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Falcon Meadow Art Competition 2022

Falcon Meadow ARTCOMPETITION 2022

Beinspiredbythemeadow,makesome artandwin aprize!


Justsomeoftheamazingartworkfromlastyear’s competition

Weran ourfirst ever Falcon Meadow Art Competition last yearanditwas ahuge success; generatingan explosion of creativityand showcasing the talentof localartists.So we’re runningitagainandhope you’ll getinvolved! We areinvitingall Village People readers, yourfamiliesand friends to take partintheFalcon Meadow ArtCompetition 2022. It’s achance toenjoynature, awaken yourinner artistand celebrate Falcon Meadow,our stunningcommunityasset.And forthose who’vebeenasking… this year we have included photography to getevenmore talentedpeople involved!

Here is what we’d like youtodo:

1. Createa pieceofartunder thetheme of‘My Falcon Meadow’. Youcould paint, draw,ice acake, make a sculpture,takeaphoto,weave atapestry,knit ajumperor whittlea stick.Aslongas it’s creativeand youenjoyit, anything goes!

2. When youhavecompleted your masterpiece,takeaphoto / scanitandemailit to info@ falconmeadow.org.ukwitha covering emailtotellusyour name,ageand contactnumber.

3. Thedeadlinefor entriesis28 February2022.

4. Entrieswillbejudgedinthe followingagecategories: VeryLittle–0-5 QuiteLittle–6-11 Tweens andTeens –12–17 Young Adults –18– 50(you likedthiscategorylasttime) Statelyand Dignified Adults –50+(you likedthiscategory lasttimetoo!) 5. Therewillbe aprizeof£10 forthe winner ineach category,andall entrieswill be exhibitedboth on the Falcon Meadow websiteand in futureissuesof VillagePeople –anamazingshowcase for your work.

We know from theDuckRacethat Bungay (andbeyond) is brimming withpeoplewho arequirky, creative andfun,so we hope thiscompetition appealstoyou. Thankyou andgoodluck– we can’t wait to see what youcreate!

If you’dliketosupport our work,pleasevisit


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