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Legal -preparing your home e forapropertyvaluation
Prepareyourhomefor a property valuation
Anessentialguide from SpireSolicitorsLLP
The Covid-19pandemicand subsequentlockdownshave meant most of thepopulation hasbeenspending alot more timeathome.Thisisset to continue,asmany businesses areencouragingstaff to work fromhome permanently. This extratimeinthe house,andthe additionalspace andfacilities needed, means thatmanypeople arelooking to sell theircurrent home andlookfor another.
Whatisaproperty valuation?
Apropertyvaluation isan estimateofthe valueofyour home,ifyou were to sellit. Usually,thisisthefirststepin theprocessofselling ahouse. As aseller,you will want todo everything youcan to maximise thevalueofyourhomeand bring extraspendingpowerfor your next home purchase.There area few simple things youcan doto get your home readyfor your property valuation andmaximiseits value.
Thismaybeanobvious one, but you’dbesurprised howmuch addedvaluea deep clean can addtoyourhome.Makesureyou cleaninterior cupboards,skirting boards,cornersofceilingsand anyother places youmay usually overlook.
Afreshcoatof aneutralcolour paint,such as whiteorcream, can reallybrighten upthelookof your home.Ensurethe paintingis donetoahighstandardand the appropriatetypeofpaintisused, forexample usebathroompaint in abathroomtoavoid mould.
Manyofushavea listofsmall home improvementsthat we have just nevergotaround to doing. Thatdrippingtap,thefaulty cabinet, or thelightbulbthat nevergot changed. Well nowisthe timetofixthem,andpresent your home inthemostpositive light.
It’salsoimportant toletyour propertyvaluer know aboutall thebenefitsandfeaturesof your home they maynotbe aware of. Forexample,ifyou have just refurbishedthekitchen or upgradedanappliancethatwill stayinthe property,makesure youmention these.
Instructing asolicitor for thesaleof yourhome
After ensuring your home value ismaximisedandyou areready to sell,makesureyou contact an experienced residential conveyancing teamthatcanguide youthoughyourpropertysaleand purchase.