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Our restaurant reviewsare back -The Walnut TreeinThwaite
TO PTABLE TheWalnut Tree, Thwaite
It’sso good to be outreviewing ourfantasticlocaleateries again,andwecouldn’thave made abetter startwithThe Walnut Tree,atThwaite. ThisimposingGradeIIlisted building on theA140 wasinThe Timeslast yearas one ofthe 30best veganand vegetarian restaurantsintheUK,so we had highhopes.
Lookingatthemenu,it’s clearthatthisis veggie andvegan foodwith adifference; creative, innovative choices, lotsof world fooddishesandenoughoptionsto getour mouths watering. Iwould putitfirmlyinthe good gastro pubcategory.Thereare also vegan drinks on offer,includingbeers, winesandsoftdrinks. But on withthefood, to startwith Ichose chickpeaand apricottagine, whichcamewith a wonderfulspicedcarrot chutney, toastedsunflower seeds,and very moreish deepfriedbeetroot flour tortillatriangles. Abeautifully cookedand presenteddish,with sweet,savoury,spicyand tartall working together perfectly. Mypartner startedwith vegetable gyozas, crispydeep-fried parcelsofshreddedvegetables, coriander rootandchives, drizzledwith plumsauce, topped with toastedsesame seeds, andservedwithAsianslaw. Again, verytasty,innovative and gorgeous to look at. On to mains,andfor me a mushroomand walnutpolpette, with roastedmushroomand walnut‘meatballs’served on abedofpasta,with acreamy roasted redpepperand sundried tomatosauce,and Italianhard cheese.This wasproperpasta, those meatballs were divine, notheavy but‘meaty’,andthe sauce wasfreshandpackedwith Mediterraneanflavours. Formycompanion,itwas baked brie,spinach andbutternut squashrisotto,made withpearl barley.This wasagreatcomboof rusticandmodern,therisottoal dente andverytasty.Likemydish, italsocamewithsome superb crisp garlic breadand salad,so generousportionstoo. Andequally lovely presentation. We hadverylittleroomfor desserts, buttheylookedso good. Forme,anapple,date andcinnamon crumble,with an almondand oat toppingand custard;andfor my partner, blackberryandsherrytrifle,with fresh blackberries andhomemade spongeinasherryspikedjelly, custardand freshcream.Both deliciousand beautiful to look at —the perfect endtoatruly memorablemeal. It’s clearthatThe Walnut Tree knowstheir wayaroundgood veggie andvegan food,it’s created andpresentedwithsomuch care, flair andattention todetail,using ourfantasticlocal produce. And superb warmandfriendlyservice, too,especiallyfromour waiter Zak. Amust forvegansandveggies,and even forthose whojust love really good food!
Three-course dinner fortwo, includingdrinks -£59.55.
TheWalnut Tree,Norwich Road, Thwaite, EyeIP237ED. Open WednesdaytoSaturday: 11am to 3.30pmand5.30pm to 10pm,andSunday:12pm to 4.30pm.