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Caninecommunication with Julia Collins
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Blogger and ualified og istener ’ JuliaCollins reveals howtouch can helpustobondand communicatebetter with ourfurrypals
Ofthe fivesenses we possess, touchisprobably theone we aremostable to shareclosely withour dogs. ewofushave failed to appreciatethe soothing, heart warminge ectofru ling or stroking thecoatof afriendly dog. It hasbeenprovenmany atimejust howtherapeutic thiscontactis forus. I wonder if tappingintothe clear,uncomplicated energy of ananimal,powerfully(if sometimes temporarilydueto ourtemperamentsandpriorities) feedsussomething we lack in ourhuman,drivenway of life As wellasappreciating this b beautiful source of comfort, we canalsousetheartof touchto communicatewithour dogsin manyother ways.
Whileit’sunwise to sympathise’ with afrightened dog, endorsing andjoiningwiththeir fear with there,there,baby’cuddling it ishugelyhelpful to demonstrate calm, dependable leadership. A confident, reassuring touchand attitude invites anervous dogto join yourstronger,unaffected approach.
ogs very easily become fixated o on things. I have often foundit very effective to flick mydog on the shoulder or chest withthe back of my hand to bring their attention back to me and away from the distraction be it somethingrunning on the horizon,the postman orbin men ’ s arrival, or obsession witha toy. This action can snap your furryfriend out of an obsessive I want it, I wantit’ mode by interruptingwith Hey! Pay attention!’
Nearly allour dogs enjoy andappreciate an edible treat when they have successfully completeda task. on’t we nearly always accompanythis withastrokeorpat Wewant to convey ourpride,admiration, affection andpleasureand do so instinctively! If we bumpinto ourdog or accidentallystepona pawor tail, we automaticallysay sorry andcaress thedog,strokingthe head,gentlycradlingtheoffended area I’msuremost dogowners recognisethecomfort adogcan give,leaningagainstus when we’rerelaxing, or even upset. To convey thedeep lovewe feel forour dogs, we smileatand touchthemmanytimes aday.In fact, Ibet youdosoasfre uently as youinteractwiththehumans sharing your home!Every timewe look into ourpet’seyesand stroke theirsoft,warm coat, aren’t we so, so luckytoexperience thetrust andlovetheybeam back at us !
Parlez Vous POOCH !articles arealsoavailableonthe Oracle, anaudioinformation magazine forvisuallyimpairedlisteners, whichispartof Wymondhamand Attleborough Talking Newspapers. To accessallthe Talking Newspaperrecordings, go to
Julia Collins @walksoflifessuffolk www.walksoflife.co.uk