ¡ - m‑ ¯ P‑oh‑nX - w‑ k‑zb - w‑ A-hk - m‑ \ - n‑ ¸ - n‑ ¡ - m‑ ³ A-hI - m‑ i - a- n‑ à - 'F-¶X - v‑ F-{X ‑ a- m‑ {- X ‑ w‑ AÀ-°h - ¯ - m‑ W - .v‑ P‑oh - n‑ X - ¯ - n‑  \‑n¶ - p‑ w‑ H-fn‑ t- ¨ ‑ m‑ S- m‑ ³ F-fp‑ ¸ - a- m‑ W - .v‑ A-Xn‑ \ - v‑ \‑nc - h - [ - n‑ I‑mc-W§ - Ä ]-db - m‑ \ - p‑ ï - m‑ h - p‑ w‑ . A-Xv‑ \‑nc - m‑ i - t- b ‑ m‑ ,‑ H-äs - ¸ ‑ S- m‑ t- e ‑ m‑ ,‑ `‑oc - p‑ X - z‑ t‑am‑ ,‑ A-]a - m‑ \ - t- a ‑ m‑ ,‑ `-bt- a ‑ m‑ ,‑ B-i¦-tb ‑ m‑ ,‑ A-]I - À-jX - m‑ t- _ ‑ m‑ [ - t- a ‑ m‑ H-s¡ ‑ b - m‑ I - m‑ w‑ . C-sX ‑ m‑ ¶ - p‑ w‑ P‑oh - \ - v‑ August


Zn tIcf ^q«vshbÀ amKkn³

]-Ic - w‑ s‑h¡ - m‑ ³ B-hn‑ à - . a-\p‑ j - y‑ P - o‑ h - ³ A-{X ‑ a‑m{- X ‑ w‑ A-aq‑ e - y‑ a - m‑ W - v‑ F-¶ I‑mc - y‑ w‑ \‑mw‑ X‑nc - n‑ ¨ - d‑nt- b ‑ ï - X - p‑ ï - .v‑ h‑nj - m‑ Z- t- c ‑ m‑ K - w‑ A-Yh - m‑ U‑n{- ] ‑ j - \ - m‑ W - v‑ P‑oh - n‑ X - w‑ A-hk - m‑ \ - n‑ ¸ - n‑ ¡ - p‑ ¶ - X-c¯ - n‑ e - p‑ f - f - N‑n´ - I - Ä-¡m‑ [‑mc - w‑ . \‑nX - y‑ P - o‑ h - n‑ X - ¯ - n‑  ]‑pd- t- a‑ ¡ - v‑ k-t´ ‑ m‑ j - w‑ `‑mh - n‑ ¡ - m‑ s - a ‑ ¦ - n‑ e - p‑ w‑ ,‑ k-´p‑ j - S-v‑ s - c ‑ ¶ - p‑ t‑Xm‑ ¶ - n‑ ¡ - p‑ s‑a¦ - n‑ e - p‑ w‑ D-Ån‑ s - e ‑ h‑n§ -  h-Ãt- ¸ ‑ m‑ g- p‑ w‑ X‑nc - n‑ ¨-dn‑ b - m‑ ³ I-gn‑ s - ª ‑ ¶ - p‑ h-cn‑ I - b - n‑ à - . F-¶m‑  C-Xp‑ X‑nc - n‑ ¨ - d - n‑ b - m‑ ³ I-gn‑ b - p‑ ¶ - k‑pl - r‑ ¯ - n‑ t- \ ‑ m‑ ,‑ I‑pS- p‑ w‑ _ - m‑ w‑ K - § - Ä-t¡ ‑ m‑ A-¯c - ¡ - m‑ s - c ‑ c-£n‑ ¡ - p‑ h‑m³ k‑m[ - n‑ ¡ - p‑ w‑ . P‑oh - n‑ X - w‑ A-hk - m‑ \ - n‑ ¸ - n‑ ¡ - m‑ ³ X‑oc - p‑ a - m‑ \ - n‑ ¨ - h - À H-cp‑ I‑mc - W - h - i - m‑ e - p‑ w‑ C-Xv‑ ]‑pd - ¯‑p ]-db - p‑ I - b - n‑ à - . X‑pS- À-¨b - m‑ b - n‑ A-\p‑ `- h - n‑ ¡ - p‑ ¶ a-t\ ‑ m‑ Z- p‑ :J‑w I‑mc - W - a - p‑ Å - A-kz‑ Ø - X - I - Ä A-hc‑n k‑q£ - a -v‑ X - t- b ‑ m‑ s - S‑ {‑i² - n‑ ¨ - m‑  I‑mW - p‑ h - m‑ ³ I-gn‑ b - p‑ w‑ . C-Xv‑ a‑m\ - k - n‑ I - t‑cm‑ K - h - n‑ Z- K - ² -v‑ À-¡p‑ a‑m{‑Xt- a ‑ I‑ms - ï ‑ ¯ - m‑ ³ I-gn‑ b - p‑ I - b - p‑ Å - q‑ . B-ßl - X - y‑ m‑ {‑]h - W - X - b - p‑ Å - h - s - c ‑ F-§s - \ ‑ X‑nc‑n¨ - d- n‑ b - m‑ w‑ ? A-hc - p‑ s - S‑ k‑mk - m‑ c - ¯ - n‑ s - e ‑ {‑]h - r‑ ¯ - n‑ b‑nt- e ‑ m‑ N‑ne - k‑qN - \ - I - Ä k‑ná - e - p‑ I - Ä {‑]X - y‑ £ - s‑¸S- m‑ h - p‑ ¶ - X - m‑ W - .v‑ N‑ne - ]-cm‑ a- À-i§ - f - p‑ w‑ A-hc- n‑  \‑n¶ - p‑ ï - m‑ I - p‑ w‑ . P‑oh - n‑ X - w‑ a-Sp‑ ¯ - p‑ F-t¶ ‑ m‑ ; R‑m³ F-Ãm‑ w‑ H-cp‑ Z‑nh - k - w‑ A-hk - m‑ \ - n‑ ¸ - n‑ ¡ - m‑ s - a ‑ t- ¶ ‑ m‑ ,‑ X-s¶ ‑ BÀ-¡p‑ w‑ t‑hï - F-t¶ ‑ m‑ H-s¡ ‑ b - m‑ b - n‑ c - n‑ ¡‑pw‑ A-hÀ ]-db - p‑ ¶ - X - .v‑ C-¯c - w‑ k‑w`- m‑ j - W - §-sf ‑ \‑mw‑ a‑pJ - h - n‑ e - s - ¡ ‑ S- p‑ t- ¡ ‑ ï - X - p‑ ï - .v‑ A-Xv‑ \‑nÊ - m‑ c - a - m‑ b - n‑ I‑mW - p‑ ¶ - X - v‑ i-cn‑ b - à - .


h‑n¡ - p‑ ¶ - h - c - n‑ Â h‑ni - ¸ - n‑ Ã - m‑ b - a-v‑ ,‑ D-d¡ - {- ] ‑ i - \ -v‑ § - Ä `-£W - c‑oX - n‑ b - n‑ e - p‑ w‑ k‑wk - m‑ c - ¯ - n‑ e - p‑ w‑ s‑]c - p‑ a - m‑ ä-¯n‑ e - p‑ a - p‑ Å h‑yX - y‑ m‑ k - § - Ä F-¶n‑ h - I‑mW - m‑ h‑p¶ - X - m‑ W - .v‑ I‑qS- m‑ s - X ‑ X‑o{- h ‑ a - m‑ b - I‑pä - t- _ ‑ m‑ [ - w‑ I‑mc - W - w‑ B-ßl - X - y‑ s - b ‑ ¡ - p‑ d - n‑ ¨ - v‑ \‑nc - ´ - c - a - m‑ b - n‑ N‑n´ - n‑ ¨ - p‑ s - I ‑ m‑ ï - n‑ c - n‑ ¡ - p‑ w‑ . a-cW - s - ¯ ‑ ¡ - p‑ d - n‑ ¨ - p‑ Å I-YI - Ä‑, I-hn‑ X - I - Ä X‑pS- § - n‑ b - h - F-gp‑ X - m‑ \ - p‑ w‑ h‑mb - n‑ ¡ - m‑ \ - p‑ a- p‑ Å - A-Xn‑ b - m‑ b - X‑me - ] -v‑ c - y‑ w‑ ,‑ ]-Xn‑ h - n‑ Ã‑ms - X ‑ U-bd- n‑ I - p‑ d- n‑ ¸ - p‑ I - Ä F-gp‑ X - p‑ I - ,‑ a‑qÀ-¨b - p‑ Å h-kX -v‑ p‑ ¡ - Ä c-lk - y‑ a - m‑ b - n- k‑q£ - n‑ ¨ - p‑ s - h ‑ ¡ - p‑ I - ,‑ X-tâ ‑ X - m‑ b - h‑k -v X -v‑ p‑ ¡ - Ä a-äp‑ Å - h - À-¡v‑ \Â-Im‑ \ - p‑ Å A-Xn‑ b - m‑ b - X‑me - ] -v‑ c - y‑ w‑ . k‑wk - m‑ c - ¯ - n‑ \ - n‑ S- b - n‑ Â K‑pU - s -v‑ s ‑ _ ‑ ]-db - p‑ I - ,‑ A-an‑ X - a - m‑ b - n‑ a-Zy‑ ] - n‑ ¡ - p‑ I - ,‑ a-äp‑ Å - h - c- n‑ Â \‑n¶ - p‑ w‑ A-I¶ - v‑ H-Xp‑ § - n‑ ¡‑qS- m‑ \ - p‑ Å X‑me - ] -v‑ c- y‑ w‑ X‑pS- § - n‑ b - k‑qN - \ - I - Ä C-¯c- ¡ - m‑ c- n‑ Â I‑mW - m‑ h - p‑ ¶ - X - m‑ W - .v‑ N‑ne - B-fp‑ I - Ä I-Sp‑ ¯ h‑nj - m‑ Z- m‑ h - Ø b - n‑ Â t‑]m‑ e - p‑ w‑ s‑]s - «‑ ¶ - v‑ i‑m´ - h - p‑ w‑ k-t´ ‑ m‑ j - {- ] ‑ Z- h - p‑ a‑mb - P‑oh - n‑ X - ¯ - n‑ t- e ‑ ¡ - v‑ X‑nc - n‑ ¨ - p‑ h-cp‑ ¶ - X - v‑ I‑qS- p‑ XÂ {‑i² - n‑ t- ¡ ‑ ï - X - m‑ W - v‑. a-\Ê - v‑ k-Zm‑ s‑\K - ä- o‑ h - v‑ N‑n´ - I - f - n‑ e - q‑ s - S‑ I-S¶ - p‑ t‑]m‑ I - p‑ t- ¼ ‑ m‑ Ä h‑yà - n‑ I-\¯ i‑q\ - y‑ X - b - n‑ t- e ‑ ¡ - m‑ W - v‑ s‑Ns - ¶ ‑ ¯ - p‑ I - . ]‑mc - ¼ - c - y‑ w‑ C-¡m‑ c - y‑ ¯ - n‑ e - p‑ w‑ {‑][ - m‑ \ - a - m‑ W - v‑. I‑qS‑pw‑ _ - ¯ - n‑ Â B-ßl - X - y‑ s‑Nb - v‑X - ]‑mc - ¼ - c - y‑ a - p‑ Å-hc - p‑ s - S‑ ]‑n³-ap‑ d - ¡ - m‑ c - n‑ e - p‑ w‑ A-tX ‑ {‑]h - W - X I‑mW - m‑ \ - p‑ Å - k‑m[ - y‑ X - G-sd ‑ b - m‑ W - v‑. \-½p‑ s - S‑ X-et- ¨ ‑ m‑ d - n‑ s - e ‑ s‑\K - ä - o‑ h - v‑ N‑n´ - I - s - f ‑ \‑nb - {- ´ ‑ n‑ ¨ - v‑ t‑]m‑ k - n‑ ä - o‑ h - v‑ X‑oc - p‑ a - m‑ \ - § - Ä s‑sI ‑ s - ¡ ‑ m‑ ï - v‑ P‑oh‑nX - s - ¯ ‑ k-t´ ‑ m‑ j - {- ] ‑ Z- a- m‑ ¡ - p‑ I - b - m‑ W - v‑ t‑hï - X - v‑.

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a‑m\ - k - n‑ I - A-kz‑ Ø - X - I - Ä I‑qS- p‑ X - e - m‑ b - n‑ A-\p‑ `- -



IÀ-i-\-a‑m-b‑n D-t‑]-£‑n-¡‑p-I. I‑u¬-k‑n-e‑n-§‑p‑w H‑uj-[ N‑n-I‑n-Õ-b‑p‑w A-`‑n-I‑m-a‑y‑w. c-à-k-½À-±‑w: 140/90 a‑n.a‑o. s‑aÀ-¡‑p-d‑n-b‑n I‑p-d-b-W‑w. {‑]-t‑a-l-h‑p‑w h‑r-¡-t‑c‑m-K-h‑p-a‑p-Å-h-c‑n 130/80  I‑p-d-b-W‑w. `-£-W‑w: ]-g-hÀ-¤-§-f‑p‑w ]-¨-¡-d‑n-I-f‑p‑w k‑p-e-`-a‑m-b‑p-Å‑, s‑I‑mg‑p-¸‑p‑w D-¸‑p‑w a-[‑p-c ]-Z‑mÀ-°-§-f‑p‑w I‑p-d-ª B-l‑mc‑w i‑o-e-a‑m-¡-W‑w. s‑I ‑m-f -k ‑v-t‑{‑S‑mÄ: FÂ.U‑n.FÂ. 100 a‑n.{‑K‑m‑w i-X-a‑m-\-¯‑n I‑p-db-W‑w. s‑s‑{‑S-¥‑n-k-s‑s‑d-U‑p-IÄ 150 I‑p-d-b-W‑w. F-¨‑v.U‑n. FÂ. 40  I‑q-S-W‑w. C-X‑n-\‑m-b‑n `-£-W-{‑I-a‑o-I-cW-h‑p‑w t‑h-W‑w. i-c‑o-c-`‑m-c‑w: _‑n.F‑w.s‑F. 18.5 \‑p‑w 24.9 \‑p‑w C-S-¡‑m-h-W‑w. ]‑p-c‑pj-·‑mÀ-¡‑v A-c-s‑¡-«‑n-s‑â N‑p-ä-f-h‑v 90 s‑k.a‑o.b‑n-e‑p‑w k‑v-{‑X‑o-IÄ-¡‑v 80 s‑k.a‑o.b‑n-e‑p‑w Ip-d-b-W‑w. h‑y‑m-b‑m-a‑w: Z‑n-h-t‑k-\ 30 a‑n-\‑n-ä‑n I‑q-S‑p-X h‑y‑m-b‑m-a‑w s‑N-¿W‑w. F-b-t‑d‑m-_‑n-I‑v h‑y‑m-b‑m-a-a‑p-d-IÄ D-¯-a‑w. The Kerala Footwear Magazine



Zn tIcf ^q«vshbÀ amKkn³

s‑I.s‑I.k-t´ ‑ m‑ j - v {‑]k - n‑ U - â‑v (^‑ma - )‑

B-hi - y‑ ¯ - n‑ \ - v‑ s‑Xm‑ g- n‑ e - m‑ f- n‑ I - s- f‑ I‑n«- m‑ \ - p‑ Å - {‑]b - m‑ k - w‑ H-cp‑ `‑mK - ¯ - p‑ s- ï ‑ ¦ - n‑ Â D-Å s‑Xm‑ g- n‑ e- m‑ f- n‑ I - f- n‑ Â-¯s- ¶ ‑ s‑Xm‑ ® - q‑ d- p‑ i-Xa- m‑ \ - h - p‑ w‑ A-\y‑ k - w‑ Ø - m‑ \ - s‑Xm‑ g- n‑ e - m‑ f- n‑ I - f- m‑ W - v‑ F-¶X - p‑ w‑ {‑]X - n‑ k - Ô - n‑ ¡ - v‑ B-¡w‑ I - q‑ «- p‑ ¶ - p‑ . s‑Xm‑ g- n‑ e - m‑ f- n‑ I - Ä X-t±‑ i - o‑ b - c‑ms- W ‑ ¦ - n‑ Â X‑ma- k - k‑uI - c- y‑ h - p‑ w‑ a-äp‑ w‑ I-sï ‑ t- ¯ ‑ ï - Bh-iy‑ w‑ h-cp‑ ¶ - n‑ Ã - . h³ h‑mS- I - \Â-In‑ b - m‑ W - v‑ A-\y‑ k - w‑ Ø - m‑ \ s‑Xm‑ g- n‑ e - m‑ f- n‑ I - Ä-¡p‑ Å - X‑ma- k - k‑uI - c- y‑ w‑ H-cp‑ ¡ - p‑ ¶ - X - .v

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{‑]X - n‑ k - Ô - n‑ b - n‑  s‑]«- p‑ g- e- p‑ ¶ A-¸À \‑nÀ-½m‑ W - b‑qW - n‑ ä- p‑ I - Ä - m‑ h‑yh - k - m‑ b - ¯ - n‑ \ - m‑ h - i - y‑ a- m‑ b - A-¸À ]‑m- Z-D-ce£ ] -v‑ ¶ - § - Ä \‑nÀ-½n‑ ¨ - p‑ h - c - p‑ ¶ - s‑Nd - p‑ I - n‑ S b‑qW - n‑ ä - p‑ I - Ä a‑p¼ - n‑ à - m‑ ¯ - h - n‑ [ - w‑ {‑]X - n‑ k - Ô - n‑ t‑\c - n‑ S- p‑ I - b - m‑ s - W ‑ ¶ - v‑ ^‑qS- s -v‑ h ‑ b - À B-Ik -v‑ Ê - d - o‑ k‑v a‑m\ - p‑ ^ - m‑ I - t-v‑ N ‑ g- k -v‑ v‑ A-tk ‑ m‑ k - n‑ t- b ‑ j - ³ (^‑ma‑) {‑]k - n‑ U - â‑v s‑I.s‑I.k-t´ ‑ m‑ j - p‑ w‑ s‑k{- I ‑ «- d - n‑ ]‑n.d-^o‑ J - p‑ w‑ ]-db - p‑ ¶ - p‑ . s‑a¡ - m‑ \ - n‑ ¡ -  h‑n`- m‑ K - ¯‑n k‑mt- ¦ ‑ X - n‑ I - h‑nZ- y‑ m‑ `- y‑ m‑ k - w‑ t‑\S- n‑ b - h - c - p‑ s - S‑ e-`y‑ X - ¡ - p‑ d- h - p‑ w‑ A-Sn‑ ¡ - S- n‑ a‑md- n‑ s - ¡ ‑ m‑ ï - n‑ c - n‑ ¡ - p‑ ¶ s‑{S‑ â‑pI - Ä I‑mc - W - h - p‑ w‑ \‑nÀ-½m‑ W - ¯ - n‑ \ - m‑ h - i - y‑ a‑mb - s‑aä- o‑ c- n‑ b - e - p‑ I - Ä ]-e I-¼\ - n‑ I - f - n‑ e - p‑ w‑ s‑UU - -v‑ t‑Ìm‑ ¡ - m‑ b - n‑ I‑nS- ¡ - p‑ ¶ - A-hØ D-ÅX - n‑ \ - m‑ e - p‑ w‑ C‑u t‑aJ - e - h-en‑ b - t‑Xm‑ X - n‑ e - p‑ Å {‑]X - n‑ k - Ô - n‑ -

The Kerala Footwear Magazine

b‑mW - v‑ t‑\c - n‑ S- p‑ ¶ - X - .v‑ a‑p³-Im‑ e - § - f - n‑  H-tc‑ X - c- ¯ - n‑ e - p‑ Å - s‑aä- o‑ c- n‑ b-ep‑ I - Ä D-]t- b ‑ m‑ K - n‑ ¨ - p‑ Å - A-¸d- p‑ I - Ä-¡v‑ a‑n\ - n‑ a- w‑ B-dp‑ a‑mk - s - a ‑ ¦ - n‑ e - p‑ w‑ s‑{S‑ â‑v \‑ne - \ - n‑ Â-¡p‑ a - m‑ b - n‑ c‑p¶ - p‑ . F-¶m‑ Â‑, C-¶v‑ H-cp‑ a‑mk - ¯ - n‑ \ - p‑ Å - n‑ ¯-s¶ ‑ s‑aä - o‑ c - n‑ b - e - p‑ I - f - p‑ s - S‑ s‑sh ‑ h - n‑ [ - y‑ ¯ - n‑  a‑mä - w‑ h-cp‑ t- ¯ ‑ ï - A-hØ - b - m‑ W - p‑ Å - X - .v‑ C-Xp‑ s‑aä- o‑ c - n‑ b - e - p‑ I - Ä h‑m§ - p‑ ¶ - X - n‑ e - p‑ w‑ t‑Ìm‑ ¡ - v‑ s‑N¿ - p‑ ¶-Xn‑ e - p‑ w‑ h‑yh - k - m‑ b - n‑ I - Ä-¡v‑ G-sd‑ {‑]b - m‑ k - § - Ä D-ïm‑ ¡ - p‑ ¶ - p‑ ï - .v‑ B-hi - y‑ ¯ - n‑ \ - v‑ s‑Xm‑ g- n‑ e - m‑ f - n‑ I - s - f ‑ I‑n«- m‑ \ - p‑ Å - {‑]b - m‑ k - w‑ H-cp‑ `‑mK - ¯ - p‑ s- ï ‑ ¦ - n‑  D-Å s‑Xm‑ g- n‑ e - m‑ f - n‑ I - f - n‑ Â-¯s- ¶ ‑ s‑Xm‑ ® - q‑ d- p‑ i-Xa- m‑ \ - h - p‑ w‑ A-\y‑ k - w‑ Ø - m‑ \ - s‑Xm‑ g- n‑ e - m‑ f - n‑ I - f - m‑ W - v‑ F-¶X - p‑ w‑




Zn tIcf ^q«vshbÀ amKkn³

{‑]X - n‑ k - Ô - n‑ ¡ - v‑ B-¡w‑ I - q‑ «- p‑ ¶ - p‑ . s‑Xm‑ g- n‑ e - m‑ f - n‑ I - Ä X-t±‑ i - o‑ b - c - m‑ s - W ‑ ¦ - n‑  X‑ma- k - k‑uI - c - y‑ h - p‑ w‑ a-äp‑ w‑ I-sï ‑ t- ¯ ‑ ï - B-hi - y‑ w‑ h-cp‑ ¶ - n‑ à - . h³ h‑mS- I \Â-In‑ b - m‑ W - v‑ A-\y‑ k - w‑ Ø - m‑ \ - s‑Xm‑ g- n‑ e - m‑ f - n‑ IÄ-¡p‑ Å - X‑ma- k - k‑uI - c- y‑ w‑ H-cp‑ ¡ - p‑ ¶ - s - X ‑ ¶ - p‑ w‑ ^‑ma - m‑ `‑mc - h - m‑ l - n‑ I - Ä ]-dª p‑ . {‑]X - n‑ k - Ô - n‑ ¡ - v‑ B-¡w‑ I‑q«- p‑ ¶ - X - m‑ W - v‑ s‑sh ‑ Z‑yp‑ X - n‑ N‑mÀ-Ö.v‑ s‑sh ‑ Z- y‑ p‑ X - n‑ C-Ãm‑ X - n‑ c - n‑ ¡ - p‑ t- ¼ ‑ m‑ Ä P-\t- d‑ ä- À {‑]h - À-¯n‑ ¸ - n‑ ¨ - m‑ W - v‑ D-e] -v‑ m‑ Z- \ - w‑ \-S¯ - p‑ ¶-Xv‑ F-¶X - n‑ \ - m‑  A-Xn‑ s - â ‑ N‑ne - h - p‑ I - Ä t‑hs - d‑ b‑pw‑ h-ln‑ t- ¡ ‑ ï - n‑ h - c - p‑ ¶ - p‑ . _‑nÂ-Un‑ w‑ K - v‑ h‑mS- I C-\¯ - n‑  `‑oa - a - m‑ b - X‑pI - b - m‑ W - v‑ \Â-tI ‑ ï - n‑ h - c‑p¶ - X - .v‑ C-¯c - w‑ {‑]b - m‑ k - § - f - p‑ w‑ {‑]i - \ -v‑ § - f - p‑ w‑ t‑\c- n‑ «- p‑ s- I ‑ m‑ ï - m‑ W - v‑ H‑mt- c‑ m‑ A-¸À b‑qW - n‑ ä- p‑ w‑ C-¶p‑ {‑]h - À-¯n‑ ¨ - p‑ h - c - p‑ ¶ - X - .v‑ 500 c‑q] - b - n‑  X‑ms - g‑ b - p‑ Å - ]‑mZ- c - £ - I - Ä-¡v‑ F-Is -v‑ s ‑ k ‑ k - v‑ U‑yq‑ «- n‑ \Â-tI ‑ ï - X - n‑ à - . F-¶m‑ Â‑, t‑Ic - f - ¯ - n‑ s - e ‑ 99 i-Xa - m‑ \ - w‑ ]‑mZ- c - £ - m‑ \‑nÀ½‑mX - m‑ ¡ - f - p‑ w‑ 500 c‑q] - b - n‑  X‑ms - g‑ h‑ne - b - p‑ Å s‑Nc - p‑ ¸ - p‑ I - f - m‑ W - v‑ \‑nÀ-½n‑ ¨ - p‑ h - c - p‑ ¶ - X - .v‑ F-¶m‑ Â‑, A-¸À t‑aJ - e - b - n‑  C-Xà - Ø‑nX - n‑ . k‑m[ - m‑ c - W F-k.v‑ F-k.v‑ s‑F. b‑qW - n‑ ä- p‑ I - Ä-¡v‑ D-ÅX - p‑ t- ] ‑ m‑ s - e ‑ H-¶c - t‑Im‑ S- n‑ c‑q] - b - p‑ s - S‑ e‑na - n‑ ä- m‑ W - v‑ \‑ne - h - n‑ e - p‑ Å - X‑.v D-e] -v‑ m‑ Z- \ - w‑ hÀ-²n‑ ¸ - n‑ ¨ - v‑ F-Is -v‑ s ‑ k ‑ k - v‑ U‑yq‑ «- n‑ N‑pa - ¯ - n‑ A-¸À \‑n½ - n‑ ¨ - p‑ \ - Â-Ip‑ I - b - m‑ s - W ‑ ¦ - n‑  X-s¶ ‑ s‑k³-{S‑  F-Is -v‑ s ‑ k ‑ k - v‑ U‑yq‑ «- n‑ A-St- ¡ ‑ ï B-hi - y‑ a- n‑ à - m‑ ¯ - ^‑qS- s-v‑ h ‑ b - À \‑nÀ-½m‑ X - m‑ ¡ - Ä h‑ne - I‑qS- p‑ X - e - p‑ Å - A-¸d - p‑ I - Ä h‑m§ - p‑ h - m‑ ³ X¿‑md - m‑ h - p‑ I - b - n‑ à - . a‑mÀ-¡ä - n‑ s - e ‑ a-Õc - w‑ I‑mc - W - w‑ ^‑pS- s -v‑ h ‑ b - À \‑nÀ-½m‑ X - m‑ ¡ - Ä X-s¶ ‑ A-hc - p‑ s - S‑ I-¼\ - n‑ I - f - n‑ Â-h¨ - v‑ A-¸d - p‑ I - Ä \‑nÀ-½n‑ ¡ - m‑ ³ X¿‑md - m‑ h - p‑ w‑ . A-Xn‑ \ - m‑ Â‑, s‑Nd - p‑ I - n‑ S- A-¸À \‑nÀ-

The Kerala Footwear Magazine

½‑mX - m‑ ¡ - f - p‑ s - S‑ {‑]b - m‑ k - ¯ - n‑ \ - p‑ I‑mc - W - a - m‑ b K-h¬-sa‑ â‑ns - â ‑ \‑nÀ-½m‑ W - ] - c - n‑ [ - n‑ s‑am‑ ¯ - ¯ - n‑  F-Sp‑ ¯ - p‑ I - f - b - p‑ I - b - m‑ W - v‑ t‑hï - s - X ‑ ¶ - v‑ ^‑ma - m‑ `‑mc-hm‑ l - n‑ I - Ä ]-db - p‑ ¶ - p‑ . H-cp‑ A-¸d- n‑ s - â ‑ h‑ne - 100 c‑q] - b - m‑ s - W ‑ ¦ - n‑  {‑]X - n‑ Z- n‑ \ - w‑ 500 s‑]b - À a‑m{- X ‑ w‑ \‑nÀ-½n‑ ¡ - p‑ t- ¼ ‑ m‑ Ä i-cm‑ i - c - n‑ 25 Z‑nh - k - w‑ D-e] -v‑ m‑ Z-\w‑ \-S¯ - p‑ I - b - m‑ s - W ‑ ¦ - n‑  12500 D‑w C-Xv‑ 12 a‑mk - a - m‑ h - p‑ t- ¼ ‑ m‑ Ä H-¶c - t‑Im‑ S- n‑ F-¶ ]-cn‑ [ - n‑ b‑n A-hk - m‑ \ - n‑ ¡ - p‑ ¶ - p‑ . 500 s‑]b - À D-e] -v‑ m‑ Z- \ - w‑ \-S¯ - n‑ b - m‑  H-cp‑ I-¼\ - n‑ ¡ - p‑ w‑ a‑pt- ¶ ‑ m‑ «- p‑ t- ] ‑ m‑ I - m‑ ³ I-gn‑ b - n‑ à - . C-Xn‑ \ - p‑ Å - G-I t‑]m‑ w‑ h - g- n‑ ]-cn‑ [ - n‑ F-Sp‑ ¯‑pI - f - b - p‑ I - F-¶p‑ Å - X - p‑ X - s - ¶ ‑ b - m‑ W - .v‑ I‑mc- y‑ § - f - p‑ s- S‑ \‑nP - Ø - n‑ X - n‑ a-\Ê - n‑ e - m‑ ¡ - m‑ s- X ‑ b‑mW - v‑ C‑u t‑aJ - e - b - n‑ t- e ‑ ¡ - v‑ \‑nc - h - [ - n‑ B-fp‑ I - Ä I-S¶ - p‑ h - c - p‑ ¶ - X - .v‑ F-¶m‑ Â‑, Ø‑m] - \ - w‑ X‑pS- § - n‑ A-e] -v‑ \ - m‑ f - p‑ I - Ä-¡I - w‑ h³ k‑m¼ - ¯ - n‑ I - _‑m[‑yX - b - m‑  Ø‑m] - \ - w‑ A-S¨ - p‑ ] - q‑ t- «‑ ï - A-hØ - b‑ne - m‑ W - v‑ F-¯p‑ I - . B-Ik -v‑ Ê - d - o‑ k - v‑ D-e] -v‑ m‑ Z- \ b‑qW - n‑ ä - p‑ I - f - n‑  B-[p‑ \ - n‑ I - h - Â-¡c - W - w‑ \-S¸ - m‑ ¡‑pI - b - p‑ w‑ ,‑ ]‑mZ- c - £ - m‑ A-\p‑ _ - Ô h‑yh - k - m‑ b - §-fn‑  F-Is -v‑ s ‑ k ‑ k - v‑ U‑yq‑ «- n‑ H-gn‑ h - m‑ ¡ - W - s - a‑ ¶ - w‑ B-hi - y‑ w‑ D-bÀ-¶p‑ I - g- n‑ ª p‑ . C‑u t‑aJ - e - b - n‑  \‑nc - h - [ - n‑ s‑Xm‑ g- n‑ e - h - k - c - § - Ä D-ÅX - n‑ \ - m‑  h-\n‑ X-IÄ-¡v‑ s‑{S‑ b - n‑ \ - n‑ § - v‑ \Â-In‑ h - c - p‑ ¶ - p‑ ï - .v‑ F-^.v‑ U‑n.U‑n.s‑F. t‑]m‑ e - p‑ Å ]-cn‑ i - o‑ e - \ t‑I{- µ ‑ § - f - n‑  \‑nc - h - [ - n‑ k‑{-v X ‑ o‑ I - Ä ]-cn‑ i - o‑ e - \ - ¯‑ns - \ ‑ ¯ - p‑ ¶ - p‑ ï - .v‑ \‑nc - h - [ - n‑ A-hk - c - § - Ä C‑u t‑aJ - e - b - n‑  D-sï ‑ ¶ - I‑mc - y‑ w‑ X-t±‑ i - o‑ b - À a-\Ê - n‑ e‑m¡ - p‑ I - b - p‑ w‑ kÀ-¡m‑ c - p‑ I - Ä C‑u t‑aJ - e - b - p‑ s - S‑ h-fÀ-¨¡ - m‑ b - n‑ ]‑pX - p‑ ] - p‑ ¯ - ³ A-dn‑ h - p‑ I - Ä e-`y‑ a‑m¡ - p‑ I - b - p‑ w‑ t‑hW - s - a ‑ ¶ - v‑ ^‑ma - `‑mc - h - m‑ l - n‑ I - Ä ]-dª p‑ .



Zn tIcf ^q«vshbÀ amKkn³


Madhavadas (Director), Ramesh Kammath (Brand Ambassador), Ranjith Kumar (Managing Director), Vimal Subramaniam (HDFC Relationship Manager), Sreelatha Sukumar (Chief Manager, KFC), James Emmanuel (Administration Manager)

Premier Genuine Leather Footwear Launching ]‑m-Z-c-£‑m \‑nÀ-½‑m-W c‑w-K-¯‑v 57 hÀ-j-s‑¯ ]‑m-c-¼-c‑y-a‑p-Å‑, l-h‑m-b‑v a‑p-X G-ä-h‑p‑w ]‑p-X‑p-a-b‑mÀ-¶ s‑N-c‑p-¸‑p-IÄ-h-s‑c t‑e‑m-I-¯‑n-\‑v ]-c‑n-N-b-s‑¸-S‑p-¯‑n-b {‑]‑o-a‑n-bÀ {‑K‑q-¸‑v C‑u c‑w-K-¯‑v H-c‑p ]‑p-¯³ N‑p-h-S‑v-s‑h-b‑v-]‑v \-S-¯‑p-I-b‑m-W‑v. Premier Footwear s‑â A-X‑y‑m-[‑p-\‑n-I e-t‑_‑m-d-«-d‑n-b‑n \‑n-¶‑p‑w \‑o-ï ]-c‑o-£-W-§f‑p-s‑S ^-e-a‑m-b‑n ]‑p-d-¯‑n-d-§‑p-¶ Premier Genuine Leather s‑N-c‑p-¸‑p-IÄ C‑u c‑w-Ks‑¯‑m-c‑p h‑n-¹-h-a‑m-I‑p‑w. i-c‑o-c-¯‑n-s‑â a-t‑ä-s‑X‑m-c‑p `‑m-K-h‑p‑w t‑]‑m-s‑e ]‑m-Z-§-f‑p‑w h-f-s‑c h‑r-¯‑n-b‑m-b‑n k‑q-£‑n-t‑¡-ï-X‑p-ï‑v. s‑h-Å-¯‑n-e‑p‑w a-®‑n-e‑p‑w N-f‑n-b‑n-e‑p‑w a-ä‑p a‑m-e‑n-\‑y§-f‑n-e‑p‑w ]‑m-Z-§Ä t‑\-c‑n-«‑v k‑v-]À-i‑n-¡‑p-¶-X‑v H-g‑n-h‑m-¡‑m-\‑p‑w A-X‑n-e‑q-s‑S t‑c‑m-K-_‑m-[ X-S-b‑m-\‑p-a‑m-W‑v \‑m‑w {‑]-[‑m-\-a‑m-b‑p‑w s‑N-c‑p-¸‑p-IÄ D-]-t‑b‑m-K‑n-¡‑p-¶-X‑v. A-X‑n-\‑m-b‑n `‑q-c‑n]-£‑w t‑]-c‑p‑w X‑n-c-s‑ª-S‑p-¡‑p-¶-t‑X‑m ¹‑m-Ì‑n-I‑v, s‑d-I‑v-k‑n³‑, F-¶‑n-h-s‑I‑m-ï‑p \‑nÀ-½‑n-¨ ]‑m-Z-c-£-I-f‑m-W‑v. F-¶‑m A-h K‑p-W-t‑¯-¡‑m-t‑f-s‑d t‑Z‑m-j‑w s‑N-¿‑p-¶‑p F-¶-X‑m-W‑v h‑m-k‑v-X-h‑w. I-g‑n-ª \‑o-ï-ï-hÀ-j-§-f‑n-s‑e ]-c‑o-£-W-§-f‑p-s‑S-b‑p‑w ]T-\-§-f‑p-t‑S-b‑p‑w A-\‑p-`-h-§-f‑p-s‑S-b‑p‑w s‑h-f‑n-¨-¯‑n t‑aÂ-]-d-ª h-k‑v-X‑p-¡Ä s‑I‑m-ï‑p-Å s‑N-c‑p-¸‑pIÄ ]‑m-Z-§Ä-¡‑p k‑r-j‑v-S‑n-¡‑p-¶ t‑c‑m-K-§Ä \‑n-c-h-[‑n-b‑m-s‑W-¶‑v X‑n-c‑n-¨-d‑n-b‑m³ I-g‑nª‑n-c‑n-¡‑p-¶‑p. \-½‑p-s‑S NÀ-½-¯‑n-\‑v k‑w-c-£-W‑w \Â-I‑p-¶-X‑v F-¸‑n-UÀ-½‑n-k‑v B-W‑v. ¹‑m-Ì‑n-I‑v, s‑d-I‑v-k‑n³‑, X‑p-S-§‑n-b-h-b‑m \‑nÀ-½‑n-X-a‑m-b s‑N-c‑p-¸‑p-IÄ C‑u F-¸‑n-UÀ-½‑nk‑n d‑n-b‑m-£³ D-ï‑m-¡‑p-¶‑p. I‑m-e‑n I-d‑p-¯-]‑m-S‑v, s‑N‑m-d‑n-¨‑nÂ‑, {‑h-W-§Ä‑, X‑p-S-§‑n s‑UÀ-a-s‑s‑ä-ä‑n-k‑v t‑]‑m-e‑p-Å t‑c‑m-K-§Ä h-s‑c C‑u-s‑b‑m-c‑p d‑n-b‑m-£-s‑â ]-c‑n-W-X-^-e-a‑mW‑v. C-¯-c‑w s‑N-c‑p-¸‑p-IÄ I‑m-e‑n-s‑e NÀ-½-¯‑n-s‑â `‑w-K‑n \-j‑v-S-s‑¸-S‑p-¯‑p-¶-t‑X‑m-s‑S‑m-¸‑w I-S‑p-¯ a‑m-\-k‑n-I A-k‑z-Ø-X-¡‑p‑w I‑m-c-W-a‑m-I‑p-¶‑p. F-¶‑m b-Y‑mÀ-° s‑e-XÀ D-]t‑b‑m-K‑n-¨‑v B-[‑p-\‑n-I k‑m-t‑¦-X‑n-I h‑n-Z‑y-t‑b‑m-s‑S C‑u-S‑p-ä‑, `‑w-K‑n-b‑mÀ-¶‑, Premier Genuine Leather Footwear C-t‑¸‑mÄ h‑n-]-W‑n-b‑n F-¯‑n-¡-g‑n-ª‑p. {‑]-t‑a-l t‑c‑m-K‑n-IÄ-¡‑p‑w h‑m-X-t‑c‑m-K‑n-IÄ-¡‑p‑w h-s‑c C-\‑n a-s‑ä‑m-c‑p ]‑m-Z-c-£ A-t‑\‑z-j‑n-t‑¡-ï-X‑n-Ã. The Kerala Footwear Magazine




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The Kerala Footwear Magazine



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KSSIA & CIFI Team set out to China

19th CHINA WENZHOU LEATHERFARE August 28-30, 2014

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The Kerala Footwear Magazine


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Kerala State Small Industries Association (KSSIA)


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Full A Plus holder in S.S.L.C. examination Ayisha Nihala (D/o P.P. Latheef) receiving momento from Sri. Elamaram Kareem MLA


The Kerala Footwear Magazine


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Felicitation for full A Plus holder in S.S.L.C. examination by KSSIA

The Kerala Footwear Magazine



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Overall champions in K.S.S.I.A. Sports Meet

Full A Plus holder in S.S.L.C. examination Fawas (S/o Hameed Ali) receiving momento from Sri. M.A. Abdurahiman (KSSIA District President). Near: V.K.C. Mammed Koya (Former President, KSSIA) and A.V. Sunilnath (Former Secretary, KSSIA)

The Kerala Footwear Magazine




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Calicut Media’s Footwear Car Rally 2014 Nov. 29 Saturday

Calicut to Ootty

Booking Started Contact: 09847002133 09446068180 08136955155

1st Prize Rs. 25,000/- Trophy and Certificates 2nd Prize Rs. 15,000/- Trophy and Certificates 3rd Prize Rs. 10,000/- Trophy and Certificates

The Kerala Footwear Magazine



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Calicut Media’s Footwear Car Rally 2014 Nov. 29 Saturday


Calicut to Ootty

The Kerala Footwear Magazine



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Calicut Media’s Footwear Car Rally 2014 Nov. 29 Saturday

Calicut to Ootty

Booking Started Contact: 09847002133 09446068180 08136955155 Entertainment Programes l Management Games l Music Night l Certificates for all participates l

The Kerala Footwear Magazine



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Calicut Media’s Footwear Car Rally 2014 Nov. 29 Saturday

Calicut to Ootty

1st Prize Rs. 25,000/- Trophy and Certificates 2nd Prize Rs. 15,000/- Trophy and Certificates 3rd Prize Rs. 10,000/- Trophy and Certificates

l Two cars are allowed for one company l Only two persons l If more than two persons each has to remit Rs. 2000/-


per one car. The Kerala Footwear Magazine



Zn tIcf ^q«vshbÀ amKkn³

Top 10 kids' Retailing Tips C

hildren can be one of the toughest footwear customers- retailers have to please both the parent and the child, and we all know those fashion preferences can vary to the utmost extremes. But if retailers can appease fashion tastes as well as address the concerns of parents over proper fit, they could very well win over customers through their childhood and, quite possibly, their own children. And let's not forget the growth spurt bonus where new shoes aren't an indulgence but rather a necessity. "Once or twice a month, children need to buy shoes, so you're building a relationship and interacting more frequently with customers"children's footwear makes up considerable percent of total yearly revenue for the shoe industry Here store owners and retail industry experts discuss some key tips on drawing in customers with the result of them coming back

The Kerala Footwear Magazine

season after season, year after year and perhaps one generation to the next.

Mix it up

Product mix and staying upto-date with the store's inventory is a big part of keeping customers happy. The faster turnover gives retailers the opportunity to flow in new product on a consisent basis. This is where the independent store owners have to understand their assortments, where they're going and what's coming next. The fresher and the better in regards to adding categories and new brands. Always look for the next thing, stores carries accessories from socks to hair bands and necklaces, as well as women's Havianas flip-flops for moms. Part of the reason to carry extra categories is to make the store a onestop shop for parents. Adding categories such as infant clothes, accessories and toys

make the store a destination, especially for mothers coming in for the first time to capture them as longtime customers. It’s better retailers to carry enough sizes in each pair of shoes to ensure they can fit any customer, and to have good, better and best price points of a specific style. "If you don't have what they want once or twice, they're not coming back", however to manage inventory control: "Make sure you don't have excess (and) keep on top of your revisions and keep things current. Don't let things hang around, have a clearance section."

Go Kid- Friendly

Store environment is another key to a children's shoe retailer's success. The setting is the one of the first aspects like inventory is very important but creating the environment that is child-friendly and really cute is also important. Shop owner have to create a place


102 Zn tIcf ^q«vshbÀ amKkn³ where children say. "Mom, I want Increasingly in the face of onto go back there" painted animals line retail competition, kids' retailadorn the walls, a TV is set to chil- ers are learning that in-store events dren's shows or movies and toys are big pull-ins for customers it's are at kids' disposal. becoming more and more imporA store set up where children tant. You can't just sell shoes anycan look at the shoes and where more. You have to provide above parents can easily find the brand or and beyond services and educasizes that they're looking for adds tion and information to the custo the welcoming environment. tomer. Little Feet sponsors a shoeChildren have to be able to see tying class once every other month the shoes- they will help show you where Saper uses the Shoe Tying what they like and what they don't Made simple product, sings songs like. It’s better retailers to break and plays fun games to help her down the floor into categories and littlest customers learn to tie their size range, and if a particular brand shoes. Little Feet also sponsored does well in the store, put it front an event with the mayor reading and center. to the community in store before-


Windows to the Soles

While any retailer worth their salt knows window displays are another key aspect that can help draw in customers, store owners need to make sure they maximize their potential. Windows are particulary important for smaller businesses that depend heavily on foot traffic. "Smaller businesses rely on showcasing the different products and, in regards to shoes, the different brands in their windows". Children's shoe retailers have to stay true to a kids' "palette" with a simple storyline, such as children running a race, and bright colors.

Talk to me

Understanding the little customer and discovering his or her wants and needs is a big part of making a children's shoe store successful. This applies to both parent and child. Before even opening the store, owner have to ensure that it would carry the right brands by doing a ton of market research. And what better way to learn than by going right to the source. The children know what they want now more than ever because of technology. Children know more than you think they do, and stores have to address them in their marketing. Children should be treated as a buying customer by the sales staff and that this will result in better communication and increases the odds of converting a sale, "Adults more received by children are the ones that talk to them at their level- they're people too".

Party on! The Kerala Footwear Magazine

hours to promote a local non-profit that provides children with books. The store also has Sweet Cookie every week as a sugar fix hook for parents and kids. Retailers not forget what these events are all about. "Never lose focus of the fact that the events are used to engage customers with the staff and product", he says. He names special size fitting events, kids' fairs or bringing in experts, such as a soccer coach in a store with a big athletic category to give kids tips on their game, as possible in-store events.

Windows should be updated about every six weeks, and that less is more. "The display should be tasteful and not overwhelm the customer". Windows are important and it's important to keep them fresh

Join Together

Communicating with fellow local brick-and-mortar retailers and supporting each other is a must for independent shoe retailers. Becoming an active member of the local community by supporting causes that are important to local August



Zn tIcf ^q«vshbÀ amKkn³

residents can be an excellent way to win the respect and loyalty of your target customers like sponsor sports team in the city and bring together them under your shop name. And donate to charity or school programms that comes your way get your name out there in the community as much as you can.

Get online

Creating a store brand and maintaining its message on websites and social media outlets is a useful way to connect with parents who are constantly on the go and not always able to visit the store. "The whole branding concept is about who you are and your mission and your values, and that should come through with every contact with your customer", keep Little Feet's Facebook page constantly updated to regularly engage with customers. Be active on Facebook and has an e-mail list as well to alert customers of new product arrivals and sales. Some retailers even have their own blog to communicate with customers. "It's important that you deal with your customers the way they would want to be dealth with". That means ease up on the barrage of messages and keep your posting relevant to what your business has to offer. And Butler also adises to be smart with regard to time management. For example, "it's no good to write a blog if you don't have a following". Ther's no shame in seeking out help for something an owner may be unfamiliar with, such as setting up a website.

Bring your A-game

A well trained sales staff that knows how to properly fit a child is one of - if not the - main reasons

customers return to a kids' shoe store. In many stores, has her new sales associates shadow a veteran salesperson for atleast one week before they are able to fit on their own. "The success of a children's shoe store is having the customer come in and know that the sales team can fit your children properly" When you put a shoe on somebody you have to ask another salesperson to check the fit. It just gives the parent more confidence that we know what we're doing- that's the big thing." Retailers to have vendors come into the store regularly to talk about their brands with the staff. "They can give a 20 minute overview about what's good about their shoes and what makes them different from competitors so your staff is educated about the product".

Service, Service, Service!

Last but definitely not least is to continually raise the bar on customer service, from taking the time to properly fit a child to making customers feel at home while they shop. Staff's above and beyond attitude towards helping customers is one of the main reason for store continues to be successful. "And customer service can mean going out to a car and measuring a sleeping kid, or helping (parents) out with their kids and watching the baby while they go to the bathroom or whatever", "It's about helping the mom and making the (in-store) experience as easy as possible." And if a store takes care of customers, they will most likely return the favor with repeat business. Moms and dads will travel to find great selection and to receive great service".


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