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NEW: GreenfingerswithAlan Titchmarsh
REE ERS withAlanTitchmarsh
Horticulturalinspiration,accomplished gardener,talentednovelist andmuch-loved presenter,AlanTitchmarsh,talks to VillagePeople abouthisfavourite thingsinthegarden.
Gardensareevolving, emerging, changing entities in almost every week oftheyear,so when it comestochoosing my favourite plants, flowersand sights,it’s adifficultthing to judgeand verymuch dependentuponthe season.
Ithinkif across-section of people areasked to namethe thingin agarden thatgivesthem joyand afeelingof admiration beyond anything else, agood numberwill choosetherose. Thinkaboutit,isthereanything elsethatofferssuch abreadthof colour,such acontradiction of beautyand danger (inthesense of aseductive flower andthe pricklythornsthatlinger justa fewinchesdown), or thatoffers abou uet that has meltedthe heartsof athousand romantics ! Okay,so yes, arosesometimes canseemso-so,perhapsbecause we embracethem sofullyin ourlives,andIacceptthereis somethingperhaps even alittle clichedaboutthesimple rose thesedays. However, Iwillbe sobold as to saythis a garden withouta fragrant roseisn'tmuch of agarden atall! Forother timesoftheyear,I will pick outcertainthingsthat give me incredible satisfaction. Ilookforward to thesecoming around,and theiremergence isalways veryspecial.Thefirst snowdropinJanuary thefirst daffodilin February. Thesearethe typesofflowers thatmark achangeinora progression oftheseason,and thatalwaysfills me with hope andexpectation. ou know these beautiful elements will always arrive,butstill,it’s areliefwhen they do! As forothersthat feel special, Iregularly pointpeople towards penstemons. Ithinkthere’s always an expectation thatina professional gardener’sbackyard youwillhave thehighest gradeof plants andthemostdi cult to bring to flower,but we allliketo
makelifeeasier forourselves,and thepenstemon certainlyfulfils that brief.It’shardy,flowers for months,isslug-resistant, and offersa fantasticsprayofcolour as aborderperennial. Ihavealso reallytaken ashine to theaubrietain recent years. We allknow whatit lookslike,it’s thatbeautifultumbling purple sprayofminiaturecoloured flowersthatwillcascade off rocks, bouldersandother inhospitable lumpsin away that bringthem life andbeauty.Theflowers themselves almostresemble little four-leaf clovers,andperhapsit’s that expression ofhappinessand love thatmakestheaubrietasuch awinner in everyway. Finally, Iwould look to the sweetpea.There’s even one namedafter me,and whileI’m notsoself-absorbed to pretend that’sthereasonwhy Ilikeitso much,ifthere wasany varietyto benamedafter me this wouldbe theone.Sweetpeasarejustso versatile sow individuallyinroot trainersorinpotsfilledwithseed compost, choose prettymuch anycolouracrossthespectrum, they areperfectinborders,and youcan even getthe seedsin thegroundinany rangefrom Novemberthrough to June. For me,theyare theultimate,anda great pleasure. Ofcourse, tending to agarden isallaboutpersonaltaste.These aresomeofmyfavourites, butI know readingthisyou maywell feel Ihaveitcompletelywrong. That’sthebeautyofgardening it’s alandscapethat’s entirely yours to do entirelywhat youwill with,andwewillallagreethat’s wonderful.
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