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Eyehealthwith CecilAmey opticians
Be clear on eyetests
CecilAmeyOpticians& HearingCare arethe largest independentOpticiansand HearingCareprovider in EastAnglia,with10 practices across Norfolk,Suffolk &North Norfolk. Here,theyexplain aboutthebenefitsofhaving an eyetestandwhat to expect during your appointment.
What isan eyetest?
An eyetestis avital health checkfor your eyes. Everyadult needs oneevery twoyears, and some people maybeadvised to have atest more often for example people aged40 or over with afamilyhistoryof glaucoma,people aged70 or over andpeople withdiabetes.
What happensduring an eyetest?
ouroptometristwillaskabout your medicalhistory, medication andwhether anyone in your familyhas eyeproblems. ou shouldtell youroptometrist aboutanydi culties youhave with focusing, headachesorother problems. our eyetestwillalso look atthefollowing
Your eyehealth the optometristmight shineabright light close to your eyes to check theinside andoutside oftheeyes forsignsofdisease.Alternatively, they look through aspecial lenswhich helps give aclear, magnifiedview oftheback ofthe eye,calledtheretina.
Yourvision the optometrist willask youtoreadlettersona chartanduse different lenses to see howmuchyourvision canbeimprovedfor distantand nearobjects.
Howyoureyesworktogether theoptometristwillask youto look at aletteror objectand willthen coverone eyeata time to see howwellyoureyeswork together.
Thepressureinside your eyes the frontofyoureye isfilledwithfluid,andifthe pressureofthisfluidrises itcan causesight loss. Theoptometrist will checkthe pressureofyour eyesat everytest once youreach theage of40.Thiscanbe done with amachine that blowsalittle puffofair on theeye.
Yourfield ofvision the optometristwill checkhow well youcan seeinthecentreand at theedgeofyourfieldofvision using atestthatflashesfaint spotsoflight.
Optical CoherenceTomography -OCTScan Thereisanadditional chargefor anOCTscan, butthe benefits reallyare invaluableasitgivesan on-going record ofthehealthand condition of your eyes. This clever technology, whichis uick andcompletely painless,allowsustosee,in incredibledetail,thebackof theeye'sdistinctive layers.This helps ouroptometrists detect anyearly signsof glaucoma or other eye-relatedconditions such as diabetes andmacular degeneration.WehaveOCTsin ofour10 practices across Norfolkand Suffolk,so please ask aboutthis when booking your next eyetest.
Do Ihavetoget my glasses fromthesameopticianwho carriedoutthe eyetest?
AB O,theAssociation of British ispensingOpticians, recommendsthat youdo, to ensureyourprescription and spectacledispenseareinterpreted andmadeupcorrectly.Italso ensuresthatanyproblemscanbe handled more easily.
Doyou dreamofhaving beautifulsmoothskin?
Theintegrityofyourskinisthe mostimportantpartof what we do. We wouldrather saynotoyou and work on along-termplan foryour s skin’s s health, than put our names to any work we are not happy with. Amanda Brown, founder and owner of Wymondham ' s awardwinning aesthetic clinic, has worked in the beauty and cosmetics industry for 0 years, and proud to have been in business for over 22 years. I am delighted to offer you the highest level of client care and deliver best-in-class, top uality on-trend’ treatments that give excellent results.
Wrinkle Reduction
We use well-known brands such as Botox and Azzulure , which are probably the best-known global aesthetic treatments. The ever popular ermal fillers and skin boosters such as Revolax, Profhilo and Infini are used to restoreorenhancethenatural contoursof theface,improveskin ualityand skinlaxity.They add volumeinthe mid-face, or sharpen cheekbonesandjawlines,aswell as restoring anaturallyyouthful appearance.
FacialandSkin Care
Ourskinrejuvenationtreatments such as Chemicalpeels, aser CarbonPeels,Microneedling and aserSkinResurfacingimprove your skin’stexturewithinstant andlasting results.Theuse of ournon-invasive Velashape givesa beautifulanti-ageing and tighteningeffect.B Glam’dbespoke facials helprejuvenate,smooth and brighten.Theseareenhancedbya choiceof E lighttherapy or gold collagenmasks.
Our lasers forhairremovalare safefor allskintypes andvirtually painfree.The iode laser hair removalsystem is different to other lasersystemsinthe way thelaserisgenerated.It provides comfort,speed andaccuracy,so large areas canbetreated uickly andeffectively.Between4 and treatments will ensure90 of hair ispermanently removed.
Tattoo Removal
TheTattoo switchNd aglaseris veryeffective,with4-10 treatment re uired forcompleteremoval.
Our Body Sculptingmachines EmsculptandVelaShape reducefat andhelpdiminishCellulite.
Johnnyisour pharmacistand aestheticpractitioner,and is currentlyworking towardsa evel7diplomainInjectablesin AestheticMedicine with leading UKtraining provider,Harley Academy.Johnnyhascompleted aMastersdegreeinPharmacy attheUniversityofEastAnglia, andworkedfor theNHS pharmacy foranumberofyears. Being a ualified pharmacist with excellentclinicalskillsand knowledgeindermatologyhas allowedJohnnytotailor each consultation anddeliver ahigh standardofservice to achieve your aestheticgoals. Byofferingallthelatest techni uesinfacial rejuvenation andbodytreatments, our bespoke treatmentplanswill ensureyou seethebest results... we believethatif youfocus on goodskin you won’t need alot ofmakeup.
Start yourjourney–weoffera free consultation to give youthebestadvice.
01953 600309 www.bglamd.co.uk
57 BackLane, WymondhamNR180LB