1 minute read
Exercise your braincellswith ourcrossword
Exercise your brain cells
ACROSS: 4) Wise guy, 8) Adroit, 9) Message, 10) Employ, 11) Raring, 12) Full-face, 18) Jumped-up, 20) Angina, 21) Stolen, 22) Stutter, 23) Bow tie, 24) Charity.
DOWN: 1) Take-off, 2) Grapple, 3) Rip-off, 5) Ice cream, 6) Ensure, 7) Urgent, 13) Adjacent, 14) Adulate, 15) Spanner, 16) Snatch, 17) Filter, 19) Patrol.
7 Cleaner with nothing fordirtcollection (6) 8 Changeiceofftheblock intoaplace fora desk(6) 9 Bysome convoluted methodis atan changed to a social creature(3) 10 When youare welldisposed foraction,all systemsare go (5) 11 Goodlayerofendearinguse to eat(3) 14 Ratherbrashandgaudy,notinthebestoftaste (5) 15 This chicken reallyhas asauce (7) 17 Flower ofcomplexform,fruitofpossible desire(7) 19 SongofDavid? Possibly,who knows?(5) 22 First classfighterpilot(3) 23 Ratherdelicate, elegant woman(5) 24 Stretch of ameasureddistance -for arace perhaps?(3) 27 Occupier of anEasternteahouse(6) 28 Accompaniedwith, adesignfor singing(6)
1 Smallboatwith engine power(6) 2 Specifiedamountof money, resultof adding numbers(3) 3 Yellow signfor caution (5) 4 Oneofagroupthatoperatesbeyondthe Law(7) 5 Go away,leave,depart(3) 6 Demonstratefear by forcingout ahigh-pitched note (6) 12 Sheshouldgiveananswer to thehalf-crazed tandem owner(5) 13 Pass over an oldgallowstree(5) 16 Felineimpressionistperhaps?(7) 18 Oneofanoldbroadcastingfamilyofsilent shooters?(6) 20 Off-coursesideways movementof ashipinthe direction ofthewind(6) 21 Whereone mightconceivablyfind formof7A(5) 25 Humble creatureofbiblicalfame(3) 26 Oncesaidtobeafair onewhencrook was apprehended(3)