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Sustainable beautywith Madeleine White
Springisuponus,with its brighter longer days,so nowisthe perfect opportunitytodeclutter andupdate your beauty routine.Every sooften it’s agood idea to sort through your beauty productsandre-evaluate what your skin needs –it makesgettingready inthe morning that much easier andkeeps everything feelingfresh!
Everybeautyproduct should have asymbolof some sort on thepackaging to indicateitsshelflife. The openjar’symbolwith anumberinsidetells you howmanymonths youhave to usetheproductafter it’sfirstopened, whilethe egg-timer’symbolorthe words bestusedbefore’ give aspecificuse-bydate. Using aslightlyout-ofdateproduct probably won’t cause seriousharm, but i it’s s always a good idea to follow the manufacturer ' s guidelines to avoid bacteria overgrowth and other hygiene problems.
LookGood eel ood DoGood
Madeleine White,ex-model, make-upartistand founderofawardwinning localethicalbeautybrand, Juni Cosmetics,showshow we can buildsustainabilityintoour beauty routine.Here,shelooksat howto ‘springclean yourbeautyroutine’
Refresh your routine
Ourskinis ever changingandthe seasonscan makeabigdifferencetowhatit needs.Asthe weather turns to springand starts to warmup, y you may y findthaty yourwinter moisturiseris feeling too heavy and oily, or perhaps you ’ re spending more time outside and need a higher SPF. Whatever you need, now ’ s a good time to make the change.
Mostbeautyproductsare extremelydi cult to recycle becauseofthemultiplematerialsusedinthepackaging andthe waythey’reassembled. With over 142 billion unitsofbeautypackaging being produced worldwide everyyear,it’s no secretthat something radicalneeds to be done! TerraCycleisthe global leader inhard-to-recycle materials,withdrop-off locationsinplaceslikeJohn ewisandThe BodyShop, so work through yourstash andrecycle what youcan. But don’t feel toooptimistic aboutthese methods choosing plastic-free,such as glass or aluminium,and refillableproductsinthefirst placeisusuallya farbetter option than relying on recycling plastic(whichisn’tas eco-friendlyasitsounds). If youhaveany unopened or lightly-used products, considerdonatingthemto non-profitGive andMakeup, whowilldistributethemto womenand children in need.
Update your make-uplook
Aswith yourskincare routineorwardrobe,making afew subtlechanges to your make-up look will help you feel effortlesslyon-trend.In thespring months, Itendto reachfor alighter baselikea tinted moisturiser,andopt forslightlybrighter lipstick shades.Oneofmyfavourite tricksistouse apinky-coral lipstick on bothlipsand cheeks fora fresh look.