1 minute read
Exercise your braincellswith ourcrossword
Exercise your brain cells
ACROSS: 7) Vacuum, 8) Office, 9) Ant, 10) Ready, 11) Hen, 14) Cheap, 15) Supreme, 17) Passion, 19) Psalm, 22) Ace, 23) Sylph, 24) Leg, 27) Geisha, 28) Choral.
DOWN: 1) Launch, 2) Sum, 3) Amber, 4) Hoodlum, 5) Off, 6) Scream, 12) Daisy, 13) Cross, 16) Copycat, 18) Archer, 20) Leeway, 21) Space, 25) Ass, 26) Cop.
6 Alter changes on therunandyou’llfind prohibition (3) 7 Tellsthepassingofthehours -silently(9) 9 Unpredictable perhaps,certainlyperfidious(11) 11 As oneofthe littlepeople,verycute(5) 12 Purchaseandkeep to sell(5,2) 14 Biggest memberofacirclingfamilyofnine(7) 15 Remainsjust whereheshouldbe(5) 17 Makeshiftarrangementcontingentonchanging circumstances(11) 19 Abidingpermanentlyorfor as longas required orlonger(9) 20 Aratturnsthecreativeworldtodecorate (3)
1 Loquaciousperhaps butalwayscommunicative (9) 2 Has athousand eyes anddarkensthestreets(5) 3 Thearticlemustbedoneall over again(2-5) 4 Branching outintwo differentdirections(11) 5 CancaptureshipsintheArcticwastes(3) 8 Ofthiscontemptissaidtobebred(11) 10 Inconsequential,lightandindeterminate(4-5) 13 Panderer to themaster’s everywhimandthe mistress’s everyfoible(7) 16 SungbyDavidlongago (5) 18 Notgoodatall,dreadful really(3)