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WINtickets to seeSlade at theWaterfrontinNorwich
It’s Christmaaaas!
Slade –WaterfrontNorwich –Sunday11December2021
Christmas wouldn’t be ChristmaswithoutSlade’s classicpartyhit,soweare thrilled to announcethat VillagePeople have 4pairsoftickets to give away to see this iconic bandwhen they play at theWaterfrontinNorwich on Sunday11December. Slade are,withoutdoubt, one ofthemost excitingBritishbands ofthepast50 years. Withtheir uniqueblendofperfectpop rock ’n’ roll, outrageousflamboyance andpurefun,andno lessthan23 Top-20singles–ofwhich six were No.1smashhits–plussixsmash albums,Slade have become afirm favouriteintheheartsofpopfans all over theworld. Thebandisnow ledbyfounder memberDaveHill on LeadGuitar, withJohnBerry whojoined in2003 on LeadVocals,Bass, AcousticGuitarandViolin.John hasalso playedBasswithMud,The Sweet,ScreamingLord Sutch,The Tremeloes,BayCityRollersand The Rubettes. JoiningJohn on Lead VocalsandKeys s is Russell Keefe. Having played inmany originalbands inhisearly years, he has also recorded albums forPolygramand United Artists andtouredwithThe Pretty ThingsandLes McKeown’sBayCity Rollers. Alex Bines nowjoins on Drums; he has touredwith Wilko Johnson,TheRubettesandisalso adrum teacher. Slade todayisstill oneofthe most excitingbands on the road,andtheirstage performanceis a dynamic,powerful andexhilarating roller-coaster ride of pure unadulterated rock ’ n ’ roll.
To be in withachanceofwinning,visit www.village-people.info and follow thelinks to the competitionpage. Closingdateis 5Dec2021and theusual Village People rules apply.
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