Something In The Sky

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By Vreb

Date taken : 17/07/2014 Place : MINIMI Studio, Dipowinatan

The day before long holiday

Date taken : 25/07/2014 Place : YOGYAKARTA-PURWOKERTO ROAD

Mudik, once a year. Usually my family and i do this a week before idul fitri, dad ride a motorcycle with me, mom take a bus with awan, my brother.

Date taken : 30/07/2014 Place : Grandparents Home, Pengadegan

It feels warm there because its family time.

Date taken : 25/09/2014 Place : Greenroad To College

Its village area but the asphalt feels smooth, full of trees, and just a bit of vehicles. If you’re luck and thorough the atmosphere in the sunny day you’ll find the bright blue sky combine with the refreshing green leaves. That’s adorable.

Date taken : 07/10/2014 Place : Library Rooftop, Isi Yogyakarta

This is a nice place but in the afternoon, the sun just too strong. I hope i can be there in the time between 4 till 5 pm but sadly the library closed at 3 pm.

Date taken : 29/01/2015 Place : Home, Yogyakarta

The view from my home. Feels good before go to gym. The sky looks clear, there’s warm blue sky, and the cute cloud brings the nice morning for me.

Date taken : 02/02/2015 Place : Sukoharjo, Solo

Gisel, otang, rani, and i have a trip to solo in the last holiday (the end of semester 3). Yea, its such a good day, the sky was blue with that beautiful cloud. Its hot, but its okay, because there is a wonderful sunny day.

Date taken : 06/02/2015 Place : SD Jati Sawit (My Elementary School)

Its still holiday. Everyday i m going here to send my brother to school. And all my childhood memories comes.

Date taken : 11/02/2015 Place : Home, Yogyakarta

Sometime holiday feels good, sometime it feels boring. there are many art exhibition in the weekend but i didn’t go there. and its cloudy.

Date taken : 15/02/2015 Place : Home, Yogyakarta

Back to reality, back to school. Feels good to make some move with my body in the end of my holiday and then it means i can’t go to adonis gym again in the afternoon. I m starting to love that place but i have to leave it and move to the nearest gym. :(

Date taken : 03/05/2015 Place : Watu Kodok Beach, Gunung Kidul

Its the last day of diskomcamp, the pra event of diskomfest 6. I can enjoy the sunny day after a heavy rain in the day before. The sky is blue and the sea is green. Can you imagine it? I can’t explain more words but i can remember how it feels.

Date taken : 10/05/2015 Place : The Yard Of Diskom, Isi Yogyakarta

I help the kring kring club to cleaning the super big tent. In a hot day, i can lay down on the big tent under a big tree, and the wind blow softly.

Date taken : 12/05/2015 Place : Canteen, Isi Yogyakarta

I think this is the sign of a dry season, the first four days of this week are super nice. You can see how beautiful fresh blue sky from the canteen. I love it when i m under a big tree, i can see their luxuriant green leaves and a clean passionate blue sky as a background. I hope i can see that everyday.

Date taken : 21/06/2015 Place : Home, Yogyakarta

This is the first time i took a picture of sky in the evening. The sky was clear and blue. And i can saw the moon right there with two stars. Thank to kais, i borrowed his digital camera to took this picture.

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